Hh leaders guide
Kentucky River Foothills
Development Council, Inc.
1623 Foxhaven Drive/ P.O. Box 743
Richmond, KY 40476-0743
Nutrition for a Healthy Heart
This handbook was produced by Kentucky River Foothills Development
Council, Inc. Special thanks to Karen Bailey, April Stone, and Veronica Taylor
who wrote the text and designed the layout. It is intended as a source for health and
nutrition information. It is not medical advice. If you have a medical problem, please
consult your doctor or local health department.
This handbook was made possible through funding from the U.S.
Department for Health and Human Services through the Kentucky Cabinet
for Families and Children, Department for Community Based Services.
Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, Inc.
1623 Foxhaven Drive, P.O. Box 743
Richmond, KY 40476-0743
(859) 624-2046/Fax: (859) 624-2049
Thank you for joining Nutrition for a Healthy
Heart. Your job is important because you will
be teaching your friends about heart disease.
You will also be helping them to understand
how to prevent or lessen the effects of heart
disease through good nutrition and exercise.
The more people learn about heart disease,
the better they will feel about making food
choices and changing their lifestyle. You will
make a dif erence!
The ideas in this manual are not rigid guidelines for you to fol ow, but rather a resource
to help you plan each session. We want you to be creative and flexible when leading
sessions. The more you show of your personality, the easier it will be for participants to
relate to you. You may also need to adjust the program to fit your agencys budget and
available supplies.
We do not expect you to be an expert on nutrition. We realize it is a complex topic
and, in response, have provided you with basic, straightforward materials. This Leaders
Guide and the Participants Manual will provide you with the information needed to
conduct a successful Nutrition for a Healthy Heart group. Be sure to allow your class
time to review the various sections in their books as they fol ow your lead. Encourage
them to ask questions at any time.
General Instructions
Recruiting Participants
Keeping Attendance Up
Being a Group Leader
Handling Difficult People
Introduction to Heart Disease
Dif erent Types of Heart Disease
Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Eating for a Healthy Heart
The Food Guide Pyramid
Reading Food Labels
Grocery Store Tour
Heart Disease and Exercise
Heart Disease Medications
Common Heart Disease Tests and Treatment Options
General Instructions:
® Each Nutrition for a Healthy Heart class requires dif erent materials.
Be sure to look ahead to each Materials Needed list at the begin-
ning of each chapter. Keep in mind that there is a snack at the end of
each session and that the ingredients and utensils needed to prepare
the recipes must be bought ahead of time. Also remember that the
proper eating utensils (knives, forks and spoons), cups and ice, napkins,
etc. will also be needed at each session.
® A TV/VCR is also needed at all sessions that include a video. The
agency should provide this to the leader.
® Prizes are a part of each Nutrition for a Healthy Heart class. Sugges-
tions for prizes include: cooking utensils (spatulas, mixing bowls, turkey
basters), pot holders, dish towels, recipe books, food storage containers,
aprons, etc. The agency should supply the prizes for the leaders. Make sure
that you have enough prizes for each class.
® A snack is prepared at the end of each class. Leaders should involve
all participants in the preparation and clean-up of the snacks. Preparing
the recipes is a group effort. Be sure to read ahead to each chapter
to see what ingredients and supplies are needed for each snack.
® The agency will provide the Nutrition for a Healthy Heart leader with a
supply box for each class. The supply box will contain all the needed
materials for that class period including recipe ingredients and supplies,
handouts, activities and materials, sign-in sheets, etc. There should be a com-
plete list of materials on the outside of the box. The leader should double-
check the list with the actual supplies in the box before the class.
General Instructions:
® The agency should provide the Nutrition for a Healthy Heart leader
with all necessary materials. The agency should include all materials
necessary for each class in a set of containers that include a list of what
materials are needed. With the supply boxes, the leader should have
everything they need to lead a successful class.
® The agency should also provide the leader with a TV/VCR or make sure
that the location of the class has one available. The agency should
also provide the leader with appropriate videos.
® The agency should provide all Nutrition for a Healthy Heart program leaders
with the necessary orientation and training needed. The agency should also
offer support to the leaders throughout their period of service to the agency.
® The agency should also provide prizes for each class. Suggestions for prizes
include: cooking utensils, potholders, cookbooks, dishtowels, refrigerator
magnets, etc. Make sure that there are enough prizes for each class.
Game materials - bal of yarn or string, scissors
Ingredients and materials for snack
Ingredients and materials for snack
Ingredients and materials for snack
Video Eating Healthy for Heart Health
Ingredients and materials for snack
Poster of Food Guide Pyramid
Food Guide Pyramid handouts or brochures for participants
Video Food Guide Pyramid
Food Guide Pyramid Bingo and bingo pieces
Ingredients and materials for snack
Video New Food Label
Ingredients and materials for snack
Transportation to grocery store
Video A Supermarket Tour for Elders
Ingredients and materials for snack
Ingredients and materials for snack
Ingredients and materials for snack
Final Assessment Sheet
Recruiting Participants
Each class should have approximately 10 participants.
Suggested Ways to Recruit Participants
Distribute flyers around town.
Release information about the workshop to the local newspaper.
Be sure to include the time, date, location, contact person and
phone number in the release. Newspapers will often print this
information in the Upcoming Events or Community Calendar
section at no cost.
Make phone calls to local community action agencies, or county
coordinators and explain to them what Nutrition for a Healthy
Heart is and when the next one will be held. They can get the
word out to people they work with who may be interested in
Tell your friends. Word of mouth is a very powerful recruiting
Of er incentives to participants who bring a friend to class.
Keeping Attendance Up
Keeping participation up in any program can be a challenge. Here are some
tips on how to keep participation up.
Hold the Nutrition for a Healthy Heart classes at a time when people
Keep the atmosphere relaxed and comfortable. Make the class a fun
time for the participants. Never embarrass participants for having
wrong answers, or promote unfriendly competition.
Give participants as much personal attention as possible. Make every-
one feel special and let them know that they are an important part of
Of er incentives for perfect attendance. Provide a special prize to the
participants with perfect attendance at the end of the workshops.
Stay on schedule. Be sure to begin and end on time. This will help
people who are faced with time constraints.
Be enthusiastic! These workshops were developed to be informa-
tive and fun. If you are excited about them, the participants will be
excited also.
Being a Group Leader
A group leader organizes an agenda,
presents information and encourages
discussion. It is not the role of the leader to
change participants ideas or habits,
but instead offer alternatives. As a group
leader, there are some important
principles to remember.
Make sure that everyone in the group gets a chance to be heard.
Keep the group on track.
Dont be afraid to bring up touchy issues. If left unresolved, they
BE POSITIVE! Compliment people on their accomplishments.
Thank people for their contributions.
Set up the meeting place with an eye to participation.
Arrange chairs in a circle where everyone can see each other.
Use a blackboard or flipchart on an easel to keep track of
participants ideas and comments.
Participants will feel they have been heard when they see
their ideas written out for all to see.
Give a little background for new people who may have missed
the last meeting. This will help those who may have forgotten.
It will bring everyone up to the current meeting.
Be sure to keep track of time. Try to stay on a schedule.
Handling Difficult People
Sometimes we have participants in our
groups who can test our skills as leaders.
They may continuously dominate discus-
sions, offend other participants, or be
disruptive to the class. Here are some tips
on dealing with difficult participants.
Try to maintain or regain focus.
For example, say, Okay, weve strayed a little from our subject.
Move the class onto a dif erent subject.
Try not to be defensive, or take things personally.
Use body language.
Use humor, be careful not to make fun of the person.
Protect others from personal attack.
If the person insists on dominating every conversation, suggest
that the class would like to hear from someone who hasnt
Stay in control of the class. One dif icult person can ruin the
experience for everyone.
If the person is a persistent problem, you may want to speak to
him or her after the class has left. The person may not have
realized how disruptive they have been.
Introduction to Heart Disease
GOAL: To introduce heart disease and explain why it
is important to take care of your heart.
Materials Needed:
Game materials - ball of yarn or
Paper and pens for the pre-test
Ingredients and materials for snack
Welcome everyone and have them introduce themselves.
Everyone will not know what to expect. You need to make them feel at ease,
and the best way to do this is be yourself. Have fun and be open with them.
Encourage everyone to talk.
® Everyone is going to have fun.
® Learning about nutrition and how our diets are related to having a healthy
heart will help us to keep ourselves and our families strong and healthy.
® We al have a lot to learn. Wrong answers are part of learning. Dont be
embarrassed if you do not know some of the answers. That is why we are
® Keep a list of any questions you need help on. As a group, we can work on
answering them together.
Explain what the purpose of the workshop is:
® To make people aware of heart disease and of how deadly heart
® Talk about what topics will be covered in the next 10 classes: types of
heart disease, risk factors for heart disease, healthy eating for a healthy heart,
Food Guide Pyramid, how to read food labels, they will be taking a trip to the
grocery store, physical activity and heart disease, heart medications, and
treatment options for heart disease.
® Emphasize that the classes are to be informative and fun.
Encourage people to ask questions.
Get to Know Each Other Game
Pass around a ball of yarn or string and tell each person to take however
much they want. After everyone has a piece of yarn, start with yourself and
each time you wrap the string around your finger, you have to tell something
interesting about yourself. This will facilitate a bond between everyone and
Pre-test: Tests knowledge of participants, may also point
you in the direction you want to go for other topics.
What is the number one killer in the U.S.?
What is the area of the U.S. that leads in heart disease called?
What are some risk factors for heart disease?
T/F A heart healthy diet includes as much fat as you want.
T/F Kentucky is ranked the lowest in cases of heart disease.
Cardiovascular disease
Smoking, obesity, high-fat diets and high blood pressure
Important Information
1. Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, is the leading cause of death in
the United States. Heart disease is a major killer in Kentucky. in 1995, 73% of
all deaths in Kentucky were related to chronic and cardiovascular diseases.
Typically it has been men who were dying from heart disease. However, in
the past few years, women have caught up to the number of men dying from
heart disease and passed them. Researchers are not sure why this trend is
occurring, but some think it may be because many more women are smoking
and working in high stress jobs. Whatever the case may be, it is alarming. As
an effort to curb this epidemic, we are trying to make individuals, such as
yourselves, aware of this ever growing problem.
2. Heart Disease Statistics
Gives people the idea of the magnitude of the problem.
ð Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the nations leading killer for both men and
women among all racial groups. More than 960,000 Americans die of CVD each
year, accounting for 42% of all deaths.
ð One in four Americans have CVD. Alone, heart disease and stroke are the major
reason for 6 million hospitalizations each year and cause disability for almost 10
million Americans aged 65 years or older.
ð CVD costs the U.S. in 1999 were estimated to be $286.5 billion.
ð Kentucky has the fifth highest heart disease death rate, 116.7 deaths for every
100,000 people.
ð Death rates resulting from CVD are 36% higher in African-American men than
white men and 48% higher among African-American women than white women.
ð CVD is the leading cause of death among middle aged Americans. Heart disease
kills more than 160,000 people between the ages of 35 and 64 each year.
ð Almost 11 million Americans aged 65 and older report disabilities caused by
heart disease and stroke, such as the loss of speech or mobility.
ð 30-40% of coronary heart disease deaths are linked to obesity and high choles-
ð Poor dietary and physical activity patterns are associated with 300,000 deaths
each year, second only to tobacco use.
ð One third of adult Americans are overweight, and one half have cholesterol levels
above the desired 200 mg/dl level.
ð 35% of all cancer deaths are linked to dietary risk factors.
Explain to people why it is so important in Kentucky to be aware of
the problem and what they can do to modify their risks.
Coronary Val ey is an area of the United States that has a higher rate of
heart disease than other parts of the United States. This area includes the
states that border the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. These states are Ken-
tucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, Ohio,
and Illinois. Dr. Glenn Caldwell, Kentuckys epidemiologist, stated that
Coronary Val ey can be explained by a combination of lifestyle, genetics, and
environmental influences. However, there are some other reasons for these
states to earn this title. One is the fact that these states tend to have a
higher rate of obesity and diabetes, two risk factors for heart disease.
Another may be that most of the states mentioned are more rural, and
many people in rural states tend to be uninsured. The fact is, in Kentucky,
white males who live in Appalachia are 19% more likely to die of heart
disease than males in other states. White Appalachian females for the same
age group is 21%. The reason for this is that this area is economically poor
and is full of all the things that make heart disease a risk: smoking, obesity,
high-fat diets and high blood pressure. Another reason is that people in
these areas cant get to proper health facilities.
Nutrition Awareness Questionnaire
Tell the group that there are NO wrong answers and ask them to be
honest. This will help give everyone an idea of how their current
eating habits are. We will refer back to this questionnaire as we talk
more about the Food Guide Pyramid and healthy eating.
Discussion Questions
® Do you think healthy foods can taste good?
® Where have you learned about nutrition?
® Do you think you need to learn more?
® Do you think having an unhealthy diet is related to heart disease?
® Do you have heart disease or a family history of heart disease?
Participant Goals
What they want to accomplish by the end of the program. Have participants
write their goals down (to compare at the end of the sessions.) Empha-
size their goals are things that are important to them.
Snacks should be ones that are heart healthy and easy to prepare so
everyone can make them at home.
Festive Health Winds Salsa
¼ cup onion, chopped
8 plum tomatoes, coarsely chopped½ red onion, diced
2 jalapeno peppers, diced
1 clove garlic, chopped¼ cup fresh coriander½ tsp. ground roasted cumin¼ cup lime juice
salt & pepper to taste
Combine ingredients in non-aluminum bowl. Cover and let stand several
hours at room temperature, or overnight in refrigerator. Makes 16 servings.
Serve with Baked Tortilla Chips.
Serving Information: Fat: trace
Different Types of Heart Disease
GOAL: To make the class aware of different types
of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart
disease, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure,
stroke, and the cost of treating the disease.
Materials Needed:
Ingredients and materials for snack
Welcome everyone back to the class.
Have any new people introduce
Explain how the heart works.
Use a heart model and refer to the
Participants Manual as a guide.
Explain the different types of heart
disease and conditions.
Refer to the Participants Manual for details.
Discussion Questions
® Have you or a family member ever had a stroke or heart attack? Explain
your experience.
® Do you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high triglycerides? If
so, do you realize this puts you at risk for having a heart attack, stroke, or
developing coronary artery disease?
Healthy Heart Word Scramble
Give a set amount of time for the 5 words; the person who gets
the most correct wins a prize.
ghih loodb ssperure
high blood pressure
Bring a copy of your last cholesterol lab test report. If you had this done at
the health department or doctors office, they should be able to provide you
a copy of this. We will talk about it next week.
1/3 cup confectioners sugar
1 18 ounce package of brownie mix
Pinch of cinnamon (optional)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix brownie mix with water. Form into one
inch balls. Dip into confectioners sugar, with a pinch of cinnamon, if desired.
Place on a non-stick cookie sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Makes 32
Risk Factors for Heart Disease
GOAL: To explain risk factors and have
the class identify risk factors for
themselves and ways to change them.
Materials Needed:
Ingredients and materials for snack
This is a very detailed lesson that discusses each risk factor.
The Participants Manual discusses the risk factors in detail.
There are controllable and uncontrollable risk factors. Use
the Participants Manual as a guide to explore each type of
risk factor. Explain to the class that a risk factor is some-
thing that puts you at risk of developing an illness or a dis-
ease. For example, if you smoke, you are at risk of developing high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can increase your risk of having a heart attack and/or developing
heart disease. There are many factors that are like a domino effect that can lead to
another risk factor then later to heart disease. Another example of this is if you con-
sume a diet that is high in fat and low in complex carbohydrates, this can increase your
cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol levels remain high and are not controlled with
diet and/or medication, this can lead to heart disease and increase your risk of having a
heart attack.
Have each participant bring in a copy of their last cholesterol test lab report. They can
get a copy from their doctor or the local health department. Or, have a nurse from the
health department to come in and check everyones cholesterol. You will probably have
to schedule this class in the morning, because they have to be fasting
before they take this test. There is a sample blood lipid profile in the Participants
Manual. Most people who have this test done do not understand how to read the
results and what each lab data is measuring. If everyone brings a copy of their report,
you can go over it together and discuss each lab value. The Participants Manual ex-
plains each lab value and gives normal and abnormal levels.
Review the Controllable and Uncontrollable Risk Factors
It is good for class members to identify which risk factors are present in
their lives.
ð A risk factor is any number of things that puts you at risk of developing a
ð Risk factors can be controllable or uncontrollable.
ð Risk factors that you can control are not to smoke, eating foods from the Food
Guide Pyramid, exercise, and do not be overweight. Those that you cannot
control are age, genetics, race, and gender.
ð Cigarette use is a major cause of heart disease among both men and women.
Smokers have twice the risk for heart attack than non-smokers do. Almost
180,000 deaths from heart disease are linked to smoking.
ð Physical activity, or exercising, reduces the risk for heart disease and helps
reduce blood pressure. People who are couch potatoes or who dont move
around a lot have twice the risk for heart disease.
ð Overweight and obesity in Americans has increased dramatically in the past
ten years. People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk for heart
disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other chronic diseases and
2. Introduce Cholesterol
Review the Blood Lipid Profile
(cholesterol test)
If everyone brought a copy of their last choles-
terol lab report, have them look at it and see if
they can identify which areas are normal or
abnormal. Most lab reports will give a range of
what their levels should be. These ranges can
vary from one hospitals lab department to the next. If everyone does not
have a copy of their lab report, refer to the sample in the Participants
What is cholesterol?
ð Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver.
ð Also supplied through the diet from animal products like meats, poultry, fish
and dairy products.
ð Cholesterol is needed in some amounts to insulate nerves, make cell mem-
branes, and to produce certain hormones.
ð But, since our bodies make cholesterol, the cholesterol that is taken in from our
diets may be too much.
What does cholesterol tell you?
ð Cholesterol is a measure of how much of the waxy substance is in your blood.
ð Large amounts of cholesterol lead to the fat building up on your veins and
arteries, causing damage.
ð Normal total cholesterol levels are < 200 mg/dl of blood
ð Borderline high is 200-239 mg/dl
ð High blood cholesterol levels are >240 mg/dl
What are good and bad cholesterol?
ð There are two different kinds of cholesterol, HDL and LDL.
ð HDL is referred to as good cholesterol. HDL acts by catching some of the fats
and taking them to the liver to be used for other purposes besides collecting on
your arteries and veins.
ð You want your HDL level to be above 35 mg/dl to receive the benefits of it.
ð LDL is considered to be the bad cholesterol. LDL works by increasing the rate
at which fat builds up on your arteries and veins.
ð You want to have more HDL than LDL cholesterol in your blood. One of the
main ways to raise HDL levels is to exercise.
ð Desirable LDL levels are less than 130 mg/dl.
ð Borderline or high risk levels are 130 to 159 mg/dl.
ð High risk levels are greater than 160 mg/dl.
To help the class remember which is the good cholesterol (HDL)
and bad cholesterol (LDL), tell them to think of the H in HDL as
Healthy and the L in LDL as Lousy. Remember, you want
your lab values to be high for HDL and low for LDL. People often
get LDL and HDL cholesterol confused.
Introduce Triglycerides
What are triglycerides?
ð Triglycerides are a part of your total cholesterol. The triglyceride is the part of
the cholesterol that is thought to cause the most damage and plaque build up
in the veins and arteries.
Why are triglycerides good indicators for risk factors?
ð Triglycerides are good indicators for risk factors because they are the part of
the cholesterol that lead to a build up of plaque on your arteries.
What are healthy and unhealthy levels for triglycerides?
ð Normal triglyceride levels are < 200 mg/dl
ð Borderline high levels are 200 to 400 mg/dl
ð High levels are 400 to 1000 mg/dl
ð Very high levels are > 1000 mg/dl
3. Do Heart Health Risk Assessment andemphasize reducing
their risks.
Have the participants to fill out a heart
disease assessment survey. This can
help them to see how much of a risk they
are for developing heart disease.
Fruit Cocktail Salad
1 17 oz. can fruit cocktail, with light syrup
1 3 oz. package of strawberry Jello
1 3 oz. package of fat free cream cheese, softened
1 8 oz. Light Cool Whip
Heat fruit cocktail with juice and Jello to boiling point. Remove from heat.
Add cream cheese and stir until it melts. Fold in Cool Whip. Place
in a serving container and refrigerate.
Eating For A Healthy Heart
GOAL: To teach each participant the
connection between heart disease and the
amount of fat we eat, and learn how to make
better food choices to have a healthy heart.
Materials Needed:
Video: Eating Healthy for Heart Health
Ingredients and materials for snack
Introduce topic of eating for a healthy heart
Why is eating healthy important?
® Eating a diet low in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium is important
because it will help prevent diseases such as heart disease, atherosclerosis,
and certain forms of cancers.
Show Video Eating Healthy for a Healthy Heart
Discussion Questions
® What percentage of fat should come from our total calories in a day?
® Give some examples of the types of diseases that can be caused by
eating a high fat diet.
® Does cholesterol free mean fat free?
Bottom Line on Fat and Cholesterol
Discuss the relationship between fat and heart disease. Pass around a fat model
and let everyone look at it and feel it. Fat models can come in 3 sizes, 1lb., 5 lbs.,
and 10 lbs. Your local health department may have one that you can borrow. This
is a good motivation tool. Usually, when people see the fat model and are over-
weight, this can help motivate them to lose weight. Another visual aid that is much
cheaper that can be used is microwave buttered popcorn. Bring a package of this
to class. Do not cook it. Open the bag and let the participants view what it looks
like before it is cooked. Explain to them that this is what it can look like in your
body after you eat it.
In last weeks lesson, the class learned about risk factors for heart disease. One of
the risk factors was consuming a diet high in fat. Research indicates that a diet high
in saturated fat and low in complex carbohydrates can increase cholesterol and
triglyceride levels. Consuming too many calories and too much fat over time can
lead to weight gain and increase your risk for developing heart disease and certain
forms of cancer.
Saturated fat is mostly found in red meats, (ribs, ground beef, pork chops,
steak) eggs, pastries (donuts, muf ins, cakes, cookies) and dairy products
(ice cream and cheese). If someone has high cholesterol, a doctor or dietitian will
recommend a diet that is low in fat, especially saturated fat. There are certain
types of fat, such as monounsaturated fats, that seems to reduce the risk of heart
disease. Fish is a good source of monounsaturated fat. Sometimes people get
confused when they have high cholesterol. They think if they cut down on the
amount of cholesterol they eat, their cholesterol levels will go down. However, this
is not true. In order to lower your cholesterol, you must lower your saturated fat
intake. It is recommended that 30% of our total calories should come from fat.
Therefore, if someone is consuming 2000 calories a day, they should eat a total of
67 grams a fat a day.
The American Heart Association has a Step I and 2 Cholesterol-lowering diet. This
is a plan that provides information on how to lower the fat in your diet. The
Participants Manual provides good information on how to lower the fat intake in
your diet. It provides information on recipe substitutions, seasoning suggestions,
lunch ideas, and shopping tips.
Review Information in Participants Manual
How to eat healthy
Healthy substitutes
ð To substitute for salt, try using herbs. Most do not contain salt, fat, or choles-
terol. Try the food recipe at the end of the lesson for a salt substitute.
ð Use tuna that is packed in water instead of oil.
ð Use low fat cottage cheese and low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese.
ð Eat egg whites and use the egg substitutes like Egg Beaters in recipes.
ð Eat ice milk instead of ice cream.
Have everyone find the amount of calories and fat that they need each day.
Use the formulas provided in the Participants Manual.
Have the participants to keep a log of everything and how much they eat this
week. Tell them to bring their food log to class next week and we will review
it. This can help participants see what areas of their diet they need to work
Make salt and butter free popcorn and use the herb salt substitute to flavor.
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground basil
1 teaspoon ground marjoram
1 teaspoon ground thyme
1 teaspoon ground parsley
1 teaspoon ground savory
1 teaspoon ground mace
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon ground sage
Mix all ingredients together and use instead of salt.
The Food Guide Pyramid
GOAL: To explain how to use the Food
Guide Pyramid as a tool for making
better choices for their families.
Materials Needed:
Poster of Food Guide Pyramid
Food Guide Pyramid handouts or brochures for participants
Video Food Guide Pyramid
Food Guide Pyramid Bingo and bingo pieces
Ingredients and materials for snack
Show the Food Guide Pyramid video.
The Food Guide Pyramid is different from the 4 food groups because the
pyramid shows us how much of each of the 6 sections of the pyramid we
should eat each day.
We should eat the most from the bigger parts of the pyramid, just as we should eat
fewer foods from the smaller parts of the pyramid. For example, it is suggested by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that we eat 6-11 servings of bread,
pasta, and rice, while we should only eat 2 or 3 servings from the meat group. The
Food Guide Pyramid helps us understand how to balance our diets by limiting our fats
and sugars (the top and smallest part of the pyramid) and eating more grains, fruits, and
Discuss the video.
Discussion Questions
® How is the pyramid different from the four food groups?
® Did any of the serving sizes surprise you?
® From what section of the pyramid do you eat the most?
® From what section of the pyramid do you eat the least?
How to Use the Food Guide Pyramid
ð Review the Food Guide Pyramid poster (pass out Food Guide Pyramid bro-
chures to participants).
ð Review each section of the pyramid.
ð Go over serving sizes for each section.
ð Show an example.
ð Explain how the Food Guide Pyramid helps us in everyday life.
The typical American Food Guide Pyramid is flip-flopped with actually the biggest por-
tion of the food that we eat coming from the fats, oils, and sugars group and less from
the grains group.
Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group
Base of pyramid.
Largest group because we are supposed to eat more of
these foods than any other group.
Foods in this group contain fiber, B vitamins, iron and
ð This group is lower in fat, and provides our bodies with
ð The pyramid tel s us to eat 6-11 servings of this group each day. One serving
is equal to 1 slice of bread, ½ cup of cooked cereal, rice or pasta, ½ to 1 cup
of dry cereal, and ½ of a bun, bagel, or English muf in.
ðThey are an important part of the diet.
ðGood source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many minerals.
ðWe need 3-5 servings each day of the vegetables.
ð1 serving equals 1 cup of leafy vegetables, ½ cup of
cooked or cut vegetables, or ¾ cup of vegetable juice.
ð Third largest group on the pyramid. Not
expensive when bought in season.
ð Takes little time to prepare.
ð Low fat snacks.
ð Good source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many
ð We need 2-4 servings per day of fruit.
ð 1 serving is 1 medium piece of fruit, ½ cup of cooked
or cut fruit, or ¾ cup of fruit juice.
REMEMBER, fruit juice counts as a serving of fruit only if it is 100% fruit
Milk, Yogurt and Cheese Group
ðThis group provides us with calcium that we need
for strong bones.
ðSome products in this group are high in fat, and those
products should be used sparingly.
ðTo lower fat intake in this group eat ice milk instead of ice
cream, use 1% milk instead of 2% or whole milk, and low fat
cottage cheese and yogurt instead of the higher fat options.
ð We need 2-3 servings from this group. 1 serving is equal to 1 ½ -2 ounces of
cheese or 1 cup of milk or yogurt.
ð However, children under the age of two should drink whole milk.
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Dried Beans, and Nuts Group
ð This group provides our bodies with protein and iron.
ð Foods from this group must be chosen with care, many are high in fat, some
examples are hot dogs, bacon, and some lunch
ð Lower fat choices are chicken, turkey, fish, and lean
beef or pork.
ð Nuts and peanut butter are good sources of protein,
but contain a lot of fat, and need to be used
ð 2-3 servings a day are needed from this group.
ð 1 serving is equal to 2-3 ounces of meat (or about the size of a deck of cards).
The following foods equal one ounce of meat: 1 egg (no more than three per
week), ½ cup of cooked beans, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
NOTE: most people get much more than this amount in one day.
Fats, Oils and Sweets Group
ð This group is the smal est on the pyramid. This is because this is not a group
you should eat from often.
ð Some foods in this group are candy, cake, butter, doughnuts, lard, cookies, and
mayonnaise. They have little to no nutritional value.
ð This group is full of calories and fat and can lead to
weight gain and health problems.
ð If you must use oils, use the ones that are unsaturated
(those that dont raise your cholesterol level). These
oils are canola, safflower, sunflower, corn and olive. Use
a diet margarine or one made of the above five oils.
ð Oils that raise your cholesterol are palm, palm kernel, and coconut
and should not be used.
The Food Guide Pyramid can be used to help us select foods that we should be eating
everyday. Use it to base each of your meals around.
For example, if you wanted to plan your lunch using the Food Guide Pyramid, you
could start with a sandwich. Turkey on wheat with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayon-
naise would take care of two servings of bread, one serving of cheese, one serving of
meat, and one serving of fat. You wouldnt be able to count the lettuce and tomato
because there isnt one full serving of these. However, you could have some carrot
sticks, celery sticks, and an apple, which would be two servings of vegetables and one
serving of fruit. Drink 100% grape juice and you have taken care of another serving of
fruit. Just make sure you are following the recommended serving size for each or you
wont be getting what you need for the day.
Food Guide Pyramid Bingo
This game will help participants identify which foods fall into the appropriate
food sections on the Food Guide Pyramid. Play the game as many times as
time allows. The person who wins the most games wins a prize.
Using the Food Guide Pyramid as a base, get foods
from each category and serve as the snack.
Use crackers for the bread group
Cheese (mozerella or swiss) for dairy
Carrots and celery for vegetable group
Whatever fresh fruit is available for fruit group
Peanut butter for the meat and fat group
The next lesson is on Reading Food Labels. Ask each participant to bring
at least one food label to next weeks session. Show the participants a
picture of a food label.
Reading Food Labels
GOAL: Explain how to read food labels and
how they can help us make better food
choices for ourselves and our families.
Materials Needed:
New Food Label video
Ingredients and materials
Comparison of Food Labels.
Before this class, you should find a pair of food labels that are either both
the same type of food but dif erent brands or an original and a low-fat
version of a product (such as salad dressing). Use the labels to compare and
contrast the two similar products. Bring more than one pair, if possible.
Discussion Questions
® On what foods did you find the labels?
® What makes the products dif erent?
® After looking at the labels and considering the prices, which product would
® What are some reasons why people do not read food labels?
® If you read food labels often, why? If not, why not?
® How can reading food labels help you eat better?
3. Show the Food Label video.
Explain that food labels are tricky to understand. Even the most skilled
shopper may not understand what the food labels tell us.
·Explain what the percent daily value means:
ð On each food label, there will be something that says percent daily value. The
percent is the percent of your daily requirement that the
food provides.
ð The values are based on government research showing the amount of fat, choles-
terol, and sodium that the average person on a 2,000 calorie diet needs.
ð You should try to pick foods that are low in daily percentage values of fat, satu-
rated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
ð For example: If the daily value for fat is 30%, this means that the foodhas 30% of
the fat you should eat for the day. The percent that is given shows how the food
fits into your diet.
·Explain the serving size and how many servings you should get from the
ð Another item on the food label is the serving size. A serving size is how much
you can eat of that food for the percentage values that are listed on the food
ð For example, if the cholesterol is 10%, which means that it is 10% of your total
value for the day, and the serving size is ten potato chips, then if you eat twenty
potato chips the cholesterol will be 20% of you total value for the day.
Starting with the calories, talk the class through the rest of the nutrients.
ð Most of the calories on the food label are made for a person on a 2,000 calorie
diet. You may need more or less than this value, but you can use these numbers
as a general guide.
ð Also keep in mind that you may need to get less fat, less cholesterol, and less
sodium due to a medical condition you might have, so you will need to make
al owances for this.
ð Food labels include a list of ingredients that are in each food. They generally tend
to be listed in the amount that is in the food from most to least. You will want to
focus on foods that have the most healthy ingredients listed first.
Labels may claim to be light, fat-free, etc. In the past, manufacturers could put light on
the label if it was light in color. Due to new government regulations, manufacturers have
to meet certain standards. The new regulations are:
less than 5 calories per serving
40 calories or less
1/3 fewer calories or 50% less fat
ð Light in Sodium
less than ½ gram of fat
3 grams or less of fat
ð Cholesterol Free
Less than 2 milligrams cholesterol
and 2 grams or less of saturated fat
Less than 5 milligrams of sodium
ð Very Low Sodium
35 milligrams or less of sodium
5 grams or more of fiber
Distribute several sample food labels to the participants. Ask them to find the
total calories, total fat, serving size, sodium, and fiber in each product.
1 package low-fat crescent rolls
1 cup cherry pie filling
1large package reduced fat cream cheese
½ teaspoon vanilla
Various fresh fruit, cut up
Spread crescent rolls into 13X9 inch pan and bake according to directions.
Combine cream cheese with sugar and vanilla. Spread mixture on rolls after
they have cooled. Top with cherry pie filling. Add cut-up fresh fruit on top.
Cut and serve in slices.
REMINDER: Before closing remind the class that next week they will be going to the
grocery store. Make appropriate arrangements.
Lets Go To the Grocery Store
GOAL: To help the participants to understand
the layout of a grocery store that will enable them to
make better heart healthy food choices.
Transportation to grocery store
Video A Supermarket Tour
This class can be done several dif erent ways. Here are 2 options.
® Have everyone come to class. Watch and discuss the video, then go to a local
grocery store together for the tour. Allow more time to do this (class time
for video and tour is 1 hour 30 minutes).
® Do the grocery store tour on a dif erent day. Set a time outside of class
that is convenient for everyone to do the tour. Schedule transportation if
Watch A Supermarket Tour for Elders video
Discussion Questions
® What are some of the grocery shopping tips identified in the video?
® How many servings of fruits and vegetables are we supposed to
® Which has more fiber: brown rice or white rice?
® How much calcium should the average adult consume?
Most grocery stores are laid out the same way. You have your produce (fresh fruits and
vegetables) with the breads, meats, and dairy products on the outside edges. Basically, if
everyone only shopped the outside edges of the stores and only used a few middle
sections to get pasta, rice, and cereal products, this would be a lot more healthy. Most
of the foods found on the outside edges are whole foods that contain good sources of
fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart disease.
The middle sections of the store are where you will mostly find processed foods such
as frozen dinners and other pre-packaged foods. These foods are high in fat, sodium,
and calories and can lead to heart disease.
Grocery Store Tour
Make arrangements with public transportation for participants. It would be
a good idea to reserve your trip 2 weeks in advance. Call a few days before
the trip to confirm times, pick up location, and destination.
Also, it would be a good idea to call the grocery store that you will be tour-
ing and let the store manager know what you will be doing. He or she might
suggest appropriate times to come to the store for the tour to avoid rush
hours. This will help control the flow of traffic in the aisles of the store.
Once at the store, encourage the participants to ask questions. Go down
each aisle pointing out the different types of foods on the market, which
ones are low in fat, high in fat, etc.
Grocery shopping tips
ð Avoid the cookie aisle and spend more time in the fruit and vegetable
ð Instead of buying soda, buy more fruit juices.
ð Buy non-fat products.
ð Buy and use low fat products like baked tortilla chips and low fat salad
ð Buy lean meats such as fresh fish, lean ham, low fat hot dogs,and select
of choice cuts of meat.
ð Buy skim, nonfat, or fat free milk products. (Children under the age of
2 need whole milk).
Heart Disease and Exercise
GOAL: To explain the relationship
between inactivity and heart disease and the
benefits of adopting an exercise program.
Ingredients and materials for snack
Most Americans get little to no strenuous exercise. Strenuous exercise is needed
to work the heart and get rid of excess fat and calories.
There is evidence to suggest that even low to moderate
exercise provides short and long term benefits. If you do
these daily, they can help reduce the risk for heart disease.
Some activities that are low to moderate exercise are
walking, stair climbing, gardening, yard work, moderate to
heavy housework, dancing, and home exercise.
More strenuous exercise will improve the fitness of your
heart and lungs. But, you dont have to train like you are
going to the Olympics. Any activity that gets you moving
around will improve your health status, even if it is only
done for a few minutes every day.
The hardest thing to do is to just get started. One way is to schedule exercise into
your day, and stick to your plan. Another is to have a buddy to do things with you.
Both of you will be more likely to start and keep with it.
Explain why physical activity is important.
® Physical activity is important to make your heart and lungs work better. Exercis-
ing will help to prevent or stop the progression of disease and in general make
you feel better.
® Regular physical activity makes you feel better. It will give you more energy, help
you cope with stress, improve how you feel about yourself, you wont feel as tired
all the time, helps decrease anxiety and depression, helps you relax and feel less
tense, helps you fall asleep more easily and sleep well, and provides an easy way
to share an activity with a friend or family member.
® Without regular physical exercise and a healthy diet, heart disease will
develop. Although most people do not need to see their doctor before starting
an exercise program, if you already have heart disease, you should consult your
doctor before starting an exercise program.
Tips to get moving
Refer to Participants Manual
Refer to Participants Manual
Lead the class in some simple exercises. Use Exercise: A Guide from the
National Institute on Aging as a guide.
Target Heart Rate Activity
Find your target heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus
your age. The figures below are averages, so use them as general guidelines.
Target Heart Rate
100-150 beats per minute
200 beats per minute
98-146 beats per minute
195 beats per minute
95-142 beats per minute
190 beats per minute
93-138 beats per minute
185 beats per minute
90-135 beats per minute
180 beats per minute
88-131 beats per minute
175 beats per minute
85-127 beats per minute
170 beats per minute
Warming up and cooling down is an important part of your exercise routine.
2. Which of the following can exercise help do?
improves circulation
lowers blood pressure
helps reduce stress
3. How long should you exercise?
1 time a week for 5 minutes
3 times a week for 20-50 minutes
2 times a week for 10 minutes
4. What can happen if you do not cool down properly?
get dizzy and lightheaded
get more intense muscle soreness the next day
puts more strain your heart
It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before you begin any type of exercise
Gelatin Poke Cake
1 box white cake mix
½ cup egg substitute or 1 egg and 2 egg whites
1/3 cup light or nonfat sour cream
1 4-serving package any flavor Sugar Free gelatin
(sweetened gelatin can also be used)
1 cup boiling water
½ cup cold water
2 ½ cups Cool Whip® Lite or Fat Free
Following package directions, make a 13X9 cake, except use the sour cream in place of the
oil and the egg substitute in place of the 3 eggs. Add the same amount of water called for
on the package. Bake as directed. After the cake has cooled for 15 minutes, poke the entire
cake with a fork at ½ inch intervals. Dissolve the gelatin in boiling water. Add the cold
water, and carefully pour over cake.
Chill a couple of hours. Before serving, spread Cool Whip Lite or Fat Free over the entire
cake. Garnish with fresh fruit if desired.
Common Heart Disease Medications
GOAL: To define some of the most common
heart disease medications and identify their
materials for snack
Prize (idea - weekly
medicine container)
This may the most complicated of al the lessons. Anytime someone is taking prescrip-
tion medications there will be questions. Questions such as the proper amount to take,
when to take or how to take the medication is always the main concern. Your local
pharmacy can be a big help. Most pharmacies will provide an information brochure
about the medication that you are taking.
This lesson discusses the most common heart disease medications. Refer to the
Participants Manual for detailed information. One suggestion is contacting your local
health department to see if one of the Registered Nurses can come and talk to the class
and discuss some of these medications. Another suggestion is have everyone bring a list
of their prescription drugs or their prescription drug bottles with them and the class
can learn about the type of medication they are taking as a group. A courtesy cal a day
before class to remind them would be helpful.
Drug Interactions
Ask the class what is a drug interaction. Give everyone a chance to
respond. Refer to the Participants Manual for a clear definition.
Ask the class if they have experienced a drug interaction.
Any side effects?
Give them a chance to explain their experience.
Keeping Track of Your Medications
Ask the class how they keep track of their medications. What type of
method do they use. You can bring a weekly medicine container to class and
show the class. These can be purchased at a local department store or
pharmacy. They are very inexpensive and can help people keep track of
their medications.
Refer to the Participants Manual for more details on how to keep track of
medications and what type of questions one should ask their doctor.
Heart Disease Drug Classes
This section of the lesson has been broken down into the seven different
drug classes. They are as followed:
® Anti-clotting drugs
® Cholesterol-lowering drugs
® Calcium channel blockers
® ACE Inhibitors
Use the Participants Manual as a guide to explain each of these classes. Give the class
time to ask questions and refer to their list of medications or prescription drug bottles
to help them learn more about the type of drug they are taking.
Have the class to list their medications listed in the activity section of their
Participants Manual. They are to find which class of drugs they fit in. They
can refer to the Appendix for a listing of all the drugs that are listed in that
given drug class. They can get started in class and finish it at home. If there is
a certain medication that they are taking and it does not fall into any of the 7
classes of drugs, write down the medication and maybe call the pharmacy or
check with the health department to find out more information. At next
weeks class, tell them what you found out.
Make up a question from the lesson and ask the class. Whoever gets it right,
wins a prize. An ideal prize would be a prescription drug weekly container.
6 cups apples, peeled and cut up into cubes
½ cup quick-cooking oats
¾ cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ cup butter or margarine, cut into small pieces
Combine flour, oats, sugar and cinnamon in bowl. Add cut-up butter into mix-
ture and mash with fork until the mixture looks like crumbs.
Butter or oil the bottom and sides of a baking dish and spread apples evenly
over bottom. Sprinkle the crumb mixture over the apples.
Place in an oven at 350 degrees and cook until the apples are soft and topping is
light brown, about 30 to 40 minutes.
Common Heart Disease Tests and
Treatment Options
GOAL: To increase the participants awareness
and knowledge of the most common heart disease
medical tests and treatment options.
Materials Needed:
Final Assessment Sheet
Ingredients and materials for snack
This lesson focuses on the most common heart disease medical tests and treatment
options other than medication. Some of the medical tests can be done in the doctors
office, while others can be done in the hospital on an out-patient basis. Years ago,
heart surgery required several days of recovery in the hospital. However, with better
technology, a weeks stay in the hospital is almost unheard of these days. Many people
can have a heart catheterization and angioplasty on the same day and come home 24-
48 hours after the procedure.
Maybe have a local doctor or registered nurse come and speak to the class about the
different medical tests and treatment options. Also, if time allows maybe do a hospital
tour of the cardiac unit. You will have to check with the hospital to make sure this is
allowable. They may be able to provide staff to show the participants where to regis-
ter, what area of the hospital the specific test or surgery is done, recovery area, and
look at the dif erent equipment used to perform the medical procedures. If this is
not an option, maybe contact the Cardiac Rehabilitation unit and see if a tour of this
area would be feasible.
A trip to the hospital can be a very scary experience especially if you do not know
where to go and what exactly the doctors and nurses will be doing to you. If a tour to
the hospital is not feasible, have the participants discuss there own experience with a
certain type of medical test or heart surgery. Individuals can learn and support one
Common Heart Disease Medical Tests and Treatment Options
Refer to the Participants Manual to review each medical test and
treatment option. Give the class time to comment and ask questions.
However, make sure the class does not get of track.
1. A HEART TRANSPLANT is usual y is a type of heart surgery that is
the last chance of survival.
2. A STRESS TEST is a test that is done while a person is walking on a
treadmill or stationary bicycle.
3. ANGIOPLASTY is a procedure that uses a balloon-like tube that is
inflated to widen an artery.
4. An EKG is a test that measures the hearts electrical activity. The results
can be seen being printed out on graph-like paper.
5. PACEMAKERS are commonly used to treat an abnormally slow
Sunshine Raisin Fruit Salad
¼ cup orange juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup strawberry halves
1 cup red or green seedless grapes
1 cup orange segments
Into a large bowl measure orange juice and honey; mix. Add strawberries,
grapes, oranges, bananas and raisins; toss gently. Spoon fruit mixture into 4
bowls, dividing equally. Top each bowl with ¼ cup granola and ¼ cup yogurt.
Garnish with whole strawberries of desired.
Participant Goals
Have the participants refer back to Lesson 1 and review their goals. Did
they meet them? Did anyone change their goals? Al ow time for group
Have each participant to fill out a program evaluation (found in the back of
the Participants Manual). Tell them that their comments and suggestions are
very important. The results will be used to help better modify future work-
Congratulations on a job well done! We want to sincerely thank you for
donating your time and energy to the Nutrition for a Healthy Heart pro-
gram. As a peer educator, you have made a great difference in the lives of
others. You have passed on valuable nutrition and wellness information to
people who may not have received it otherwise. Your job has been very
important and we really appreciate all the hard work you have done. We
hope that you have enjoyed your experience and that you have also ben-
efited from the program.
Common Heart Disease Medications Listing
To see what type of heart disease medication you are using, simply match up the name
of your prescription drug listed on your medicine bottle to the one found in one of the
classes of heart disease medications.
See which drug class it falls into and refer to Lesson 9: Common Heart Disease Medi-
cations to learn more about that particular class of drugs.
Benazepril (Lotensin)
Acebutolol (Sectral)
Captopril (Capoten)
Atenolol (Tenormin)
Enalopril (Vasotec)
Bisoprolol (Zebeta)
Fosinopril (Monopril)
Carvedilol (Coreg)
Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)
Metaprolol (Lopresso,
Moexipril (Univasc)
Lopressor LA, Toprol XL)
Perindopril (Aceon)
Nadolol (Corgard)
Quinapril (Accupril)
Sotalol (Betapace &
Ramipril (Altace)
Trandolapril (Mavik)
Timolol (Blocadren)
Calcium Channel Blockers:
Amlodipine (Norvasc)
Diltiazem (Cardizem)
Felodipine (Plendil)
Isradipine (DynaCirc)
Nicardipine (Cardene)
Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
Nimodipine (Sular)
Verapamil (Calan, Verelan, & Isoptin)
Anti-Clotting Drugs:
Warfarin (Coumadin)
There are four different classes of cholesterol-lowering drugs. They are as
Bile Acid Resins:
Colestipol (Colestid)
Colesevalam (Welchol)
Fenofibrate (Tricor)
Gemofibrozil (Lopid)
Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3 Niacin)
Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
Fluvastatin (Lescol)
Lovastatin (Mevacor)
Pravastatin (Pravachol)
Simvastatin (Zocor)
These drugs are mostly used to treat angina. They are as followed:
Erythrityl tetranitrate
Erythritol tetranitrate
Glyceryl tetranitrate
Isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil & Sorbitrate)
Isosorbide mononitrate (ISMO & Imdur)
Mannitol hexanitrate
There are four different types of diuretic drugs. They are as followed:
All of them help to lower blood pressure.
Bumetanide (Bumex)
Ethacrynate sodium
Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)
Furosemide (Lasix)
Torsemide (Demadex)
Osmotic Diuretics:
Amiloride hydrocholoride
Triamterene (Dyazide)
Thiazide Diuretics:
Cholorothiazide (Diuril)
Hydrocholorothiazide (HCTZ, Hydrodiuril, & Microzide)
Indopamide (Lozol)
Adams, Pat & Marc Jacobs. Yo! Lets Eat! Tulsa, OK: National Resource Center for Youth
Services, 1994.
American Heart Association. Available at http://www.americanheart.org. 2002.
. An Eating Plan for Healthy Americans. 1998.
. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. 1998.
. High Blood Pressure Fact Sheet. 1998.
Cleveland Clinic Heart Advisor. Stratford, CT: Torstar Publications, Inc. December
, January 2000.
, March 2000.
, April 2000.
, June 2000.
, October 2000.
, January 2001.
, March 2001.
, April 2001.
, May 2001.
, September 2001.
CNN. Eating Healthy for Heart Health. 1990.
Essentials of Warming Up and Cooling Down. Healthy Heart Newsletter, available at
General Information and Safety Issues for You to Be Aware of During Exercise. Healthy
Heart Newsletter, available at http://www.healthyheart.org, 1997.
Gershoff, Stanley, Ph.D. The Tufts University Guide to Total Nutrition. New York:
Heart Center Online. Available at http://www.heartcenteronline.com. 2000.
Helpful Hints to Keep Exercise a Life-Long Commitment. Healthy Heart Newsletter,
available at http://www.healthyheart.org, 1999.
Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, Inc. Food for Thought. 1999.
Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, Inc. Nutrition Basics for Working Fami-
Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, Inc. Womens Circle. 1997.
Kostas, G., M.P.H., R.D. The Balancing Act Nutrition and Weight Loss Guide. Dallas:
Kostas, 1993.
Kris-Etherton, Penny, Ph.D., R.D., and Julie H. Burns, M.S., R.D., eds. Cardiovascular
Nutrition. The American Dietetic Association, 1998.
Lombardo, Michelle. Take Charge of Your Health: The Active Older Adult Speakers Kit.
GA: Wellness Incorporated, 1999.
Massachusetts Gerontological Nutrition Group. A Supermarket Tour For Elders. 1999.
Moquette-Magee, Elaine, M.P.H., R.D. Fight Fat & Win Cookbook. Minneapolis:
Chronimed Publishing, 1994.
National Livestock and Meat Board. Painless Lowfat Options. 1994.
Parlay International Kopy Kit. Stress, Heart Health, & Weight Management. Emeryville,
CA: Parlay, 1998.
Project Lean. Savvy Supermarket Shopping Skills. 1999.
University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension System. The Good Eating for Less
Cookbook. 1992.
Whitney, Cataldo, Rolfes. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. 4JD Edition.
If you would like additional copies of the Leaders Guide and/or Participants
Manual, please clip and return to:
Kentucky River Foothills
Development Council, Inc.
Community Food and Nutrition Program
1623 Foxhaven Drive
Richmond, KY 40475
_copies of the Leaders Guide at $5.00 per copy
_copies of the Participants Manual at $5.00 per copy $ _
Save by ordering in bulk!
Package A includes:
® 1 copy of the Leaders Guide and 10 copies of the Participants Manual
Package B includes:
® 10 copies of the Participants Guide for $40
I would like _ package(s) of Package A
_ package(s) of Package B
Your feedback is important to us. We use your opinions and insight to improve on our
materials and programs. We would like for you to take a minute to tell us what you
liked and didnt like about this handbook.
How would you rate the Nutrition for a Healthy Heart handbook?
Excellent Good Fair Poor
What did you like most about it?
What did you like least about it?
What information was most helpful to you?
What information was least helpful to you?
Was the book easy for you to read and understand?
Very easy to read Somewhat easy to read Not easy to read
Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation form.
We appreciate your comments. Please return this form to:
Kentucky River Foothills
Development Council, Inc.
Community Food and Nutrition Program
1623 Foxhaven Drive
Richmond, KY 40475
Source: http://www.foothillscap.org/Services/CFN%20Documents/Heathly_Heart_Leaders_Guide.pdf
Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 33 No. 1 75–79, 2016 Effectiveness of Intralesional Triamcinolone in the Treatment of Keloids in Children Silvana Acosta, M.D.,* Ester Ureta, M.D.,† Ricardo Ya nez, M.D.,* Natalia Oliva, M.D.,‡ Susana Searle, M.D.,* and Claudio Guerra, M.D.* *Plastic Surgery Section, Surgery Division, Medical School, Pontificia Universidad Cat olica de Chile, Santiago,
Contents Definition, epidemiology, burden and etiology of osteoporosis………………………. 1 I-1 Definition and concept . 1 I-2 Epidemiology of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures…………………………… 1 2.1 Worldwide epidemiology . 1 2.2 Epidemiology in Asia and Thailand. 2 I-3 Burden and impact of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures . 2 3.1 3 Osteoporosis related mortality and morbidity). 3 3.2 Health economic aspect of osteoporotic fractures)………………………………. 3 I-4 Pathogenesis and etiology . 4 4.1 Pathogenesis . … 4 References . 5