CMP Pharma, Inc.
elderly patients believed to develop parkinsonism
neurologic fi ndings including muscle rigidity,
In six healthy volunteers, the ratio of amantadine
in association with cerebral arteriosclerosis. In
involuntary movements, altered consciousness;
renal clearance to apparent oral plasma clearance
the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Amantadine
mental status changes; other disturbances such as
was 0.79 ± 0.17 (mean ± SD).
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is less effective
autonomic dysfunction, tachycardia, tachypnea,
than levodopa, (-)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-L-
hyper- or hypotension; laboratory fi ndings such as
The volume of distribution determined after the
alanine, and its effi cacy in comparison with the
creatine phosphokinase elevation, leukocytosis,
intravenous administration of amantadine to 15
anticholinergic antiparkinson drugs has not yet been
myoglobinuria, and increased serum myoglobin.
healthy subjects was 3 to 8 L/kg, suggesting tissue
Amantadine Hydrochloride is designated chemi-
binding. Amantadine, after single oral 200 mg
The early diagnosis of this condition is important
cally as 1-adamantanamine hydrochloride.
doses to 6 healthy young subjects and to 6 healthy
Drug-Induced Extrapyramidal Reactions
for the appropriate management of these patients.
elderly subjects, has been found in nasal mucus at
Considering NMS as a possible diagnosis and
mean ± SD concentrations of 0.15 ± 0.16, 0.28 ±
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
ruling out other acute illnesses (e.g., pneumonia,
0.26, and 0.39 ± 0.34 mcg/g at 1, 4, and 8 hours
is indicated in the treatment of drug-induced
systemic infection, etc.) is essential. This may
after dosing, respectively. These concentrations
extrapyramidal reactions. Although anticholinergic-
be especially complex if the clinical presentation
represented 31 ± 33%, 59 ± 61%, and 95 ± 86% of
type side effects have been noted with Amantadine
includes both serious medical illness and untreated
the corresponding plasma amantadine concentra-
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP when used
or inadequately treated extrapyramidal signs and
Amantadine hydrochloride is a stable white or
tions. Amantadine is approximately 67% bound
in patients with drug-induced extrapyramidal
symptoms (EPS). Other important considerations
nearly white crystalline powder, freely soluble in
to plasma proteins over a concentration range of
reactions, there is a lower incidence of these side
in the differential diagnosis include central anticho-
water and soluble in alcohol and in chloroform.
0.1 to 2 mcg/mL. Following the administration of
effects than that observed with the anticholinergic
linergic toxicity, heat stroke, drug fever and primary
amantadine 100 mg as a single dose, the mean ± SD
antiparkinson drugs.
central nervous system (CNS) pathology.
Amantadine hydrochloride has pharmacological
red blood cell to plasma ratio ranged from 2.7 ± 0.5
actions as both an anti-Parkinson and an antiviral
in 6 healthy subjects to 1.4 ± 0.2 in 8 patients with
The management of NMS should include: 1)
renal insuffi ciency.
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
intensive symptomatic treatment and medical moni-
contraindicated in patients with known hypersensi-
toring, and 2) treatment of any concomitant serious
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
The apparent oral plasma clearance of amantadine
tivity to amantadine hydrochloride or to any of the
medical problems for which specifi c treatments are
contains 50 mg amantadine hydrochloride per 5 mL
is reduced and the plasma half-life and plasma
other ingredients in Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
available. Dopamine agonists, such as bromocrip-
and the following inactive ingredients: artifi cial
concentrations are increased in healthy elderly
tine, and muscle relaxants, such as dantrolene are
red-raspberry fl avor, citric acid, methylparaben, pro-
individuals age 60 and older. After single dose
often used in the treatment of NMS, however,
pylparaben, propylene glycol, and sorbitol solution.
administration of 25 to 75 mg to 7 healthy, elderly
their effectiveness has not been demonstrated in
male volunteers, the apparent plasma clearance of
controlled studies.
amantadine was 0.10 ± 0.04 L/hr/kg (range: 0.06
to 0.17 L/hr/kg) and the half-life was 29 ± 7 hours
(range: 20 to 41 hours). Whether these changes are
Deaths have been reported from overdose with
due to decline in renal function or other age related
amantadine. The lowest reported acute lethal dose
Because Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
Mechanism of Action: Antiviral
factors is not known.
was 1 gram. Acute toxicity may be attributable to
USP is mainly excreted in the urine, it accumulates
The mechanism by which amantadine exerts its
the anticholinergic effects of amantadine. Drug
in the plasma and in the body when renal function
antiviral activity is not clearly understood. It
In a study of young healthy subjects (n=20), mean
overdose has resulted in cardiac, respiratory,
declines. Thus, the dose of Amantadine Hydro-
appears to mainly prevent the release of infectious
renal clearance of amantadine, normalized for body
renal or central nervous system toxicity. Cardiac
chloride Oral Solution USP should be reduced in
viral nucleic acid into the host cell by interfering
mass index, was 1.5 fold higher in males compared
dysfunction includes arrhythmia, tachycardia and
patients with renal impairment and in individuals
with the function of the transmembrane domain of
to females (p<0.032).
hypertension (see OVERDOSAGE). Deaths
who are 65 years of age or older (see DOSAGE
the viral M2 protein. In certain cases, amantadine
due to drug accumulation (overdose) have been
AND ADMINISTRATION; Dosage for Impaired
is also known to prevent virus assembly during
Compared with otherwise healthy adult individuals,
reported in patients with renal impairment, who
Renal Function).
virus replication. It does not appear to interfere
the clearance of amantadine is signifi cantly reduced
were prescribed higher than recommended doses
with the immunogenicity of inactivated infl uenza A
in adult patients with renal insuffi ciency. The
of amantadine for their level of renal function (see
elimination half-life increases two to three fold or
greater when creatinine clearance is less than 40
Impaired Renal Function and OVERDOSAGE).
Care should be exercised when administering
mL/min/1.73 m2 and averages eight days in patients
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP to
Amantadine inhibits the replication of infl uenza A
on chronic maintenance hemodialysis. Amantadine
patients with liver disease. Rare instances of revers-
virus isolates from each of the subtypes, i.e., H1N1,
is removed in negligible amounts by hemodialysis.
ible elevation of liver enzymes have been reported
H2N2 and H3N2. It has very little or no activity
Suicide attempts, some of which have been
in patients receiving Amantadine hydrochloride,
against infl uenza B virus isolates. A quantitative
The pH of the urine has been reported to infl uence
fatal, have been reported in patients treated
though a specifi c relationship between the drug and
relationship between the
in vitro susceptibility of
the excretion rate of amantadine. Since the excre-
with amantadine, many of whom received short
such changes has not been established.
infl uenza A virus to amantadine and the clinical
tion rate of amantadine increases rapidly when the
courses for infl uenza treatment or prophylaxis. The
response to therapy has not been established in man.
urine is acidic, the administration of urine acidify-
incidence of suicide attempts is not known and the
Impulse Control/Compulsive Behaviors
Sensitivity test results, expressed as the concentra-
ing drugs may increase the elimination of the drug
pathophysiologic mechanism is not understood.
tion of amantadine required to inhibit by 50% the
Suicide attempts and suicidal ideation have been
Postmarketing reports suggest that patients treated
growth of virus (ED ) in tissue culture vary greatly
reported in patients with and without prior history
with anti-Parkinson medications can experience
(from 0.1 mcg/mL to 25 mcg/mL) depending upon
of psychiatric illness. Amantadine Hydrochloride
intense urges to gamble, increased sexual urges,
the assay protocol used, size of virus inoculum,
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
Oral Solution USP can exacerbate mental problems
intense urges to spend money uncontrollably, and
isolates of infl uenza A virus strains tested, and the
indicated for the prophylaxis and treatment of signs
in patients with a history of psychiatric disorders
other intense urges. Patients may be unable to
cell type used. Host cells in tissue culture readily
and symptoms of infection caused by various strains
or substance abuse. Patients who attempt suicide
control these urges while taking one or more of the
tolerated amantadine up to a concentration of 100
of infl uenza A virus. Amantadine Hydrochloride
may exhibit abnormal mental states which include
medications that are generally used for the treatment
Oral Solution USP is also indicated in the treatment
disorientation, confusion, depression, personality
of Parkinson's disease and that increase central
of parkinsonism and drug-induced extrapyramidal
changes, agitation, aggressive behavior, hallucina-
dopaminergic tone, including Amantadine hydro-
Drug Resistance
tions, paranoia, other psychotic reactions, and som-
chloride. In some cases, although not all, these
Infl uenza A variants with reduced
in vitro sensitivity
nolence or insomnia. Because of the possibility of
urges were reported to have stopped when the dose
to amantadine have been isolated from epidemic
Infl uenza A Prophylaxis
serious adverse effects, caution should be observed
was reduced or the medication was discontinued.
strains in areas where adamantane derivatives are
when prescribing Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
Because patients may not recognize these behaviors
being used. Infl uenza viruses with reduced
in vitro
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
Solution USP to patients being treated with drugs
as abnormal it is important for prescribers to
sensitivity have been shown to be transmissible and
indicated for chemoprophylaxis against signs and
having CNS effects, or for whom the potential risks
specifi cally ask patients or their caregivers about the
to cause typical infl uenza illness. The quantitative
symptoms of infl uenza A virus infection. Because
outweigh the benefi t of treatment.
development of new or increased gambling urges,
relationship between the
in vitro sensitivity of
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP does
sexual urges, uncontrolled spending or other urges
infl uenza A variants to amantadine and the clinical
not completely prevent the host immune response
CNS Effects
while being treated with Amantadine hydrochloride.
response to therapy has not been established.
to infl uenza A infection, individuals who take this
Physicians should consider dose reduction or stop-
drug may still develop immune responses to natural
Patients with a history of epilepsy or other
ping the medication if a patient develops such urges
Mechanism of Action: Parkinson's Disease
disease or vaccination and may be protected when
"seizures" should be observed closely for possible
while taking Amantadine hydrochloride.
The mechanism of action of amantadine in the
later exposed to antigenically related viruses. Fol-
increased seizure activity.
treatment of Parkinson's disease and drug-induced
lowing vaccination during an infl uenza A outbreak,
extrapyramidal reactions is not known. Data from
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
Patients receiving Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
earlier animal studies suggest that Amantadine
prophylaxis should be considered for the 2- to
Solution USP who note central nervous system
Epidemiological studies have shown that patients
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP may have direct
4-week time period required to develop an antibody
effects or blurring of vision should be cautioned
with Parkinson's disease have a higher risk (2-
and indirect effects on dopamine neurons. More
against driving or working in situations where alert-
to approximately 6-fold higher) of developing
recent studies have demonstrated that amantadine is
ness and adequate motor coordination are important.
melanoma than the general population. Whether
a weak, non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist
Infl uenza A Treatment
the increased risk observed was due to Parkinson's
(K =10 μM). Although amantadine has not been
disease or other factors, such as drugs used to treat
shown to possess direct anticholinergic activity in
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
Parkinson's disease, is unclear.
animal studies, clinically, it exhibits anticholinergic-
also indicated in the treatment of uncomplicated
Patients with a history of congestive heart failure
like side effects such as dry mouth, urinary reten-
respiratory tract illness caused by infl uenza A virus
or peripheral edema should be followed closely as
For the reasons stated above, patients and providers
tion, and constipation.
strains especially when administered early in the
there are patients who developed congestive heart
are advised to monitor for melanomas frequently
course of illness. There are no well-controlled clini-
failure while receiving amantadine.
and on a regular basis when using Amantadine
cal studies demonstrating that treatment with Aman-
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP for
any indica-
tadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP will avoid
Patients with Parkinson's disease improving on
tion. Ideally, periodic skin examinations should be
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
the development of infl uenza A virus pneumonitis
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
performed by appropriately qualifi ed individuals
well absorbed orally. Maximum plasma concentra-
or other complications in high risk patients.
should resume normal activities gradually and
(e.g., dermatologists).
tions are directly related to dose for doses up to
cautiously, consistent with other medical consid-
200 mg/day. Doses above 200 mg/day may result
There is no clinical evidence indicating that Aman-
erations, such as the presence of osteoporosis or
in a greater than proportional increase in maximum
tadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is effective
plasma concentrations. It is primarily excreted
in the prophylaxis or treatment of viral respiratory
The dose of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solu-
unchanged in the urine by glomerular fi ltration and
tract illnesses other than those caused by infl uenza
Because Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
tion USP may need careful adjustment in patients
tubular secretion. Eight metabolites of amantadine
A virus strains.
USP has anticholinergic effects and may cause
with congestive heart failure, peripheral edema, or
have been identifi ed in human urine. One metabo-
mydriasis, it should not be given to patients with
orthostatic hypotension. Care should be exercised
lite, an N-acetylated compound, was quantifi ed
The following points should be considered
untreated angle closure glaucoma.
when administering Amantadine Hydrochloride
in human urine and accounted for 5 to 15% of the
before initiating treatment or prophylaxis with
Oral Solution USP to patients with a history of
administered dose. Plasma acetylamantadine ac-
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP:
recurrent eczematoid rash, or to patients with
counted for up to 80% of the concurrent amantadine
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
psychosis or severe psychoneurosis not controlled
plasma concentration in 5 of 12 healthy volunteers
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
should not be discontinued abruptly in patients
by chemotherapeutic agents.
following the ingestion of a 200 mg dose of
USP is not a substitute for early vaccination
with Parkinson's disease since a few patients have
amantadine. Acetylamantadine was not detected in
on an annual basis as recommended by the
experienced a parkinsonian crisis, i.e., a sudden
Serious bacterial infections may begin with
the plasma of the remaining seven volunteers. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
marked clinical deterioration, when this medication
infl uenza-like symptoms or may coexist with or oc-
contribution of this metabolite to effi cacy or toxicity
Advisory Committee on Immunization
was suddenly stopped. The dose of anticholiner-
cur as complications during the course of infl uenza.
gic drugs or of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP has
Solution USP should be reduced if atropine-like
not been shown to prevent such complications.
There appears to be a relationship between plasma
Infl uenza viruses change over time. Emer-
effects appear when these drugs are used concur-
amantadine concentrations and toxicity. As
gence of resistance mutations could decrease
rently. Abrupt discontinuation may also precipitate
Information for Patients
concentration increases, toxicity seems to be more
drug effectiveness. Other factors (for
delirium, agitation, delusions, hallucinations,
prevalent, however, absolute values of amantadine
example, changes in viral virulence) might
paranoid reaction, stupor, anxiety, depression and
Patients should be advised of the following
concentrations associated with adverse effects have
also diminish clinical benefi t of antiviral
not been fully defi ned.
drugs. Prescribers should consider available information on infl uenza drug susceptibility
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)
Blurry vision and/or impaired mental acuity may
After oral administration of a single dose of 100
patterns and treatment effects when deciding
mg amantadine hydrochloride oral solution to
whether to use Amantadine Hydrochloride
Sporadic cases of possible Neuroleptic Malignant
fi ve healthy volunteers, the mean ± SD maximum
Oral Solution USP.
Syndrome (NMS) have been reported in association
Gradually increase physical activity as the symp-
plasma concentration C
was 0.24 ± 0.04 mcg/
with dose reduction or withdrawal of Amantadine
toms of Parkinson's disease improve.
mL and ranged from 0.18 to 0.28 mcg/mL. After 15
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP therapy. There-
days of amantadine 100 mg b.i.d., the C
fore, patients should be observed carefully when the
Avoid excessive alcohol usage, since it may
± 0.11 mcg/mL in four of the fi ve volunteers.
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
dosage of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
increase the potential for CNS effects such as diz-
indicated in the treatment of idiopathic Parkinson's
USP is reduced abruptly or discontinued, especially
ziness, confusion, lightheadedness and orthostatic
Plasma amantadine clearance ranged from 0.2 to
disease (Paralysis Agitans), postencephalitic par-
if the patient is receiving neuroleptics.
0.3 L/hr/kg after the administration of 5 mg to 25
kinsonism, and symptomatic parkinsonism which
mg intravenous doses of amantadine to 15 healthy
may follow injury to the nervous system by carbon
NMS is an uncommon but life-threatening
Avoid getting up suddenly from a sitting or lying
monoxide intoxication. It is indicated in those
syndrome characterized by fever or hyperthermia;
position. If dizziness or lightheadedness occurs, notify physician.
Notify physician if mood/mental changes, swelling
amantadine during the fi rst trimester of pregnancy
insomnia, anxiety, agitation, aggressive behavior,
Dosage for Parkinsonism
of extremities, diffi culty urinating and/or shortness
(100 mg P.O. for 7 days during the 6th and 7th
hypertonia, hyperkinesia, ataxia, gait abnormality,
of breath occur.
week of gestation). Cardiovascular maldevelop-
tremor, confusion, disorientation, depersonalization,
ment (single ventricle with pulmonary atresia) was
fear, delirium, hallucinations, psychotic reactions,
The usual dose of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
Do not take more medication than prescribed
associated with maternal exposure to amantadine
lethargy, somnolence and coma. Seizures may be
Solution USP is 100 mg twice a day when used
because of the risk of overdose. If there is no
(100 mg/d) administered during the fi rst 2 weeks
exacerbated in patients with prior history of seizure
alone. Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
improvement in a few days, or if medication ap-
of pregnancy. Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
disorders. Hyperthermia has also been observed in
USP has an onset of action usually within 48 hours.
pears less effective after a few weeks, discuss with
Solution USP should be used during pregnancy only
cases where a drug overdose has occurred.
if the potential benefi t justifi es the potential risk to
The initial dose of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
the embryo or fetus.
There is no specifi c antidote for an overdose
Solution USP is 100 mg daily for patients with
Consult physician before discontinuing medication.
of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
serious associated medical illnesses or who are
USP. However, slowly administered intravenous
receiving high doses of other antiparkinson drugs.
Seek medical attention immediately if it is suspect-
physostigmine in 1 and 2 mg doses in an adult2 at
After one to several weeks at 100 mg once daily,
ed that an overdose of medication has been taken.
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
1- to 2-hour intervals and 0.5 mg doses in a child3
the dose may be increased to 100 mg twice daily,
excreted in human milk. Use is not recommended
at 5- to 10-minute intervals up to a maximum of 2
in nursing mothers.
mg/hour have been reported to be effective in the control of central nervous system toxicity caused by
Occasionally, patients whose responses are not opti-
Careful observation is required when Amantadine
amantadine hydrochloride. For acute overdosing,
mal with Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is adminis-
general supportive measures should be employed
USP at 200 mg daily may benefi t from an increase
tered concurrently with central nervous system
The safety and effi cacy of Amantadine Hydro-
along with immediate gastric lavage or induction of
up to 400 mg daily in divided doses. However,
chloride Oral Solution USP in newborn infants
emesis. Fluids should be forced, and if necessary,
such patients should be supervised closely by their
and infants below the age of 1 year have not been
given intravenously. The pH of the urine has been
Agents with anticholinergic properties may
reported to infl uence the excretion rate of Amanta-
potentiate the anticholinergic-like side effects of
dine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP. Since the
Patients initially deriving benefi t from Amantadine
Usage in the Elderly
excretion rate of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP not uncommonly
Solution USP increases rapidly when the urine is
experience a fall-off of effectiveness after a few
Coadministration of thioridazine has been reported
Because Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
acidic, the administration of urine acidifying drugs
months. Benefi t may be regained by increasing
to worsen the tremor in elderly patients with Par-
USP is primarily excreted in the urine, it accu-
may increase the elimination of the drug from the
the dose to 300 mg daily. Alternatively, temporary
kinson's disease, however, it is not known if other
mulates in the plasma and in the body when renal
body. The blood pressure, pulse, respiration and
discontinuation of Amantadine Hydrochloride
phenothiazines produce a similar response.
function declines. Thus, the dose of Amantadine
temperature should be monitored. The patient
Oral Solution USP for several weeks, followed by
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP should be
should be observed for hyperactivity and convul-
reinitiation of the drug, may result in regaining
Coadministration of Dyazide (triamterene/hy-
reduced in patients with renal impairment and in
sions; if required, sedation and anticonvulsant
benefi t in some patients. A decision to use other
drochlorothiazide) resulted in a higher plasma
individuals who are 65 years of age or older. The
therapy should be administered. The patient should
antiparkinson drugs may be necessary.
amantadine concentration in a 61-year-old man
dose of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
be observed for the possible development of ar-
receiving amantadine hydrochloride 100 mg TID
USP may need reduction in patients with congestive
rhythmias and hypotension; if required, appropriate
Dosage for Concomitant Therapy
for Parkinson's disease.1 It is not known which
heart failure, peripheral edema, or orthostatic hypo-
antiarrhythmic and antihypotensive therapy should
of the components of Dyazide contributed to the
be given. Electrocardiographic monitoring may be
Some patients who do not respond to anticholin-
observation or if related drugs produce a similar
required after ingestion, since malignant tachyar-
ergic antiparkinson drugs may respond to Aman-
rhythmias can appear after overdose.
tadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP. When
The adverse reactions reported most frequently (5
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP or
Coadministration of quinine or quinidine with
to 10%) at the recommended dose of Amantadine
Care should be exercised when administering
anticholinergic antiparkinson drugs are each used
amantadine was shown to reduce the renal clearance
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP are: nausea, diz-
adrenergic agents, such as isoproterenol, to patients
with marginal benefi t, concomitant use may produce
of amantadine by about 30%.
ziness (lightheadedness), and insomnia.
with an Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
additional benefi t.
USP overdose, since the dopaminergic activity of
The concurrent use of Amantadine Hydrochloride
Less frequently (1 to 5%) reported adverse reactions
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP has
When Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
Oral Solution USP with live attenuated infl uenza
are: depression, anxiety and irritability, hallucina-
been reported to induce malignant arrhythmias.
USP and levodopa are initiated concurrently, the
vaccine (LAIV) intranasal has not been evaluated.
tions, confusion, anorexia, dry mouth, constipation,
patient can exhibit rapid therapeutic benefi ts.
However, because of the potential for interference
ataxia, livedo reticularis, peripheral edema,
The blood electrolytes, urine pH and urinary output
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
between these products, LAIV should not be
orthostatic hypotension, headache, somnolence,
should be monitored. If there is no record of recent
should be held constant at 100 mg daily or twice
administered within 2 weeks before or 48 hours
nervousness, dream abnormality, agitation, dry
voiding, catheterization should be done.
daily while the daily dose of levodopa is gradually
after administration of Amantadine Hydrochloride
nose, diarrhea and fatigue.
increased to optimal benefi t.
Oral Solution USP, unless medically indicated. The
concern about possible interference arises from the
Infrequently (0.1 to 1%) occurring adverse reactions
The dose of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solu-
When Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
potential for antiviral drugs to inhibit replication of
are: congestive heart failure, psychosis, urinary
tion USP may need reduction in patients with con-
USP is added to optimal well-tolerated doses of
live vaccine virus. Trivalent inactivated infl uenza
retention, dyspnea, skin rash, vomiting, weakness,
gestive heart failure, peripheral edema, orthostatic
levodopa, additional benefi t may result, including
vaccine can be administered at any time relative to
slurred speech, euphoria, thinking abnormality,
hypotension, or impaired renal function (see Dosage
smoothing out the fl uctuations in improvement
use of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
amnesia, hyperkinesia, hypertension, decreased
for Impaired Renal Function).
which sometimes occur in patients on levodopa
libido, and visual disturbance, including punctate
alone. Patients who require a reduction in their
subepithelial or other corneal opacity, corneal
usual dose of levodopa because of development of
Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis
edema, decreased visual acuity, sensitivity to light,
Dosage for Prophylaxis and Treatment of Un-
side effects may possibly regain lost benefi t with
and optic nerve palsy.
complicated Infl uenza A Virus Illness
the addition of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
in vivo animal studies designed to
evaluate the carcinogenic potential of Amantadine
Rare (less than 0.1%) occurring adverse reactions
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP have not been
are: instances of convulsion, leukopenia, neutro-
The adult daily dosage of Amantadine Hydrochlo-
Dosage for Drug-Induced Extrapyramidal
performed. In several
in vitro assays for gene
penia, eczematoid dermatitis, oculogyric episodes,
ride Oral Solution USP is 200 mg (four teaspoonfuls
mutation, Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution
suicidal attempt, suicide, and suicidal ideation (see
of oral solution) as a single daily dose. The daily
USP did not increase the number of spontaneously
dosage may be split into 100 mg (two teaspoonfuls
observed mutations in four strains of
of oral solution) twice a day. If central nervous
The usual dose of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral
typhimurium (Ames Test) or in a mammalian cell
Other adverse reactions reported during postmarket-
system effects develop in once-a-day dosage, a split
Solution USP is 100 mg twice a day. Occasion-
line (Chinese Hamster Ovary cells) when incuba-
ing experience with Amantadine hydrochloride
dosage schedule may reduce such complaints. In
ally, patients whose responses are not optimal with
tions were performed either with or without a liver
persons 65 years of age or older, the daily dosage
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP at
metabolic activation extract. Further, there was no
of Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
200 mg daily may benefi t from an increase up to
evidence of chromosome damage observed in an
300 mg daily in divided doses.
in vitro test using freshly derived and stimulated
coma, stupor, delirium, hypokinesia, hypertonia,
human peripheral blood lymphocytes (with and
delusions, aggressive behavior, paranoid reaction,
A 100 mg daily dose has also been shown in experi-
Dosage for Impaired Renal Function
without metabolic activation) or in an
in vivo mouse
manic reaction, involuntary muscle contractions,
mental challenge studies to be effective as prophy-
bone marrow micronucleus test (140 to 550 mg/kg;
gait abnormalities, paresthesia, EEG changes, and
laxis in healthy adults who are not at high risk for
Depending upon creatinine clearance, the following
estimated human equivalent doses of 11.7 to 45.8
tremor. Abrupt discontinuation may also precipitate
infl uenza-related complications. However, it has
dosage adjustments are recommended:
mg/kg based on body surface area conversion).
delirium, agitation, delusions, hallucinations,
not been demonstrated that a 100 mg daily dose is
paranoid reaction, stupor, anxiety, depression and
as effective as a 200 mg daily dose for prophylaxis,
Impairment of Fertility
nor has the 100 mg daily dose been studied in the
treatment of acute infl uenza illness. In recent clini-
The effect of amantadine on fertility has not been
cal trials, the incidence of central nervous system
adequately tested, that is, in a study conducted
cardiac arrest, arrhythmias including malignant
(CNS) side effects associated with the 100 mg daily
200 mg 1st day and
under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and ac-
arrhythmias, hypotension, and tachycardia;
dose was at or near the level of placebo. The 100
cording to current recommended methodology. In
mg dose is recommended for persons who have
each day thereafter
a three litter, non-GLP, reproduction study in rats,
demonstrated intolerance to 200 mg of Amantadine
Amantadine hydrochloride at a dose of 32 mg/kg/
acute respiratory failure, pulmonary edema, and
Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP daily because of
day (equal to the maximum recommended human
CNS or other toxicities.
dose on a mg/m2 basis) administered to both males
100 mg on alternate
and females slightly impaired fertility. There were
no effects on fertility at a dose level of 10 mg/
200 mg every 7 days
kg/day (or 0.3 times the maximum recommended
1 yr. to 9 yrs. of age
human dose on a mg/m2 basis); intermediate doses
The total daily dose should be calculated on the
were not tested.
leukocytosis, agranulocytosis;
basis of 2 to 4 mg/lb/day (4.4 to 8.8 mg/kg/day), but
The recommended dosage for patients on hemodi-
not to exceed 150 mg per day.
alysis is 200 mg every 7 days.
Failed fertility has been reported during human
in vitro fertilization (IVF) when the sperm donor
keratitis and mydriasis;
9 yrs. to 12 yrs. of age
How Supplied
ingested amantadine 2 weeks prior to, and during
The total daily dose is 200 mg given as 100 mg
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP is
Skin and Appendages
(two teaspoonfuls of oral solution) twice a day.
available as a clear, colorless, raspberry fl avored
pruritus and diaphoresis;
The 100 mg daily dose has not been studied in this
oral solution [each 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) contains 50
pediatric population. Therefore, there are no data
mg amantadine hydrochloride] in:
Effects: Pregnancy Category C
which demonstrate that this dose is as effective as
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (see WARNINGS),
or is safer than the 200 mg daily dose in this patient
16 oz. (473 mL) bottles NDC 46287-015-01
The effect of amantadine on embryofetal and
allergic reactions including anaphylactic reactions,
peri-postnatal development has not been adequately
edema and fever;
Store at 20°-25° C (68°-77° F); excursions permit-
tested, that is, in studies conducted under Good
Prophylactic dosing should be started in anticipa-
ted to 15°-30° C (59°-86° F) [See USP Controlled
Laboratory Practice (GLP) and according to current
tion of an infl uenza A outbreak and before or after
Room Temperature]
recommended methodology. However, in two non-
elevated: CPK, BUN, serum creatinine, alkaline
contact with individuals with infl uenza A virus
GLP studies in rats in which females were dosed
phosphatase, LDH, bilirubin, GGT, SGOT, and
respiratory tract illness.
from 5 days prior to mating to Day 6 of gestation
Dispense in a tight container as defi ned in the USP,
or on Days 7 to 14 of gestation, Amantadine hydro-
Amantadine Hydrochloride Oral Solution USP
with a child-resistant closure (as required).
chloride produced increases in embryonic death at
should be continued daily for at least 10 days fol-
an oral dose of 100 mg/kg (or 3 times the maximum
Deaths have been reported from overdose with
lowing a known exposure. If Amantadine Hydro-
recommended human dose on a mg/m2 basis). In
Amantadine hydrochloride. The lowest reported
chloride Oral Solution USP is used chemoprophy-
the non-GLP rat study in which females were dosed
acute lethal dose was 1 gram. Because some
lactically in conjunction with inactivated infl uenza
1 W.W. Wilson and A.H. Rajput, Amantadine-Dya-
on Days 7 to 14 of gestation, there was a marked
patients have attempted suicide by overdosing with
A virus vaccine until protective antibody responses
zide Interaction,
Can. Med. Assoc. J. 129:974-975,
increase in severe visceral and skeletal malforma-
amantadine, prescriptions should be written for
develop, then it should be administered for 2 to
tions at oral doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg (or 1.5 and
the smallest quantity consistent with good patient
4 weeks after the vaccine has been given. When
2 D.F. Casey,
N. Engl. J. Med. 298:516, 1978.
3 times, respectively, the maximum recommended
inactivated infl uenza A virus vaccine is unavailable
3 C.D. Berkowitz,
J. Pediatr. 95:144, 1979.
human dose on a mg/m2 basis). The no-effect dose
or contraindicated, Amantadine Hydrochloride
for teratogenicity was 37 mg/kg (equal to the maxi-
Acute toxicity may be attributable to the anticho-
Oral Solution USP should be administered for the
mum recommended human dose on a mg/m2 basis).
linergic effects of amantadine. Drug overdose has
duration of known infl uenza A in the community
The safety margins reported may not accurately
resulted in cardiac, respiratory, renal or central
because of repeated and unknown exposure.
refl ect the risk considering the questionable quality
nervous system toxicity. Cardiac dysfunction
of the study on which they are based. There are no
includes arrhythmia, tachycardia and hypertension.
Treatment of infl uenza A virus illness should be
adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant
Pulmonary edema and respiratory distress (includ-
started as soon as possible, preferably within 24 to
CMP Pharma, Inc.
women. Human data regarding teratogenicity after
ing adult respiratory distress syndrome – ARDS)
48 hours after onset of signs and symptoms, and
maternal use of amantadine is scarce.
have been reported; renal dysfunction including
should be continued for 24 to 48 hours after the
Farmville, North Carolina 27828
increased BUN, decreased creatinine clearance
disappearance of signs and symptoms.
Tetralogy of Fallot and tibial hemimelia (normal
and renal insuffi ciency can occur. Central nervous
Revised January 2015
karyotype) occurred in an infant exposed to
system effects that have been reported include
Copyright CMP Pharma, Inc. 2015
Gilead Sciences (GILD) Disclaimer: The analysis of this stock is for training purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Stock Name: Gilead Sciences Ticker Symbol: Current Stock Price: $84.68 Target Price: Upside potential: Dividend Yield:
Instituto IDEAL Conferencia abierta El modelo económico de Macri y sus consecuencias sociales Está muy claro lo que pasaArnaldo Bocco Buenas noches, les agradezco realmente la invitación. Estuve hace poco enuna reunión muy interesante, donde analizamos en aquel a ocasión la visita delpresidente Obama y qué había dejado en su paso por la Argentina.