Training workshop on methods, tools and skills for promoting legal and sustainable forest management and trade in the asia-pacific regio

Programme Overview
APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management
in Asian and the Pacific
8 to 19 November 2010 Kunming China
Sponsored by: Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and
Rehabilitation (APFNet)
Organized by: National Plateau Wetlands Research Center (NPWRC)
Southwest Forestry University (SWFU)
1. Background ….………………………………… .…………. 1
2. Workshop Schedule/agenda .………. 3
Part 1: Indoor session (8-13 August 2010)
Part 2: Field Trip (14-18 November 2010)
3. Lists of Participants.…………………………….…. 9
4. Resource persons …………………………………………………………….10
5. Visit sites of field trip…………… ……………………………….……. 11
6. Profile of Yunnan Privince…………….…………………….……………….
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management
in Asian and the Pacific
(8 to 19 November 2010 Kunming China)
1. Background
Forests provide multiple functions and the ability of forests to sustain economic livelihoods,
support social and community development, address climate change, maintain biodiversity and
provide other needs and benefits depends critically on how they are managed.
Sustainable forest resource management aims to ensure that the goods and services derived
from the forest meet present-day needs while securing their continued availability and
contribution to long-term development, and encompasses almost all aspects of the conservation
and use of forests. The availability of an intact legal system and policy regime to forest sector and
practices undoubtedly matter to facilitate forest management in a sustainable way. However, lack
of forest legislation, the insufficiency of judicial and regulatory structures and weak governance
on forests, which do exist in the Asia and the Pacific, all work to slow the progress towards SFM,
and contribute to severe forest degradation, deforestation, as well as illegal activities and trade
with deep, complex and extremely varied causes.
To address these issues and promote rational management of forest resources, measures have
being undertaken in the region to improve forest law compliance and governance, with concerted
efforts being made at both national and regional levels by countries and organizations. APFNet,
which recognized sustainable forest management as its mission and one priority, would like to
complement and contribute to address forest threats.
The workshop, the 4th of "the Forest Resource Management series" under APFNet capacity
building programs since 2008, is designed to identify obstacles to enhance progress in
rationalizing the policy and legal framework and building institutional capacity, and to contribute to
improving forest law enforcement and governance by taking stock of the relative successes and
failures of past and current regional and national initiatives, recommending steps to move forward
by exchanging experiences, views and perspectives among countries in the region. Moreover,
the outcomes of the workshop will pave the way for conducting future research and case study.
Topical Issues
Regional overview on forest resource management
Legal framework and some of the tools currently available to better promote SFM
Forestry legal system and forestry administration in some particular countries
Case study: legalization of community-based forest management system
Recommend approaches for strengthening policies, institutions and practices of forest
management to reduce the gap between theory and practice
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Target Group
The workshop is best suited for government officials, policy makers, resource managers and
representatives of programs and projects, and will be limited to a maximum of 18 individuals to
ensure to enhance learning opportunities and adequate exchange of ideas.
The workshop will draw primarily on professional expertise within the Asia-Pacific region, and use
a mix of guest lectures covering fundamental and topical issues related to forest resource
management, forest laws and policy as well as governance in particular, carefully selected case
studies within and beyond the Asia Pacific region, presentations from participants on their country
status in this regard, and field visits to showcase performance of forest resource management at
Training Language: English
Expected outcome
An increased understanding of the current status facing SFM in the Asia Pacific region;
An increased understanding of the regulatory, market and environmental factors that
are acting as drivers to either encourage or inhibit SFM;
An increased understanding of the role of science and technology for SFM
An appreciation of some of the tools currently available to better promote SMF; and
An appreciation of the key gaps and capacity building needs that needs to be
addressed in order to accelerate progress towards SFM.
Sponsor and Organizers
The workshop is carefully constructed and fully sponsored by the Asia Pacific Network for
Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet), with technical inputs from the
collaborators of APFNet. The training workshop is organized by National Plateau Wetlands
Research Center and Southwest Forestry University of China.
Workshop Advisors
1. Mr. Qu Guilin, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, State Forestry
Administration (SFA)/APFNet Secretariat.
2. Mr. Lu De, Vice Director General, APFNet Secretariat.
3. Prof. Chen Baokun, Director General of SWFU Administrative Board.
4. Prof. Yang Yuming, Director of NPWRC and Vice President of SWFU.

Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Workshop Working Group
1. Ms. Lu Qian, Acting Director, Division of Institutional Development, APFNet
2. Ms. Wang Qian, Assistant, Division of Institutional Development, APFNet
3. Ms. Rosalie McConnell, Consultant/Technical Support, APFNet
4. Prof. Shen Lixin, Director for Training Workshop, NPWRC, SWFU
5. Mr. Sun Dacheng, Director of Administrative Office, NPWRC, SWFU
6. Mr. Sun Maosheng, Research fellow, Bamboo and Rattan Institute of SWFU
7. Ms. Xu Xieqiu, Programme Assistant, NPWRC, SWFU
8. Ms. Li Shuya, Programme Assistant, NPWRC, SWFU
Workshop Venue:
1. Meeting room on the 20th Floor of Hotel Building.
2. Dining hall for breakfast on 2nd Floor of Hotel Building
3. Dinning hall for Lunch on 1st Floor of Hotel Building
4. Each room has access to Internet
5. International phone call can be made at reception desk
*Contact in case of emergency:
1) Ms. Xu Xieqiu
Tel: (+86)-871-386 4277 (office), (+86)-13888213441 (mobile)
2) Prof. Shen Lixin (+86) 13708468944 (mobile)
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
2. Workshop Schedule
Part 1: Indoor session (8‐13 August 2010)
Hotel Dinning Hall
To welcome participants by
Director General
supporting organizations
- Southwest Forestry
- Explain the current legal
SFM In China: Forest
framework in China
- (20 min presentation + 15
legislation (key note 1)
Forest Policies,
-Trend of forest policies,
Legislations and
legislation and institution
- Jeremy Broadheads,
institutions in Asia and the
setting in Asia and the
Pacific: Trends and
emerging needs for 2020
- List the key elements of
- Explain the current status
Amendment of US Lacey - Describe the potential of
Act and its impact on SFM
Lacey Act to influence the
of Asia and the Pacific
future direction of forests, forestry and forest based industries in the Asia-Pacific region
- List the key elements of
FLEGT and EU Due FLEGT-Asia program and
Diligence and its impact
on SFM of Asia and the - Current status of FLEGT
Describe the potential of
FLEGT and due diligence
to influence the future
Discussion with Panels
direction of forests, forestry -Q&A with participants
and forest based industries
and panel (Panel from
sessions 2, 3, 4 are
- Will know more about other
participants, the trainers and how they are involved
Facilitated by Tint
in SFM projects and programs.
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Combating illegal logging
Mohd Firdaus Bin AB
Sustainable Forest
Management in Malaysia
Panel discussion for country papers - Q&A with participants
Facilitated by Tint
and panel (panel from sessions 6, 7, 8) were invited.
Facilitated by Tint.
Daily Review and M&E
Ms. Rosalie McConnell
Welcome Dinner
Hotel Dinning Hall
Morning Welcome and
Participants to facilitate
- Understand the process of
Regional approach to ASEAN legality standard. enhance timber legality – - Understand the challenges ASEAN perspective
faced by the member state
- Dian of ASEAN 6
in achieving common
(30 minute presentation)
- Potential obligation for
collaborative action.
9:15 13 Questions
Facilitated by Tint
Hotel Dinning Hall
- The evidence of climate
- The role of forest
Climate Change and the
conservation and
10:30 14 role of Forests in climate
management as the most
change mitigation
cost effective way to address climate change.
- Al Gore's Climate Change
leadership program.
Questions and answers
Hotel Dinning Hall
- Understand the current
status of REDD development.
- REDD as a tool for
Session facilitated by
emission reduction from
deforestation and degradation.
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Tim Byoce, UN-REDD
Group Discussion - Q&A with participants
Session facilitated by
and panel (panel from
sessions 16, 17 were invited.
Forest Policy reform in
Yudho Shekti Mustiko
3:30 19 Indonesia- REDD+
Perspective Forest management and
Hewa Gajanayakage
3:50 20 law enforcement in post
Wasantha,(Sri Lanka)
Group discussion - Q&A with participants
and panel (panel from
Facilitated by Tint
sessions19, 20) were invited.
Daily Review and M&E
Ms. Rosalie McConnell
Science and Technology for Sustainable Forest Management and law enforcement
Hotel Dinning Hall
Morning Welcome and Daily
Participants to facilitate
Describe the current
Remote sensing and GIS to
monitor the illegal forest
remote sensing tools and Dr Moe Myint, (Yale
8:50 23 activities
Forestry School)
- Demonstration of applied
(20 minute presentation)
Group + Dr Moe Mying
Practical exercise of understanding remote
Session facilitated by
sensing technologies
(Small group work)
Hotel Dinning Hall
- Understanding available
Potential forensic application
Session facilitated by
software, computerized
1:30 26 of DNA profiling in
timber tracking system-
combating illegal logging
Indonesia case study
2:00 27 Landscape-level
Session Facilitated by
forest stand structure and
type by combining
multispectral reflectance and
- Xumei Han, (Yale
radar backscatter
Forestry School)
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Daily Review and M&E
Ms. Rosalie McConnell
The role of biodiversity conservation and forest restoration in SFM from REDD+ perspective
Hotel Dinning Hall
Morning Welcome and Daily
Participants to facilitate
Review The role of Protected Areas in Sustainable Forest
Wang Yue, from TNC-
8:50 31 Management.
China Yunnan Program.
- Case study from TNC-
Community participation in
Preecha Ongprasert,
9:30 32 managing Khao Yai National -
Hotel Dinning Hall
31, 32 panel members
and Facilitated by ??
Bamboo forests cultivation
Prof. Zhu Zhaohua,
and utilization in China
rehabilitation in Bangladesh
Success stories of forest
restoration in Philippine
Grassland management in
Panel 34, 35, 36,37
Daily Review and M&E
Ms. Rosalie McConnell
Practical tools to improve forest management and livelihood of the people
Hotel Dinning Hall
Morning Welcome and Daily
Participants to facilitate
Forest Conflicts in Asia
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Conflict resolution as an essential process of HCVF
identification and Forest Certification
10:45 43 Group exercises
11:30 LUNCH
1:30 44 Forest tenure reform in -
Prof. Shen from Yunnan,
China Khaing Khaing Soe,
RIL with elephant loggings
Sustaining CF experiences
Panels from 44, 45, 46
Daily Review and M&E
Ms. Rosalie McConnell
Forest management experiences from other regions
Hotel Dinning Hall
Morning Welcome and Daily
Participants to facilitate
Sustainable Forest
Management in Australia
Lusi Esequiel Campos
Rosalie McConnell
11:10 51 Dicussion
11:30 LUNCH
Papua New Guinea
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Panels from 44, 45, 46
Daily Review and M&E
Ms. Rosalie McConnell
Introduction of field trip
Prof. Shen Lixin
Part 2: Field Trip (14‐18 November 2010)
Date time
Hotel dinning hall
Departure by car
Lunch on the way
Arrival in Baoshan City
-- Check in Hotel
Welcome address and brief
Introduction of forests
management in Bhaoshan Forestry Department of
Baoshan City and NPWRC
Welcome dinner
- hosted by Prefecture
Breakfast in hotel
Bhaoshan to Nujiang (Salween
- observing the eco-landscape in
Gaoligongshan State Nature Forestry Department of
Reserve and Nangkan Natural Baoshan City and NPWRC Park.
Lunch in Nangkang Natural
Leave for Tengchong and check NPWRC and Tengchong
in Rong He Hotel.
Forestry Bureau.
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Meeting room of county FB
- Welcome address by county
- introduction of forests profile
and its management in Tenchong County
Tengchong Forestry Bureau
Visiting Laifengshan State
Forest Park and County Botanic Garden
Welcome banquet hosted by
County Government
Breakfast at Hotel
Collective Forest Farm of Qinko
Village and its community forest NPWRC、County FB resources management.
Forestry cooperation of Qinko
Village and farmer households' NPWRC、County FB forest management.
Lunch hosted by Administrative
Committee of Houqiao Border ACHBCZ and NPWRC
Cooperative Zone (ACHBCZ).
Traditional forests and eco-
landscape protection Visiting Heshun Ancient Town NPWRC
recognized as the top one of
most attractive ten ancient villages in China.
Diner hosted by County FB
County FB and NPWRC
Breakfast at Hotel
Visiting sustainable economic
forests management in Jiangdong Ginko Village.
Demonstrated Pilot of Collective
Eco-Protect Forests in Mazhan Township.
Demonstrated Pilot of
County FB and NPWRC
(Wednesday) 1:30 3:00pm
reforestation and Conversion programme in Qinshui.
Visiting Hot Sea (Spring)
Diner (Tengyue Accident Town)
Traditional "Pi Ying" shows
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Departure for Kunming (lunch
Check in Golden Spring Hotel
Diner at Godern Spring Hotel
Ms. Rosalie McConnell and
Training Workshop Evaluation
Ms. Wang Qian, APFNet
Closing Ceremony
- Farewell speech by
participants, APFNet and
- Presentation of workshop
Golden Spring Hotel
13:00-17:30 FREE
Day 13
Participants Departure
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
3. List of participants
1) Mr. Wasantha Hewa Gajanayakage
9) Mr. Ildefonso Lapitan Quilloy
Assistant Conservator of Forests,
Forest Management SpecialistⅡ,
Forest Department
Forest Management Bureau
Email: [email protected]
10) Ms. Khaing Khaing Soe
Senior staff of planning division,
Assistant Lecturer (Forest Products),
Directorate general of land rehabilitation
University of Forestry
and social forestry ministry,
Ministry of Forestry
Ministry of forestry
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
11) Mr. Nguyen Tuan Hung
3) Mr. Preecha Ongprasert
Government officer,
Department of forest utilization –
Community Forestry Management
Development directorate of forestry
Bureau, Royal Forest Department
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
4) Mr. Mohd Firdaus Bin Ab Latif
12) Mr. Genesis Jiongco Francisco
Assistant Secretary,
Chief Forest Management Specialist,
Ministry of Natural Resources and
Forest Management Bureau, Dept. of
Environment and Natural Resources
Email: [email protected]
5) Mr. Michid Khaltar
Specialist, Forest Agency,
13) Mr. Nirmal Kumar Paul
Forest Organization Service
Deputy Conservator,
Forests Forest Department
Email: [email protected]
6) Mr. Luis Esequiel Campos Baca
Email: [email protected]
President of the Board of Directors,
Peruvian Amazon Research Institute
Assistant Forestry Officer Grade 2,
Forestry Department, Ministry of Industry
and Primary Resources
[email protected]
email: [email protected]
7) Dr. Dipak Jnawali
Planning Officer, Under Secretary,
Forestry Assistant,
Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation
Forestry Department, Ministry of Industry
and Primary Resources
[email protected]
8) Mr. Sobon Kim
Official of the Department of
Administration, Planning and Financial,
Forestry Administration, MAFF
Email: [email protected];
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
4. Resource persons
1. Aimi Lee Abdullah (Email:[email protected])
Personal profile: Aimi Lee Abdullah is Policy Analyst at the newly established European Forest
Institute FLEGT Asia Regional Support Programme. FLEGT Asia funded by the European Union
(EU) and formally established in October 2009. It seeks to support the bilateral process between
the EU and tropical timber producing countries towards signing and implementing Voluntary
Partnership Agreements (VPA) for the entry of legally verified timber onto the European market.
She was an Administrative & Diplomatic Officer in the Malaysian Civil Service for 15 years,
serving 10 of these years in the Malaysian Ministry of Primary Industries, dealing with national,
regional and international forestry and timber organisations such as the International Tropical
Timber Organisation, the ASEAN Institute of Forest Management, the FAO Tropical Forests
Action Programme and several bilateral technical aid projects (Japanese, German, ADB,
European Union and United Kingdom). Her last job before joining the European Forest Institute
was at the Malaysian Timber Council (which she joined in November 1996) where she served as
its Director of Public & Corporate Affairs, looking into environmental issues confronting the
forestry and timber sector. She has been closely involved with Malaysia's negotiations on FLEGT
VPA which started informally in 2003 and thereafter from September 2006, when the Malaysian
government formally signaled its readiness to proceed with formal negotiations.
2. Mr. Agung Wiyono (Email: [email protected])
Personal profile: Born in Sragen, Central Java, on 6 July 1972. Now Mr. Agung Wiyono serves
as the Community Forest Program Manager at The Forest Trust in Indonesia as well as Leader
for Social Program in Java Forest Plantation—dealing with conflicts forest management through
social development. In 2007, he got master's degree in Sustainable Development at the School
for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA. Since 2000 he has been involved in
managing and facilitating various programs/projects in various areas in Indonesia—Sulawesi,
Java, and Sumatra ---on good governance, community developments, conflict resolutions,
multi-stakeholders processes at community level, governments, privates and donors—UNDP,
MFP-DFID, Oxfam GB, ACCESS-AusAID, Perum Perhutani etc. his subject interests are in
community development, collaborative management, conflict resolutions and good governance.
As one of author/writer of these books: (a) Konflik Resolusi: Belajar Kembali Bersama untuk
Mengurus Hutan, Conflict Resolution: Learning together to re-manage forest; publisher: LePMIL-
MFP, 2006, and (b) Multistakeholder Forestry: Steps for Change; publisher: CIFOR, 2006.
3. Dr. Bi Huiquan (Email:[email protected])
Personal profile: Dr. Huiquan Bi received his PHD from The University of Melbourne in 1989; he
is a principal research scientist at Forest Science Centre, Science and Research Division,
Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales, Australia. His research area includes
silviculture, stand dynamics, biomass estimation, growth and yield modelling of both native and
planted forests. He has many publications in leading international and national journals. His work
has led to the development of computer software, Reden, now being used in the South-East
Region of New South Wales, Australia to provide forest resources information and decision
support for the management of regrowth forests. He is also the leader of an international
collaborative project jointly funded by ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research) and the Chinese Government. He has supervised both Masters and Ph.D students in
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
forest science. He also holds the honorary positions of Principal Fellow at School of Forest and
Ecosystem Science, University of Melbourne, and guest Professor at Northeast Forestry
4. Mr. CHEN Hin Keong (Email: [email protected])
Personal profile: Mr. Chen has been working on conservation, forestry and environmental
issues in the Asia-Pacific region for over 20 years. During the course of his career, he has
worked with and interacted with a wide range of organisations from the civil society in the Asia-
Pacific region. He has been working with TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network for the
last 15 years, initially as the Director of TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, and in the last 9 years as the
Global Forest Trade Programme Leader, working on timber supply chain transparency, customs
and forestry legality and governance issues, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In the 1990s,
with the Asia-Pacific Programme of IUCN - The World Conservation Union, he assisted in
establishing IUCN offices and programmes in various countries in the Greater Mekong and South
5. Dr. TINT LWIN THAUNG (email: )
Personal profile:Dr. TINT LWIN THAUNG received his doctoral degree in Forest Ecology,
University of Queensland, Australia in 2003. He is Training and Institutional Development Advisor
of Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade Program, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) IUCN Asia
Regional Office. In this capacity, he provides technical support to partner agencies and to TNC-
led efforts to improve program design, implementation and management. From 2007 to 2009, he
worked as Forest Conservation Coordinator (Asia-Pacific) for TNC Indo-Pacific Resource Centre.
He has authored publications on forest policies, legislation and natural conservation.
6. Dr. Yurdi Yasmi (Contact: ; )
Personal profile: Dr. Yurdi Yasmi is a Manager for Capacity Building and Technical Services
Unit, the largest Unit, at RECOFTC (The Center for People and Forests) in Bangkok. His main
responsibility is to ensure RECOFTC's work on capacity building and research are delivered
effectively. He received a PhD and MSc from the Forests and Nature Conservation Policy
Department of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. His main expertise include sustainable
development, natural resource policy and governance, rural development, poverty reduction,
conflict management, decentralization, adaptive management, institutions and climate change
mitigation and adaptation. His geographical coverage of research and development work is
mainly Asia-Pacific region with some exposure to countries in Africa (e.g. Zimbabwe, Cameroon)
and Latin America (e.g. Bolivia). Countries of experience (current/previous engagement) include
e.g. Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao-PDR, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Bhutan, India, Malaysia,
Myanmar, PNG, Zimbabwe, Cameroon and Bolivia.He has published more than 50 publications
in peer-reviewed journals, books, policy briefs, reports, proceedings, CD-ROM, newspaper, etc.
7. Prof. Zhang Sondan (Email:[email protected])
Personal profile: Prof. Zhang Songdhan is working for the Office of Forest Resources
Supervision as A Deputy Director General and Professor since 2004 to present. During 1991 to
2004, he worked in the Department of Forest Resources Management as a senior forester and
the division chief of Forest Resources Utilization Management, mainly responsible for the work on
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
forest harvesting, timber processing, timber utilization and management and forest policies
related to forest resources management and he worked in the Academy of Forest Inventory and
Planning, Ministry of Forestry as a forester from 1983 to 1991. Three publication has been
published as and writer and editor.
8. Prof. Shen Lixin (Email: [email protected])
Personal profile: Prior to joining National Plateau Wetland Research Center (NPWRC) in June
2010, Prof. Shen Lixin was Assistant President of Yunnan Academy of Forestry (YAF) and
Director of Forests in its research institute. He has conducted research for more than twenty
years on forest resources management, wetland and protected area management, degraded
forest restoration and impact assessment, poverty alleviation and rural livelihood development. In
addition, he has worked on international projects for biodiversity conservation through protected
area management in southwest China, southeast Asian and Northeast India as well as on cross-
cultural, cross-border projects involving trans-boundary resources use and conservation.
9. Ms. Rosalie McConnell (Email: [email protected])
Personal profile: Ms. McConnell spent the last 8 years in the Forestry Department of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy. Her responsibilities
included advising senior management on policy aspects of international agreements related to
forests, supporting the office of the Assistant Director-General, and compiling two editions of the
department's flagship publication, State of the World's Forests. She also led a study in 10
countries in Africa on the links between national forest programs and poverty reduction strategies
and produced a report of key findings and recommendations which was distributed worldwide in
two languages. Prior to her assignment in Rome, Ms. McConnell was Senior Policy Advisor in the
International Affairs Division of the Canadian Forest Service for many years.
10. Moe Myint
11. Xuemei Han
12. Ya Gao
13. Jeremy Broadhead
14. Zhu Zhaohua
15. Tim Byoce (Session 17)
16.Dian of ASEAN (session 12)
17. Wang You from TNC (Session 31)
18. Thomas Enters (session 16)
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
5. Visit sites of field trip
1 Field trip destination---Baoshan City
Baoshan City is situated in the western part of
Yunnan Province with a total area of 19,637 square
kilometres and a population of 2.413 million, sharing
a boundary of more than 167 kilometres with
Myanmar, and the distance is about 498 kilometers
from Kunming by Yunnan-Burma High Way. In
Baoshan City, the minority people account for 9.95%
of total population besides Han People, which belong
to thirty ethnic groups of Yi, Dai, Lisu, hui and Bai etc.
It governs four counties (Tenchong, Shidian, Longling
and Changnin County ) and one district (Longyang
district), among which Tenchong County have been
given the honourable title as Excellent Tourism
Attraction in China with accessible transportation
despite of the remote location.
Longyang District is the capital of Baoshan City. The climate in Baoshan City is the south
subtropical monsoonal climate. However, it has multi-climates including tropical, sub-tropical and
temperate due to its diverse geographic landscapes.The altitude ranges 210m to 3606.6m and
the annual average temperature is 14.9 17.3℃.
Baoshan has sufficient sunlight, rich rainfall, and large area vegetation. The main forest type is
the tropical or south sub-tropical monsoon forest. It is diverse in plants and animals and has
many protected species with forest coverage around 42.5%, which is higher than other places in
Yunnan province.
2. Sites to be visited
Site 1: Lujiang (Salween River) Basin
The unique forests vegetation and eco-landscape of Nujiang/Salween Great Canyon will be
observed on the way from Baoshan to Tengchong.
Site 2:Gaoligongshan State Nature Reserve
The various forests management types could be observed in Gaoligongshan State Nature
Reserve and communities nearby, including Core Zone, Buffer Zone and Experimental Zone
of nature reserve, Natural Park for recreation, State Forests, Eco-Protection Forests,
Community Forests and allocated households' forests.
Site 3:Laifengshan National Forest Park
As a National Park invested and managed by Tengchong County Government, it has multiple
functions of water source and eco-landscape protection, recreation and entertainment in
county town, there is a camellia collection garden with more than 200 native varieties
endemic to Yunnan in it.
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Site 4: County botanic garden for wild plants collection
This garden covers an area of 7,663 mu and is funded by Tengchong County, it combines ex-situ
& in-situ conservation of rare and edemic plant species, and nearly 500 such species collected
Site 5:Community Forest Farm.
Despite of all collective community forests was allocated into individual household, there are more
than 3000 hectares of allocated forests is still under the management of collective forest farm,
individual farmer shares the benefits from forest harvesting as a shareholder every year besides the
benefits from forest farm used for community public and social welfare.
Site 6:Villagers'Forestry Cooperation
As the allocation of community forestland to individual farmer households since the enforcement of
rural collective forestland tenure reform, a village forestry cooperation thus established in order to
ensure successful artificially forestation, converting low yield slope farming land for forestation and
improvement of degraded second forests of farmer household, Qinko Forestry Cooperation could be a
typical case for organizing individual farmer households involved in effective forest plantation and
Site 7:Sustainable economic forests management
Jiangdong Ginko Village within Ginko forests, was recognized as largest village of Ginko Platation and
most beautiful village with Ginko landscape due to its thousand years' history of Ginko plantation in
China, the annual net income from Ginko plantation is over 1 million RMB or more than 10,000 RMB
per person at average level now.
Site 8:Demonstrated Pilot of Community Eco-Protect Forests
There are more than 10,000 mu (6670 hectares) community forests was set up as eco-protection
forests with the technical and financial supports from county forestry bureau, which aims to make
contribution for ecological conservation and water sources protection.
Site 9:Demonstrated Pilot of reforestation and Conversion Programme
Forestland tenure is much clearer and forest management is done by households and villages
since tenure reform, the government and local forestry department provide funds, seedlings and
technical support to farmers to promote afforestation as demonstrated pilot
Site 10: Service Center for transferring forestland tenure
After the reform, Individuals or communities can transfer their forestland to those who are willing
to manage it. Local government established the service center to provide forestland asset
evaluation, policy guidance and small loans to individuals for forest management.
Others: National Volcano Hot spring Park, Heshun Ancient Chinese Town.
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
6. Profile of Yunnan Province
Location:Situated in China's South-western frontier.Yunnan borders Guizhou Province and
Guanclxi Zhuanq Autonomous region on the Southeast.Sichuan Province no the northeast and
Tibet Autonomous Region on the northwest.To its west and south Yunnan shares a common
border with Myanmar, Laos and Viet Nam that is 4,060 kilometres long.
Ethnic minority: Ethnic minority population totalled
14.7614 million. There live in Yunnan 25 ethnic minority
groups, of which 15 are indigenous. The population of
the Yi, Bai, Hani, Dai and Zhuang groups has each
surpassed one million.
Administrative Division:Under the jurisdiction of the
Province . there are 8 municipalities and 8 national
autonomous prefectures in the province. The
municipalities and national autonomous prefectures, at
a lower administrative level, are subdivided into 9
municipalities, 80 counties, 29 national autonomous
counties, and 11 city districts.
Territory Area:394.000 square kilometres (the eighth largest province in China)
Climate: Because of its highly complex terrain, the climate of Yunnan shows great diversity.
Major characteristics include small temperature variations year round but with considerable
variation between day and night; distinct dry and rainy seasons and diversified climatic types
varying with change in elevation. In the province, climate zones ranging from the frigid, the
temperate, and the subtropical to the tropical arc distributed from the northwest to the southeast.
A typical altitude-dependant climate is also found in the high mountains and deep gorges. The
diversity of Yunnan's climate can be best described with a local saying that "You can experience
all four seasons in the same mountain and each season is just a few miles away from each
Provincial Capital:Kunming City
Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province with a history of more than 2400 years, owes its
importance to the fact that it was the gateway to the celebrated Silk Road that facilitated trade
with Tibet, Sichuan, Myanmar and India. Today, the city is the political, economical and cultural
center of Yunnan and the provincial center for transport, science and technology. Consequently,
it has become the most popular center for tourism in Southwest China, its alluring highland
scenery, bewitching karst landform, varied and exotic habitats and customs and places of
historical interest can be found at major scenic spots such as Dianchi Lake, Stone Forest, the
Village of Ethnic Culture, Grand View Pavilion and 99's International Horticultural Exposition
Kunming enjoys a pleasant climate and does its best to live up to its title of 'the City of Eternal
Spring'. However, the average temperature is expected to be 8℃-20℃ during the workshop
at the end of autumn with slightly lower temperatures in the morning and evening.
Programme Overview for APFNet's Workshop on Forest Resources Management in Asian and the Pacific
(November 8-19, Kunming City, China)
Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation
The Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet),
proposed by China and co-sponsored by Australia and the United States, was established
following approval at the 15th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in September 2007 in Sydney,
Australia and was included in the Leaders' Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and
Clean Development.
APFNet is an open regional organization which promotes sustainable forest management and
rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacific region. The Network aims to collaborate with all regional forest
initiatives through capacity-building, information-sharing, policy dialogues and pilot projects.
National Plateau Wetland Research Center
National Plateau Wetlands Research Center (NPWRC), located at SWFU in Kunming, Yunnan
province, was established in 2007. It is a national research organization which specializes in
studying the protection of plateau wetlands in China and strengthening research of plateau
wetlands in the framework of the Nationwide Wetland Protection Program Plan approved by the
State Council. NPWRC aims to provide a platform for research on basic theory and applied
technology for plateau wetlands and for technical support for the protection, control, restoration
and utilization of their ecological system. NPWRC consists of 6 institutions: Wetland Bio-Diversity
Research Institute, Wetland Environment & Health Research Institute, Wetland Environmental
Supervision & Information Research Institute, Wetland Environmental Resources Protection &
Utilization Research Institute, Wetland Environmental Science & Engineering Research Institute
and a public department of education.
Southwest Forestry University
Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) is located in Kunming City in Yunnan Province. Its
mission is to support the economic and social development of the Southwest frontier regions of
China by building a sound ecological environment and forestry sector in the region. After 70 years
of education experiences and 30 years of independent operation, the university has become the
only institution of higher learning in the Western Region of China that specializes in
forestry. SWFU's fields of study are centered on disciplines relevant to forestry, with special
features and excellence in environmental and biological subjects that encompass
multidisciplinary degree programs in agriculture, science, engineering, law, arts and management.
The university has nine faculties, five departments, and 12,463 full time students, including 817
students in Master Degree programs and 11,155 in Bachelor Degree programs.
APFNet's Training Workshop on Forestland Tenure System
July 5-16, 2010 Kunming China
Sponsored by: Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and
Rehabilitation (APFNet)
Organized by: National Plateau Wetlands Research Center (NPWRC)
Southwest Forestry University (SWFU)
国 家 高 原 湿 地 研 究 中 心
National Plateau Wetlands Research Center (NPWRC)
Address: 300 Bailongsi , Kunming City 650224, Yunnan Province, China Tel: (+86) 871 3864377,Fax: (+86) 871 3864477 // www.
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