"A" - Chester Clinic:

Microsoft powerpoint - common diseases of the elderly.ppt

Common Diseases of Elderly serious inflammation of the lungs A variety of causitive microbes – Bacteria– Viruses– Protozoan „ Signs/Symptoms – Increased temperature and pulse– abnormal respirations– cough productive of thick, colored sputum – TCDB, oxygen, monitor resp./temp.– HOB up, tissue bag on rail, enc. fluids symptoms include SOB, cyanosis

Application of copper to prevent and control infection. where are we now?

Available online at Journal of Hospital Infection Application of copper to prevent and control infection.Where are we now? J. O'Gorman ,, H. Humphreys a Department of Microbiology, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Irelandb Department of Clinical Microbiology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Background: The antimicrobial effect of copper has long been recognized and has


Clinical Evaluation of a Noninvasive, Widely Applicable Method for Assessing Endothelial Function Ian B. Wilkinson, Ian R. Hall, Helen MacCallum, Isla S. Mackenzie, Carmel M. McEniery, Bart J. van der Arend, Yae-Eun Shu, Laura S. MacKay, David J. Webb, John R. Cockcroft Abstract—Current methods for assessing vasomotor endothelial function are impractical for use in large studies. We tested

Microsoft word - anugraha annual report 2010-2015 _f_print

ANNUAL REPORT ANUGRAHA (2010-2015) Anugraha Annual Report Message by Dr. Aabha Chaudhary, Founder Secretary As Anugraha completes its glorious 15 years, our team rejoices with a sense of satisfaction & achievement. With a modest beginning from a rural health camp in Tehri Garhwal in 1999 to becoming a lead collaborating agency with State, Central Govt. & international agencies, Anugraha had an awesome journey. Realizing Gurumayi Chidvilasananda's mission & vision of "Bringing Love & Grace in peoples' lives", we have endeavored to cover a large spectrum of issues in holistic health care & rural community development.


Product Data Sheet Edition 9.18.2007 Identification no. C370 Sikadur AnchorFix-1 Sikadur® AnchorFix-1 Modified-acrylic anchoring adhesive Description Sikadur AnchorFix-1 is a two-component, solvent- and styrene-free, modified-acrylic anchor- ing adhesive. Where to Use As a fast-curing anchoring adhesive for all grades of rebars, threaded rods, bolts and special


en cabinet dentaire 1. Principes de base des critères les instruments tranchants ou pointus souillés par le contact du sang et de la salive les débris de matériaux dentaires et les aérosols les surfaces. Le présent chapitre expose les principes, les objec-tifs, les concepts et les critères autour desquels s'or- Les mesures d'hygiène en cabinet dentaire s'ap-


Effects of fluoxetine, phentermine, and venlafaxineon pulmonary arterial pressure and electrophysiology HELEN L. REEVE,1,2 DANIEL P. NELSON,3 STEPHEN L. ARCHER,4AND E. KENNETH WEIR2,3Departments of 1Physiology and 2Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455;3Department of Cardiology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417;and 4Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2R7


Electronic Modular Switching System Please read this manual before connecting theElectronic Modular Switching System. ELECTRONIC MODULAR SWITCHING SYSTEM Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Model KX-T206E, Electronic Modular Switching System. Electronic Modular Switching System Proprietary telephone with display


e Editorial . 2 Reporte de la Reunión de la Mesa Ejecutiva con el Min. de Salud Pública Ec. Daniel Olesker . 3 Psicólogos del Uruguay Cuota Social de CPU . 3 Martínez Trueba 1191 / 1193 Telefax 410 66 24* Prejuicios del proceso del envejecimiento. Algunas revisiones . 4 VII Foro Intersectorial socios@psicologos – Socios

Microsoft word - lidia brunetto's phd thesis.doc

Università degli Studi di Catania Scuola Superiore di Catania International PhD Investigation of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs)-derived exosomes and their influence on the tumor microenvironment Coordinator of PhD Tutor Prof. Daniele Condorelli Prof. Ruggero De Maria a.a. 2008/2011 Agli uomini della mia vita Valerio e Riccardo


The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance Options for action World Health Organization20 Avenue AppiaCH - 1211 Geneva 27SwitzerlandTel: +41 (0) 22 791 50 60 ISBN 978 92 4 150318 1 WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance: options for action. 1.Anti-infective agents - adverse effects. 2.Drug resistance, microbial - drug effects. 3.Anti-bacterial agents - administration and dosage. 4.Drug utilization. 5.Health policy. I.World Health Organization.



Microsoft word - 1.préambule livretv2.doc

Observatoire des Médicaments, des Dispositifs médicaux et des Innovations Thérapeutiques Prescription médicamenteuse chez la personne âgée Liste ATC des médicaments proposés par la Commission Gériatrie de la région Centre Préambule Ce livret thérapeutique regroupe la liste des médicaments pouvant être prescrits chez le sujet âgé, proposés par la Commission Gériatrie de la région Centre pilotée par l'OMéDIT. Il a pour objectif d'aider les médecins généralistes, principaux prescripteurs chez les personnes âgées1, dans l'élaboration de leur prescription, la thérapeutique gériatrique n'étant pas une priorité de la formation médicale initiale et continue. Sous le terme de « personnes âgées » sont concernés les sujets de 75 ans et plus, ainsi que ceux de plus de 65 ans polypathologiques. Ils représentent 16 millions de personnes au 1er Janvier 2011 (données INSEE)2. L'âge en soi ne contre-indique aucune thérapeutique, mais le vieillissement et les situations physiopathologiques associées peuvent modifier l'objectif des traitements et leur rapport bénéfice-risque.

The effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapies: an update

The effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapies:an updatePETER FONAGY Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London, and The Anna Freud Centre, London, UK This paper provides a comprehensive review of outcome studies and meta-analyses of effectiveness studies of psychodynamic therapy (PDT)for the major categories of mental disorders. Comparisons with inactive controls (waitlist, treatment as usual and placebo) generally but byno means invariably show PDT to be effective for depression, some anxiety disorders, eating disorders and somatic disorders. There is littleevidence to support its implementation for post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, cocaine depen-dence or psychosis. The strongest current evidence base supports relatively long-term psychodynamic treatment of some personality disorders,particularly borderline personality disorder. Comparisons with active treatments rarely identify PDT as superior to control interventions andstudies are generally not appropriately designed to provide tests of statistical equivalence. Studies that demonstrate inferiority of PDT toalternatives exist, but are small in number and often questionable in design. Reviews of the field appear to be subject to allegiance effects.The present review recommends abandoning the inherently conservative strategy of comparing heterogeneous "families" of therapies for het-erogeneous diagnostic groups. Instead, it advocates using the opportunities provided by bioscience and computational psychiatry to creative-ly explore and assess the value of protocol-directed combinations of specific treatment components to address the key problems of individualpatients.

Accueillir un enfant à besoins spécifiques

HEPATITE B CHEZ L'ENFANT HÔPITAL NECKER - ENFANTS MALADES – HEPATOLOGIE PEDIATRIQUE Université Paris 5 – René Descartes Florence LACAILLE, Dominique DEBRAY, Muriel GIRARD Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Hépatologie pédiatrique, Paris. Août 2012 Les enfants proposés pour une adoption sont souvent originaires de pays où l'infection par le virus de l'hépatite B est fréquente. La proportion d'enfants contaminés par le virus B proposée à l'adoption a tendance à augmenter. Des enfants ont été et seront adoptés en connaissance de leur infection par les parents adoptants. Pour d'autres, en l'absence de dépistage possible en pré-adoption dans le pays d'origine de l'enfant ou de certitude sur la fiabilité des tests diagnostic pratiqués, la découverte est faite lors du bilan de santé d'arrivée. Le pédiatre spécialiste s'adressant aux parents d'un enfant porteur du virus de l'hépatite B doit concilier deux impératifs :


Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome It is estimated that fibromyalgia affects 2% of the general population in the USA with a significant preponderance in women. It is one of the pain syndromes which many researchers and clinicians now believe forms part of a larger continuum of so-called "central sensitivity syndromes". In some treatment centres in the USA it has been observed that the many chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) sufferers experience fibromyalgia and similarly it has been reported that up to 70% of patients with fibromyalgia meet the criteria for CFS. As such the broader principles of treating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome significantly overlap.

Vetrec-2014-102892 1.12

Cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathyas a cause of acute kidney injury in dogsin the UK L. P. Holm, I. Hawkins, C. Robin, R. J. Newton, R. Jepson, G. Stanzani, L. A. McMahon,P. Pesavento, T. Carr, T. Cogan, C. G. Couto, R. Cianciolo, D. J. Walker To describe the signalment, clinicopathological findings and outcome in dogs presenting withacute kidney injury (AKI) and skin lesions between November 2012 and March 2014, in whomcutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) was suspected and renal thromboticmicroangiopathy (TMA) was histopathologically confirmed. The medical records of dogs withskin lesions and AKI, with histopathologically confirmed renal TMA, were retrospectivelyreviewed. Thirty dogs from across the UK were identified with clinicopathological findingscompatible with CRGV. These findings included the following: skin lesions, predominantlyaffecting the distal extremities; AKI; and variably, anaemia, thrombocytopaenia andhyperbilirubinaemia. Known causes of AKI were excluded. The major renal histopathogicalfinding was TMA. All thirty dogs died or were euthanised. Shiga toxin was not identified in thekidneys of affected dogs. Escherichia coli genes encoding shiga toxin were not identified infaeces from affected dogs. CRGV has previously been reported in greyhounds in the USA,a greyhound in the UK, without renal involvement, and a Great Dane in Germany. This is thefirst report of a series of non-greyhound dogs with CRGV and AKI in the UK. CRGV is a disease ofunknown aetiology carrying a poor prognosis when azotaemia develops.

Microsoft word - nzz-bericht-regula-heusser-markun.doc

"Damals, 1941, habe ich aufgehört zu leben". Schweizer Hilfe an Opfer des Nationalsozialismus in Weissrussland   von Regula Heusser-Markun     Dieser Artikel erschien in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) vom 8.Januar 2000.*     Eng drängen sich an einem provisorisch verlängerten Tisch alte Frauen, die mit ihrer sorgfältigen Kleidung




alz_nach_der_diagnose_D:Layout 1 10.5.2010 15:46 Uhr Seite 24 Rue des Pêcheurs 8E1400 Yverdon-les-BainsTel. 024 426 20 00Fax 024 426 21 [email protected]: 024 426 06 06 Ich möchte mehr InformationenBitte senden Sie mir: Infoblatt zur Vorsorgevollmacht und Patientenverfügung (gratis) die Broschüre «Leben mit Demenz. Tipps für Angehörige und Betreuende» (gratis)

Microsoft word - consenso_dispositivos_intrauterinos.doc

CONSENSO SOBRE DISPOSITIVOS INTRAUTERINOS MECANISMOS DE ACCION DE LOS DISPOSITIVOS INTRAUTERINOS El objetivo de este informe es poder realizar una puesta al día sobre los mecanismos de acción de los dispositivos intrauterinos (DIU) en los seres humanos a fin de aventar los mitos y prejuicios sobre este tema. Desde tiempos antiguos se conoce que el uso de un cuerpo extraño dentro de la cavidad uterina interfiere en el proceso de la reproducción en todas las especies animales testeadas.

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Settembre – Novembre 2012 Stress e Sonno 2900.002 2900 Stress e Sonno 2900.1 Introduzione generale 2900.1.1 La neurologia perché Oggigiorno, i problemi del SNC, relativi al comportamento individuale nella società moderna, sono diventati molto importanti per tutte le fasce di età. È ormai molto forte la loro incidenza nella vita quotidiana ed anche sul lavoro.

Fatigue fractures séminaire radio-clinique 08/01/2013

Colloque de médecine du sport et de l'appareil locomoteur Libramont Medial tibial stress syndromes chez le coureur Dr Prist Vincent Médecine Physique et Réadaptation VIVALIA - Libramont Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is an overuse injury or repetitive-stress injury of the shin area. (A) Anterior and medial views of the tibia with the main features shown, with the larger insert demonstrating the deep fascial attachments.

Microsoft word - ares-4.doc

Prepared by Ken Wilhelmi N7QQU Version 1 – 2/2000 District District District District Four District Five Prepared by Ken Wilhelmi N7QQU Version 1 – 2/2000 1- INTRODUCTION .5 2- CHANGE LOG .7 3- ARES/RACES PACKET SKILL SET.9 4- FAQ ABOUT THE SKILL SET .10

Microsoft word - mb mrsa + erlaeuterungen.doc

Patient mit MRSA - was tun? des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz 1. Konsequentes Einhalten hygienischer Regeln in der täglichen Arbeit am Patienten, um infektiöse Kontakte zu minimieren, insbesondere: − Händehygiene (Händedesinfektion nach Kontakt, Handschuhe für unreine − Einmalschürzen − infektiöse Abfälle richtig entsorgen − gebrauchte Instrumente richtig entsorgen

Microsoft word - 2016 ah65 preferred rx individual formulary - update 9.16--final

AmeriHealth 65® Preferred Rx HMO 2016 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT THE DRUGS WE COVER IN THIS PLAN FID 16215, Version 21 This formulary was updated on 9/01/16. For more recent information or other questions, please contact AmeriHealth 65 Preferred Rx at 1-866-569-5190 or, for TTY/TDD users, 711, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please note that on weekends and holidays from February 15 through September 30, your call may be sent to voicemail. Or visit www.amerihealthmedicare.com.

Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of -hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

Molecular Physics, 2015Vol. 113, Nos. 15–16, 2179–2190, Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of β-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric Dian E. RomonoskLucas Q. NguyDorit Tran B. NguyScott A. EDavid B.C. Mar Christopher D. VanderwaR. Benny Gand Sergey A. Nizkorodov aDepartment of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; bFritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, The Hebrew

Biological effects of space radiation and development of effective countermeasures

Contents lists available at Life Sciences in Space Research Biological effects of space radiation and development of effectivecountermeasures Department of Radiation Oncology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6072, United States Article history: As part of a program to assess the adverse biological effects expected from astronauts' exposure to space


Drug Development Computer modeling and simulation help researchers to better visualize pulmonary functions for faster, less expensive clinical testing of innovative respiratory drugs.By Jan De Backer, CEO, FluidDA nv, Kontich, BelgiumThierry Marchal, Healthcare Industry Director, ANSYS, Inc. The cost of developing a new inhalation therapy drug for cut years from the development process and reduce costs respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema and by hundreds of millions of dollars.cystic fibrosis is estimated at more than $1 billion — the


Réponses concernant le questionnaire sur l'hyperprolactinémie, MC Wimmer, interne de gynécologie-obstétrique CHU Rennes 1 « Evaluation des connaissances concernant l'hyperprolactinémie, dans la population des internes de gynécologie-obstétrique » 2 Quelques résultats et discussion Cette étude épidémiologique s'est intéressée aux connaissances des internes de gynécologie-obstétrique en France sur le thème de l'hyperprolactinémie. Le taux de réponse au questionnaire est de 17.7 % des internes. Ce taux de participation est proche d'études publiées dans ce domaine : 19 % concernant l'enseignement du siège en 2006 [15], 33.6 % concernant le formation sur la dystocie des épaules [16]. Une nouvelle relance devrait permettre d'améliorer le taux de réponse à notre questionnaire. Il est intéressant de noter une disparité au sein des régions de France, parmi les réponses. Le taux des internes de la région de Rennes est le plus élevé, traduisant qu'une motivation locale au remplissage du questionnaire peut être utile. Il serait intéressant de connaître les motifs de non remplissage du questionnaire. Le principal résultat de cette étude, est la mise en évidence de lacunes chez les internes de gynécologie obstétrique, concernant le sujet de l'hyperprolactinémie. En effet, la moyenne globale de 5,7 sur 20 (+/- 2.4). Les lacunes dominent dans le contexte de la grossesse que ce soit en physiologie ou lors d'un adénome à prolactine. Les connaissances pratiques semblent elles mieux maitrisées notamment sur la réalisation d'IRM hypophysaire en urgence lors d'une suspicion d'adénome à prolactine, sur la conduite thérapeutique en première intention, et sur les traitements hyperprolactinémiants. Près de 20 % des réponses enregistrées étaient des « ne sais pas », mettant en évidence leur clairvoyance sur leur manque de connaissances sur le sujet. Il est intéressant de noter que le cursus ne semble pas permettre une meilleure courbe d'apprentissage. En effet, les internes de fin de cursus n'ont pas obtenus de meilleurs résultats que les plus jeunes. En revanche, les internes à destinée médicale semblent avoir des connaissances plus importantes à l'inverse des internes mentionnant un cursus plus chirurgical ou orienté en obstétrique. Les résultats n'ont qu'une tendance significative due aux plus faible nombre de personne dans les groupes gynécologie médicale +/- PMA et échographie, DAN. Quelles peuvent être les principales hypothèses de ces mauvais résultats ? Les internes de gynécologie-obstétriques ne rencontrent probablement pas ou peu ces pathologies lors de leurs stages pratiques, car elles sont principalement gérées en consultation. Lors des cours théoriques, les thèmes de gynécologie endocrinienne sont peut- être abordés moins fréquemment que ceux de chirurgie ou d'obstétrique [11]. De plus, ces connaissances s'acquièrent plutôt dans des stages spécialisés (gynécologie-endocrinologie) qui ne peuvent s'intégrer dans la maquette de tous les internes. Une deuxième hypothèse est que les connaissances restent potentiellement mal intégrées et/ou mal utilisées. En 2015, Mesdag et collaborateurs ont réalisé un état des lieux sur l'enseignement en gynécologie-obstétrique en France [11]. L'offre d'enseignement est très variable sur le plan de la méthodologie employée, des formateurs et de la périodicité. L'accès est difficile de par l'éloignement géographique des lieux de stages, et des impératifs de service. Dans ce travail les étudiants auraient souhaités des cours plus axés sur des conduites à tenir en pratique, et des ateliers de formation aux gestes techniques. Cette étude concluait à la nécessité d'une réforme de l'enseignement avec comme pistes de travail l'uniformisation de l'enseignement en France, la possibilité d'un

Emergency department diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis: a practice parameter

Contents lists available at Practice Parameter Emergency department diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis:a practice parameter Ronna L. Campbell, MD, PhD; James T.C. Li, MD, PhD; Richard A. Nicklas, MD; Annie T. Sadosty, MDMembers of the Joint Task Force: David Bernstein, MD; Joann Blessing-Moore, MD;David Khan, MD; David Lang, MD; Richard Nicklas, MD; John Oppenheimer, MD; Jay Portnoy, MD;Christopher Randolph, MD; Diane Schuller, MD; Sheldon Spector, MD; Stephen Tilles, MD;Dana Wallace, MDPractice Parameter Workgroup: Ronna L. Campbell, MD, PhD; James T.C. Li, MD, PhD; Annie T. Sadosty, MD


Swine Flu: What You Need to Know strains endemic in humans, birds 6. What can I do to prevent and swine. This new strain was not reported in pigs previously, and is • Avoid contact with people who are sub typed as H1N1, though other subtypes exist. It is contagious, and spreads from human-to-human • Wash your hands frequently with

Microsoft word - asphsharedcareatomoxetine1.doc

Shared Care Protocol for the use of Atomoxetine (Strattera®) in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood Surrey PCT's Medicines Management Committee classification: A * :: Drugs that require initiation by a specialist in secondary/tertiary care but due to more widespread experience in primary care GPs are generally happy to prescribe on specialist advice without the need for a formal shared care protocol. This information sheet is available on the internet (www.surreyhealth.nhs.uk) forming part of Surrey's PCT's traffic light document giving GPs appropriate advice / guidance and is not required to be sent to the GP with the clinic letter. A minimum of one month supply of medication will be provided by the initiating consultant.



Libro completo

Capítulo 8 Intoxicación por paracetamol C. Luaces i Cubells, A. Noguera Julian El paracetamol (acetaminofén) es el analgésico-antipirético más uti- lizado en el mundo. Su fácil accesibilidad y su presencia en la mayoríade hogares, lo convierten también en la primera causa de intoxicaciónmedicamentosa (accidental y voluntaria) y de insuficiencia hepáticaaguda. Datos recientes aportados por el Grupo de Trabajo de Intoxica-ciones de la SEUP, lo sitúan como la primera causa de intoxicación far-macológica en menores de 5 años, sobre todo por ingesta de prepara-ciones líquidas sin tapones de seguridad. Así, y según comunica dichoGrupo de Trabajo, la ingesta accidental de paracetamol resultó ser el 16%del total de intoxicaciones, el 25% de las medicamentosas y el 88.5% delas intoxicaciones por antitérmicos entre un grupo de 1700 pacientes aten-didos en 18 Hospitales desde Enero de 2001 hasta Diciembre de 2002. Enuna revisión efectuada por el Servicio de Información Toxicológica entreenero de 1998 y diciembre de 2000, de 13.044 intoxicaciones registradas,el 11% estuvieron causadas por paracetamol.


with cs 04HQ3972 5/09 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana incorporated as Louisiana Health Service & Indemnity Company A SMART STEP TO BETTER HEALTH Make generics your first step to better health. Generics are "copycats" of brand-name drugs and offer a better value. They're safe and effective and cost less than brand-name drugs. And most importantly — they're approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Venom Peptides and their Mimetics as Potential DrugsOren Bogin, Ph.D. Venomous creatures have a sophisticated mechanism for prey capture which includes a vast array of biologically-active compounds, such as enzymes, proteins, peptides and small molecular weight compounds. These substances target an immense number of receptors and membrane proteins with high affinity, selectivity and potency, and can serve as potential drugs or scaffolds for drug design.

Microsoft word - recensione colonne d'ercole.doc

A = Sergio Frau, "Le Colonne d'Ercole, un'inchiesta", Nur Neon, Roma, 2002. B = Massimo Faraglia e Sergio Frau (a cura di), "Le Colonne d'Ercole, un bilancio, i progetti", Nur Neon, Roma, 2004. C = Sergio Frau e Giovanni Manca (a cura di), "Atlantikà, Sardegna, Isola Mito. Vittorio Castellani (archeologo): All'origine un brano di Platone che, nei suoi Dialoghi, narra di un sacerdote egizio che – limitandoci alle linee essenziali – avrebbe parlato a Solone di un'antica civiltà posta nell'Isola di Atlantide, al di là delle Colonne d'Ercole, civiltà che in tempi antichissimi avrebbe mancato per poco di conquistare tutta l'Europa e che scomparve infine sommersa dai flutti del mare (B p. 59). Platone: Sacerdote di Sais a Solone (testimone Crizia; testimone di Crizia, Platone): .terremoti e inondazioni, nello spazio di un giorno e di una notte, tutti i vostri guerrieri (Greci di Atene, visto che il sant'uomo egizio sta parlando con l'ateniese Solone) sprofondarono dentro la terra, e similmente scomparve l'isola Atlantide assorbita dal mare; perciò ancora oggi quel mare è impraticabile e inesplorabile. (A p. 492). Platone (Crizia): In quest'isola di Atlante vi era una grande e mirabile potenza regale che possedeva l'intera isola e molte altre isole e parti del continente. Inoltre dominava, al di qua dello Stretto le regioni della Libya (l'Africa del Nord, l'unica conosciuta dai Greci) fino all'Egitto e dell'Europa fino alla Tirrenìa (l'Etruria toscana ai tempi di Platone) (B p. 121). Platone, Crizia (116), riguardo Atlantide: Di stagno fuso fu ricoperto invece il muro della cinta interna, e l'oricalco, dai riflessi di fuoco, guarniva il muro tutto intorno all'Acropoli (A p. 467). Platone (Crizia): L'isola forniva ogni specie di metalli, duri e malleabili, che si possono estrarre dalle miniere, ed anche quel metallo di cui noi ormai non sappiamo altro che il nome, ma che si estraeva dalla terra in molte località dell'isola, e che dopo l'oro era il metallo più prezioso che esistesse (B p. 122). Andrea Carandini (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"): I Greci avevano un loro lontanissimo passato mitico, il tempo di Crono, il tempo di Urano, cioè il tempo prima di Zeus, che era il dio supremo dei Greci che poneva ordine, che ha posto ordine al mondo. A Occidente – cioè in queste isole occidentali – questo Paradiso Perduto viveva, sopravviveva e lì era anche il mondo dei morti. Prima il limite era l'Adriatico a un certo momento il limite più grande è stato appunto il Canale di Sicilia (A pp. 658-659). Platone (Crizia): Davanti a quella bocca che voi chiamate Colonne di Eracle c'era un'isola. Chi ci arrivava poteva passare da quest'isola alle altre isole e raggiungere il continente che tutto circonda (B p. 121). Dolores Turchi (etnologa): Leggendo con attenzione il Crizia e considerando la civiltà evoluta che c'era nella sua Atlantide (piena di costruzioni e di torri) ci rendiamo conto che l'isola delle torri doveva essere proprio la Sardegna con i suoi 8000 nuraghi (B p. 70). Sergio Frau: .la Sardegna del III e II millennio a.C. messa lì, in gran parte intatta, a farsi ammirare con tutti i suoi primati temporali e quantitativi e con mille reperti mai indagati del tutto che, però, la gemellano all'Anatolia insieme ai suoi dna, all'Africa dei Lebu, alla Spagna di Gerione e dei megaliti, ai Baschi dai costumi identici, alla Bulgaria che aveva Sardica a far da capitale anche se oggi si chiama Sofia e pozzi identici a quelli antichissimi che dissetavano l'isola, alle Cicladi con madonne identiche (B p. 5). Dolores Turchi (etnologa): Scrive testualmente Platone, riferendo il racconto che il sacerdote di Sais fece a Solone: "In quest'isola vi era una grande e mirabile potenza regale che possedeva l'intera isola e molte altre isole e parti del continente. e tutta questa potenza, unitasi insieme, tentò una volta, con una sola mossa, di sottomettere la vostra regione (la Grecia) e la nostra (l'Egitto) e tutte quelle che stanno al di qua dello stretto.". Questo racconto sembra una rievocazione della lega dei popoli del mare che aggredirono l'Egitto. Ma questi avvenimenti sappiamo che avvennero intorno al 1200 a.C., mentre Crizia, ripetendo il racconto udito, parla di 9000 anni dalla morte di Socrate, quindi di 9399 anni prima di Cristo (B pp. 70-71).

Antibiotics report

The Use and Misuse ofAntibiotics in UK Agriculture Part 1: Current Usage by John Harvey and Liz Mason with a preface by Peter Luff MP £15.00 (Soil Association members, £10.00) 40-56 Victoria Street T 0117 929 0661 F 0117 925 2504 Published Dec 1998 Preface by Peter Luff MP The Soil Association's recommendations Introduction and analysis by Richard Young, Soil Association Campaigns and Policy Coordinator


IN ASSOCIATION WITH IN ASSOCIATION WITH SURVEY: DIRECT MARKETING Direct marketing drives actions that can be attributed to a specific call-to-action. In this Survey, leading practitioners advise on making the most of DM Direct marketers use a variety of Direct Marketing Association, believes mail has several key attractions for mar-


A Quarterly Publication Influenza today: Still a hot topic on many fronts Case Study Award: Cepheid Xpert® Flu Assay Results: Positive in More than One Way Volume 6, Issue 1 CONTENTS WINTER 2013 COVER STORY 3 David Persing, M.D., Ph.D. Influenza today: Case Study Award: Still a hot topic on Cepheid Xpert® Flu Assay

Chemistry and applications of nanocrystalline cellulose and its derivatives: a nanotechnology perspective

Chemistry and Applications of Nanocrystalline Cellulose and its Derivatives: a B. L. Peng,1,2 N. Dhar,1 H. L. Liu2 and K. C. Tam1* 1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 2. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering and Department of Chemistry, East China University of Science and


Building Towards Water Efficiency: Policy Innovation and Education in New and Final Research Report Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation Alberta Real Estate Foundation Real Estate Association of British Columbia Sarah Wolfe, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Hendriks, M.E.S. Department of Environment and Resource Studies University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Effects of the principal nutrients on lovastatin production by monascus pilosus

Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 70 (5), 1154–1159, 2006 Effects of the Principal Nutrients on Lovastatin Productionby Monascus pilosus Tsuyoshi MIYAKE,1;y Kumiko UCHITOMI,2 Ming-Yong ZHANG,1;3 Isato KONO,1Nobuyuki N OZAKI,1 Hiroyuki SAMMOTO,1 and Kenji INAGAKI 1Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture, Haga 5301, Okayama 701-1296, Japan2Department of Biofunctional Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,


APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.7 / No.2 ACQUIRING OF BACTERIAL ABR STRENGTH BY VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS OF ANTIBIOTICS AND SPREADING PATHWAY OF ABR TRAIT 1Suffield Academy, 185 North Main Street, Suffield, CT 06078 USA This research was conducted to examine the extent bacteria develop antibiotic resistance (ABR) from contemporary and old bacteria, and understand its underlying


SK is happy to present the Annual Report for the year 2010. The report endeavors to communicate to the readers the tasks accomplished by the organization over the defined period, the challenges met and Aalso the emerging issues it had to deal with. Needless to say it would not have been possible to achieve many of the goals without the assistance provided by different sections of people. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation unit of ASK prepared the report by collecting and compiling information from different programmes. All the staff including the Executive Director and members went through the draft and commented upon it. ASK

Bioforsk rapport nr

Bioforsk Rapport Bioforsk Report Vol. 7 Nr. 28 2012 Uønskete stoffer i husdyrgjødsel Konvensjonell husdyrgjødsel brukt i økologisk drift – er det problematisk?  Grete Lene Serikstad1, Kirsty McKinnon1 og Trine Eggen2, Bioforsk Økologisk1 og Bioforsk Vest avd. Særheim2 Hovedkontor/Head office Bioforsk Økologisk Frederik A. Dahls vei 20


The American University of Rome The American University of Rome Pre-departure Information Pre-Departure Information The American University of Rome Via Pietro Rosel i 4, Rome 00153, Italy t +39-06 5833 0919 f +39-06 5833 0992 e [email protected] The American University of Rome

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Headache can be classified into two broad categories: primary and secondary. Primary headaches include cluster and tension headaches. Secondary headaches are triggered by an underlying disorder – such as infection, injury or a Headaches can have more than one contributing factor the muscles and skin of the head, neck and shoulders

Emergency department diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis: a practice parameter

Contents lists available at Practice Parameter Emergency department diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis:a practice parameter Ronna L. Campbell, MD, PhD; James T.C. Li, MD, PhD; Richard A. Nicklas, MD; Annie T. Sadosty, MDMembers of the Joint Task Force: David Bernstein, MD; Joann Blessing-Moore, MD;David Khan, MD; David Lang, MD; Richard Nicklas, MD; John Oppenheimer, MD; Jay Portnoy, MD;Christopher Randolph, MD; Diane Schuller, MD; Sheldon Spector, MD; Stephen Tilles, MD;Dana Wallace, MDPractice Parameter Workgroup: Ronna L. Campbell, MD, PhD; James T.C. Li, MD, PhD; Annie T. Sadosty, MD


Nutrition et santé, alimentons le débat Nutrition & Santé contribue à construire et préserver le capital santé de tous, en élaborant des produits alimentaires naturels, sains et savoureux. de Nutrition & Santé Notre performance est le signe que Nutrition & Santé réussit à faire par-tager sa vision de l'alimentation : un juste équilibre entre aliment plaisir et aliment bien-être. C'est également une reconnaissance du bien-fondé des

Chemwatch msds print

Ardex WPM 299 (Seam Primer) Hazard Alert Code: HIGH Chemwatch Material Safety Data SheetIssue Date: 2-Sep-2008 Version No:5 Page 1 of 24 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAMEArdex WPM 299 (Seam Primer) SYNONYMS"lap jointing primer for EPDM and butyl membranes", "Butynol Seam Primer"


De la interpretación y la revocación de los Actos Unilaterales en estricto sentido Fecha de recepción: 18 de diciembre de 2007 Fecha de aceptación: 20 de febrero de 2008 Víctor Rodríguez Cedeño* Resumen: Los Estados formulan actos unilaterales cada vez con mayor frecuencia, por esto el presente artículo muestra el desarrollo de los Actos Unilaterales de

Microsoft word - e invitation

Invitation - Mission to Israel Friday 22 - Thursday 28 October 2010 from AUS $ 5,500 +GST ($5,500 + GST is the programming, administration and mission management fee. Approximate investment is $10,000 once accommodation, airfares and expenses are included) OPEN TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES FROM AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND

Semantic wikipedia search

Master Thesis - Applied Computer Science Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau SUSI: Wikipedia Search Using Semantic Index Annotations Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau Faculty of Engineering Supervisor Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen We present Susi, a system for efficient semantic search on the English Wikipedia.Susi combines full-text and ontology search. For example, for the query penicillinscientist, Susi recognizes that scientist is a type of person, and returns a list ofnames of scientists that are mentioned along with the word penicillin. We arguethat neither full-text search alone nor ontology-search alone is able to answer thesekinds of queries satisfactorily. Along with the list of entities matching the query(the name of the scientists in the example), Susi also provides excerpts from thetext as evidence.


Coral Reefs (2011) 30:227–235 Assessing feeding electivity in Acanthaster planci: a nullmodel analysis M. Tokeshi • J. R. P. Daud Received: 8 February 2010 / Accepted: 26 October 2010 / Published online: 21 November 2010Ó Springer-Verlag 2010 Feeding electivity was investigated in a non- Acanthaster. The present study emphasizes the merit of outbreaking population of the crown-of-thorns starfish


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FOCUS ON CLINICAL ELECTROPHORESIS: Progress Report as of October 2005 THERAPEUTIC UP-DATING ON BLOOD DISEASES MANAGEMENT OF MONOCLONAL GAMMAPATHIES Assessment of Monoclonal Gammapathies COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC COSTS CELLOGEL: what is it and how is it used? The use of Cellogel EQUIPMENT FOR ELECTROPHORESIS ON CELLOGEL Electrophoretic tank for Cellogel Bridges for Cellogel tank


VitalSmarts, Aorn, & AAcn present: The Silent Treatment Why Safety Tools and Checklists Aren't Enough to Save Lives David Maxfield, Joseph Grenny, Ramón Lavandero, and Linda Groah Silence Kills was conducted immediately before AACN's national standards for healthy work environments were released10. It identified seven concerns that often go undiscussed and contribute to avoidable medical errors. It linked the ability of health professionals to discuss emotionally and politically risky topics in a healthcare setting to key results like patient safety, quality of care, and nursing turnover, among others.


Nunca nos bañamos dos veces en el mismo río, proclamó un filósofo griego, pero lo que no dijo es que el cambio genera oportunidades. Bajo esta premisa, y adaptándose a las nuevas necesidades del negocio, Novartis Argentina creó el Equipo de Cuentas Corporativas, cuyo objetivo es potenciar el vínculo con clientes clave partiendo de la importancia estratégica de los pacientes.


Indian J Med Res 130, December 2009, pp 681-688 Cardiovascular effects of sexual activity Xiaojun Chen, Qingying Zhang* & Xuerui Tan Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College & *Department of Preventive Medicine, Shantou University Medical College, Shantou, Guangdong, China Received June 11, 2008 Sexuality is a major way of intimacy in human being and it is very important in gender relationship,

Untitled 10

American Income Partners members have access to one of the largest networks of chiropractors in the United States. American Income Partners members can utilize these private practice chiropractors knowing that they have met high professional and quality standards in the chiropractic profession. This chiropractic network provides American Income Partners members with savings of 20% to 40% on their usual fees.


Docetaxel Actavis 20 mg/ml concentrate for solution for infusion V025 Summary of Product Characteristics NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Docetaxel Actavis 20 mg/ml concentrate for solution for infusion 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each single dose vial contains docetaxel 20 mg/ml Each 1 ml single dose vial contains 20 mg docetaxel Each 4 ml single dose vial contains 80 mg docetaxel Each 7 ml single dose vial contains 140 mg docetaxel Each 8 ml single dose vial contains 160 mg docetaxel Excipient with known effect: Ethanol absolute 400 mg/ml For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3.

Acute kidney injury: a guide to diagnosis and management

Acute Kidney Injury: A Guide to Diagnosis and ManagementMAHBOOB RAHMAN, MD, MS, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OhioFARIHA SHAD, MD, Kaiser Permanente, Cleveland, Ohio MICHAEL C. SMITH, MD, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio Acute kidney injury is characterized by abrupt deterioration in kidney function, manifested by an increase in serum creatinine level with or without reduced urine output. The spectrum of injury ranges from mild to advanced, some-times requiring renal replacement therapy. The diagnostic evaluation can be used to classify acute kidney injury as prerenal, intrinsic renal, or postrenal. The initial workup includes a patient history to identify the use of nephrotoxic medications or systemic illnesses that might cause poor renal perfusion or directly impair renal function. Physi-cal examination should assess intravascular volume status and identify skin rashes indicative of systemic illness. The initial laboratory evaluation should include measurement of serum creatinine level, complete blood count, uri-nalysis, and fractional excretion of sodium. Ultrasonography of the kidneys should be performed in most patients, particularly in older men, to rule out obstruction. Management of acute kidney injury involves fluid resuscitation, avoidance of nephrotoxic medications and contrast media exposure, and correction of electrolyte imbal-ances. Renal replacement therapy (dialysis) is indicated for refrac-tory hyperkalemia; volume overload; intractable acidosis; uremic encephalopathy, pericarditis, or pleuritis; and removal of certain toxins. Recognition of risk factors (e.g., older age, sepsis, hypovo-lemia/shock, cardiac surgery, infusion of contrast agents, diabetes


Author's personal copy International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 3 (2014) 88–94 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife Experimental manipulation reveals few subclinical impacts of a parasitecommunity in juvenile kangaroos Jemma Cripps a,b,⇑, Ian Beveridge b, Richard Ploeg b,1, Graeme Coulson aa Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australiab Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne, Veterinary Clinical Centre, Werribee, VIC 3030, Australia


OPHTHALMOLOGY'S FISCAL CRISIS EuroTimes looks at the diverse effect of the current economic crisis in Europe on all aspects of ophthalmologyby Sean Henahan "The economic crisis has created a new The global economic crisis born in 2008 has reached into almost every corner of the world. Europe has been particularly hard hit,


Willdenowia 42 – 2012 Filip VerlooVe1 & enrique Sánchez Gullón2 A taxonomic revision of non-native Cenchrus s.str. (Paniceae, Poaceae) in the Medi-terranean area AbstractVerloove F. & Sánchez Gullón e.: A taxonomic revision of non-native Cenchrus s.str. (Paniceae, Poaceae) in the Mediterranean area. – Willdenowia 42: 67 – 75. June 2012. – online iSSn 1868-6397; © 2012 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.


Volume 20 • Number 2 March - April 2006 President Report from the Hill Submits 2007 As we reported in our last nel. As a result, patients were forced to Advocate, the Department of use the more expensive private sector VA Budget Defense has proposed signifi- medical providers. One part of the

¥00 ciencias 66

Como ciencia, la teoría ecológica es producto de una larga y colorida historia, forjada a lo largo de siglos con el tra- bajo laborioso de naturalistas en el campo, en las selvas y en los desiertos. Es una historia larga, llena de hitos ma- ravillosos y sobrecogedores. En el trabajo de expedicio- narios excéntricos, naturalistas hoscos y antisociales, ob-


Volume 1 Issue 1 Open Access Metformin like Stress Response Modulating Effects of Turmeric Curcuminoids Verma S1, Chatterjee SS2 and Kumar V1* 1Department of Pharmaceutics, Neuropharmacology Research Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, India 2Stettiner Straße 1, Karlsruhe, Germany


Journal of Infectious Diseases Advance Access published June 11, 2014 Frailty in People Aging With HumanImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection Thomas D. Brothers,1 Susan Kirkland,2 Giovanni Guaraldi,3 Julian Falutz,4 Olga Theou,1 B. Lynn Johnston,5 andKenneth Rockwood6,7 1Geriatric Medicine Research, and 2Departments of Community Health and Epidemiology and Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada; 3Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences for Adults and Children, Clinic of Infectious Diseases, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,Modena, Italy; 4Chronic Viral Illness Service, Division of Infectious Diseases and Division of Geriatrics, McGill University Hospital Center, Montreal,

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REVIEW ARTICLE Management of Sexual Disorders in Spinal Cord Injured Patients Vafa Rahimi-Movaghar1 and Alexander R Vaccaro2 1 Department of Neurosurgery, Research Deputy, Sina Trauma and Surgery Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery, Thomas Jefferson University and the Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, Pa 19107, USA


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The Combination of Gravity and Welfare Approaches for Evaluating Non-Tariff Measures Anne-Célia Disdier and Stéphan Marette This article explores the link between gravity and welfare frameworks for measuring the impact of non-tariff measures. First, an analytical approach suggests how to combine a gravity equation with a partial equilibrium model to determine the welfare impact of non-tariff measures. Second,

03-056-1 (03-07):03-056-1 rv.qxd.qxd

 Medical Requirements  Build Charts  Medical Impairment Guidelines  Occupational Guidelines  Preferred Underwriting Americo Financial Life and Annuity Insurance Company 03-056-1 (03/07) © Americo4th Edition The information is provided in this booklet to assist in the understanding of the guidelines used by Americo whenreviewing applications. It is important that you understand these are guidelines only. Each case underwritten by Americois unique and all factors from all sources are taken into consideration before a final underwriting decision is made. Theunderwriting staff at Americo reserves the right to deviate from these guidelines as may be appropriate for the properunderwriting of the case.


REV ARGENT NEUROC VOL. 28, Nº 3 : 78-98 2014 REVISIÓN DE LA LITERATURA Cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento: el estado del arte Claudio Yampolsky, Damián Bendersky Servicio de Neurocirugía, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina RESUmENIntroducción: la cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento (CTC) se está convirtiendo en un tratamiento más común desde el desarrollo de la neuromodulación. Podemos dividir su historia en 3 etapas: la primera comienza en los inicios de la psicocirugía y termina con el desarrollo de las técnicas estereotácticas, cuando comienza la segunda etapa. Ésta se caracteriza por la realización de lesiones estereotácticas. Nos encontramos transitando la tercera etapa, que comienza cuando la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) empieza a ser usada en CTC.Objetivo: el propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión no sistemática de la historia, indicaciones actuales, técnicas y blancos quirúrgicos de la CTC. Resultados: a pesar de los errores graves cometidos en el pasado, hoy en día, la CTC está renaciendo. Los trastornos psiquiátricos que más frecuentemente se tratan con cirugía y los blancos estereotácticos preferidos para cada uno de ellos son: cápsula interna/estriado ventral para trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, cíngulo subgenual para depresión y complejo centromediano/parafascicular del tálamo para síndrome de Tourette. Conclusión: los resultados de la ECP en estos trastornos parecen alentadores. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios randomizados para establecer la efectividad de la CTC. Debe tenerse en cuenta que una apropiada selección de pacientes nos ayudará a realizar un procedimiento más seguro así como también a lograr mejores resultados quirúrgicos, conduciendo a la CTC a ser más aceptada por psiquiatras, pacientes y sus familias. Se necesita mayor investigación en varios temas como: fisiopatología de los trastornos del comportamiento, indicaciones de CTC y nuevos blancos quirúrgicos.


Your Prescription Benefit Program Welcome to Magellan Rx Management Magellan Rx Management provides a wide range of prescription benefit programs that emphasize quality and cost-effective healthcare solutions, driven to improve overall health. We're pleased to welcome you to your prescription benefit program. To fill your prescription needs, we offer more than 64,000 pharmacies, representing major chain regional pharmacies and independent stores. To locate a pharmacy, you can visit our website at magellanrx.com or contact one of our Customer Service agents at 1-800-424-5828.

Microsoft word - tennis elbow november 2014.docx

ACUPUNCTURE AND TENNIS ELBOW About tennis elbow Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is characterised by pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. In the UK, the annual incidence of lateral elbow pain in general practice is around 4/1000 to 7/1000 people.(Hamilton 1986) It is most common in people aged between 40 and 50 years (Allander 1974); for example, the incidence is as much as 10% in women aged 42 to 46 years.(Chard 1989; Verhaar 1994)

Pii: s0140-6736(02)07816-6

EPIDEMIOLOGY SERIES Blinding in randomised trials: hiding who got what Kenneth F Schulz, David A Grimes Blinding embodies a rich history spanning over two centuries. Most researchers worldwide understand blindingterminology, but confusion lurks beyond a general comprehension. Terms such as single blind, double blind, and tripleblind mean different things to different people. Moreover, many medical researchers confuse blinding with allocationconcealment. Such confusion indicates misunderstandings of both. The term blinding refers to keeping trialparticipants, investigators (usually health-care providers), or assessors (those collecting outcome data) unaware ofthe assigned intervention, so that they will not be influenced by that knowledge. Blinding usually reduces differentialassessment of outcomes (information bias), but can also improve compliance and retention of trial participants whilereducing biased supplemental care or treatment (sometimes called co-intervention). Many investigators and readersnaively consider a randomised trial as high quality simply because it is double blind, as if double-blinding is the sinequa non of a randomised controlled trial. Although double blinding (blinding investigators, participants, and outcomeassessors) indicates a strong design, trials that are not double blinded should not automatically be deemed inferior.Rather than solely relying on terminology like double blinding, researchers should explicitly state who was blinded,and how. We recommend placing greater credence in results when investigators at least blind outcome assessments,except with objective outcomes, such as death, which leave little room for bias. If investigators properly report theirblinding efforts, readers can judge them. Unfortunately, many articles do not contain proper reporting. If an article claims blinding without any accompanying clarification, readers should remain sceptical about its effect on bias reduction.

Reglamento que rige a

REGLAMENTO QUE RIGE A LOS COMITÉS TÉCNICOS DE LA ASTM Publicado en abril del 2012 REGLAMENTO QUE RIGE A LOS COMITÉS TÉCNICOS DE LA ASTM Standards Worldwide Alcance de la Asociación La asociación se formó para el desarrollo de normas sobre las características y rendimiento de materiales, productos, sistemas y servicios, y para el fomento de los conocimientos afines. En terminología de la ASTM International, las normas incluyen métodos de ensayo, definiciones, prácticas, clasificaciones y especificaciones. Advertencia La ASTM International ha autorizado la distribución de esta traducción del Reglamento que rige a los Comités Técnicos de la ASTM, pero reconoce que la traducción ha sido sometida a un proceso de revisión limitado. La ASTM no afirma ni garantiza que la traducción sea técnica ni lingüísticamente fiel. Solamente la edición en inglés publicada y con derechos de autor de ASTM deberá considerarse como la versión oficial. Queda estrictamente prohibida en virtud de las leyes de derecho de autor estadounidenses e internacionales la reproducción de esta traducción sin el consentimiento escrito de la ASTM. La versión inglesa íntegra de Regulations

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Worried about antibiotic use and resistance in cattle? It's important to us too. WHERE DOES ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE COME FROM?When antibiotics are used, bacteria that are responsive to the drug are killed, and bacteria that aren't responsive (are resistant) survive and reproduce. 1. Some bacteria cause disease. A


Whilst on Holiday 69 million of us travel abroad from the UK annually. While Spain and France are the most popular destinations (about 36% of all visits)1, we are becoming increasingly adventurous about holidaying in further flung, more exotic locations. Holidays are usually a time to relax and enjoy ourselves but to do that we need to avoid the common pitfall of dehydration which can leave us with headaches, feeling tired, dizzy and grouchy2.

Larsson 13 is aba and eibi an effective treatment for autism

Is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) an Effective Treatment for Autism? A Cumulative Review of Impartial Reports Eric V. Larsson, PhD, LP, BCBA-D (2013) Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) for Autism are quite possibly the best examples of evidence-based behavioral health care. Impartial independent review panels consistently agree that ABA and EIBI treatments for autism are effective, and that the extensive body of research meets high standards of scientific evidence. These reviews also report that ABA and EIBI significantly improves the net health outcome in Autism in substantial and far-ranging ways. What is striking about the independent reviews of EIBI and ABA for autism is that the more careful the scrutiny, the more emphatic are the conclusions. For example, the New York, the Maine, and the US AHRQ commissions embarked upon yearlong independent reviews of the scientific support of ALL possible interventions for autism. Each panel stringently applied scientific standards of proof to all interventions and found that ABA-based therapies alone, of all possible treatments for children with autism, had been proven effective. As a result, the practice of ABA and EIBI have become part of the mainstream community standard of care. The conclusions from many years of independent review are quoted below. In 1998, Division 53 of the American Psychological Association (the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology) conducted a Task Force on Empirically Supported Child Psychotherapy. For autism, they found:


Building an ETF Portfolio:From the Simple to the Complex By Maria Crawford Scott You can still keep it Table 1 illustrates three basic ETF portfolio levels, from the simple, even if you make it simple, realistic minimum to the complex. complex. The holdings in each There are many different "levels" portfolio are generic descrip-




AIDS Reviews 2007;9:3-15 Patrick W.G. Mal on: Pathogenesis of HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy Pathogenesis of Lipodystrophy and Lipid Abnormalities in Patients Taking Antiretroviral TherapyPatrick W.G. Mal onNational Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


bioavailability is used to describe the fraction of an administered reaches the , one of the principal . By definition, when a medication is administered [1] However, when a medication is administered (such as orally), its bioavailability decreases (due to incomplete absorption and ) or may vary from patient to patient (due to inter-individual variation). Bioavailability is one of the