Fisheries cover
Richard MulganSatish ChandPeter Larmour
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
Richard Mulgan, Satish Chand & Peter Larmour
Crawford School of Economics and Government
ContentsDemocracy and political corruption:idealism versus realismRichard Mulgan
Are free trips and payments topoliticians bribes?Satish Chand
Diagnosing the disease of corruption:what different disciplines suggestabout curing corruptionPeter Larmour
About the Policy Briefs
This year the Crawford School of Economics andGovernment established an exciting series of
PolicyBriefs that provide three opinion pieces by researcherson a particular theme or topic. These briefs aredesigned to provide introductions into key publicpolicy areas that are of importance to Australia andits neighbours in the Asia and Pacific. The aim is tostimulate discussion and expand the perspectivesavailable to the policy community.
Our first
Policy Brief was on fishing futures. This
brief is on the theme of corruption and anti-corruption—a timely topic given the recent headlinesover the AWB payments in Iraq. It provides threeperspectives: a diagnosis of the causes and cures forcorruption, an economic analysis of corruption andthe links between democracy and corruption.
R. Quentin GraftonResearch Director
Richard Mulgan, Satish Chand & Peter Larmour 2006
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
Democracy and political corruption:
idealism versus realism
If corruption is the disease, is democracy part of the
as Janus-faced: in part cynical and realist, grounded
cure or a further contributing factor?1 On the one
in the need to control the natural self-interest of human
hand, many Western governments and their advisers
beings (‘the worst form of government, except for all
look on democracy as an antidote to corruption.
the others'); in part optimistic and idealist, pointing a
Democracy is linked regularly with ‘freedom' as the
way towards more collectively responsible and
basis of good government and as the political means
autonomous communities. The concept of political
of delivering security and prosperity to ordinary
corruption has a similarly double-sided nature: both
citizens. The ‘good governance' agendas advocated
realist and idealist.
by organisations such as the World Bank and theAustralian government's aid agency, AusAID, include
public participation and accountable government, a
All conceptions of corruption agree that it involves
stance supported by the international NGO
the improper or illegitimate pursuit of self-interest or
community.2 The strong sunlight of democratic debate
sectional advantage.4 The key issue is what makes the
and dialogue is seen as the surest means of reducing
pursuit of self-interest improper and therefore corrupt.
At what point does concern for the interests of oneself
On the other hand, evidence from recently
or one's own group illegitimately impinge on the
established, transitional democracies suggests that the
public interest? The more realistic perspective assumes
move to more openly contested political systems,
that all politics is fundamentally motivated by
particularly when associated with rapid economic
personal ambition or sectional advantage. Indeed, the
liberalisation, might encourage an upsurge rather than
pursuit of self-interest and sectional advantage, within
a decrease in political corruption. Without robust
limits, is beneficial and contributes to the greater good
mechanisms of legal accountability, which have had
of society. Vote-seeking politicians, through a process
little chance to develop under authoritarian regimes
of political competition and negotiation, broker an
and other illegitimate inducements, elected leaders
outcome that aggregates a range of various social and
and their governments are naturally prone to
economic interests. Realist theorists of democracy5
accepting bribes. The introduction of electoral
explicitly compared the competition for votes with
competition merely adds one more motive—the need
market competition for the consumer's dollar. As in
to finance successful electoral campaigns—to the
a market exchange, provided the market is properly
venality of those who control the levers of power. Not
regulated, an invisible hand can translate the self-
surprisingly, some of the harder-headed international
interested actions of individuals and organisations
donors, such as the International Monetary Fund,
into an outcome that benefits the community as a
emphasise the importance of strong legal institutions
for good governance and downplay the role of
From this perspective, political corruption
specifically democratic elements such as elections. The
involves self-interested actions that breach the rules
international corporate sector displays the same
of political competition. The gerrymandering of
priorities, consistently listing the undemocratic city-
electoral boundaries, the bribing of officials to secure
state of Singapore among the least corrupt countries
a contract, the covert donation of campaign
in which to do business.3
contributions in return for tariff protection—all are
The debate about democracy and corruption
cases that are branded as corrupt and illegal because
involves fundamental issues of the nature of
they lead to unfair political competition. Deciding
corruption and, indeed, the nature of democracy itself.
what actions are to count as corrupt involves drawing
The democratic tradition has long been recognised
a line within the range of selfish political activities
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
between those that will count as legitimate instances
The public-interest demands of democratic
of fair political competition and those that overstep
discourse do force some constraints on the more
the mark and need to be outlawed. To use a sporting
blatant cases of political self-interest, which cannot
analogy, corruption, in the realist conception, is like
be plausibly dressed up in terms of the common good
foul or dirty play in a rough contact sport, such as
or public interest. But, for the most part, the reality of
boxing or rugby. Opponents try to dominate each
democratic politics falls well short. The basic political
other physically within the rules of fair play set by
contest is best understood in realist, pluralist terms,
the sport's ruling body. Violence itself is not
as a competition between conflicting sectional interests
illegitimate, only violence that is against the rules.
and personally ambitious politicians. At the same
The realist conception is shared by many active
time, this political reality dare not speak its name.
participants in democratic politics, not only
Politicians are forced to deny what everyone knows
politicians, party activists and lobbyists, who are
to be true: that much of their behaviour is dictated by
professionally engaged in competing for political
personal ambition and sectional advantage, rather
advantage, but by many public officials who work
than by concern for the public interest. To the vice of
closely with politicians and by political commentators
selfishness is added that of hypocrisy, fuelling public
who report on politics for the wider public.
distrust of the democratic process and a general sensethat the process is corrupt.
Realism, however, is not the only theoretical lens
through which democratic politics can be viewed. An
The contrast between the realist and idealist
alternative, idealist approach assumes that politics
conceptions helps to explain some of the impasse over
should be focused on the common good or public
defining corruption. The acts which all agree to be
interest, which is altogether separate from, and often
corrupt, such as outright bribery and
in conflict with, personal or sectional interests. From
misappropriation, are clearly corrupt in both
an idealist perspective, political actors are expected to
conceptions. Beyond this hard-core corruption,
transcend their own personal and local concerns and
however, opinions often diverge, in part because the
concentrate on what is best for everyone. Motives of
different conceptions produce different answers. Thus,
individual ambition and advancement are not excluded
whether business contributions for campaign funds
but are always to be harnessed to the public interest or
are to be considered corrupt depends on which
common good. Politicians may seek renown and power,
conception is adopted. A realist perspective will see
but only through supporting policies that articulate a
it as a normal part of democratic politics in a liberal
collective vision that resonates with the public.
capitalist society, whereas, from an idealist point of
From the idealist perspective, if politicians place
view, all such donations, however transparent, appear
electoral advantage ahead of the long-term welfare
morally reprehensible and corrupt.
of the country, then politics is no longer sound and
Because the realist conception of democracy
healthy and has, to that extent, become corrupted.
provides a more accurate picture of political practice
Such a high-minded view of corruption, though
in modern democracies, it offers a more reliable guide
clearly at odds with the perspective held by hard-
to the standards of political corruption that should
headed observers of everyday politics, is none the less
prevail. Corruption needs to be seen as the
widely held. It is implicit among economists who
pursuit of private interest, not the pursuit of private
condemn democratic politics as rent-seeking against
per se. In a properly functioning democracy,
the public interest.6 It is also supported by advocates
the definition of what counts as excessive and
of ‘deliberative democracy',7 who stress the dynamic
therefore corrupt will be defined in the laws and
effects of public dialogue in helping people to move
professional codes of conduct. Beyond complying
beyond self-interest. Moreover, the idealist conception
with established laws and standards, however, there
is deeply entrenched in democratic political culture
is no obligation on political actors to refrain from
and public opinion. In all democratic societies,
seeking advantage over one another.
political actors, whatever their real motives, are
Even within a realist framework, some elements
obliged to express their policy preferences in terms of
of government need to be held to higher, more
concepts such as the common good or the public
idealistic standards. The legal system, including courts
interest. Any open espousal of a selfish or sectional
and police, as well as quasi-judicial bodies such as
motive will be seen as being outside the legitimate
auditors, ombudsmen and inspectors, are all expected
range of political argument.
to remain fully focused on the public interest and to
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
exhibit zero tolerance towards any hint of preferring
their own interests to those of the community as awhole. Government bureaucracies, being
obliged to
The main authorities on this issue are collected
administer the law impartially, are similarly required
in Heidenheimer, A.J. and Johnston, M. (eds),
to avoid any hint of favouritism. Not surprisingly,
Political Corruption. Concepts and Contexts, third
professional ethics and codes of conduct designed
edition, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick
for public servants and legal officials emphasise the
public-interest features of their roles and adopt views
Marquette, H., 2001. ‘Corruption, democracy
of corruption that are idealist in temper.
and the World Bank',
Crime, Law and Social
Thus, different actors in a functioning democratic
polity need to display different attitudes towards the
pursuit of personal and sectional interests in politics
See Transparency International, 2005.
and therefore different attitudes towards the nature
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions
of corruption. For those directly engaged in the
Index, Berlin. Available from http://
political contest over policy, for instance organisations
of civil society, political parties and politicians, private
See Philp, M., 1997. ‘Defining corruption',
interests are often uppermost and corruption is
therefore a matter of overstepping the line between
For example, Schumpeter, J.A., 1947.
the legitimate and illegitimate pursuit of these
Socialism and Democracy, Harper,
New York.
interests. For officials who regulate and administer
For example, Tullock, G., 1989.
The Economics of
the policy process in ways that should prevent
Special Privilege and Rent-Seeking, Kluwer,
corruption, the pursuit of private interests is always
illegitimate. In the democratic game, the players may
be realists but the umpires must be idealists.
For example, Dryzek, J., 2000.
The tension between the realist and idealist
Democracy and Beyond, Oxford University Press,
perspectives helps to explain the ambiguous effects
of democracy in combating corruption, especiallywithin societies that lack an effective legal system andaccountability institutions. Democratic politics entailsopen conflict over the spoils of office and can unleashthe selfish motives that encourage corruption. Theelectoral incentive to create a winning coalitionthrough appealing to some sections of society but notothers, as well as the need to raise funds forcampaigning, explicitly encourages the granting offavours and the rewarding of supporters. Withouteffective institutions dedicated to policing corruption,a shift to electoral politics cannot be a recipe forreducing corruption. Guaranteeing free and fairelections at periodic intervals will do little to preventcorruption, unless elected governments arethemselves constrained to act within the law. Therule of law is fundamental, both for stable democracyand for curing corruption.
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
Are free trips and payments to politicians bribes?
‘Are free trips and payments bribes?' asks the
investigations show cases of abuse of private office
Islands Journal of 21 July 2006. The question arose after
for personal gain. Monopolies use their market power
an earlier report of a group of Marshallese senators
to maximise private gain, but this is never construed
(that is, parliamentarians) and their spouses having
as corruption. Corruption might entail private gain
paid an official visit to the People's Republic of China
with at least some complicity of public officials. A
(PRC) early in 2006. Official visits are not unusual:
monopoly that abuses its market power in complicity
Pacific island politicians are known to trot about the
with the authorities responsible for guarding against
globe at the invitation of their hosts to discuss aid,
anti-competitive behaviour, for example, would
whaling and tuna fisheries. What attracted the
constitute corruption. Corruption entails a transaction
attention of the local media, however, were reports
between the corruptor (the person who demands this
from ‘unnamed sources' that the trip was fully funded
‘service') and the corruptee (the person who supplies
by the PRC. The visiting couples, moreover, were
the ‘service') that is in contravention of the law. This
reported as having each received between US$7,000
conceptualisation of corruption is far from complete,
and US$12,000 from their hosts. It so happens that
but will suffice for this paper. Somewhat analogous
the Republic of the Marshall Islands is only one of a
to the notion of beauty, most people will claim to be
handful of nations that gives diplomatic recognition
able to recognise corruption when they see it!
to the Republic of China (that is, Taiwan), something
Quantifying corruption is, however, a lot trickier. Back
that the PRC has always strongly opposed. One of
to our Marshall Islands case highlighted at the
the senators named in the report has threatened to
beginning: did the free trip and the allowances
sue the newspaper for libel, claiming that they
constitute corruption?
received only US$1,000, and as per diem. But whendoes a ‘gift' constitute a bribe?
Is there anyone who has never faced a situation
that could, even vaguely, be construed as being at themargins of corruption? The incident in Marshall
Corruption exists because there is a supply of and
Islands allows us to explore a number of issues
demand for this service; the Marshall Islands case to
relevant to this slippery notion of corruption. What
the extent that it constitutes corruption is not an
is corruption? Why the current focus on corruption?
exception in this regard. Corruption, therefore, lends
What are the consequences of corruption? How can
itself readily to supply–demand analysis. Factors
corruption be combated? Sure, you have a view on
impinging on the supply of corruption would include
each of these questions; here, I will put on my
the lack of income and alternative employment
economist cap to address the questions raised above.
opportunities, the absence and/or poor state of
In doing so, I will steer clear of the moral issues
detection and punishment mechanisms and the
entrusting of significant discretionary powers to thecorruptees. On the demand side, the presence of largeproceeds for corruption (rents), such as those from
What is corruption?
lumpy government contracts, might raise the demandfor corruption. Considering corruption as a
Defining corruption is the least of our challenges.
homogeneous form for tractability, the quantity of
Corruption often entails the ‘use of public office for
corruption and the price paid for the service is
private gain' (Bardhan 2003:1). But this cannot be all.
determined by the above-mentioned factors.
The Enron saga in the United States and the
A non-zero level of corruption is supplied at some
continuing Australian Wheat Board (AWB)
price (bribe), pE. The varying levels of corruption
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
across time and space can be attributed to changes in
patient who is short-changed in the process.
demand for and supply of corruption. One would,
Furthermore, the speed money can lead to perverse
for example, expect that a large windfall from mineral
effects such as providers holding up critical services
receipts would raise the demand for corruption, thus
only to induce payments of bribes.
shifting the DD-schedule to the right. The price
Corruption, however, is not always and
paid—this being the level of the bribe—would be high
unambiguously bad. In the presence of excessive red
in situations where the supply of corruption is
tape, for example, speed money might provide the
constrained. This could be for several reasons,
only avenue for getting things done. When removing
including high ethical standards, effective community
the weight of bureaucracy is impossible, as is the case
sanctions, effective formal-sector detection and
in the short to immediate term, bribes might be the
punishment strategies and little discretionary
only option available to get timely responses from
authority. Having a feel for the quantity of corruption
those in positions of authority. The punitive effects
and the level of bribes across space and time provides
on growth of a highly centralised and inflexible
a good indication of whether it is the demand-side
bureaucracy, for example, can be ameliorated with
or supply-side factors that influence changes in the
‘palm-grease'. When corruption becomes part of the
level of corruption over time. Knowing the causes of
costs of doing business, the costs of corruption to
corruption is crucial for the design of strategies to
society are via two distinct channels: i) through lack
of information on how to effect such transactionsgiven the illegal nature of corruption; and ii) the lackof competition for the supply of this service as the
What are the consequences of corruption?
corruptee has a monopoly on supply.
Importantly, however, high and persistent
There are a number of studies showing that
corruption creates a trap from which it might be very
corruption raises poverty; this in the main takes place
difficult to break out. It is difficult to reduce corruption
through two distinct channels. First, corruption acts
when everyone else is corrupt. The clients in such a
as a tax on production and thus is responsible for
situation might as well assume that everyone is
lowering the rate of growth of income. The poor,
corrupt even if this is not the case. In such a situation,
being at the end of the income queue, are therefore
the urge to ‘join them if you can't fight them' could
the first to suffer the consequences of an economic
be irresistible. The incentives to pay tax when no one
decline. There is robust empirical evidence at the
else does so, for example, are absent. What follows
cross-country level showing that corruption lowers
as a consequence is the under-provision of public
the rate of economic growth. There are now some
goods, including minimal efforts at combating
micro-level studies that corroborate the findings at
corruption. The consequent lock-in makes corruption
the economy-wide level. Fisman and Svensson (2000),
endemic. Corruption now becomes part of the system
for example, show, using firm-level data from
and getting out of this hole is close to impossible. The
Uganda, that a one percentage point increase in the
moral of this story is that combating corruption
bribery rate is associated with a reduction in the rate
requires an early start with heavy treatment. This is
of growth of firm-level output by three percentage
easier said than done, particularly after having woken
points; this effect, moreover, is found to be three times
up to the problem too late.
larger than that of taxation of a similar magnitude.
Second, corruption entails a redistribution of
income that is poverty increasing, though the
How can corruption be combatted?
evidence in support of this proposition is far fromconclusive. The poor are least able to purchase
Economists start with the premise that corruption
corruption simply because they have neither the
exists only because the incentives are consistent with
funds nor the information (networks) to access this
its prevalence. Reducing corruption, therefore, is all
service. Corruption, being a transfer of wealth from
about changing the structure of incentives. The
one group to another, benefits the rich at the expense
demand and supply-side causes are identified and
of the poor. A customs officer who is paid to look the
addressed in any strategy aimed at abating
other way for dutiable imports short-changes the
corruption. One would expect that petty corruption,
treasury by the difference in the payment received
as an example, due to high unemployment and low
and that due under the law. When a nurse, in contrast,
wages would fall as the economy grows. While not
accepts a bribe (‘speed money') to treat one patient
suggesting that this form of corruption be ignored
ahead of (or better than) another, it is the poorer
altogether, greater efforts at addressing the
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
impediments to growth of employment are likely toreduce supply-side corruption. The aboveaccompanied with reductions in the complexity ofregulations, lesser discretionary powers for decisionmakers, better monitoring and disciplining ofdefrauders, and better paid workers are likely toreduce supply-driven corruption. On the demandside, reducing rents might seem appropriate butindividuals and nations have little control over themagnitude and timing of these windfall gains. Thus,creating institutions that distribute rents when and ifthey materialise in a transparent and predeterminedmanner is likely to reduce rent-seeking activity. HongKong and Singapore are cases where corruptionreduction efforts have had considerable success.
With all this knowledge, were free trips by the
Marshallese politicians funded by their Chinesecounterparts bribes? If so, how can we avoid a repeat?
Helpful comments on an earlier draft of thisnote from Quentin Grafton, Ben Graham, CarlHacker and Steve Pollard are acknowledged,though the views expressed and any errors arethose of the author alone.
Bardhan, P.B., 2003. The economist's approach to
the problem of corruption, University ofCalifornia–Los Angeles (unpublished).
Fisman, R. and Svensson, J., 2000. Are corruption
and taxation really harmful to growth?, WorldBank, Washington, DC (unpublished).
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
Diagnosing the disease of corruption: what
different disciplines say about curing corruption
Corruption is often talked about as a disease. That
political concerns with corruption began much earlier.
metaphor suggests the possibility of a treatment, even
The exemplary model of the Independent Commission
cure. It also raises the question of diagnosis, or
Against Corruption (ICAC) was devised in the 1970s
misdiagnosis. What kind of a disease is it: a cancer,
and India's Vigilance Commission dates back to the
perhaps, or a virus, or merely indigestion? If it's the
1940s. Modern civil service systems partly reflect
first, the cure might be surgery. If it's the last, the cure
nineteenth-century reforms designed to reduce
might be an aspirin—or patience until it cures itself.
corruption in appointments and promotion. The
It's clearly important to get the diagnosis right, before
checks and balances in modern constitutions date back
a cure is prescribed.
to eighteenth-century concerns about the dangers of
There are many diagnoses of the causes of
self-interested ‘factionalism'. Concern about
corruption in popular opinion, newspaper editorials,
corruption is in many ways a foundational one for
in churches, mosques or temples and in professional
political science, or at least constitutional democracy:
doctrines. Some of these diagnoses are fatalistic.
how can we design things to stop leaders abusing their
Nothing much can be done about it. Or we must wait
for long-term social changes to reduce it. And some of
There is now also a small but growing body of
the remedies are quite utopian: zero tolerance, a
research that is sceptical of the effects of anti-
revolution or a change of heart. Many diagnoses are
corruption campaigns. Frank Anechiarico found that
paired with practical cures or treatments that follow
the new layers of supervision that followed each
logically from them. Equally, the diagnosis provides a
corruption scandal in New York were severely limiting
rationale for the cure. That cure might also serve other
the efficiency and effectiveness of the civil service. Ivan
purposes. Anti-corruption campaigns might serve as
Krastev and other scholars in Eastern Europe have
a form of social control, or a way to discredit political
found donor-sponsored anti-corruption campaigns
opponents. It might even be—as in the history of
inducing popular cynicism and populist styles of
medicine—that the cure is worse than the disease.
politics in which candidates trade accusations of
Here I want to identify a number of pairs of
corruption rather than debate policy.
diagnoses and recommended cures. In practical terms,my aim is to show that there are precedents andplausible alternatives to the diagnoses and cures
Classical diagnoses
currently on offer, and that older approaches are stillrelevant today. Behind these practical concerns is an
The phrase ‘who guards the guards' is attributed to
interest in the links between theory and practice
Juvenal, a poet of ancient Rome. Richard Mulgan (this
(appropriate to a public policy school like the one in
issue) points out that the earlier Greek philosophers
which I work) and the two-way street that runs
Plato and Aristotle had a dualistic world-view that
between them. The relationship between diagnosis
contrasted an ideal world truth and goodness with the
and cure is not direct and one-way. Cures might come
real world of change and decay. The ideal world was
before diagnosis, doctors have got medicine wrong
used as a standard against which to judge the real. All
in the past and anti-corruption campaigns might have
existing regimes were thus to some extent corrupt.
unintended side effects.
The Greeks also expected their leaders to be
There has been a sharp increase in international
wholly committed to the common interest. They were
attention to corruption since the 1990s and, for
expected to have no legitimate private interests
example, anti-corruption activity has become a plank
(whereas we now tolerate some kinds of private
in the Australian government's aid policy. Domestic
interests among leaders, as long as they declare them).
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
The Greek remedy for the inevitable corruption
According to Hong Kong's ICAC, officials with
of the real world was second best: the rule of law.
gambling debts will, for example, be more disposed
Any law, even if it favoured one group over another,
than others to corruption. Selection procedures can
was better than no law, as it limited the scope for
ask about an individual's ethical history, and training
ad hoc decisions. They also argued that the
programs can try to change predispositions. More
strongest source of political stability was a law-
generally, the talk of ‘moral individuals' points to the
abiding middle class, preoccupied with making
role of religious morality in predisposing officials
money, rather than aristocrats or the unemployed with
against corruption (and the question of alternative
time on their hands to cause mischief.
sources of authority for anti-corruption campaigns inmore secular societies, such as New South Wales).
Classical non-Western diagnoses
Public administration diagnoses and cures
The Greek philosophers provided the foundations formodern Western thought. They also influenced
Nineteenth-century municipal reformers in the United
Islamic thinkers. Syed Alatas cites the Muslim
States were worried about political involvement in
historian Ibn Kaldun (AD 1332–1406) diagnosing
appointments to the civil service and in the openings
corruption as caused by ‘loose living among the élite'.
it provided for incompetence. They saw the remedy
There was a quite separate tradition of Chinese
in an autonomous, professional civil service, drawing
thinking about corruption, turning on the distinction
a clear line between ‘politics' and ‘administration'.
between ‘laws' and ‘men'. The Chinese philosopher
The image of an autonomous, hierarchical civil service,
Wang an Shih (AD 1021–86) brought both sides of the
providing a career for officials motivated by an ethos
long-running Chinese debates together in the
of public service, animated civil service reforms at
argument that corruption was caused by bad systems
least until the 1980s, when it was shouldered aside by
and bad individuals. Both of these diagnoses have
advocates of the New Public Management. The latter
clear practical implications.
took a more sceptical view of official motivations and
The prohibition against ‘loose living' reminds me
a more benign view of the market.
of the booklet produced to explain Papua New
Nevertheless, the image of an autonomous
Guinea's leadership code to incoming Members of
professional civil service continues to be attractive to
Parliament. It showed cartoons of politicians receiving
civil servants (and to the officials in donor institutions
cash in brown envelopes, but also dancing with girls
who promote good governance abroad). Current
who didn't look like their wives. It points to the
‘capacity building' tends to follow an old ideal of an
executive car-park and the way ostentatious lifestyles
effective, impartial civil service, free from political
can provide clues to unofficial sources of income.
More generally, it reminds us of the way successful
The public administration diagnosis tends to be
leaders often cultivate personal modesty, and the
of weak and ineffective institutions, a lack of
corruption of
nomenclatura behind the sober exteriors
separation between public and private matters and
of communist leadership. It also points to the populist
politicians ruling outside the law. Its characteristic
anger at elite immorality that sometimes lies behind
remedies include various kinds of insulating and
campaigns against corruption.
strengthening institutions. Personnel, auditing and
Modern anti-corruption practice tends to
contracting functions need to be insulated from
emphasise good systems over good individuals,
external interference. Outdated and contradictory
partly out of prudence. Members of non-
legislation needs to be modernised and courts and
governmental organisations (NGOs) taking on
anti-corruption agencies need to be strengthened.
powerful individuals are likely to face litigation, orworse. Transparency International's doctrinespecifically eschews the pursuit of bad individuals in
Political diagnoses and cures
favour of systemic and preventive approaches. Theseare contrasted with older approaches that targeted
Civil service reforms seek to reduce corruption by
individual rotten apples as a way of avoiding systemic
keeping politicians out of administration. They can
be extended to include lower-level elected officials,
Yet clearly individual predispositions will
treating them as if they were civil servants, meant to
determine how individuals respond to the
account properly for their travel and avoiding conflicts
opportunities an organisation presents them with.
of interest. But they do not speak directly to corruption
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
as a crime of the powerful, of those who can evade
privatisation and deregulation of telephone services
the laws because they ultimately make them. Or they
is a good example of the effects of ending monopolies.
might engage in what is sometimes called ‘policy
When only the government can install phones, there
corruption' or state capture, when laws are changed
are typically delays and opportunities for officials to
to suit particular powerful interests and individuals
extract bribes to install connections. When several
(as sometimes seems to happen with ‘mogul-friendly'
companies provide the service, none can extract a
media legislation in Australia).
bribe as ‘rent'. You tend not to hear of corruption in
A political diagnosis of corruption points to lack
the sale of mobile phones (though there might be
of accountability, authoritarian styles of leadership
plenty of new corruption in the allocation of mobile
and abuse of power. Its remedies typically include
phone licences to companies).
democratisation, a strong media, legislative oversight
The other elements of Klitgaard's formula are
of the Executive, codes of conduct governing the
more familiar. Discretion provides opportunities to
behaviour of politicians, campaign finance legislation
grant or withhold a service, or apply or exempt from
and a mobilised civil society ready to bring politicians
a charge, which provides officials with an opportunity
to account. Papua New Guinea's constitution is
to extort a bribe (again, it is the official rather than
influenced strongly by the political diagnosis.
the client who tends to get the blame—a reversal ofthe old civil service model). The third term,accountability, has become a panacea for all sorts of
Economic diagnoses and cures
ills of governance.
The remedies simply reverse the formula: end
The most influential new approaches to corruption
monopolies, reduce official discretion and increase
have come from economists and have been
accountability. These fit easily with programs of public
promulgated particularly by international
sector reform and good governance that international
organisations, including the NGO Transparency
institutions were promoting in the 1990s.
International, founded in 1993 to combat corruption
Liberalisation in some countries, however, seems
in international business transactions. Economists
to have increased the amount of corruption (for
used to be criticised for taking a non-judgmental
example, in India). And, looking back to the political
approach to corruption. Some argued that—in an
arguments for democracy, democratisation in some
over-regulated system—some corruption that
countries seems to have made no difference or has
‘greased the wheels' might be no bad thing. The
made things worse (for example, Russia and
economist most influential in shifting professional
Thailand). Gordon White coined the phrase ‘new
judgments was Susan Rose-Ackerman (1999). Robert
corruption' to describe these unwelcome and
Klitgaard's work, particularly his 1998
unexpected consequences of reform. The remedies
Corruption, challenged the assumption that nothing
were seen to lie in strengthened regulatory regimes
much could be done about it. Johan Lambsdorff
and property rights.
devised an index that provided the kind of data thateconomists needed (Lambsdorff 2006). Econometricwork by Daniel Kaufmann, in particular, has shown
Criminological diagnoses and remedies
the deleterious effects of corruption on development(World Bank 2006).
Economic and public administration approaches are
Klitgaard summarises his own approach in a
dominant in international organisations, but the
doctrines of domestic anti-corruption agencies tendto be located in older concerns with policing and
Monopoly + Discretion – Accountability = Corruption
criminal justice. The original ICACs were set up inresponse to police corruption, in Hong Kong and then
The new term in this diagnosis is ‘monopoly'—
NSW. NSW's ICAC is typically headed by a judge
the opposite of competition. It offers another way of
and the investigative side is staffed by former police.
thinking of the power of which corruption is an abuse.
Corruption is, after all, a crime in most
According to Klitgaard, it is the monopoly power of
jurisdictions (or at least some types of corruption, such
government that gives its officials the power to extort
as bribery, are criminalised). Angela Gorta, the ICAC's
bribes from their clients. Without that monopoly,
research director, reviewed the criminology literature
clients could go elsewhere, shopping around, until
for the light it might shed on corruption control
they get what they want without paying a bribe. The
(Independent Commission Against Corruption 2001).
Corruption and Anti-Corruption
First, crime depends on situation, not the fixed
of corruption need to be treated differently (it also
personality of the offender. There are no criminal
suggests a multi-disciplinary approach in ICACs
types. Second, people choose to commit crimes. They
against professional biases to work with one's own).
are often a matter of calculation rather than impulse.
Second, it suggests some scepticism about
Third, there are different types of crime: crimes against
professional and disciplinary doctrine that has been
property, crimes against the person, and so on. Fourth,
wrong in the past. Anti-corruption campaigners need
offenders try to justify and neutralise what they do,
to ask for systematic empirical evidence for the
to themselves and their accusers: ‘I did it for my
effectiveness of the remedies offered by particular
family', ‘pressure of work' and so on. Fifth,
professions or disciplines, rather than anecdotal
organisational factors affect whether crime takes
evidence for preconceptions. Unfortunately, there is
place: the presence or absence of opportunities, the
little systematic empirical evidence available on the
examples set by others, peer pressure and so on.
success or failure of anti-corruption policies and more
These findings from criminology have
is badly needed.
implications for a particular crime, or type of crime:corruption. The first suggests that everyone is capableof acting corruptly, in the right circumstances, so anti-
corruption campaigns must view all officials aspotentially corrupt (including those at the top, who
Alatas, S., 1990.
Corruption: its nature causes and
traditionally commissioned anti-corruption
functions, Avebury, Aldershot.
campaigns without making themselves subject to
Anechiarico, F. and Jacobs, J., 1996.
The Pursuit of
them). Second, if they decide to act corruptly it is
absolute Integrity: how corruption control makes
worth trying to understand why they did it (exercising
government ineffective, University of Chicago
suitable scepticism about the self-justifications they
Press, Chicago and London.
might offer). The third principle suggests we need to
Independent Commission Against Corruption, 2001.
take different approaches to different types of
Unravelling Corruption II—Exploring Changes in
corruption. Lumping all types together might obscure
the Public Sector Perspective 1993–1999, Research
important differences in incidence, seriousness and
Report, Independent Commission Against
remedies. Bribery of officials needs to be dealt with
Corruption, Sydney.
differently from political campaign financing, for
Klitgaard, R., 1988.
Controlling Corruption,
example. The fourth principle suggests investigators
University of California Press, Berkeley and Los
must be ready to challenge the self-justifying and
neutralising explanations that corrupt officials offer
Krastev, I., 2004.
Shifting Obsessions: Three Essays on
to explain their behaviour (low pay might be one of
the Politics of Anti Corruption, Central European
those). Finally, the organisational factor that the NSW
University Press, Budapest.
ICAC has taken most seriously is organisational
Lambsdorff, J., 2006. ‘Measuring corruption—the
culture: the expectations set by peers, particularly in
validity and precision of subjective indicators
induction routines, and the examples set by leaders.
(CPI)', in C. Sampford, A. Shacklock, C. Connors
New recruits to the police force, for example, were
and F. Galtung (eds),
Measuring Corruption,
typically told to forget what they had learned at police
college and join in corrupt activity, apparently
Rose-Ackerman, S., 1999.
Corruption and Government:
condoned by those at the top.
Causes Consequences and Reform, CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
White, G., 1996. ‘Corruption and market reform in
IDS Bulletin 27(2).
It is possible and instructive to identify other pairs of
World Bank, 2006. ‘A decade of measuring the
diagnoses and cures. Readers will be able to suggest
quality of governance: governance matters 2006:
others, from anthropology or psychology, perhaps, or
Worldwide Governance Indicators', World Bank,
different theological perspectives, or indigenous
Washington, DC.
traditions. But how does this approach help usunderstand corruption, and what can be done about it?
First, it suggests that there is no single right
approach. It offers a repertoire and the criminologicalapproach, in particular, suggests that different types
A Networked, Media-Rich Programming Environment to Enhance Technological Fluency at After-School Centers in Economically-Disadvantaged Communities Principal Investigators: Mitchel Resnick, MIT Media Laboratory Yasmin Kafai, UCLA John Maeda, MIT Media Laboratory Funded by National Science Foundation (Information Technology Research), 2003-2007
REVISIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA Papel del virus del herpes humano en la enfermedad periodontal. PEREA M, CAMPO J, ESCUDERO NAYRA, BASCONES A. Papel del Virus del Herpes Humano en la enferme-dad periodontal. Cient Dent 2006;3;3:197-204. The role of the human herpes in La enfermedad periodontal es una enfermedad the periodontal disease