British Journal of Anaesthesia 103 (5): 711–18 (2009)
Advance Access publication August 22, 2009
Apoptosis induction by different local anaesthetics
in a neuroblastoma cell line
R. Werdehausen1, S. Fazeli1, S. Braun1, H. Hermanns1, F. Essmann3, M. W. Hollmann4,
I. Bauer2 and M. F. Stevens5*
1Department of Anaesthesiology and 2Department of Experimental Anaesthesiology, University of Du¨sseldorf,Du¨sseldorf, Germany. 3Institute of Biochemistry, University of Tu¨bingen, Tu¨bingen, Germany. 4Department of
Experimental and Clinical Experimental Anaesthesiology and 5Department of Anaesthesiology, Academic
Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, 1100 DE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]
Background. Local anaesthetics are known to induce apoptosis in clinically relevant concen-trations. Hitherto, it is unknown what determines the apoptotic potency of local anaesthetics.
Therefore, we compared apoptosis induction by local anaesthetics related to their physico-chemical properties in human neuronal cells.
Methods. Neuroblastoma cells (SHEP) were incubated with eight local anaesthetics, two of
the ester and six of the amide types. At least, five concentrations of each local anaestheticwere evaluated. After incubation for 24 h, rates of cells in early apoptotic stages and overallcell death were evaluated by annexin V and 7-amino-actinomycin D double staining by flowcytometry. The concentrations that led to half-maximal neurotoxic effects (LD50) were calcu-lated and compared for all local anaesthetics.
Results. All local anaesthetics were neurotoxic in a concentration-dependent manner. Alldrugs induced similar rates of early apoptotic cell formation at low concentrations, whereas athigh concentrations, late apoptotic or necrotic cell death predominated. Comparison of LD50
values of the different local anaesthetics resulted in the following order of apoptotic potencyfrom high to low toxicity: tetracaine.bupivacaine.prilocaine¼mepivacaine¼ropivacaine.
lidocaine.procaine¼articaine. The toxicity correlated with octanol/buffer coefficients and alsowith experimental potency of the local anaesthetic, but was unrelated to the structure (esteror amide type).
Conclusions. All commonly used local anaesthetics induce neuronal apoptosis in clinicallyused concentrations. The neurotoxicity correlates with lipid solubility and thus with the con-duction blocking potency of the local anaesthetic, but is independent of the chemical class(ester/amide).
Br J Anaesth 2009; 103: 711–18
Keywords: measurement techniques, flowmetry; model, neuroblastoma cells; toxicity, localanaesthetics; toxicity, neurotoxicity
Accepted for publication: July 21, 2009
Local neurotoxicity after neuraxial application of local
although incidental neuronal damage has been described
anaesthetics is rare. Nevertheless, it is a severe problem
for other local anaesthetics as well. In animal studies, neu-
when it occurs. Clinical profiles of neurotoxicity have
rotoxicity of many local anaesthetics has been demon-
been based on the reported incidence of cauda equina syn-
strated.4 – 8 Experimental
drome or transient neurologic syndrome (TNS) after spinal
mechanism of local anaesthetics-induced neurotoxicity
anaesthesia.1 – 3 Clinically, lidocaine is the local anaesthetic
which has most often been linked to local neurotoxicity,
sodium channel or electrical inactivation of a nerve.7 9
# The Author [2009]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Werdehausen et al.
Comparison of the neurotoxic potency (concentration-
were grown in Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI)
dependency) for different local anaesthetics is difficult in
1640 medium with L-glutamine, supplemented with 10%
animals for biometric reasons.
heat-inactivated fetal calf serum and 50 mg ml21 each of
Local anaesthetics induce elevations of intracellular
penicillin and streptomycin. All cells were cultured under
calcium concentration through external influx or release
equal conditions including a humidified atmosphere con-
from intracellular stores.10 – 12 Furthermore, local anaes-
taining carbon dioxide 5% at 378C.
thetics activate certain kinases and inhibit the energy pro-duction in the mitochondria.13 – 18 In this process, apoptosis
Exposure to local anaesthetics and experimental
has been shown to be one mechanism of neurotoxicity
in vitro, especially in marginally toxic concentrations.19 – 22Recent studies have delineated the subcellular mechanism
Before the experiments, cells were cultured overnight in
of apoptosis induction by local anaesthetics in neuronal cell
complete medium at a density of 4105 cells ml21 to
cultures.22 23 Hence, this model seems suitable for the
allow logarithmic growth. Adherent cells were cultured in
investigation of the neurotoxic and neuroapoptotic potential
3 ml samples with fresh medium alone as negative
of different local anaesthetics.
control, or one added local anaesthetic for 24 h at concen-
The investigation of the toxicity of different local anaes-
trations as indicated. Addition of local anaesthetics did not
thetics may help to evaluate which properties of local
alter the pH value of the medium (7.39, range 7.35 – 7.43).
anaesthetics are responsible for their toxic effects. Doesthe chemical structure, that is, ester or amide type, influ-
Apoptosis detection assay
ence their toxicity? Ester-type local anaesthetics have been
The fraction of cells in an early state of apoptosis was
considered to be somewhat more neurotoxic in comparison
with amides.10 24 Are there certain physicochemical prop-
isothiocyanate-conjugated (FITC) annexin V and counter-
erties that determine the toxic potential of a local anaes-
staining with 7-amino-actinomycin D (7-AAD). Annexin
thetic like lipophilicity, pKa value, protein binding, or
V binds to phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of the
molecular weight?
plasma membrane. 7-AAD is excluded by cells with intact
Therefore, we compared the concentration-dependent
membranes. Therefore, 7-AAD staining reveals membrane
neuroapoptotic and neurotoxic potencies of the amide-type
disintegration and is a marker for primary or secondary
local anaesthetics bupivacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine,
necrotic cell death. Cells staining with annexin V-FITC
prilocaine, and ropivacaine and also the ester type local
(below referred to as annexin V), but not with 7-AAD, are
anaesthetics procaine and tetracaine in our human neuronal
defined as early apoptotic.28 Briefly, for annexin V/7-AAD
cell culture model.
staining, cell culture medium including detached cells wastransferred from sample wells to analysing tubes. Adherentcells were trypsinized for 3 min with 1.5 ml 0.05% trypsin
with 1 mM EDTA per sample. Detached cells were addedto corresponding analysing tubes to pool all cells fromeach sample. Subsequently, cells were washed twice with
cold PBS and resuspended in annexin binding buffer 97 ml
Unless stated otherwise, reagents were purchased from
(10 mM N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N0-3[ propanesulfo-
Sigma Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA). All local anaesthetics
nicacid]/NaOH, pH 7.4, 140 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM CaCl2) at
were obtained in the highest commercially available con-
a concentration of 1106 cells ml21. Next, annexin
centration as their hydrochloride salts. Bupivacaine, lido-
V-FITC 5 ml and 7-AAD 2 ml (50 mg ml21) were added
caine, mepivacaine, and prilocaine were obtained from
and samples were incubated for 15 min in the dark at
AstraZeneca (London, UK). Procaine was purchased from
room temperature. Subsequently, annexin binding buffer
Jenapharm (Jena, Germany), and articaine and tetracaine
150 ml was added, cells were resuspended and analysed
were acquired from Sanofi Aventis (Paris, France). None of
the commercially available solutions contained preservatives.
All fluorescence-activated cell sorting analyses were
Ropivacaine was kindly provided by AstraZeneca, Research
performed on a FACScalibur (Becton Dickinson, Franklin
and Development (So¨derta¨lje, Sweden). Phosphate-buffered
Lakes, NJ, USA) using CellQuest analysis software (BD
saline (PBS) without calcium and magnesium was purchased
Biosciences, Franklin Lake, NJ, USA). For each determi-
from Gibco, Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA).
nation, a minimum of 10 000 cells were analysed.
Statistical analysis
Human neuroblastoma cells (SHEP) are a subclone
All experiments were performed at least in triplicate.
derived from the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH
Results are expressed as means (SD). All calculations were
and have been characterized before.25 – 27 All cell lines
made with the SPSS program version 15.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Local anaesthetic induced neuroapoptosis
Chicago, IL, USA). Concentration – response curves of the
The percentage of early apoptosis (annexin Vþ,
different local anaesthetics were determined by probit
7-AAD-) of all cells first increased in a concentration-
regression under the guidance of our statistics department.
dependent manner, reaching a maximum with local anaes-
The LD50 was obtained from probit analysis and compared
thetic concentrations well below the LD50 values (Fig. 4).
by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's
The highest percentage of cell death by early apoptosis
post hoc test. Correlations between LD50 values with lipid
varied between the different local anaesthetics between
solubility, pKa, blocking potency, non-ionized fraction,
14% and 28% after 24 h of incubation. With a further
protein binding, molecular weight, and experimental
increase in concentration, the percentage of early apoptotic
blocking potency were made by means of Spearman's
cell formation decreased and returned to baseline for
rank correlation test. P,0.05 was considered significant.
almost all local anaesthetics (Fig. 4).
Concentrations of local anaesthetics inducing cell death in
All local anaesthetics investigated were neurotoxic at con-
,50% of analysed cells resulted in a considerable fraction
centrations observed intrathecally after spinal anaesthesia.
of cell positive for annexin V only. This indicates an early
They induced in a concentration-dependent manner apop-
stage of apoptosis in at least a fraction of the analysed
totic and with higher concentrations necrotic cell death.
cells. Nevertheless, also at these concentrations, cells
The toxicity of the local anaesthetics correlated with their
staining positive for annexin V staining and 7-AAD were
octanol/buffer partition coefficient and thus their relative
present (Fig. 1), indicating late apoptosis or necrosis.
clinical potency.
Higher concentrations (leading to cell death in more than
Several publications demonstrated that lidocaine and
50% of analysed cells) of all investigated local anaes-
other local anaesthetics can induce apoptosis in neuronal
thetics led to increased fractions of cell staining positive
and non-neuronal cells.13 14 19 – 21 33 – 37 Most of these
both for annexin V and for 7-AAD. This indicates a late
studies investigated one drug only.13 20 21 33 – 37 Therefore,
stage of apoptosis or primary necrosis. Thus, all investi-
toxic potency of various local anaesthetics from different
models cannot be compared for methodological reasons.
concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 2). The toxic con-
Boselli and colleagues19 compared the toxic and apoptotic
centrations inducing early stages of apoptosis and late
potential of lidocaine and ropivacaine in human lympho-
stages of cell death varied over a wide range (almost
cytes. Unfortunately, only one concentration of lidocaine
hundred-fold) for the different local anaesthetics.
and a different—not equipotent—concentration of ropiva-
In order to compare the toxicity of all eight local anaes-
caine were investigated. These shortcomings are discussed
thetics, the concentration-toxicity functions derived from
by the authors themselves and they advocate studies with
regression analysis were used to calculate the concentrations
more concentrations and local anaesthetics in human neur-
that induced 50% overall cell death (LD50). Overall cell
onal cell lines, as presented here.
death was defined as the sum of cells staining positive for
More recently, Perez-Castro and colleagues38 compared
annexin V only and cells staining positive for annexin V and
the cytotoxic effects of short (10 min) exposure to procaine,
7-AAD. The different LD50 values are displayed in Figure 3.
mepivacaine, lidocaine, chloroprocaine, ropivacaine, or
Overall ANOVA of LD50 values revealed significant differ-
bupivacaine in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and
ences between the eight local anaesthetics (P,0.001).
found the same order of toxicity as seen in the data pre-
Tukey's post hoc test comparison yielded the following
sented here. In contrast to the results presented here, they
found apoptosis (non-quantitative caspase activation) only
after exposure to high concentrations of lidocaine and bupi-
vacaine. Probably, exposure to very high concentrations for
In order to identify factors affecting toxicity, the LD50
a very short time leads to a greater predominance of necro-
values were correlated to a number of known physico-
tic cell death, whereas during long-term exposure of neur-
chemical properties as displayed in Table 1. LD50 values
ones, apoptosis is one major mechanism of cell death.
correlated well with octanol/buffer distribution coeffi-
Lirk and colleagues14 compared the neurotoxic poten-
cients. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was 20.88
tials of lidocaine, bupivacaine, and ropivacaine in equipo-
(P,0.01), that is, the higher the local anaesthetic solubi-
tent concentrations in primary cell cultures of rat dorsal
lity in oil, the lower was the observed toxic concentration.
root ganglia. They evaluated their blocking potential on
In contrast, LD50 values did not correlate with pKa values,
voltage-gated sodium channels NaV1.1– 3 and NaV1.6 in
fraction of non-ionized local anaesthetic, or protein
rat pituitary cells, and applied equipotent concentrations of
binding. Finally, LD50 values correlated positively with
each of the three local anaesthetics on primary cell cul-
experimental effective anaesthetic concentrations (corre-
tures of rat dorsal root ganglia for 24 h. At equipotent con-
lation coefficient: 0.81, P,0.05).29 – 32
centrations, the percentage of cell death did not differ







Werdehausen et al.
7-AAD fluorescence
Annexin V fluorescence
Fig 1 Flow cytometric analysis of neuroblastoma cells incubated for 24 h with local anaesthetics. Dot plots represent typical results after incubationwith medium alone (control), lidocaine, bupivacaine, or tetracaine. Intensity of red fluorescence by 7-AAD-stained cells is indicated on the ordinate,whereas intensity of green fluorescence emerging from cell-bound annexin V-FITC is indicated on the abscissa. Unstained and therefore vital cells leadto a population of dots in the lower left quadrants as in controls. Cells in the lower right quadrants are stained positive for annexin V-FITC only andare therefore in an early apoptotic stage, whereas cells in the upper right quadrants were stained positive for annexin V-FITC and 7-AAD indicatinglate apoptosis or primary necrosis. Note that vital cells and early apoptotic cells can be found at lower concentrations of all local anaesthetics, whereasat high concentrations, almost all cells show signs of lost cell membrane integrity.
Local anaesthetic induced neuroapoptosis
Concentration (mM)
Fig 2 Concentration-dependent neurotoxicity of local anaesthetics. Sigmoid-shaped curves for concentration – response relationship were calculated byprobit regression analysis using the results from triplicate experiments with five different concentrations of each local anaesthetic. Single symbolsrepresent results from single experiments.
Ropivacaine Mepivacaine
Local anaesthetic
Fig 3 Half-maximal neurotoxic concentrations (LD50) of investigated local anaesthetics. LD50 values were calculated from probit analysis and aremean (SD). The LD50 values of two local anaesthetics adjacent to a significance sign were different, as were LD50 values of all local anaesthetics ondifferent sides of a significance sign. Thus, the LD50 value of lidocaine was significantly higher than the values for mepivacaine, ropivacaine,prilocaine, bupivacaine, and tetracaine. Furthermore, this value was significantly lower than that of procaine or articaine. ANOVA with Tukey's post hoctest. *P,0.05; **P,0.01.
Table 1 Correlation between physicochemical properties and toxicity of local anaesthetics. Concentrations of local anaesthetics (mM and % solution ofhydrochloride salts) leading to half-maximal neurotoxic effects (LD50) after 24 h of incubation were calculated by probit regression analysis of concentration –response relationship experiments in SHEP neuroblastoma cells. Values are mean (SD). Partition coefficients (O/B PQ) with H-octanol/buffer at pH 7.4 and258C,30 – 32 ionization constants ( pKa),29 31 32 unionized fractions at pH 7.4 (LAb pH 7.4),29 31 32 protein binding (PB),29 31 32 molecular weight (MW) ofthe local anaesthetics' base in Dalton units30 – 32 and relative experimentally effective anaesthetic concentrations (EAC) from rat sciatic nerve blockingprocedures30 – 32 were used to calculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficients (Spearman's r)
Spearman's coefficient
between the three local anaesthetics. Their results are
The concentrations of local anaesthetics that induced
reconfirmed and generalized to more local anaesthetics
apoptosis in our model are within the same range as those
through the results of the present study.
observed intrathecally after single-shot spinal anaesthesia
Werdehausen et al.
xin-V +/7-AAD cells (%)
Concentration (mM)
Fig 4 Concentration-dependent induction of early apoptotic cells. The fractions of cells undergoing an early stage of apoptosis were identified bypositive annexin V-FITC and negative 7-AAD staining after 24 h incubation with the different investigated local anaesthetics. Note that induction of
early apoptosis increases within the first three concentrations of each local anaesthetic, and at higher concentrations, the fraction of cells with signs ofearly apoptosis decrease again revealing a change in the mechanism of cell death from apoptosis to necrosis.
in primates and in sciatic nerves of rodents during nerve
All drugs induced swelling, but 2-chloroprocaine and tetra-
blockade.39 40 Therefore, concentrations inducing neurotoxi-
caine significantly more than lidocaine or bupivacaine.
city could be reached clinically.41 However, after a single-
However, the effects of different local anaesthetics were
shot spinal anaesthesia or peripheral nerve block, these
compared at a single concentration, and thus equipotency
concentrations are only reached for about 1 h, whereas in
could not be ensured. The same group investigated the
our cell culture model, concentrations were kept constant
blocking and toxic concentrations of etidocaine, lidocaine,
for 24 h. It is well known that beyond the concentration, the
2-chloroprocaine, and procaine on the sciatic nerve of rats
time of exposure to a local anaesthetic is important for the
2 days after a single-shot injection. They found a perfect
development of neurotoxicity; therefore, neurotoxicity after
correlation between nerve blocking concentrations and
single application is a rare complication clinically. Thus,
toxic concentrations.44 Unfortunately, they instituted only
intraneural injection of lidocaine 2% (78 mM) for single-
two commonly used drugs. Nevertheless, their findings
shot sciatic nerve block did not lead to any functional nerve
regarding procaine and lidocaine are in accordance with
damage, although this concentration is more than eight
the data presented here.
times the LD50 concentration observed here.42
Sakura and colleagues7 reported that equipotent concen-
Although we used human tumour cells which might gen-
trations of lidocaine and bupivacaine resulted in an equal
erally be resistant to apoptosis induction, they were actually
sensory deficit after 4 days in a model of spinal anaesthe-
more sensitive to apoptosis induced by local anaesthetics
sia in rats. In a subsequent study, Sakura and colleagues45
than primary rodent dorsal root cell cultures and hybrid
found an increased functional and morphological neuro-
immortalized dorsal root ganglia.14 20 Obviously, the cell
toxicity of lidocaine in comparison with bupivacaine,
culture model used for the presented study has several
probably because this study was more appropriately
limitations in translating data to the in vivo situation.
powered. Yamashita and colleagues46 in a similar model
Human SHEP neuroblastoma cells are growing and divid-
found bupivacaine and ropivacaine to be significantly less
ing during the local anaesthetic exposure rather than being
toxic than lidocaine and tetracaine. Recently, Umbrain and
mature terminally differentiated neurones. They are derived
colleagues47 demonstrated that intrathecal administration
from malignant neural crest cells which would ordinarily
of equipotent doses levobupivacaine and lidocaine led to
differentiate into the sympathetic chain, adrenals, or dorsal
release of glutamate and prostaglandin E2, while on
root ganglia. Nevertheless, despite those limitations, our
repeated injection, lidocaine but not levobupivacaine led
model of a human neuronal cell line seems even more sen-
to enhanced prostaglandin release.
sitive in detecting minor differences between different
To summarize, most in vivo animal studies have found
local anaesthetics compared with in vivo studies.
rank orders of toxicity in accordance with our results. The
Previous animal studies compared the neurotoxic,
only difference is that lidocaine seems to be more toxic in
but not the apoptotic, potency of different local anaes-
some studies. This varying toxicity of lidocaine might be
thetics.4 5 7 43 No study has compared a wide range of
related to other mechanisms not detected in all models.
local anaesthetics in varying concentrations, but a few
Thus, lidocaine could release inflammatory substances like
studies compared different local anaesthetics in equipotent
CGRP as recently reported.48 The release of inflammatory
concentrations. Myers and colleagues4 investigated the
substances only under certain circumstances could explain
effect of 2-chloroprocaine, tetracaine, lidocaine, and bupi-
why the incidence of TNS varies within a wide range
vacaine in high concentrations on the sciatic nerve of rats.
between 4% and 33%.1
Local anaesthetic induced neuroapoptosis
The high degree of correlation between the toxicity and
octanol/buffer coefficient is remarkable. Since the lipophi-
We acknowledge the expert statistical guidance by Reinhart Willers from
lic properties of local anaesthetics correlate with their
our institutional statistics department.
potency, a correlation between toxicity and potency at thesodium channel is obvious. That might suggest that thetoxicity is mediated via the sodium channel. Studies
inducing a long-term blockade with tetrodotoxin7 49 or
This work was supported by institutional sources only.
functionally inactivating a nerve9 have shown that a con-duction block per se does not lead to nerve fibre degener-ation. Furthermore, apoptosis induction and toxicity havealso been shown in cells not expressing voltage-gated
sodium channels.22 33 35 36 This implies that local anaes-
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ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O) An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied Systems Review Article REVIEW ON ROLE OF HERBAL DRUG IN THE PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF KIDNEY DISEASE Laxmi Maharana1*, Om Prakash Dadhich2 *1PhD Scholar, 2Dean Academic & H.O.D. P.G. Dept. of Sharir Kriya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India.
Canada's Controlled Goods Program Canada's Controlled Goods Program (CGP) Executive Summary Objective: The objective of this paper is to identify those sections of the Schedule to the Defence Production Act (DPA) that are no longer relevant to the Control ed Goods Program (CGP) and therefore should be removed from the Schedule of