The American University of Rome
The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Pre-Departure Information The American University of Rome
Via Pietro Rosel i 4, Rome 00153, Italy t +39-06 5833 0919
f +39-06 5833 0992
e [email protected]
The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Before departure you should
 Change at least $100.00 into EURO  Obtain an AT&T (or other reliable company) A) Arrival at the Rome Fiumicino
 Obtain a multiple entry student visa from Ital-  Print this document and bring it with you
You must arrive in Rome on your scheduled to Italy!
arrival date. Your scheduled arrival is deter-
mined by the university or study abroad pro- Lost Luggage - don't worry - it happens.
gram that has accepted you to study at AUR. Should your luggage get lost, report it to pas- Contact your university or study abroad pro- senger service before exiting customs. Leave gram to obtain your specific scheduled arrival the university address and phone number with date. Students should arrive in Rome the the luggage service: The American Univer-
morning of their scheduled arrival date. Inter- sity of Rome, Via Pietro Roselli 4, 00153
national flights generally arrive early morning. Rome, Tel. 06 5833 0919. Your luggage will
The American University of Rome will arrange most likely be delivered from the airport in the a pick up at the Leonardo da Vinci Internation- al Airport/Fiumicino for students in AUR facili- B) Students Not Arriving at Rome
tated housing and arriving at the AUR meeting Fiumicino Airport
point before 3:00 PM on their scheduled ar-
rival date. You should exit customs and pro- UNIVERSITY ARRANGED HOUSING
ceed to the "Left Luggage/Deposito
You must arrive in Rome on your scheduled
Bagaglio" counter in the Arrivals Hall in
arrival date. Students not arriving at Rome
Terminal 3. This area is found by proceeding
Fiumicino Airport who have reserved University to your right when you exit the customs/bag arranged housing, should proceed directly to claim area. (Note: "left luggage" refers to lug- The American University of Rome, Via Pietro gage storage area not "left" as in left vs. Roselli 4, tel. 06 5833 0919 during office right.) Look for the AUR staff who will be available to assist at 9.00AM. IMPORTANT
The American University of Rome can only The office of AUR is open from 8.30am to
arrange transit to Rome mid morning/early 5.00pm and students must be sure to arrive
afternoon on your scheduled arrival date. at AUR during those hours. If you arrive at
Therefore, if you arrive after this time frame, AUR directly rather than at the airport for the you will be expected to arrive independently to scheduled pickup, please be prepared to wait the University during office hours. until the airport arrivals have been accommo- Most international flights from the US arrive in dated. You will be able to wait comfortably in Terminal 3 of the Arrivals Hall. AUR represent- the AUR Campus until you can be escorted to atives wil be waiting there holding a sign marked THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME. If you arrive at Rome's "second" air- If students arrive in Rome outside office port, Ciampino, you will need to arrange for hours they will have to make a hotel booking your own transit to the university. for that evening and then contact the office of the University the next day. If you arrive
prior to your scheduled date, your ac-
commodation is unavailable. There can
be no exceptions made to this policy. If you
arrive subsequent to your scheduled date, you can expect significant waiting time before your can enter your unit.

The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information TRAVEL INSTRUCTIONS to AUR
Route ONE (to AUR from Rome Leonardo
da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport). Students
Students who have made their own inde- should take the train from the airport terminal pendent housing arrangements should pro- railway station to TRASTEVERE STATION ceed by their own means to their accommo- (approximate cost 8 EURO). Once on the train dations and join the AUR program according the Trastevere station is the seventh stop. to the following schedule: Tickets for the train can be easily purchased from automated vending machines, the ticket Schedule of Arrivals Events
counter or the little newspaper stand (the eas- iest and fastest way) Students wil need EURO currency. There are two trains available from Arrival in Rome: housing check-in the airport train station; board the metropoli- tan rather than the express non-stop train to the main Termini train station. From the Mandatory Orientation session TRASTEVERE STATION you should then take a taxi to AUR (approximate cost 10-15 EURO). SATURDAY
Semester kick off event Route TWO (to AUR from Termini train
station) Bus #75 goes directly to the Univer-
sity. The University is located between the Course instruction begins stops of Via Dandolo/Calandrelli and Via Ca- rini. Either stop is less than 100 meters from *A more detailed schedule will be provided at your the University. This would be approx. Fifteen (15) stops on the bus and should take 20-30 minutes. Your landmark would be the ancient *You must arrive in Rome on your scheduled arrival
date. Your scheduled arrival is determined by the uni-
wall of Rome, which you pass through after a versity or study abroad program that has accepted you long uphill climb subsequent to crossing the to study at AUR. Contact your university or study abroad program to obtain your specific scheduled arri- val date. A more detailed schedule of events will be Route THREE (to AUR from Rome –
provided upon check-in. Ciampino airport) This small airport is much
less accessible to the University by travelers with substantial luggage than Rome's main Airport (Leonardo Da Vinci-Fiumicino). There are connecting buses and a nearby train sta- tion as well as various commercial shuttle and taxi services. Students are recommended to make specific transit arrangements upon arri-
Route FOUR (Taxi) If students choose to
take a taxi from Fiumicino airport directly to the city you should expect to pay 48 EURO plus 1 EURO for each luggage. From the Ter- mini train station, the fare should be approxi- mately 25 EURO. From the Ciampino airport the fare would be 35 EURO plus 1 EURO for each luggage. For taxi drivers the Univer-
sity "landmark" would be the park "Villa
Sciarra" or via Carini.
The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Safety Issues

General Physical Security

The university is in frequent contact with Student Visa and Stay Permit
both Italian law enforcement and Rome- Procedures
based US consular authorities, including the US Regional Security Officer. Student Visa
Any plan of program closure or evacuation All non-European Union students are re- would be in response to specific recommen- quired by law to obtain a student visa from dation from US consular officials. Several the Italian consulate in their home country senior staff members have direct contact before departing for Italy. Without a valid with the US consular services and will be able student visa students cannot obtain their to rapidly disseminate information to the AUR community in the event of an emergency or important political developments in Italy or Permit to stay
Upon arrival in Rome, all foreign students, including European Union citizens, must ob- The university is located in a well-patrolled tain a permit to reside in Italy (Permesso di and exceptionally quiet area of Rome in close Soggiorno per Studio). The permit is issued proximity to embassies and embassy resi- by the local police authorities (Questura). dences. As recommended by security assess- The University will provide relevant infor- ments, no large signs identify the university. mation and assistance to you upon arrival to In addition, the university maintains several secure your first stay permit. However, it is security precautions to ensure the highest your responsibility to comply with current level of safety for its community, including: stay requirements and secure the applicable  Armed guard surveillance.  24-hour camera surveillance of the Required Documents
university premises and perimeter and To facilitate the process of obtaining the a daily review of the tapes. Permit to Stay, you must provide the follow-  Personalized ID cards to allow admis- sion to the university premise. (Security personnel escort visitors to  1 photocopy of inside front cover of your their destination.) passport (the one with your picture, signa-  Mail handling procedures, including ture and identifying information) the capacity to screen packages for  1 photocopy of your visa explosives in conformity to profession-  1 photocopy of health insurance al recommendations.  1 photocopy of AUR enrollment letter  Fire or premises evacuation plans re- stamped by the Italian Consulate viewed in staff meetings.  Fire extinguishers and safety equip- The University will provide you with the appro- priate forms, information and assistance on  Additional security measures that are not readily visible.  The review of safety procedures re- Students residing in housing not contracted garding campus security, mail han- through the University will have to apply for dling and other matters is continuous their permit at the appropriate police station and involves ongoing consultation and are also required to present a copy of with both government and private se- their rental agreement. curity professionals. The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information The university has implemented procedures ble information and basic assistance. For ex- to communicate important information rapid- ample, the office maintains a library of guides ly to students, faculty, staff and other mem- and websites for visitors to Rome and Italy. bers of the university community. The Stu- The Student Handbook and other university dent Life Office communicates important in- publications contain a good deal of valuable formation to students and other people re- information on daily life in Rome, including sponsible for school and study abroad pro- basic security. For example, it details how and where to file a police report or replace a lost passport. The university enforces a sexual har- Individual Security
assment policy and a stringent Student Code While the university cannot guarantee the of Conduct, which imposes sanctions upon stu- individual security of students, staff, faculty dents engaged in undesirable behavior, found or visitors, it has put several important in the Student Handbook. strategies in place in order to maximize All students are required to provide an emer- gency contact person and phone number. As a G8 member nation Italy's overall level of physical safety is high. Incidents of violent Orientation Session
crime (e.g., assault, rape, murder) are ex- Upon arrival students attend an orientation tremely low. Italian police are known for session in Rome. Practical advice and infor- their expertise in maintaining civil order and mation is provided on a range of topics, in- The American University of Rome encourages all its students periodically to check the U.S.  Public transportation, automobiles and Department of States webpage for latest advisories and  Stress and culture shock  Alcohol and illegal drugs  Italian culture and social norms Students may choose to enroll in the university -facilitated housing program in conjunction with our housing agents or providers. The uni- versity requires that the agents respect agreed -upon standards with regard to safety and hy- giene. Students are housed in apartments in Student Code of Conduct
well established residential areas and are to The Rome orientation reinforces information conduct themselves as residents rather than already reviewed by the home university's tourists. Emergency contact information is study abroad office before departure for prominently posted in each unit as well as listed in the AUR Student Handbook and your emergency phone number card. Phones are Medical Issues, Injury or Illness
provided in the apartments. As a G8 member Italy's level of health care and overall hygiene is excellent. There are no Emergency Telephone Number
special health risks and no special immuniza- Staff members explain emergency response at tions or inoculations are required for entry length in mandatory orientation sessions (see into Italy from most countries. below). In the event of emergency, the uni- versity maintains an emergency number that is In the event of student illness or injury, the ready to help in emergency situations outside staff member manning the emergency phone normal campus hours during semesters. is available to assist the student in obtaining appropriate medical care. In such an event, Student-Specific Information
the Dean of Students advises the home uni- The university Student Life Office offers valua- The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information versity or sending study abroad office. Par-  ents and guardians and, within legal con- straints, the emergency contact will be ad- safety_1747.html vised. Additional assistance is provided in the event of a medical evacuation. Nearest American Embassy
For non-emergency situations the Student Via Veneto 121, Rome Life Office can be consulted during normal Health Services
Student Safety Advice
Doctor at AUR
Personal Safety
A medical doctor is available on campus to  Don't leave your personal belongings visit with students Monday through Thurs- unattended or with strangers day. There is no additional cost for this ser-  Don't leave your drinks at bars unat- tended—if you have left them unat- tended, the embassy consulate gen- Counseling Services
eral recommends you do not con-
The American University of Rome provides its students with free, confidential psycho-logical  Be especially aware of your belong- services. A certified counselor gives routine, ings in crowded places like public non-medical counseling to students by ap- transportation and on night trains pointment. Detailed information on this service  Don't leave your apartment doors or can be found in the Student Handbook. windows unsecured  Employ the buddy system—always A psychiatrist is also available by appoint-ment have a sober friend with you and free of charge to students for pre-scribing  Cell phones are invaluable in a case of and monitoring medications.  Avoid being on your own during night PLEASE BE AWARE THAT MEDICATIONS
 Do not invite strangers to your apart- TREATMENT ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN ITALY.
ment or enter the apartment of a THIS INCLUDES ANY TYPE OF STIMULANT

 Do not accept drinks or rides from STRATTERA. IF YOU ARE TAKING MEDICA-
 Always carry your cell phone and a ENOUGH MEDICATIONS FOR YOUR ENTIRE
Travel Safety
 While traveling, keep your money and DISCONTINUE THE MEDICATION ONCE YOU
documents in two different places ARE IN IT-ALY. WHEN ARRIVING IN ITALY
 Always leave your travel plans with AND TO AVOID PROBLEMS AT THE AIRPORT
 Check periodically the US Embassy FIRMING THAT YOU ARE TAKING THE MEDI-
 Always carry your cell phone and a ING SHIPMENTS OF STIMULANTS IS ILLE-
Websites on Security Issues
  (U.S. Dept of State wesite) The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information University Emergency Number
Emergencies and Public Hospitals
If you require medical attention, all hospitals 348 08 09 357
have a first aid and emergency room (pronto soccorso). If there is an emergency The University emergency number is ready to and you need immediate help, you should help you in emergency situations outside nor- dial 113 or 118 for police or ambulance as- mal campus hours during semesters. Howev- sistance. In an emergency, an ambulance er, you should use it only in the event of gen-
will take the patient to the closest emergen- uine non-housing emergencies.
cy room and, if hospitalization is necessary, the patient will be placed in the hospital Housing emergencies are to be brought to the best suited to treat the particular illness or attention of the housing agency. You will find injury. Students who are not Italian citizens the necessary numbers in your apartment and but have an Italian insurance policy are cov- the Student Handbook. ered for emergency treatment in state-run hospitals. There are several public hospitals Italian Emergency numbers
with emergency facilities throughout Rome 113 (equivalent to 911) including the areas where AUR and its hous- ing units are located. IMPORTANT
Private Clinics and International Hos-
Do a health check-up before leaving
If you wish to be treated in a private clinic or Before leaving for Italy, visit your dentist and/ an international hospital, you are responsible or physician for any routine visits you might for payment. Consult your own private insur- otherwise miss while overseas, and especially ance for reimbursement policies. for any existing concerns you might have. The U.S. Embassy lists a variety of English Never assume your study abroad/travel insur- speaking doctors and the Student Life Office ance will cover expenses for a pre-existing assists students needing to locate international medical professionals in Rome. Italian Culture
In Rome and throughout Italy, pharmacies are marked with a red or green neon cross No doubt shortly after arrival in Rome you will sign. They are open generally from 8:30am have noted many differences from the familiar to 1:00pm and then from 4:00pm from environment you have just left. If you are a 7:30pm. There is a rotation system for study abroad student it is precisely these dif- nights and holidays and each pharmacy lists ferences that likely have drawn you to this ex- the closest open pharmacy. In Italian phar- perience. Expect and embrace both change macies you can find over-the-counter medi- and difference. Keep an open mind. Under- cine for minor illnesses like colds and pains. stand that Italian is the language of Italy and that even if you have studied Italian, you will The pharmacy closest to the University is on have some difficulty communicating. Via Carini 44, near the corner bar (in front of the first 44 bus stop on Via Carini). The Every culture has its own nuances and subtle- International Pharmacy, located in Piazza ties. Some are more evident than others. Avoid Barberini, has English-speaking pharmacists generalities about Italian culture – they are at 06 48 25 456. There are 24-hour phar- likely inaccurate. Also know that generaliza- macies located at the main train station, in tions about Italians and Italy are especially Piazza Risorgimento 44 and Via Nazionale hard to accurately compose. While some examples of fairly widely held generalizations such as devotion to and im- The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information portance of family, importance of image and grooming or the concept of moderation with Student Perspective
respect to food and drink are substantially cor- rect, others are simply inappropriate and inac- Living in Rome is an experience like no other. From the his- tory of the city to the aesthetic beauty of the architecture, curate. For example, since many retail stores Rome is truly one of a kind. For the first few days after arriv- are closed in the mid afternoon – don't con- ing, you will find yourself wandering around in awe, over- clude that Italians take a long "siesta" and whelmed by the sights, sounds and smells of your new sur- slowly flow along in life's current. While it may roundings. As soon as you step off the plane at the Leonardo Da Vinci airport, you will notice many things that are much be true that Italians, like all of us, enjoy their different than what you are used to. Hoards of people crowd- leisure time, most Italians work six days a ing around the cash register at a café - lines don't exist in week and Italy is one of the world's most inno- Italy. Taxi drivers screaming at each other in some undeci- vative and productive industrial countries. pherable dialect, endless traffic jams, intense heat. Men in ridiculously tight jeans. Who are these people? With respect to dating, the protocol you find Throw away everything you take for granted back home - in Italy may be very different than that to customer service, punctuality, efficiency. Things work differ- which you are accustomed. Casual acquaint- ently here, and at a much slower pace. The best way to ances are rarely invited into the home; such adapt is to have an open mind, and be willing to accept invitations to acquaintances of the opposite things as they come. After all, the main reason most people sex may have clear implications here that come to study here is to experience a new culture, and with that comes an ability to change your perspective on life. are not so obvious to you. Failure to fully understand this could have disastrous con- There are so many things to see and do in Rome, it would literally take a lifetime to do it all. Once you have familiarized It is also important to understand that many yourself with your new home, remember what brought you here-a sense of adventure, a thirst for knowledge, a cultural of the things associated with your appear- ance and actions will identify your cultural origin. For example, did you know Ameri- In order to live and study in Rome, you must have a good cans are often readily identified by the type balance of activities. Since the majority of students at AUR of backpack that they carry, the type of are semester study abroads, this leads to the notion of an all expenses paid, four month vacation. While this is partial y shoes that they wear (which typically do not true, it is important to keep up with one's studies, in order to change seasonally), or the overcoat they fully benefit from the AUR experience. don't wear during the fall and winter Students may come here expecting to find easy courses that they can breeze through. However, this is not the case. AUR offers challenging courses, and our professors are highly AUR's best advice for student visitors to this trained and experienced in their respective fields, and have country is to observe the culture, study the high academic standards. language, make an effort to fit in and ap- preciate it. Never engage in the type of be- A few words of advice for new and prospective students: One, time management skills are essential. If you plan on havior that would not be found acceptable traveling on the weekends, make sure that you are caught in your home nation. Simple courtesy and up on your assignments, papers and group projects. This will respect are tools that will never fail you. save you much stress the night before everything is due. Secondly, when a reading or project is assigned, do it as soon as possible, for the school weeks seem to fly by, and responsibilities pile up very quickly. This will enable you to Culture Shock
explore the vibrant culture without sacrificing your grades. A happy medium can be found, and is based on your commit- Adjusting to a new culture is not always ment to what you choose to do. easy. Living away from family and friends, Although classes are taught within the walls of our beautiful language barriers and different habits of the campus, there is a whole world of knowledge awaiting you in new culture may make life seem stressful the city. There is so much to learn just wandering through and difficult. Going through a period of cul- the streets of the eternal city. So make sure that you study ture shock – feeling angry, frustrated and/or hard, and everything else will fall into place. emotional, or the more subtle tired, lost, - Jake Campeau, Resident AUR Student, Communications Major edgy and/or sad – is normal and can be

The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information quite easily tackled by taking steps in ad- Italy at a Glance
justing to the new culture. Here are some strategies to help combat the stress pro- duced by culture shock.
Get rest. Many students are already ex-
hausted before they even leave home, hav-

ing spent every possible moment with their In 2002, euro coins/currency was introduced into many family and friends. The excitement at arrival countries in Europe including Italy. To check the latest and discovery of a new city with new friends conversion rate you can use . further deprive a student of the rest needed to overcome jetlag and culture shock. Time
Italy is six hours ahead of New York and nine hours ahead
Be patient. Living abroad, changing cul-
tures and adapting to new situations takes time. Do not rush things and allow yourself Rome enjoys mostly mild winters with some months of rainy spells, but there can be very cold periods, too. Spring to feel sad about the things that you have doesn't usually arrive until late April or early May. left behind: your family, your friends, etc. Recognize the sorrow of leaving your home Italian Business Hours
country, but learn to also accept the new Italian business hours often differ from the 9:00am to culture you are in. Focus your power on get- 5:00pm U.S. standard. Most shops are open from 9:30am ting through the transition. to 1:00pm, and re-open from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. There are also Monday morning and Wednesday/Thursday after-noon closures for some businesses. Working hours vary for Maintain contact with the new culture
each business and you should inquire about the specific and try to learn the language. Volunteer
schedule for any location of interest. in community activities that allow you to practice the language that you are learning. Italian Food
This will help you fill your time, feel useful Italy is still a country in favor of the "slow food" culture and stress less about the language at the and Italians traditionally spend a lot time purchasing, pre- paring and eating good food. Therefore, instead of big supermarkets, you will find a lot of small "corner" shops that are specialized in meat, fish, bread, fruit or other food Maintain confidence in yourself. Follow category. There are also centralized supermarkets that sell
your ambitions and continue your plans for the a broader variety of food and other household items. future. Learn to be constructive and find ways to live with the things that do not satisfy you Italians normally have a light breakfast at the bar. Break- fast includes a coffee or a cappuccino and biscotti 100%. If you encounter an unfavorable envi- (cookies) or un cornetto (a pastry). Lunch is generally ronment, learn from it, but at the same time served between 1 and 2.30 pm and often consists of a be easy on yourself. Everything – including primo piatto (first course like salad, soup, rice or pasta). yourself – cannot, will not and does not have Some people may opt for a panino (sandwich) at lunch and make dinner their main meal. Dinner is served around 8-9 pm and often includes a first and a second course (meat, fish and a side order of vegetables) that may be Maintain contact with your own ethnic followed by fruit, dessert and coffee.
group. Pay attention to relationships with your
family and friends. They will serve as support Every Italian region (there are 20 of them) has its own typical cuisine: one of your goals could be to have a taste for you in difficult times. This will give you a of all of them! Roman cooking is fundamentally very sim- feeling of belonging and will reduce your feel- ple: a few ingredients make up the dishes and meat and ings of loneliness and alienation. Do not forget fish are most often baked or grilled. Typical Roman dishes the good things you already have! include pasta: fettuccine, spaghetti, and potato gnocchi. Milk-fed lamb (abbacchio) and Mediterranean fish are of- ten used ingredients as well as sheep's milk cheese and fresh ricotta. Typical wines are those of the Castelli Roma- ni, southeast of Rome. The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information World Citizen Guide
Keep religion private.
Globally speaking, religion is not something you wear on your Practical advice for Americans traveling abroad sleeve. Often it is considered deeply personal—not public. Some may have no knowledge of the Bible, nor is it appropriate to tell them about it unless you are a professional missionary identified as Look. Listen. Learn.
New places mean new cultures and new experiences. Don't just shop. See the sights, hear the sounds and try to understand the Be quiet.
lives people live. Less is more. In conversation match your voice level to the envi- ronment and other speakers. A loud voice is often perceived as a Smile. Genuinely.
bragging voice. Casual profanity is almost always considered unac- It's a universal equalizer. Think big. Act small. Be humble.
Check the atlas.
In many countries, boasting is considered very rude. It's easy to You may not believe anyone could confuse "Australia" with resent big, powerful people. Assume resentment as a default and "Austria," but it happens. Everyone's home is important to them. play down your wealth, power and status. When Americans meet It's helpful if you familiarize yourself with local geography. each other for the first time, our job (and implied status) is a key part of "who" we are, and how we introduce ourselves. This is less Agree to disagree respectfully.
important elsewhere, and can be perceived as braggadocio. Surely, there are people who object to actions or activities of our government, our industries and our culture. Not every objection is Live, eat and play local.
the same. Listen politely. Then respond appropriately. Once you get to know other Americans, don't start ignoring locals you knew before. Most people believe that Americans have the Talk about something besides politics.
most fun when they are in their own company. Prove them wrong. Make yourself aware of the political environment of the region but The world is full of interesting and exciting things, people and plac- don't offer a view if you don't have to. If pushed, ask the people es you might never have heard of. Take some of it in. with whom you're having a conversation what their thoughts are. Listen first. Then speak. And leave politics alone if you can. Speak Be patient.
of culture, art, food or family if you need another topic. We talk fast. Eat fast. Move fast. Live fast. Many cultures do not. In fact, time is understood very differently around the world. In the Be safety conscious, not fearful.
short term, speed and instant satisfaction are less important than If you went to certain parts of any city in the U.S., you'd watch your enjoying a new culture. wallet and make sure you had your wits about you. So why should it be any different anywhere else? Celebrate our diversity.
Everybody abroad may not be ware of occurrences that are obvious Dress for respect.
for you (movies, music, baseball, Super Bowl winners etc.) Try to Americans are fundamentally a casual people. Jeans, T-shirts and find a few topics that are most important in the local popular cul- sneakers work for many of us much of the time, but there are peo- ple in other countries that believe such casualness is a sign of disre- spect to them and their beliefs. Check out what is expected and Try the language.
bring scarves, headwear or whatever might be required. Try to speak some of the language even if the only thing you can say is "Hello." and "Thank you". It's okay to sound like a child. Know some global sports trivia.
Making the effort is more endearing than off putting. Many countries don't play or watch American sports. So avoid fil ing your conversations with U.S. sporting allusions. There's a Refrain from lecturing.
good chance people wil not understand. Whether on pollution, energy usage or the environment, it's not a polite stance. Nobody likes a know-it-all, and nobody likes a whole Keep your word.
nation of them. Rightly or wrongly the U.S. is seen as appointing If you say that you wil e-mail, find that book or baseball cap and itself as policeman, judge and jury to the world. Be aware of this send it, then make sure that you keep your promises. perception and try to understand other viewpoints. Show your best side.
Dialogue instead of monologue.
Americans are a kind and generous people. You can help dispel the When you're talking about the U.S. and your life there, ask people stereotype of Ugly American; impress people with your kindness, you're visiting how what you've said compare to what they do and curiosity and fair nature. how they live in their country. Be a traveler, not a tourist.
Use your hands. Watch your feet.
Before you touch down in another country, learn as much as you Gestures are a powerful language in any culture. Gestures are easi- can about it. Go beyond the guidebooks and pick up some of the er to learn than a language. Study up on them. Combine a basic music and the literature of the land. If you can, rent some movies knowledge of gestures with some very basic language to help you from that country. Go online and search for information about the communicate better and more quickly. places you want to visit. You can get a great start through the resources we've put together at the World Citizens Guide website. Leave the clichés at home.
Our clichés often don't mean much or maybe anything to people of other cultures and they are difficult to translate. Have a wonderful trip!
Make new friends. Bring back the best of the world and leave a Be proud, not arrogant.
little of the best of yourself wherever you go. Share this World People around the world are fascinated by the U.S. and the lives we Citizens Guide with a friend. Americans live. They admire our openness, our optimism, our crea- tivity and our "can-do" spirit. But that doesn't mean they feel less proud of their country and culture. Be proud of being an American, but resist any temptation to present our way as the best way or the This information is the work of volunteers who make up
Business for Diplomatic Action.

The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Develop a hobby. Relaxation and meditation
where you live and to your neighbors. You are proven to be very positive for people who should strive to enhance the quality of life are passing through periods of stress. Learn to and safety of the neighborhood you share. include a regular form of physical activity in your routine to help combat the sadness and As first impressions are lasting, your arrival loneliness in a constructive manner. Exercise, is critical in establishing good relations with swim or take an aerobics class. your new Italian neighbors. Students are strongly advised to adjust to the local time Establish simple goals and evaluate your
zone as quickly as possible and to be acute- progress as time passes.
ly aware of the fact that those living in the neighboring apartments rightfully expect to The internet provides a myriad of information be able to sleep as well as to live within a on anxiety, depression and related conditions. peaceful environment. For further information please consult the fol- To help maintain good relations with your lowing websites: neighbors, keep in mind that you are part of a community and your actions affect your neigh- bors. Although your residency is temporary, recognize that most of your neighbors are liv- ing in their primary residence which they own. Please be sensitive to the lifestyle of your neighbors. Most residents enjoy the arrival of American students and you should do your part to foster that relationship. Most residents work full time and many may have families with young children, so keep excessive noise to a minimum at all times. You should remem- ber that although the housing facilities are not directly provided by the University, your be-havior reflects on the University and can affect future students' living arrangements. Helpful Hints for Italian Apartment Liv-

What can you expect to find in the Ro-

man Apartment/Condominium?
Each apartment is equipped with basic furnish- ings and supplies, including single beds, bed linens and towels, a closet/clothing storage space, basic cookware and tableware, a table and chairs and a furnished sitting area. Desks, when available, are to be shared by all occu- pants. Each student is expected to provide his/ her own paper and cleaning products as well Good Neighbor Policy
as replace light bulbs. Most apartment units The apartments used by The American Uni- are provided with a washing machine. versity of Rome housing program are differ- ent from college dormitory and apartment It is anticipated most apartments will be living in the United States. As a result, your equipped with a personal computer (PC) and behavior and demeanor must reflect this have unlimited, no additional cost access the difference. As members of a community, Internet. A landline phone will be provided you will have responsibilities to the city which will provide unlimited calls to landlines

The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information with Italy. Calls to cellular phones and calls blow the fuse!! Should this happen, your outside of Italy incur additional cost and can power will be cut off – turn off any electrical be effected with the use of a calling card. Un- appliance and light fixture you don't truly limited incoming calls may be received without need at the moment and check your fuse box incurring any additional cost. In the event a to flip your apartment switch back on. When particular unit is not equipped with internet/ replacing light bulbs, consider purchasing phone line, a cellular phone will be provided energy saving bulbs which consume less en- and a partial refund made. Computer and ergy while providing more light and thus will phone are shared among unit residents. be less likely to help overload your limited electrical supply. Not All Apartments Are the Same.
In Rome, not all apartments are created equal. Hot Water
Although the apartments vary in location, style Almost all Roman apartments are furnished and size, all of them provide the essentials. with a water heating tank located either in Please try to understand this fact and accept it the bathroom or the balcony. In the tank, as part of your experience in Rome. Do not there is generally enough hot water to last immediately compare your apartment with for one long shower. With roommates, how- those of other students. ever, that one shower must be divided into three or four short, but effective showers. Heating and Air Conditioning
Please expect about ten to fifteen minutes of The heat in the apartments generally oper- hot water at a time allowing at least a couple ates from 6—9 a.m. and then again in the of hours to replenish the supply. evening from 6—10 p.m. This means that the hours in between heating are what you could call "Roman room temperature", which is slightly warmer than the temperature out- side. By Roman ordinance, heating systems are turned on by November 15 and turned off on March 15 every year. Wearing warmer clothes (ex. wool, fleece, flannel) indoors during winter months is considered normal practice amongst Italians and experienced expats; it is strongly suggested that students adopt this practice for their own comfort. Apartments are not provided with air condi- tioning; instead, keep cool the Italian way – during the day, Italians traditionally keep their shutters and serrande closed against the heat of the sun. In order to cool the apartment you might also consider buying a
Electrical Power

All the apartments in Rome operate with a 3 kilowatt fuse box. This means that an over- Emergencies and Regular Maintenance
load of power will leave you in the dark. You University assisted housing has managers should be careful when using American appli- who are available during normal office hours ances with an adapter; that usually puts an which you will find posted where you live. extra load on the power supply. Also be care- Also listed are emergency contact numbers ful of using many appliances simultaneously: for times outside office hours. Please call the water heater, and another appliance these numbers only in the case of a true
(i.e., hair dryer, iron, washing machine) will
emergency. For routine matters call your housing manager during the posted office

The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information hours — or better yet, use the maintenance However, the Student Life Office is happy to request link on your apartment PC desktop. suggest available luggage storage or ship- ping services. As the semester draws to an Washing Machines
end, instructions will be provided concerning You will immediately note a difference between housing check-out procedures. American and European washing machines: the latter are "front loading", i.e. there is no top lid Overnight Guests
but instead a front door. Because water can Overnight guests are strictly prohibited. spill out and potentially cause damage, these Should a visiting friend or relative need a front doors have a special timed lock and wil place to stay, please ask any of the Housing not open when cycles are actively running. DO
or Student Life Coordinators for a list of local NOT force your washing machine open.
(NB: Not all university facilitated housing comes with a washing machine). Loads can generally take up to 2 hours or even longer, so plan ahead, coordinate with your roommates and perhaps consider sharing the loads. Bear in mind the Italian quiet hour laws before starting a load late in the evening.
Europeans are masters at space-saving, and their refrigerators are another example of this. Combining the lack of space with a love of good, fresh foods, Italians shop regularly (if not daily) at the outdoor markets, specialty shops and grocery stores found around almost every corner. Be careful of overloading your refrigera- tor—if the door cannot close or if the cold air is Respect Your Neighbor
not allowed to circulate freely within the unit, Please be considerate of those living with the appliance will not be able to function and around you. The walls in Italy allow properly and your food (as well as your room- sound to pass surprisingly easily – you can mates') will likely spoil. You and your room- hear much of what your neighbor is doing or mates might consider shopping and cooking saying, and vice versa. Most of your neigh-
together to cut down on refrigerator overload— bors are normal Italian citizens with families after all, real Italian-style living revolves around and full-time jobs, they need 7-8 hours of the kitchen table and shared meals! sleep every night, and their weekend starts as late as on Saturday afternoon. By law, quiet is imperative between 9:30 or 10:00 Lost keys are your responsibility. The University pm and 8:00 am, and again after 1:00 pm does not have copies of keys; therefore in case until 3:30 or 4:00 pm; please respect this law of a lockout, contact a roommate. For a re- by keeping noise to minimum. Because most placement set, contact the agency during their floors are made of marble or ceramic and office hours. If you think changing the locks hence do not buffer the sounds coming from might be necessary, ask the agency to order a your apartment, wear slippers or soft sole shoes rather than hard sole or high heels. Also, most elevator doors in Italy are not Leaving the Apartment
electronic and have to be closed manually. You are to leave the apartments generally by Please remember to close them carefully noon on the morning after last day of final every time you use the elevator; when you exams. The University cannot arrange to ex- forget to do so, it can impact other residents tend your lease or make arrangements to for whom elevator unavailability is more than store your luggage after the lease expires. The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information a mere inconvenience: the handicapped, the leave that opportunity open! elderly, mothers with infants and toddlers, as well as just about anyone with their Do not invite mere acquaintances into your shopping. For your own safety as well as apartment - Italians socialize in public places that of others, be sure to respect the weight and no one expects you to invite them in. All limits posted within the elevators (1 kg is students - but in particular females - should be aware of the social and potentially legal implications of inviting guests into their Legalities
Illegal drugs are ILLEGAL. As a foreign stu- dent, you should be aware that the laws are The Tiger Mosquito
different and search warrants are not neces- The City of Rome has an ongoing campaign sary for drugs in Italy. In Italy, the police to combat the tiger mosquito, including the can require you to identify yourself. There- spraying of public parks, schools, building fore, it is essential that you carry a photo- and streets, as well as a push to educate the copy of your passport with you at all times. public. Individual condominium complexes In extreme cases, the police can arrest an typically spray their surrounding property, unidentified person until that person is posi- and all are asked to be vigilant about elimi- tively identified. nating standing water, especially on terraces and balconies. To keep from being bitten, It is unlikely that students who themselves avoid strongly scented soaps, shampoos, etc, and whose roommates follow the AUR Code and strangely enough, avoid eating bananas. of Conduct and AUR Housing Rules and Loose clothing provides a barrier of air be- Guidelines will experience problems with tween your skin and clothing. A very small their neighbors. However, should your percentage of the population will find them- neighbors call the police on your apartment selves particularly sensitive to the mosquito to file a complaint, you should: bite and may benefit from topical treatment  Have your passport and visa available products which can be purchased at the local  Be polite and courteous pharmacy; repellents for rooms in your  Understand that no search warrant is apartment can also be purchased at the required under Italian law pharmacy, as well as your local hardware  Understand that given current police re- store (ferramenta) and grocery store. Typical sources, your situation is unlikely to be products are plug-in electrical devices, coils viewed sympathetically. and citronella candles. Apartment Safety
Helpful Websites
Many of the housing rules are set in an effort The information about living in Rome con- to ensure student safety. In addition to the tained in the Student Handbook can also be housing rules, please bear the following in found within our website In
addition, we have found the following sites In your apartment, keep your shutters and serrande closed at night and whenever you're not home. Always speak to any person who Provides a wealth of information about living in has buzzed your apartment through the inter- and traveling through Italy, including detailed com system to make sure you know who it is instructions for daily living, supported by pho- before you buzz them into your building – nev- tographs. Covers a broad spectrum, from food er buzz in or hold the door open for someone shopping to operating washing machines, from you don't know. If they have an honest reason making espresso, to catching a taxi, from us- for being there, there should be someone ing any kind of phone to going to the beach. there to allow them in. Crimes in Italy are gen- Photographs help prepare you for the unex- erally petty crimes of opportunity – just don't pected. Definitely worth visiting and revisiting. The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Top Ten Tips
Frequently Asked Questions
Provides door to door public transportation 1. Remember whom you represent
What is the weather like in Rome?
Rome's weather can be unpredictable, but we do have some ad- your country of origin, and AUR. Just because you think no one vice- come prepared with clothing and shoes for two different maps. Click on the British flag for English is watching, someone probably is. seasons. Should you begin your stay during the fall semester, expect to wear summer clothing for at least half of your stay. Your winter sweaters and coats wil be worn for half of your stay if you commence your semester abroad during the spring. Also, do not forget an umbrel a; the heavier rain fall occurs during the months bably in the wrong place. of November and March. Provides maps of the city of Rome, as well 3. Try new things
Can I bring electric appliances?
as door to door instructions for driving or Just because something looks funny or you can't pronounce the Yes, you can bring your hairdryer, electric shaver, curling iron, Actually, it wil probably be deli- and basically anything else-as long as you remember: the Europe- cious. Try not to go to the same place twice. If you think that it an voltage is 220V. You may wish to leave your American appli- is not possible to do that, it most certainly is. Plus, an awesome ances behind and purchase a European hair dryer, curling iron, little restaurant you went to is a great place to take friends or etc. upon your arrival here together with your roommates. Should family who visit. you bring yours from home, however, remember that the appli- ances you bring must have a switch from 110 to 220. Also keep 4. Know your surroundings
in mind that the plugs are shaped differently so you should pur- The faster you can acclimate yourself to your environment the chase a plug adapter. There are several hardware stores located better. Go around during the day when it is light and find the near the university and university housing should you choose to ways home. There is nothing scarier than getting lost at night purchase adapters here. alone… although you can always call a cab to take to you home (remember your address!). How essential is speaking Italian?
The majority of our study abroad students have no knowledge of the Italian language prior to coming to Rome. In fact, being im- Even if you think your Italian sounds more like gibberish than mersed in a culture is one of the quickest ways to learn how to words, do it. Italian is a beautiful language and as long as you speak a language. A semester of buying food from the local fruit try, people wil appreciate the effort. The only way you can and vegetable vendors, asking for directions, or ordering a drink learn it is to practice it. at a café- are a few of the ways you wil be learning and practic- ing speaking in Italian. Therefore, have no worries if you cannot speak the language, you wil definitely learn. Since Rome is a very Use your head. If it seems like a bad idea, it probably is. Don't cosmopolitan city, many people speak English and/or are wil ing to ride a scooter without a helmet. Basically common sense pre- help you out when you are in need of assistance. What types of university-sponsored sports are offered at
7. Have a buddy
AUR? Are they free?
Try not to travel alone when you go out but especially at night. The fol owing sports activities are offered to our students by the A group of people is a much harder target for people looking to University; make sure to sign up in the Student Life Office to be harm you than an individual. able to participate in these extra-curricular activities: calcio, cal- cetto (soccer played on a smaller field with 5 members team), 8. Italy/Europe is not the U.S./your country
yoga, martial arts, running club. Just because you can do it at home doesn't mean you can do it There are also a host of sports facilities in Rome for just about here. Laws differ from country to country and conversations any kind of sport you'd like to practice; just ask the Student Life with authority figures are never fun. Coordinators for more information. 9. Be prepared
What types of activities are organized during the semes-
Anything that can happen wil happen. If you think someone is pul ing your chain about something they saw, most likely it  Ancient ruins of Ostia Antica actually did happen.  Fashion Outlet Trip 10. Travel
Europe is one of the most historically rich and cultural y diverse places on earth. Airfare is general y very cheap within the conti-  Evening at the Opera nent and studying abroad is an opportunity not only to see the  Theater/Dance shows country in which you are studying, but many other parts of the world.  Wine tasting/cooking classes  Movie Nights and Matinees Giles Smith, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee AUR Study Abroad Student September '04 - June ‘05  And many more. AUR Degree-seeking Student Fall 2006
Do students have access to student discounts?
Yes. There are numerous shops in the vicinity of our campus that have agreed to provide discounts to our students. You can find this information in the Student Handbook and in the Student Life The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Telephones and Computers
Detailed information can be found at: Skype is a great way to communicate. Use it The university has no financial interest in this to make international phone calls and you service. Students and parents should know will save a lot of money. If you have a Gmail that if you subscribe to this service your cellu- account you can also use Google 'call lar number is accessible to the university. This phones' feature at very convenient rates. information will be kept confidential but will be used in the event it is important to contact you International Phone Cards
(by voice or text) for university or emergency You should consider that Rome is 6 hours purposes. When subscribing to their services ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time and 9 please make certain you identify yourself as hours ahead of U.S. Pacific Standard Time. enrolled at The American University of Rome. International calls can be made from any tel- ephone booth, either using an Italian card or Please call or contact your loved ones im-
your own calling/credit card. To place direct mediately up on your arrival in Rome!
international calls you have to dial the follow- Laptop Computers
Laptops with universal power supplies can 00 + country code + area code + local number
be useful to students. Electrical outlet AT&T and MCI calling cards can be used adapters are required but these can be pur- from any private landline or public phone chased inexpensively. The University main- with a scheda. When calling from a public tains a computer lab with free Internet ac- phone, you must have a local phone card cess. Laptops with an Ethernet card can be even though there will be no debit to the bal- configured to access the University network ance. You can reach an in the computer labs. Wireless Network cards are also useful for those wanting to  AT&T operator at 800 172 444 use the University wireless LAN connection  MCI operator at 800 90 58 25 accessible from various outdoor zones. In- You can buy pre-paid MCI and AT&T phone ternet access outside of the University is cards at tabacchi shops. International Calling available in numerous, inexpensive Internet Cards are available in many brands at differ- cafes, which increasingly are social centers. ent charges. Make sure to ask for Carta Tele- Having updated anti-virus software installed fonica Internazionale. Instructions for the on your laptop prior to arrival is strongly use of these cards are written on the cards, recommended. The University neither en- compare wisely as rates vary. courages nor discourages bringing laptops but under no circumstances is the University In order to make a collect call to the U.S., responsible for loss or damage to these de- you should call the AT&T and MCI numbers vices whether on or off campus. above and follow the same instructions for Wireless access is also available in AUR fa- using a public phone. Bear in mind that this cilitated housing. is very often an expensive way to call home and most phone service providers do not recognize the access numbers (exception- Students may access from the University public pay phones and the major phone computer center any internet based email company Telecom) With respect to cost, service account. As such your current email students should inquire specifically about account should be fully portable. If you do the rate to call the USA. not have an email account or want an Students may wish to consider obtaining a university email account, one can cellular phone. Cellular phones may be ob-
be assigned, without cost, upon arrival in tained in the USA, prior to your departure. The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Library Access
formation with anyone who might send a
If you have any electronic library/database package to you. Any goods sent from outside
abilities on your campus, remember to bring the European Union will be subject to a cus- along the access codes, passwords, etc. toms tax, as set by Italian and European law. AUR's library resources, while adequate to The local delivery agent customs representa- the task, typically do not match those availa- tives may also charge a handling fee in addition ble in your home university. to the customs tax. Mailing and Shipping
While a tax can be charged for any item of val- ue, in general most (but not all) packages with a declared value of under $50 arrive untaxed. RECEIVING LETTERS AND PACKAGES
Items of high value entail an accordingly high Receiving Letters
customs tax; hence, it makes more sense to It is important that you have all of your mail personally hand-carry any such item (i.e., lap- addressed to the University address as follows: top computer, camera equipment) when you first arrive than to have it shipped to you sepa- Student's Name
rately. Should you absolutely need to have such c/o The American University of Rome
an item shipped, advise your family and friends Via Pietro Roselli 4
to not assign an excessive value to the pack- 00153 Rome, ITALY
age: the value they assign to your package will be the amount used for calculating any taxes Regular mail arrives daily at approximately and fees. Should an item need to be insured, 11:00 am. It will be sorted and delivered to the bear in mind that you will be taxed on the value student mailboxes which are located in the declared & insured by the sender. The usual computer lab on the ground floor of Building A. tax rate is around 20%. Receiving Packages
In our experience, packages containing used Packages should be addressed in the same clothing or personal items with a low declared manner as listed above. Most packages will be value usually have little or no problem getting delivered directly to AUR. However, on rare oc- through the delivery system. Packages with casions you will be required to pick up the easy-to-understand and simple descriptions package or registered letter directly from the seem to arrive more easily than those with mi- local package branch of the post office, from a nute details (i.e., "used clothing, value $25" vs. delivery agent or even from the airport (see "leather jacket, value $250"). Avoid using brand note below regarding medicines). If you receive names; instead, use the simplest description a package on hold at the post office, you wil possible. receive a yellow card indicating where the item Any medicines, whether prescription, over-the can be collected. You must bring your passport -counter, or even vitamins, should not be to claim parcels at all of Rome's post offices. sent. If they are detected, the customs agent Once a package is received at The American will not allow them to be delivered. Should University of Rome, it will be logged and set you require prescription medicine, bring a aside in a secure area in the Reception. A Pack- supply to last you for at least your entire stay. age Received Notice will be placed in the mail- Should you urgently need prescription medi- box located in the student lounge. Take the cations from home while in Rome, speak per- notice with you to the Reception as you pick sonally with a Student Life Coordinator for the package up. Packages are only given to the information on how these should be shipped. addressee, who must sign the ledger. For further information about shipping to Ita-
Please take the following information into ly from the U.S., the United States Postal
consideration before having packages Service has a very useful website
sent. We also ask that you share this in-
Specifically, please visit the The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Customs section at ized for international use. Also, you should not for their information on rely on your card as the sole means of acquir- customs in foreign countries, and customs fees and other charges explained Traveler's checks are accepted only at the more for parcels destined to Europe. exclusive shops catering to tourists. AUR doesn't recommend to bring traveler's checks. Paying Customs Taxes and Fees
Hopefully, having followed the above guide- Personal Checks
lines, you will not find yourself in the position You will not be able to cash personal checks in of being charged taxes and fees. If not, the Italy unless you have an American Express card procedure is usually as follows: and have made prior arrangements with Ameri- can Express to have personal checks cashed The delivery agent will present the package to AUR and request payment.  Should the fee be less than €5, the Money Transfers
school will pay the fee on your behalf You can receive a money transfer from the U.S. so that delivery will not be delayed. through Western Union or other money transfer You must reimburse the school for companies within 24 hours. any fee paid on your behalf when picking up the package. Banks and Bank Accounts
 Should the fee be more than €5, the Banks are usually open Monday through Friday school will take a photocopy of the from 8:30am to 1:30pm. In the afternoon, the delivery agent's claim form and ask opening hours change from bank to bank but the delivery agent to return within they are usually open from 2:30/3:00pm to the next day or two. The photocopy and instructions on how to proceed Outside most banks there is a cash dispenser will be placed in your mailbox. and some of them located in downtown Rome also have an automatic currency exchange ma- Registered Letters
chine working 24 hours a day. Registered letters are logged and placed in a Opening an Italian bank account requires a val- secure place. A notice will be placed in the id stay permit and a fiscal code, but usually al- mailbox for the student, who must produce the so quite some time and high operating costs. notice in order to retrieve his/her registered The University does not recommend that study- abroad students open an Italian bank account. Money and Banking

Cost of Living Estimates

Cost of living expenses are often unpredictable Currency
and difficult to estimate with precision because The euro (€) is the Italian currency. The euro is of the fluctuating value of different currencies. the single currency of the European Monetary Union and went into circulation in the 17 Euro Public Transportation
Member States on January 1, 2002. ATM cards and Traveler's Checks
Maps, Getting Around
The University highly recommends that you use Detailed city maps and an initial supply of bus/ the most efficient and convenient method of tram tickets will be provided. Housing is located
accessing money in Italy: ATM (Bancomat) principally in the area bordered by Viale Traste- cards. Visa and Mastercard debit and credit vere and Circonvallazione Gianicolense. http:// cards are widely accepted and offer the best is an Italian web site with exchange rates. You should check with your excellent interactive maps. Students are en- bank to ensure that your ATM card is author- couraged to visit this page to better acquaint The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information themselves with the area. This web page is should always check the hours of operation for also an excellent source of information on Ita- a specific route before departing. For ATAC information, call 800 43 17 84. For example, if you search by address {under There are two main buses that serve the Uni- "Mappa"} for the University {Citta-Roma, Indi- versity: the #44 and #75. The 44 leaves from rizzo- Pietro Roselli, #4} then click Piazza Venezia and continues past the Univer- "CREAmappa" you will be brought to the im- sity toward Portuense. The 75 starts at the mediate neighborhood of AUR. You can ex- Stazione Termini train station, passes by the pand or reduce the map as you please. A rep- University and then continues another half- resentative apartment address would be Citta- mile. Remember to validate your tickets and Roma, Indirizzo- Dunant, #15; this would board the buses in the front or at the back and bring you to the address-Piazzale Enrico Du- to exit at the middle. The tram #8 runs from 5:30am to midnight Public transportation maps can be found on (and until 2am on weekends). It departs from the website Choose the Piazza Argentina (city center) along Viale di English language, click on Route Calculation Trastevere and the Circonvallazione Giani- and type in your departure and arrival address. colense, to Casaletto, its final stop. This tram The website will produce a map with the public is very useful to our students, as many of the transportation route. It will also present a ta- AUR housing accommodations are located ble with information on which bus to take, for within walking distance of this tram line. how many stops and where to get off. Rome's integrated Metrobus transportation system includes buses and trams (ATAC), sub- way (Metro) and some other suburban trains (FS) run by the state railways. Transportation in Rome You must validate all of the bus tickets (except for monthly passes) in the yellow boxes when University organized field trips €300.00 boarding the first vehicle and again after the expiration (100 minutes). We recommend to Art History Class - Museum en- buy the monthly bus pass that costs €35 + €3 (for the electronic card/one time fee). Health insurance Bus tickets are sold at tabacchi stores, news- stands and many coffee bars; automatic ticket machines are positioned in Metro stations and at many bus stops; and ATAC and COTRAL The most commonly used form of transporta- ticket booths are located in many Metro sta- tion is the bus. Rome's extensive bus routes tions, on the lower concourse level at Termini connect the University to the historic center train station and at a few main bus terminals. and extend far into the surrounding suburbs. Make sure you buy your ticket before getting Bus stops, departure schedules and route in- on the bus or tram; you cannot buy tickets on formation are found on well-marked signs throughout the city. Orange, blue or green You can get route maps and more information ATAC city buses and tram lines run from on Rome's public transportation system ATAC 5:30am to midnight. However, be aware: on the Internet at Italian these are estimated running times. Some lines provide night buses (indicated with an "N"). Due to constant route modifications, students The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Clothing (for two seasons)
Taxi Service
 Jeans, khakis Taxis wait at stands and can also be called by  T-shirts, sweatshirts phone, in which case you will be charged a  One formal outfit (for school events small supplement. It is difficult, if not impossi- and presentations) ble, to hail a cab. The meter starts approxi-  Warm pajamas, sweats or other com- mately at €2 – 4; there are supplemental fortable clothes to wear at home charges for night service (10:00pm–7:00am) (Italians were wool, fleece and flannel and on Sundays and holidays as well as for at home during the winter) each piece of baggage.  A warm coat, hat, scarf, gloves and Avoid unmarked or unmetered cabs (numerous at airports and train stations), whose drivers  Comfortable walking shoes or boots actively solicit your trade and may demand astronomical fares. Use only licensed, metered  Slippers, most Italians wear slippers at yellow or white cabs, identified by a numbered home for comfort and as courtesy to shield on the side and an illuminated taxi sign on the roof. The closest taxi stand to the Uni- versity is located at Piazza Rosolino Pilo, reach- Other Items
able by telephone at 06 58 12 800. To call a  Multiple copies of passport and visa cab, dial 06 3570, 06 5551 or 06 4994. (unless traveling, do not carry your Packing and Things to Bring
 Prescription medicine for entire term
A very informative website on packing is (read the receiving mail section) In general use luggage  Over the counter cold medicines, aspi- that is light, durable and easy to carry – since you will have to carry it around before arriving
 Battery run travel alarm clock at your apartment. Check the handles and seams to make sure that they are secure. A Suggested Books, Travel Guides and Films
backpack is useful for weekend trips and as a  Lets' Go Guides  The Lonely Planet collection Also remember to tag your luggage. Each  The Rough Guide collection piece of luggage, including your carry-on,  Italian Neighbors, Parks, Tim Mandarin should be labeled with a tag showing your name and home address, as well AUR's ad-  The Italians, Barzini, Luigi dress in Rome (page 18). A good idea might  As the Romans Do, Epstein, William be to make your carry-on bag a "survival kit." Morrow Publisher In case your checked luggage gets lost you  Italy in Mind, Leccese Powers, Alice should have a basic supply of personal hygiene Vintage Books, 1997 products, medicine and clothing to last you for  Three Coins in a Fountain — film a couple of days.  Roman Holiday — film  Fellini's Rome — film The best advice for packing is certainly
 The River Cafe Cook Book Series, Rose "bring as little as you possibly can". You
Gray and Ruth Rogers will most likely regret bringing a heavy
 The Classic Pasta Cookbook, Giuliano suitcase since you have to carry it around
on your own. Below is an indicative list (by
 The Essentials of Classic Italian Cook- no means exhaustive) of items you should ing, Marcella Hazan consider bringing. Consider you will be living in  Italian Country Cooking, Susanna Rome during two seasons (autumn-winter or winter-spring). Also remember you can buy almost anything at your final destination.

The American University of Rome
Pre-departure Information Useful Websites Photo Gallery A Final Note
We receive many inquires on what to expect up- on arrival in Rome. AUR can best prepare you by advising you to expect the unexpected and be
prepared to be flexible and patient. From the moment of your arrival you will notice the unique atmosphere that is Rome. Things are hectic and quick paced. Traffic will likely be intense the day Packing up the bus — of your arrival and you will have little time to get ready to head to the apartment. off the bus to enter your apartment (as the bus will be blocking traffic). Also be prepared for a little jet lag and culture shock upon your arrival in Rome. It is a perfectly normal experience. You will not be alone. You will find graffiti on almost every building, even in the most expensive areas of Rome. It is not sinister - just an eyesore. You should be pre- pared to get lost once or twice and feel especial- ly challenged during your first days. You may be surprised that relatively few residents speak Eng- lish. You will find public transportation, especially the buses confusing at first, but will soon come to confidently rely on them. In short, prepare yourself for the experience of a lifetime! waiting for the new arrivals. We look forward to meeting you
welcoming you to Rome! !
Lecture out in the garden on a warm and sunny day.


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Research Article AIDBD: AUTOIMMUNE AND INFLAMMATORY DISEASES BIOMARKER DATABASE Kulwinder Singh1,*, Monika2, Neelam Verma1 1Department of Biotechnology, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002, Punjab, India 2Department of Biotechnology, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib 140406, Punjab, India Corresponding Author: Kulwinder Singh. Tel: +91-9888695963; E-mail: [email protected]


PRODUCT LIST 4960 South Gilbert Rd. #158 Chandler, AZ 85249 Distributed by Tecniche LLC Skin levels appropriate for each product are shown in blue boxes: 1 Very Fragile 2 Fragile, Getting Healthier 3 Sensitive to Normal Acme A Serum SKIN LEVELS: 2 3 SKIN TYPES: All skin types, except for broken or cracked skin. INCI INGREDIENT LIST: *Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Aqua (Water), Niacinamide, *Glycerin, Cyclodextrin, Albizia Julibrissin Bark Extract, Pentylene Glycol, Gluconolactone, Retinal (Retinaldehyde), Globularia Cordifolia Callus Culture Extract, Carnosine (L) Benfotiamine, Carnitine (L), Rubus Chamaemorus (Cloud Berry) Seed Oil, *Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Bisabolol (L-alpha), Tocopherol (D-alpha), Tocotrienols, Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Oil, Lonicera Japonica (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract, Lonicera Caprifolium (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract, Polysorbate 20, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Benzoate*Organic. **No added fragrance.