
Genetics and Molecular Biology, 27, 4, 605-610 (2004) Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics. Printed in Brazil A genetic algorithm for the ligand-protein docking problem Camila S. de Magalhães1, Hélio J.C. Barbosa1 and Laurent E. Dardenne21Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil. 2Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Departamento de Mecânica Computacional, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil. We analyzed the performance of a real coded "steady-state" genetic algorithm (SSGA) using a grid-basedmethodology in docking five HIV-1 protease-ligand complexes having known three-dimensional structures. Allligands tested are highly flexible, having more than 10 conformational degrees of freedom. The SSGA was tested forthe rigid and flexible ligand docking cases. The implemented genetic algorithm was able to dock successfully rigidand flexible ligand molecules, but with a decreasing performance when the number of ligand conformational degreesof freedom increased. The docked lowest-energy structures have root mean square deviation (RMSD) with respectto the corresponding experimental crystallographic structure ranging from 0.037 Å to 0.090 Å in the rigid docking, and0.420 Å to 1.943 Å in the flexible docking. We found that not only the number of ligand conformational degrees offreedom is an important aspect to the algorithm performance, but also that the more internal dihedral angles arecritical. Furthermore, our results showed that the initial population distribution can be relevant for the algorithmperformance.
Key words: ligand-protein docking, flexible docking, genetic algorithms.
Received: September 22, 2003; Accepted: May 12, 2004.
rigid body molecules considering only the ligand With the increasing amount of molecular biological translational and orientational degrees of freedom (Ewing structures available, docking approaches have been very and Kuntz, 1997). Other docking algorithms also include important and useful tools in structure-based rational drug the ligand flexibility and account for the ligand discovery and design (Gane and Dean, 2000). For a pro- conformational degrees of freedom (Jones et al., 1997; tein/receptor with known three-dimensional structure, the Rarey et al., 1996). In the two docking classes above, the ligand-protein docking problem basically consists in pre- protein structure is fixed in the position of the experimental dicting the bound conformation of a ligand molecule within crystallographic structure. Docking large, highly flexible the protein active site. The docking problem is a difficult ligands is still a challenge for even the most sophisticated optimization problem involving many degrees of freedom, current docking algorithms (Wang et al., 1999), and adding and the development of efficient docking algorithms and the receptor flexibility remains a major challenge (Carlson methodologies would be of enormous benefit in the design and McCammon, 2000).
of new drugs (Marrone et al., 1997). One of the major prob- Genetic Algorithms are inspired in Darwin's theory lems in molecular docking is how to treat the protein and of evolution by natural selection and are powerful tools in the ligand flexibility, taking into account hundreds of thou- difficult search and optimization problems (Holland, 1975; sands of degrees of freedom in the two molecules. In the Goldberg, 1989).
last few years several docking programs have been devel- They have been shown to be a promising search algo- oped (Diller and Verlinde, 1999; McConkey et al., 2002).
rithm for the ligand-protein docking problems (Morris et Some docking programs treat the receptor and the ligand as al., 1998). The GA works with a population of individuals where each individual represents a possible solution for the Send correspondence to Camila Silva de Magalhães. Laboratório problem to be solved and, in ligand-protein docking prob- Nacional de Computação Científica, Departamento de Matemática lem, it is the position of the ligand with respect to the pro- Aplicada e Computacional, Av. Getúlio Vargas 333, sala 1A-24,25651-075 Quitandinha, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil. E-mail: camilasm@ tein. Therefore, a ligand conformation is represented by a chromosome constituted by real valued genes representing Magalhães et al. ligand translational, orientational and conformational de- conformational genes are the ligand dihedral angles (one grees of freedom. The individuals are evaluated by a fitness gene to each dihedral angle). The ligand-protein energy function, that is, the total interaction energy between the function used is the GROMOS96 (van Gunsteren and protein and the ligand molecule and the intramolecular Berendsen, 1987; Smith et al., 1995) classical force field ligand energy. Individuals in the population are selected for implemented in the THOR (Pascutti et al., 1999) program reproduction in accordance with their fitness, and undergo of molecular mechanics/dynamics. The force field parame- mutation and crossover reproduction operators, to generate ters are adjusted to reproduce experimental results (e.g., new individuals. In this paper, a non-generational also re- structural and thermodynamic properties) or higher level ferred to as steady-state GA (Whitley, 1995) is adopted. In ab initio quantum calculations (Brooks III et al., 1988). The a steady-state GA (SSGA) there is no separation between GROMOS force field is given by: consecutive generations of the population. Instead, each offspring is created and immediately tested for insertion in the population. In the following, the term generation will be Protein Ligand  rij Drij  LigandLigand rij associated with the creation of a single offspring (candidate ∑ k(1+ cos(ϖ θkk −θ0k)) solution) and its evaluation. The variable maxgen will thus denote the maximum number of objective function evalua- tions (which is equal to the total number of offspring gener- where rij is the distance between the atoms i and j; Aijand Bij ated). A pseudo-code for the steady-state GA used here is are the Lennard-Jones parameters; qi and qj are atomic displayed as follows: charges and D is a sigmoidal distance-dependent dielectric constant (Arora and Jayaram, 1997).
Initialize the population P The first term of the equation corresponds to van der Evaluate individuals in P Waals interaction and electrostatic interaction between the Sort P according to the fitness value protein and the ligand molecule, and the last two terms cor- respond to the ligand internal energy interaction, which select genetic operator also have one term for van der Waals interaction and one select individual(s) for reproduction term for electrostatic interaction. The ligand-protein dock- apply genetic operator ing problem involves millions of energy evaluations, and evaluate offspring the computational cost of each energy evaluation increases select individual xi to survive
with the number of the atoms of the complex ligand-protein if xi is better than worst individual in P then
which has thousands of atoms. To reduce the computational remove worst individual from P cost, we implemented a grid-based methodology where the insert xi in P according to its rank
protein active site is embedded in a 3D rectangular grid and on each point of the grid the electrostatic interaction energy until stopping criteria are met and the van der Waals terms for each ligand atom type are pre-computed and stored, taking into account all the protein The SSGA differs from traditional GA basically by atoms. In this way the protein contribution at a given point applying only one operator and replacing only one individ- is obtained by tri-linear interpolation in each grid cell. A ual in each generation. In this work, we are interested in random initial population of individuals is generated inside testing the use of a SSGA using a grid-based methodology the grid. For translational genes, random values between in the rigid and flexible ligand docking cases. The algo- the maximum and minimum grid sizes are generated. For rithm performance is tested in five HIV-1 protease-ligand flexible docking, we also generated the initial population complexes with known three-dimensional structures. In all using a Cauchy distribution. The individual translational five tested complexes the receptor structure is assumed to genes are generated by adding a random perturbation be rigid. All ligands tested are highly flexible, having more (drawn from a Cauchy distribution) to the grid center coor- than 10 conformational degrees of freedom.
dinates. In this way individuals are generated with higher probability near the grid center, while still permitting that individuals be generated far from the center. The Cauchy distribution is given by: In the implemented SSGA the individual chromo- some has three genes representing the ligand translation, four genes representing the ligand orientation and the other π(β2 + (x−α2 )) genes representing the ligand conformation. The 0 − ∞ < x< ∞ translational genes are the X, Y, Z reference atom coordi- nates (usually the closest atom to the ligand center of mass), where α and β are Cauchy distribution parameters. In this the orientational genes are a quaternion (Maillot, 1990) work we used α = 0 and β = 0.75. For genes corresponding constituted by a unit vector and one orientational angle. The to angles (dihedrals and/or orientationals), random values

Genetic algorithms for flexible docking ranging from 0° to 360° are generated. Finally, for the flexible docking, initially one randomly decides if a genes corresponding to the orientational unit vector, ran- conformational gene will be mutated or not. Then a gene in dom values between -1 and 1 are used. The individuals are the chosen group (conformational or not) is randomly se- evaluated, and then are selected to suffer recombination or lected for mutation. In this way, the seven translational/ mutation. A rank-based selection scheme (Whitley, 1995) orientational genes have the same probability of being mu- was used. A new individual is inserted in the population if tated as the conformational ones.
its fitness is better than the fitness of the worst individual in the population. The algorithm evolves until the maximum number of the energy evaluations is reached. The reproduc- tion operators used are classical two-point crossover and We tested the algorithm with five HIV-1 protease- non-uniform mutation operators (Michalewicz, 1992). The ligand complexes where the structures were obtained from non-uniform mutation operator, when applied to an indi- the Protein Data Bank (PDB ID 1bve, 1hsg, 1ohr, 1hxw, vidual i at generation ngen, mutates a randomly chosen 1hxb). The ligands tested are shown in Figure 1. The lig- ands tested have conformational degrees of freedom rang- i according to the following: ing from 12 to 20 dihedral angles. The DMP323 ligand in ci + ∆(ngen, bi −ci ), if τ = 0 the HIV-1 protease active site is shown in Figure 2. The = ci +∆(ngen, ci −ai), if τ =1 grid was centered in the protein active site and we used a grid dimension of 23 Å in each direction and a grid spacing of 0.25 Å. The algorithm success is measured by the RMSD i ∈ (a i , b i ), ∆(ngen, y) = y(1- r (root mean square deviation) between the crystallographic where ai and bi are respectively the lower and upper bounds conformation (from the corresponding PDB file) and the for the variable ci, τ is randomly chosen as 0 or 1, r is ran- conformation found by the algorithm. A structure with a domly chosen in [0,1] and the parameter b set to 5. In the RMSD less than 2 Å is classified as docked and it is consid- Figure 1 - HIV-1 protease ligands: (a) DMP323, (b) Saquinavir, (c) Indinavir, (d) Nelfinavir and (e) Ritonavir. The ligands' dihedral angles are shown by
curved arrows. The right arrows show the ligands' reference atom. The more internal dihedral angles are the neighbors' angles to the reference atom.
Magalhães et al. and 0.7 for non-uniform mutation. The results are shown in In flexible docking tests, all terms of the energy are considered. We use a population of 1,000 individuals, 1,000,000 energy evaluations, and probability of 0.3 for two-point crossover and 0.7 for non-uniform mutation. We first tested flexible docking for DMP323 ligand with 10 and then with 14 dihedral angles (Table 2). The results for DMP323 flexible docking with and without the Cauchy distribution are shown in Table 2. For all other ligands, we used the same parameters together with the Cauchy distri- bution. The results are shown in Table 3. We also fixed two (three for the Ritonavir ligand) more internal dihedral an- gles (Figure 1). The results are shown in Table 4.
Figure 2 - The DMP323 ligand in the HIV-1 protease active site.
In the rigid docking analyses, satisfactory results ered a very good result. A structure with a RMSD less than were found. For all ligands tested the mean RMSD ranged 3 Å is classified as partially docked. The success rate is the from 0.046 Å to 0.099 Å. This is considered a very good re- number of conformations found with RMSD less than 2 Å sult in docking problems. The SSGA was able to find the corresponding crystallographic conformation in all 10 runs In rigid docking tests, we fixed the ligand dihedral an- for all ligands tested, with a success rate of 100%.
gles in the position of the crystallographic structure for all In the DMP323 flexible docking analyses, we can see ligands, and only translational and orientational move- that the inclusion of only four additional dihedral angles ments are applied to the molecule. The individual chromo- (Table 2) can interfere directly in the algorithm perfor- some has only the translational and orientational genes, and mance, decreasing the success rate from 100% to 30%, and the last two terms are not evaluated for the energy function.
increasing the mean RMSD from 0.373 Å to 6.812 Å. How- We use a population of 500 individuals, 200,000 energy ever, with the use of the Cauchy distribution in the initial evaluations, and probability of 0.3 for two-point crossover population the success rate returned to 100% and with a Table 1 - Rigid docking results.
Energy of lowest rmsd Success ratio4 (%) 1Energy (kcal/mol) and rmsd (Å); 2The parameters used were 10 runs, 500 individuals, 200,000 energy evaluations, two-point crossover (prob. = 0.3) and non-uniform mutation (prob. = 0.7); 3Mean in 10 runs; 4Percent of conformations found by the algorithm with rmsd < 2 Å. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.
Table 2 - DMP323 flexible docking results.
Initial population distribution Dihedral angles considered Energy of lowest rmsd Success ratio4 (%) 1Energy (kcal/mol) and rmsd (Å); 210 runs, 1,000 individuals, 1.0 x 106 energy evaluations, two-point crossover (prob. = 0.3) and non-uniform mutation (prob. = 0.7); 3Mean in 10 runs; 4Percent of conformations found by the algorithm with rmsd < 2 Å. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.
Genetic algorithms for flexible docking mean RMSD of 0.596 Å, with only 1,000,000 energy eval- there is a major dependence among the dihedral angles. In uations. This is a very good result considering that all 14 di- this sense we observed (see Table 4) that the more internal hedral angles are being considered, and that current dihedral angles are critical. This seems to be due to the fact docking programs use about 1,500,000 energy evaluations that small variations in internal dihedral angles may cause even in ligands with less conformational degrees of free- larger motions in the molecule than variations in the other dom (Morris et al., 1998). For all ligands tested the SSGA more external dihedral angles.
was able to find the corresponding crystallographic struc- The results obtained show the difficulty in dealing ture with RMSD less than 2 Å at least once in 10 runs. We with highly flexible ligands, i.e., containing many obtained a mean RMSD ranging from 3.585 Å to 5.755 Å conformational degrees of freedom. Moreover, the en- and a success rate ranging from 10% to 30% in finding closed active site of the HIV-1 protease is a considerable docked structures, and 10% to 60% in finding partially challenge for a docking program (Gehlhaar et al., 1995).
docked structures (Table 3). When we fixed two (three for The EPDOCK program had a success rate of 34% in find- the Ritonavir ligand) more internal dihedral angles (Figure ing the corresponding crystallographic structure of the 1) we found better results (Table 4). We obtained a mean AG-1343 HIV-1 protease ligand, with nine conformational RMSD ranging from 1.449 Å to 3.733 Å and a success rate degrees of freedom (Gehlhaar et al., 1995). Current dock- ranging from 20% to 90% in docked structures, and 50% to ing programs present a decreasing performance with the in- 90% in partially docked structures, with 10 to 17 ligand di- creasing number of conformational degrees of freedom hedral angles. The superior performance of DMP323, when considered (McConkey et al., 2002). The implemented compared to the others ligands, may be due to a minor de- SSGA demonstrated a good performance in docking rigid pendence among its dihedral angles and to the fact that its ligand molecules to molecular targets in a few minutes (us- correct conformation is placed in the center of the protein ing a Pentium III 800 MHZ), and may be used for screening active site; that is, privileged by using a Cauchy distribution compounds in large databases. The flexible docking meth- to generate the initial population. The other ligands have a odology needs to be improved. This may be done by de- more "open" geometry with larger arms and consequently signing new problem-specific operators that take into Table 3 - Flexible docking results using the Cauchy distribution.
Energy of lowest rmsd Success ratio4 (%) Success ratio (partially docked structures)5 (%) 1Energy (kcal/mol) and rmsd (Å); 210 runs, 1,000 individuals, 1.0 x 106 energy evaluations, two-point crossover (prob. = 0.3) and non-uniform mutation (prob. = 0.7); 3Mean in 10 runs; 4Percent of conformations found by the algorithm with rmsd < 2 Å; 5Percent of conformations found by the algorithm with rmsd < 3 Å. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.
Table 4 - Flexible docking results using the Cauchy distribution without the more internal dihedral angles.
Dihedral angles considered Energy of lowest rmsd Success ratio4 (%) Success ratio (partially docked structures)5 (%) 1Energy (kcal/mol) and rmsd (Å); 210 runs, 1,000 individuals, 1.0 x 106 energy evaluations, two-point crossover (prob. = 0.3) and non-uniform mutation (prob. = 0.7); 3Mean in 10 runs; 4Percent of conformations found by the algorithm with rmsd < 2 Å; 5Percent of conformations found by the algorithm with rmsd < 3 Å. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.
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Source: http://www.lncc.br/~hcbm/GMB27-4-605-610-2004.pdf


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