Laboratory of Animal Endocrinology and Tissue Culture, Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Zoology,
Jagiellonian University, 30-060 Krakow, Ingardena 6, Poland
The size and number small (Sc) and large (Lc) luteal cells and the steroids they secrete were
determined in porcine corpora lutea (CL) collected on days 1-3, 8-10 and 14-16 of the estrus cycle.
The cells were separated with the aid of Ficoll linear gradient. The size of Sc increased in middle-
luteal phase (MLP) in comparison with early luteal phase (ELP) and retained consistent value until
the end of the luteal phase (LLP). Lc increased in size with advancing luteal phase, their number
per CL being greater in MLP than in ELP but decreased in LLP. In contrast, the number of Sc
decreased in MLP in comparison with ELP and did not change in LLP. At the initial luteal phase
the majority of small cells did not show any histochemical reactivity for delta5-3ß-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase which then increased with luteal phase progress. Lc collected during ELP showed
5.7 times higher androgen secretion than Sc. A decrease of androgen secretion by Lc was observed
as the luteal phase progressed but it was three times higher in Sc than in Lc collected during LLP.
Both types of luteal cells produced estradiol even without the addition of substrates. Endogenous
estradiol content was always higher in Lc than in Sc. Moreover, estradiol secretion by both cell
types was higher in LLP than in MLP and ELP. These findings suggest that the view on granulosa
origin of Lc and theca origin of Sc as raised by others may be oversimplified. In appears that Sc
most likely undergo hypertrophy, but retain their prior phenotype and also that some Lc gradually
dedifferentiate to Sc as the corpus luteum ages.
Key words: Porcine Corpus Luteum Small and Large Luteal Cells Steroid Secretion
Progesterone Androgens Estradiol Tissue Culture
As in a variety of species, pig corpora lutea con-
Lc (CRAN 1983; ALILA and HANSEL 1984; FARIN et al.
sist of at least two morphologically distinguishable
1988) or that Lc gradually dedifferentiate to Sc
luteal cell types, which are assumed to be transformed
(FISCH et al. 1989; GREGORASZCZUK 1996) as the cor-
from follicular granulosa and theca cells (LEMON and
pus luteum ages. However, it remains unclear whether
LOIR 1977; LEMON and MAULEON 1982; BUHR 1987;
the conversion of Sc to Lc involves the differentia-
tion into other cell types or merely the hypertrophy
histologists concluded that large luteal cells (Lc) are
of a cell which retains its prior phenotype.
of granulosa origin whereas small cells (Sc) arise
In porcine preovulatory follicles the theca cells
from the theca of the preovulatory follicles (HANSEL
possess not only the ability to synthesize androgens,
et al. 1973; OSHEA et al. 1979). However, such view
which are then aromatized by granulosa cells to
appears to be oversimplified. There are several lines
estradiol (BJERSING 1967), but also to secrete estradiol
of evidence suggesting that either Sc grow to became
in the absence of additional androgen substrate
(STOKLOSOWA et al. 1982), and they express P450 (c17)
Steroid analysis: Progesterone, androgen and
during follicular development (CONLEY et al. 1995).
estradiol were detected in the medium by radioim-
Like the follicle from which it originated, the por-
munoassay described elsewhere (STOKLOSOWA et al.
cine corpus luteum produces significant quantities
of androgens, in addition to large amounts of both
Progesterone assay: A highly specific antibody
estrogens and progesterone (GREGORASZCZUK 1992).
raised in sheep against 11á-hydroxy-progesterone
However, it remains to be clarified which specific
hemisuccinate coupled to bovine serum albumin was
cell population produces which steroids, and whether
used. The cross-reaction with pregnenolone was 2.9
these cell populations functionally stay the same dur-
%. All other tested steroids showed less than 1 %
ing the entire luteal phase.
cross-reaction. [1,2,6,7-3 H] progesterone (Radio-
chemical, Amersham, England, spec. act. 80 Ci/
Material and Methods
mmol) was used as the tracer. The limit of assay sen-
sitivity was 50 pg. The coefficients of variation within
Animals: Pig ovaries were collected from a local
and between assays were 15 % and 2.5 %, respec-
abattoir. The luteal cells were isolated from the cor-
pus luteum and assessed according to previously de-
Androgen assay. Antiserum was induced in rab-
scribed criteria (GREGORASZCZUK 1992).
Cell separation: Dissected corpora lutea were
BSA as the antigen. The antisera exhibited 100 %
enzymatically dissociated according to our own tech-
binding of testosterone and cross-reacted 100 % with
nique (GRAGORASZCZUK 1983). The cells were sus-
5α-androsterone, 20 % with dihydrotestosterone, 15.7
pended in M199 medium. Cell viability by the trypan
% with delta -androstenedione, 3 % with dehy-
blue exclusion test was 85 %. To separate the luteal
droepiandrosterone and 7.4 % with androsterone. The
cells into the populations based on size, dispersed cells
tracer used was [1,2,6,7/3H] testosterone (Radio-
were separated at unit gravity (CELSEP; Du Pont,
chemical Centre, Amersham, England). The limit of
France). The CELSEP system uses a continuous shal-
assay sensitivity was 5 pg. The coefficients of varia-
low density gradient. Solutions of 2 % and 4 % Ficoll
tion within and between assays were 7.5 % and 9.5
in tissue culture medium containing 1 % serum were
%, respectively.
used to prepare a linear gradient (GREGORASZCZUK
Estradiol assay. A highly specific antibody
1996). After 2 h sedimentation, 25 ml fractions were
against estradiol 17ß-6-oxime-BSA antigen was
collected. Fractions with the same type of cells were
raised in rabbits. It bound estradiol 100 % and gave
pooled, washed four times with fresh medium and
negligible cross-reactions with estrone (0.8 %),
resuspended in culture medium (M199). After sort-
estriol (0.8 %) and 16-keto-estradiol 17ß (1 %).
ing, the cells in each fraction were recounted with a
All the other twelve tested steroids showed a cross-
hemocytometer and cell viability was determined. The
reaction level lower than 0.001 %. The tracer em-
cells were plated (24-well plate, Nunc) in 1 ml per
ployed was [2,4,6,7,16,17-3H] estradiol (Radio-
well of fresh M199 medium containing 10 % calf se-
chemical Centre, Amersham, England, spec. act
rum and incubated at 37 °C (95 % air/5 % CO , 100 %
140 Ci/mmol). The limit of assay sensitivity was 5
humidity) overnight (16 h). Cell culture densities and
pg. The coefficients of variation within and be-
normalized steroid concentrations were based on the
tween assays were less than 7.5 % and 8 %, re-
number of viable cells. The suspensions of the iso-
lated cells were submitted to the histochemical test
Statistical evaluation: All data points are ex-
for the activity of 3ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
pressed as means ± S.E. from at least three different
(delta5, 3ß-HSD), (FISCHER and KHAN 1972) using
experiments (n=3) each in triplicate, resulting in at
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) as substrate, NAD as
least nine observations. Significant differences be-
cofactor, and nitrotetrazolium blue (NBT) as hydro-
tween the concentrations of steroids in large and small
gen acceptor. The cells which showed the presence of
luteal cells and the time of the luteal phase were evalu-
formazan granules after the reaction were identified
ated by analysis of variance followed by Duncans
as steroidogenic ones.
new multiple range test.
The percentage representation of individual cell
types after the sedimentation has been described else-
where (GREGORASZCZUK 1996). The data was based
on the counts of large and small luteal cells, as cat-
egorized by cell diameter, after enzymatic dispersion
of luteal tissue on various days of the luteal phase.
The small steroidogenic luteal cells increased in
size in middle luteal phase and remain of consistent
size to the end of the luteal phase, i.e. 10-20 µm; 20-
25 µm; 20-25 µm in early (ELP), middle (MLP) and
late (LLP), luteal phase, respectively (Fig. 1b), while
large cells increased in size with advancing luteal age
(20-30 µm, 30-40 µm and 40-45 µm in ELP, MLP
and LLP, respectively (Fig. 1a).
The number of large steroidogenic cells per CL
was greater in the MLP (4.5 x 105) than in the ELP
(3.5 x 105), and decreased in LLP (2.9 x 105) (Fig.
1a).However, the number of small steroidogenic luteal
cells decreased in MLP in comparison with ELP and
did not change in LLP (6.0 x 106 in ELP; 3.0 x 106 in
MLP and 2.35 x 106 LLP) (Fig. 1b). At ELP, a major-
ity of small cells showed no enzymatic activity and
the reactivity for the delta5, 3ß-HSD activity remark-
ably increased with luteal phase progresses (0.5 x
106, 2.5 x 106 and 4.7 x 106 cells in ELP, MLP and
LLP, respectively).
Progesterone secretion: No significant changes
in basal progesterone production by cells collected
from the early and late luteal phases by either small
or large cells were observed, but large cells secreted
10 times more progesterone than small cells. The
highest secretion of progesterone was noted at MLP.
Large cells collected from this type of corpus luteum
secreted 20 times more progesterone than small cells
collected at the same luteal phase (Fig. 2a).
Androgen secretion: Androgen secretion ex-
pressed per 105 cells was 5.7 times higher in the large
cells collected during ELP than in the small cells. A
decrease of androgen secretion by large cells was
observed as the luteal phase progressed (83.1, 28.4
Fig. 1 Cell diameter (µm) and cells numbers expressed as
cells/CL of (A) large, (B) small and (C) nonsteroidogenic cells
and 19.5 pg/105 cells in ELP, MLP and LLP, respec-
(NS) obtained from porcine CL at 1-3; 8-10 and 14-16 days
tively). On the other hand, androgen secretion by
of the luteal phase. Values are means ± SEM of total cells at
small cells collected during LLP was 3 times higher
each stages for 3 experiments. Means significantly different
than that by large cells (Fig. 2b).
(P < 0.05) from each other are designated by different letters.
Estradiol secretion: Both types of cells produced
estradiol without any addition of substrates. Endog-
enous estradiol-17ß content expressed per 105 cells
was always higher in the large cells than in small ones.
Moreover, estradiol secretion by large and small cells
was higher in LLP than in MLP and ELP (Fig. 2c).
Basal estradiol secretion by large cells isolated at LLP
was 1.1 times and 1.3 times higher than that from
large cells at MLP and ELP, respectively. Basal
estradiol secretion by small cells collected at LLP
was 1.5 times and 1.6 times higher than that from the
same type of cells at MLP and ELP, respectively (Fig.
Although the origin of the two luteal cell
populations is uncertain, a well known hypothesis is
that bovine large luteal cells are derived from granu-
losa cells, while small cells are of theca interna ori-
gin (ALILA and HANSEL 1984). However, steroid syn-
thesis (androgen and estradiol) during the entire luteal
phase by the two cell types does not support this
theory of their follicular origin. Actually, the finding
that both small and large luteal cells secrete andro-
gen and estrogen does not support the above hypoth-
esis as suggested for bovine luteal cells.
Pig corpora lutea differ from ovine and bovine ones
in that they produce, in addition to progesterone, also
androgen (GREGORASZCZUK 1992) and estradiol
(GREGORASZCZUK 1983, 1992; PRZALA et al. 1984). It
has been suggested earlier (13,14) that the theca-de-
rived cells secrete androgen, whereas granulosa-de-
rived cells aromatize androgen to estradiol. However,
our present results indicate that, whereas both types
of cells secreted androgens, large cells collected from
early luteal cells secreted 5.5 times more androgen
than small cells did. Thus, these data suggest that in
corpora lutea hemorrhagica (1-3 days after ovulation),
large cells are probably theca-origin cells or undif-
ferentiated theca cells which retain their original phe-
notype. STOKLOSOWA et al.(1978) showed that theca
interna cells isolated from preovulatory follicles are
larger (17-23 µm in diameter) than granulosa cells
Fig. 2 (A) progesterone, (B) androgen, (C) estradiol secretion
isolated from the same follicles (10-14 µm in diam-
by small and large luteal cell subpopulations obtained at the
eter). The ability of large cells to secrete androgen
early (ELP) mid (MLP) and late (LLP) luteal phases
decreased as the luteal phase progressed. In the late
expressed per 105 cells. Means ± SEM for 3 experiments (in
triplicate) for each stage. Means significantly different (P <
luteal phase, small cells are the source of androgen
0.05) from each other are designated by different letters.
secretion. It is also possible that large cells dedif-
ferentiate to small luteal cells with advancing luteal
plain the differences in experimental findings. Moreo-
age. In the mid-luteal phase, when androgen secre-
ver, the stages of the luteal phases used to by BUHR
tion by large cells decline, an increase of secretion of
(1987) differ from those used in the present study. In
estradiol by them was noted. GREGORASZCZUK (1996)
this experiment we used corpora lutea hemorrhagica
showed that both cell types were capable of estradiol
(1-3 days after ovulation). In such a short time after
production without the addition of substrates. The
ovulation, GREGORASZCZUK and WOJTUSIAK (1982)
content of endogenous estradiol was always higher
identified four types of luteal cells based on two pa-
in large cells than in small ones and was higher in
rameters, e.g. the size and 3ß-HSD activity. TAYLOR
LLP than in MLP.
et al. (1987) also identified four types of luteal cells
Detailed morphometric analysis of the porcine
in the porcine corpus luteum based on steroid and
corpus luteum showed that small cells increased in
relaxin synthesis capacity. It is most likely that small
size but decreased in number in MLP and remain of
cells undergo hypertrophy but retain their prior phe-
consistent size and number until the end of the luteal
notype, and that some large cells gradually differen-
phase. The number of large cells expressed as cell/
tiate to small cells as the corpus luteum ages. The
CL was greater in MLP then in ELP, so it is possible
observed decrease in androgen secretion by large cells
that some small cells grow to become large cells as
and the increase of androgen secretion by small cells
the luteal phase progresses. This would accord with
in LLP strongly support this hypothesis which, how-
the data by LEI et al. (1991) in cows and by OSHEA
ever, should be subjected to further confirmation.
et al. (1986) and FARIN et al. (1986) in sheep. The
number of large cells decreased at the end of the luteal
phase resulting in a progressive increase in the small
nonsteroidogenic cell. Consistent with the hypoth-
The author would like to thank Prof. Stanislawa
esis that small cells become large cells, the treatment
Stoklosowa, M.D., for her constant interest and Mgr.
of sheep with LH from day 5 to 10 of the cycle re-
M. Duda for RIA. This work was supported by the
sulted in the increase of the number of large cells as
grant KBN 6PO4C 11208/95 as well as by the SMA
compared with untreated controls (FARIN et al. 1988).
fund of the World Health Organization, Special Pro-
However, SWALL et al. (1986) showed in sheep that
gramme of Research Development and Research
the ratio of the number of large/small cells increased
Training in Human Reproduction.
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Corresponding author:
cretion by porcine larger and small luteal cells
E.L. Gregoraszczuk
isolated from earlydeveloping corpora lutea.
Laboratory of Animal Endocrinology
Exp. Clin Endocrinol 103, 272274, 1995
and Tissue Culture
GREGORASZCZUK EL: Large and small cells of the porcine
corpus luteum: Different capacity to secrete
Department of Animal Physiology
estradiol and aromatize exogenous androgen dur-
Institute of Zoology
ing mid- and late luteal phase. Exp Clin
Jagiellonian University
Endocrinol 104, 278283, 1996
Ingardena 6, 30-060 Krakow, Poland
lutea of the large domestic animals. Biol Reprod
Accepted: December 15, 1996
8, 222228, 1973
Source: http://www.zftr.binoz.uj.edu.pl/uploads/publikacje/1997-4.pdf
Comparison of the antibacterial activities of different brands of Ciprofloxacin Comparación de la actividad antibacterial de diferentes marcas de Ciprofloxacina Muhammad Shahid NAZIR MUGHAL , Muhammad Tahir ASGHAR, Muhammad Atif ZIA and Tariq ISMAIL Pharmaceutical Lab, Punjab Institute of Paramedical Studies. 13 Mamdot Block Mustafa Town Lahore Pakistan.
Martin Howe QC: Curriculum Vitae and Practice Summary MARTIN HOWE Q.C. 8 New Square, Lincoln's Inn London WC2A 3QP Tel: 020 7405 4321 Fax: 020 7405 9955 Chambers website: SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Chambers of Mark Platts-Mills QC Called to the Bar: 1978. Appointed Queen's Counsel: 1996.