Clinical Evaluation of a Noninvasive, Widely Applicable Method for
Assessing Endothelial Function
Ian B. Wilkinson, Ian R. Hall, Helen MacCallum, Isla S. Mackenzie, Carmel M. McEniery,
Bart J. van der Arend, Yae-Eun Shu, Laura S. MacKay, David J. Webb, John R. Cockcroft
Abstract—Current methods for assessing vasomotor endothelial function are impractical for use in large studies. We tested
the hypothesis that pulse-wave analysis (PWA) combined with provocative pharmacological testing might provide analternative method. Radial artery waveforms were recorded and augmentation index (AIx) was calculated from derivedaortic waveforms. Thirteen subjects received sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG), inhaled albuterol, or placebo. Twelvesubjects received NTG, albuterol, and placebo separately during an infusion of
NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (LNMMA)or norepinephrine. Twenty-seven hypercholesterolemic subjects and 27 controls received NTG followed by albuterol.
Endothelial function was assessed by PWA and forearm blood flow in 27 subjects. Albuterol and NTG both significantlyand repeatably reduced AIx (
P⬍0.001). Only the response to albuterol was inhibited by LNMMA (⫺9.8⫾5.5% vs
P⫽0.02). Baseline AIx was higher in the hypercholesterolemic subjects, who exhibited a reduced response
to albuterol (
P⫽0.02) but not to NTG when compared with matched controls. The responses to albuterol and
acetylcholine were correlated (
P⫽0.02). Consistent with an endothelium-dependent effect, the response to
albuterol was substantially inhibited by LNMMA. Importantly, the response to albuterol was reduced in subjects with
hypercholesterolemia and was correlated to that of intra-arterial acetylcholine. This methodology provides a simple,
repeatable, noninvasive means of assessing endothelial function in vivo.
(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002;22:147-
Key Words: hypercholesterolemia 䡲 nitric oxide 䡲 pulse-wave analysis 䡲 augmentation index
䡲 endothelial function
The vascular endothelium releases a number of biologi- (SNP) or nitroglycerin (NTG). However, current methods are
cally active mediators, including nitric oxide (NO), that
not suitable for inclusion in large-scale trials. Therefore, new
regulate vessel tone and prevent the development of athero-
and relatively simple, noninvasive techniques are required to
ma.1 Endothelial dysfunction is associated with a range of
assess the predictive value of endothelial dysfunction.7
risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including hypercho-
Arterial stiffness depends, in part, on smooth muscle tone.8
lesterolemia,2,3 and some therapies that improve clinical
The shape of the arterial pressure waveform provides a
outcome also reverse endothelial dysfunction.4 Vasomotor
measure of systemic arterial stiffness9 and can be assessed
responses in the peripheral and coronary circulations are
noninvasively by using the technique of pulse-wave analysis
correlated,5 and coronary endothelial dysfunction is associ-
(PWA).10 We hypothesized that PWA might provide a simple
ated with cardiovascular risk.6 However, no direct link
method for assessing endothelial vasomotor function. Chow-
between improved endothelial function and reduced risk has
ienczyk et al11 demonstrated that albuterol, a 2-agonist, in
been made, and the prognostic significance of endothelial
part reduces wave reflection by activation of the L-argi-
dysfunction has not been assessed in a major observational
nine–NO pathway and suggested that such methodology
might be applied to the assessment of endothelial function.
Established methods for assessing vasomotor endothelial
The aim of this series of experiments was to provide robust
function center on measuring the response to an endotheli-
validation of the noninvasive assessment of endothelial func-
um-dependent, NO-mediated stimulus such as acetylcholine
tion by PWA combined with provocative administration of
(Ach)2,3 or reactive hyperemia, and a direct (endothelium-
NTG and albuterol. In particular, we wanted to define the
independent) nitrovasodilator, like sodium nitroprusside
repeatability of the responses to albuterol and NTG; to
Received September 5, 2001; revision accepted October 29, 2001.
From the Clinical Pharmacology Units, University of Cambridge (I.B.W., I.S.M., C.M.M.), Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, England, and the
University of Edinburgh (H.M., B.J.v.d.A., Y.-E.S., L.S.M., D.J.W.), Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland, and the Department of Cardiology(I.R.H., J.R.C.), University of Wales College of Medicine, University Hospital, Cardiff, Wales.
Correspondence to Dr I.B. Wilkinson, Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK.
[email protected]
2002 American Heart Association, Inc.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. is available at
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.
January 2002
determine whether albuterol acts via the L-arginine–NO
pathway; to apply the technique to a large cohort of healthy
Subjects were studied in the morning after an overnight fast. Subjects
controls and hypercholesterolemic subjects, the latter of
with an elevated blood pressure at screening (⬎160/100 mm Hg),diabetes mellitus, or a clinical history of cardiovascular disease were
whom are known to exhibit endothelial dysfunction2; and
excluded, as were individuals receiving medication. Studies were
then to compare the technique with the "gold standard" of
conducted in a double-blind fashion (where appropriate) in a quiet,
forearm venous occlusion plethysmography.3
temperature-controlled room (22⫾2°C). All hemodynamic record-ings were made in duplicate. Three sets of recordings were madeduring a 45-minute period of supine rest, and the last was taken as a
baseline. Recordings were made 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes after
All studies were conducted at the Clinical Pharmacology Unit,
NTG administration and 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes after albuterol or
University of Edinburgh; the Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University
aerosol placebo. Pilot studies had confirmed that 20 minutes was
of Cambridge, and the Wales Heart Research Institute, University of
sufficient for the hemodynamic changes after NTG to return to
Wales, Cardiff. Healthy subjects were enrolled from community
baseline but that a longer period was required for albuterol. There-
databases of volunteers, and patients were recruited from cardiovas-
fore, NTG was always administered first, followed by albuterol 25
cular risk clinics and family practices local to all institutions.
minutes later.
Approval for all studies was obtained from the respective localresearch ethics committees, and informed consent was obtained from
Study 1: Repeatability
each participant.
Thirteen healthy subjects (11 male) were studied on 3 occasions,separated by 1 week. After baseline recordings of heart rate, blood
pressure, CI, and radial artery waveforms were made, subjectsreceived sublingual NTG. This was followed by albuterol (on 2
Blood pressure was recorded in duplicate in the dominant arm by
occasions) or matching placebo (once) in random order. Blood was
using a validated oscillometric technique (HEM-705CP, Omron
taken for estimation of plasma albuterol at baseline and at 5-minute
Corp). Cardiac index (CI) was assessed noninvasively by using a
validated12 transthoracic electrical bioimpedance technique (BoMedNCCOM3-R7), and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) was calcu-
Study 2: Inhibition of NO Synthase
lated as mean arterial pressure (MAP) divided by CI.
Twelve healthy males were studied on 6 occasions, separated by 1
Radial artery waveforms were recorded with a high-fidelity
week. An 18-gauge cannula was sited in the nondominant arm and
micromanometer (SPC-301, Millar Instruments) from the wrist of
saline infused for 30 minutes. After baseline recordings of heart rate,
the dominant arm. PWA (SCOR 6.1, PWV) was then used to
blood pressure, CI, and radial artery waveforms were made,
generate a corresponding central waveform by using a validated
LNMMA was then infused for 15 minutes alone, on 3 occasions,
transfer function,13–15 as previously described.16 From this, augmen-
followed by administration of NTG, albuterol, or matching aerosol
tation index (AIx) and heart rate were determined by using the
placebo. On the other 3 visits, NE was infused in place of LNMMA.
integral software. AIx, a measure of systemic arterial stiffness,9 was
The order of administration of all drugs was fully randomized.
calculated as the difference between the second and first systolicpeaks, expressed as a percentage of the pulse pressure.
Study 3: Hypercholesterolemia
Twenty-seven hypercholesterolemic subjects (total cholesterol
⬎6.0 mmol · L⫺1) and 27 matched normocholesterolemics
Venous Occlusion Plethysmography
(⬍6.0 mmol · L⫺1) were studied. Heart rate, blood pressure, and
The brachial artery of the nondominant arm was cannulated with a
radial artery waveforms were assessed at baseline and after NTG and
27-gauge steel needle (Coopers Needle Works) under local anesthe-
albuterol administration. Twenty minutes after albuterol was given,
sia, and blood flow was measured simultaneously in both arms by
blood was taken for determination of cholesterol (total, LDL, and
venous occlusion plethysmography, with temperature-compensated,
HDL), glucose, and albuterol concentrations.
indium/gallium-in–silicone elastomer strain gauges, as previouslydescribed.17 Blood flows were recorded during the final 3 minutes of
Study 4: Comparison With Venous Occlusion Plethysmography
each infusion period, and the mean of the final 5 measurements was
Twenty-seven subjects with a range of serum cholesterol values (3 to
used for analysis.
8.6 mmol · L⫺1; 12 subjects ⬎6.0) but no other cardiovascular riskfactors were studied on a single occasion. Endothelial function was
Plasma Albuterol Assay
first assessed invasively by venous occlusion plethysmographycoupled with an intra-arterial infusion of SNP and ACh (after 30
Venous blood (10 mL) was taken from the antecubital fossa into
minutes of saline infusion and a 20-minute washout between drugs).
lithium-heparin tubes and centrifuged immediately at 4°C (2000
g for
After a further 30 minutes, endothelial function was then assessed by
10 minutes). The plasma was then removed and stored at ⫺80°C for
PWA coupled with administration of NTG and albuterol.
later analysis by a chiral liquid chromatography/tandem mass spec-trometry technique.18 The lower limit of detection for the assay was
0.05 ng · mL⫺1, and the coefficient of variation was ⬍10%.
The response to albuterol, placebo, or NTG was defined as themaximum change in each parameter after drug administration (an
a priori summary measure). Forearm blood flow was calculated as
Albuterol (Allen and Hanbury's) was given by inhalation with a
mL · min⫺1 · 100 mL⫺1 tissue, and the ratio of blood flow in the
spacer device (2⫻ 200 g). A 500-g tablet of NTG (Cox) was
infused to the noninfused arm was used to reduce blood flow
placed under the tongue for 3 minutes and then removed. Norepi-
variability in response to extraneous stimuli such as temperature
nephrine (NE, Abbott Laboratories) and
fluctuations.21 Again, the maximum responses to albuterol and to
(LNMMA, Clinalfa) were prepared aseptically with 0.9% saline as a
ACh were used as a priori summary measures. Data were analyzed
diluent and infused intravenously at 1 mL · min⫺1. LNMMA was
by SPSS software (version 9.0) and unpaired or paired, 2-tailed
given as a bolus of 3 mg · kg⫺1 (5 minutes) and then continuously at
t tests or ANOVA, as appropriate. Multiple regression
3 mg · kg⫺1 · h⫺1 for 45 min. NE was infused at 50 ng · kg⫺1 · h⫺1 for
analysis was conducted by using the "enter method." Repeatability
45 min as a control constrictor; the dose was chosen from pilot
was assessed by constructing Bland-Altman plots and reported as the
studies and published literature to produce an elevation of MAP and
mean⫾SD of the differences between samples.22 All values repre-
AIx similar to that effected by LNMMA.19,20 SNP (David Bull
sent mean⫾SD, and a
P value ⬍0.05 was considered significant. All
Laboratories) at 3 and 10 g · min⫺1 and ACh (Novartis) at 7.5 and
changes cited represent absolute differences, rather than percentage
15 g · min⫺1 were infused intra-arterially, each for 6 minutes.
Wilkinson et al
Assessment of Endothelial Function
Hemodynamic Changes in Study 1
CI, L 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2
HR, beats 䡠 min⫺1
Changes in AIx, MAP, CI, PVR, and heart rate (HR) after albuterol, matching placebo, or NTG. Numbers in parentheses refer to visit
number. AU indicates arbitrary units.
Values represent means⫾SD, and significant changes from baseline are indicated by *
P⬍0.0.5, †
P⬍0.01, ‡
P⬍0.001. Significant
differences in the response between albuterol and placebo are indicated in column by §
P⬍0.05, 㛳
P⬍0.001; n⫽13.
or albuterol in either group. AIx fell significantly after adminis-tration of albuterol, but the response was significantly reduced in
hypercholesterolemics compared with controls (⫺7.4⫾5.7% vs
The mean age of the subjects was 37 years (range, 25 to 56).
There were no significant differences in baseline values
11.9⫾7.7%, respectively;
P⫽0.02). Despite this disparity, the
between the 3 visits. The hemodynamic changes are shown in
time to maximum change (12⫾3 vs 11⫾3 minutes,
P⫽0.2) and
Table 1. Only AIx (
P⬍0.001) and CI (
P⫽0.01) changed
peak plasma albuterol concentrations (1.2⫾0.6 vs 1.1⫾0.5 ng ·
significantly after albuterol. There was no difference in the
P⫽0.5) were similar in both groups. Moreover, the
mean response to albuterol compared with NTG for any
maximum change in AIx after NTG (⫺14.8⫾8.4% vs
parameter except CI (
P⫽0.02). The response to albuterol or
P⫽0.1) did not differ significantly.
NTG did not differ between visits. The mean difference in the
To investigate further the factors influencing the response to
AIx response between visits was ⫺2.3⫾3.0% and
albuterol, a multiple linear regression model was constructed,
⫺0.2⫾6.5% for albuterol and NTG, respectively.
with change in AIx as the dependent variable. Age, sex, weight,
Plasma albuterol was below the level of detection at
smoking status, baseline MAP and AIx, LDL and HDL choles-
baseline and after administration of placebo. Plasma albuterol
terol, triglycerides, glucose, and change in MAP and heart rate
increased after administration of the active drug (
P⬍0.001 on
were entered into the model. Variables with a significance
both occasions, Figure 1), and there was no difference in the
⬎0.25 were then removed and the analysis repeated. The final
peak albuterol concentration between visits (mean difference
model (Table 4) explained ⬇60% of the variability in the
of ⫺0.12⫾0.55 ng · mL⫺1,
response to albuterol. Change in AIx was negatively associatedwith plasma LDL and glucose and positively correlated with
plasma albuterol concentration and fall in heart rate.
The mean age of the subjects was 32 years (range, 22 to 52).
There were no significant differences in baseline values
across the 6 visits. Hemodynamic changes are summarized in
Resting forearm blood flow did not differ between the 2 arms,
Table 2. The effects of NE and LNMMA did not differ
and there was no change in blood flow in the noninfused arm
significantly between visits. Both drugs had similar effects on
during the study (data not shown). As expected, blood flow
AIx, MAP, and heart rate, but there was a greater change in
increased significantly during infusion of SNP and ACh
CI (
P⬍0.001) and PVR (
P⬍0.001) with LNMMA. The
P⬍0.001 for both, ANOVA). However, the response to ACh
responses to NTG and placebo with LNMMA did not differ
(7.5 g · min⫺1: 1.6⫾1.0 vs 3.4⫾1.0 mL · min⫺1 · 100 mL⫺1,
significantly from those during coinfusion of NE. However,
P⫽0.003; and 15.0 g · min⫺1: 2.0⫾0.3 vs 5.8⫾0.3 mL ·
albuterol had less effect on AIx during infusion of LNMMA
min⫺1 · 100 mL⫺1,
P⫽0.04) but not to SNP was reduced in
P⫽0.02, Figure 2A), despite causing a greater reduction in
subjects with a cholesterol level ⬎6.0 mmol · L⫺1. NTG and
P⬍0.001) and PVR (
albuterol both significantly reduced AIx (
P⬍0.001), and theresponse to albuterol (
P⫽0.02) was related to serum
cholesterol. There was a significant, linear relationship be-
The baseline characteristics of the subjects are given in Table 3.
tween the absolute change in AIx after albuterol and the
There was no significant change in MAP or heart rate after NTG
change in the forearm blood flow ratio during infusion ofACh at 15 g · min⫺1 (Figure 2B). There was no relationshipbetween the response to SNP and to NTG.
This study describes the effects of albuterol and NTG on theaortic pressure waveform. AIx, a quantitative index of systemicarterial stiffness,9 was calculated from aortic waveforms gener-ated by PWA.10 Our main novel findings are that albuterol andNTG produce qualitatively and quantitatively similar and repeat-able effects on AIx, that the effect of albuterol but not of NTGis inhibited by LNMMA and reduced in hypercholesterolemic
Figure 1. Changes in plasma albuterol concentration after visits
1 (䡩) and 2 (▫); n⫽13.
subjects, and that the response to albuterol is correlated with the
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.
January 2002
Hemodynamic Changes in Study 2
CI, L 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2
HR, beats 䡠 min⫺1
Changes (means⫾SD) in AIx, MAP, CI, PVR, and heart rate (HR) during study 2. NE or LNMMA was infused, and then albuterol, matching placebo, or NTG was
administered. AU indicates arbitrary unit.
effect of ACh in the forearm vascular bed. These data indicate
lium-dependent NO dilators has not been reported. Neverthe-
that the effect of albuterol is, in part, NO and endothelium
less, comparable changes in the volume waveform after
dependent and are constistent with the presence of endothelial
infusion of ACh into rabbits30 and of NTG and albuterol into
dysfunction in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Moreover, they
humans11 have been described. However, unlike Chowienc-
suggest that PWA and administration of albuterol and NTG
zyk et al11 and relevant to wider application of the present
provide a simple, reliable, noninvasive method for assessing
technique, we included a suitable placebo and showed that the
endothelial function, as we and others have previously
responses to albuterol and NTG are repeatable. We also
measured plasma albuterol concentrations, which were rela-
As expected, inhalation of albuterol at the dose used
tively stable between 5 and 20 minutes (Figure 1). This
reduced AIx without any accompanying alteration in heart
pharmacokinetic profile is in keeping with the pharmacody-
rate or MAP, compared with placebo, which is important
namic response to albuterol. Peak plasma levels did not differ
because AIx is influenced by both.20,25 The magnitude of the
significantly between visits, confirming that inhalation of
response to both drugs was comparable, and the repeatability,
albuterol with a spacer device provides a repeatable method
high. Indeed, the repeatability is similar to what we previ-
of drug delivery. As might be expected, the results of the
ously reported for PWA16 and to values quoted for other
multiple regression analysis from study 3 (Table 4) demon-
techniques of assessing endothelial function, such as intra-ar-
strated a significant relationship between plasma albuterol
terial infusion of ACh26 and flow-mediated dilatation.27
and the maximum change in AIx. Therefore, some of the
Previous studies have shown similar changes in the arterial
variability in the response to albuterol between subjects may
pressure waveform after NTG,28,29 but the effect of endothe-
have been due to differences in drug absorption and peakplasma concentrations. Such an effect may be important whenmaking comparisons between subjects groups, especiallywhen relatively small numbers of subjects are studied orsmokers are included, when plasma albuterol values mayimprove the reliability of data interpretation.
To investigate the NO dependence of albuterol, we infused
LNMMA, a specific substrate-analogue inhibitor of NOsynthase. However, because systemic LNMMA infusion
Subject Characteristics in Study 3
Cholesterol, mmol 䡠 L⫺1
LDL, mmol 䡠 L⫺1
HDL, mmol 䡠 L⫺1
Triglycerides, mmol 䡠 L⫺1
Figure 2. A, Effect of inhibition of NO synthase on the response
Glucose, mmol 䡠 L⫺1
to NTG, albuterol, and placebo. Changes in AIx after albuterol,
NTG, and placebo during infusion of NE ( ) and
NG-monometh-yl-L-arginine (䡲); n⫽12, *
P⬍0.05. B, Relationship between the
Heart rate, beats 䡠 min⫺1
response to albuterol and ACh. Change in AIx after albuterol
and change in forearm blood flow (FBF) after ACh. A regressionline is shown, for which
P⫽0.02, slope⫽⫺9.8, n⫽27.
Values represent means⫾SD.
Wilkinson et al
Assessment of Endothelial Function
Results of the Regression Analysis for Study 3, With
and with acute hyperglycemia in normal subjects.39 However,
Change in AIx After Albuterol as the Dependent Variable
any relationship between insulin sensitivity and endothelialfunction in nondiabetic subjects is controversial.40,41 More-
over, data concerning cardiovascular risk and plasma glucose
in normal subjects are divided.42 Nevertheless, glycosylated
hemoglobin is positively associated with the risk of future
coronary heart disease risk in a linear, stepwise manner,43
suggesting a continuum of risk across the glycemic range,
Change in heart rate
beats 䡠 min⫺1
which may be explained by the inverse relationship between
endothelial function and plasma glucose in the present study.
Biochemical parameters were derived from plasma samples, and the
R2 for
To compare our novel methodology for noninvasive as-
the entire group was 0.61,
P⫽0.001, n⫽54.
sessment of endothelial function with a more established one,we assessed endothelial function by both PWA and forearm
alters MAP and heart rate,19 we used NE as a control vasocon-
blood flow in 27 individuals with a wide range of serum
strictor to produce comparable hemodynamic changes.20 As
cholesterol values. As previously noted,3 we observed a
expected, but not previously reported, we observed a significant
significant blunting of the vasodilator effect of ACh, but not
increase in AIx with administration of LNMMA. However, both
of SNP, in subjects with a serum cholesterol value ⬎6 mmol
drugs had similar effects on AIx, heart rate, and MAP, but the
· L⫺1. Moreover, as in study 3, the response to albuterol but
response to albuterol was significantly attenuated by LNMMA,
not to NTG was related to serum cholesterol. The main novel
despite a greater reduction in MAP and PVR. Moreover, the
finding, however, was that there was a significant and linear
responses to NTG and placebo were not affected by LNMMA.
correlation between the effect of albuterol on AIx and of ACh
This indicates that NO mediates a significant part of the response
on forearm blood flow (Figure 2). This suggests that differ-
to inhaled albuterol. Furthermore, the degree of inhibition
ences in the response to albuterol are likely to be caused by
produced by LNMMA, ⬇50%, is consistent with data from the
differences in endothelial function and that PWA provides a
forearm vascular bed31 and systemic studies on the volume
reasonable means of assessing endothelial function noninva-
waveform.11 However, in the present study, we included a
sively. Although the correlation between the 2 methods in the
suitable placebo aerosol and control vasoconstrictor to investi-
present study was not absolute, the strength of the relation-
gate the potential confounding effect of baseline changes in heart
ship is greater than that reported previously when endothelial
rate, MAP, and AIx after LNMMA.
function was compared in different vascular beds.5 Thus,PWA may be suitable for use in large studies investigating
Hypercholesterolemia is the condition most consistently associ-
the predictive value of endothelial function.
ated with endothelial dysfunction.2,3,32 Therefore, we investigated
Based on our previous data,20,25 it is unlikely that the small
the response to albuterol and NTG in a group of 27 hypercholes-
alterations in MAP and heart rate observed in the present
terolemics and matched controls and, in a separate cohort, compared
study could account for the effect of the 2 drugs on AIx.
endothelial function as assessed by PWA with that measured by
Moreover, in study 2 the changes in MAP and heart rate with
intra-arterial infusion of ACh and SNP in the forearm. Baseline AIx
albuterol were greater during infusion of NE, which would
was significantly higher in the hypercholesterolemic subjects, indi-
tend to reduce the observed difference between LNMMA and
cating increased arterial stiffness. This is the first time that increased
NE. Furthermore, in study 3 the changes in MAP and heart
aortic AIx has been reported in hypercholesterolemics, but in-
rate were similar between the 2 groups. Therefore, it seems
creased stiffness has been previously demonstrated by several other
likely that NTG and albuterol altered the waveform, in part by
techniques,33,34 although this is not a universal finding.35 However,
a direct effect of NO on large-artery mechanics.
the higher AIx may have been due to the slightly higher MAP20 in
In summary, albuterol and NTG produce repeatable changes
the hypercholesterolemics, arterial stiffening per se, or a combina-
in the arterial waveform. The response to albuterol but not to
tion of both.34,36 AIx fell less after albuterol in the hypercholester-
NTG can be substantially inhibited by LNMMA, indicating that
olemics than in controls, despite their being well matched. More-
albuterol reduces AIx in part through generation of NO. There-
over, mean plasma albuterol concentration was similar in both
fore, albuterol can be considered an endothelium-dependent,
groups, as were the effects of albuterol and NTG on other hemo-
NO-mediated vasodilator and NTG, endothelium independent.
dynamic variables, suggesting blunting of a direct effect of albuterol
Moreover, hypercholesterolemics exhibit a reduced response to
on AIx in the hypercholesterolemic subjects, rather than, for
albuterol but not to NTG, consistent with the presence of
example, an indirect mechanism through changes in heart rate or
endothelial dysfunction. Finally, the response to albuterol was
MAP. Moreover, in the multiple regression model, which included
correlated with the reponse to ACh in the forearm, suggesting
known and potential confounding variables, LDL cholesterol was
that there is good agreement between the 2 methods of assessing
inversely and independently correlated with the change in AIx.
endothelial function. These data support the view that PWA
Interestingly, although endothelial function declines with age, we
coupled with administration of albuterol and NTG provides a
were unable to show any relationship between age and the albuterol
simple, noninvasive, repeatable method for assessing endothelial
response in our multiple regression model. However, this is likely
function. We believe that this technique provides a suitable
due to the relatively narrow age range of the study subjects and the
means for assessing endothelial function in large numbers of
small sample size.
patients and thus, answers the important question of the predic-
The inverse association between the response to albuterol
tive value of endothelial function. PWA has already been
and plasma glucose is of considerable interest. Endothelial
included in substudies of the ASCOT, SEARCH, and FIELD
dysfunction is associated with type 137 and type 2 diabetes38
investigations. This will address the importance of stiffness as a
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.
January 2002
predictor of risk, but we now need to include the noninvasive
20. Wilkinson IB, MacCallum H, Hupperetz PC, Van Thoor CJ, Cockcroft
assessment of endothelial function by PWA in such studies.
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21. Chin-Dusting JP, Cameron JD, Dart AM, Jennings GL. Human forearm
This study was partly funded by the British Heart Foundation, the
venous occlusion plethysmography: methodology, presentation and anal-
High Blood Pressure Foundation and a local research and develop-
Clin Sci. 1999;96:439 – 440.
ment grant (Lothian Universities NHS Hospital Trust). Professor
22. Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing agreement
between two methods of clinical measurement.
Lancet. 1986;1:307–310.
D.J. Webb is currently in receipt of a Research Leave Fellowship
23. Cockcroft JR. Third European Meeting on Pulse Wave Analysis and
from the Wellcome Trust (052633). We would like to thank Sian
Large-Artery Function: clinical applications of pulse wave analysis.
Tyrrell, Simon Johnston, Philip Storey, and Jenny Smith for assis-
Hum Hypertens. 2001;15:818. Abstract.
tance with data collection and Dr S. Pleasance for his kind assistance
24. Hayward CS, Webb CM, Collins P. Assessment of endothelial function
with the albuterol assays.
using peripheral pressure waveform analysis.
Circulation. 2000;102(suppl II):II-172. Abstract 830.
25. Wilkinson IB, MacCallum H, Flint L, Cockcroft JR, Newby DE, Webb
DJ. The influence of heart rate on augmentation index and central arterial
1. Cooke JP, Dzau VJ. Nitric oxide synthase: role in the genesis of vascular
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Shared Care Protocol for the use of Atomoxetine (Strattera®) in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood Surrey PCT's Medicines Management Committee classification: A * :: Drugs that require initiation by a specialist in secondary/tertiary care but due to more widespread experience in primary care GPs are generally happy to prescribe on specialist advice without the need for a formal shared care protocol. This information sheet is available on the internet ( forming part of Surrey's PCT's traffic light document giving GPs appropriate advice / guidance and is not required to be sent to the GP with the clinic letter. A minimum of one month supply of medication will be provided by the initiating consultant.
90eanniversaire de la Station de recherche 3 au 5 octobre 2008 Nos commanditaires Nos commanditaires Mot du ministre C'est avec plaisir que je joins ma voix à l'ensemble des acteurs du milieu pour marquerle 90e anniversaire du Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault(CRSAD). Il s'agit là d'une réussite qui mérite d'être soulignée. Depuis sa fondation en1918, le Centre a grandement évolué et il est devenu une véritable institution, une orga-nisation influente et moderne qui jouit d'une réputation enviable au Canada en matièrede recherche en productions animales.