
Falcon DPG1000B Digital Pressure Gauge
Battery Powered Portable

• ±0.25% Test Gauge Accuracy
• 316 Stainless Steel Wetted Parts
• Battery Life up to 1000 Hours
• Rugged Extruded Aluminum Case
Standard ranges and resolution
–30.0 inHg vacuum to 100.0 psig Compound30.0 inHg vacuum±15.00 psig3.00, 5.00, 10.00, 15.00, 19.99 psig30.0, 50.0, 100.0, 199.9 psig300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000 psigAbsolute reference: 15.00, 30.0, 100.0 psia Convert standard ranges for other engineering units such as kPa, atm, bar, mbar, inHg, mmHg, inH2O, ftH2O, torr, kg/cm2,cmH2O, oz/in2 Display (type, size, update rate)
31/2 digit LCD, 1/2" digit height, for ranges up to 1999 4 digit LCD, 0.4" digit height for ranges 2000 or higher 3.38"W x 2.88"H x 1.65"D (not including pressure fitting) 3 readings per second nominal display update rate Add approximately 0.75" to height for pressure fitting.
Controls & location
Display zero/span; non-interactive, ±15% range Gauge: 9 ounces, Shipping weight: 1 pound Top-accessible multiturn potentiometers Accuracy (linearity, hysteresis, repeatability)
Extruded aluminum case, epoxy powder coated ±0.25% of full scale or better, ±1 least significant digit Polycarbonate cover, front and rear gaskets ±0.003% of span per degree C (typical) Light gray body, light gray/blue front ±0.01% of span per degree C (max) 0 to 70°C Pressure/vacuum connection and material
1/4" NPT male, 316 stainless steel 3V lithium coin cell Panasonic type CR2354 or equivalentTwo AAA alkaline for ranges 2000 and higher Auto shutoff
All wetted parts are 316 SSCompatible with most liquids and gases 5 minutes standardFactory settable to 1, 5, or 10 minutes Battery life
1000 hours typical for ranges up to 1999 500 hours typical for ranges 2000 and higher 5000 psig for 3000 psig range, 7500 psig for 5000 psig range Low battery indication
All others; 2x rated pressure minimum Ranges up to 1999; "LOBAT" on display when battery must be replaced 4x rated pressure minimum or 10,000 psi, whichever is less Ranges 2000 and higher;"LOW BATTERY" on display when battery is more than 60% deplet-ed. Decimal points flash when battery must be replaced.
1220 American Way, Libertyville, IL 60048 USA Phone: 888-763-4884 Fax: 888-763-4892

Battery Replacement (Ranges up to 1999)
The DPG1000 series is a versatile family of industrial Models with ranges up to 1999 (31/2 digit display) use a lithium coin pressure/vacuum gauges featuring a rugged, splashproof extrud- cell. Battery life is about 1000 hours. When the "LOBAT" indicator ed aluminum case. A 1/4" NPT 316 stainless steel fitting is standard appears the battery must be replaced.
for the pressure connection. Media compatibility includes any liq- Remove the 6 Phillips head screws on the back of the unit.
uids or gases compatible with 316 stainless steel.
Carefully remove the lithium battery from the holder, taking care The DPG1000 features a wide operating temperature range of –20 not to bend or distort the battery retention clip.
to +85°C. Many different standard pressure/vacuum ranges (in a DO NOT discard the old battery into fire, any other sources of choice of engineering units) are available. The DPG1000 series extreme heat, or in any other hazardous manner. Please consult also features ±0.25% accuracy with optional ±0.1% accuracy local authorities if there is any question about proper disposal.
available in most ranges.
Replace the battery with a 3 volt lithium coin cell, Panasonic DPG1000 models with ranges up to 1999 feature a 31/2 digit display CR2354 or equivalent observing the polarity of the cell. The posi- with 1/2" high digits. Models with ranges 2000 or higher use a 4 digit tive (+) side should be facing you.
display with 0.4" high digits.
Replace the back cover, including the rubber sealing gasket.
DPG1000B models with ranges up to 1999 are powered by a
Battery Replacement (Ranges 2000 and Higher)
replaceable lithium battery that can operate the gauge for approx- Models with ranges 2000 and higher (4 digit display) use two AAA imately 1000 hours. DPG1000B models with ranges 2000 and
batteries. Battery life is about 500 hours. "LOW BATTERY" in the higher are powered by two AAA alkaline batteries that can operate upper left-hand corner of the display turns on when the battery the gauge for approximately 500 hours. All DPG1000B models
voltage falls to about 40% of capacity. All decimal points will flash include auto-shutoff circuitry as standard to conserve battery life.
when the battery is nearly depleted.
A low-battery indication is standard also.
Remove the 6 Phillips head screws on the back of the unit.
The DPG1000B is ideally suited to portable applications or fixed
Carefully remove both AAA batteries from the holders by lifting up applications with occasional display-activation requirements.
the positive end of the battery (opposite the spring). Take care not to bend or distort the battery retention springs.
When installing gauge, tighten using wrench on hex fitting only. Do DO NOT discard the old battery into fire, any other sources of not attempt to tighten by turning housing or any other part of the extreme heat, or in any other hazardous manner. Please consult local authorities if there is any question about proper disposal.
Replace the batteries only with high quality AAA alkaline batteries.
Press the ON button on the face to activate the display. The gauge It is acceptable to use AAA lithium batteries.
will stay on for a period of time determined by the auto-shutoff time Observe the polarity of the batteries when replacing them. The selected when the gauge was ordered. After this time the gauge negative (flat) end of each battery should be inserted first and will automatically shut off to conserve battery life. Pressing the ON should face the spring in the battery holder.
button while the gauge is on does not affect the auto shutoff time.
Replace the back cover, including the rubber sealing gasket.
Models with ranges up to 1999 (31/2 digit display) indicate "LOBAT" in the upper left-hand corner of the display when the battery volt-age falls sufficiently. The battery should be replaced soon after theLOBAT indicator comes on or unreliable readings may result.
Models with ranges 2000 and higher (4 digit display) indicate"LOW BATTERY" in the upper left-hand corner of the display when the battery voltage falls to about 40% of capacity. All decimalpoints will flash when the batteries are nearly depleted. The bat- teries should be replaced soon after the decimal points flash or unreliable readings may result.
Cecomp Electronics Inc./Made in USA Calibration
Lift calibration label on the top of the unit to access individual con-
trols to adjust the zero and span of the display.
GAUGE reference units may be re-zeroed without affecting thespan calibration. The gauge port must be open to the ambient with Cecomp Electronics maintains a constant effort to upgrade andimprove its products, therefore specifications are subject to change.
no pressure or vacuum applied. Adjust the Zero control until thegauge reads zero with the minus (–) sign occasionally flashing.
Span calibration should only be attempted if the user has access DPG1000B range units ref - minutes
to a pressure reference of known accuracy. The quality of the cal-ibration is only as good as the accuracy of the calibration equip- Pressure/Vacuum Range ment and ideally should be at least four times the gauge accuracy.
Zero calibration must be done before span calibration.
Apply full-scale pressure (or vacuum) to the gauge port and adjustthe Span control for the correct reading.
G=Gauge, A=Absolute, VAC=Vacuum ABSOLUTE reference gauges require vacuum generation and Auto shutoff time 1, 5, 10 minutes atmospheric pressure measurement equipment for accurate cali- (5 minutes standard) bration and thus are more difficult to calibrate in the field.
Gauges may be returned to Cecomp Electronics for factory certi- Example: DPG1000B100PSIG-5 = DPG1000, Battery powered,
fied recalibration. N.I.S.T. traceability is available.
100.0 psig, 5 minute shutoff

Source: http://www.cecomp.info/pdf_old/cecompdpg1000b.pdf

Microsoft word - 8-chestpain_spanish

Dolor torácico crónico Problema clínico La presencia de dolor torácico semejante al de una angina constituye un síntoma alarmante que con frecuencia lleva al afectado a acudir a urgencias y representa el grueso de la carga de trabajo de los cardiólogos. La evaluación clínica del acontecimiento va desde la realización de estudios sencillos, como el electrocardiograma (ECG, tanto en reposo como tras la práctica de ejercicio) y el ecocardiograma hasta otros métodos de investigación más onerosos e invasivos, tales como la angiografía coronaria y las pruebas de esfuerzo farmacológicas. En aquellos pacientes que presentan síntomas recurrentes carentes de una causa evidente debe llevarse a cabo una evaluación ulterior para excluir cardiomiopatías, enfermedad microvascular y enfermedad pericárdica. Con todo, entre el 10 % y el 50 % de los pacientes aquejados de un dolor torácico similar al de la angina que sea lo suficientemente grave como para justificar la realización de estudios cardíacos invasivos no sufren enfermedad cardíaca [30] y se clasifican como pacientes afectados de dolor torácico no cardíaco (DTNC). Caracterización epidemiológica y consecuencias sociales y económicas El DTNC es frecuente en el mundo occidental. Hasta el 30 % de los pacientes que se someten a una angiografía coronaria por dolor torácico tienen arterias coronarias normales [15]. En un reciente metaanálisis llevado a cabo en 14 poblaciones independientes, compuestas por 25.000 sujetos, se ha puesto de manifiesto una prevalencia combinada del DTNC que asciende al 13 % (IC: 95 %, 9-16), similar en mujeres y hombres, pero marcadamente superior en sujetos que también habían referido enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) [19]. Otros factores de riesgo son la obesidad, antecedentes familiares de ERGE, tabaquismo y uso de analgésicos [13]. El pronóstico de los pacientes con DTNC es favorable. El infarto de miocardio afecta a un máximo del 1 % de los casos [31, 44], mientras que la muerte cardíaca se da tan solo en el 0,6 % de los pacientes tras un seguimiento de hasta 10 años. En cambio, los aquejados de enfermedad coronaria limitada a un único vaso presentan una tasa de mortalidad del 15 % a los 48 meses y del 35 % a los 11 años [10]. La carga económica es considerable. En la realización de un análisis estadounidense el cálculo de los costes sanitarios ascendió a más de 315 millones USD anuales, derivados de la gran cantidad de consultas médicas y a urgencias, hospitalizaciones y recetas [36]. En Australia, el DTNC supone todos los años al menos 30 millones USD del presupuesto sanitario [14]. Características clínicas de las causas cardíacas y esofágicas del dolor torácico En los pacientes afectados de DTNC se considera posible la presencia de alteraciones gastrointestinales, pulmonares, musculoesqueléticas, infecciosas, psicológicas y relacionadas con el consumo de drogas; no obstante, se juzga que son los trastornos esofágicos el factor que con mayor frecuencia contribuye a la aparición de dolor torácico similar al de la angina y de origen no cardíaco [16]. Como apunte interesante, ha de advertirse que en la historia médica no suele hacerse distinción entre causas cardíacas y esofágicas del dolor torácico porque el dolor de origen esofágico también puede tener una localización retroesternal e irradiarse a los brazos, el cuello, las mandíbulas o la espalda. La sensación dolorosa se describe a menudo como de opresión o ardor y puede venir desencadenada por la acción de tragar, pero asimismo por la práctica de ejercicio. En pacientes aquejados de angina, la presencia de acidez de estómago o disfagia puede incrementar la probabilidad de que exista un trastorno esofágico subyacente [2]; no obstante, hasta el 50 % de los pacientes cuyo dolor torácico sea de causa cardíaca pueden sufrir también ardor, regurgitación o disfagia [7]. Es más, pueden coincidir la enfermedad cardíaca y la esofágica, pues, por ejemplo, en los pacientes afectados de enfermedad de las arterias coronarias el reflujo gastroesofágico puede provocar cambios del segmento ST en el ECG, así como dolor torácico [29], y por ello no puede darse por supuesta la existencia de enfermedad cardíaca o esofágica con la única justificación de la presentación clínica. A pesar de estos factores confusos, los pacientes que sufren DTNC suelen ser jóvenes y tienen una mayor probabilidad que los afectados de angina cardíaca de presentar un ECG normal en reposo [11]. Caracterización fisiopatológica del DTNC Son causas frecuentes del dolor torácico de origen esofágico el ERGE, la hipersensibilidad visceral y la dismotilidad esofágica, de los cuales el ERGE constituye la razón esofágica más habitual de DTNC. Los análisis del pH esofágico revelan que en torno a la mitad de los pacientes afectados de DTNC presentan una exposición anómala al ácido esofágico [9, 41], si bien no está

Commission regulation (eu) 2015/ 340 - of 20 february 2015 - laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers' licences and certificates pursuant to regulation (ec) no 216/ 2008 of the european parliament and of the council, amending commission implementing regulation (eu) no 923/ 2012 and repealing commission regulation (eu) no 805/ 201

Official Journal of the European Union (Non-legislative acts) COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/340 of 20 February 2015 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers' licences and certificates pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012