Your guide to what's happening in Jewish Rhode Island between Purim and Passover.
March 2 - April 22, 2014 Brought to you by the Synagogue Initiative of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island.
Welcome to our first Purim to Passover Guide—here you'll find many of the events going on in the Greater Rhode Island Jewish community taking place between March 2 - April 22. This guide came about based on community feedback after our eight-day Israel @ Sixty-Five celebration. We received overwhelming response asking for a
comprehensive listing of events at different times throughout the year. The Jewish Alliance reached out to all Jewish agencies and synagogues in the area asking them to submit events that are open to the community regardless of synagogue affiliation.
To make the guide easier to follow we've created icons: • the Grogger icon will be used to indicate Purim related events;• the Seder Plate icon will signify Passover related events.
Events without icons are general events taking place between Purim and Passover.
Purim Mitzvah Day
or stay and meet with staff from our local monthly Israeli Culture Through Film event, Sunday, March 2 1:30 - 4:00pm
camp and year-round youth programs to learn featuring the Israeli film The Flood followed The Phyllis Siperstein Tamarisk Assisted
more about opportunities for their children to by a lively discussion led by Matan. Suggested be involved in our community. price $5 Members: $3 For more information,
3 Shalom Drive, Warwick
For more information or to RSVP, contact Rachel contact Erin Moseley at 401.421.4111 ext. 108 Join us for our annual Purim Mitzvah Day! Mersky Woda at We will be baking Hamentaschen which will be hand-delivered to local nursing homes Kindly RSVP no later than February 26. Shabbat Chai
throughout the state by Jewish Seniors Friday, March 7 6:00pm
Agency. Children are encouraged to come in Make your own Mishloach Manot
Temple Emanu-El
costume to participate in a parade through 99 Taft Avenue, Providence
the residence. There will also be stories, Monday, March 3 3:00 - 9:00pm
Join us for our musical Friday night Shabbat crafts, and games. For more information, contact Dwares JCC Creativity Center
Service, and don't forget to stay for a free Michelle Cicchitelli at 401.421.4111 ext. 178 or 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
dinner! For more information, go to www.teprov. Missed out on our fun turkey/menorah org/shabbat_alive or call 401.331.1616. Sponsored by: PJ Library, Jewish Seniors workshop? Don't miss out on this Agency, Tamarisk, Shalom Family workshop—get creative and make your own Israeli Music Night – Shira Be'tzibur
Mishloach Manot containers—boxes or bags, Saturday, March 8 7:00 – 8:00pm
Camp JORI presents
it's your choice! For more information or to RSVP, Dwares JCC
100 Days Til Summer
contact Diane Cerep at 401.421.4111 ext. 182 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
Sunday, March 2 2:00pm
or [email protected]. Kindly RSVP by Join Matan Graff, Israeli Shaliach (Emissary) for Dwares JCC Social Hall
February 27. Please let us know how many people a night of live Israeli music—all are welcome! 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
and what time we can expect you. Hebrew and English lyrics will be projected Join us for a fantastic celebration as we begin on a screen and everyone is encouraged to the countdown to Summer 2014! We will have Israel Culture Through Film: The Flood
sing along. For more information contact Matan a DJ with games, fun music, and dancing to get Wednesday, March 5 7:00 - 9:00pm
Graff at 401.421.4111 ext. 121 or mgraf@ us in the mood for warmer weather. This event Dwares JCC Social Hall
is open to everyone, not just those registered 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
for Camp JORI. Parents can drop off their kids Join Israeli emissary Matan Graff at our Special Section: Purim to Passover
Dueling Artists Event
Beth-Elders Shabbat Dinner
there will be charge for drinks (non-alcoholic Saturday, March 8 7:30 – 11:00pm
Friday, March 14 5:30 - 8:00pm
and alcoholic) and special raffles. Contact Temple Torat Yisrael
Gershon Levine at [email protected] for more 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich
70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
details or please call 401.331.1616. Back by popular demand, the second Dueling Seniors are invited to Shabbat Dinner with Artists Event. The paint will fly.Right before Shabbat Service followed by guest speaker and Purim Megillat Esther (Purim Scroll)
your eyes! Artists will create original Works discussion. $18 per person (check payable to Reading followed by Annual Purim
of Art to bid on before they are dry. Cocktail Temple Beth-El will serve as RSVP).
Carnival and Festivities
reception, appetizers and dessert! Live For more information, contact Saturday, March 15 7:30pm
and silent auctions with guest emcee and Congregation Beth Sholom
auctioneer, Barbara Morse Silva from Channel 275 Camp Street, Providence
10 (NBC). Cost: $30 per person. For more K'Tantan Purim Party
The Story of Queen Esther is read in information or to RSVP, contact Susan Smoller at Saturday March, 15 5:30 - 7:00pm
traditional form, from the Purim Scroll. We 401.885.6600 or [email protected]. Kindly welcome all community members, families, RSVP by February 28. 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
adults, seniors, and children to hear the Once a month, families enjoy K'Tantan reading of the Megillah, reminding us of the Arts Emanu-El and the Boston Jewish
Shabbat, an informal participatory Shabbat important message of the Purim holiday. The Musical Festival presents: Oy Mama
service, followed by a light dinner. Holiday reading will be followed by delicious food, fun, A Children's Concert with Mama Doni
programs include Hanukkah, Purim and games, prizes, face painting, bouncy house and Sunday, March 9 4:30pm
Passover celebrations and workshops. much more! Annual Grand Costume Contest Temple Emanu-El
Unaffiliated parents with young children may for adults, teens, and children. For more 99 Taft Avenue, Providence
contact our Executive Director, Judy L. Moseley at information, call 401.621.9393. Mama Doni makes a musical Jewish Chicken 401.331.6070 or [email protected] to Soup of reggae, rock, disco, klezmer and other add their names and email addresses to the email Purim Megillat Esther (Purim Scroll)
musical styles. Kids, moms, dads, and bubbie invitation list. K'Tantan receives funding from and zaydie will be dancing in the aisles. Tickets: the Frances and David Friedman Young Family Sunday, March 16 8:00am
Adults $10 Children $5 with a family max of Congregation Beth Sholom
$20. For tickets, go to bostonjewishmucisfestival. 275 Camp Street, Providence
org or call 401.331.1616 for more information. Purim at Temple Habonim
Morning prayer service and second reading of Saturday, March 15 6:00pm
Megillat Esther.
gallery (401) presents:
Everyone Has a Story to Tell
165 New Meadow Road, Barrington
Thursday, March 13 7:00 – 9:00pm
Everyone is welcome to join us as we Sunday, March 16 10:00am – noon
Dwares JCC gallery (401)
celebrate Purim with a Shpiel and Megillah Congregation Agudas Achim
401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
reading! For more information contact 901 North Main Street, Attleboro
To communicate something meaningful in Jodi Sullivan at 401.245.6536 or office@ We will be having games, food and fun. Please exactly six words might seem preposterous, if bring a monetary or food donation for the not impossible. However, six-word memoirs Matanot L'evyonim (gifts for the poor). This are a profound and creative way to think Megillah Reading and
event is open to all. For more information or about our lives, our surroundings, our reality, Israeli Wine Tasting
to RSVP, contact 508.222.2243 or office@ and ultimately ourselves. gallery (401) is Saturday, March 15 6:00 – 9:00pm Kindly RSVP by Friday, March 7. offering a simple platform to share the short, Temple Sinai
sharp story of your life. Submissions will be 30 Hagen Avenue, Cranston
Temple Emanu-El Purim Carnival
used to create the exhibit, "Everyone Has a Join us in a festive celebration of Purim. Enjoy Sunday, March 16 10:15am - 1:00pm
Story to Tell" on view in gallery (401) at the a creative telling of the Purim story, sample Temple Emanu-El
Dwares JCC from March 13 through April gourmet Israeli wines, and celebrate this happy 99 Taft Avenue, Providence
11. All of the individual memoirs will appear holiday together. For more information or to Don't miss the annual Temple Emanu-El Purim exactly how they are received, ensuring each RSVP, contact Rabbi Peter Stein at 401.942.8350 Carnival. Fun, games, prizes…. And yes, we will author's true freedom of expression. No be having our ever-popular barbecue lunch! names will be displayed in the exhibit. Kindly RSVP by March 7. 10:15 - 11:15am Games for preschool and Log on to to submit your six-word story by February 28, 2014 Megillah Reading, Spiel, and
11:15am - 1:00pm All ages and become part of the Jewish storytelling For more details, contact Jacob Sydney at tradition. For more information, contact Saturday, March 15 6:30 - 8:00pm
Erin Moseley at 401.421.4111 ext. 108 or Temple Beth El
2:00pm Temple Purim Spiel Performance "A 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
Nightmare of Chelm St." This year's musical- Fun Purim celebration for the entire family. All comedy rendition of the Purim story skewers welcome. For more information contact Ms. Judith Gilson at 401.621.6070 or jgilson@ Religious School Purim Carnival
Sunday, March 16 11:00am
Temple Emanu-El Celebrates Purim!
Saturday, March 15 7:00pm
165 New Meadow Road, Barrington
Temple Emanu-El
Lots of fun for all ages at our annual Religious 99 Taft Avenue, Providence
School Purim Carnival. For more information or Family Purim program, is geared for families to RSVP, contact Jodi Sullivan at 401.245.6536 or with young children. Come in costume and participate in fun activities. 7:30pm Temple Megillah Reading: Always fun and spiritual, come to Emanu-El for a meaning- Sunday, March 16 12:00 – 2:00pm
ful and joyous reading of Megillat Esther.
Temple Torat Yisrael
8:45pm Adult Purim Rock'n'Roll Dance Party 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich
with live band Led Schleppelin. Join us for a fun Come celebrate this festive holiday at post-Megillah reading evening for adults. Food, Torat Yisrael's Purim Carnival! There will fun, and Rock'n'Roll. Entrance is free, but be games, prizes, food, and many other fun Special Section: Purim to Passover
family activities! Check out our website at Dan Gamm CRPC® Private Wealth Advisor, Israel Culture Through Film: for more details. For consists of seven, one-hour sessions covering "Fill the Void"
more information or to RSVP, contact Rebecca critical components. This session will focus on Wednesday, April 2 7:00 - 9:00pm
Hochhauser at 401.885.6600 or rshochhauser@ Identity Theft, how to protect yourself, what Dwares JCC RSVPs appreciated. steps to take to protect your identity, and 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
what to do if you become a victim of identity This intimate, insightful, respectful, and moving CBS Annual Purim Seudah (celebratory
theft. For more information or to RSVP, contact film follows life among the ultra-Othodox meal) & Purim Raffle
Erin Moseley at 401.421.4111 ext. 108 or Haredim Jewish community in Tel Aviv, Israel. Sunday, March 16 5:30pm
The well-to-do family of Rabbi Aharon suffers Congregation Beth Sholom
Sponsored by: Shalom Family, Alliance Family a tragedy when his daughter Esther dies 275 Camp Street, Providence
Room Parenting Center, and (401)j while giving birth. A younger daughter, Shira, Join us for this wonderful occasion and spend 18, is pressured by her mother to marry her time with family, friends, and community Joint Reform Service
deceased sister's husband. guests. Special surprise Purim Raffle will be Friday, March 28 7:00 - 8:00pm
Suggested price: $5 Members: $3
held. Meat meal with a vegetarian option For more information, contact Erin Moseley and BYOB *wine* All alcohol will be checked 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
at 401.421.4111 ext. 108 or emoseley@ by the mashgiach. To RSVP and for more Joint Reform Service with Jeffrey K. Savit, information, contact [email protected] President and CEO of the Jewish Alliance of or 401.621.9393. Greater Rhode Island as guest speaker.
First Friday
For more information, contact Friday, April 4 5:30pm
Shabbat Hallelu Service
Friday, March 21 6:30 - 8:00pm
165 New Meadow Road, Barrington
Exhibit Opening at the Gallery at
First Friday Celebration of Shabbat: 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
5:30pm Tot Shabbat Service A service in song featuring Temple Beth-El Sunday, March 30 11:00am
6:00pm Pizza Dinner musicians. Light refreshments will be served at 6:45pm Family Service - 4th Grade Class will 6:30. For more information contact 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington
share in the leadership of the service.
Opening of April/May Exhibit at the Gallery Sophie Kasakove will lead singing at both at Temple Habonim features artwork by our services. Cost: $3 (includes pizza dinner) "Unlearning Authoritarianism in the
Religious School students. For more information, For more information, contact Jodi Sullivan at Middle East"
contact Jodi Sullivan at 401.245.6536 or office@ 401.245.6536 or [email protected]. Sunday, March 23 7:00pm
Sign up at 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington
Family Passover Baking
Health Fair presented by Torat Yisrael
Nearly three years have passed since the Sunday, March 30 2:00 - 4:00pm
Sisterhood & RI Hadassah
beginning of "the Arab Spring" that is still Dwares JCC
Friday, April 4 10:00am – 1:00pm
convulsing the Middle East and North Africa. 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
Temple Torat Yisrael
Emboldened citizens in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Baking without flour can be a major challenge. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich
Syria, and Yemen have unseated governments, Join chef and author of The Holiday Kosher Torat Yisrael's Sisterhood & Rhode Island ousted presidents, and increasingly spiraled Baker, Paula Shoyer, as she teaches us some Hadassah are co-sponsoring a Community into cycles of civil and ethnic conflict. Dr. Heidi tricks. For more information or to RSVP, contact Health Fair. This event is open to all.
Lane explores "Why is it difficult to unlearn Michelle Cicchitelli at 401.421.4111 ext. 178 or For more information contact Ruth Ross at the habits of authoritarianism in the wake of 401.885.6600 or [email protected]. revolution and how does this process affect Sponsored by: Alliance Family Room Parenting rule of law in post-transition states?" Center, PJ Library Shabbat Chai
For more information, contact Jodi Sullivan at Friday, April 4 6:00pm
401.245.6536 or [email protected]. Passover Drop-in Crafts
Temple Emanu-El
Tuesday, April 1 10:00 - 11:00am
99 Taft Avenue, Providence
"Afro-Jewish Encounters from Timbuktu
Thursday, April 3 4:00 - 5:00pm
Join us for our musical Friday night Shabbat to the Indian Ocean" with Professor Bill
Dwares JCC
Service, and don't forget to stay for a free Miles. Arts Emanu-El and the Koffler
401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
dinner! For more information, go to www.teprov. Bornstein Families Institute of Jewish
Drop-in to create a Passover craft with your org/shabbat_alive or call 401.331.1616. child. All supplies will be provided. Tuesday, March 25 7:30pm
Price: $4 per child, $10 family maximum Member: $2 per child, $5 family maximum 99 Taft Avenue, Providence
For more information, contact Michelle Cicchitelli Hear about the Rabbi of Timbuktu, Hanukkah at 401.421.4111 ext. 178 or mcicchitelli@ in Hausaland, Israelites in Kenya and more. Through narratives, slides and video, Profes- Sponsored by: Alliance Family Room Parenting sor Bill Miles' of Northeastern University will Center, PJ Library, Shalom Family share stories from his 35 years of Afro-Jewish encounters. Price $5 - Ticket price includes Rosh Hodesh
Prof. Miles talk, a book signing, dessert and Tuesday, April 1 12:00 – 1:15pm
beverages, and an opportunity to purchase Dwares JCC
Afro-Jewish Encounters: from Timbuktu
401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
to the Indian Ocean and Beyond (2013) at
The Women's Alliance of the Jewish Alliance of discount prices. For more information, go to www. Greater Rhode Island presents: Rabbi Michelle or call 401.331.1616. Dardashti, Rabbi/Associate University Chaplain for Jewish Life at Brown University. Financial Workshop Series:
Cost: $10 (lunch included) For more information or to RSVP, contact Danielle Thursday, March 27 7:00 – 8:00pm
Germanowski at 401.421.4111 ext. 109 or Dwares JCC
401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
Kindly RSVP By March 18. The Financial Workshop Series, facilitated by Special Section: Purim to Passover
Pre-Pesach Wine Tasting & Sale
My Songs for the Jews of Cuba with
Community Passover Seder
Sunday, April 6 7:30 – 9:30pm
Visiting Scholar Cantor Lisa Levine
Tuesday, April 15 6:30pm
Congregation Beth Sholom
Sunday, April 13 2:00 - 3:00pm
275 Camp Street, Providence
165 New Meadow Road, Barrington
Join us for a wine tasting presented by Bottles 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
Please join us for our annual community Fine Wines. Admission: $18 Seniors & Lisa Levine, our world famous visiting cantor, Second Night of Passover Seder. Each family Students $5 (21+ please bring ID). For more will perform a one-hour concert taking provides its own main course, plus a dessert information, please contact officebethsholom@ the audience around the world with Jewish or salad to share. Sisterhood will provide the or 401.621.9393. music. In 2006, Lisa performed a concert in traditional Passover trimmings: wine, juice, Havana, Cuba, where she adapted a concert matzos, Seder plates, place settings, etc. Please K'Tantan Shabbat and Dinner
of Jewish folk songs that she thought the bring a donation of canned goods for TAP-IN.
Friday, April 11 5:30 - 7:00pm
Jewish community there would love. Audiences For more information or to RSVP, contact Jodi have been riveted by her story and stylistic Sullivan at 401.245.6536 or 70 Orchard Street, Providence
renderings of the favorite songs of the Jewish [email protected]. Kindly RSVP by Friday, Once a month, families enjoy K'Tantan people. For more information, contact April 11. Sign up at Shabbat, an informal participatory Shabbat service, followed by a light dinner. Holiday Opening Reception: gallery (401)'s
programs include Hanukkah, Purim, and Passover Morning Service
Local Artist Exhibition
Passover celebrations and workshops. Tuesday, April 15 10:00am – noon
Thursday, April 17 7:00 – 9:00pm
Sponsored by: Maren Fund. Unaffiliated parents Temple Sinai
Dwares JCC gallery (401)
with young children may contact Executive 30 Hagen Avenue, Cranston
401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence
Director Judy L. Moseley at 401.331.6070 or Joyous and inspiring festival morning service. Join us for the opening reception as gallery [email protected] to add their names Come celebrate the beginning of Passover (401) highlights a variety of local artists.
and email addresses to the email invitation list. For with the traditional prayers and the beautiful Wine and light snacks will be served. This more information contact [email protected]. innovations of Reform Judaism. For more event is free and open to the community.
information, contact Rabbi Peter Stein at For more information, contact Erin Moseley at Soulful Shabbat Ruach
401.942.8350 or [email protected]. 401.421.4111 ext. 108 or Friday, April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm
Temple Sinai Second Seder
70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
Tuesday, April 15 5:30 – 8:30pm
Shabbat Hallelu Service
Soulful Shabbat Ruach is an original Shabbat Temple Sinai
Friday, April 18 7:00 - 8:30pm
Evening Service written and performed by 30 Hagen Avenue, Cranston
world famous visiting Cantor Lisa Levine. The Inclusive and participatory community second 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
prayers are set in both Hebrew and English Seder led by Rabbi Peter Stein. Join together Uplifting musical Shabbat featuring Temple and meld a variety of styles including Gospel, with old and new friends in celebrating the Beth-El musicians. For more information, contact Country, Folk, Chassidic, Klezmer, and Latino. festival of freedom. A full dinner will be served.
Along the way, Lisa will share her insights Cost and RSVP date to be determined. Please into the meaning of prayers, her inspiration in contact Dottie Swajian at 401.942.8350 or Passover Eve Service
writing her songs, and her unique perspective [email protected] for more information. Sunday, April 20 7:00 – 9:00pm
on life. For more information, contact Temple Sinai
Temple Am David's 14th Annual
30 Hagen Avenue, Cranston
Sponsored by: Maren Fund. Community Passover 2nd Night Seder
7th Day/Concluding Service for Passover, Tuesday, April 15 6:00pm
including Yizkor and the Dedication of New Yoga Shalom
Temple Am David,
Memorial Plaques. Come and enjoy the special Saturday, April 12 9:00 - 10:00am
40 Gardiner Street, Warwick
traditions of Reform Judaism as we reach the After services, a catered traditional Passover end of this sacred festival. For more information, 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence
meal will be served and a Seder Plate will contact Rabbi Peter Stein at 401.942.8350 or Lisa Levine, our world famous visiting cantor be provided for each table. Kosher catering will lead Yoga Shalom: a unique worship by Accounting For Taste, LLC. This is a experience that brings together body, mind, community-wide event, so bring the whole Passover Yizkor Service
and spirit for an extraordinary prayer service. family! Hosted by Rabbi Richard Perlman and Monday, April 21 10:00am – noon
Combining the two powerful spiritual Paul Finstein, Esq. Kindly RSVP by April 10. Temple Sinai
disciplines of Jewish worship and yoga practice. Full table reservations are available. Please call 30 Hagen Avenue, Cranston
Yoga Shalom is for EVERYONE.
Temple Am David for cost and menu information Come enjoy the special traditions of For more information, contact at 401.463.7944. Reform Judaism as we mark the seventh and concluding day of Passover. Service will include the recitation of the Yizkor/Memorial prayers.
For more information, contact Rabbi Peter Stein at 401.942.8350 or [email protected]. The Jewish Alliance would like to thank the following synagogues and agencies for their participation: Camp JORI Congregation Agudas Achim Congregation Beth Sholom Jewish Seniors Agency RI Hadassah The Phyllis Siperstein Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence Temple Am-David Temple Beth-El Temple Emanu-El Temple Habonim Temple Sinai Temple Torat Yisrael



British Journal of Anaesthesia 103 (5): 711–18 (2009) Advance Access publication August 22, 2009 Apoptosis induction by different local anaesthetics in a neuroblastoma cell line R. Werdehausen1, S. Fazeli1, S. Braun1, H. Hermanns1, F. Essmann3, M. W. Hollmann4, I. Bauer2 and M. F. Stevens5* 1Department of Anaesthesiology and 2Department of Experimental Anaesthesiology, University of Du¨sseldorf,Du¨sseldorf, Germany. 3Institute of Biochemistry, University of Tu¨bingen, Tu¨bingen, Germany. 4Department of

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Research Article AIDBD: AUTOIMMUNE AND INFLAMMATORY DISEASES BIOMARKER DATABASE Kulwinder Singh1,*, Monika2, Neelam Verma1 1Department of Biotechnology, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002, Punjab, India 2Department of Biotechnology, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib 140406, Punjab, India Corresponding Author: Kulwinder Singh. Tel: +91-9888695963; E-mail: [email protected]