300517 trinity oct 201

Edition No. 11
October 2011
FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK You might like to say the following prayer as you light yourcandle for your intention; Lord,
May this candle be a light for You to enlighten me in my
difficulties and decisions. May it be a fire for You to burn out of
me all pride, selfishness and impurity. May it be a flame for You
to bring warmth into my heart, towards my family, my
neighbours, and all those who meet me. Through the prayers of
Mary, virgin and mother, I place into Your care those I came to
remember especially .(name).
I cannot stay long here with You. In leaving this candle, I wish
to give You something of myself. Help me to continue my
prayer into everything I do this day.
Monday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction
As we begin October we resume our Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament each Monday from
after the 10.00am Mass till 7.00pm. There is a
rota of people signed up but there is always
room for more so take a look at the rota at the back of the church.
Welcome everyone to the October edition of Trinity News. I am This year, in preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress writing this piece for the newsletter the day after Dublin's which takes place in Dublin next June, we are concluding the fantastic win over Kerry in the All Ireland Football Final. If period of Adoration each Monday with Benediction of the
anything, the euphoria of the win is only beginning. As I said at Blessed Sacrament beginning at 7.00pm. Do take a few minutes
morning Mass this morning, it was great to wake up and realise from your day, ideally 30 minutes, to spend some time in the it wasn't a dream that Dublin won. The spirits of the people in presence of the Lord. It is wonderful to see so many people the City and county have been lifted by this win. We thank Pat making their way to or from the shopping centre, stopping into Gilroy and the Dublin squad for giving us these happy memories.
the church for some time of quite prayer.
The new votive candles
Feast of All Saints November 1st
The new votive candles at the shrines to the I know it is a bit ahead of schedule but our next Trinity News Sacred Heart and Our Lady are proving very will at the beginning of November so it will be too late to popular indeed. Many people have said that mention it then. The Feast of All Saints is a Holy Day of they prefer to light a real candle when praying Obligation and falls on the Tuesday 1st of November. The Mass for someone or for an intention. These candles times for the Feast day will be as follows: are a new design by an Irish company, St Killian Monday 31st Oct: Vigil Mass 7.30pm Church Candles (as seen on Nationwide) and Tuesday 1st Nov: Mass at 10.00am and 12.30pm only.
are self-cleaning. As each candle burns down, itfalls through the bottom to a reservoir of The annual Mass for those who died
water which extinguishes the candle wick and leaves the candle The annual Mass for those who have died during wax floating on the water so that it can be recycled. Of course, the past year will be celebrated on Friday 4th this only works if the candles are placed individually in the November beginning at 7.30pm. The next of kin of holders. Once or twice I have found that someone has placed a those who died will be receiving their invitation to second candle on top of a candle already in place. All this does the Mass during the month of October.
is extinguish the first candle and block the wax from reaching Have a great month, the reservoir below. So please, only one candle per holder andthe system will work perfectly.

Seán Mehlhorn R.I.P. Maura Mehlhorn and family would like to thank; the Parish Team - Fr. Eoin, Fr. Gary, Sr. Margaret & St. Mary,
the members of the Funeral Ministry Team and all the people in the local community for their kind thoughts on the sad passing
of Seán Mehlhorn in April of this year. Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Trinity Youth Service has reopened after the summer holidays. Some of our clubs have vacancies
for young people aged between 10 and 18. For further information on the clubs please contact
either Paul on 0868221235 or Liz on 0864008363. Alternatively you can contact us on the Office
at 01-8482812.
The Friends of St Doulagh's
Invite you to A Harvest Home. An Evening of Music &
Song To Celebrate Harvest. In St Doulagh's Church,
Malahide Road, Balgriffin. On Wednesday 12th
October 2011, At 7.30pm for 8.00pm. Admission *10*
(Including refreshments) Proceeds for the upkeep of
this Ancient church. Limited numbers of tickets
available. Payable in advance, first come, first served.
Phone 087-6711547 without delay to book your ticket or
email to [email protected]
Vocation Discernment Weekends 14th – 16th October 2011 11th – 13th November 2011 (Friday evening to Sunday after lunch) Meet 2nd,3rd & 4th Monday of the month in DonaghmedeHouse from 8.00 – 10.00pm.
and at other times by arrangement Young women, interested in learning about our contemplative way of life, are invited to a LADIES NIGHT OUT weekend of prayer and reflection - with sung Pieta House Ladies Night out is on again this year in liturgy, Eucharistic Adoration, conferences and the Lucan Spa Hotel. Date: Friday 21st October, 2011. opportunity to meet with sisters.
Time: 7.30pm start. 3 course evening meal with lots of Spot Prizes! Polish up the dancing shoes Ladies and get Contact: Sr Mairéad OP, Monastery of St ready to dance to the fabulous Wise Guys. Catherine of Siena, The Twenties, Drogheda, Tickets 50.00 each - available from Pieta House Co. Louth. Tel: 041 9838524; e-mail Ph; 601 0000. www.pieta.ie "Our Place, Real and Imaginary" with artist Elizabeth Archbold. Over 6 weeks children will develop the world of Our Place using their imaginations to create a Wintertime is fast approaching fantasy place of colour, sparkle and spectacle. ART CLASSES for 7-10 year olds. Saturdays 10.30am - 12pm Don't forget to put your clock back by 1 hour on (8th October – 19th November) in Donaghmede Library.
Saturday 29th October or strictly speaking at Places limited so booking essential. Ph: 848 2833 or email 2a.m. on Sunday 30th October.
POSTURE DURING THE MASSAs we, as a Parish Community journey towards the new English edition of the Roman Missal, which is to be introduced inAdvent 2011 and the International Eucharistic Congress in 2012, I think it appropriate that we examine the importance ofposture in Mass. The appropriate times during which we stand, sit or kneel during Mass were set 41 years ago in the 1970General Instruction on the Roman Missal. But across Ireland, and even from parish to parish in Dublin, we tend to fall backinto postures as used before 1970 and what we saw other people do as we were growing up.
We show our unity as an assembled people not only by our sung and said responses during Mass, but also externally. Weworship the Lord with our whole being; with our hands, feet and bodies as well as with our eyes, ears and mouth. Because oftheir unspoken power, gestures and posture in the liturgy deserve as much care as the words we use.
God calls us together as members of Christ's body, as members of an organic whole and not as disparate individuals.
Therefore, a Christian assembly that believes ‘with one heart and soul' (Acts 4:32) adopts common postures as signs of itsunity in worship. These postures both express and foster the spiritual attitude of those taking part.
There are many actions and gestures that we do together during Mass: we make the Sign of the Cross, we stand to pray, sit tolisten, bow to show reverence, we move forward to present gifts and to receive, we exchange the sign of peace.
When Mass begins we stand. We stand up to greet people, to honour someone important, to express our readiness for action,and (especially at sporting events) when gripped by excitement! For example, we stand when the national anthem is played.
In terms of the Eucharist we stand before God as a Resurrection People, lifted up to greet our Risen Lord, called to stand in
God's presence and serve through the celebration of the Eucharist – a Priestly People fully engaged in the liturgical action. In
this way, standing reflects the assembly at work actively given to participation.
There are appropriate times during the Liturgy when standing reflects this reality. So when does the General Instruction onthe Roman Missal recommend we stand during Mass? To begin with we stand for the entire ‘Introductory Rite' - that is from the beginning until we respond ‘Amen' to the
Opening Prayer or Collect. (We can sit together if the Gloria is sung and then we stand again)
Then we sit to listen to God's word.
The next time we stand is at the Gospel acclamation to greet the Lord's words in the Gospel. After it is proclaimed we sit.
We stand together for the Profession of Faith and the Prayer of the Faithful. Then we sit as the gifts of bread and wine are
We stand at the Prayer over the Gifts and for the preface of the Eucharistic Prayer (the reason why we are giving thanks and
praise) until the end of the ‘Sanctus' – the Holy, Holy. Then we KNEEL for the remainder of the Eucharistic Prayer.
We stand to pray the ‘Our Father' together, and right through until after the Lamb of God. Then we KNEEL as we are shown
the Body and Blood of the Lord and respond: ‘Lord I am not worthy…'
After receiving Holy Communion, we may sit or kneel in silent thanksgiving.
Finally we stand for the ‘Prayer after Communion', the Final Blessing and Hymn.
Another important element during Mass is sacred Silence. Silence allows us to truly listen to the Lord, to hear what's going onin our hearts and minds and to gather on a deeper level. This should especially happen after the priest says ‘Let us Pray'before the Opening Prayer/Collect and before the ‘Prayer after Communion'. This silence only takes a few seconds but cangreatly help our prayer. Just as in any piece of music, we need silence in which to hear the separate notes.
I hope this newsletter highlights and helps you to appreciate the importance of Posture and silence. We will put it intopractice at all Masses.
Fr Damian McNeice PC and Master of Ceremonies to the Archbishop
46th Dublin Venture Unit – NEW MEMBERS The 46th Dublin (Trinity) Venture Unit meet on a Thursday evening in the Scout Centre in Donaghmede from 8 – 9.30pm.
We are currently recruiting new members between the ages of 15-18. If you were previously a scout or would like to discover the new challenges and experiences that scouting has to offer please contact Pat Paisley on 086/664 3240 for more information.
Diocesan Summer Appointments 2011 FROM Parish / Chaplaincy TO Parish / Chaplaincy BEHAN, Larry CC, Booterstown BRAY HR / BRAY QP / BALLYWALTRIM as Moderator BELTON, Liam PP VF, Kilquade GREYSTONES and KILQUADE as PP BRACKEN, John CC, Foxrock KILMACUD AND MT. MERRION as CC CAHILL, Eamonn, From Sabbatical FINGLAS WEST as Administrator CLAFFEY, Patrick SVD PC, Haddington Road HADDINGTON ROAD as CC COLCLOUGH, Robert CC, Sandyford BRAY HR / BRAY QP / BALLYWALTRIM as Co-PP COLLINS, Michael CC, Blackrock HADDINGTON ROAD as CC CONNOLLY, Joe PP, Finglas West DONABATE as PP (effective 1 Dec 2011) CONWAY, Edward PP, Blackrock BLACKROCK as PC (Retired as PP) COYLE, Paul CC, Maynooth DARGAN, Neil, From Killaloe Diocese CABRA/C. WEST/PHIBSBORO as Co-PP DEASY, John Co-PP, Crumlin Team CRUMLIN/CLOGHER RD/MOURNE RD as Team Assistant(Retired as Co-PP) DEIGHAN, Gerard, Adm Pro Tem, Harrington Street HARRINGTON STREET as Chaplain to Latin Mass and CC DELANY, John PP, VF, Ballymun Road BLACKROCK as Administrator DOLAN, Martin CC, Francis Street FRANCIS STREET as Administrator Pro Tem DORAN, Joseph CC, Kilmacud KILBRIDE AND BARNDARRIG as CC DOYLE, Derek, From Sabbatical SPRINGFIELD/BROOKFIELD/JOBSTOWN as Co-PP DOYLE, Gerard CC, Springfield SPRINGFIELD/BROOKFIELD/JOBSTOWN as Co-PP ENNIS, John CC, Jobstown DONNYCARNEY as CC FERRIS, John CC, Swords DUNDRUM/BALLINTEER/MEADOWBROOK as Co-PP FERRY, Manus msc KILLINARDEN as PP (effective 12/9/2011) GAYNOR, Harry CC, Navan Road GLEESON, Padraig, Chaplain - DIT, Bolton Street HALPIN, David CC, Kilnamanagh-Castleview HEALY, Peter CC, From Sabbatical ARTANE PARISH as CC HERRON, Frank PP, Springfield FOXROCK PARISH as Administrator HILLIARD, Alan From Mary Immaculate, Limerick DIT, BOLTON STREET as Chaplain and BLANCHARDSTOWN, PC HOGAN, Martin Team Assist, Clontarf Parishes CLONTARF PARISHES as Co-PP HUGHES, Martin PC, Brookfield SPRINGFIELD/BROOKFIELD/JOBSTOWN as Team Assistant KAVANAGH, Hugh PP, Brookfield SPRINGFIELD/BROOKFIELD/JOBSTOWN as Co-PP KENNY, Colm CC, Finglas BALLYMUN ROAD as Administrator KENNY, Paul PP,Greystones HARRINGTON STREET as Administrator KOMBANATHOTTATHIL, Binoy Mathew SVD ARKLOW/CASTLETOWN as CC (From Order for one year) LARKIN, Jimmy CLONSKEAGH LLOYD, Enda PP EV, Bray HR BRAY HR / BRAY QP / BALLYWALTRIM as Co-PP LYNCH, Owen, From Sabbatical McCARTHY, Thomas Co-PP, Clontarf Parishes CLONTARF PARISHES as Team Assistant McGLYNN, Fergus Team Assistant, Ballyfermot SANDYFORD as Co-PP, Effective date pending McILRAITH, Cormac Moderator, Clontarf Parishes BOOTERSTOWN as CC Effective 1/12/2011 McKINLEY, Pat CC, Donnycarney SPRINGFIELD/BROOKFIELD/JOBSTOWN as Moderator McKITTRICK, Brian CC, Ballymun McMANUS, Patrick Co-PP, Clontarf Parishes CLONTARF PARISHES as Moderator McNAMARA, John PP, Brackenstown LEIXLIP as Administrator MOORE, Gerry CC, Balbriggan SANDYFORD as Co-PP MURPHY, Barry PP, Sandyford BRACKENSTOWN as PP O'BRIEN, John PP, Ballywaltrim NAVAN ROAD as Administrator O'BYRNE, Paddy PP, Donabate KILMACUD AND MT. MERRION as CC O'KELLY, Michael Moderator, Ballyfermot KILQUADE as CC, Effective date pending O'SULLIVAN, Andrew CC, Mount Merrion SANDYFORD as Moderator O'DONNELL, Hugh OFM, PC, Ballywaltrim BRAY HR / BRAY QP / BALLYWALTRIM as Team Assistant POWER, Tony CC, Ballygall EDENMORE-GRANGE PARK as CC REILLY, Patrick O.Praem, CC, Donabate DONABATE Adm until 1 Dec 2011 ROTHERY, Colin CC, Bray Holy Redeemer KILNAMANAGH/CASTLEVIEW as CC SHEERAN, James CC, Artane SHIELS, Michael Adm, Francis Street SWEENEY, Paddy PC, Ballyfermot BALLYMUN ROAD as PC TYRRELL, Paul CC, Haddington Road CRUMLIN/CLOGHER RD/MOURNE RD as Co-PP WHELAN, Joseph Co-PP, Dundrum/Ballinteer/Meadowbrook BRAY HR / BRAY QP / BALLYWALTRIM as Co-PP WHITE, Larry PP, Bray CLONTARF PARISHES as Co-PP RETIRED:- CASSIDY, Seamus P.P. (Retired), HOLAHAN, Ciaran P.P. (Retired), MARTIN, Val P.P. (Retired), MORAN, John P.C. (Retired),O'DRISCOLL, Philip C.C. (Retired) ,RETIRED AS PARISH PRIEST : - CONWAY, Edward P.P. (Retired to Parish Chaplain), DEASY, John Co-PP (Retired to Team Assistant) SABBATICAL:- HURLEY, Michael, NEYLON, Finbarr Team Assist.
Fire Safety at Halloween
Each year, Accident and Emergency departments are filled with children who receive horrific and painful
injuries as a result of the misuse of fireworks and bonfires. Find out about Dublin City Council Halloween
Tips for a Safe Halloween:
Download our Bonfire Safety Leaflet
✹ If you see material such as pallets, tyres and old furniture being hoarded in advance of Halloween please contact the phone line 1800251500 or by email to [email protected] ✹ Do not leave material lying around that may be taken for a bonfire; many garage or garden shed items such as petrol, white spirits, diesel, aerosols, batteries, tins of paint, bottles and tyres areextremely dangerous if set on fire ✹ Do not facilitate illegal bonfires or firework displays on or near your home or property ✹ Contact the Local Authority if you see a bonfire being built or lit close to buildings, trees, overhead cables, underground services or car parking areas ✹ Explain the dangers of illegal fireworks and bonfires to children and teenagers ✹ Stay a safe distance from bonfires and fireworks – wind can carry sparks long distances and can cause permanent injuries ✹ Stay with your children and escort them on "trick or treat" visits, parties and events ✹ Keep dangerous substances such as oil, petrol and diesel away from fires or fireworks ✹ Parents, businesses and householders – Do not provide any materials for bonfires ✹ Do not buy, use or supply fireworks ✹ Respect the work of the Emergency Services, Council Staff and the Garda ✹ Keep pets indoors on Halloween night ✹ Above All – Be Safe and Stay Safe For more information: Dublin Fire Brigade Headquarters, 165-169 Townsend Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 673 4000Fax: (01) 673 4085 or Email: [email protected] PRIDE OF PLACE ALL IRELAND COMPETITION August 17th, 2011 was an historic day for Donaghmede Estate residence. After months of planning and preparation the judges ofthe All Ireland Price of Place competition arrived on that beautiful morning to assess the Donaghmede Estate entry, chosen byDublin City Council in April 2011. All aspects of a communities activities are taken into account in the judging and the Estatelooked immaculate for the occasion, thanks to all the work of our dedicated DERA Team, residence, volunteers, DonaghmedeShopping Centre and business community, who toiled so hard to achieve the best results in the days and weeks beforehand. Notforgetting the advice and participation of the staff of various sections of Dublin City Council. Competition results are expected inNovember. Just some of the photos taken during the judging are shown here.
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PAT & SON'S GARDEN SERVICES All types of trees expertly felled & Pruned – Trees Removed – Unit 2, Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Gardens Renovated, Shaped & Designed Local family business Overgrown gardens restored – Tel: 8476869 Fax: 8478111 supporting Irish jobs. Beds Weeded & Cleaned MULCH OR TOP SOIL SUPPLIED – Selling Irish Beds PATIOS – FENCING Garden Sheds Cleaned Out – 1lb. sausages with every ham joint Knocked & Removed Keenest Rates for O.A.P'S – purchased on production of this Donaghmede Shopping Cut out and hand in to staff.
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areas covered (Beside the Ardlea Inn,)
Grange Community College – not just for teenagers! Parish Mission Statement This year Grange Community College is running two We, as members of Holy Trinity Parish,
initiatives with their Transition Year Students (TYS) that strive to be a community,
you may be interested in: United in our Catholic Faith,and strengthened
(1) The Log on and Learn initiative is where TYS will teach
by prayer, worship and service.
adults aged 55+ computers on a weekly basis. The adults We accept our call to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
progress at their own pace, starting with the basics and Working to serve all with justice, peace and love,
with the help of their TYS they then move on to learn how In the name of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
to send an email, browse the internet etc. This is great wayof learning a new skill in a fun environment and a greatopportunity for you to connect with a younger generation.
(2) Grange Community College are also doing a bit of work with Friends of the Elderly this year too and some of our
V. Rev. Eoin McCrystal, P.P.
Rev. Gary Darby O.S. Cam., C.C.
TYS hope to reach out to elderly people who live alone in 12 Grangemore Grove 41, Grangemore Grove the parish. They also plan to do some research and do a short biography of local people who live in the Donaghmede-Clongriffin-Balgriffin parish. Would you beinterested in coming in to talk to us and work with a small Sr. Margaret Davis, F.M.M.
group of TYS? Or do you live alone and would you like Sr. Mary Dunne, F.M.M.
Mon to Fri 9.30 am - 12.30 pm some help from our Transition Year Students? If you are 36 Grange Abbey Drive Secretary Clare Browne interested in any of the above please contact the school Secretary Tamine Byrne chaplain Catherine Clarke on 847 1422 Extension 111. We look forward to hearing from you.
Parish Child Protection
Martin O'Reilly & Declan Murphy,
Tracey Ginty & Donald Cullen, Jessica
O'Toole & Joseph Moran, Nicola Ryan &
Luke Warren, Joanne McCarthy & Gareth Lee,
Diane Lehany & Michael Broderick.
6.30 p.m. (Vigil Mass) (Choir) Home visit with members of the Children Baptised Baptism Preparation Team. 2 months notice required for Baptism Bookings.
during the months of 9.30 a.m.11.00 a.m. (Music Group)12.30 p.m. (Family Mass) Celebration of Baptism
August & September: 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month Jack Kenneth Newman Lennox & Alfie Ray Newman Lennox, Nathaniel Desmond Ziolkowski, Madison All Baptisms are booked by phoning Megan O'Brien, Dara Cian Ó Branagáin & Ronan Cillian By arrangement with Local Clergy or calling to the Parish Office Ó Branagáin , Henry Anthony O'Dowd, Millie Rae Ryan, Lara Connor, Kayleigh Philomena Yeates Gallagher, Cian Joseph Cunningham, Dylan David Whelehan & Saturday after the 10.00 a.m.
Minimum 24hr notice required.
Ava Maria Ward.
and 6.30 p.m. Masses Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place 1st Eucharistic Dates:
each Monday after the 10am morning mass until 7pm and will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
St. Kevin's School We offer our sympathy to the families St Francis of Assisi of those recently deceased in our parish We are awaiting instruction from Archbishop's House regarding a Tony Loakman: Ardara Avenue.
Celebrant for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will be informingparents of this date as soon as we receive it.
Closing date for articles & photos for
November issue is 15th October.
Typeset and Designed by FPC Graphics Limited, 892 8009. Printed by Jameson Print, 086 243 7275.

Source: http://holytrinityparish.ie/files/trinity-news-2011-10.pdf


Acne Pathway (January 2015) Key Points:  Encourage patient self-care and check for aggravating factors.  Mild and moderate acne with low risk of scarring, prescribe a single topical treatment (either topical retinoid or benzoyl peroxide. Combined treatment is rarely necessary). For mild acne, benzoyl peroxide based treatments are available over the counter (OTC) from local community pharmacies.


Apple - 1 mediumBeetroot - 1 mediumCarrots - 8 mediumCelery - 2 stalk, largeSpinach - 3 cup Process all ingredients in your Optimum 400 Juicer, shake or stir and serve. Apples - 2 mediumCelery - 2 stalk, largePears - 2 mediumSweet Potato - 1, 5 inches long Process all ingredients in your Optimum 400 Juicer, shake or stir and serve. 03. FRESH BEET CARROT APPLE & GINGER JUICE