Assessing Clinical Laboratory Quality
A College of American Pathologists Q-Probes Study of Prothrombin Time INR
Structures, Processes, and Outcomes in 98 Laboratories
Peter J. Howanitz, MD; Theresa P. Darcy, MD; Frederick A. Meier, MD; Christine P. Bashleben, MT(ASCP)
Context.—The anticoagulant warfarin has been identi-
ers, 12 different timeliness goals for reporting critical
fied as the second most frequent drug responsible for
values, and 18 unique critical value limits were used by
serious, disabling, and fatal adverse drug events in the
participants. All required documentation elements were
United States, and its effect on blood coagulation is
present in 94.8% of 192 reviewed INR validation reports.
monitored by the laboratory test called international
Critical value INR results were reported within the time
normalized ratio (INR).
frame established by the laboratory for 93.4% of 2604
Objective.—To determine the presence of INR policies
results, but 1.0% of results were not reported. Although
and procedures, INR practices, and completeness and
the median laboratories successfully communicated all
timeliness of reporting critical INR results in participants'
critical results within their established time frames and had
all the required validation elements based in their 2 most
Design.—Participants reviewed their INR policies and
recent INR calculations, those participants at the lowest
procedure requirements, identified their practices by using
10th percentile were successful in 80.0% and 85.7% of
a questionnaire, and studied completeness of documenta-
these requirements, respectively.
tion and timeliness of reporting critical value INR results
Conclusions.—Significant opportunities exist for adher-
for outpatients and emergency department patients.
ence to INR procedural requirements and for practice
Results.—In 98 participating institutions, the 5 required
patterns and timeliness goals for INR critical results'
policies and procedures were in place in 93% to 99% of
clinical laboratories. Fifteen options for the allowable
(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2015;139:1108–1114; doi:
variations among duplicate results from different analyz-
In 2011, two million patients were injured seriously in the anticoagulation effect is not monitored routinely by clinical
United States by prescription drug therapy, ultimately
laboratory testing.
resulting in 128 000 patient deaths.1 A 2013 report
The laboratory test used to guide warfarin therapy was the
summarizing patient drug safety issues found that the
prothrombin time (PT). Blood was collected in a tube
anticoagulation drugs dabigatran and warfarin were the 2
containing liquid sodium citrate, which acts as an antico-
drugs most frequently reported to the US Food and Drug
agulant by binding calcium in the specimen. After centri-
Administration (FDA) as causing serious, disabling, or fatal
fugation, plasma was analyzed by adding excess calcium,
adverse events.2 Warfarin (Coumadin), first introduced in
tissue factor, and phospholipids, followed by measurement
1954, has been the mainstay of anticoagulation treatment
of the clotting time. The prothrombin time will vary with the
for the past 60 years and requires laboratory testing to guide
different lots of tissue factor and phospholipids used in the
dosing for subtherapeutic, therapeutic, and toxic effects. In
prothrombin reagent. More recently, the reactivity of these
contrast, dabigatran, the leading cause of patient injury
different lots of tissue factor reagents was calibrated against
reports to the FDA, was approved for use in 2010 and its
the international reference tissue factor and assigned aninternational sensitivity index (ISI). When the PT is
Accepted for publication December 11, 2014.
controlled for the effects of various ISIs, the measurement
From the Department of Pathology, State University of New York,
is called the international normalized ratio (INR) and is
Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn (Dr Howanitz); the Department
calculated from the quotient of the patient's PT divided by
of Pathology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public
the geometric mean of the control population raised to the
Health, Madison, (Dr Darcy); the Department of Pathology, Henry
power of the ISI. The INR reference range for healthy
Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan (Dr Meier), and the SurveysDepartment, College of American Pathologists, Northfield, Illinois
patients not using warfarin is 0.8 to 1.2, and for a variety of
(Ms. Bashleben).
diseases, 2 general ranges are widely accepted. An INR
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or
range of 2.0 to 3.0 is required for such diseases as pulmonary
companies described in this article.
embolism or atrial fibrillation, whereas a range of 2.5 to 3.5
Reprints: Peter J. Howanitz, MD, Department of Pathology, SUNY
Downstate, Medical Center, Mail Stop 25, 450 Clarkson Ave,
is used for patients with mechanical aortic or mitral valves or
Brooklyn, NY, 10013 (e-mail:
[email protected]).
children on ventricular assist devices whose condition is
1108 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
Q-Probes INR—Howanitz et al
stable.3 In addition, there are a few circumstances when
Table 1. Clinical Laboratory Policies/Procedures of
other INRs are desired.3
INR Testing and Reporting in 98 Institutions
Warfarin has a narrow therapeutic window with multiple
drug and food interactions and genetic metabolic variabil-
ities, making management difficult, so that bleeding fromovercoagulation, or thrombus growth from undercoagula-
Laboratory has a policy/procedure with the
tion, are major risks. In addition, the clinical laboratory
following stipulations:
requirements for the accurate measurement and reporting of
Requires collection of all PT/INR
specimens in 3.2% buffered sodium
results are complex and require meticulous attention to
detail. Results also are influenced by the quality and the type
Specifies use of the geometric mean of
of the specimen required for testing. To aid in these efforts,
reference interval in INR calculationa
the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Laboratory
Specifies adjustment of INR calculations for
Accreditation Program (LAP) has developed several specific
every new lot or change in type of PTreagenta
requirements that must be fulfilled when collecting speci-
Specifies type of documentation required to
mens, testing, and reporting INR results.4 Adherence to
verify the ISI is appropriate to the
these strict CAP requirements is essential for accurate INR
particular PT reagent and instrumentation
results. This study was developed to assess the quality of
clinical laboratory practices associated with the structures
Requires checks of patient reports for correct INR
(policies and procedures), processes (practices), and out-
calculations for the following circumstancesa:
comes (data of INR validation documentation as well as
Change in lot or type of PT reagenta
completeness and timeliness of result reporting) for the INR
Change in instrumenta
in clinical laboratories.
Establishment of new PT reference rangea
Change in INR calculationa
Requires verification of INR calculation under the following
Participants enrolled in the CAP Q-Probes program collected
data during July and August of 2010 as previously described.5 The
After instrument repair
study included 10 multiple choice questions on patient safety
After upgrades to the instrument, interface/
practices for monitoring the INR (Input Form 1) and reviewed the
2 most recent INR calculation verifications, by having participants
fill in specific information about those procedures on a preprinted
Specifies equation used to calculate the INR
form (Input Form 2). Participants used preprinted Input Form 3 to
Specifies where INR calculation is performed
collect results prospectively from 30 consecutive INR critical
Where INR calculation is performed:
results. At the conclusion of the data collection, participants sent
the required data to the CAP for data analysis. If they were unable
to collect results from 30 consecutive results during the study
dates, participants were to return the data that were collected to
Abbreviations: INR, international normalized ratio; ISI, international
the CAP for data analysis. Characteristics about the test systems
sensitivity index; LIS, laboratory information system; PT, prothrombin
used in the central laboratory and throughout the organization
were collected by using 28 multiple choice questions contained in
a Required by College of American Pathologists Laboratory Accredita-
Input Form 4.
tion Program Checklist.4
The required validation components listed in the CAP LAP
Hematology Checklists for clinical laboratories included thefollowing4:
from the database for only the question they did not answer. A P .05 was considered significant.
HEM 22748: All coagulation specimens should be collectedinto 3.2% buffered sodium citrate (phase II).
HEM 23360: The appropriate geometric mean of the PTreference interval is used in the INR (phase II).
Ninety-one participants (93%) were from the United
HEM 23290: The calculation of the INR is appropriately
States, their hospital type was voluntary, nonprofit in 51
adjusted for every new lot of PT reagents, changes in types of
(60%), and nongovernmental in 66 (77.6%) cases; 44
reagent, or change in instrumentation (phase II).
(53.7%) had an occupied bed size of up to 150 beds, and
HEM 23220: For PT there is documentation that the ISI is
53 (62.3%) were located in a city or suburb.
appropriate to the particular PT reagent and instrumentation
Table 1 describes the policies and procedures used in the
used (phase II).
98 participating clinical laboratories for the collection of
HEM 23430: There are checks of patient reports for correct
specimens for INR testing, the parameters of INR testing,
INR calculations, patient values, and reference ranges under
and when the INR was evaluated for correctness in patient
the following circumstances: (1) change in lot or type of PT
reports. In 90 participants' laboratories (92%), policies and
reagent, (2) change in instrument, (3) establishment of newPT reference ranges, and (4) change in INR calculation
procedures existed for all 5 CAP-required INR parameters.
Some laboratories had more detailed procedures than whatwas required by the CAP LAP and included recalculation of
The percentage of checklist-required components was calculated
the INR after instrument repair, upgrades to the INR
as the number that was completed/verified divided by the total
instrument, equation used to calculate the INR, and site of
number of validation components. The successfully communicated
electronic software where the INR was recalculated.
INR critical results to the responsible caregivers were calculated asthe number successfully communicated within the clinical labo-
Table 2 describes practices in 98 clinical laboratories for
ratory's established time frame over the total number identified. If
measurement of the INR. On patient reports, participants in
participants neglected to answer a question, they were excluded
94 clinical laboratories included an INR reference range
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
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Table 2. Laboratory Practices Used for Measurement
Table 3. Practices at 33 Institutions With Multiple
INR Testing Sitesa
PT reference range and geometric mean
No. of INR testing sites other than main laboratory (N ¼ 33)
reviewed with each change in PT reagent
Patient report includes a reference range for
the INR (N ¼ 94)
Patient report includes a target range of other
interpretive information for the INR (N ¼
Location of additional testing sites (N ¼ 33)b
Anticoagulation clinic
No. of laboratory instruments used for reporting INR in
Satellite laboratory
central laboratory (N ¼ 96)
Physician office laboratory
Home health agency
ISI value for additional test systemsb
Same lot of reagents used for multiple
instruments reporting central laboratory
Patient specimens used for comparisons
between multiple INR instruments (N ¼ 76)
Frequency of performing comparisons between multiple
INR instruments (N ¼ 70)
Patient comparisons run with central laboratory
Monthly or quarterly
Frequency of patient comparisons with main laboratory
Acceptable INR magnitude of difference (N ¼ 69)
0–0.4 absolute units
,1.0 absolute units
1–2 absolute units
Abbreviations: INR, international normalized ratio; ISI, international
sensitivity index.
a N ¼ 33 clinical laboratories.
b Indicates multiple responses allowed.
Assigned ISI of PT reagents in use on primary instrument
semiannually in 68 of 70 laboratories (97%). The ISIs varied
widely between 0.91 and 1.97, with 6 of the participants
(6%) using ISIs that exceeded 1.7 (1.73, 1.78, 1.81, 1.95, 1.95,
and 1.97). In 92 of 97 clinical laboratories (94.8%) patient
results were not run in duplicate, and in 43 of 96 laboratories(44.4%) delta checks for the INR were not run. In all, 86 of
Patient results run in duplicate (N ¼ 97)
Delta check used on INR (N ¼ 96)
97 laboratories ran 2 levels of controls every 8 hours (86%),and 11 remaining clinical laboratories (11.3%) ran 3 or more
No. of quality control levels run every 8 hours (N ¼ 97)
levels of controls every 8 hours.
In Table 3 are the practices in 33 institutions where INR
determinations are performed at more than 1 location. Thenumber of additional INR sites varied from 1 to 4, with 15
Abbreviations: INR, international normalized ratio; ISI, internationalsensitivity index; PT, prothrombin time.
institutions having 1 additional site and 6 institutions having
4 or more additional testing sites. The additional sites
N, number of institutions responding to question.
included anticoagulation clinics, satellite laboratories, phy-sician office laboratories, and home health agencies.
(98.9%), in 82 clinical laboratories they incorporated an INR
Table 4 provides information on the documentation
target range or other interpretive information (87.0%), and
quality of the 2 most recent INR calculation verifications
in 94 (98.9%) clinical laboratories they reviewed the PT
in each laboratory. The 3 most common reasons for
reference range and geometric mean with each change in PT
calculation verifications were a change in reagent lot or
reagent lots. In 75 of 96 clinical laboratories (78.1%), 2 or
type of reagent, required annual check, and regularly
more instruments were used in the main laboratory to
scheduled nonannual checks in 99, 37, and 31 verifications
perform INR measurements and in these circumstances
(51.6%, 19.3%, and 16.1%), respectively. In 110 of 195
almost all participants (98.7%) used the same lot of reagents
verifications (56.4%), a change in the ISI occurred. There
for their instruments. Fifteen different cutoffs were used to
was documentation that the ISI was verified as appropriate
describe the magnitude of the allowable result difference
for the instrument/reagent combination in 187 of 192
between analyzers performing the same INR measurement.
verifications (97.4%), that the ISI used was the proper ISI
Patient specimens were used for comparisons among
for the INR in 193 of 195 verifications (99.0%), and that
multiple instruments in 69 of 73 clinical laboratories
patient reports were reviewed for correct INR calculations in
(94.5%) and these comparisons were conducted at least
185 of 195 verifications (94.9%). Overall there were 17
1110 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
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Table 4. Practice Patterns During Last 2 INR
Table 5. Laboratory Policies and Procedures for
Reporting INR Critical Values
Reason INR calculation was
High critical value limit used in participants'
laboratories (N ¼ 96)
Change in lot or type of INR
Other scheduled check (eg,
monthly, 6 months)
Change in instrumentation
Critical value results rerun before result
CAP proficiency testing
reported (N ¼ 96)
Repair or maintenance of
Time frame required to report critical INR
result, min (N ¼ 93)
Two instrument calibrations
The INR verification included a
Laboratory requirements for reporting critical
Appropriateness of the ISI for
INR result (N ¼ 97)
Date and time of notification
Identity of person calling result
Laboratory verified that ISI used
First name of person receiving result
for the INR calculation was
Two patient identifiers
Last name of person receiving result
Patient reports were reviewed
Title of person receiving result
for correct INR calculations
ID number of person receiving result
How the INR calculation was
Manually (hand calculated or
Personnel authorized to receive outpatient
and ED critical INR results (N ¼ 97)
By INR instrument
CAP proficiency testing
Mid-level providers
Other clinical staff
Nonclinical staff
Abbreviations: CAP, College of American Pathologists; INR, interna-
Laboratory participated in INR performance
tional normalized ratio; ISI, international sensitivity index; LIS,
improvement project in previous 2 years
laboratory information system.
a Data Innovations, South Burlington, Vermont.
Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; INR, international normal-ized ratio.
documentation verification errors. Ten errors consisted ofpatient reports that were not reviewed for the correct INR
Improvement Program in the previous 2 years for INR
calculation, followed by 5 errors in not documenting that the
ISI was appropriate for the instrument reagent combination.
Table 6 shows reporting data from 2604 critical INR
In 140 of 191 verifications (73.3%), the INR verification was
patient specimen results from 97 institutions. Of the
a manual, hand calculation, although in 27 laboratories
reported results studied, 2431 (93.4%) were received within
(14.1%) the instrument performing the INR measurement,
the time frame specified by the institution, with 12 different
or laboratory information system in 8 laboratories (4.2%),
timeliness goals ranging from 0 to 120 minutes. Of the 173
was used for calculation verifications.
attempts (6.7%) that failed, 148 (5.7%) were not reportedwithin the time frame and 25 (1.0%) of all critical value
Shown in Table 5 are surveys of the policies and
results were not reported. In these 25 instances where the
procedures used by participants to report INR critical values.
INR critical result was not reported, the reasons for failure
There were 18 high critical value limits ranging from 2.6 to
included the fact that the laboratory staff did not follow the
10.0, with 23 (24%) choosing 5.0; 22 (23%) choosing 4.0;
critical value procedure (12 times, 52.2%) or did not
and 10 (10%) choosing either 4.5 or 6.0. Eighty of 96
recognize the result as a critical value (2 times, 8.7%).
participants (83%) remeasured specimens with critical
Complete reports containing all documentation elements as
values before reporting them. The time required to report
required in policies or procedures of the participating
results was variable, with 34 (37%), 26 (28%), and 10 (14%)
laboratories were present in 2386 reporting events
participants allowing 60, 30, and 15 minutes, respectively.
(94.8%). In the 132 reports, 175 defective elements were
Physicians and nurses were the personnel categories that
found; the most common missing elements were read back,
were authorized most frequently to receive results, and a
which did not occur in 49 reports (37% of the time). The
minority of participants participated in a Performance
other frequent missing piece of documentation was the
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
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Table 6. Data From Participants' Review of Patient
Table 8. Relationship Between Successful
Critical International Normalized Ratio Results
Communication of INR Critical Results and
Resident Training Programs (P ¼ .03)
Percentile Rate of Successful
Result reported within the time frame
Communication of INR
Laboratory Trains
established by laboratory (N ¼ 2604)
Critical Resultsa
Pathology Residents
Result not reported
Person accepting result was authorized by
Abbreviation: INR, international normalized ratio.
policy to accept result (N ¼ 2599)
a Higher percentiles indicate better relative performance.
Reason result not reported to, or accepted by,
A landmark article by Olson and colleagues6 described
caregiver (N ¼ 23)
progress and problems associated with laboratory reporting
Laboratory staff did not follow policy/
of the INR and also provided recommendations for changes
Caregiver not reachable
in INR laboratory practices to improve patient safety. To
Laboratory staff did not recognize result as
help improve patient safety and the precision and accuracy
of the INR, the CAP LAP Checklist encompasses many of
the suggestions made by Olson and colleagues6 on how INR
All documentation elements required by
measurements must occur. These requirements include the
laboratory are present (N ¼ 2518)
tube used for specimen collection, the use of geometric
mean for INR calculations, the readjustment of the INR with
every new lot of PT reagents, documentation that the ISI is
Reports missing documentation elementsa (N
appropriate for the PT reagent in use, and reviews of the
patient reports for correct INR calculations when there is a
change in the lot of PT reagents, instruments, a new
Name of person receiving result
reference range, or a change in the INR reagents.4 When our
Missing result elements
Title of person receiving result
participants reviewed their INR policies or procedures for
ID of person calling result
these 5 specifics, they found them present in 90 to 97 of the
Patient identifier
98 clinical laboratories (93% to 97%) sampled for each of
ID of person receiving result
these characteristics. Many institutions had even more
detailed procedures such as the specific equation used to
a Multiple elements missing on some reports.
calculate the INR and a required reverification of the INRafter an instrument repair or upgrades to the instrument.
name of the person receiving 38 reports (28.8%), followed
Because PT INR is a test that has profound influence on
closely by 37 failures (21.2%) to document the receiving
patient care, 75 of 96 clinical laboratories (78%) had more
person's title such as RN or MD.
than 1 instrument to perform these tests, assuring that the
Percentile distributions seen in Table 7 for 2 quality
laboratories would make important INR measurements for
indicators were based upon requirements established by the
patient care without delay. To make it easier to maintain
CAP's LAP Hematology Checklist. Participants from 98
their instruments, almost all participants used the same lot
institutions submitted 2604 INR critical results with 93% of
of reagents on their primary and secondary instruments.
results reported within the time frame established by the
Having additional instruments complicates testing, as
laboratory. The rate of required INR validation elements
instrument results must be compared at regular time
ranged from 42.9% to 100.0% with a median rate of 100.0%.
intervals to assure that they are equivalent. Although there
Table 8 indicates the statistical relationship between
are no CAP LAP requirements for the frequency of INR
successful communication of an INR critical result and the
comparisons,4 routine laboratory practices for other labora-
absence of a pathology residents or fellows training program
tory tests require that comparisons of results among
instruments occur every 6 months. Almost all laboratories
Table 7. Percentile Distributions for 2 Quality Indicators
All Institution Percentilesa
Percentage of successfully communicated INR critical
results to the responsible caregiver within the time frameestablished by the laboratory
Percentage of required validation elements based on 2 most
recent INR calculation events and laboratory policy/procedure review against required checklist elements
Abbreviation: INR, international normalized ratio.
a Higher percentiles indicate better relative performance.
1112 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
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compared results semiannually or more frequently. When
unfortunate situation in a clinical laboratory in Philadelphia,
results were compared among instruments in the same
Pennsylvania, whereby 2146 patients' INR results were
laboratory, there was little intralaboratory agreement of
released when an incorrect ISI was used during a 7-week
what precision specification was acceptable. In a minority of
period for the INR reagents, causing the death of
clinical laboratories the absolute difference in INR values
patients.12,13 Other reports of patient injuries or deaths have
was used, with most of these choosing up to 0.4 absolute
resulted in recalls of INR reagents because of errors in
units as acceptable. In contrast, in most clinical laboratories
calculations of the ISI, the INR, or manufacturer errors.14–17
a percentage difference was used with the largest group
Such reports support the meticulous performance of the INR
choosing values within 10%.
and the need to follow CAP LAP guidelines.
The influence of the ISI on participant results was great, as
The frequency and consequences of critical INR values
there was more than a 2-fold difference in the activity of this
make the critical values system a very important quality
material among some of our participants. In 1998, Fair-
attribute for clinical laboratories, their physicians, and
weather and colleagues7 recommended that ISIs be between
patients.18–20 We found clinical laboratory policies and
0.9 and 1.7, and between 1997 and 2003, the percentage of
procedures of reporting critical value results highly variable.
users who had ISIs greater than 1.7 dropped from more than
For example, the INR critical limit used ranged from 2.6 to
60% to 22%.6 Our data indicating that 6% of users have ISIs
10.0 with a median of 4.5, and there were 18 different limits,
greater than 1.7 demonstrate that this percentage has
with the most common limits being 5.0 (24%), 4.0 (23%),
continued to decrease and manufacturers are close to
4.5 (10%), and 6.0 (10%). These results were similar to those
achieving the 1998 recommendation.7 In addition, all ISIs
found by Pai et al21 in a small sample of 21 specialized
in our participants' INR test systems outside of the clinical
hematology laboratories where the median INR limit was
laboratory were below 1.7.
5.0 with a range of 2.0 to 6.0. Although the high critical
In almost one-third of laboratories, INR testing was
value limit varied from 2.6 to 10.0 in our study, it is unlikely
performed in close proximity to patients in locations such as
that the patient populations had a major influence on the
anticoagulation clinics, satellite laboratories, physician office
choice of the critical value limit because for most patient
laboratories, and home health agencies; it is common
conditions the INR target is 2.0 to 3.0. Exceptions include
practice to use point-of-care testing with instruments that
children with central venous access devices, with a
require whole blood specimens rather than plasma speci-
suggested INR target of 1.5 to 1.9; patients with acute deep
mens for these types of testing locations. Karon and
vein thrombosis, with a recommended target of 2.0 or
colleagues,8 as well as others,9,10 have demonstrated that
higher; and patients with mechanical aortic, mitral, or both
marked differences in INR results occur between central
aortic and mitral values, with a recommended INR target of
laboratory and point-of-care instruments, and these biases
among locations change over time, complicating physician
The time required by participants for reporting of the INR
interpretation of results.8 Hence, it is likely that the INR for
critical values varied from 0 to 120 minutes. The employees
most testing performed outside the clinical laboratory was
receiving the results were almost always physicians, nurses,
different from that of the clinical laboratory, requiring
and mid-level providers such as nurse practitioners and
additional education of physicians using this type of testing
in addition to the INR testing performed in the central
Despite The Joint Commission's National Patient Safety
laboratory. A CAP LAP procedure for point-of-care devices
Goals,22 and the CAP's Laboratory Patient Safety Goals,23
requires that when 2 or more devices are used for the same
only 93.4% of the critical values were reported within the
test, they must be checked against each other at least twice a
clinical laboratories' required time, and 1.0% of the results
year for correlation of results.11
were not delivered to the appropriate caregivers. Of the 25
Guyatt and colleagues3 have reviewed the INR therapeutic
results that were not delivered, most were because of errors
range and found that the same range may not be optimal for
by laboratory staff in either failure to recognize the critical
all indications. They also point out that an equally important
result or failures to follow established polices for critical
goal is that the INR targeted range be achieved promptly
value notification. These easily can be improved, as
and maintained. Key to maintaining accurate INR results
knowledge of the clinical laboratory policies and the critical
over time is that appropriate practices be applied when
value limit can be achieved by persistent reinforcement and
introducing new lots of reagents when current lots are
thorough education of the clinical laboratory staff. Fully
replaced. Review of the practices indicated that the change
automated systems for notification of critical results can
in reagent lots or types was the overwhelming reason why
reduce the number of times physicians are unable to receive
the INR calculation verifications were again performed, with
results and are now being used in a few institutions.24,25
the routine check at a specific time interval the second most
Documentation was defective in 6.7% of critical value calls
common reason. Almost all calculation verifications (97%–
with read back, the name of the person receiving the results,
99%) included an appropriateness check for the ISI, a
the result elements, and the title of the person receiving the
verification that the INR calculation was the ISI assigned,
results not being recorded. These errors also can be reduced
and a review of patient reports for correct INR calculations.
with re-education of both the laboratory staff and those
Also, in more than half of the verifications, a change was
approved to receive results about how important it is to
required in the INR. The percentage of INRs that required a
follow policies.
change in ISI appears low; however, approximately 45% of
The one policy that was in need of improvement in many
the INR calculations were performed because of routine
laboratories was the use of 2 patient identifiers, used in only
procedures, such as annual or scheduled checks, software
70% of laboratories. Safe laboratory practices require
upgrades, or proficiency testing survey challenges, and these
accurate patient identification; adverse events may occur
most likely did not involve changes to the reagents or the
when a patient has identifiers similar or identical to those of
instrument performing the INR measurement. We suspect
another patient (a ‘‘doppelg ¨anger''), when a patient is
that many laboratorians remembered a well-publicized and
doubly registered (a ‘‘duplicate registration''), or when
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
Q-Probes INR—Howanitz et al 1113
registration details are derived from 2 or more separate
sources (a ‘‘hybrid'' registration).26 Such errors, once
Accessed May 24, 2014.
3. Guyatt GH, Akl EA, Crowther M, Gutterman DD, Sch¨unemann HJ.
thought of as coincidences, are in fact not extraordinary,
Antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis 9th ed: American College
but ordinary; 2 identifiers are required to reduce the chance
of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2012;141(2)(suppl):7S–47S.
of an action occurring with an incorrect patient. We
4. College of American Pathologists. Hematology and Coagulation Checklist:
recommend that similarly to phlebotomy practices, 2 patient
College of American Pathologist Accreditation Program. Northfield, IL: College of
identifiers be used to report critical values.
American Pathologists; 2013.
5. Howanitz PJ. Quality assurance measurements in the department of
It is common for physicians in general practice to admit
pathology and laboratory medicine. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1990;114(11):1131–
their patients to more than 1 hospital; for example, if
physicians practice in hospitals that use the critical value
6. Olson JD, Brandt JT, Chandler WL, et al. Laboratory reporting of the
international normalized ratio: progress and problems. Arch Path Lab Med. 2007;
limit of 2.6 or 10.0, the physicians may quickly become
confused by their expectation of when they will be called for
7. Fairweather RB, Ansell J, Anton MHP, et al. College of American
a critical INR result. Efforts aimed at harmonizing results
Pathologist Conference XXXI on laboratory monitoring of anticoagulant therapy.
Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1998;122(9):768–781.
such as the critical value limits for the INR should be
8. Karon BS, McBane RD, Chaudhry R, Beyer LK, Santrach, PJ. Accuracy of
encouraged, as it will lead to less confusion for busy
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1114 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, September 2015
Q-Probes INR—Howanitz et al
Source: http://eqap.ir/eqap/Files/PDF/ee1ba09ca74e4bb18b5e40d7ad072a00.pdf
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