2005 april may.qxd

Caring and Sharing
NAMI Valley of the Sun
Vol. 15, No. 2 Families and Friends Affected by Mental Il ness June - Aug 2014
Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care takes over as RBHA
Mercy Maricopa Press Release
On April 1, Mercy Maricopa launched the state's newest Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA), and one of the nation's largest public integrated Additional events are in the planning stages, so be behavioral health systems. Arizona is leading a national sure to fol ow us on Facebook and Twit er (@Mercy- movement toward integrating physical and behavioral Maricopa). You can also reach our communications health care, backed by a mountain of research that director, Mary K. Reinhart, at confirms the benefits of treating mind and body together. or community relations director Alex Zavala, at Now entering the third month of operations, the if you have an event or RBHA is eager to hear from NAMI members and others story you'd like to share.
about how things are going. What's working and where Mercy Maricopa's quarterly member newslet er can can we improve? What ideas do you have for involving be found inside the Together AZ newspaper. Look for our the community and making sure everyone's voices are first newslet er to arrive in the July edition, which wil be heard? How can we get the word out about events and distributed, as usual, at Val ey clinics, provider offices, other happenings in the Phoenix metro area? peer-run organizations, advocacy agencies, state offices To that end, we've been holding a series of and other places that people gather.
community forums at clinics and peer-run organizations Mercy Maricopa also wil be hosting a series of Youth around the Val ey, and we've been grateful to have NAMI Mental Health First Aid trainings. You can learn more at in at endance to distribute information.
Higher Doses of Antidepressants; Higher Suicide Risk
commercial names as Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Celexa and Lexapro -- the study suggests one additional suicide About a decade after the Food and Drug Adminis- would be at empted. tration first warned that antidepressant medications Given that antidepressants appear to be less effective increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in in young people than in older patients, and that higher children, new research has found that kids and young doses do not appear to bring more or faster relief, the adults who start on high doses of antidepressants are at author of an invited commentary in Journal of the especial y high risk, especial y in the first three months Americal Medical Association Internal Medicine of treatment.
suggested that prescribing physicians should abide by Among patients 24 and younger, those who started the wel -worn maxim "start low, go slow," and monitor treatment for depression or anxiety with a higher-than- patients closely during their first several months of usual dose of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment.
(SSRI) were more than twice as likely to harm them- On the other hand, it might also be that those started selves intentional y than those whose treatment began at on high-dose SSRIs are more likely to discontinue their the customary dose and increased slowly, the study therapy and to suffer from discontinuation syndrome, which can bring physical symptoms of anxiety and is For every 150 such patients treated with high initial sometimes linked to unpredictable behavior.
doses of SSRIs -- antidepressants marketed under such

Digital Games Help with Anxiety & Depression
gamelike elements will make its PTSDCoach app, released in 2011, more Digital games are gaining notice effective for veterans with post-traumatic Val ey of the Sun
from some researchers who think they're stress disorder.
NAMI Val ey of the Sun
a novel way to address mental health It might seem surprising that digital 10810 N. Tatum Blvd.
issues like depression and anxiety. The games are being investigated to treat game, SuperBetter, is currently the serious mental conditions. But "gamifi- subject of two scientific trials, including cation" tools like SuperBetter and Phoenix, AZ 85028 a National Institutes of Health-funded Personal Zen can increase access to experiment that wil begin this summer. mental health treatment, says Carol A paper by the creator of Personal Zen, Landau, a professor of psychiatry at the published in the March edition of Alpert Medical School at Brown Univer- Clinical Psychological Science, shows sity, who specializes in depression Jodi Peary, President the mobile game can decrease anxiety in treatment. "But here's the caveat: Craig Sparrazza, Vice-President some users after 25 minutes of use.
Belinda Escalante , Secretary The Department of Veterans Affairs psychotherapy." Bev Carling, Treasurer is internally testing whether more Members of the Board:
New Support
Group Facilitators
Tad D. GaryJessie Libfeld NAMI Val ey of the Sun congratulates our newest trained Elyce Yunowich Helen Bradford Printing & Mailing:  Terry Odhner, Carol Cronlund & Emergencies, cal 911.
24-hour crisis line, cal 602.222.9444
(Maricopa Crisis Recovery Network) Want to learn more For support groups, education classes, special events, volunteering, membership inquiries contact NAMI Val ey of the Sun: 602.374.7439 -
Click on the by-lines of the article or other links Caring and Sharing is published every 3 months.
this newslet er.
NAMI represents families and friends affected by serious You can sign up for an e-mail subscription to the mental il nesses. NAMI Val ey of the Sun is an affiliate of Caring and Sharing newslet er. You do not have to NAMI (National Al iance on Mental Il ness) and NAMI Arizona (the Arizona Al iance on Mental Il ness). NAMI is a be a NAMI member for this free service.
grassroots, self-help, support, education, research and E-mail your request to: advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of adults and children with severe brain disorders.
Caring and Sharing
June 2014

Maricopa County Education Coordinator's Corner
by Debbie Martinez
conducted by Helen Bradford and Marie Martin. The twelve participants learned so much about facilitating a support group, and as a result of this training, we have Education and Family started four new support groups in different parts of the Support programs has had Val ey. The new groups have started in the fol owing an incredible start since areas; downtown Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Anthem.
January 2014. The year Please look at our calendar listing for days and times these began with two Family-to- groups meet if you are interested in at ending one of them.
Family classes, one in In late April, Denise Alvarez and Susan Junck Scottsdale, at Mountain- conducted a Family-to-Family teacher training. We had a view Presbyterian Church, a group of very enthusiastic and dedicated people who want constant supporter of NAMI to be able to help their communities by providing the Programs, and one in Chandler at the Chandler Police Family-to-Family class. The new teachers wil be able to Department. In the past, we've always experienced some serve the West Val ey, the Southeast Val ey, the East chal enges in securing a facility to use in the Chandler Val ey, Northeast Val ey and the Payson area. The area, however, the Chandler Police Department opened exciting news is that we had two individuals who live in their doors to NAMI and allowed us to use their the Payson area who want to bring this program up to the Community Room for our very first Family-to-Family Mogol on Rim Area after at ending a Family-to-Family class in that area. The class was so successful that we are class here in the Val ey. Currently, there is no affiliate in hosting another one at the same location in June, and the Payson, so these two individuals joined NAMI East class is almost fil ed. Val ey, went to the Family-to-Family teacher training and In March we started a class in East Mesa at the MARC are ready to get to work educating families in Payson. It Center, East Vil age, another commit ed supporter of was a very inspiring and exciting day, and we are in the NAMI programs, and we formed a new partnership with process of scheduling and set ing up classes so al of these Val ey Presbyterian in Paradise Val ey area whose first teachers can utilize the knowledge they gained in the class started in April. The consistency in providing these educational We wil be gearing up for some of the presentation programs in the same location, with the commitment of programs we set up for schools such as "Parents and NAMI Family-to-Family teachers keeps these classes Teachers as Al ies." We wil start looking for additional fil ed. Many thanks to the teachers for their dedication in presenters for the program, "Ending the Silence," to start keeping these classes ongoing for the community. Many some presentation programs in the Fal . Tempe School thanks also go to the organizations that al ow us to District has two very large presentations set up in August continue to host these classes at their facilities. and October. Currently we wil be working on prelimi- We also had a great start for the NAMI BASICS nary activities in preparation for these very important pre- program as wel . We completed one class in Glendale at sentations for our schools and communities. Arrowhead Hospital and we are currently finishing up There is so much great work being conducted by our another one at Paradise Val ey Hospital. We are starting NAMI volunteers. For those who have been helping and to notice a growth in this program as people become supporting these programs, we thank you very much for aware of what is offered through NAMI BASICS. We your commitment and dedication.
have another class scheduled at Arrowhead in August.
Val ey Presbyterian Church in Paradise Val ey is offering their facility to do a BASICS class starting in October. We wil probably offer a few more before the end of the year.
If you are a NAMI BASICS teacher, interested in teaching, would you please let me know and we can start Classes coming this summer: working on set ing up another class in your area of choice. June: Chandler Another great success in late February of this year was August: Glendale, Scot sdale & East Mesa the Family Support Group Facilitator training held at Pre-registration is required! Desert Banner Hospital. This was an excel ent training Contact Debbie: 602.759.8177 National Al iance on Mental Il ness
June 2014
NAMI Arizona Holds Annual Meeting by Jim Dunn
tional partnering to efficiently improve health care Thank you to al who participated in the 2014 Annual Joined by representatives from each of the four Meeting and Celebration "Crankin' Up The Col abora- Regional Behavioral Health Authorities who helped fund tion." On May 10 we saluted Governor Brewer and the this event and Individual, Family, Affiliate, Government bipartisan group that supported Expansion/Restoration and Community Leaders from across the State, powerful last session further strengthening our public health and relationships and determined commitments were made safety net in the most economical y sensible manner.
throughout the day.
Governor Brewer's keynote address invigorated the Please share your pictures, videos, and comments crowd who joined in awarding 2014 Col aborative with me at [email protected] and I wil be sure to Community Champion awards to Governor Brewer and include them in our website updates at House Representatives Heather Carter, Victoria Steele, www.NamiAz.org. I wil also send out the pictures from Doug Coleman, Bob Robson, Jeff Dial, Eric Meyer, and the Governor's Office upon receipt.
Lela Alston, along with Senators John McComish and Don't forget to mark your calendars for next year's Lynne Pancrazi.
annual meeting and celebration scheduled Saturday Extra Special Thanks to House Health Commit ee January 31, 2015, at the same location in the Disability Champs and Bipartisan SuperStars Representatives Empowerment Center.
Heather Carter and Victoria Steele who stayed throughout the day to help panel our statewide conversation on inten- Churches Team Up with NAMI
with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and the like, though that is an important part of it. "We are al Easter is a time of new beginnings. It is the answer, broken," Mr. Warren said in his remarks a phrase Chris- the pastor Rick Warren remarks, to loss and despair. tians often use to describe the many imperfections of This Spring, one year after his son took his life while the human world. "We're al a lit le bit mental y il ." struggling with depression, Mr. Warren, the founding The larger goal is to get the church directly involved pastor of Saddleback Church, one of the nation's largest with the care of people with serious psychiatric il ness evangelical churches, teamed up with his local Roman by training administrators and pastors to handle Catholic Diocese and NAMI for an event that psychiatric crises, to set up groups within the church for announced a new initiative to involve the church in the people with serious mental il ness and to establish care of serious mental il ness.
services within the church for people who need them Their goal is not only to reduce stigma for people 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Val ey of the Sun
Tuesday, June 3, 2012
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014
Darwin Chern MD., CMO Crisis Response Network CEO Recovery Empowerment Partners in Recovery Topic: The New World of
Topic: Programs at REN
Health Information Technolo-
Caring and Sharing
June 2014
Study on Limited Jurisdiction Courts and the SMI by Dyani Juarez
Conclusion: The LJ courts struggle to identify SMI
offenders. In addition, they lack authority to force Deinstitutionalization shifted mental y il patients treatment or commit an offender against his wil . from mental institutions into local communities, but Recommendation: Court personnel should be trained to
failed to ensure that patients continued receiving identify and take appropriate action related to offenders treatment. The result is an influx of mental health patients with mental health issues. Training should, at a now navigating the criminal justice system, especial y in minimum, include an in depth analysis of the fol owing limited jurisdiction (LJ) courts, which deal with minor areas: • What is SMI and what disorders it encompasses LJ courts process al cases in the same manner; there • How a person receives an SMI designation is no separate set of laws or procedures designed to • Identifying potential y SMI individuals/offenders ensure treatment and reduce recidivism for the mental y • How to effectively deal with, and communicate il . Rule 11 governs incompetency and mental examina- with SMI individuals/offenders • Local resources available to SMI patients and their This study investigates LJ courts and found: • At orneys and LJ courts are general y aware of the • Alternative sentences for SMI offenders in an concept of SMI, but LJ courts are less familiar than effort to reduce recidivism practicing at orneys.
• Rule 11 process in LJ Courts • Larger jurisdictions are more likely than smal er jurisdictions to implement mental health courts.
Conclusion: Arizona Rule 11 provide procedures related
• Of LJ courts with no mental health court, half have to competency, but these procedures are costly and do not no mental health policy at al .
address al mental health issues.
• In most LJ courts, SMI defendants represent a Recommendation: Mental health courts are an effective
smal minority (<10%) of the total caseload.
solution to the problem. While courts are general y not • LJ court practices vary in how they identify indi- subject to regulations requiring them to ensure that SMI viduals who may suffer from a mental il ness.
offenders receive treatment, they do have a responsibility • Many cases against SMI defendants are dismissed to take reasonable measures to reduce the likelihood that without a Rule 11 evaluation on a motion by the SMI offenders wil continue commit ing new crimes.
Proper treatment improves the ability of a person suffering from mental il ness to function in society.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Beyond ordering treatment for the offenders who appear before them, courts can take steps to ensure that these Conclusion: Many individuals in the criminal justice offenders are placed in environments where they can
system suffer from SMI and do not receive regular benefit from proven methods such as those utilized in the Assetive Community Treatment model, including home Recommendation: In the area if law enforcement, the LJ visits by case workers, periods of observation to identify
court system needs education about resources available to when medications should be adjusted, the active involve- assist a person suffering from a mental episode. Crisis ment of family members, and the assistance of trained teams are often a superior alternative to arresting and and dedicated treatment staff. Mental health courts are an filing criminal charges against a person suffering from ideal venue for ensuring that offenders receive the mental il ness.
support they need.
Conclusion: Even with proper funding, treating mental Conclusion: Mental health courts are often prohibitively
il ness is a serious chal enge.
expensive in LJ courts that rely on local funding.
Recommendation: Agencies providing mental health Recommendation: Regional mental health courts are an
care should be held accountable, and should be required ideal solution for limited jurisdiction courts with scarce to fol ow through with home visits, at endance to court resources.
proceedings and notification to the court of the status of the consumer involved in a case.
Read the ful report at National Al iance on Mental Il ness
June 2014

Calendar of Events & Activities
June - August 2014
Family Support Groups
First United Methodist Church 331 S. Cooper, Suite 142 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Risen Savior Lutheran Church 23914 S. Alma School Rd.
10:00 am - noon
1400 S. Dobson, Rosati Ed Bldg 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Mesquite Conference Room 2nd & 4th
318 E. 15th St.
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Tempe Friends Meeting Shepherd of the Hil s Church 13658 Meeker Blvd.
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Sun City West, AZ Arrowhead Hospital 18699 N. 67th Ave.
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Physicians Suite Plaza- Sierra Room Devonshire Senior Center 28th St. & Devonshire 6:00 - 7:30 pm
(North of Indian School), 21650 N. Tatum Blvd, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
1st & 3rd
Mountain View Presbyterian Church 9832 N. Hayden Road 6:00 - 7:30 pm
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
First Cong. United Church of Christ 1407 N. 2nd St.
7:00 - 8:30 pm
2nd Fridays
Anthem Civic Bldg.
3701 W. Anthem Way 7:00 - 8:30 pm
3rd Tuesdays
Marc Community Resources Peer Support Training
2nd Floor Training Room 924 N. Country Club Drive Information or to apply June 6 - 27, 2014 Arizona Department of Health 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Services certified curriculum! Caring and Sharing
June 2014

7:00 - 8:30 pm
Darwin Chern MD., CMO Partners in Recovery June 3, 2014
Topic: The New World of
Health Info Technology
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Crisis Response Network July 1, 2014
7:00 - 8:30 pm
CEO Recovery Empowerment August 5, 2014
Topic: Programs at REN
Peer Support & Misc Events
7:00 - 9:00 pm
3rd Monday
Support group for people living SW Network Saguaro Clinic 3:00 - 4:30 pm
with mental disorders. 3227 E. Bel Road A comprehensive 12-week Call for dates, times and course on mental il ness.
A series of six (6) once-per-week Call for dates, times and (focusing on
classes for parents / caregivers of children and
children and adolescents living with mental il ness. Oct. 18, 2014 - 9:00 am
Arizona State Capitol Grounds
Information or to volunteer 1700 W. Washington St.
Volunteer Orientation Phoenix, AZ
Need Help? Contact Mercy Maricopa. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Report Provider Fraud: 602.417.4045
Behavioral Health Crisis Line 800.631.1314
Report Member Fraud: 602.417.4193
Member Services: 800.564.5465
A shout out to:
for providing free classroom space Mountain View Presbyterian
for Family to Family classes and Church in Scot sdale
Family Support Groups.
National Al iance on Mental Il ness
June 2014
NAMI Val ey of the Sun Elects a New Board
NAMI Val ey of the Sun has formed its first board of Bev Carling
directors. The board represents members from the Bev brings over 15 years experience in previous four NAMI affiliates that recently merged into Finance/Accounting and Operations Management to one affiliate that serves people in the Phoenix NAMI, since 2002. She served on Affiliate and State metropolitan area.
boards for 10+ years in various capacities (President, Treasurer Secretary and Membership Chair). She served on the Walk Commit ee and as a Walk Team Leader.
Terry served in Air Force ROTC, US Navy, Naval Reserve, and the Army National Guard. He facilitated Belinda Escalante
support groups, presented IOOV, participated in Health Belinda has over 15 years of experience working in Fairs and served as the NAMI resource person for the the human services, education field and business SAFE program at the VA. ownership. Currently, her work assists those with disabil- Support groups have been an important part of his ities to overcome barriers to employment. In 2013 and recovery, and as a facilitator of two groups, he works hard 2014, she served on the NAMI SEV Board, Southeast to help others with their recovery experience.
Val ey Outreach Commit ee, and the National Al iance on Mental Il ness Val ey Walk Commit ee.
Tad D. Gary, MEd, MA, CRC, LPC
Tad Gary serves as Chief Clinical Officer (CCO) of Larry Clausen
Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care.
Larry has worked with diverse populations including Tad has worked in public behavioral health for over 15 the elderly, intel ectual y and physical y disabled as wel years and has held multiple leadership roles, as wel as as persons with severe mental il ness. His current position directly providing counseling and psychosocial rehabilita- as the Executive Director of the Arizona Developmental tion services. Most recently, Tad was Vice President of Disabilities Planning Council is a great opportunity to Integrated Care Management with Mercy Care Plan, over- create new and innovative approaches to addressing the seeing a large department comprised of multiple case key issues posing barriers for persons with developmental management and behavioral health teams.
disabilities in Arizona.
Craig has been working in healthcare since the early Jessie is a peer who presents for In Our Own Voice 70's, starting as an ambulance EMT which eventual y led and participated in peer-to-peer and connections groups.
him to obtaining his nursing degree in '78. His nursing She earned an undergraduate degree in Journalism and practice provided him the opportunity to practice in a Communications. Jesse works as a Clinical Program variety of set ing, including ER shift supervisor. Craig Specialist at Cenpatico, specializing in Peer and Family joined NAMI three years ago with a son who has a dual Run Organizations. diagnosis of bipolar/co-occurring substance abuse. Craig trained as a facilitator for F2F, Parents and Teachers as Gaye Tolman
Al ies, and Family Support Group. Served on the NAMI Gaye has been active in the behavioral health arena for South East Val ey board for the past 2 years. over 25 years as wel as being CEO of two other non- profits. She is the CEO for Recovery Empowerment Jodi Peary, J.D., PhD
Network and is very excited about the new programs that Jodi is a research psychologist, who takes a develop- wil be starting at that agency. She has always been an mental psychopathology perspective to understanding advocate for those in need.
resilience versus vulnerability from infancy through emerging adulthood. Her research projects are aimed at learning what makes a difference for resilience and how to A baby is born with a need to be loved, strategical y target and time interventions or policies to and never outgrows it.
promote success in disadvantaged children and young people whose lives are threatened by adversity. Caring and Sharing
June 2014
Local Family-to-Family Program Gets $10K Grant NAMI Southeast Val ey is pleased to announce the Ray of Light then gives a grant to the nonprofit organiza- receipt of a grant for $10,000 for the Family to Family tion of that artist's choice.
program. This grant was the generous award from Chaz Chaz Buzan was the winner in January of this honor.
Buzan through the Ray of Light Art for Freedom Chaz awarded this grant to support our efforts in supports the entertainer Madonna's Art for Freedom initiative, creative expression that brings awareness about winning video.
Chaz Buzan Thanks to Chaz and Madonna for supporting metal Each month, Madonna and a guest curator select an health in our community! artist who best embodies the mission of Art for Freedom.
See Chaz's award winning performance on: Ketamine Tested for Treating Severe Depression
take 10 or more days to take effect.
Ketamine is seen by the researchers as a substitute The first UK study to give ketamine to severely for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which is depressed patients has found that it had dramatic sometimes used for people with treatment-resistant positive effects on some long-standing sufferers who depression but carries risk of memory loss.
had not responded to other treatments.
One of the reasons the drug is thought to work is Researchers at Oxford Health NHS Foundation that it has a direct impact on the subgenual anterior Trust and the University of Oxford observed that 29% cingulate, the part of the brain where overactivity is of patients in a study, some of whom had suffered from seen in people with depression.
depression for more than 20 years, experienced signifi- However, the British government announced in cant improvement in mood four to seven days after their February that ketamine would be upgraded to a Class B final dose of the drug, with four of the 28 subjects them banned substance in the face of evidence that it has completely free from depression at that point. It works caused physical and psychological harm to recreational rapidly compared with some antidepressants, which can users.
Mental Health & Congress
identify and treat people with mental disorders are also widely approved.
Republicans in the US House are sponsoring the Democrats in the House, led by U.S. Rep. Ron "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act." The bil Barber, D-AZ., have their own legislation which they've provides money for suicide prevention programs and for dubbed the "Strengthening Mental Health in Our remote video therapy, which is seen as especial y crucial Communities Act of 2014." in rural areas.
This proposal would launch a White House Office for Widely backed provisions of the bil include stream- Mental Health Policy, improve mental health services lining payment for services under the Medicaid program, under Medicaid and Medicare, fund community and and providing funds for clinics that meet standards for school mental health grants and increase funds to rigorous, scientifical y supported care.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis- Provisions cal ing for increased training for police tration (SAMHSA) programs.
officers and emergency medical workers in how to National Al iance on Mental Il ness
June 2014
Books on Mental Health Award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates the merits of psychiatric medications through the prism of long-term results. Are long-term recovery rates higher for medicated or unmedicated schizophrenia patients? Does taking an antidepressant decrease or increase the risk that a depressed person wil become disabled by the disorder? Do bipolar patients fare bet er today than they did forty years ago, or much worse? Former Washington Post reporter Pete Earley had writ en extensively about the criminal justice system. But it was only when his own son-in the throes of a manic episode-broke into a neighbor's house that he learned what happens to mental y il people who break a law.
This is the Earley family's compel ing story, a troubling look at bureaucratic apathy and the countless thousands who suffer confinement instead of care, brutal conditions instead of treatment, in the "revolving doors" between hospital and jail. With mass deinstitutionalization, large numbers of state mental patients are homeless or in jail-an experience lit le bet er than the horrors of a century ago.
Diagnosing Psychosis: The Importance of Testing slight slowing in the right frontal and temporal lobes of It looked like the teen was having her first psychotic This finding led Doctors to believe Mia had limbic break, but actual y it was another disorder.
encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain; the disease Mia was admit ed to the psychiatry service and can be triggered by an infection or an autoimmune doctors began tests: A screen for Lyme disease and HIV reaction in which the body at acks itself. (The disorder was negative. An MRI scan of her brain was clear, is also called anti-NMDA receptorencephalitis or which ruled out a brain tumor. The diagnosis was antibody-mediated encephalitis.) atypical psychosis and Mia was started on high doses of "Time is critical to this prognosis: The sooner treatment is started, the less likely it is that damage wil However, Mia's electroencephalogram (EEG), a test occur. A study published last year found that treatment that measures electrical signals in the brain, showed started within four weeks of symptoms was a predictor what her doctor said was "a very subtle finding:" a of a good outcome." Depression Linked to Risk of Heart Failure were 5 percent more likely to develop heart failure, and those with moderate to severe symptoms had a 40% Depression may increase the risk of heart failure, a increased risk.
new study suggests.
"Depression triggers stress hormones. If you're Researchers looked at nearly 63,000 people in stressed, you feel your pulse going up and your breath Norway who underwent physical and mental health speeding up, which is the result of hormones being released. Those stress hormones also induce inflamma- Over 11 years, close to 1,500 of the participants tion and [plaque buildup in arteries], which may acceler- developed heart failure. Compared to people with no ate heart diseases," Gustad explained.
symptoms of depression, those with mild symptoms Caring and Sharing
June 2014
The Cost of Doing Nothing two weeks in the same ER, waiting for a psychiatric bed to open up. For many people with mental il ness, the ER A Mental Health System Drowning in Neglect
can be a kind of purgatory.
Nearly 40% of adults with "severe" mental il ness, Mental health bed shortages are a national, man- such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, received no made disaster that people rarely notice until it affects treatment in the previous year, according to the 2012 them.
National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Among adults with any mental il ness, 60% were untreated.
Mental Health Programs are often the First to be
The result is that, al too often, people with mental Cut
il ness get no care at al .
States cut $5 bil ion in mental health services from Patients Re-Institutionalized in Jails and Homeless
As states have cut mental health funding, many have increased spending on prisons and jails. MentalIl - The USA treats people with mental il ness as second- nessPolicy.org, shows that investing up front in mental class citizens. They're neglected not just by friends and health can yield big dividends.
neighbors, but by lawmakers, who slash cost-effective A Georgia study found that providing comprehensive services and discriminate against them through federal mental health services to mental y il people involved in policies that block access to care.
the criminal justice system cut the number of days that participants spent in the hospital by 89%, and the number Patients Wait Days or Weeks for Hospital Beds
of days spent in jail by 78%. In al , the program saved From 2009 to 2012, the country eliminated at least more than $1 mil ion in its first year.
4,500 public psychiatric hospital beds, nearly 10% of the total supply. In March, a Vermont psychotic patient spent Jump-starting neurons reverses stress susceptibility
develops in response to social stress, if driven high enough for a sustained period, triggers its own compen- Scientists traced vulnerability to depression-like satory adaptation, the inhibitory currents that corrects behaviors in mice to out-of-balance electrical activity out-of-balance electrical activity and produces inside neurons of the brain's reward circuit.
resilience. So at least in the brain's reward circuit, exag- The National gerating an abnormality, for a time, proved to be the Institutes of Mental curative secret, say the researchers. Health (NIMH) research Whether by drugs (in this study lamotrigine) or by experimental y trigger a the application of light, further stimulating an already compensatory self-stabi- abnormal y high current in the brain produced a com- lizing response. Once electrical balance was restored, pensatory response on a different brain pathway. The previously susceptible animals were no longer prone to overal effect meant that the mice were more able to becoming withdrawn, anxious, and listless fol owing cope with stressful situations.
social y stressful experiences.
The drug lamotrigine is used as a mood stabilizer for "To our surprise, neurons in this circuit harbor their people with the depressive symptoms of bipolar own self-tuning, homeostatic mechanism of natural disorder, but until now the reasons why it works have resilience," explained Dr. Ming-Hu Han. Dr. Han and been a mystery. Optogenetic (use of light) techniques to col eagues reported on their discovery April 18, 2014 in stimulate neuronal activity in the reward circuit had the the journal Science.
same positive effect on mice behavior.
The abnormally high excitatory current that National Al iance on Mental Il ness
June 2014
Non-Profit Org.
10810 N. Tatum Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85028 Become a NAMI Member Today!
How Can Members Help?
a Ask a friend to join NAMI or give them a gift of membership.
a Join our NEW advocacy commit ee.
aIncreases revenues for our programs and services a Solicit a corporate donor.
aGets our col ective voices heard by the community.
a Make a donation.
aCreates numerical power for legislative issues.
a Volunteer to serve on a Commit ee.
aSupports education, research & advocacy.
a Visit our Volunteer page on our website for other opportunities.
$35 - Individual
$3 - Open Door
Mil. Veteran
Please make checks payable & mail to: NAMI Phoenix, 10810 N. Tatum Blvd., #102, PMB 325.
Phoenix, AZ 85028Please make checks payable & mail to: NAMI East Val ey, P.O. Box 336
Please make checks payable & mail to: NAMI Southeast Val ey, 232 N. Corrine Court
Gilbert, AZ 85234

Source: http://www.southwestnetwork.org/ni/news/documents/NAMICaringSharing6_14.pdf

Case study 06.qxd

Case Study 06.qxd 3/30/06 3:44 PM Page 6-1 A d o l e s c e n t Adapted from Thomson Delmar Learning's Case Study Series: Pediatrics, by Bonita E. Broyles, RN, BSN,MA, PhD. Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, NY. All rights reserved. ■ White American ■ Doxycycline (Vibramycin) ■ Sexually active teenager ■ Confidentiality of minor client


Educación Basada en la Conciencia Índice de Contenidos Desarrollo del potencial total del estudiante, prevención y tratamiento del estrés, la ansiedad y la © Escuela sin Estrés, 2006. Este programa está respaldado por el País Global de Paz Mundial. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Fundador de Escuelas de Invencibilidad en todos los países © Escuela sin Estrés, 2006. Este programa está respaldado por el País Global de Paz Mundial.