Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
Assessing feeding electivity in Acanthaster planci: a nullmodel analysis
M. Tokeshi • J. R. P. Daud
Received: 8 February 2010 / Accepted: 26 October 2010 / Published online: 21 November 2010Ó Springer-Verlag 2010
Feeding electivity was investigated in a non-
Acanthaster. The present study emphasizes the merit of
outbreaking population of the crown-of-thorns starfish
testing the observed patterns, using null models for a rigor-
Acanthaster planci (L.) from North Sulawesi, Indonesia. A
ous assessment of feeding preferences.
null model-based approach was used to assess the feedingpattern of Acanthaster in relation to the availability of coral
Electivity index Crown-of-thorns starfish
prey in the field. Of a total of 70 species of corals recorded
Faviidae Prey selection Corallivore Sulawesi
as prey, massive species, particularly of Faviidae, tended tobe more frequently consumed than would be expectedunder the assumption of random feeding by A. planci.
Branched and encrusting/laminar forms of corals thatoccurred in relatively exposed sites were apparently not
Among many organisms associated with coral reefs, the
preferred, pointing to the importance of non-acroporan
crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci (L.) is one of
massive species of corals in cryptic habitats as prey for
the most important predators of corals with its wide dis-
A. planci. The null model-based electivity index Z intro-
tribution in the Indo-Pacific and destructive effects upon
duced here directly measured the deviation from random
coral reefs. A large body of information has been accu-
feeding, while two common indices (Ivlev's and Vander-
mulated on its general biology and ecology (Moran ;
ploeg and Scavia's) only partially reflected such deviations
Birkeland and Lucas ), including the aspects of pre-
(hence, prey selection cannot be accurately demonstrated
dation. Particular attention has been drawn to its ability to
by these). Electivity values (Z) for poritid species and
feed on scleractinian corals and to cause massive mortality
Acropora palifera, the most common Acropora species in
among them; a widely held view is that the species pref-
the study site, were significantly negative, indicating
erentially feeds on tabular and branched corals of the genus
apparent avoidance of them by Acanthaster. Our results
Acropora (Keesing and Lucas De'ath and Moran
indicate that accessibility to different coral species and the
; Pratchett On the other hand, while much
choice/avoidance of certain species are the important ele-
attention has been drawn to its population outbreaks and
ments of feeding in non-outbreaking populations of
consequent, often dramatic, decimation of coral reefs
Acanthaster inhabiting spatially variable reef environments.
(Done ; Yamaguchi ; Birkeland and Lucas ;
A similar consideration may apply to the feeding patterns of
Berumen and Pratchett Pratchett ; Pratchett
other corallivores that possess superior/inferior mobility to
et al. Kenyon and Aeby there is remarkablylittle detailed information on its predatory habit in differentreef sites during the periods in which the species occurs at
Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Mark Hay
relatively low- to intermediate-densities. It has been sug-gested that the starfish's feeding behavior may change with
M. Tokeshi (&) J. R. P. Daud
their densities, with food selectivity being high at low
AMBL-Kyushu University, Amakusa, Kumamoto 863-2507,
densities and declining with increasing densities and scar-
city of corals toward the end of an outbreak (Birkeland and
Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
Lucas ). For a comprehensive understanding of the
fisheries and the local diving industry, there have been
ecology of this important predator, more information is
heavy concentrations of A. planci since 2003 ([20 indi-
needed on its feeding patterns, particularly under non-
viduals ha-1 in 2006–2009) that have caused extensive reef
damages, alongside anthropogenic influences (due to
One of the difficulties in deciphering the feeding pat-
people using reefs in various manners; fishing, shellfish
terns of versatile predators such as Acanthaster in open
collection, trampling, abrasion by snorkelers, etc.). The
habitats concerns the assessment of preferential/non-pre-
outbreaking populations of Acanthaster gradually moved
ferential feeding. Even if laboratory/controlled field
from east to west within the southern reefs of Bunaken, and
experiments indicate a possibility of selective feeding on
coral devastation was widespread in the south-central reef
some prey categories, data from natural field conditions
flats by November 2009; however, the reefs on the eastern
cannot readily be interpreted as showing the occurrence of
coast of the island, with distinct topography and reef
preferential/non-preferential feeding, unless the observed
morphology, were free from Acanthaster outbreaks until
patterns are demonstrably different from patterns expected
the end of 2009.
by chance. In the case of Acanthster feeding, however,
Feeding habits of A. planci were observed in the shallow
there has been no study to date that has rigorously tested
reef habitats (about 4 km long by 80–150 m wide) on the
the departures of field-observed data from random or by-
eastern side of Bunaken Island, where reef flats gradually
chance patterns. Further, while electivity indices have
gave way to reef slopes offshore without forming apparent
sometimes been used to interpret data on feeding patterns,
reef edges or crests. Shallow reefs between about 1–7 m of
the relationship between index values and the degree of
depth, where scleractinian corals were most abundant, were
deviation from randomness has rarely been checked or
systematically searched using SCUBA, taking note of the
clarified. It is, therefore, important to recognize that dif-
occurrence of corals with feeding scars (dead patches of
ferent electivity indices may vary in their indications of
coral, 0.2–0.5 m in longest dimension) and Acanthaster
feeding preference and avoidance patterns.
individuals in contiguous quadrats (10 by 5 m). In areas
The present study employs a null model approach for
with low density of feeding scars and Acanthaster, 50
explicitly assessing deviations from random patterns of
by 10 m quadrats were also employed, depending on the
feeding, while taking into account the availability of dif-
local topography. A. planci individuals we observed in our
ferent prey, in order to elucidate the feeding patterns of
study site were all similar in size (in the range of
Acanthaster under non-outbreak conditions. While null
20–30 cm diameter) and hence believed to be of the same
model-based analyses have been adopted in a variety of
cohort. The relative abundances of coral species were
studies on community structure and interspecific patterns
separately assessed using a total of 27 transects, each 10-m
(Gotelli and Graves Tokeshi ; Arakaki and
long, noting the shapes and sizes of colonies traversed by a
Tokeshi ), there is a paucity of such analyses on the
transect line.
feeding ecology of marine predators.
For comparing coral growth forms, we have adopted a
simple system of classification with 5 forms only: massive,encrusting, laminar, branched, and tabular. While many
Materials and methods
corals change forms as they grow and in different micro-habitats, we designated a most representative form
observed for each coral species in the state they wereconsumed by A. planci. Growth forms of ‘free-living'
Data on the feeding of Acanthaster were collected on the
fungiid species were categorized as ‘laminar', because their
eastern side of Bunaken Island (124°470E, 1°370N) in North
exposed body surfaces were roughly in one plane.
Sulawesi, eastern Indonesia, in 2006–2008. According toour continuous observation of coral assemblages since
Null models and a new electivity index
2000, the occurrence of A. planci on the eastern reefs ofBunaken Island has been low to intermediate with no
Feeding data were analyzed by comparing the observed
evidence of past outbreaks or reef devastation (Acanthaster
frequencies of feeding on different coral species with
density of 0.7–6.5 individuals ha-1 in 2005–2009, which is
values derived from null models in which starfishes were
well below the suggested threshold levels of outbreak-
assumed to forage randomly on available corals. For cal-
culating the expected frequencies of feeding under the
Reef; e.g., C15 individuals ha-1, Moran and De'ath
assumption of no positive/negative feeding choices, corals
; [10 ha-1, Keesing and Lucas In contrast, on
consumed were selected randomly among all species
partially enclosed reefs of the southern side of the island,
depending on the availability of each species for the same
which have been heavily exploited by both subsistence
number of feeding incidences (feeding scars) as observed,
Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
and the process was replicated 10,000 times. The avail-
ability of different coral species was expressed as propor-tional abundance values in two different ways: model 1
Feeding electivity in Acanthaster
used total estimated cover (area) of colonies, while model 2used total perimeter lengths. Thus, these models assumed
A total of 46 coral genera recorded from the study site on
that Acanthaster's choice of coral prey was dependent
the east coast of Bunaken divided into two equal-numbered
upon their relative abundances expressed as either one- or
groups in terms of feeding preferences by Acanthaster, one
two-dimensional measures of colony size. This analysis
with positive values of electivity (Z) and the other with
was conducted separately for two different taxonomic
negative values (Fig. Genera of the family Faviidae
resolutions: the genera-based classification and the species-
dominated the group with positive Z values, with Favites,
based classification of coral prey. Using these models,
Goniastrea, and Montastraea showing the three highest
electivity (Z) of a particular coral species or genus by
electivity values and seven out of ten highest ranking
Acanthaster was calculated as
where g0 (g1) is the proportion of simulations with thecalculated values of feeding frequency smaller (larger) thanthe observed value (0 B g0, g1 B 1.0 and 0 B g0 ?g1 B 1.0). Z ranges from 1.0, the maximum (positive)electivity, to -1.0, the minimum (negative) electivity,while values around zero indicate random feeding based onavailability. This index has an advantage of showing thetendencies of preference and avoidance as positive andnegative values and enables the comparisons of uncon-sumed potential prey alongside the assessment of thoseprey actually consumed. Another advantage is that indexvalues can closely reflect their statistical significance.
The positive/negative electivity values were judged to besignificant (i.e., significant preference or avoidance of aparticular species), if max (g0, g1) [ 0.975, correspondingto P 0.05 in a two-tailed test (max (g0, g1) [ 0.995 forP 0.01 and max (g0, g1) [ 0.9995 for P 0.001).
The performance of this index was compared with two
other indices of electivity, Ivlev's ((Ei) and Van-derploeg and Scavia's ) (Wi), using the same feedingdata. The indices are
Ei ¼ ðri piÞ=ðri þ piÞ
Wi ¼ ðX n1Þ=ðX þ n1Þ
where X ¼ ðri=piÞ=Rðri=piÞ
where ri and pi are the proportions of prey/food i in the dietand in the environment, respectively, and n is the numberof kinds of food. Another index by Jacobs (Di = (ri - pi)/(ri ? pi - 2ri pi), was also tested, but itsvalues were very close to Ivlev's (as expected from itsformulation) and, therefore, not included in the results.
While these indices are supposed to give a quantitativemeasure of deviation from random feeding, no formalexamination of such deviation has been conducted. These
Fig. 1 Electivity (Z) values of different coral genera as prey toAcanthaster planci in the shallow reef habitats on the east coast of
indices were each plotted against Z to see how well the
Bunaken, North Sulawesi. The mean of Z values derived from models
latter's data structure (i.e., degree of departure from ran-
1 and 2 is given for each genus. A significant departure from
domness) is reflected in E or W.
randomness is indicated by ***P 0.001, **P 0.01, *P 0.05
Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
genera belonging to this family. In contrast, the group with
Table 1 List of coral species preyed upon by Acanthaster planci in
negative Z values included diverse genera belonging to
east Bunaken, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
different families, with Acropora and Porites showing
strongly negative electivity values. Of those genera with
relatively weak electivity values (-0.5 Z 0.5), nega-tive values occurred more frequently than positive ones,
indicating a fairly sharp discrepancy between preferred and
Goniastrea minuta
non-preferred prey groups.
Goniastrea edwardsi
From a total of 154 feeding scars observed, 70 species of
corals were identified as being consumed by Acanthaster
Favia lizardensis
(Table ). Electivity values were variable among different
coral species, ranging from 1 to -1, but the majority of
species (61 spp.) yielded positive values with only nine
species demonstrating negative ones. The values from two
Favia helianthoides
null models were highly correlated (P 0.001) and yiel-
ded similar results. Of all species, 18 species had positive
Z values that were judged to be significantly large on the
basis of model 1, of which 11 species belonged to Faviidae.
Favites stylifera
While species of Faviidae showed predominantly positive
electivity values, Acroporidae showed a mixed pattern with
Leptastrea bottae
both positive and negative electivity values among differ-
Oulophyllia bennetae
ent species. Of nine species that showed negative electiv-
Oulophyllia crispa
ity, values for Acropora palifera and Porites cylindrica
were significant (P 0.01 and P 0.001, respectively) on
Platygyra ryukyuensis
the basis of model 1, indicating a clear tendency of
Platygyra sinensis
avoidance of these species by Acanthaster.
Platygyra verweyi
In terms of coral morphology, massive forms were more
predominant (34 spp.; Table Fig. ) than branched ones
Montastrea colemani
(18 spp.) among consumed corals, while encrusting and
Montastrea valenciennesi
laminar forms were also frequently consumed (18 spp.).
Cyphastrea ocellina
Among massive corals, Goniastrea spp. and Favites abdita
Cyphastrea agassizi
were common and preferred prey (Z & 1, P 0.01), andspecies with large polyps such as Symphillia and Oulo-
phyllia (Fig. f) were also consumed. Other common
Acanthastrea faviaformis
prey were encrusting/laminar forms of Montipora, includ-
Lobophyllia hemprichii
ing M. danae and M. grisea. It was also notable that a
species of Millepora, non-scleractinian corals generally
reported to be free from Acanthaster predation (Endean
Coeloseris mayerii
; Glynn ; Lewis but see Keesing ), was
Pachiseris gemmae
observed to fall prey (Fig. d). Among branched forms,
Hydnophora rigida and Seriatopora histrix were frequently
Physogyra lichtensteini
consumed (Fig. h), with significantly high levels of
feeding preference (Z & 1, P 0.01).
Echinopora lamellosa
Performance of electivity indices
Plotting of Ivlev's E and Vanderploeg and Scavia's
W against Z (Fig. ) shows that E and W indices do not
Montipora confusa
necessarily reflect deviation from random feeding. For
relatively large deviation from randomness (e.g., Z [ 0.8),
Montipora efflorescens
both E and W tend to show increasing scatter (variation
along y axis), indicating that the degree of deviation is not
Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
Table 1 continued
the minimal values (-1) of these indices do not indicatedepartures from random feeding.
Montipora informis
Montipora foliosa
Evaluation of feeding electivity
Montipora porites
Montipora hispida
The present study points to the importance of massive
Montipora turtlensis
corals, particularly the species of Faviidae, as food for a
non-outbreaking population of A. planci in North Sulawesi.
Acropora solitaryensis
The data clearly demonstrated that faviid species tended to
Acropora brueggemanni
be more preferred by A. planci predators than the species of
Acropora latistella
other families. In particular, Z values for faviids were
Acropora cytherea
significantly higher than those for acroporid species
Acropora palifera
(Mann–Whitney U test, P 0.001). At the same time, the
Acropora kimbeensis
study emphasizes the importance of rigorously assessing
the preferential/non-preferential feeding of different coral
Astreopora myriophthalma
taxa by A. planci. In this context, it is worth noting that the
widely recognized consumption of tabular and branched
Pocillopora damicornis
Acropora species by A. planci is not necessarily a fixed or
Pocillopora meandrina
universal behavioral pattern under different reef conditions.
Pocillopora eydouxi
In order to evaluate the feeding tendencies of A. planci,
Pocillopora verrucosa
the present study adopted an index of electivity that mea-
Stylophora pistillata
sured the degree of departure from a presumed random
Seriatopora hystrix
mode of feeding. This is based on the idea that an observed
pattern of feeding needs to be assessed against the back-
Porites cylindrica
ground of non-selective feeding, and this can only be
Alveopora marionensis
accomplished through simulation of random feeding pro-
cesses. Just as feeding of a particular prey item may be due
Merulina scabricula
either to a chance encounter or to preferential foraging, no
Merulina ampliata
consumption of a particular prey category may also be due
Hydnophora grandis
to either chance or active avoidance. Thus, it is desirable
Hydnophora rigida
that an index of electivity reflects the degree to which an
Hydnophora microconus
observed situation departs from a random situation. While
this is considered important for a rigorous evaluation of
non-random patterns of feeding, no study has examined the
performance of conventional indices of electivity in terms
Heliofungia actiniformis
of deviations from randomness. The analysis in the present
study suggests that use of two common indices of electivity
Millepora sp.
is problematic as their values only partially mirror thedegree of deviation from random feeding. The problem is
Growth forms are indicated as: m massive, e encrusting, l laminar,
most acute for the assessment of significant feeding pref-
b branched, t tabular. Electivity (Z) values based on two null modelsare shown (* 0.05, ** 0.01, *** 0.001)
erences, as the values from both Ivlev's index E andVanderploeg and Scavia's W are quite variable for rela-tively high values of Z ([0.8). In other words, both of these
accurately expressed by these values. In the case of coral
indices tend to underestimate the cases of significant
species with significantly large departures of positive Z
preferences; for example, feeding on Faviidae species
values, corresponding values of E varied from 0.470 to
cannot reliably be assessed by these. At the same time,
0.977 and W from -0.198 to 0.908. On the other hand, both
these indices tend to indicate incorrectly negative food
indices correlated well with Z under situations not signifi-
selection where in fact there is no significant departure
cantly departing from randomness (within an intermediate
from randomness. Indeed, an example of somewhat com-
range of Z, -0.5 Z 0.5). The plot clearly shows that
plex results of prey selection in corallivorous gastropods

Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
Fig. 2 Acanthaster plancifeeding on different species ofnon-acroporan corals inBunaken, eastern Indonesia.
a Goniastrea edwardsi, notealso untouched Acroporapalifera in the right front;b Leptastrea bottae; c Faviastelligera; d Millepora sp.;e Oulophyllia crispa; f Detailsof Oulophyllia crispa withmesenterial filaments extendedto resist in vain the attack ofA. planci; g Leptoria phrygia;h Hydnophora rigida(consumed Seriatopora hystrixalso visible in the foregroundand background; note alsountouched Acropora palifera inthe left back)
(Morton and Blackmore ) may be partly due to the use
affect their availability to A. planci predators. In this
of Jacobs's index (a slight modification of E, see Materials
regard, given the complex three-dimensional structures of
and Methods).
reef environment, the two-dimensional measure of colony
In evaluating feeding electivity, as the encounter rate
size (model 1) is probably more relevant than the one-
would vary with the availability of different prey under
dimensional measure (model 2), though largely similar
random feeding, some assumptions must be made regard-
results were obtained by both measures.
ing prey encounter. However, in the absence of precise
An analysis of feeding patterns of A. planci from the
information on how A. planci detects prey in natural reef
Great Barrier Reef (De'ath and Moran revealed that
environments, some uncertainties always remain as to
species of Acropora were most preferred, followed by
which characteristics of coral colonies would most strongly
those of Montipora, while massive corals particularly of
Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
particularly low value of Z (=-0.9977) despite being the
most common species of Acropora in the shallow reefhabitats (Fig. a, h), suggesting that Acropora species arenot uniformly preferred by the starfish.
Variable feeding in Acanthaster and other corallivores
While factors such as ‘innate' preferences and previousfeeding experiences either as juvenile or as adult mayinfluence prey selection (Collins Ormond et al. ;Pratchett accessibility to particular coral coloniesmust also constitute an important, sometimes overriding,factor. In our study site, acroporids in exposed, fast-currenthabitats and table-formed species standing on a thin centralstalk may be far less accessible prey than massive corals of
various sizes in a close vicinity of a starfish's refugia.
There are also possible deterrence effects of coral symbi-onts such as toxic gobies and crustaceans that occur inassociation with different species of Acropora (Lassig; Glynn , Pratchett ). Accessibilityalso appears to be an important factor in the case of solitaryfungiid species that are often found in microhabitats noteasily accessible for A. planci, such as small crevices oramong other corals, rubble substrates; indeed, individualsof fungiids in accessible open locations were seen to bereadily consumed by the starfish.
The present study has clearly demonstrated that
Acanthaster in the natural environment is capable ofpreying upon a diversity of coral species, particularly
Fig. 3 Relationship between electivity index Z and a Ivlev's index
massive ones. Previous studies on the Great Barrier Reef
E and b Vanderploeg and Scavia's index W
also drew attention to the predation of massive corals byA. planci and their slow recovery after A. planci outbreaks
the genus Porites were not favored. Our result also con-
(Endean et al. ; Cameron et al. ). One possibility
firms that massive species of Porites such as P. lobata and
regarding the starfish's predation behavior is that at low- to
P. lutea, which were very common in the study site
intermediate-densities crown-of-thorns individuals may
(*65% occurrence in all quadrats), were not consumed. It
feed on corals that are close to their shelters, most typically
is also worth noting that branched species of Porites such
the underside of a coral rock. Starfishes are likely to
as P. nigrescens and P. attenuata were not preyed upon by
encounter massive and encrusting corals when they crawl
Acanthaster despite their commonness (combined occur-
out of such hiding places in most shallow reef areas of
rence *53%); the most abundant of branched Porites,
eastern Bunaken. Feeding on a variety of non-acroporan
P. cylindrica, showed the minimal value of Z (=-1.0).
corals has also been reported for Acanthaster populations
Therefore, irrespective of growth forms, poritid species in
in the subtropical waters of Okinawa, southern Japan
eastern Bunaken are generally not prone to consumption by
Acanthaster. While some studies reported Acanthaster
Apart from A. planci, various reef-associated taxa have
feeding on Porites (Goreau ; Barnes et al. Glynn
been known to demonstrate a range of obligate and facul-
; Done we rarely found such feeding. Several
tative corallivory and feeding electivity (Cumming ;
traits of Porites may explain low preference by Acanth-
Cole et al. ; Rotjan and Lewis ). However, except
aster in our study; these include low energetic values,
in cases where feeding is apparently restricted to a single or
release of repellent substances (Brauer et al. and the
few target species (e.g., a butterflyfish Chaetodon trifas-
presence of symbiont species that deter the attack by sea-
cialis feeding almost exclusively on Acropora hyacinthus,
stars (DeVantier et al. DeVantier and Endean ;
Pratchett ), it is not straightforward to recognize
Pratchett Another interesting case concerns Acro-
feeding preferences/avoidances in the absence of a null
pora palifera, a species with stout branches, that had a
model type test on field-derived data. The present study
Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235
draws attention to the importance of assessing the depar-
Collins ARS (1975) Biochemical investigations of two responses
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Cumming RL (1999) Predation on reef-building corals: multiscale
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variation in three corallivorous gastropods, Drupella spp. Coral
the availability/accessibility of different coral species to a
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De'ath G, Moran PJ (1998) Factors affecting the behaviour of crown-
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example, while highly mobile corallivorous fishes (e.g.,
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DeVantier LM, Endean E (1988) The scallop Pedum spondyloideum
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Blackmore ) may only have limited access to different
chus giganteus protect host Porites from predation by Acanth-
coral species on relatively small spatial scales. It remains to
aster planci: predator pressure as a mechanism of coevolution.
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predation on massive coral: the myth of rapid recovery ofdevastated reefs. Proc 6th Int Coral Reef Symp 2: 143–148
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of spatio-temporal contexts.
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Thanks are due to S. Arakaki, M. Yoko-o, and
York, pp 271–324
other members of the Amakusa Biological Laboratory for various
Glynn PW (1974) Acanthaster: effect on coral reef growth in Panama.
forms of help. This research was supported by the Kyushu University
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Chemistry and Applications of Nanocrystalline Cellulose and its Derivatives: a B. L. Peng,1,2 N. Dhar,1 H. L. Liu2 and K. C. Tam1* 1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 2. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering and Department of Chemistry, East China University of Science and
Il nucleare non è né indispensabile né conveniente. Perché imporlo con un disegno di legge che prevede addirittura il commissariamento degli Enti locali ? L'alternativa delle energie rinnovabili non solo è possibile, ma migliora la qualità dello sviluppo ! a cura di Marco Pezzoni PARTE I Il Disegno di legge per il ritorno del nucleare in Italia, già votato alla Camera e attualmente in discussione al Senato, si configura come una misura "centralistica" che esautora i territori e impone la costruzione di nuove centrali nucleari anche contro la volontà delle popolazioni locali Nucleare da decidere entro il giugno 2009. Cioè appena dopo le elezioni amministrative! Quando lo ha detto l'estate scorsa Claudio Scajola, ministro dello Sviluppo economico, i più non lo hanno preso sul serio. Quando Scajola si è recato in Giappone per annunciare il rientro dell'Italia nel Club dei Paesi produttori di energia dal nucleare, molti hanno pensato alla solita politica dell'annuncio. In piena bagarre per il rilancio della nuova Alitalia, a molti è sfuggito l'impegno assunto dalla presidente di Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia ad acquistare in via preferenziale, da parte delle grandi industrie manifatturiere, energia elettrica dalle nuove centrali nucleari quando saranno costruite in Italia: una ovvietà da un lato, dall'altro un impegno esplicito che dovrebbe vincolare la Confindustria del 2020!! Quando 4 mesi fa il Governo italiano ha firmato un accordo di cooperazione sul nucleare civile con la Russia, si è pensato ad un atto di amicizia verso Putin. E quando l'ENEL agli inizi di febbraio ha annunciato 3.000 nuove assunzioni, malgrado la crisi economica mondiale, molti analisti hanno pensato fosse un modo per favorire il rialzo delle proprie azioni ormai troppo svalutate. Scarne reazioni anche quando Silvio Berlusconi nella conferenza di fine anno ha confermato che il suo governo avvierà accordi per produrre energia con l'uranio arricchito. In prima battuta, ha detto il Presidente del Consiglio, «attraverso accordi esteri» con la Francia di Sarkozy, nonostante l'incidente nello stabilimento di Tricastin, lo scorso 8 luglio, con oltre 100 operai contaminati, e con la Bulgaria negli impianti di Belene, finanziati con i soldi della Bnl e la partecipazione dell'Enel. Subito dopo, ha annunciato il premier, «si procederà anche con la costruzione sul territorio italiano di nuove centrali nucleari e con la riattivazione di quelle chiuse». Anche qui, pochi gli hanno dato retta. E invece Berlusconi ha aspettato l'incontro ufficiale con Sarkozy, avvenuto il 24 febbraio, per annunciare un accordo politico "pesante" tra Francia e Italia per la costruzione di 4 nuove centrali nucleari sul territorio italiano, mentre parallelamente ENEL e la francese EDF firmavano una lettera di intenti per la concreta realizzazione di questo progetto, senza nemmeno attendere le decisioni del Parlamento italiano! Per la precisione ENEL ed EDF hanno sottoscritto due "memorandum of understanding" con cui si impegnano a "costruire una joint-venture paritetica che sarà responsabile dello sviluppo degli studi di fattibilità per la realizzazione di 4 unità di generazione". Dunque si tratta di un accordo tra imprese che, al momento, non vincola ancora lo Stato italiano, malgrado Berlusconi abbia già anticipato gli