

Resolution of Severe Constipation, Vomiting and Leg
Pain in a Child Undergoing Subluxation Based
Chiropractic Care: A Case Report
Michael Mills, D.C.1 & Joel Alcantara, D.C.2
Objective: To describe the chiropractic care of a 6-year-old male with complaints of chronic constipation, daily vomiting
and "growing pains".
Clinical Features: The patient's constipation began at 2 years of age and has been under medical care since. Standard
physical examination and endoscopic examinations revealed a "small stomach ulcer." Prescription medication since age 4
years involved 3 caps of Miralax at three times daily, Exlax one time per day, 10mg capsules of Lasoprizole once per day
and Periactin to stimulate hunger. With respect to the patient's leg pain complaint, the patient's mother indicated that her
son had recently complained of leg pain without cause and denied any history of trauma to her son's legs. Chiropractic
examination revealed sites of spinal and extraspinal subluxations.
Intervention and Outcomes: The patient was cared for with adjustments characterized as high velocity, low amplitude
thrusts. The patient attended a total of 8 visits in a period of 3 weeks. Resolution of the patient's constipation, vomiting
and leg pain complaints were the outcome.
Conclusion: A pediatric patient with chronic constipation, vomiting and "growing pains" experienced subjective and
objective improvements in symptoms under chiropractic. Further research is recommended to examine the effectiveness
of chiropractic care as described in similar patients.
Key words: Constipation, growing pains, children, vertebral subluxation, chiropractic, vomiting
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in
present with more than one problem/complaints or previous
the pediatric population continues to grow; particularly in
diagnosis9-10 In this regard, we describe in this case report the
those children with chronic conditions such as cancer1,
positive outcomes of a child presenting for chiropractic care
asthma,2 ADHD,3 diabetes,4 ear-nose-throat infections5 and
with chronic constipation despite continued medical care and
irritable bowel disease6 to list a few. Of the practitioner-based
leg pain of unknown origin.
CAM therapies, chiropractic is the most popular and highlyutilized for children.7-8
Case Report
Children present to chiropractors for both musculoskeletal and
non-musculoskeletal problems and its not unusual that they
The patient, a 6-yr-old male, was presented by his mother forchiropractic consultation and possible care with a chief
Private Practice of Chiropractic, Kittanning, PA
Research Director, International Chiropractic PediatricAssociation, Media, PA & Chair of Pediatric Research,Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, CA
J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - November 14, 2013
complaint of constipation and a secondary complaint of leg
leg raise test, Valsalva's test, Kemp's test and Minor's sign)
pain. With respect to the patient's primary complaint, the
were negative. With respect to the leg pain, the patient was
constipation began at 2 years of age and has been under
observed to be able to walk normally without any pain or
medical care since. The mother indicated from the onset of
discomfort. No abnormalities were detected (i.e., restriction
chiropractic consultation that they were seeking an alternative
and/or asymmetry) on active ROM analysis of the joints of the
approach to her child's care given the chronicity of his
hip, knee and ankle, bilaterally. Digital palpation of the soft-
problem. History examination revealed that the patient was
tissue elements of the aforementioned joints did not result in
currently being treated at a nearby Children's Hospital. In
reported tenderness or signs of pain and discomfort.
addition to the standard physical examination, endoscopicexamination of the patient's lower and upper gastrointestinal
Intervention & Outcomes
tract revealed a "small stomach ulcer." Otherwise, nopathologies were revealed to explain an organic cause to the
The patient's mother was apprised of the examination findings
and consented to a trial of chiropractic care at three times perweek for 6 weeks.
At the time of chiropractic consultation, the patient was onprescription medication since age 4 years with the following: 3
On the second visit, the patient received care utilizing the
caps of Miralax at three times daily, Exlax one time per day,
Diversified Technique characterized as high velocity, low
10mg capsules of Lasoprizole once per day and Periactin to
amplitude thrusts to sites of spinal and extraspinal
stimulate hunger. Prior to prescribed medication, the patient's
subluxations. At this visit, left sacroiliac joint dysfunction
attending medical physician recommended a high fiber diet
(i.e., assessed as a Posterior Inferior (PI) ilium) and sacral
with increased fluid intake (i.e. Gatorade and water).
malposition (i.e., assessed as a base posterior) were adjusted
According to the patient's mother, the medication to address
with the patient in the side posture position. An upper cervical
her son's constipation resulted in one bowel movement per day
spine subluxation assessed as ASRP of the atlas was adjusted
that was characterized as "very hard and painful" with the
with the patient supine.
stools described as the "size of blueberries." Overall, thepatient experienced only "two good bowel movements" per
On subsequent visits, the patient was cared for similarly with
HVLA-type adjustments. On the third visit, the patient wasplaced on probiotic supplements to address possible
In addition to the endoscopic examinations, the patient's
compromised microflora due to a history of antibiotic use. It
mother recalled a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of her
was also at this visit that the patient's mother reported that her
son's gastrointestinal tract with negative findings. At the time
son was having bowel movements on a daily basis.
of presentation, the patient weighed only 35 lbs. The
Furthermore, these bowel movements were no longer painful
noticeable lack of weight gain on the part of the patient was
as was initially characterized prior to chiropractic care. By the
attributed by his mother to the patient vomiting "on most
patient's sixth visit, the patient's mother indicated that since
mornings" and then "he would feel better." The mother
her son was responding to the chiropractic care so well, she
described that upon waking, her son would immediately feel
decided to self-withdraw all of the patient's medications. On
the need to vomit and run to the bathroom to do so.
the 7th visit, the patient's appetite was described as "better"and was eating "much better."
With respect to the patient's leg pain complaint, the patient'smother indicated that her son had recently complained of leg
By the 8th visit and 17 days since initiating care, the patient
pain without cause and denied any history of trauma to her
gained 4 lbs. The patient continued to improve with continued
chiropractic care. Following the 10th visit and almost 3 weekssince initiating chiropractic care, the patient's mother decided
to withdraw her son from care due to resolution of thepatient's constipation. The leg pain also resolved with
On physical examination, visual inspection of the patient's
chiropractic care with the mother stating that her son had not
posture revealed a head tilt to the right and an elevated right
had any problems with his legs since.
hypertonicity of the paraspinal musculature at the C1-C4
Long-term follow-up at 15 months since the patient's last visit
vertebral levels (bilaterally), from T8-L1 vertebral levels
was performed. The patient's mother reported that her son's
(bilaterally) and from L2-L5 vertebral levels (bilaterally). Signs
appetite was voracious with the patient eating double lunches
of inflammation (i.e., erythema) were also notable at the
at school and reported to weigh 56 pounds. She stated that the
paraspinal muscles and most notably at the C1-C4 vertebral
previous year prior to chiropractic care, her son had missed 45
levels (bilaterally), at the T7-T10 vertebral levels (bilaterally)
days of school. At the year of receiving chiropractic care, the
and from the L3-L5 vertebral levels, bilaterally. Active range of
patient had missed only missed 2 days of school. The patient
motion (ROM) examination findings are shown in Table 1 for
was reported to be independent of all prescribed medications
the cervical and thoracolumbar spine.
for constipation and was "doing great."
Orthopedic testing was positive with the iliac compression test
on the left side. All other orthopedic tests performed (i.e.,cervical
Constipation is defined as "a delay or difficulty in defecation,
compression test, shoulder depression test, cervical spine
present for two or more weeks, sufficient to cause significant
distraction, Soto Hall test, straight leg raise testing and double
distress to the patient."11 Approximately 30% of children
J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - November 14, 2013
between the ages of 6-12 years are reported as suffering from
of an infant with constipation.19-20 Alcantara and Mayer21 also
constipation in any given year and constitutes an estimated 3-
reported a case report on the topic with review of the existing
5% of physician visits by children.12-13 Consistent with the
literature at that time. We encourage the reader to access the
child reported in this case report, the problem first appears at
article published in this Journal for an assessment of the
the age of 2-4 years.14 Although not a problem in the child
existing literature on this subject.
reported, encopresis is associated with 35% of girls and 55%of boys suffering from constipation.15
With respect to the patient's leg pain complaints in this casereport; as described, no physical examination findings were
For children presenting to chiropractors with a chief complaint
remarkable to attribute a cause to the child's leg pain
of constipation; more often is the complaint as a result of
complaint. Barring for the possibility of a positive laboratory
functional constipation rather than due to an organic cause.
testing (i.e., juvenile arthritis), we cannot completely rule out
Given this common pediatric presentation in chiropractic
other diagnostic possibilities beyond growing pains. The lack
offices, awareness of the "red flags" for the presence of a
of physical examination findings strongly point to this
pathologic condition cannot be overstated (see Table 2). The
diagnosis of exclusion. Although the child was cared for
findings from the history and physical examination are key to
throughout the spine, adjustments specifically to the
lumbosacral spine may have provided the salutary effects to
the "growing pains."
On physical examination, the anatomic position and patency
In support of this hypothesis, we refer the reader to the article
of the child's anus may provide some telltale signs. The
by Alcantara and Davis.22 In a case series presentation, the
presence of a pilonidal dimple or tuft of hair, absent anal wink
authors described the successful care of a 2¾-yr-old female
or cremasteric reflex or a decrease in lower extremity muscle
and 3½-yr-old male with "growing pains." Just as in the case
tone, strength or deep tendon reflexes may be pathognomonic
presented, the parents of both children denied trauma or an
of a spinal cord disorder such as tethered cord syndrome,
"organic" cause to their children's pain complaints. Spinal
myelomeningocele, or spinal cord tumor.12 If an organic cause
segmental dysfunctions were noted in both patients at the
is suspected by the chiropractor, a medical referral is the most
lumbosacral spine.
appropriate course of action with continued chiropractic care.
It is our contention that there are benefits to chiropractic care
Alcantara and Davis22 proposed a new etiology to growing
for the child with constipation and beyond their presenting
pains that expands upon the anatomic etiology, abeit from a
clinical complaint such as improvement in sleep, improvement
chiropractic perspective (see Table 3). The authors proposed
in immune function and in behavior.16
that given the biomechanical relationship between the spine,the pelvis and lower extremities,
pelvic (innominate)
In a study on the use of CAM by children with inflammatory
misalignment may result in abnormal activation of pelvic and
bowel disease (IBD) compared to children with chronic
constipation, Wong et al.17 found that among the constipation
sclerotogenous referral) to the lower extremities.
sufferers, 23% reported using at least 1 type of CAM therapy.
For both groups, the perceived benefit of CAM therapy was
In addition, sacroiliac joint involvement is a given and are
reported to be similar to the average perceived benefit of
known to have pain referrals to the lower lumbar spine,
standard medical therapies, which was 80%. The strong belief
buttock, groin, medial, lateral and posterior thigh and
on the effectiveness of CAM therapies for this patient
sometimes in the calf. For the child in such a situation, he or
population is a clear indicator that CAM use will not only
she may interpret these as "growing pains."
continue but grow.
In closing, we caution the reader on the lack of
It is established that one motivator or predictor for CAM use
generalizability of case reports in general and the case
was the associated side effects with allopathic medications.
reported in particular. Similar to other case presented in the
Add to this the added concerns of drug interactions with
literature; despite a temporal association and biological
various natural health products, chiropractic with its hands-on
plausibility in resolving the complaint of growing pains, our
approach makes it an attractive alternative care option for
cautionary advice is based on the possibility of bias.
chronic sufferers of constipation.
Lacking a control group, the unaccounted effects of natural
Recently, Rosado and Rectenwald18 reported on the successful
history, the role of placebo, regression to the mean, the
chiropractic care of a 9-month-old infant with constipation
demand characteristics of the clinical encounter, and
following cessation of breastfeeding. The case report was
subjective validation are confounders to making cause and
augmented with a selective review of the literature. Rosado
effect inferences with respect to the reported benefits from the
and Rectenwald18 described the chiropractic care of the infant
care received.
as Diversified Technique.
Following the child's first adjustment, her mother reported anincreased frequency of bowel movements. By the third week,
We described in a case report format the successful
the child's mother reported only occasional constipation. After
chiropractic care of child with long-standing constipation and
five months of care, the constipation problem had resolved.
a recent complaint of leg pain associated with possible
Prior to this publication, we are aware of only 2 other papers
growing pains. We encourage further research in this area to
describing the successful care
examine the possible benefits of chiropractic care in patients
J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - November 14, 2013
with similar complaints.
13. Loening-Baucke V. Chronic constipation in children.
This study was funded by the International Chiropractic
14. Rubin G. Constipation in children. Clin Evid 2004;11:
Pediatric Association and Life Chiropractic College West.
15. McGrath ML, Mellon MW, Murphy L. Empirically
complementary and alternative medicine in children with
16. Alcantara J, Ohm J, Kunz D. The safety and effectiveness
cancer: effect on survival. Pediatr Hematol Oncol.
of pediatric chiropractic: a survey of chiropractors and
parents in a practice-based research network. Explore
Philp JC, Maselli J, Pachter LM, Cabana MD.
Complementary and alternative medicine use and
17. Wong AP, Clark AL, Garnett EA, Acree M, Cohen SA,
adherence with pediatric asthma treatment. Pediatrics.
Ferry GD, Heyman MB. Use of complementary medicine
in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease:
Sawni A. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and
results from a multicenter survey. J Pediatr Gastrenterol
complementary/alternative medicine. Adolesc Med State
Art Rev. 2008;19(2):313-26.,
18. Rosado MR, Rectenwald RR. Resolution of chronic
Miller JL, Binns HJ, Brickman WJ. Complementary and
constipation in an infant undergoing chiropractic care: a
alternative medicine use in children with type 1 diabetes:
case report & selective review of literature. J Pediatr &
a pilot survey of parents.Explore (NY). 2008;4(5):311-4.
Matern Fam Wellness - Chiropr 2012 WIN; 2012(1): 22 –
Shakeel M, Little SA, Bruce J, Ah-See KW. Use of
complementary and alternative medicine in pediatric
19. Davis JD, Alcantara J. Resolution of chronic constipation
otolaryngology patients attending a tertiary hospital in the
in a 7 year old male undergoing subluxation based
UK. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2007;71(11):1725-30.
chiropractic care: a case report. J Pediatr & Matern Fam
Wong AP, Clark AL, Garnett EA, Acree M, Cohen SA,
Wellness - Chiropr 2011 FAL;2011(4):98-105.
Ferry GD, Heyman MB. Use of complementary medicine
20. Batte SB. resolution of colic, constipation and sleep
in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease:
disturbance in an infant following chiropractic care to
results from a multicenter survey.J Pediatr Gastroenterol
reduce vertebral subluxation. J Pediatr & Matern Fam
Wellness - Chiropr 2010 WIN; 2010(1): 1 – 5.
Barnes PM, Bloom B, Nahin RL. Complementary and
21. Alcantara J, Mayer DM. The successful chiropractic care
alternative medicine use among adults and children:
of pediatric patients with chronic constipation: A case
United States, 2007. Natl Health Stat Report. 2008;(12):1-
series and selective review of the literature. Clinical
Nahin RL, Barnes PM, Stussman BJ, Bloom B. Costs of
22. Alcantara J, Davis J. The chiropractic care of children
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and
with "growing pains": a case series and systematic review
frequency of visits to CAM practitioners: United States,
of the literature. Complement Ther Clin Pract.
2007. Natl Health Stat Report. 2009;(18):1-14.
Alcantara J, Ohm J, Kunz D. The chiropractic care ofchildren. J Altern Complement Med. 2010;16(6):621-6.
10. Alcantara. The presenting complaints of pediatric patients
for chiropractic care: Results from a practice-basedresearch network. Clinical Chiropractic 2008; 11:193-198.
11. Baker SS, Liptak GS, Colletti RB, Croffie JM, Di
Lorenzo C, Ector W, et al. Constipation in infants andchildren: evaluation and treatment. A medical positionstatement of the North American Society for PediatricGastroenterology and Nutrition [published correctionappears in J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2000;30:109]. JPediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999;29:612-26.
12. Biggs WS, Dery WH. Evaluation and treatment of
constipation in infants and children. Am Fam Physician2006;73(3):469-77.
J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - November 14, 2013
Table 1. Active ROM examination findings for the patient's cervical and lumbosacral
Active ROM
Lumbosacral Spine
Right Lat Flexion
Table 2. Organic causes of constipation with possible diagnostic tests
Organic Causes of Constipation
Anorectal malformation
Physical examination
Chronic constipation
Physical examination and history*
No tests necessary*
At times: x ray of kidneys, urether, and
Colonic transit
Non-retentive faecal incontinence
Physical examination and history*
X ray of kidneys, urether, and bladder
Colonic transit
Hirschsprung's disease
Rectal biopsy*
Anorectal manometr y
Neuroenteric problem
Colonic transit
Colonic motility*
Rectal biopsy?
Spinal cord problem:
Physical examination
Magnetic resonance imaging*
Anorectal manometry?
Pelvic floor dyssinergia:
Anorectal manometry*
Metabolic, systemic problems:
Thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone*
Tests for coeliac disease*
Toxic (i.e., lead, drugs)
Toxic screen*
Cows' milk allergy
Elimination diet
Allergy testing
Reproduced with permission from: Rubin G, Dale A. Chronic constipation in children. BMJ 2006;333:1051-1055with permission from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - November 14, 2013
Table 3. Proposed etiologies for growing pains.22
Postural or orthopedic dysfunctions in the lower extremities results in pain.
Correction of dysfunction results in pain relief.17 Unfortunately, to date, the existingliterature demonstrates that poor posture and growing pains are not correlated.18
Metabolic waste accumulation in the lower extremities as a result of fatigue causesgrowing pains.19 This theory is supported by the parental observations of growingpains with physical activity in their child.
Since children with growing pain were found to have negative or intense mood,familial predisposition is thought to lead to increased susceptibility to pain.21
J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - November 14, 2013
2eme tour 2012 Voici le questionnaire du deuxième tour des Olympiades Suisses de Biologie OSB 2012. La réussitede cet examen sert de qualification à la semaine OSB et constitue ainsi un pas de plus vers une participationaux Olympiades Internationales de Biologie IBO 2012 qui auront lieu à Singapour. La participation estréservée aux élèves des gymnases suisses nés après le 1er juillet 1992 qui ont été qualifiés au premiertour. D'ici mi-février, nous contacterons les quelques 20 meilleurs candidats pour les inviter à la semaineOSB qui se déroulera du 10 au 15 avril 2012 à l'Université de Berne.
The Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol Approved by: American Academy of Neural Therapy and Institute of Neurobiology (Bellevue, WA, USA) Institute for Neurobiologie (Stuttgart, Germany) Academy for Balanced NeuroBiology Ltd (London, United Kingdom) This lecture was presented by Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. at the Jean Piaget Department at the University of Geneva, Switzerland Oct.2002 to physicians and dentists from Europe, Israel, several Arab countries and Asia Updated 1/06 What are Neurotoxins? Neurotoxins are substances attracted to the mammalian nervous system. They are absorbed by nerve endings and travel inside the neuron to the cell body. On their way they disrupt vital functions of the nerve cell, such as axonal transport of nutrients, mitochondrial respiration and proper DNA transcription. The body is constantly trying to eliminate neurotoxins via the available exit routes: the liver, kidney, skin and exhaled air. Detox mechanisms include acetylation, sulfation, glucuronidation, oxidation and others. Often the host is triggered to produce neurotoxins (which are damaging to their own tissues) by the invading microbes through molecular trickery. The liver is most important in the toxion elimination process. Here most elimination products are expelled with the bile into the small intestine and should leave the body via the digestive tract. However, because of the lipophilic/neurotropic nature of the neurotoxins, most are reabsorbed by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in the intestinal wall. The ENS has more neurons than the spinal chord. From the moment of mucosal uptake the toxins can potentially take four