Instructions for use ‘template research protocol'
A prospective, randomized, multicenter study
M.R. Germans*, M.D.
D. Verbaan*, Ph.D.
G.J.E. Rinkel#, prof., M.D., Ph.D.
W.P. Vandertop*, prof., M.D., Ph.D.
*,Neurosurgical Center Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center
# Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Utrecht
PROTOCOL TITLE Ultra-early tranexamic acid after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Protocol ID
Short title
Project leader
Prof.dr. W.P. Vandertop
Dr. D. Verbaan, Academic Medical Center,
Coordinating investigator
Principal investigator(s) (in
Dr. D. Verbaan, Academic Medical Center,
Prof.dr. W.P. Vandertop, VU University Medical
Multicenter research: per site
Center, Amsterdam
Prof. dr. G.J.E. Rinkel, University Medical Center
Drs. R. Post, Academic Medical Center,
Drs. M.R. Germans, Academic Medical Center,
Dr. B.A. Coert, Academic Medical Center,
D. Verbaan, Ph.D. (AMC)
W.P. Vandertop, prof., M.D., Ph.D (AMC, VUMC)
Steering committee
M.R. Germans, M.D. (AMC)
B.A. Coert, M.D., Ph.D. (AMC)
Y.B.W.E.M. Roos, M.D., Ph.D. (AMC)
R. v.d. Berg, M.D., Ph.D. (AMC)
C.B.L.M. Majoie, M.D., Ph.D. (AMC)
J. Horn, M.D., Ph.D. (AMC)
G.J.E. Rinkel, prof., M.D., Ph.D. (UMCU)
Sponsor (in Dutch:
Academic Medical Center
Independent physician(s)
Dr. P. v.d. Munckhof, M.D., Ph.D., Academic
Medical Center, Amsterdam
Laboratory sites
None involved
For non-commercial research,
Head of Department:
Prof.dr. W.P. Vandertop
Principal Investigator:
Dr. D. Verbaan
Site investigator:
Population (base) .12
Inclusion criteria .13
Exclusion criteria .13
Sample size calculation .14
Investigational product/treatment .15
Escape medication .15
Name and description of investigational medicinal product .15
Summary of findings from clinical studies .16
Summary of known and potential risks and benefits .16
Description and justification of route of administration and dosage .16
Dosages, dosage modifications and method of administration .16
Drug accountability and logistics .17
Study parameters/endpoints .17
Main study parameter/endpoint .17
Secondary study parameters/endpoints .17
Other study parameters .18
Randomisation, blinding and treatment allocation .19
Study procedures .20
Withdrawal of individual subjects .20
Replacement of individual subjects after withdrawal .21
10.1 Temporary halt for reasons of subject safety .21 10.2 Adverse and serious adverse events .22
10.2.1 Suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions (SUSAR) .23 10.2.2 Annual safety report .23
10.3 Follow-up of adverse events .24 10.4 Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) .24 10.5 Monitoring .24
11.1 Descriptive statistics and analysis between randomization groups .25 11.2 Interim analysis .25 11.3 Analyses on primary and secondary outcomes .26
12.1 Regulation statement .26 12.2 Recruitment and consent.26 12.3 Objection by minors or incapacitated subjects .28 12.4 Benefits and risks assessment, group relatedness .28 12.5 Compensation for injury .29 12.6 Incentives .29
13.1 Handling and storage of data and documents .29 13.2 Amendments .30 13.3 Annual progress report .30 13.4 End of study report .30 13.5 Public disclosure and publication policy .31
APPENDIX: Dutch Flowchart SAE and SUSAR procedures .34
ABR form (General Assessment and Registration form) is required for submission
to the accredited Ethics Committee (ABR = Algemene Beoordeling en Registratie)
Adverse Reaction
Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects
Computed tomography
Computed tomography angiography
Curriculum Vitae
Digital subtraction angiography
Data Safety Monitoring Board
Delayed cerebral ischemia
EudraCT European drug regulatory affairs Clinical Trials GCP Good Clinical Practice
Glasgow Coma Scale
Investigator's Brochure
Informed Consent
Investigational Medicinal Product
Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier
Medical research ethics committee (MREC); in Dutch: medisch ethische toetsing
commissie (METC)
Serious Adverse Event
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Substitute decision maker
Summary of Product Characteristics (in Dutch: officiële productinformatie IB1-
The sponsor is the party that commissions the organisation or performance of the
research, for example a pharmaceutical company, academic hospital, scientific
organisation or investigator. A party that provides funding for a study but does not
commission it is not regarded as the sponsor, but referred to as a subsidising
Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction
Personal Data Protection Act (in Dutch: Wet Bescherming Persoonsgevens)
Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (Wet Medisch-wetenschappelijk
Onderzoek met Mensen)
Version number: 10
Rationale: Approximately 50% of all patients with a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) die
due to the hemorrhage or subsequent complications. There are several major causes for this
course, such as in-hospital rebleeding in 21.5% which most frequently occurs within the first
6 hours after the primary hemorrhage ("ultra-early rebleed"). A major part of the patients with
a rebleed die during hospital admission and when they survive, they develop more severe
cognitive dysfunctions. Reducing the rebleeds by ultra-early administration of tranexamic
acid (TXA) could be a major factor in improving the functional outcome after SAH.
Objective: Primary: To evaluate whether SAH patients treated by state-of-the-art SAH
management with additional ultra-early and short term TXA administration have a
significantly higher percentage of favourable outcome after six months (score 0-3 on the
Modified Rankin Scale) compared to the group treated by up-to-date SAH management
without additional TXA. Secondary: To evaluate whether: 1) TXA reduces in-hospital
rebleeds and case fatalities; 2) TXA causes more ischemic stroke 3) TXA causes more
complications (such as thromboembolic events, hydrocephalus, extracranial thrombosis or
hemorrhagic complications) during treatment, admission and follow-up; 4) there is a
difference in causes of poor outcome between groups; 5) there is a difference in discharge
locations between groups; 6) there is an association between the time between hemorrhage
and TXA administration and outcome; 7) TXA increases (micro)infarctions after endovascular
treatment; 8) TXA reduces health-care costs between discharge and six months after
hemorrhage; 9) TXA improves quality of life at six months after hemorrhage; 10) there are
differences in rebleed rates and outcome between genders or groups with different WFNS
scores at admission.
Study design: Multicenter, prospective, randomized, open label treatment with blind
endpoint assessment.
Study population: Adult patients (18 years and older) included within 24 hours after SAH.
Intervention: Group one: standard treatment with additional administration of 1 g TXA
intravenously in ten minutes, immediately after the diagnosis SAH, succeeded by continuous
infusion of 1 g per 8 hours until a maximum of 24 hours. Group two: standard treatment with
no TXA administration. Both groups undergo a standardized and validated interview at
discharge and six months after hemorrhage to assess the modified Rankin Scale score, and
both groups receive a questionnaire to evaluate health-care costs and quality of life.
Main study parameters/endpoints:
Primary: modified Rankin Scale score after six months, dichotomized into favourable and
unfavourable outcome. Secondary: rebleed and case fatality rate, complications during the
first six months after hemorrhage, (micro)infarctions at MR imaging after endovascular
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treatment, health-care costs from discharge until six months, quality of life at six months and
differences in rebleed rates and outcome between genders or WFNS score at admission.
Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and
group relatedness: Subjects are randomly allocated to ultra-early TXA therapy or standard
treatment. Complications are minor and the expected benefit is large compared with
separate studies done with antifibrinolytic medications. In these studies, the safety of the use
of these medications in this study population is confirmed.
In this patient group there are adequate, disoriented and comatose patients on admission, so
a part of the studied patients are incapacitated when undergoing the study. To extrapolate
the conclusions of this study to clinical protocols it is necessary to include patients with a
SAH in all different severity grades. Weighing carefully the benefits versus the burden and
risks, it is assumed that patients will benefit from ultra-early TXA administration with minimal
burden during therapy.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) accounts for 5% of all strokes, and has an incidence of 6-7
per 100.000 person-years1. In 85% an intracranial aneurysm is found which is responsible for
the hemorrhage, in 10% a perimesencephalic hemorrage is diagnosed and the remaining
group includes other or unknown causes2, 3. SAH occurs at a fairly young age and carries a
worse prognosis than other types of stroke.4 Approximately 25% of all patients with
aneurysmal SAH have a favourable outcome5. Nevertheless, these patients still have severe
cognitive and functional dysfunctions6. The case fatality in SAH is 50% due to the initial
hemorrhage or subsequent complications1. A frequent complication in patients with SAH is a
recurrent bleeding from the aneurysm ("rebleed") which occurs in 4-12%7-11 of patients that
reach the hospital within the first 24 hours. The percentage of rebleeds increases to 21.5%12
if the rebleeds presenting within the first six hours after the primary hemorrhage9, 11 ("ultra-
early rebleed") are also counted in. A rebleed is, next to the primary hemorrhage, still one of
the major causes of death and disability in patients with SAH13. Functional dependency in
this patient group is related to a lower quality of life and higher healthcare costs14.
The prognosis of patients with SAH can be improved by decreasing the amount of rebleeds
which can be accomplished by early aneurysm occlusion15, 16. However, in daily clinical
practice, treatment can be delayed by a delay in diagnosis and transfer to a tertiary center.
Therefore, despite several efforts to improve the logistic processes, ultra-early rebleeds still
occur before the aneurysm is secured15.
An alternative to reduce the number of rebleeds, other than by early aneurysm occlusion, is
treatment with antifibrinolytic agents prior to aneurysm occlusion17. Long-term administration
of antifibrinolytics has been extensively studied in the previous century. A Cochrane review
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concerning antifibrinolytic therapy for aneurysmal SAH found a reduction in rebleeds of
approximately 40% with administration of antifibrinolytic therapy17. Nevertheless, no
significant difference was seen in outcome, due to a concurrent increase in ischemic stroke
as a result of the antifibrinolytic treatment. A limitation of the included studies is that the
majority was performed over a decade ago when overall outcome after SAH was worse
because of less accurate diagnostic methods, lack of nimodipine treatment and a minor role
for endovascular treatment1, 18. Nowadays, diagnosis and treatment are performed earlier
after the initial hemorrhage and administration of nimodipin, a calcium antagonist which is
proven to reduce ischemic stroke, is standard. Recent studies combining these up-to-date
treatment protocols with early, short-term antifibrinolytic therapy show better results
compared to the earlier performed studies8, 9, 19, with a tendency for improved functional
outcome without an increase in ischemic stroke, as shown in a recent meta-analysis20.
Although results from previous studies are promising, a randomized clinical trial in which TXA
is administrated ultra-early (as soon as possible and at least within the first 24 hours after the
primary hemorrhage) and for a short time period has not been performed yet. Ultra-early TXA
treatment is expected to reduce the amount of rebleeds as much as possible whilst the short-
term administration in combination with early aneurysm occlusion might reduce the risk for
the occurrence of ischemic stroke20. This should result in a better outcome for patients with
SAH. Therefore, the goal of this study is to evaluate whether patients with ultra-early and
short-term administration of tranexamic acid (TXA), as add-on to standard, state-of-the-art
SAH management have a significantly better functional outcome at six months compared to
patients treated by standard, state-of-the-art SAH management without additional TXA
Primary Objective:
• To evaluate whether a group of patients with SAH treated by standard, state-of-the-art
SAH management with additional ultra-early and short-term TXA administration (TXA
group) has a significantly higher percentage of patients with a favourable outcome
after six months (score 0-3 on the Modified Rankin Scale21; mRS) compared to a
group treated by standard, state-of-the-art SAH management without TXA
administration (control group).
Secondary Objective(s):
• To evaluate whether there is a significant difference in case fatality rate between the
TXA group and the control group at discharge and at six months after SAH
• To evaluate the cause of poor outcome
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• To evaluate whether there is a significant difference in rebleed rate before or during
aneurysm treatment between the TXA group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in thromboembolic events during
endovascular treatment between the TXA group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in ischemic stroke rate between the TXA
group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in complications, such as hydrocephalus,
extracranial thrombosis or hemorrhagic complications, during admission and after six
months, between the TXA group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is an association between favourable outcome and time
from last hemorrhage to first TXA administration
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in discharge location, between the TXA
group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in (micro)infarctions on MR imaging at six
months after endovascular treatment between the TXA group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in health-care costs from discharge until six
months after hemorrhage between the TXA group and the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a difference in quality of life at six months after
hemorrhage between the TXA group and the the control group
• To evaluate whether there is a significant difference in rebleed rate and favourable
outcome between females and males and between groups with different World
Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) scores at admission
A multicenter, prospective, randomized, open-label with blinded endpoint, trial will be
performed in patients with a SAH (PROBE design:
Open label
treatment with
Endpoint assessment). With the calculated amount of included
patients (950), the expected duration will be three years if all centers start inclusion at
start of study. The following procedures will be performed during the study:
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Administer 1 g TXA i.v. immediately
No additional intervention
Continue with 1 g per 8 hours i.v.
After CT-a and/or DSA: aneurysm
After CT-a and/or DSA: aneurysm
responsible for SAH?
responsible for SAH?
Endovascular or surgical treatment
Endovascular, surgical or no treatment
< 24 hours > 24 hours or no treatment
Stop TXA at time-out procedure
Stop TXA 24 hours after start
If endovascular treatment: MR imaging
If endovascular treatment: MR imaging at
at six months after hemorrhage
six months after hemorrhage
Outcome assessment, survey for
Outcome assessment, survey for
healthcare costs and quality of life
healthcare costs and quality of life
at six months after hemorrhage
at six months after hemorrhage
* if recent laboratory investigations revealed severe renal (serum creatinin >150 mmol/L) or
liver failure (AST > 150 U/l or ALT > 150 U/l or AF > 150 U/l or γ-GT > 150 U/l), study
medication will also be stopped immediately
6.1 Population (base)
The research population are adult patients admitted with the diagnosis subarachnoid
hemorrhage (SAH) as proven by computed tomography (CT) within 24 hours after
the primary hemorrhage. The incidence of this type of hemorrhage is about 6-7 per
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100.000 person-years3. It is expected that in the population admitted in The
Netherlands about 80% of SAH is a result of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm22.
Approximately 90% of SAH patients are admitted to a hospital within 24 hours after
the hemorrhage (own data, not published). A bolus of the study medication will be
administered as soon as possible after the diagnosis. The continuous infusion of the
study medication will be cancelled immediately if after inclusion 1) no aneurysm
appears to be present on CT-angiography (CT-a) or Digital Subtraction Angiography
(DSA), 2) other intracranial pathology is responsible for the SAH, or 3) the aneurysm
which is visualised is probably not responsible for the hemorrhage based on the
bleeding pattern on CT. Patients, or their legally-appropriate substitute decision
maker (SDM), will be approached to ask for the patients' participation in the study.
Due to the emergent intervention and the need to administer the medication as soon
as possible an emergency procedure will be applied where consent is obtained after
the administration of the medication (see 12.2). Patients or their legally-appropriate
SDM will be informed about the rationale of this study, possible risks and study
burden as soon as possible after the emergency intervention. A member of the
research team will provide the study information and will give eligible candidates, or
their legally-appropriate SDM, the study information letter. After the reflection period,
patients or they SDM's will be asked to provide informed consent. If patients are
primarily enrolled in the study after consent of an SDM and have become adequate
enough to judge for joining the study, they will be informed by a study information
letter as well with an additional question for informed consent.
6.2 Inclusion criteria
• Admission to one of the participating study centers or the participating referring
• CT-confirmed SAH with most recent ictus less than 24 hours ago
Definition: subarachnoid hemorrhage is a bleeding pattern on computed tomography with
hyperdensity in the basal cisterns and/or Sylvian or interhemipheric fissures or a intraparenchymal
hyperdensity consistent with a hematoma from an anterior, a pericallosal, a posterior or a middle
cerebral artery aneurysm.
• Age 18 years and older
6.3 Exclusion criteria
• No proficiency of the Dutch or English language • No loss of consciousness after the hemorrhage with WFNS grade 1 or 2 on
admission in combination with a perimesencephalic hemorrhage
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Definition: on CT examination presence of hyperdensities exclusively in the basal cisterns maximal extending
to the proximal part of the Sylvian fissure or posterior part of the interhemispheric fissure, without evidence for
intracerebral or intraventricular haemorrhage (except slight sedimentation)
• Bleeding pattern on CT compatible with a traumatic SAH • Treatment for deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism • History of a blood coagulation disorder (a hypercoagulability disorder) • Pregnancy checked with a pregnancy test in women in their childbearing period • History of severe renal (serum creatinin >150 mmol/L) • History of severe liver failure (AST > 150 U/l or ALT > 150 U/l or AF > 150 U/l or
γ-GT > 150 U/l)
• Imminent death within 24 hours
Since a majority of the patients arrive at the hospital with decreased consciousness
on admittance and the study is being executed based on the emergency procedure,
exclusion criteria that cannot be determined on admittance are considered to be
absent. These criteria will be checked later and if present, will be acted upon (see
6.4 Sample size calculation
The primary analysis at the end of the study is based on the difference in
percentage of patients with good outcome (mRS 0-3) at six months after initial
hemorrhage between patients with and without additional TXA intervention.
The overall favourable outcome in patients with standard, state-of-the-art SAH
management without TXA was calculated by combining the results of the studies
mentioned in this paragraph and the results from our own patients (293 consecutive
patients, including angiogram-negative SAH, treated between 2008 and 2011) and
The total percentage of rebleeds in patients with standard, state-of-the-art SAH
management without TXA was determined at 17%. Although two studies and a
recent review evaluating ultra-early antifibrinolytic treatment after SAH8, 9 reported a
rebleed rate of approximately 12%, our own recent results showed a rebleed rate of
17.1%, which was supported by Guo
et al. (rebleed rate of 21.5% in aneurysmal
SAH)12. The difference in results may be due to the shorter time interval between
primary hemorrhage and diagnosis (the majority of rebleeds namely occurs within
the first few hours) in our center compared to the studies reporting a lower rebleed
percentage (own data, manuscript in preparation).
The percentage of patients with rebleeds who will have a favourable outcome with
standard, state-of-the-art SAH management is 20% (0.17*0.20= 3.4% of the total
group)9. Consequently, with an overall favourable outcome in 69% of the patients,
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the percentage of patients with a favourable outcome in patients without a rebleed is
79% (65.6/83= 0.79).
The reduction in rebleeds by ultra-early TXA administration is expected to be 77%,
resulting in a rebleed percentage of 3.9% in the patients receiving TXA (0.17*0.77=
13.1%; 17%-13.1%= 3.9%)8, 9. The percentage of patients with a rebleed and a
favourable outcome is anticipated to improve from 20% to 30% in patients with
TXA9. Summarizing, after TXA administration, 3.9% will have a rebleed, of which
30% will have a favourable outcome (0.039*0.3= 1.2%). The resulting patients
without a rebleed will have a favourable outcome in 79%, which contributes 75.9%
to the complete group with favourable outcome (0.961*0.79=75.9%).
With these premises we calculated an improvement of favourable outcome from
69% to 77.1% (75.9%+1.2%).
In conclusion, to be able to detect the difference of 8.1% with a power of 80% and
alpha of 5%, approximately 470 patients have to be included in each group (940
patients in total). Taking into account some withdrawals, the amount to be included
patients will be 950.
7.1 Investigational product/treatment
Eligible subjects are randomly assigned to immediate administration of TXA (1 g i.v.)
after a diagnosis of SAH, as confirmed by CT-scan of the brain, continued by
continuous infusion of 1 g per 8 hours to a maximum of 24 hours after start of
medication. A maximum of 4 g TXA (1 g bolus + 3x 1 g continuous infusion) can be
administered to one patient.
7.2 Escape medication
8.1 Name and description of investigational medicinal product
Tranexamic acid (Cyklokapron®) forms a reversible complex that displaces
plasminogen from fibrin resulting in inhibition of fibrinolysis; it also inhibits the
proteolytic activity of plasmin.
Eligible subjects are randomly assigned to immediate administration of TXA (1 g i.v.)
after diagnosis SAH confirmed by CT, as soon as possible continued by continuous
infusion of 1 g per 8 hours to a maximum of 24 hours after start of medication. If
aneurysm treatment is initiated within 24 hours (approximately 80% of all patients)
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the medication infusion will be discontinued at the time-out procedure before start of
aneurysm treatment (endovascular or surgical).
8.2 Summary of findings from clinical studies
• Immediate TXA administration after SAH is diagnosed reflects a tendency
toward better outcome on the Glasgow Outcome Scale9.
• In patients with a rebleed, TXA administration significantly reduces death from
• Antifibrinolytic treatment reduces the risk of rebleeding (OR 0,55, 95% CI 0,42-
• Short-term TXA administration does not increase DCI significantly9, 19. • Short-term application of epsilon-aminocaproic acid does not result in an
increase of ischemic complications, pulmonary emboli, vasospasm,
ventriculoperitoneal shunt rates or differences in outcome in angiogram negative
8.3 Summary of known and potential risks and benefits
The most common adverse events occur mainly in a short period after start of
medication. During this time subjects are continually monitored so it is expected that
adverse events are diagnosed and treated adequately by the attending physician.
Standard care to prevent nausea, vomiting or hypotension is a part of the standard
SAH protocol because patients with such a hemorrhage also often have such
Known adverse events of TXA are described below:
• >10%: gastrointestinal: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting • 1% to 10%: cardiovascular: hypotension, thrombosis. Ocular: blurred vision • <1% (limited to important or life-threatening): deep venous thrombosis,
pulmonary embolus, renal cortical necrosis, retinal artery obstruction, retinal
vein obstruction, unusual menstrual discomfort, ureteral obstruction
8.4 Description and justification of route of administration and dosage
In previously performed studies, safety is warranted with use of TXA intravenously
8.5 Dosages, dosage modifications and method of administration
• Bolus: 10 ml (100 mg/ml) = 1000 mg dissolved in 100 ml NaCl 0,9% and
administered intravenously in 10 minutes
• Start immediately after diagnosis SAH on CT and randomization
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• Followed by continuous infusion of 10 ml (100 mg/ml) = 1000 mg intravenously
per 8 hours until a maximum of 24 hours
• The Study Drug will be dispensed only to eligible subjects under the supervision
of the Investigator or identified sub-Investigator(s).
8.6 Drug accountability and logistics
Cyklokapron is registered in The Netherlands, available on prescription and widely
used in different hospitals. If a patient is randomized to the TXA group, the treating
physician (electronically) prescribes the TXA in their hospital according to standard
procedures. TXA will be given from stock on the emergency department, or neuro
(intensive) care unit. Charge numbers and expiry dates from the TXA are
documented in the study CRF, as well as the initials from the person who
administered the TXA. Each participating center will ensure the availability of
cyklokapron in their pharmacy. Accountability for the study drug is in accordance to
GCP guidelines, except for stock management. However, for financial purposes,
each participating center needs to manage the administered TXA for all patients
included in the ULTRA study treatment arm. Yearly, participating centers can send
an invoice with respect to costs for TXA to the coordinating center.
9.1 Study parameters/endpoints
9.1.1 Main study parameter/endpoint
Clinical outcome assessed by the modified Rankin Scale score at six months.
9.1.2 Secondary study parameters/endpoints
1. If patient has deceased: date and cause of death
2. Cause of poor outcome
Related to the primary hemorrhage, related to complications of hemorrhage, related to one of the reported
adverse events or unrelated to hemorrhage. Assessed by a central reading committee
3. Possible or definite rebleed and time interval with first hemorrhage
Definition: sudden neurological deterioration with change in vital parameters suggestive for rebleed
(possible rebleed) and presence of more SAH on CT than in a previous investigation (definite rebleed).
4. Rebleed during endovascular or surgical treatment
Definition: extravasation of contrast dye outside of the vascular wall or perforation of the microcatheter,
microwire or coil through the aneurysm wall with of without a sudden change in vital parameters suggestive
for rebleed. Rupture of aneurysm during aneurysm surgery.
5. Thromboembolic events during endovascular treatment
Definition: reduced passage or stasis of contrast in an artery or slowed venous outflow without the aspect of
vascular spasm. Evaluated by treating neuroradiologist.
Version number: 10
6. Ischemic stroke (delayed cerebral ischemia)
Definition: The occurrence of focal neurological impairment (such as hemiparesis, aphasia, apraxia,
hemianopia, or neglect), or a decrease of at least 2 points on the Glasgow Coma Scale (either on the total
score or on one of its individual components [eye, motor on either side, verbal]). This should last for at least
1 hour, is not apparent immediately after aneurysm occlusion, and cannot be attributed to other causes by
means of clinical assessment, CT or MRI scanning of the brain, and appropriate laboratory studies23.
7. Extracranial thrombosis
Definition: Lower extremity deep venous thrombosis, upper extremity venous thrombosis, upper extremity
arterial thrombosis or pulmonary embolism diagnosed after clinical suspicion.
8. Treatment for hydrocephalus (therapeutic lumbar puncture, lumbar or
ventricular drainage or definitive shunt)
Definition of hydrocephalus: gradual onset of deterioration of consciousness measured on the Glasgow
Coma Scale with CT evidence of enlarged ventricles and no other explanation for deterioration.
9. Hemorrhagic complications (intra- and extracranial)
Definition: on CT proven intracranial hemorrhage (intracerebral, intraventricular, subdural or epidural),
increased or newly developed after the primary hemorrhage; any extracranial hemorrhage for which
intervention is necessary; either with neurological deterioration or not.
10. Time interval from last hemorrhage to first TXA administration
11. Discharge location
Other hospital, nursing home, rehabiliation center or home
12. Infarctions on MR imaging at six months after endovascular treatment
Definition: amount of hyperintensity signals in brain parenchyma on T2 weighted MR imaging.
13. Health-care costs between discharge and six months after hemorrhage
Evaluated with a standardized questionnaire
14. Quality of life at six months after hemorrhage
Evaluated with the EQ-5D questionnaire
15. WFNS grade at admission
Dichotomized into 1-3 and 4-5
9.1.3 Other study parameters
1. Date of birth
2. Modified Rankin Scale score before admittance
3. Medication use (antihypertensives, antiplatelets, anticoagulation) before
4. WFNS grading of SAH
6. Date and time of SAH
• if exact time is unknown, then approximation of time of hemorrhage • if patient is discovered with depressed consciousness, then the time of
patient last seen well is used
7. Date and time of CT scan for diagnosis SAH
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8. Date and time of first administration of TXA
9. Date and time of first continuous administration of TXA
10. Date and time of ending the administration of TXA
11. Total dose of administered TXA
12. Location of aneurysm
13. Type of aneurysm treatment
14. Date and time of time-out procedure for aneurysm treatment
15. If applicable: date and time of rebleed (or approximation of it) and whether this
is confirmed by consecutive CT scans or based on a sudden change in vital
parameters and neurological deterioration (see also 9.1.2.)
9.2 Randomisation, blinding and treatment allocation
When a patient is admitted directly to the study center, the on-line randomization
procedure will be done immediately by the treating physician after confirmation of
SAH on CT. When the subject is allocated to administration of TXA, the bolus of
TXA is given as soon as possible. After the bolus, continuous infusion of TXA is
started as soon as possible.
In the majority of cases, about 80%, patients are first admitted to a referring center
of the study center(s). In this case, when the diagnosis SAH is confirmed by CT, the
treating physician contacts the neurology/neurosurgery resident at the center to
which the patient will be transferred to. The resident will perform the on-line
randomization as soon as possible. The result of the randomization will be
communicated to the treating physician at the referring center and when the subject
is allocated to TXA treatment, an order is given by the treating physician to
administer the bolus as soon as possible. The continuous infusion is started as soon
as possible after the bolus and at least before transport to the study center. In
conclusion, when a subject is allocated to TXA treatment, the bolus of study
medication will be administered as soon as possible through an already present
venous catheter (conform standard protocol for SAH) followed by the start of
continuous infusion as soon as possible.
Patients will be randomized, using permuted blocks and stratified for study center
(i.e. equal number of patients in both trial arms per center), using the on-line
randomization module (ALEA), where fictive patient initials, date of birth, date and
time of hemorrhage and eligibility based on in- and exclusion criteria is considered
before randomization. The study starts after the patient has been randomized. The
study nurse who will evaluate the modified Rankin Scale score (mRS) at six months
after the SAH will be blinded for treatment allocation. In this way, blinding of the
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primary endpoint measurement is established. This evaluation takes place at a later
stage, and the data are not used in any way during treatment of the patient.
9.3 Study procedures
Patients are admitted to the intensive care unit, medium care or neurological/
neurosurgical ward in one of the study centers. The necessary data for the study are
collected and imported in an on-line database by the treating physician of the study
center, supported by the study coordinator. The CT-scan on which the diagnosis
SAH was stated is evaluated by a neuroradiologist at the center where the treatment
The outcome assessment at six months after the hemorrhage is done by a trial
nurse who is blinded for allocation and did not participate in the medical treatment of
the included patients. The mRS score at six months is taken by a standardized and
validated telephone interview with the patient or the legally appropriate SDM. This
score is commonly used for outcome assessment in stroke trials. Additionally, a
short questionnaire to assess the health-care costs and quality of life at three and
six months after SAH is sent and patients or their legally appropriate SDM will be
asked to return this to the study center.
If the patient has an unfavourable outcome (mRS 4-6), the most probable cause (i.e.
related to the primary hemorrhage, related to complications of hemorrhage, related
to one of the reported adverse events or unrelated to hemorrhage) is assessed by a
Data Classification Committee (DCC). This committee is composed of the
investigators of the coordinating centre and the local investigator. The results of
these evaluations will be made available to the DSMB. If the patient has deceased,
the primary cause and date of death is recorded.
Prof. dr. W.P. Vandertop is, as co-PI with a medical background, responsible for the
medical part of this study.
9.4 Withdrawal of individual subjects
Subjects, or their legally appropriate SDM can refuse to participate in the study by
not signing the informed consent. If the informed consent is not signed and patients
are allocated to TXA administration, TXA will be cancelled immediately if it is still
administered. Data from these patients will be destroyed immediately. Subjects, or
their legally appropriate SDM who approved the authorization for inclusion in the
study, can decide to exit the study at any time for any reason if they wish to do so,
without any consequences. In these cases, the patient data are not used for primary
or secondary outcome assessments. The investigator can decide to withdraw a
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subject from the study for urgent medical reasons. A specific reason for withdrawal
would be the occurrence of a Serious Adverse Event.
If it is revealed after inclusion, that one of the exclusion criteria was present in a
certain patient at admittance, this patient remains included in the study and this is
recorded as a protocol violation. Depending on the criterion, actions are undertaken.
For instance, TXA may be stopped (perimesencephalic hemorrhage, traumatic SAH,
treatment for deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, history of a blood
coagulation disorder, pregnancy, history of severe renal or liver failure). In case of
no proficiency of the Dutch or English language, TXA will not be stopped but an
interpreter has to be arranged to be able to perform the informed consent procedure
(and the patient information has to be translated).
In patients who are correctly included and who already received TXA and 1) no
aneurysm appears to be present on DSA, 2) other intracranial pathology is
responsible for the SAH, 3) the aneurysm which is visualised is probably not
responsible for the hemorrhage based on the bleeding pattern on CT, or 4) recent
laboratory investigations reveal pregnancy or severe renal (serum creatinin >150
mmol/L) or liver failure (AST > 150 U/l or ALT > 150 U/l or AF > 150 U/l or γ-GT >
150 U/l), the continuous infusion of the medication will be cancelled immediately.
These patients will be included for the outcome assessments to ensure an adequate
intention-to-treat analysis.
9.5 Replacement of individual subjects after withdrawal
Subjects who are lost to follow-up cannot be included in the analysis of the primary
outcome assessment. If possible, they will be included in the secondary endpoint
assessment. Individual subjects will not be replaced after withdrawal. Our analysis
will be according to the intention-to-treat principle and exclusion of these patients
would lead to a selective patient sample.
10.1 Temporary halt for reasons of subject safety
In accordance to section 10, subsection 4, of the WMO, the sponsor will suspend the
study if there is sufficient ground that continuation of the study will jeopardise subject
health or safety. The sponsor will notify the accredited METC without undue delay of
a temporary halt including the reason for such an action. The study will be suspended
pending further review by the accredited METC. The investigator will take care that all
subjects are kept informed.
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10.2 Adverse and serious adverse events
Adverse events are defined as any undesirable experience occurring to a subject
during a clinical trial, whether or not considered related to the investigational drug.
All adverse events reported spontaneously by the subject or observed by the
investigator or his staff will be recorded.
A serious adverse event is any untoward medical occurrence or effect that at any
is life threatening (at the time of the event);
requires hospitalisation or prolongation of existing inpatients' hospitalisation;
results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity;
is a new event of the trial likely to affect the safety of the subjects, such as an
unexpected outcome of an adverse reaction, lack of efficacy of an IMP used for
the treatment of a life threatening disease, major safety finding from a newly
completed animal study, etc.
For the present study, an AE is defined according to the definition above. Only AEs
during hospital admission that are not related to the subarachnoid haemorrhage
must be reported.
For the present study, an SAE is defined according to the definition above, during
hospital admission. The investigator will report all SAEs to the sponsor without
undue delay after obtaining knowledge of the events. A life threatening SAE, or SAE
with death as a result, must be reported within 7 days after the local investigator has
been informed. Other SAEs must be reported within 15 days. The sponsor is
responsible for reporting and records SAEs at the internetsite of ToetsingOnline of
the CCMO. This instance reports the SAE to the METC.
In this study, certain SAEs may occur that are expected in SAH patients. The
expected SAEs are rebleed, severe hyponatriaemia, hydrocephalus, cerebral
ischemia, pneumonia, nosocomial meningitis, Terson's syndrome, delirium,
epilepsy, pneumocephalus, and perprocedural aneurysm rupture. These are
recorded and reported to the METC every half year by line listing and not reported at
the internetsite as described above.
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10.2.1 Suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions (SUSAR)
Adverse reactions are all untoward and unintended responses to an
investigational product related to any dose administered.
Unexpected adverse reactions are adverse reactions, of which the nature, or
severity, is not consistent with the applicable product information (e.g.
Investigator's Brochure for an unapproved IMP or Summary of Product
Characteristics (SPC) for an authorised medicinal product).
The investigator will report expedited the following SUSARs to the METC:
− SUSARs that have arisen in the clinical trial that was assessed by the
− SUSARs that have arisen in other clinical trial of the same sponsor and with
the same medicinal product, and that could have consequences for the
safety of the subjects involved in the clinical trial that was assessed by the
The remaining SUSARs are recorded in an overview list (line-listing) that will
be submitted once every half year to the METC. This line-listing provides an
overview of all SUSARs from the study medicine, accompanied by a brief
report highlighting the main points of concern.
The investigator will report expedited all SUSARs conform protocol of the
CCMO to the competent authority, the Medicine Evaluation Board and the
competent authorities in other Member States unless it is already reported to
the EMEA Eudravigilance database (appendix) .
The expedited reporting will occur not later than 15 days after the sponsor has
first knowledge of the adverse reactions. For fatal or life threatening cases the
term will be maximal 7 days for a preliminary report with another 8 days for
completion of the report.
10.2.2 Annual safety report
In addition to the expedited reporting of SUSARs, the investigator will submit,
once a year throughout the clinical trial, a safety report to the accredited
METC, competent authority, Medicine Evaluation Board and competent
authorities of the concerned Member States.
This safety report consists of:
− a list of all suspected (unexpected or expected) serious adverse reactions,
along with an aggregated summary table of all reported serious adverse
reactions, ordered by organ system, per study;
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− a report concerning the safety of the subjects, consisting of a complete
safety analysis and an evaluation of the balance between the efficacy and
the harmfulness of the medicine under investigation.
10.3 Follow-up of adverse events
All adverse events will be followed until they have abated, or until a stable situation
has been reached. Depending on the event, follow up may require additional tests or
medical procedures as indicated, and/or referral to the general physician or a
medical specialist.
10.4 Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)
The Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) is an independent committee of trial
experts, who will focus on both safety monitoring and analysis of effectiveness on
unblinded data with an interim analysis after half of the patients were included. The
DSMB consists of three members: 2 clinicians and 1 statistician/epidemiologist. A
DSMB charter will be used with respect to the schedule and format of DSMB
meetings and with respect to the format and timing of presenting data. The DSMB
will perform ongoing safety surveillances, especially with regard to the occurrence of
serious adverse events in terms of increased ischemic events and serious
extracranial thombotic events, such as pulmonary embolism. The investigator will
report the occurrences of these events to the chairman according to the charter.
Each half year, a line listing will be reported to the METC, and a line listing and a
safety evaluation will be reported to the DSMB. Based on these documents the
DSMB will give an advice with respect to continuation of the trial based on this
safety evaluation. The DSMB can recommend the Steering Committee of the
ULTRA trial to terminate the trial when there is clear and substantial evidence of
harm or to adjust the sample size.
10.5 Monitoring
Based on the guidelines for risk classification from the Dutch Federation of
University Medical Centers (NFU) ("Kwaliteitsborging van mensgebonden
onderzoek"), the risk analysis performed for this study resulted in a classification of
"average risk". This classification is based on the low chance for complications with
clinical consequences due to the use of TXA as described in paragraph 6.3, in a
vulnerable patient population. Much experience is present with this medication
because of many previously performed human-related studies. Additionally, the
maximum dose of administered TXA in this study will be lower than the maximum
dose in which safety has been warranted (see paragraph 8.4). Other described
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complications, such as increase in ischemic events and more thromboembolic
events, are not expected to occur because of the short-term and minimal dose
administration of TXA. This is supported by previous studies8, 9, 19 and explained in
more detail in paragraph 12.4.
Monitoring will be performed according to GCP and will be carried out by the Clinical
Research Unit of the AMC using a predefined monitoring plan. The monitor will
make several visits to the sites during the trial, in order to complete source data
verification (SDV). Next to the ‘regular' visits, the sponsor or investigators can ask
for extra visits, preformed by the monitor. By signing this protocol the investigators
give consent and full cooperation to the monitor during the trial. The final statistical
analysis will be performed by the investigators.
If inconsistencies are found during the monitoring, such as missing informed
consents or protocol violations, this is reported back to the investigators. They will
restore the inconsistencies if possible and report this to the monitor within one
month after the monitoring.
11.1 Descriptive statistics and analysis between randomization groups
Continuous data with a parametric distribution will be presented as mean with its
standard deviation and continuous data with a non-parametric distribution will be
presented as median with its interquartile range. Categorical data will be presented
Group differences for continuous variables will be calculated by a mean difference
with a 95% CI, using an independent t-test for continuous variables with a
parametric distribution or Wilcoxon rank sum test for continuous variables with a
non-parametric distribution. Group differences for categorical variables will be
calculated using chi-square statistics. A 2 sided p-value < 0.05 will be considered
11.2 Interim analysis
The DSMB will perform an unblinded interim analysis on the primary outcome to
assess the strength of the efficacy data when half of the patients are enrolled. The
DSMB will also check the assumptions for sample size calculations. The DSMB can
recommend the Steering Committee of the ULTRA trial to:
• adjust the sample size • early terminate the study when there is clear and substantial evidence of benefit,
based on a significant (with alpha 0.1%) increase in favourable outcome
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(according to the Peto approach of interim analysis with alpha 5% at final
• early terminate the study when there is evidence of severe harm based on SAE
reporting, outcome, and case fatality
• early terminate the study in case accrual rates are too low to provide adequate
statistical power for identifying the primary endpoint
The Steering Committee and the DSMB will agree on the approach to early
termination (stopping rules) and the statistical methods used for efficacy evaluation
11.3 Analyses on primary and secondary outcomes
The statistical analysis will be by "intention to treat". The primary outcome analysis
is an analysis evaluating the difference between the proportion of patients with
favourable outcome (mRS score of 0 to 3 at six months) between the two
randomization groups.
The secondary outcome analyses compare several variables between
randomization groups: case fatality rate, rebleed rate before or during aneurysm
treatment, thromboembolic events during endovascular treatment, rate of DCI, rate
of complications with subdividing into types of complications, rate of
(micro)infarctions at MR imaging, discharge location, health-care costs, quality of
life, WFNS grade at admission or gender associated to rebleed rate and favourable
outcome. Chi square statistics will be used to calculate an odds ratio, risk ratio, or
risk difference. Adjustments for factors that differ at randomization will be made
using regression or multi-level models.
12.1 Regulation statement
This study will be conducted in full accordance with the principles of the "Declaration
of Helsinki" (59th WMA General Assembly, Seoul, October 2008 and
Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO).
12.2 Recruitment and consent
This study evaluates the influence of an acute treatment in an emergency situation
concerning a life-threatening disorder. The TXA treatment is intended to be
administered as soon as possible after confirmation of the SAH to maximally reduce
rebleeds (in our own database of 293 patients from 2008 until 2011, 39% of all
rebleeds occur within two hours after the primary hemorrhage (manuscript in
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About two thirds of the patients have a decreased consciousness on admittance and
are not able to give informed consent, and legally appropriate SDM's are not always
present at the ER. Additionally, these patients are more prone for a rebleed because
of the higher WFNS grading. By postponing the administration of the study
medication until informed consent is given, rebleeds may occur which could be
prevented by early treatment.
The emergency situation, the vulnerable patient group and the importance of the
ultra-early administration allows an emergency procedure with obtaining consent
after start of medication in the above mentioned patient group.
Approximately one third of the patients arrive fully conscious (or with a legally
appropriate SDM) and are theoretically capable of giving informed consent.
However, if these patients are asked for consent immediately, the ultra-early
administration of TXA will be delayed compared to patients with a decreased
consciousness, thus creating a bias between patients with and without the
emergency procedure. Furthermore, a possible rebleed in patients who are clinically
good after the first hemorrhage will result in a significant worse outcome. Therefore,
TXA has to be administered as soon as possible after the diagnosis, and an
emergency procedure with obtaining consent after start of medication in this group
seems justifiable as well.
Therefore in this study, TXA is administered as soon as possible after diagnosing
SAH by CT and random allocation. There are no reported adverse events when TXA
is administered for a short period9, 20, 24. Afterwards, as soon as possible at the
study center, eligible subjects or their legally appropriate SDM will be notified by
their treating physician that they have been included in the study. The investigator of
the study will explain the rationale of the study and the study burden. An information
letter and informed consent with the amendment that the patients' general physician
will be informed of participation in the study will be given to eligible candidates or
their legally appropriate SDM. The reflection period for signing the informed consent
is as long as necessary (during the admission period). Participating patients can
withdraw at any time from the study without prior notice or reason, or can refuse
participating by not signing the informed consent.
In consultation with the legal expert, some exceptions that are possible on the
abovementioned procedure are discussed and a solution is chosen based on both
ethical and legal considerations as well as methodological considerations
(diminishing of bias). If patients die before the informed consent procedure could be
discussed and there is no legally appropriate SDM, no consent is necessary and
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patients remain included in the study as long as there is no clearly written objection
in the chart from the patient against participation in scientific research projects.
If patients die and there is a legally appropriate SDM, but there has been no
possibility yet to discuss the informed consent procedure, no consent is necessary
and patients remain included in the study as long as there is no clearly written
objection in the chart from the patient against participation in scientific research
projects. In both cases, the reason to deviate from the standard procedure as well
as the decision that the patient remains included in the study has to be written
clearly in the chart.
12.3 Objection by minors or incapacitated subjects
Due to the nature of the population studied, it is conceivable that in about 70%
eligible subjects have a depressed level of consciousness and thus not be able to
object themselves. In patients with a depressed level of consciousness, we will
inform the SDM about this study and ask the SDM whether the patient would be
willing to continue participating and sign the informed consent form on the patients'
behalf. When patients are again capable for adequate judging, they will be informed
about the study as written in 12.2.
12.4 Benefits and risks assessment, group relatedness
TXA is given by a bolus through an already present intravenous entry site, through
which approximately 2 L NaCl 0,9% per 24 hours is administered (conform SAH
protocol). Rapid infusion incidentally causes dizziness and hypotension, which is
assumed to occur even less than normally because of the crystalloid infusion. If
present, it will be rapidly diagnosed because the patient's parameters are
continuously monitored. A side effect is nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, which
generally occurs after SAH as well, so patients often receive medication for this
purpose. In brief, by following the standard SAH protocol the extra burden by use of
this medication is reduced to a minimum.
Concerning risk evaluation, it was reported in a Cochrane review17 that use of
antifibrinolytic therapy (e.g. tranexamic acid) is associated with a higher incidence of
DCI, without benefits in favourable outcome. A major drawback in the included
studies is that the long-term administration of TXA caused an increase in DCI which
negated the positive effects of a 40% reduction in rebleed rate. In addition, the
majority of studies was performed before 1991 when outcome of SAH was worse
because of less specialised institutes, lacking the use of nimodipine and less
patients treated with endovascular methods18. More recently, studies have been
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done with improved treatment protocols and these tend to show better results than
experienced in the past with no higher incidence of DCI8, 9, 19. Other risks associated
with use of this medication are allergic skin reactions which can be treated
adequately and sporadic thromboembolic complications19.
At six months patients are invited for a telephone interview to evaluate the primary
and secondary outcome assessments. A survey for the health-care costs and quality
of life assessment will be sent to the patient with the question to fill it in and return it
to the coordinating study center. When patients are unable to complete the
telephone interview and/or questionnaire, a proxy will be asked.
Weighing carefully the benefits versus the burden and risks, it is assumed that
patients will benefit from ultra-early treatment with TXA with minimal burden during
12.5 Compensation for injury
The sponsor/investigator has a liability insurance which is in accordance with article
7, subsection 6 of the WMO.
The sponsor (also) has an insurance which is in accordance with the legal
requirements in the Netherlands (Article 7 WMO and the Measure regarding
Compulsory Insurance for Clinical Research in Humans of 23th June 2003). This
insurance provides cover for damage to research subjects through injury or death
caused by the study.
1. € 450.000,-- (i.e. four hundred and fifty thousand Euro) for death or injury for
each subject who participates in the Research;
2. € 3.500.000,-- (i.e. three million five hundred thousand Euro) for death or
injury for all subjects who participate in the Research;
3. € 5.000.000,-- (i.e. five million Euro) for the total damage incurred by the
organisation for all damage disclosed by scientific research for the Sponsor
as ‘verrichter' in the meaning of said Act in each year of insurance coverage.
The insurance applies to the damage that becomes apparent during the study or
within 4 years after the end of the study.
12.6 Incentives
13.1 Handling and storage of data and documents
The data will be handled by the trial nurse who will have access to the source data
and CT investigations.
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Data are collected patient record forms and stored in a digital Case Record Form
(CRF) based on Oracle Clinical. This data entry meets the needs of AMC Good
Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines with a number and fictional initials for each
patient and a double data entry process. Data will be archived for 20 years after end
of study conform the directive of GCP. Every essential document will be preserved
on paper or digital copies if no paper version is possible. It will be saved in
cardboard archive boxes in the Academic Medical Center (AMC), location E2-170,
with the name of the study, principal investigator, department, division and duration
of archivation perceptible. Electronical data will be saved on a central server as
"write once read many" (WORM) in consultation with an ICT administrator.
13.2 Amendments
A ‘substantial amendment' is defined as an amendment to the terms of the METC
application, or to the protocol or any other supporting documentation, that is likely to
affect to a significant degree:
the safety or physical or mental integrity of the subjects of the trial;
the scientific value of the trial;
the conduct or management of the trial; or
the quality or safety of any intervention used in the trial.
All substantial amendments will be notified to the METC and to the competent
Non-substantial amendments will not be notified to the accredited METC and the
competent authority, but will be recorded and filed by the sponsor.
13.3 Annual progress report
The sponsor/investigator will submit a summary of the progress of the trial to the
accredited METC once a year. Information will be provided on the date of inclusion
of the first subject, numbers of subjects included and numbers of subjects that have
completed the trial, serious adverse events/ serious adverse reactions, other
problems, and amendments.
13.4 End of study report
The sponsor will notify the accredited METC and the competent authority of the end
of the study within a period of 90 days. The end of the study is defined as the last
patient's last visit.
In case the study is ended prematurely, the sponsor will notify the accredited METC
and the competent authority within 15 days, including the reasons for the premature
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Within one year after the end of the study, the investigator/sponsor will submit a final
study report with the results of the study, including any publications/abstracts of the
study, to the accredited METC and the Competent Authority.
13.5 Public disclosure and publication policy
Conform the CCMO statement on publication, this study will be proposed for
publication within a year after the final outcome measurement, regardless of either
positive or negative results. Results will be presented in an appropriate international,
peer reviewed journal. Authorship will be granted using the Vancouver definitions
and depending on personal involvement. The first, second and last author names
will be decided by the principal investigator and project leader. After the first and
second author, the steering group members, site investigators and additional names
are mentioned in alphabetical order. Referral centres recruiting ≥ 30 patients and
treatment centers recruiting ≥ 50 patients will be entitled to one name in the author
list (site investigators). After the author list there will be added: "and the ULTRA-trial
group" and a reference to an appendix with all sites, site investigators and number
of patients enrolled. This trial is registered at the international trial registry
, EudraCT database and Nederlands Trial Register
( database.
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APPENDIX: Dutch Flowchart SAE and SUSAR procedures
Version number: 10
THE CODDLING OF THE AMERICAN MIND SOMETHING STRANGE IS happening at America's colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense. Last December, Jeannie Suk wrote in an online article for The New Yorker about law students asking her fellow professors at Harvard not to teach rape law—or, in one case, even use the word violate (as in "that violates the law") lest it cause students distress. In February, Laura Kipnis, a professor at Northwestern University, wrote an essay in The Chronicle of Higher Educationdescribing a new campus politics of sexual paranoia—and was then subjected to a long investigation after students who were offended by the article and by a tweet she'd sent filed Title IX complaints against her. In June, a professor protecting himself with a pseudonym wrote an essay for Vox describing how gingerly he now has to teach. "I'm a Liberal Professor, and My Liberal Students Terrify Me," the headline said. A number of popular comedians, including Chris Rock, have stopped performing on college campuses (see Caitlin Flanagan'sin this month's issue). Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher have publicly condemned the oversensitivity of college students, saying too many of them can't take a joke.
ARTICLE IN PRESS International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents Antibiotic resistance among bacterial pathogens in Central Africa: a reviewof the published literature between 1955 and 2008 E. Vlieghe , M.F. Phoba , J.J. Muyembe Tamfun , J. Jacobs a Department of Clinical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerp, Belgiumb Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB), Avenue de la Démocratie (ex Huileries), Kinshasa/Gombe B.P. 1197 Kinshasa 1, Democratic Republic of the Congo