Adventure works 2008 sales proposal

The Florida Journey
Adapting FIMR to Address Maternal Mortality
Karen R. Coon, ARNP, MSN
Florida Department of Health
Division of Community Health Promotion
Infant, Maternal & Reproductive Health
"You can't really understand another person's experience
until you've walked a mile in their shoes." .
The Florida Journey: Adapting FIMR to Address Maternal Mortality
Learning Objectives:
The goals of my presentation: To assist other states in
understanding the processes involved in adapting of FIMR to Maternal Mortality Review / PAMR.
Provide ideas for other states
to accomplish MMR.
The Florida Journey: Adapting FIMR to Address Maternal Mortality
Early Beginnings
In 1993, Florida was included in
national initiative. The first Florida FIMR project was established in Broward County as one of 12 projects funded nationwide by ACOG.
That same year the state of Florida
provided funding for approximately 19 FIMR community projects around the state.
The Florida Journey: Adapting FIMR to Address Maternal Mortality
Early Beginnings
A statewide training coordinator was hired
(through grant funding) for the purpose of:
Establishing a network of FIMR projects Providing training on the FIMR model Providing technical assistance with abstracting and
development of case reviews
The Florida FIMR projects utilized the standard
abstraction forms and review process developed by ACOG and NFIMR.
The Florida Journey: Adapting FIMR to Address Maternal Mortality
The establishment of statewide FIMR projects
increased awareness of the need for continual quality improvement initiatives.
This commitment to a strong community based
system of review laid the groundwork for the expansion into the review of maternal mortality.
A historical / national perspective…
In 1986, CDC began raising awareness of the
potential for under-reporting of maternal deaths
In the early 1990's a cluster of maternal deaths
in a single Florida county caught the attention of the public health officials.
The state of Florida re-examined their MMR data
from 1993-1995 utilizing an enhanced data linkage system and confirmed the significant under-reporting of maternal deaths through the standard system utilized by Vital Statistics
hing to Maternal Mortality Review
In 1996, the Florida Dept. of Health formed an
Advisory Council to conceptualize a plan for systematically reviewing maternal deaths.
Over a period of 6 months Florida's Pregnancy-
Associated Mortality Review (PAMR) was developed.
The NFIMR model and materials served as the
foundation for the PAMR process.
To summarize… Reasons for PAMR development
CDC's publications confirming under-
reporting of maternal deaths
Questions about changes in health care
Observed cluster of deaths
(1999-2002 Florida PAMR Report)
Establishing Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review (PAMR)
Many of the founding members associated with
development of FIMR also participated in the development of PAMR.
Both FIMR and PAMR are covered under the
same statutory authority, confidentiality protocols, and immunity protections.
The PAMR medical record abstractors were
hired from the FIMR projects .
RN's with MCH experience
Purpose of FIMR vs PAMR
The goal is to address
factors and issues
The goal is to seek to
that affect infant
elucidate gaps in care,
identify systemic service
morbidity to empower
delivery problems, and
recommend areas in
enhance services,
which linkages between
influence policy, and
community resources can
direct planning efforts
be improved to facilitate improvements in the
that will ultimately
lower mortality rates.
Stage I:: Link/find all Maternal Deaths Case Abstraction
Statewide review of all maternal deaths. FIMR abstractors are hired to review selected
possible PAMR cases/records in their areas.
As with FIMR, abstraction forms capture
information from the medical and social history, prenatal, labor and delivery, Healthy Start records, Medical Examiner, and law enforcement reports.
Stage II: Case Review
De-identified summaries of the cases are
reviewed by team.
The team collaborates to identify trends
and issues and to formulate recommendations for improvements to the system of care for women.
Key question:
"If she had not been pregnant,
would she have died?"
PAMR Team Meetings
Held Quarterly (approx 15 cases/quarter)
In Tallahassee, central location, state
level process
Coordinated at Central Office
Budget overview/funding
IMRH Staff coordinate process
MCH Practice and Analysis Data System
PAMR Team Membership
Social Workers
Certified Nurse Midwife
Domestic Violence Advocate
OB/GYN Specialists
Forensics professionals
Stage 1: Identification of Pregnancy-Associated Deaths
and Selection of PAMR Cases
Stage 2: The PAMR Process
Increase Awareness – Promote change
Identify all deaths to women in Florida who have
died within one year of termination of pregnancy.
Perform thorough medical record abstraction, in
order to obtain details of events and issues leading up to the terminal event.
Perform a multidisciplinary review of cases to gain
a holistic understanding of the issues (surrounding the death and life of mother).
Promote the translation of findings and
recommendations into quality improvement actions at all levels.
Increase Awareness – Promote change
Recommend improvements to care at the
individual, provider and system levels with the potential for reducing or preventing future events.
Prioritize the findings and recommendations to
guide the development of effective messages.
Disseminate the findings and recommendations
to a broad array of individuals and organizations.
Promote the translation of findings and
recommendations into quality improvement actions at all levels.
Issues Identified
Nutrition issues Access to prenatal care (including
Substance use Absence of prenatal risk
Lack of social support Problems with housing Mental Health issues
Issues Identified
Family violence or neglect
Social issues
Access to transportation
Problems with provision or design of
Environmental or occupational
Concerns about family planning
access or contraceptive method
(what we know now)
From PAMR Reviews
Risk factors significantly associated with pregnancy-related mortality in
1999-2008 were:
• Being obese class III (morbidly obese) (BMI of 40.0 or +) (RR 9.0).
• Not receiving any prenatal care (RR 6.9).
• Having a cesarean delivery (RR 4.6).
• Being 35 years or older (RR 4.1).
• Having less than a high school degree (RR 3.7).
• Black race (RR 3.3).
Another major risk factor or contributor to pregnancy-related mortality is chronic disease including
preexisting hypertension, asthma, heart disease, and other conditions. Of 368 pregnancy-related
deaths, 358 (97%) had information available on medical problems prior to pregnancy, and 153 (43%)
had a history of at least one chronic disease.
regarding areas for improvement
From PAMR Reviews
The PAMR process has identified priority areas where improvements
can be made to reduce the number of pregnancy-related deaths. The identified issues and recommendations are divided into four improvement categories:
1) clinical factors,
2) system factors
3) death review process factors
4) individual and community factors.
Florida PAMR Issues and Recommendations for 58 Pregnancy-Related
Deaths in 2009
After reviewing pregnancy-related deaths, the PAMR committee identifies relevant issues related to the death and makes recommendations in an effort to prevent such future deaths.
The following text summarizes the identified issues into four prevention categories: Clinical Factors, System Factors, Individual and Community Factors, and Death Review Factors.
CLINICAL FACTORS: Relates to services provided by the entire health care
Issues – A lack of services evidenced by:
1. Incomplete assessment.
2. Inadequate documentation.
3. Lack of coordination and follow-up, particularly of high-risk women.
4. Deficient communication between staff and patients.
5. Lack of association between a change in mental status and deteriorating
medical condition.
6. Prevention-Patient Education (Preconception/Pregnancy/Postpartum)
SYSTEM FACTORS: A lack of policies and procedures may lend itself to
deficient quality of care, which potentially can affect a woman's health
1. Barriers to accessing care: lack of insurance, provider shortage,
2. Lack of standardized policies and procedures.
INDIVIDUAL/COMMUNITY FACTORS: It has been established that a
woman's health prior to her pregnancy can greatly affect the birth outcome,
as well as the woman's health status after birth. Some deaths may be
associated with a woman's personal decision regarding her health and her
care. It is important that healthcare providers enable women to make
informed decisions.
1. Women presenting in pregnancy with pre-existing medical conditions, such as
hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and asthma.
2. Lack of documentation of patient education and counseling regarding a
woman's risk factors.
relies on information from death certificates and autopsy reports for the identification and evaluation of pregnancy-related deaths.
1. Lack of autopsy on unexplained or inconclusive
2. Death certificates not always completed
3. Missing prenatal records in hospital charts.
Cause of Death: Hemorrhage
It is important to be prepared for increasing potential for percreta / acreta in patients with previous cesarean deliveries.
Be aware of appropriate use and timing for administration of pitocin after delivery.
Be aware of and monitor for signs of impending hemorrhage and know the factors that increase a woman's risk for hemorrhage.
Maintain high index of suspicion for women of reproductive age presenting with bleeding and pain.
Providers who deliver care to women in prison should have protocols to routinely test
women routinely for pregnancy and be aware of symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
Educate the community on signs and symptoms that may signify a potential complication in pregnancy and stress the importance of seeking prompt care.
Recommend inclusion of potential complications in early pregnancy and warning signs
on home pregnancy tests kits.
It is important for all hospital facilities to have procedures in place for addressing medical emergencies in obstetric deliveries.
Cause of Death: Infection
Monitoring vital signs are extremely important and can be a first indicator of a serious problem.
Promote the importance of influenza vaccination for pregnant/postpartum women.
Maintain a high index of suspicion of H1N1 in pregnant and postpartum patients even those with subtle respiratory symptoms.
Recommend performing PCR testing opposed to rapid Influenza testing (due to decreased sensitivity of rapid test).
Provide prompt antiviral treatment for pregnant/postpartum women who present with flulike symptoms.
Important to follow up on influenza vaccination for pregnant women who have previously denied vaccination.
Increase community awareness of need to access prompt care for influenza symptoms particularly if pregnant.
Raise awareness on benefits of immunizations and influenza vaccinations particularly for pregnant/postpartum women with asthma.
Increase provider awareness of low tolerability of respiratory conditions in pregnancy.
Encourage coordination and collaboration of services for pregnant women with acute and chronic medical conditions.
Consider performing electrolyte studies in patients with gastrointestinal conditions.
Be alert to a patient's changing mental status due to hypoxia and the effects that hypoxia may have on an individual's ability to make medical decisions and/or sign informed consents.
It is important to assess childcare support and resources, for single women with acute/chronic medical conditions.
Cause of Death: Thrombotic Embolism
It is important to consider options for thromboembolism prophylaxis.
Cause of Death: Hypertensive Disorders
Provider training is important to promote early recognition and treatment of hypertension and preeclampsia.
Important to include shortness of breath as a potential warning sign on postpartum discharge instructions.
Cause of Death: Cardiomyopathy
Important to provide focused preconception counseling to patients with a family history of chronic conditions including cardiac problems, hypertension and asthma.
Increase community awareness of pregnancy risks when a patient has chronic cardiac
Cause of Death: Other Cardiovascular Problems
It is important to stress to patients the benefits of compliance with medical treatments.
Be aware of contraindication of administering brethine in women with cardiac conditions.
Provide a thorough cardiac assessment and/or obtain cardiac consult prior to discharge for women with known or suspected cardiac conditions.
Patients presenting with unusual or atypical symptoms may require a collaborative assessment by providers.
Perform thorough cardiac/lung assessments on initial prenatal visits.
Cause of Death: Other Conditions
All healthcare providers must remember the importance of reviewing vital signs.
OB providers need to closely monitor pregnant women with chronic illness and provide referrals to specialist for unstable conditions.
Increase provider understanding of the unique needs of a pregnant sickle cell patient.
Evaluate the level of care required for women with chronic illness based on the individual and status of their condition.
It is important for obstetric providers to evaluate liver function tests on pregnant women presenting with right upper quadrant pain.
Be aware of contraceptive benefits/risks associated with chronic conditions.
Include Healthy Start staff as part of healthcare team. (Care and services should be coordinated).
Pregnant women with uncontrolled seizure disorder should be referred to a neurologist for evaluation and consultation for appropriate medication dosing.
Providers should consider performing baseline electrolytes and 24 urine test in women with a history of anemia/bulimia.
Healthy Start (HS) may need to find creative ways to engage women with multiple social issues to encourage HS participation.
Other Recommendations
Encourage Medical Examiners to perform autopsy on sudden unexplained deaths even if substance abuse is a factor.
It is important for prenatal records to be sent to delivering hospital prior to the 36th week.
Consider adding a special category for coding of pregnancy-related deaths due to respiratory infection.
The entire medical chart should be made available for medical chart reviewers.
Electronic records should include the nursing progress notes.
It is important to document the cause of death (COD) completely and correctly on death certificates.
In 2009, the pregnancy-related mortality ratio in Florida was 26.2.
This was a significant increase from the 2008 pregnancy-related mortality ratio of 14.3 (p= 0.004). The increase in pregnancy-related deaths in 2009 is largely attributed to the deaths due to ectopic pregnancy and influenza. A special analysis is currently underway to examine the increase in the number of deaths due to ectopic pregnancy. It is our hope that recommendations for improvements in providing care will result in a reduction or prevention of pregnancy-related deaths in the future.
Postpartum Education
Systems need to be in place to assure that the needs
of the postpartum woman are being met.
Women and their families need to know the "danger
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Severe or prolonged headache
PAMR Successes (recent)
(include article that references specific
abstraction forms)
Additional Resources:
The ‘real Florida PAMR expert'
Deborah Burch, R.N., M.S.N., C.P.C.E.
PAMR Coordinator/RN Consultant
Infant, Maternal, and Reproductive Health Unit
Florida Department of Health
Thank you for this opportunity to represent the work of FIMR/PAMR professionals in Florida.
What it takes… The ability to ‘Walk a Mile' Leadership, Vision, Action. Annette Phelps, ARNP, MSN (she is an essential
component to development of FIMR/PAMR thus far in Florida and Nationally).
Infrastructure – Healthy Start Coalitions Boots on the ground Excellent team of professionals…
diverse, opinionated, motivated, respected by colleagues.
Meena Abraham, DrPH, MPH Director of Epidemiology Services Baltimore City Health Department
271 Neighborhood
Statistical Areas
Statistical Areas
Baltimore City
Total Population
Below Poverty Level
Baltimore City 2008-10 = 73.3 yrs CSA Range = 20 yrs Maryland 2008-10 = 78.7 yrs
Priority Areas
1. Promote access to quality health care
2. Be tobacco free
3. Redesign communities to prevent obesity
4. Promote heart health
5. Stop the spread of HIV and other
sexually transmitted infections
6. Recognize and treat mental health care
7. Reduce drug use and alcohol abuse
8. Encourage early detection of cancer
9. Promote healthy children and
10. Create health promoting neighborhoods
e birthsliv 10 000
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Established in 1993 Tri-Partnership
Baltimore City Health Department Baltimore City Healthy Start Maryland State Medical Society
Developed process for conducting FIMR Engaged health and human service providers
and community stakeholders in improving perinatal systems of care
• Women have multiple risk factors for poor
pregnancy outcome.
• Women are not always aware of their risks or
ways to reduce them.
• Providers and the women they care for are
often not aware of support services and
community resources.
• Opportunities exist to improve services and
increase awareness of ways to reduce risks.
Fol ow up care for women with poor
pregnancy outcome to reduce repeat poor
Perinatal infections screening and re-
screening for early diagnosis and treatment
Family planning and preconception/ inter-
conception care for adequate pregnancy
interval and improved maternal health
Adequate utilization of prenatal care for
early and continuous care
Perinatal Outcomes I.
Congenital Syphilis
II. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder III. Perinatal HIV Transmission
3rd trimester repeat syphilis screening effective Syphilis testing at delivery essential for women
– With no prenatal care – Not tested at 3rd trimester visit – Infected after 3rd trimester screening – Re-infected after 3rd trimester screening
Opportunity for improved coordination between
providers, and between providers & health dept
Need to educate providers regarding health
department resources
Case review meetings held annually by
Baltimore City FIMR
Case management coordinated between
maternal and infant nursing and STD staff
Women with syphilis followed through
delivery, not just treatment completion
Congenital syphilis cases are reviewed by all
FIMR programs in Maryland
"Of all the substances of abuse (including cocaine, heroin, and marijuana), alcohol produces by far the most serious neurobehavioral effects in the fetus." Report to Congress, 1996
Fetal and Infant Deaths
Alcohol Use – 10% Cigarette Use/Smoking – 28% Drug Use – 25% One or more substance use – 39%
Maryland PRAMS 2001-2003
19% not asked about alcohol use during PNC 50% used alcohol in 3 months before pregnancy
Identify opportunities for prevention
within existing service systems
Analyzed Baltimore City Healthy Start client
enrol ment data and conducted focus groups
II. Identify contributors to alcohol use
during pregnancy
Conducted case reviews of women with alcohol use
during pregnancy in partnership with Sinai Hospital
27% pregnant Healthy Start enrollees used alcohol
around conception or while pregnant
Alcohol use occurs with other substance use Women not routinely screened for alcohol use in
pregnancy – more emphasis on illegal drug use
Providers and pregnant women lack awareness of
range of effects from alcohol exposure during
Poor relationship with baby's father as stressor Alcohol use instead of drugs because of Child
Protective Services reporting
Identified opportunities for prevention in
Healthy Start intake and case management
Educated Healthy Start staff about FASD Formation of Coalition for FASD Prevention Maryland Coalition for FASD Prevention
Baltimore-Towson MSA ranked third
nationally for rates of adults living with HIV disease (2009)
Majority (80%+) of HIV-exposed births occur
in Baltimore City.
17% of post-partum women participating in
the Maryland PRAMS survey reported that no healthcare provider had talked with them about HIV during pregnancy (2001-2006)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
HIV-infected women of
6,784 7,144 7,368 7,351 7,216
reproductive age
Reported Perinatal HIV
Confirmed Perinatal HIV
Perinatal HIV Transmission
1.7% 4.0% 2.9% 1.8% 1.6%
Source: Enhanced Perinatal Surveil ance, Maryland DHMH
National partners: CDC, ACOG, and
Local partners: Maryland State Medical
Society and Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, with
participation of Baltimore City FIMR
In 2010, nine cases of perinatal HIV exposure
reviewed to examine opportunities for HIV
testing and linkage to care for births
occurring to HIV positive women in
Inconsistent documentation of patient education Inconsistent family planning education/counseling Poor utilization of partner services Lack of support systems due to HIV/AIDS stigma Need for intensive case management and support
services for engagement in care and treatment adherence
Domestic violence and substance abuse issues Housing and transportation needs
Baltimore FIMR-HIV Team established IRB approvals at several hospitals Included in CDC HIV Prevention FOA
Developing plan to coordinate resources and
tasks between city and state for case reporting
and to conduct reviews
Sentinel event – "reportable" health outcome Adapt FIMR process and materials to review the
specific sentinel event
Engage key partners – hospitals, programs,
service providers, etc. in project
Ensure appropriate expertise available to review
case summaries and participate in case review
team deliberations
Provide training on FIMR process Provide training on standards of care for the
sentinel event under review
ORDENANZA NÚMERO 2.724 VISTO el Expediente Nº 8.315/2006 C.D. ("CD" 1.517/2006). INTENDENTE MUNICIPAL. Eleva nuevos pliegos de licitación pública de los servicios de Cirugía Cardiovascular y de Hemodinamia en el Hospital Municipal de Azul. Con los despachos de las Comisiones de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente, de Interpretación, Legislación y Seguridad Pública y de Presupuesto y Hacienda.
Treatment of Peri-implantitis Lesions with Laser-assisted Therapy and a Minimally in Invasive Approach: A Case Report Elvan Efeoglua, Gulin T. Eyyupoglub a Professor, Dr, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Marmara University, Istanbul, b PhD Student, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Marmara University, Istanbul,