EuroTimes looks at the diverse effect of the current economic crisis in Europe
on all aspects of ophthalmology
by Sean Henahan
"The economic crisis
has created a new
The global economic crisis born
in 2008 has reached into almost
every corner of the world. Europe
has been particularly hard hit,
as the fiscal crisis has spread across the
environment in
continent producing trillion euro bailout
Europe which has
schemes, austerity budgets and even riots
already influenced
"We are facing the biggest challenges
and will continue to
that this union has ever had to face
influence healthcare
throughout its history – a financial crisis,
in general and
an economic and social crisis, but also
ophthalmology in
a crisis of confidence," proclaimed Jose
Manuel Barroso, president of the EU
Commission in his EU 2012 state of Union
Ioannis Pallikaris MD, PhD
As a result, governments are desperate
to reduce expenditures, particularly in
healthcare. The most common reforms
across European countries – and especially
Greece – have endeavoured to moderate
the growing budgets for health services,
"I believe that rationalise the benefit packages and
the impact of the
implement wide-reaching reforms in the
economic crisis
pharmaceutical market. Ophthalmology
has not escaped the fiscal tsunami.
on healthcare and
in some parts of Europe, cataracts
director of the Vardinoyannion Eye
upfront in cash for supplies.
ophthalmology in
are not operated as early as in the past,
institute of Crete, noted that in some cases
Conversely, medical professionals in the
particular has not
and when patients are considered good
patients who previously would have used
private sector will experience a decrease
fully emerged
candidates, they may have to wait
private resources to address their needs
in their surgical load and consequently to
considerably longer before they can be
are now obliged to use public healthcare
their incomes, Dr Pallikaris observed.
operated. The volume of elective refractive
systems, creating an overload. This
"Taken together, these factors will
Argyrios Tzamalis MD
surgeries, often considered an unofficial
overload in the public healthcare system
cause a decrease of the quality of provided
leading economic indicator, including
produces a series of complications such as
medical services. The final consumers, the
LAsiK and presbyopic iOL procedures,
delaying the provision of services such as
patients, will be the ones that will suffer the
has declined in many regions as disposable
cataract surgery.
most due to this situation."
income has diminished.
he noted that the economic crisis is
"The economic crisis has created a new
causing further shrinkage in government
Global financial crisis Greece
environment in Europe which has already
spending for the public healthcare system,
has perhaps been hit harder than most
influenced and will continue to influence
which raises the spectre of hospitals being
countries in Europe, notes Argyrios
healthcare in general and ophthalmology
unable to offer high-quality services such
Tzamalis MD, 2nd Department of
in particular. These effects will be greater
as premium lenses cataract surgery due
Ophthalmology, Aristotle University of
in countries that suffer the worst, mainly
to the expensive consumables such as
the southern European countries," ioannis
iOLs, and viscoelastics. This was seen in
"The global financial crisis has had a
Pallikaris MD, PhD, told
Greece very recently, where international
tremendous impact on Greece's economy,
Dr Pallikaris, professor of
companies, fearful they would not be
exacerbating existing problems. The
ophthalmology, school of Medicine,
reimbursed, refused to extend credit,
health sector has been seriously affected
University of Crete and founder and
demanding that Greek providers pay
by the economic situation, and the three
EUROTIMES Volume 18 Issue 2
Memorandums of Understanding that
to patients in many areas. The public
Greece has signed since 2010 dictate
healthcare system is expected to absorb
a series of measures that focus on the
significant budget cuts, meaning longer
reduction of public expenditure. A broad
waits for surgery. As fewer spanish citizens
range of healthcare reforms and policies
are able to afford private insurance, the
have been implemented, which represent
insurance companies have had to reduce
the biggest shakeup of the healthcare
the coverage they provide, reduce access
system in decades. irrespective of their
to some surgeries, reducing physician
positive policy goals, these measures
payments, and increasing the portion of
have started to affect public access to the
the cost expected from the patient, noted
healthcare system and to increase the
financial burden on patients," he told
"i can only hope that this will not
last too long, that things will improve.
The economic hard times in Greece
Meanwhile, i suggest to residents that they
have had a measurable effect on the
focus on medicine and ophthalmology,
delivery of ophthalmology services. Many
and remember it is not about focusing
public hospitals and eye clinics have had
on making money, we are here to serve
problems providing ophthalmic surgical
people, with or without the crisis."
services due to lack of essential materials.
indeed, in the last two years some
Subtle effects The impact of the
ophthalmology departments have had to
recession in Europe has not affected
suspend even cataract surgery services
all areas equally. in general, the more
because companies declined to provide
northern countries, while not unaffected,
iOLs unless they were first compensated
are faring better. in the Netherlands for
by the government, which did not have
example, the effects have been more subtle,
the financial ability to do so, Dr Tzamalis
notes Leigh spielberg MD, a resident at the
Rotterdam Eye hospital.
"it is a real vicious cycle! And you can
"in the Netherlands, the residents
imagine what the impact could be on
themselves aren't particularly having
the patients' health levels. in fact, many
problems. Our contracts are guaranteed
patients keep coming to big university eye
for the whole of the five-year training
clinics just to have a simple ophthalmic
period. We are reasonably paid, despite
procedure done since this may not be
the relatively high cost of living in
performed anywhere else or maybe because
holland. Further, the job market for
they cannot afford it going privately. Even
ophthalmologists happens to be quite good
eye drops are in short supply."
here, so finding a job after graduation has
The economic crisis has also put the
not been a problem for anyone who has
squeeze on residents looking ahead to
graduated during the period that i've been
their first career post. Dr Tzamalis noted
here, since mid-2010."
that every ophthalmology resident at
however, he notes that "further up the
his institution in the past two years has
ladder" there have been some big changes.
moved to more prosperous countries, with
The Dutch government is trying to get all
Germany and the UK being the favourites.
physicians to become essentially salaried
Even though many residents would prefer
employees on the payrolls of hospitals.
Image courtesy of Eoin Coveney
to stay in their home country, because of
The physicians' rights in The Netherlands
Across countries hit hard by the crisis, countless vulnerable sections of society are forced to postpone vital treatment and even surgery
the dire economic situation in Greece,
have always been very restricted: specialists
there has been a hiring freeze, with no
(as opposed to GPs/family doctors) have
hospital positions expected to be available
always been essentially required to work
the difference it makes or can make, for
for many years to come.
in hospitals. Although they could work
example, to do wet refractions before
"i believe that the impact of the
"privately" within these hospitals, they had
surgery or to refract several times and to
economic crisis on healthcare and
to have some sort of connection with the
provide post-op care," he said.
In my own country
ophthalmology in particular has not fully
hospital. Only recently have specialists
he remains optimistic in the long term,
I can see the effects
emerged. i think that in the next few years
discovered a loophole or financial
noting that ophthalmology is in a good
of the crisis both as
the insurance funds won't be able to bear
construction to allow them to work
position as patients age and become aware
a consumer and as a
the burden of covering ophthalmic needs,
separately from hospitals, but this is quite
of the many options for them. he predicts
provider. It is affecting
which are continuously increasing with the
an ordeal. The government is trying to
that while refractive surgery will probably
all ophthalmologists,
evolution of technology," he said.
eliminate this across the board.
not increase much in volume, demand
those working in both
"Also, there has been a general, across-
for presbyopic options such as the Kamra
Economic storm spain is also being
the-board reduction in fees paid for
corneal inlay does have growth potential.
public as well as in
buffeted strongly by the economic storm.
medical services, up to about 30 per cent
private care
it has had a real estate meltdown, a capital
in the past few years! The doctors are not
Dual approach Ophthalmology in the
crisis and has record unemployment.
happy about this," he said.
UK, which pioneered the idea of national
José Güell MD
Under these circumstances it is not
health insurance after the second World
surprising that ophthalmology would feel
More providers Germany also seems
War, is now experiencing a number of
to be holding up pretty well. Refractive
challenges related in part to the global
"i am concerned about the effects
surgeon Kaweh schayan-Araghi MD, of
recession, notes Richard Packard MD,
of the European economic crisis on
the ARTEMis Eye Clinic, Dillenburg,
FRCs, FRCOphth, Windsor, England.
ophthalmology. in my own country i
Germany, says his office has not noticed a
The UK currently has a dual approach
We do see a trend
can see the effects of the crisis both as a
drop in demand for refractive surgery, but
to healthcare delivery funding. The vast
towards low-cost
consumer and as a provider. it is affecting
that patients now have more providers to
majority is done through the National
providers for
all ophthalmologists, those working in
choose from. he did see some sign of the
health service (Nhs), with the rest
both public as well as in private care," José
times in pricing, however.
covered either through private insurance or
Güell MD, professor of ophthalmology at
"We do see a trend towards low-
self pay by the patient or a combination of
Autonoma University of Barcelona and
cost providers for refractive surgery.
both these. While Dr Packard said the euro
director of the Cornea and Refractive
Unfortunately, they have to cut corners
crisis does not appear to have had a large
Kaweh Schayan-Araghi MD
surgery Department at iMO, Barcelona,
to meet the price expectations of patients.
impact on the Nhs to date, the amount of
We experience more patients trying to
funding available to commissioning bodies,
As in other parts of Europe, there has
negotiate about the price since these
like primary care trusts (PCTs), has not
been a notable decline in demand for
providers advertise more. Quality seems
kept up with inflation. As a result these
elective refractive surgery. But it has
to be of minor importance to patients, or
PCTs are trying to save money.
affected access to care and options available
we seem not to be able to communicate
"One of the ways that they are doing
EUROTIMES Volume 18 Issue 2
Ioannis Pallikaris –
[email protected]
Argyrios Tzamalis –
[email protected]
José L Güell –
[email protected]
Kaweh Schayan-Araghi – k.schayan@
Richard Packard –
[email protected]
Peter Barry –
[email protected]
this is to try to restrict cataract surgery by
specifying visual thresholds for surgery
and also not paying in some instances
The number of
for second eye surgery. The number of
cataract surgeries
cataract surgeries performed in the UK
performed in the UK
has thus come down. in the private sector,
insurers and most particularly the largest
has thus come down
one, BUPA (British United Provident
Association), has tried by other means
to reduce its spend on cataract surgery.
Richard Packard MD, FRCS, FRCOphth
BUPA the largest insurer with more than
40 per cent of the market has slashed the
reimbursement for its subscribers by over
Dr Packard notes that this
reimbursement reduction has not been
Ophthalmology will
accepted by the majority of surgeons.
have to fight hard
in response, BUPA has tried to redirect
to preserve its slice
its subscribers to a chain of high street
of the health budget
and fight very hard
opticians who do refractive surgery and are
now offering cataract surgery. Patients are
less than happy, he emphasised.
to increase it, which
More patients, electronic records, lower pay
it will need to do
Postoperative discontent
under Obama changes
if it is to embrace
president Peter Barry FRCs of Dublin,
toric and multifocal
by Howard Larkin
ireland, echoed Dr Packard's concerns.
lenses, anti-VEGF
"i am concerned that in parts of the
agents and other
long-term effects of drugs and devices.
United Kingdom second eye cataract
new treatments
Come 2014, about 14 million
Americans will gain health
About 35 to 40 per cent of Us practices
surgery is not permitted for economic
insurance, rising to about
have converted to EMR.
reasons and i am also concerned that
30 million by 2022, thanks to health
From state-run insurers,
‘clinical care pathways' effectively preclude
Peter Barry FRCS
reforms passed by the Obama
ophthalmologists can expect a variety
the surgeon from seeing the patient
administration. But since reform is
of managed care approaches, Dr Mosier
until the time of surgery and likely not
largely a joint project of the federal
said. Most feature greater involvement
afterwards. This trend will result in more
Looking to the future, Dr Barry said:
and state governments, the details
of primary care physicians in controlling
patients having unnecessary surgery
"Ophthalmology will have to fight hard
of coverage and how they will affect
specialist service use, and restrict patient
and postoperative discontent even if the
to preserve its slice of the health budget
ophthalmologists will vary greatly
choice of physicians.
surgery itself was uncomplicated. Cataract
and fight very hard to increase it, which it
by location.
The most common is a
surgery should not become a commodity,"
will need to do if it is to embrace toric and
"Decisions made in Washington DC
comprehensive risk-based plan, in which
Dr Barry told
multifocal lenses, anti-VEGF agents and
and in state capitals today will have
a contracted network is at risk for care
Dr Barry noted that in ireland the
other new treatments," he said.
an impact on how we care for our
quality and outcomes. Plans support
debate over new contracts for consultants
This raises the greater issue, that even
patients," said susan K Mosier MD,
members with health assessment and
was having a very serious adverse effect
if and when the current economic crisis
MBA, an ophthalmologist and Medicaid
care coordination, and must report
on morale both amongst consultants
passes, ophthalmology is facing an ongoing
program director for the state of Kansas.
performance and quality measures and
themselves and specialist registrars at the
crisis of sorts, involving factors of access
however, the overall direction is clear.
submit to external quality reviews to
end of their training who would become
to care, including providing sufficient
Payment will move away from fee-for-
obtain payment. Nearly half of state-run
the next tranche of consultants. This
numbers of surgeons and the programmes
service reimbursement toward managed
programmes already use this model,
anxiety for the future is causing more stress
to train them to meet the coming demand
care approaches. "There is a lot more
and they will likely be greatly expanded
than the current economic downturn,
suggested by the demographics of the
performance monitoring and recording
under reform, Dr Mosier said. she also
ageing population. But perhaps the most
expects private insurers to follow suit.
ireland has also seen a reduced
vexing question is, who will cover the cost
The federal Medicare program, which
Driving it all is reduced funding, said
demand for elective refractive surgery, as
for not only standard services, but for
covers those 65-years-of-age and older,
Michael X Repka MD, MBA, AAO's
prospective patients have less surplus cash
the remarkably effective, but expensive,
already has adopted strict performance-
medical director of governmental
spend, a trend Dr Barry said he expected
new treatments becoming available for all
based payment rules, said William L
affairs. For decades, total government
would continue for some time.
manner of eye diseases?
Rich MD, medical director of health
expenditures on ophthalmology have
policy for the American Academy
grown year to year, but they are about to
of Ophthalmology (AAO). in 2015,
level off even as patient demand grows.
practices that fail to meet quality and
he noted, for example, that the advent
medical record use requirements will
of intravitreal injections for AMD
lose up to 3.5 per cent of Medicare
and other retinal conditions has
revenues, rising to 7.0 per cent or more
dramatically increased procedure
volume in retinal offices.
The EuroTimes March Cover Story will provide a retrospective on
AAO is developing a registry that
Technological advances such as
the ways the prophylaxis of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery
is designed to enable participating
implants that reduce the number of
has changed over the 10 years since the publication of the ESCRS
practices to meet the quality reporting
injections required may help relieve
requirements, which will tie payments to this particular problem, Dr Repka said.
That study showed that the rate of endophthalmitis among those
indicators such as providing screening
however, the larger issue is finding ways
receiving intracameral cefuroxime was only 0.05 per cent compared
and prevention services, Dr Rich said.
to deliver services more efficiently and
to 0.35 per cent among those who did not receive the antibiotic.
While switching to electronic records
effectively. "We have to find savings in
The article will include a review of the history and inspiration of
can be costly, participating in registries
healthcare delivery. More quality and
the study and the impact it has had on cataract surgery around
has clinical benefits, including auditing
less cost is no longer a mantra, it is
the world as well as reports from several leading surgeons on their
practice performance and monitoring
current views on the topic of endophthalmitis prophylaxis.
EUROTIMES Volume 18 Issue 2
Practice-Based Research Syntheses of Child Find, Referral, Early Identifi cation, and Eligibility Practices and Models Volume One, Number One September 2005 Educational Outreach (Academic Detailing) and Physician Prescribing Practices Carol M. Trivette The use of an educational outreach procedure called academic detailing for changing physician pre-scribing practices was the focus of this research synthesis. The practice is characterized by brief, repeated, face-to-face, informal educational outreach visits to physicians by knowledgeable profes-sionals (academic detailers) in physicians' offi ces or other practice settings to provide information and materials to change prescribing behavior. The synthesis included 38 studies of more than 5,000 physicians and other health-care providers. Results showed that a number of academic-detailing characteristics were most associated with hypothesized or expected changes in prescribing prac-tices. Characteristics include collecting baseline information on physicians' current prescribing prac-tices, establishing a motivation to change, establishing the credibility of the message and messenger, repeating a highly focused message, and providing positive reinforcement for changes in prescribing practices. Implications for using these practice characteristics for child fi nd are described.
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