
Vol. 8, No. 4
Winter 2005-2006
Organic Harvest Award Winner
GE Moth Program Halted
COABC 3402 32nd Ave. Vernon BC V1T 2N1
Seminars, Awards, Projects
Standards Changes – for
Leafhopper Control in
Standards Review Update
BC Commercial Seed Growers
Harvest Awards for Organic
Seeds for the Future
Feathers of Mass Destruction AGM & Conference
Weeds Teach Students
Registration Forms & Info

President's Message
Paddy Doherty hasbeen busy on the
It's hard to believe another year has come and
National front writing—
gone. Perhaps it's even time for vacation, or
and re-writing, and re-
you've just returned. I am sure that most if not
all of you have your seed orders in, and are in
Standards, and steer-
the process of developing or expanding on your
marketing plan for 2006.
Regulatory Committee,a job which has
In 2006, I celebrate my 20th year with Wild
required a high degree
West - hard to believe. Then again I know many
of diplomacy. The ORC
of you have been working on your farms a
is a diverse group of people who are involved in
whole lot longer than 20 years. George & Anna,
a number of facets of the sector, including cer-
Martin, dear Sophie, Ron & Andrea, Billy,
tification, accreditation, and advocacy. The role
Elam, Mary & Hans, Gary and Naty - just to
of the ORC is to work with the Federal
name a few, the rest of you know who you are.
Government to ensure that a regulation is
2005 has been an eventful year for COABC,
developed that is in keeping with international-
with the West Nile issue, Supply Management,
ly recognised organic standards. We are fortu-
and National Standards being focal points for
nate to have Paddy in this position, which is a
the Board. There are many people to thank for
COABC project under the OSDP funding with
their efforts on behalf of COABC, and all organ-
support from a range of organic businesses.
ic producers in the province.
Paddy has been able to bring COABC's positionto the table and has all but assured that wewill be able to morph our current role ofProvincial Organic Accreditation Body to that of
Certified Organic Composts for sale
a nationally recognised Accreditor. Paddy's
work on this project will continue through2006, as we transition into National Standards.
Available on farm by appointment or delivered
The effect on our own Standard would appearto be minimal, as we will be able to certify to
Organic Chicken Compost
any standard higher than the National one;
Organic Chicken and Pig Compost
however, the pressure on our Standards Review
Custom Top Soil available
Committee should diminish as many issues wehave been wrestling with will be addressed atthe national level.
• bulk loads 30 yard or more $19.99 per yard + trucking• pick up from farm 24.99 per yard loaded
On the issue of West Nile, we became alarmed
• 2 yard load delivered in the lower mainland placed
at the proposal to spray Malathion as a control
anywhere on your yard. $200.00
against the virus. A conference call took placein October involving a representative fromBCMAL and their liaison to the BC Center for
Also available for retail sales:
Disease Control, to raise the concerns of the
Thomas Reid Farms certified organic chicken
organic sector. There was some discussion ofappropriate buffer zones, an idea which we
Olera Farms certified organic raspberries IQF
eventually rejected as unworkable. The other
Donnachaidh certified organic pork
issue was compensation for farms which mighthave been contaminated; this, we agreed, is a
Brad Reid 604-308-8200
highly variable factor, and we came up with a
Fred Reid 604-309-6639
plan wherein key operators in different sectors
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 2005

of organic agriculture including but not limited to eggs,grain, poultry, beef, vegetables, and tree fruits, would be
BC Organic Grower
asked to estimate appropriate compensation levels. We
is received by all members of organi-
also recognised that scale was an issue and thus feed-
zations belonging to the Certified
back will be sought from operators of varying size. While
Organic Associations of British
the only perfect solution would be that there never be a
Columbia. BC Organic Grower is
need to spray Malathion - or any other broad-spectrum
published quarterly by COABC.
pest control - we feel that developing a standard for com-
We welcome letters to the Editor
pensation will be our next best bet.
(500 words maximum) and articles(1000 words maximum). We reserve
On the issue of Supply Management, the OSDP project
the right to edit for length.
(C-10) has wrapped up. In September The Farm IndustryReview Board presented COABC with a document
Letters & submissions to:
Specialty Market and New Entrant Submissions - Policy,
Cathleen Kneen, EditorS6 C27 RR#1
Analysis, Principles and Directions. The COABC marketing
Sorrento BC V0E 2W0
board committee formulated and submitted our response.
phone/fax: 250-675-4866
While we were generally pleased with the outcome, viewed
as a "strong progressive stance," there were a few weak-nesses that we pointed out to FIRB in the letter submit-
Advertising (rates & copy) & non-
member subscriptions ($20/year
ted. We have yet to see how the commodity boards will
plus $1.40 GST) to:
implement the directives from FIRB, but are confident
that as long as BCMAL is supportive of Organics in BC
3402 32nd Ave.
there will be sufficient political will to ensure that the
Vernon BC V1T 2N1
directives are upheld.
phone: 250-260-4429fax: 250-260-4436
I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who
attended and or sponsored the First Annual Organic
For general information or to contact
Harvest Awards. The event was a smashing success, as
your local Certifying Body, call the
those of you who attended can attest. Next year will be
office – or check our website:
even better. Watch the list serve or check the website and
future issues of "The Grower" for updates as the year pro-gresses. I want to encourage you to enter the awards, to
Cover Photo: Cincott Farm
and attend the event. You won't want to miss it. You can
Layout & Design: Rebecca Kneen
read more about the 2005 Awards in Kirsten's report, and
in the wrap-up.
A good portion of this issue of "The Grower" is dedicatedto the upcoming Conference and AGM. The Conference
will be held the last weekend of February (24th to 26th) in
Products advertised in the BCOG are
Abbotsford. Do read further for all of the details. The
not necessarily approved for use by
theme of this year's conference is "Growing the Organic
organic farmers/processors. Please con-
Sector" – an appropriate and timely topic as we continue
sult the Materials List.
to observe important changes, particularly in theorganic markets. I look forward to seeing you there.
Next Issue Deadline:
April 1, 2005
Is COABC doing what YOU want it to do?
Come to the AGM and make sure.
Canadian PublicationsMail Agreement
Sunday, Feb. 26, 10:00 - 12:00
Ag Rec Building, Abbotsford Exhibition Grounds
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006

Seminars, Awards, Projects
Hello Everyone, and Happy New Year! I hope
cation process and event
you and your families find much love, luck and
format, so stay tuned, and
happiness in 2006.
make sure your farm orproduct gets included in
A highlight of 2005 was the first-ever annual
the judging for the 2006
BC Organic Harvest Awards, hosted by COABC.
We were thrilled by the response to our event,and are already making plans for next year. The
Of course we are now focused on our annual
evening was festive, and fun, and honoured
AGM and conference, February 24-26 in
some really impressive farms and products (see
Abbotsford. Co-ordinator Michelle Boshard has
pp. 8-9 for profiles of the award winners).
some very interesting programming and plansfor the event. See pages 28-31 for details.
The event would not have been possible without
Please be sure to take advantage of the early
the tremendous support of our very generous
bird registration, for our sake as well as your
sponsors, and we are grateful to all of them. A
own – it is always helpful to have the numbers
great many thanks also to our event co-ordina-
as early as possible to facilitate planning.
tor, Lionel Wilson, the COABC staff (particularlyRob and Kristy) Deb and Paddy, and Mary
Forstbauer – these people pulled together,
Rochelle Eisen is now at work on the Regional
worked tirelessly and made the event a smash
Production Seminars series; these Organic
success. I am really looking forward to next
Sector Development Program funded ‘farmer-
year. There will be some changes in the appli-
friendly' seminars will be coming to your regionthis spring. Stay connected with your CB orcontact the COABC office for details.
In an earlier issue, I mentioned that BCMALand COABC were hoping to work together onanother series of seminars, ‘Organics 101' atthe Pacific Agriculture Show and LMHIAHorticulture Shortcourse in Abbotsford. I ampleased to report that this project is a go; therewill be 3 seminars (Blueberry, Potato and MixedVegetable, and Certification) aimed at non-organic producers attending the Shortcourse.
COABC has a booth at the Ag Show this year,and I will be there to staff it. As well, Susan
Smith of BCMAL and I will be making a presen-
tation to attendees on the BCMAL-COABC part-nership. Details of projects we are working onat present will be the focus of the seminar. We
are fortunate to have such great support in the
Ministry, and I am gratified by BCMAL's com-
mitment to the Organic Sector. At presentBCMAL is putting together an overview of the
BC Organic Sector, and is working with a group
from COABC to get an accurate picture. Thank
you to those from COABC who have volun-teered their time to assist with this project(Hermann Bruns, Rebecca Kneen, BenBrandsema, Deb Foote).
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006

Speaking of projects for the sector, we are ten-tatively looking at an Organic Beef Seminar,
Soil Health Assessment
most likely in Prince George in April. Plans are
Results from the OSDP-funded Soil Health Assessment
currently underway for this, and more details
in Organic Farming Systems project are now available
will be forthcoming.
OSDP Projects Funded
You can find the complete final report, or its 9-page
The Organic Sector Development Program
executive summary to get you started, soil health
reviewed 12 applications for funding in 2005,
assessment recording forms used in the project, and a
granting funds for six of those applications. We
4-page technical bulletin at http://www.certifiedorgan-
have approximately 18 months to spend the
balance of the trust, and are looking for pro-
The report appendices include a resource list as a start-
jects that will allow us to do just that. Eligible
ing point for other groups seeking information to
projects can come from just about any individ-
develop their collaborative, bioregionally-adapted soil
ual or group so long as the project will (as
health assessment strategies. The resource list includes
much as possible) benefit the BC Organic
internet and hard copy resources for the following top-
Sector as a whole, can demonstrate industry
ics: local portals to soil resources on the internet, soil
support, and fits within the goals of the pro-
health assessment methods, equipment suppliers, labo-
gram outlined in the COABC Strategic Plan.
ratories, local soil information, sampling, finding
The Strategic Plan may be accessed through
resource people in British Columbia.
the COABC website or office. The OSDP com-mittee would really like to be inundated with
For hard copies of these materials
applications in 2006 so if you have an idea for
(report, executive summary, techni-
a project – maybe a certain pest problem could
cal bulletin) please contact Julia
turn itself into a research opportunity – please
Wagner at [email protected] . You
contact me at the COABC office to discuss it.
can also contact Julia with questions
The next deadline for applications is March 23,
or to share your feedback, or dis-
2006. Information and applications may be
cuss possibilities for facilitating col-
found on the OSDP page: http://www.certi-
laborative learning networks about
soil health or other farming issues inyour region.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at theoffice if you have questions about any of theseprojects. I am looking forward to working withyour Board of Directors in the next year as we
prepare to meet the challenges presented bythe phenomenal growth in the organic sector.
Join these sponsors:
And I look forward to seeing you all at theAGM in February.
Beland Organic Foods Lavendar Harvest
Bradner Farms
Glen Valley Organic
Pro Organics
Hills Foods Ltd
100% natural organic seaweed
fertilizer & animal supplements.
Show your support for BC Organics. Sponsor the ban-quet, speakers, or scholarships. Make a cash or in-kind
Kelp meal, liquid concentrate, & water soluble extract
contribution. All donors and sponsors will receive a vari-
OMRI Listed • We ship everywhere!
ety of recognitions based on the value of their contribu-tions.For more info, or check out the COABC website or
Toll free: 1-888-357-0011
Flack's Bakerview Kelp
Contact Michelle Boshard: ph. 604-755-4329
Products Inc. (est. 1985)
local: (250)577-3779
fax: (250)577-3719
or email [email protected]
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
.For Your Feedback
by the Standards Review Committee
New Standards Changes
after the last date that the dairy animal was treatedwith the prohibited substance;
Emergency Pest Treatment Standard
the offspring of gestating mammalian breeder stock
The standards review committee has developed
treated with a prohibited substance shall be consid-ered organic, if the breeder stock was not in the last
a draft standard to address the emergency
third of gestation on the date that the breeder stock
application of pesticides through a government
was treated with the prohibited substance.
mandate. This draft is in its preliminary stagesand we welcome any input
from the membership particu-
larly with respect to the time
While the SRC will not recommend
Due to late publication of
frame in which the product
that whole farm certification
both the BCOG and this web-
must be excluded from organic
become mandatory, a change in
site, the SRC has extended
production as well as a time
the current wording of the stan-
the comment period for cur-
frame with respect to egg pro-
dards is proposed to emphasize
rent standards changes to
duction from affected poultry.
February 13, 2006. Please
the need for strict control and reg-
contact your SRC representa-
ulation of split operations.
We propose that the standard
tive with comments.
be placed in section 2, following
What is now section deals
2.13, which is the section on "Withdrawal of
with split operations, and will be
Certification Status", and before section 2.14
moved from its current location to its own spot
(to become 2.15) which is "Use of the COABC
Name and Program Symbol".
New Wording: 3.4 Split Operation
Draft Section 2.14: Emergency Pest or Disease
3.4.1 Recommended: Organic operators must,
wherever possible enroll their whole farm in the
9.1 When a prohibited substance is applied on
organic certification program.
an establishment or there is a chance that the
3.4.2: "Regulated" Maintenance of a non-organ-
prohibited substance applied on an adjacent
ic management system (split operation) on a
property or road way may have drifted onto the
farm enrolled in an organic certification pro-
establishment because of a federal or provincial
gram may be allowed if adequate distinction is
emergency pest or disease treatment program
provided. Approval of the certifying agency
and when the establishment otherwise meets
must be obtained. The producer is required to
the requirements of this standard, the status
demonstrate that appropriate soil building
shall not be affected, provided the operator
techniques are used to maintain organic matter
complies with the following conditions:
content and to reduce erosion of the soil on the
immediately notifies her/his certification body, provid-
non-organic portion of the farm and that the
ing information on the substance applied, method,
only inputs selected have the lowest possible
rate and location of application;
environmental impact. The producer will sub-
any affected crop or plant part harvested within three
mit input and production records for both por-
months of the treatment shall not be sold, labeled
tions of the farm to the certification body on a
nor represented as organically produced, nor fed to
yearly basis.
livestock, nor used as mulch on land under organicmanagement;
3.4.3 "Prohibited": with the text that is current-
any livestock or poultry treated with a prohibited sub-
ly 3.3.4 about parallel production.
stance applied as the result of a federal or provincialemergency pest or disease treatment program, or any
These standard changes will be ratified or
products derived from such treated livestock or poul-
rejected by the Board of Directors following
try, shall not be sold, labeled or represented as
the AGM, and if ratified will be integrated
organically produced with the exception of:
into the new Standards effective Jan. 1,
milk or milk products produced more than 12 months
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Standards Review Committee Update
The SRC is currently working within the con-
nents of these standards. A set of standards
text of the upcoming Canadian National
was created and underwent a review process
Organic Standard, which limits our activities in
where the government made some changes.
the interim. The revision of standards would no
Please communicate with your Board of
longer be the realm of the Accrediting Body
Directors representative for an update on this
under the new National Program. Therefore, the
committee is focussed on completing the reviewof current proposals and finalizing some house-
keeping while awaiting the final word on the
The submission was to include petroleum-
status and implications for COABC of the
based mineral oil as allowed as a feed supple-
National Standards.
ment. This proposal has been rejected.
Body Care Standards & Land Care Standards
These standards cannot be adopted under the
The SRC recommended a re-write of the section
current Agri-Food Act which governs COABC.
on use of organic seed and transplants. This
The COABC Board must request that the Act
recommendation was rejected by the Board of
be changed to include non-food products before
these Standards can be ratified.
The proposal was to allow only the use of certi-
There has been an ongoing consultation with
fied organic manure. This proposal was
the Aquaculture subcommittee and the propo-
rejected by the SRC.
In-Season Farms Ltd.
At In-Season Farms, organic integrity and quality are the factors driving our
business. We deal only in Organic products.
• Certified organic
• Pick-up,
Fax: (604) 857-1689
Also available
• Bags, Mini-
at Otter Coop
bulk or Bulk
27831 Huntingdon Rd. V4X-1B6
Feed Dealers
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Awards for Organic Producers
Organic Harvest Awards
The first annual BC Organic Harvest Awards,
ness to start competing with some of the larger
the only event that officially recognizes the growth
suppliers out of the major centers such as
and accomplishment of the province's organic sec-
Calgary. Local chefs are actually designing
tor, was a triumphant success. The event, which
menus around what we grow. We currently
took place at the Coast Plaza Hotel in Vancouver
supply to eight restaurants, three caterers, and
on November 5, 2005 was a lively celebration that
a regular client base of
brought together the BC organic community and
sixty plus customers. We
recognized organic leadership and innovation.
manage to do this is in
an area where we average
Best Bakery Product – Nature's Path
only 93 frost free days.
Foods for Carrot Raisin Manna Bread
This is a very pure, tasty and unique sproutedbread made without flour, yeast, sugar or salt.
Nature's Path's state-of-the-art plant was the
first cereal and bakery in Canada or North
America to receive third-party certified organic
processor status.
and Artisan Bake Shoppe for Ancient
Grains Bread (tie)
The Bread is wheat free (made out of kamut,
spelt, and a rye starter), and yeast free. We
use 100% organic flour, grains, and seed in
all our products.
Best Non-Alcoholic Beverage – Happy
Planet for Organic Happiest Orange
Commitment to supporting sustainable agri-
culture; three flavours of great tasting
organic juices; leader in family-size organic
juices with new 1.89 L format.
and Ethical Bean for organic coffee (tie)
Freshness, Attention to Detail, Quality Control
Best Processed (non-livestock) Product –
Kootenay Kitchen for Vege Pate
84% certified organic ingredients/handmade
in BC. Vege Pate is a gourmet, certified
vegan/specialty non gluten, highly nutritious,
delicious, versatile, ready to eat food.
Best Integrated-Farm System – Alderlea
Biodynamic Farm
Best Direct Farm Marketing Business –
Cincott Nursery and Market Garden
13 acre, Demeter certified farm with balancebetween crops, orchard, pasture, woods, and
In an area where organics is not easily recog-
livestock, mountain beauty and aesthetics,
nized, we have managed to expand our busi-
while striving to be economical and ecological.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Best Dairy Producer – Avalon
which we maintain. All organic feed is produced
in our own certified organic feed mill. Eggs aredistributed to Avalon Dairy, Golden Valley,
Certified organic since 1998. Started with 20
Choices and Wingtat.
cows, now milking 500. We are the 1st to pro-duce C.O. Fluid Milk in Western Canada. Weexperiment with homeopathic treatments and
Best Processed Meat Product – Organa
document all achievements—we also have an
Farms for Smoked Turkey Bacon
organic inspector on staff.
Since 1999 we have helped to educate the con-sumer about Certified Organic by attending
Best Livestock Producer
Farmers Markets, advertising in magazines,
– Bradner Farms
speaking on the radio, on our website plusdaily telephone calls to people wanting certified
organic products, what to look for and how we
can deliver them our products.
achievements,the health ofour flocks
Best Retailer – Salt Spring Natureworks
Actively promote local farms and producers;
Create a beautiful abundant community shop
that encourages people to buy seasonal
organic produce; Expanded our fresh
produce offering resulting in an 85%increase over last year.
Best Home-Delivery System (non-
farm) – Small Potatoes Urban
Delivery (S.P.U.D.)
Small Potatoes Urban Delivery (SPUD)was started in 1997, by David Van
Seters. Percentage of certified organicproducts that are BC certified: 49%;Percentage of produce sold by SPUDthat is certified organic: 100%; Annualamount contributed to communitygroups since 2003 (cash and in-kindcontributions): over $50,000; Number oflocal organic growers that SPUD is pur-
chasing from in 2005: Over 70.
Best Alcoholic Beverage – Crannóg Ales
for Backhand of God Stout
The Backhand of God Stout has won fourregional awards in the last five years, winningover both organic and non-organic beverages.
This beer is a fitting match for the excitingflavours and high quality of BC organic food,
Previous Page, clockwise from top:Cincott Nursery, Ethical
and meets the needs of organic producers and
Bean roaster, Artisan Bake Shoppe, Nature's Path, Organa
consumers alike for high quality, flavourful and
Farms' turkeys, Kootenay Kitchen receiving award.
sophisticated beverages. This beer provides
This page, clockwise from top: Salt Spring NatureWorks dis-
play, Happy Planet juice, Crannóg Ales' being enjoyed, box
inspiration and fortification to farmers all
of groceries from SPUD, Alderlea Biodynamic Farm, Bradner
over the province.
Farm (Avalon Dairy)
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Feathers of Mass Destruction
by Cathleen Kneen
The outbreak of avian flu (H5N1 and variants)
Permanent indoor housing provides ideal condi-
in Asia has infected 142 people to date, 74 of
tions for spreading any disease (not just avian
whom have died (out of a population of 1.3 bil-
flu) and so requiring the use of in-feed antibi-
lion). So far there has been no reliable report of
otics - already linked to negative human health
transmission of the bird flu between humans;
impacts. It would also be a huge backwards step
however, the possibility of the avian flu merging
in the progress we have made in developing free
with a human virus and causing a ‘flu pandem-
range and organic farms in this country and the
ic' is being used to cause a panic across the
great health and animal welfare benefits that
globe. As with any panic, the actions being
these systems deliver."
taken don't always add up to common sense.
The real trick is to prevent the benign strain of
For example: the version of the virus which
the virus from becoming virulent. While wild
resides normally in wild birds does not appear to
birds may be the carriers of avian flu, it is the
be lethal, and the two ducks found in a hapless
concentration of genetically uniform birds in
poultry farmer's barns in BC's Fraser Valley last
very large numbers in an enclosed environment
month were also carrying a benign strain
which not only provides ideal conditions for the
(though the Canadian Food Inspection Agency,
virus to spread but, it seems, to be selected
CFIA, killed all the birds in both barns, just in
into a more virulent form. Reducing the
case). Effective November 4, 2005, the province
chances of transmission (by disinfection, wear-
of Quebec has ordered that all domestic birds
ing protective clothing, etc.) may actually
must be housed so as to ensure they have no
increase the evolutionary pressure towards
contact with wild birds – as if that were even
genotypes of the virus which are more virulent.
possible without killing every wild bird! The
Similarly, in Asia the close proximity of large
Union Paysanne has demanded that the order be
numbers of people and live birds (and pigs) in
reversed, pointing out that the Minister of
less than ideal sanitary conditions appears to
Agriculture has stated that there is no danger to
have been the source of the transmission of flu
human health and these measures are aimed
from birds to humans.
only at protecting the export markets forQuebec's poultry industry. The Soil Association
On the other hand, insisting on housing all
in the UK is calling for selective culls and vacci-
poultry – in effect, legislating for the monocul-
nation. They state "This use of vaccination in the
ture factory farm – will lead to a radical loss of
form of a ring-fence is a proven, effective tool
the very biodiversity upon which such intensive
that should be used ahead of any moves to bring
operations depend to ‘improve' their breeding
organic and free-range poultry indoors through-
stock, and which, ironically, is the best defense
out the country and to prevent the mass-slaugh-
against any disease becoming pandemic. As a
ter of UK poultry." They add, "The Soil
basic preventive measure, we should also be
Association is against bringing birds inside.
devoting energy and money to improving healthconditions in the Asian countries where thedisease has emerged.
Specialty Turkey Manure
Instead, the pandemic panic is creating a wind-fall for Roche, the company making the pre-
Our birds are grown with.
scription antiviral drug Tamiflu, which is said
All-vegetable ration grains
to be the most effective medicine to preventinfluenza or ameliorate the symptoms among
No animal by-products
those already infected. And it's put at least $1
No medications.
million into the pocket of Donald Rumsfeld, theUS Defense Secretary and major shareholder in
Please call Patrick at
Gilead Sciences, the company that holds the
Coppertone Farms Ltd. 604-852-4745
patent on the drug.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Check out our new website: www.jerseylandorganics.com
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Weeds Teach Students a Few Things
by Nancy Furness,
with Mark Bomford, Greg Rekken and Art Bomke
The central goal of the UBC Farm
We have tried increasing crop density to
http://www.landfood.ubc.ca/ubcfarm/ on the
encourage denser crop stands and reduce
Vancouver campus is to give students an
resources available for weeds, and have found
opportunity to plan, manage and market the
this impedes weed management. Similarly, nar-
produce from a diverse market garden enter-
rower row widths which allow the crop canopy
prise. The market garden produces over 250
to fill in quickly need to be balanced with rows
varieties of fresh vegetables, berries, herbs, and
wide enough to allow inter-row cultivation. We
flowers. Most produce is sold through a week-
aren't as able as prairie grain farmers to give
end farmer market on site, but the farm also
crops a competitive advantage by manipulating
supplies several restaurants and UBC food ser-
planting date, as most of our crops have several
vices. The market garden aims to operate as a
planting dates to ensure a continuous harvest;
financially self-sufficient business. With each
it may however be possible to identify specific
year of operation, financial losses have become
weed problems and plan rotations and planting
successively smaller, but the market garden
dates taking this into consideration. While
enterprise is not yet turning a profit.
increased crop diversity may add to the com-plexity of weed management, it helps to ensure
Weed management consumes a staggering pro-
that a particular weed does not gain consistent
portion of time and money in the market gar-
den. During May and June, student field work-ers may spend up to 60% of their time hand-
Cover crops or mulches can be used to increase
weeding. Over a growing season, we estimate
plant cover and fill in canopy gaps, thus reduc-
that up to 1,000 person-hours and 400 volun-
ing the weed niche, while incorporation of cover
teer hours may be spent hand-weeding the 1.5
crops (green manuring) contributes to soil
ha of mixed vegetable crops in the market gar-
health, and fertility. The residues of some cover
den. This means that for a small market garden
crops such as rye or buckwheat may have an
with $50,000 gross income, about $13,000 is
allelopathic (inhibitory) effect on weeds, but
spent on weed control. This figure is almost 30
also subsequent crops; we can't plant lettuce,
times higher than might be predicted from the
for example, after rye. As for mulch, we have
BC Ministry of Agriculture and Land's enter-
developed a long list of pros and cons for both
prise budgets for organic mixed vegetable pro-
kraft paper and black plastic.
duction suggesting that we still have a lot tolearn
Balanced soil fertility has an important role toplay in the management of weeds. We have
Although each organic system presents its own
learned that excessive use of nitrogen-rich
unique set of challenges, many weed manage-
manures or composts can stimulate germina-
ment issues faced by the market garden are
tion of weed seeds and encourage nitrogen-lov-
similar to those confronted by other organic
ing weeds to flourish. For example, redroot pig-
growers. In all cases, the
weed was previously scarce at the
intent of a successful weed
UBC farm but suspiciously appeared
management strategy is not
this past summer in the chicken
to eradicate weeds, but to
coop area. On the other hand, the
encourage vigorous crops,
crop may suffer under conditions of
and use weeds as indicators
low soil fertility, while weeds thrive.
of soil and other environ-mental conditions. Organic
Prevention through scouting, good
weed management depends
sanitation, and controlling weeds
on good farming practices,
before they are able to set seed is
which emphasize healthy
the best medicine. This is particular-
Figure 1. Smartweed competing with
soils and competitive crops.
ly challenging as the time for opti-
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
mal weed control, when weeds are small, typi-
produced per plant combined with seed longevi-
cally occurs during the busiest part of the sea-
ty of just a few of the weeds commonly found at
the UBC farm gives an indication of how quick-ly a massive weed seed bank can become estab-
Failure to deal with weeds before they set seed
lished (Table 1).
will lead to establishment of a large seed bank,giving rise to the old adage "one year's seeding,
Next season, the UBC farm is planning to test a
seven years' weeding ". With each successive
few strategies not used in the past. These
year the problem can potentially increase. Even
include pre-emergence (blind) cultivation in
after many years out of cultivation, the UBC
which shallow cultivation is carried out after
Farm is faced with an intense weed seed bank.
seeding, but before emergence, of the primary
At one point, a thick blanket of smartweed in
crop. We will test a stale bed technique, in
the pumpkin patch (Figure 1) made it difficult
which the plots will be cultivated and irrigated,
to find the pumpkins The number of seeds
but not seeded; weeds which germinate andgrow will be flamed before the crop is sown.
Extra effort will be put into mowing the field
Table 1. Seed production and longevity of some
borders at early flowering stages for perennial
common weeds
weeds. Finally, weed management will be priori-
(Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives)
tized based on economic thresholds, to ensure
Common weed
Seeds per
early control in high-value crops and optimal
scheduling and budgeting of resources.
We hope that our learning will be useful, not
only to UBC Farm in Vancouver, but to other
market garden operations facing the challenge
of weed control.
ING NEW RESIDENTS Ten of us, aged six months to
planter, 3 rows, adjustable; 2 )vegetable seeder for
seventy one years, live in two households on a twen-
carrots, Stan-Haye or similar. We have onions /
ty acre Certified Organic farm in Aldergrove, an
squash for wholesale. Please contact Similkameen
hour's drive east of Vancouver. We are part of a thir-
River Organic Farm at 250-499-5905
ty-year-old, rural-urban, intentional community affili-
BIODYNAMIC SEEDS: vegetables , herbs, medicinal
ated with Community Alternatives Housing Co-op in
plants and flowers. Turtle Tree Seeds distributor in
Kitsilano. We live co-operatively, share meals, pay
Canada. Contact us: Aux couleurs des saisons, 115
housing charges to the Co-op and practice consen-
Des Myriques, Ste-Catherine de Hatley, Quebec, J0B
sus decision-making. We come from a diversity of
1W0, tel: 819-843-8488, email: laurier.chabot@sym-
backgrounds, make our livings on and off farm and
support each other to be the best we can be.
Together we steward the land, maintain the farm
handled, grazed on healthy pastures. Custom graz-
assets, and assure the farm's financial viability. We are
ing for 500 head on cert.org. pastures. Horsefly.
looking for two more like-minded adults, preferably
farmers, to join us. Mechanical/repair skills appreciat-ed. A family with one or two young children would
HOPS MANUAL & RHIZOMES Crannóg Ales needs
be especially welcome. For more information, please
organic hops growers immediately. Manual $10,
contact David Catzel: phone 605-857-9057 or e-
Rhizomes $5 each (bulk price available). Call
mail [email protected]
Rebecca at 250-675-4122 or www.crannogales.com.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
GE Moth Program Halted
by Linda Edwards and Fred Danenhower
The Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release
foreign materials that are necessary to make
(OK-SIR)Program has been overseeing the oper-
the primary gene work. When the moths died
ation of orchard monitoring and sanitation and
and ended up on or in the soil, horizontal gene
the release of sterile codling moth males to
transfer could occur: this is the process where-
assist in control of codling moth for over 15
by the introduced DNA from genetically engi-
years. OK-SIR is a provincially legislated body
neered plants that have died and decayed is
made up of one representative from the each of
taken up by soil bacteria that in turn are
the 5 regional districts, along with representa-
altered. There is no reason to think the same
tives from both the conventional and organic
thing could not happen with the DNA in
farm community. The program is funded by a
the altered moths. This is genetic pol-
mandatory tax levy on apple and pear grow-
ers plus a charge to all homeowners in thearea. Grants from federal and
Also, just having a company which
provincial governments have also
would be perceived to be the
been a big part of the program.
Monsanto of the genetically engi-
Although these are still in place,
neered insect industry carrying out such
there is some concern that at some
research in the area would have had serious
point one or both might be discontin-
market repercussions.
Meetings were held with representatives of the
The OK-SIR board was approached about a
company and organic growers. Letters were
year ago by Oxitec Ltd., a British biotechnology
written. The local newspapers and Country Life
firm. They wanted to use the SIR's facility in
gave the topic considerable coverage. The
Osoyoos to carry out research to see if they
majority of the conventional tree fruit industry
could produce and mass rear genetically engi-neered codling moths to be used in the SIRrelease program instead of the ones currentlyproduced. They projected that these mothswould be more effective than irradiated ones.
Oxitec was not offering to buy the plant; theywished to just take over the program and staffand tax levy money as it currently is, on con-tract. Later in negotiations they also offered tobring some cash. Because of the uncertainty ofpublic funding, the OK-SIR board was bound toconsider every alternative funding proposal.
When organic growers became aware of this weknew we had to oppose such a possibility.
Every certifying body in the world has regula-tions prohibiting the use of genetically engi-neered organisms or their products in organicproduction. If genetically engineered mothswere released onto certified organic land - espe-cially thousands on a weekly basis - any certi-fying body would have to decertify that land.
The GE moths Oxitec wished to develop andrelease would all contain an introduced genefor sterility taken from a bacteria plus other
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
also did not support this course of action andthe BC Fruit Growers Association took a strong
public position against it. This lack of support
COABC Conference, Feb. 26
from both organic and conventional growerswas the primary stumbling block for this pro-
Organic Agriculture Research
posal. There was also no cost benefit analysisdone that would make the Oxitec proposal a
Derek Lynch, Canada Research Chair in Organic
viable public/private partnership. The real eco-
Agriculture, Nova Scotia Agricultural College
nomic costs to organic growers if OK-SIR con-
How can the new information on crop and soil
tracted with Oxitec (estimated at approximately
management practices help BC farmers? How do
$6 million per year), the potential for trade bar-
the special needs of organic farmers related to the
riers in conventional markets. especially over-
needs of agriculture in general? These and other
seas, and the possible problems with adminis-
questions will be addressed by Derek Lynch.
trating and monitoring the program once an
Dr. Lynch has been examining crop and livestock
agreement with Oxitec was in place, outweighed
systems characteristic of organic agriculture, with an
any economic gain that could be made by using
emphasis on system productivity, resource use effi-
this technology of the moth rearing. Eventually
ciency, and soil quality. In addition, he has con-
the SIR board concluded that since the stake-
tributed to the development of innovative nutrient
holders didn't endorse the idea of a such a
and crop management practices tailored to organic
partnership that they would not pursue an
agreement with Oxitec.
First Nations Agriculture Partnerships
This is the second time organic growers in theSimilkameen and South Okanagan have spear-
Jammi Kummar, BC MAL First Nations Development
headed an initiative to stop the introduction of
genetic engineering into their area. In 2000,
Jammi Kummar will be talking about the potential
they were successful in blocking the possible
and upcoming areas of opportunity for BC organic
introduction of genetically engineered non-
farmers. This includes potential partnerships with
browning apple trees.
First Nations and new products.
The Future of Food
Special Film Showing at COABC Conference, February 26
There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of
America — a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. The
Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetical-
ly engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies of
Saskatchewan to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice
to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impact-
ed by this new technology. The health implications, governmentpolicies and push towards globalization are all part of the reasonwhy many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically
altered crops into our food supply. The Future of Food examines
the complex web of market and political forces that are changing
what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the
world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale
industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as
real solutions to the farm crisis today.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Environmental Farm Planning
at the COABC Conference
Sessions being held during the COABC Annual conference
Abbotsford Exhibition Grounds 24-26 February 2006
FREE registration is SEPARATE from conference registration.
EFP Workshop
Introduction to the program and the
materials; a must for
2-5:00 pm Friday,
those who have not attended a workshop
up till now.
EFP Help Clinic
vidual sessions (15, 30, 45, 60 minute slots
–your preference) with an EFP advisor.
Saturday Feb 25 &
Come prepared with your questions on com-
Sunday Feb. 26
pleting your EFP Workbook, your Action Plan
in the afternoons.
or your BMP applications. Plan ahead and
book a slot —otherwise it will be first come
first serve during this two day opportunity.
4 planners on site, no waiting.
For further information
about Environmental Farm
Planning call:
On Vancouver Island and the
Islands, Derek Masselink (250)
629-6934 [email protected]
On the mainland, Elaine Spearing(250) 747-3237 [email protected]
To register for the Workshop or a Help session
contact Elaine Spearing 250 747-3237
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
by Elaine Spearing
Planning to clean-up, clear out, re-organise, or
There will be a few free pesticide collections for
re-build your storage area this winter/spring?
farmers in 2006 which are good opportunities
Have some items you are responsible for that
to dispose of agricultural pesticides you no
you would rather not have hanging around?
longer have any use for. These collections donot happen very frequently. The following dates
Disposing of Unwanted materials
Delta February 27th &28th • Abbotsford March
Legally the options for disposing of unwanted
2nd and 3rd • Okanagan fall 2006
agricultural pesticides are:
Remember that for certification, disposalrecords (i.e. receipts) must be kept as part of
1/ Return unopened containers to the Dealer
the audit trail.
before winter.
2/ Use the pesticide according to label direc-
For consumer (i.e domestic scale not intended
3/Pay a hazardous Waste Disposal Company to
for agriculture or industry) paints, solvents/
dispose of the pesticide.
flammable liquids, gasoline and pesticides (pes-
4/ Participate in a B.C Pesticide return.
ticides must have the skull and crossbones
Occasionally, the government, pesticide indus-
symbol.) There are approx 35 depots across the
try and the BC Agricultural Council (BCAC) co-
province accepting these. Collected material is
ordinate special unwanted pesticide collectionprograms.
Spring Cleaning – continued on page 18.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
. Spring Cleaning – continued from page 17
Spring Cleaning Information Resources
either re-used, recycled or used for its energy
about the BC Pesticide Return call:
value. Suppliers should collect used oil, oil fil-
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands 1-800-221-7141
ters and oil containers of 30 litres or less.
Terralink: 1-800-661-4559Or refer to the Ministry website:
Improving storage areas
Improvements or rebuilding which reduce envi-
For the location of the nearest approved used oil
ronmental risk may be eligible for incentive
collection facility:
funding through the Environmental Farm Plan
Program. This includes improved farm storageof fertilisers and shavings as well as pest con-
For other materials:
trol products. All types of structures for fertilis-
Recycling Council of British Columbia
er storage are eligible for funding assistance
Recycling hotline
with a limit on the area of the structure based
604-732-9253 in the Lower Mainland
on the type(s) of crop and area being farmed.
1-800-667-4321 throughout B.C
For information on the Environmental Farm Plan
√ Segregate fertilisers, fuel and pesticides.
Elaine Spearing 250-747-3237
√ Containment for spills - Is there concrete with
a curb, or metal pan, or other containment for
Or refer to the BCAC website
small quantities to catch any spillage?
√ spill kit near storage
√ Wells are at least 100ft (30m) from the storage
√ Watercourses are at least 50ft (15m) from
√ Materials stored off the floor/protected from
√ Storage area is above the 100-year flood level.
√ Store dry formulations above liquids
√ Labels on all containers
√ Caps tightly closed
√ Bags tightly sealed
√ Damaged bags in strong plastic bags.
Pacific Agricultural Certification Society
If any materials prohibited under the standardneed to be stored for some reason, at a mini-
3402 32nd Ave. Vernon BC V1T 2N1
mum the organically compliant inputs should
Tel: 250-558-7927 Fax: 250-558-7947
be segregated from non-compliant inputs to
email: [email protected]
minimise the risks of mistakes or contamina-
- ISO 65 Compliant
tion. (COABC 2.21).
- Internationally Recognized Certification
Any material classified as pesticide should
USA, Quebec, UK, Korea
be in a building with a clearly visible
- Fast & Efficient Service
warning sign and which is:
- Affordable Sliding Fee Scale - Year Round Certification - No Deadlines
Capable of containing spills
- Easy to complete electronic or paper forms
Locked, with key stored away from
- Professional trained Verification Officers
Vented to the outside
Professional Accredited Certification Services
Protected from collision
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Leafhopper control in Organic Vineyards
The Virginia creeper leafhopper (Erythroneura
generation parasitism is present, does probably
zigzac) and in some locations the Western
not require intervention.
Grape leafhopper (Erythroneura elegantula) are
The main suppression or control approaches
probably the most difficult to control insect
are based on mechanical, cultural (leaf
pests in organic vineyards in the Southern inte-
removal, spray, etc.) and biological methods.
rior of British Columbia. Both leafhopperspecies over-winter as adults and multiply over
The most effective mechanical control uses yel-
two generations in the growing season. They
low sticky tape (Hopperfinder from Western
damage the foliage by sucking fluid from the
Farm Services, Ca), applied below the canopy
cells, thereby affecting photosynthesis. While
before bud break in spring. This plastic tape is
grape plants can tolerate a fairly large number
15 cm (6 inches) wide and comes in 450 meter
of leafhoppers before the crop is affected by
(1500 feet) long rolls. Where the over wintering
delayed maturity due to reduced photosynthe-
population is substantial, tape should be
sis, careful monitoring of egg and nymph num-
applied to every row in the infested block to
bers on the underside of the basal leaves is
substantially reduce the resident leafhoppers.
crucial to determine whether intervention is
Extrapolation of informal counts in a block
necessary; more so in organic vineyards,
which was severely infested by leafhoppers in
because control methods available to the organ-
the previous season, shows that the yellow
ic grower are few and of limited effectiveness.
sticky tape caught between 500,000 (in lower
Firm thresholds for organic management sys-
pressure areas) and 1.2 Million over-wintering
tems have not been established yet, but less
leafhoppers per acre. Where previous year's
than 20 nymphs per leaf, where some second-
damage was moderate the tape can be used forspot treatment, typically on the ends and out-side rows and where plants bud out earliest.
Taking stock of the sites with the worst infesta-tion late in the season helps in mapping outareas to be treated with tape the next spring.
Carmen (F1)
Management practices such as cultivation or
chopping prunings with a flail mower shouldnot be performed while the tape is still trapping
growers with new
leafhoppers, as the dust build up will render it
Bonbon (F1)
and proven
Tape can be wrapped around posts or stapled;
favorites for
it does however tear quite readily in high windlocations where staples are not recommended.
over 30 years.
Eva Purple Ball
In 2005 cost per roll was around Can $ 75.00.
BFREE expanded 2006 catalog.
This method is the most effective overall, where
BWide selection of
pressure is high and populations have been
increasing over the years.
herb, and flower seeds.
Another mechanical implement with some
potential is a large over the row blower–vacuum
B150+ new products.
system, which blows the adult leafhopper fromone side of the row into a large vacuum head
on the other side. Leafhopper counts showed a
significant reduction compared to control sites.
Travel speed however is very slow and repeated
Visit us on the web
Leafhopper Control - continued on page 20.
Bull's Blood
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
.Leafhopper Control – continued from page 19
There are few insecticides available to organic
passes are necessary. Timing is also crucial;
growers. All of them work through direct con-
biggest impact was achieved with passes on
tact only, with no residual effect; so excellent
calm evenings just as the over wintering
coverage is crucial for adequate suppression.
leafhoppers were beginning to lay eggs. This
Timing is also important, since these products
prototype machine will undergo some
work best on first and second instar
further development and be tested
nymphs, with no impact on adult
again next year.
Cultural control methods con-
Safers soap, applied at 1.5%
sist primarily of leaf removal
to 2% to the underside of the
and spraying with approved
leaves, when most first gen-
substances. Leaf removal is
eration eggs have hatched,
quite effective in some years
can substantially reduce dam-
where pressure is relatively low
age, provided good coverage is
and when spring temperatures are
achieved. The product should be
relatively warm and consistent. Basal leaves
applied with a spray gun to run off point
are removed by hand where damage is visible
or with an airblast sprayer if nozzles can be
as soon as the first nymphs begin to hatch.
angled to reach the underside of the leaves.
Under favourable conditions this can greatly
Where hard water is a problem, the addition of
reduce leafhopper numbers. In cool or changing
a handful of Potassium chloride (water soften-
spring weather however, first generation ovipo-
ing salt) to the tank mix, can greatly enhance
sition can extend over a number of weeks,
the efficacy of the product.
which means that leafhoppers may still be lay-
Summer oils and Neem are other options for
ing large numbers of eggs after leaf pulling has
the suppression of insect pests such as
been completed. Leaf removal at this stage has
leafhoppers. They are both not yet registered
no adverse effect on fruit quality and helps in
for use on grapes in Canada. Summer oil is
opening up the canopy around the fruiting
used in the same way as Safers soap, but it has
zone, thereby reducing incidence of botrytis
some potential drawbacks. If used later in the
bunch rot. Early season leaf removal is a slow
season on second generation hoppers, it can
and expensive process and generally only feasi-
inhibit photosynthesis and thereby delay matu-
ble on a small portion of the vineyard. Another
rity. Some informal tests showed a reduction of
variation of this approach consists of delaying
1.3 to 1.8 Brix compared to an untreated con-
suckering, or even purposely leaving sucker
trol. This effect may however be reduced with
spurs during pruning, to be removed after first
the new generation of more highly refined sum-
generation egg laying has subsided. Suckers
mer oils. Oils are also incompatible with sul-
generally start growing early, attracting a lot of
phur sprays and should not be applied within a
week to ten days of a sulphur based powderymildew spray.
There are a number of beneficial insects thatcan make a considerable contribution to keep-ing the leafhopper population stable. The mostimportant ones are egg parasites, tiny, almostmicroscopic mymarid wasps called Anagrus.
They over-winter on leafhopper eggs andemerge in spring, when they probably multiplyon other, early leafhoppers. They typically moveinto vineyards at the tail end of the over-win-tering generation oviposition. They can cyclethrough four to five generations a year, so havethe potential to relatively quickly catch up to
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
the leafhopper population. Parasitized leafhop-
The earwig is another beneficial, contributing to
per eggs can be easily identified with a hand
the suppression of leafhoppers and other pest
lens, by the brick red colouration of the other-
insects. It will often scrape the eggs from the
wise transparent, colourless egg. When Anagrus
underside of the leaves and occasionally even
emerge from the host egg, they cut a round
eat young nymphs. Earwigs are night feeders
hole into the egg membrane, while leafhoppers
and spend the day in the shade under bark,
tear the membrane open at one end. Anagrus
leaves or in the soil. They are considered a pest
seem to be very specific to the species of
in table grape vineyards because they often
leafhopper present. Anagrus erythroneurae is
take shelter in grape bunches at harvest time.
the egg parasite of the western grape leafhop-
Earwig populations typically increase under
per. Dr. Tom Lowery of PARC Summerland has
organic management.
found it over wintering on roses, probably onrose leafhopper eggs. Where substantial
We have experimented for a few years with
amounts of roses (wild or cultivated) are pre-
releases of lacewing eggs and larvae. Eggs were
sent, the grape leafhopper is rarely a problem.
sprinkled on to the basal leaves with a modified
Anagrus daanei parasitizes the eggs of the
saltshaker and stuck in place with a squirt of
Virginia creeper leafhopper. To date the local
sugar water or gum Arabic from a hand spray
over wintering host has not been found, despite
bottle. Rates were around 20,000 eggs per acre,
considerable effort. While Tom Lowery has suc-
in two or three consecutive applications.
ceeded in rearing Anagrus daanei in the lab for
Lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla sp.) are fairly
field release, this is probably not feasible on a
active generalist predators with a preference for
large enough scale for commercial applications.
aphids; they will kill leafhopper nymphs by
In the long run, finding the over-wintering host
sucking them dry, but often move from the
and then enhancing its habitat could, in some
grape plant to the cover crop, where a broader
locations, reduce the need to intervene.
selection of food is available. Initial observa-tions and informal counts showed somepromise, but more rigorous, replicated sam-pling showed no significant difference betweenrelease sites and controls.
Predatory thrips, and a number of predatorybugs (Deraeocoris, Anthocoris) such as minutepirate bugs (Orius) are other generalist predators,which have been observed to kill leafhoppernymphs on occasion. All these may assist in asmall way to suppress the leafhopper population;but Anagrus appears to be the only one capableof reducing leafhopper numbers over time.
There are a number of opportunities for futureresearch: Neem oil has been shown to be effec-tive against the rice leafhopper in Asia, but isnot registered for use in Canada yet.
There are some indications that compoundswith anti-feedant effect may have somepromise. There may also be some potential inexploiting the probably chemical message ema-nating from grape leaves, which attracts theseleafhoppers to the grape plant in the first place.
This could be used to enhance the effectivenessof the sticky tape or to develop another‘attract and kill' method.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
BC Commercial Organic Seed Growers
Following is a list of independent seed growers
C-Intra Botanicals: organic and wild harvested seed
in BC. Contact your local seed growers to dis-
contact: George Morizawa
cuss varieties you're looking for in commercial
phone: 604-826-2357 email: [email protected]
quantities. Also, check the COABC website
33636 4th Ave. Mission, BC V2V 7C6
www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/training/organic-seeds.htm for updates to this list.
Forest Spring Farm: seed garlic
contact: Pat & Dianne Zanichelliphone: 250-655-3276
Across the Creek Organics: Seed potatoes.
email [email protected]
contact: Bruce Miller
address: 2098 East Saanich Rd., Sidney, BC. V8L 1H5
phone: 604.894.6463email: [email protected]
Full Circle Seeds: Vegetable, heritage, herbs and
address: 8356 Meadows Rd. Pemberton BC.VON 2LO
Boundary Garlic: Seed garlic, heritage varieties
contact: Mary Alice Johnsonphone: 250.642.3671
contact: Sonia Stairs
email: [email protected]
phone: 250.449.2152email: [email protected]
address: Box 807, 3680 Otter Point Rd
address: Box 273, Midway, BC V0H 1M0
Sooke, BC. V0S 1N0
Birley Farm: field crop seeds: clover, sweet clover,
Organic Milling Co-op: Spelt, buckwheat, soybeans
contact: Richard and Brenda Birley
and golden flax seed.
phone: 250-787-0635
contact: Andrea Gunner
email: [email protected]
phone: 250.546.2712
address: Box 61, Baldonnel, BC. V0C 1C0
Fax 250.546.2713email: [email protected]: 4218 Wyatt Road Armstrong, B.C. V0E 1B4
Planting Seeds Project: Open pollinated vegetable,
herb and flowers.
contact: Mojave Kaplanphone: 250.455.2392 ext.11 (early or evening)email: [email protected]: PO Box 536, Lytton, BC, VOK1Z0
Rebecca's Garden: transitional vegetables, flowers
We specialize in seeds & advice for
contact: Rebecca Jehn
organic growers in British Columbia.
Send for your free catalogue.
phone: 250-727-3788
We invite you to visit us on the new farm!
email: [email protected] Echo Drive Victoria, BC. V9E 2H9
Salt Spring Seeds: Open-pollinated garlic, vegeta-
bles, flowers and herbs.
contact: Dan Jasonphone: 250.537.5269(Inquiries only, no phone orders)address: Box 444, Ganges P.O. Salt Spring Island, BC,V8K 2W1saltspringseeds.com
A one-day gathering for seed growers will be
held on February 19th in Victoria. There will be
expert presentations on topics such seed borne dis-
eases, including field identification, and post-har-
vest treatment, as well as a session for networking
Box 820, 3925 – 64th Street, RR #1, Delta, BC V4K 3N2
and strategizing. Contact Patrick Steiner:
Tel: (604) 952-8820 • Toll-Free Fax: (877) 482-8822
[email protected], ph: 250-804-0122.
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Seeds of Victoria: Open-pollinated vegetables, heir-
address: 4768 William Head Road, Victoria, BC, V9C 3Y7
loom tomatoes, herbs, perennials and annuals.
contact: Carolyn Herriot
West Coast Seeds: Open pollinated and F1, veg-
phone: 250. 881.1555
etable, herb and flowers, certified organic seeds
email: [email protected]: 395 Conway Road, Victoria, B.C. V9E 2B9
from BC growers.
contact: Mary Ballonphone: 604.952.8820, toll free fax
Stellar Seeds: Vegetables, flowers, herbs, cover crops
- most seed is certified organic, bulk available
contact: Patrick Steiner
address: 3925 - 64th St, RR1, Delta, BC, V4K 3N2
phone: 250.804.0122
address: 2750 - 30th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm,
BC, V1E 3L2www.stellarseeds.com
Sunshine Farm: heirloom and rare vegetables, flow-
ers and herbs
contact: Jon and Sher Alcock
phone: 250.764.4810email: [email protected]
address: 2225 Saucier Rd., Kelowna, BC, V1W 4B8
For a printed catalogue
Two Wings Farm: Certified organic heirloom veg-
send $2 to Stellar Seeds
2750 – 30th Avenue NE
etable, herb and flower seeds.
Salmon Arm BC V1E 3L2
Contact: Marti Martin-Woodphone: 250.478.3794
email: [email protected]
2/3rds Typical Price, Twice the Value.
Urban & Peri-Urban Agriculture
Countryside Agriculture
Throughout tour, we'll visit or meet people and
Participatory Plant Breeding
centers of interest. We'll visit the National
Educational TV & Video
Agricultural Sciences Institute facility (INCA).
Total Cost of Air return from
See the remarkable work transforming Cuban
Vancouver, Double Occupancy
agriculture by INCA's Participatory Plant
Countryside and Seashore life
with all Breakfasts, and some
Breeding (PPB) program with national coordi-
Organic Certification
Meals, without Travel Insurance
nator Humberto Rios, who is one of our tour's
host/guides. We'll visit the UBPC Organiponico
in Alamar, one of the most successful urban
organic farms in Cuba selling ornamentalplants, medicinal plants, and millions of veg-
less your $300 Canadian taxdeductible charity donation per
etable transplants to surrounding residents
Health & Education Systems
ticket that will fund continuing
and farmers. This farm provides training and
support of sustainable agriculu-
fresh food for the area. This is a must see foranyone interested in Cuba's Urban Agriculture,
Pasturage & Forage Research
ral research activities in Canadaand Cuba. Fully bilingual and
and Food Security. There are many Canadian
Havana Art Galleries, theatres,
proficient guides.
partnerships here so expect warm welcomes!
museums, monuments,palaces, and plazas.
For more info call Ron 250-539-2034 or cell 539-0089, email [email protected] or check out
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Seeds for the Future?
by Cathleen Kneen
It is no secret that the transnational corpora-
ference, with increasing activity among local seed
tions who have done such a good job of turning
producers and a conference planned for mid-
agricultural commodities and inputs into profit
February which will include both skill develop-
centres (for themselves) are now setting their
ment and strategizing for BC's seed sector (see
sights on seeds. In fact, the consolidation of the
announcement, page 22.)
seed sector, and the steady loss of open-pollinat-
There are real opportunities for organic farmers
ed varieties, has been going on for many years.
in BC to prepare for the day when we are forced
As we learned from Stewart Wells of the National
to rely on ourselves and our farmer-partners for
Farmers Union at last year's COABC spring con-
clean, appropriate, organic seed supplies. But we
ference, it is Canadian government policy to put
have to act decisively and make this a clear pri-
seed breeding in private hands - and to encour-
ority – tell your CB representative on the COABC
age the spread of genetically engineered seeds.
Board; or, better yet, come to the AGM and
As we learned from Mary Ballon of West Coast
spring conference and make your concerns
Seeds at the same conference, there is already
heard. Or contact the organizers of the seed
only one source for several of our most common
gathering in Victoria. Or, take the plunge and go
vegetable seeds. And as we learned from Cuba's
to Cuba on the spring tour and get inspired by
Humberto Rios LaBrada, there are dynamic, cre-
the possibilities (see page 23).
ative, and effective models in other countries tolearn from.
By the next issue of the BC Organic Grower wehope to be able to report on concrete initiatives
Since that conference, COABC's "Ambassador to
to ensure that BC's organic growers will be using
Cuba", Ron Pither, has continued to work with
Certified Organic seeds for all our crops (includ-
Humberto and his colleagues in Cuba and in
ing feed crops) —not because the international
Chiapas, Mexico, and to seek ways to translate
standards require it for trade, but because these
the principles of their farmer-led Participatory
seeds have the qualities we want, and they are
Plant Breeding into a program which will
available to us in the quantities we require.
address the seed needs of the organic sector inBritish Columbia. Chiapas is the ‘centre of ori-gin' of about 60% of the world'smost important food crops (thinkcorn, beans, rice, tomatoes). Usingthe tools of the Participatory PlantBreeding program, they are workingto ensure stable supplies of theseseeds in the hands of farmers - andthey are very interested in interna-tional partnerships such as withBritish Columbia. This is an chancefor BC seed growers who have beenworking with local traditional andheritage varieties to work with amuch broader range of seeds – andto collaborate in the development ofcommercial-scale quantities of themost relevant or interesting vari-eties, including field crops as well asvegetables, herbs, and flowers.
A Cuban field with wheat and oats, developed through Cuba's Participatory
There has also been follow-up from
Plant Breeding program, intercropped between bananas for feed grain rations
the seed workshop at last year's con-
production. Photo: Ron Pither
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
+ $8',(1&(««%&&+())6
Pacific Natural is a cold processed, enzymatically digested fresh fish fertilizer produced from
the pacific dogfish at our plant in Delta, B.C. When applied to the soil, PN performs as a
natural bio-stimulant, with the enzymes biologically unlocking nutrients contained in the soil.
Because the natural oils and collagens have not been removed, our fertilizer does not leech
out into the local water table, but remains in the soil providing a time-release effect. In
addition to being a root-feeder, PN is suitable as a foliar spray and compost star
addition to being a root-feeder
PN is completely natural, other than the addition of 3% phosphoric acid needed for pH
stabilization. For application, it is mixed with water at a ratio of at least 10 parts water
to 1 part PN in order to bring the pH level to neutral to initiate bio-activity. PN has been
filtered through an 80-mesh screen and can be applied through conventional methods
including aerial spraying and underground drip systems.
Application rate: 5-10 gallons of undiluted PN per acre (diluted at least 10:1, 3 times per year)
To place an order or for further information, please contact Michael Renwick – Great Pacific BioProducts Ltd.
Phone: 604-952-4333 Fax: 604-952-4334 Email: [email protected]
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Letters to the editor
just the tip of the iceberg, and I would urge readers to
are welcome. Letters must be
check out Jack Doyle's recent book Trespass Against
under 500 words. We reserve the
Us: Dow Chemical and the Toxic Century.
theright to edit for length.
If the Cherry Fruit Fly is such a problem, and the useof ENTRUST is deemed unavoidable, then perhaps
To the Editor:
farmers would be wise to grow something else to mar-
I found it very disheartening to read "Cherry Fruit
ket commercially. And as for teaming up with Dow,
tte Fly a Threat no Longer" in the Autumn edition of
supporting such a corporate brute would be an embar-
e BC Organic Grower. While I am not totally against
rassment to organic agriculture.
the use of organic sprays to limit the damage wrought
by various pests, I think a quick critical look at the
Mike Bird, Seton Portage
world would suggest that perhaps it is us humans whoare the real pests that need to be controlled.
Response to letter to the editor
Eliot Coleman has urged farmers for years to ‘plant
Effect on beneficials is a real concern. Please see my
positive', by focusing on strengthening plants and the
article in an earlier issue of the BC Organic Grower
conditions that support them, not on wiping out pests
regarding this and ways to mitigate it. Resistance to
and disrupting ecosystems. "Without this understand-
spinosad is a possibility. In regard to both these issues
ing," writes Coleman in The New Organic Grower,
we have been carrying out research to minimize the
"organic agriculture continues to be constrained by an
amounts used, which is the main preventative action.
imitative type of thinking that merely substitutes
Monitoring and only applying sprays when needed is
‘organic' for chemical inputs" . Judging by the wide
one method. Use of GF-120 instead of Entrust where
range of pests that can be fought using ‘ENTRUST',
only 1 gram of spinosad is needed for every 7.5 acres is
one can only speculate as to the larger effect this could
have on ‘beneficial' insects and the interrelationshipsthat exist between all living things on a farm.
Very early maturing varieties of cherries miss the main
Furthermore, what happens if the cherry fruit fly devel-
Cherry Fruit Fly infestations. However, the two CFF
ops a resistance to ENTRUST?
larvae we did find in all of the checking during lastsummer's research project were from early cherries.
The issue that I find most disturbing about the promo-
Based on the stage of development of the grubs
tion of the biological insecticide spinosad, however, is
(mature), the eggs they had hatched from had been
that it is a product of Dow Chemical (or ‘Dow
laid before we started monitoring mid-June. There may
Agrisciences'). One of the world's leading biotech
be selection going on in the early maturing blocks for
firms, one would be hard-pressed to find a more envi-
early emerging CFF. Early maturing varieties also tend
ronmentally irresponsible company than Dow. From
to be much more susceptible to rain splitting and other
manufacturing Agent Orange and Napalm during the
Vietnam War, to its refusal to account for the 1984Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India, the track
The upshot of this is that if resistance develops, most
record of this corporation is frightening. Sadly, this is
consumers have to choose either to eat conventionalcherries where far more toxic and environmentallydamaging pesticides are used or not to eat cherries.
Regarding Dow - My father had a saying that I think
Growing the Culture
applies here: "even a blind chick will find a good seedonce in awhile". Actually getting Dow to focus on less
toxic compounds is a plus. Not using products withnegative connotations is a huge challenge. Try to avoid
Biodynamic Conference & AGM
using all those nice cheap products that are "Made inChina". There is probably no
hosted by Glenora Farm in Duncan
intervention/product/action that does not have a nega-tive connotation if you look hard enough. Each indi-
March 24th-26th, 2006
vidual has to decide how hard they want to look andhow much they can or cannot compromise. It is a far
for information contact:
from perfect world and there are far more greys and
[email protected] or [email protected]
pastels than black and whites.
Biodynamic Agriculture Society of British Columbia
Linda Edwards
Mary Forstbauer (Pres) phone/fax 604 794 3999
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
To The Editor:
the old, the very young,
The Ministry of Forests and Range has applied to aeri-
and others, are threat-
al spray 390 hectares encompassing both sides of Lees
ened with illness and death by
Hill to eradicate an isolated infestation of Gypsy
such indiscriminate applications of the
Moth. They will use BTK commercial formulation
spray! We discovered that reports of distress
Foray 48B with 4 applications between April 15 &
in Vancouver Emergency Wards associated
with the indicriminate spraying of citizens of
that city (which was the first aerial spraying of an
This formulation is not approved for organic certifica-
urban population) were simply written off as
tion and any certified land that is sprayed would loose
unknown "epidemiological" effects. One couldn't
certification status and have to undergo a 3 year transi-
be certain if it was the spray or it wasn't the spray
tion period. The alternatives are to stop the spraying
which affected the victims concerned.
or to get your acreage covered in plastic at ministryexpense every time a spraying is scheduled.
We also found that this spray program had nothing todo with just finding bugs to spray; Agriculture Canada
To comment on this application a writ-
had some kind of contractual agreement with a
ten submission must be sent to the min-
German supplier of the spray and it was ordered
istry and the regional manager of the
and stock piled for as much as 3 years in advance
Pesticide Control Program within 30
of a "possible" need!
days of 28 Dec. More details can be obtainedfrom the Islands Trust Office.
Though the efforts of a core group led by ChrisAnderson, who worked day and night for months, the
Anne Macey
Island wasn't sprayed in the mid 90s. Ag Canada final-
To the Editor:
ly agreed that citizens of Salt Spring would take on–
I was one of several people who attended hearings
and self-administer – a citizen-based program of setting
here the last time this initiative was proposed for the
traps and testing foliage for egg masses (of course the
Islands. The struggle against this went on for months;
Gypsy Moth never actually showed up). That's the
the hearings lasted for 3 days! In the process we dis-
approach that should prevail again, should purported
covered that contrary to the purported rationale for
the aerial spraying of the entire Island at that time,this wasn't a spraying of bugs that would save local
We don't need Ag Canada indiscriminately destroying
ecosystems from devastation. This was a repeat of a
ecosystems here for the sake of exporting raw logs,
spray program that was first started as an "eradication'
Christmas trees and Nursery Products to the U.S.A.
of Gypsy Moth beginning in 1911.
John Wilcox
Next we discovered that no one knew what was in thespray. It's a secret formula containing a surfactant(sticking agent) which could be any unknown chemi-cal product, including banned substances. It was pur-ported to be safe, except it wasn't to be sprayed any-
Regional Seminar Series
where where it would contaminate water bodies! How
Interested in demonstrating the latest farming
techniques or equipment to farmers? Looking
There is no record of Gypsy Moth being a viable
for some financial support to get this kind of
threat to conifer ecosystems such as ours, although it
hands-on event off the ground?
may very well be a threat to eastern seaboard systemsand to other deciduous Canadian zones such as the
The COABC's Organic Sector Development Fund has
Carolinian of South Western Ontario. The moth does-
approved funding to support a set of regionally ori-
n't survive in the conifer forests of nothern Michigan
ented seminars around the province. These events
or up into Canada, but only inhabits nodes of isolated
must demonstrate something new that can help pro-
deciduous popular and birch tree clusters.
ducers increase their organic productivity.
In other words, the Gypsy Moth spray program is a
If you have an idea, and a CB or a regional produc-
Canadian initiative designed to allay the "non tariff"
tion group who will help coordinate the event, talk to
trade barrier curtailment of shipping such things as raw
Rochelle Eisen to see if you qualify for financial assis-
logs, Christmas trees and nursery products across the
tance. You can reach
U.S. (free trade) border.
Rochelle at 250.547.6573 (h),
One of the most disturbing findings of the hearings
250.306.7980 (c) or via email [email protected].
was that people with compromised immune systems,
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Pre-Conference Workshops
Marketing and Business Skills Workshop
In association with the Agroforestry Industry Development Initiative, this workshop will provide beginning and intermediate levelmarketing information and support to those who are considering or are already involved in agroforestry, who need more infor-mation on market opportunities and product outlets, how to mesh or link their agroforestry efforts with other agriculture activi-ties or programs, or obtain other skills for marketing. The workshop will provide information transferable to organic growers andis intended to help promote linkages between agroforestry concepts and products into the organic sector.
Environmental Farm Planning Workshops & Clinics
Please see page 16 for details. Free registration for this workshop is separate from Conference registration.
Concurrent Conference Session Highlights
Please see website or phone Coordinator for updated details
Session A: Growing our
Session D: Growing our Value
• Tools to help farmers with further
• Organic retail coops (from base-
processing (Candice Appleby, Small
Enjoy an evening of joyful indul-
ment to chainstores)
Scale Food Processor's Association)
gence, with an all-organic ban-
• What is required in order for a
quet followed by a live and silent
• New ideas for finding income from
major supermarket chain to carry
auction. Then dance like there's
non-production areas of your prop-
your organic product (David Kelly,
no tomorrow to 11-year old fid-
erty such as riparian areas (Marlene
Organics Specialist at Save on Foods)
dling sensation Aimee Fauteux – a
Best, Page Creek Farms).
two time provincial gold medal
• The Community Shared
Session E: Growing our
winning fiddler.
Agriculture marketing model.
Session B: Growing our Skills
• Specialty crops (Lisa Zabek, MAL)
• Organic Pest Control
• Agroforestry systems (David
• Basket Weeding (Hermann Bruns)
• Marketing for Farmers (Justin Marx)
Session F: Growing our
Connections and Partnerships
• How to access government pro-
the COABC Conference!
gramming for business planning on
• Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
your farm (Lorne Owen, Ag Renewal
Program and related on farm appli-
cations (Jayna Houston, Abbotsford
Art • crafts • your farm's produce
Soil Conservation Association)
• Permaculture techniques.
Special skills (ie. cooking
• The current status of and efforts to
classes, woodworking, welding)
Session C: Growing our
protect ALR lands (Dave Sands, ALR
Protection and Enhancement
money • time • produce • livestock
• National organic regulation changes(Paddy Doherty)
• Developing Community, Using
Agriculture as the Vehicle (Marion
• Meat Industry Enhancement
Live Auction • Silent Auction
Thompson, Fraser Basin Council)
Strategy (Don Davidson): transition to
• Banquet •
the new meat inspection regulations.
• How farmers can work with thegrowing food security movement
• David Lynch (see page 15 for
To donate, please contact
(Cathleen Kneen, BC Food Systems
details) on new products such as
chitin-based fertilizer and lactic acid
ph: 604-755-4329, or email
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
General Program Schedule
Pre-conference Workshops (Friday, Feb. 24th)
Agroforestry Marketing and Business Skills Workshop
We need assistance with
Environmental Farm Planning Workshop
pre- and post-conference
Friday, Februrary 24th
setup and tear down,
4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Registration, Trade Show Opens (open until 10 pm)
food serving and regis-
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Networking Reception & Cash Bar: Organic Wine and Beer
tration desk assistance.
Book Reading by Larry L. Bailey, Author of "Birthright"
We also need pre-confer-
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Plenary Speaker: Deborah Koons Garcia, Director / Producer of
ence assistance with win-
The Future of Food, viewing of the film with Q&A period following.
dow poster placements
Saturday, Februrary 25th
around BC—will you put
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration, Trade Show Opens (open until 5 pm)
a poster up in your
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Opening Remarks & Dignitaries
town? If you're interest-
Plenary Speaker: Dr. Derek Lynch, PAg. Canada Research Chair in
ed in helping, please
Organic Agriculture (see pg. 15 for details)
10:00 am - 12 pm
10:30 am - 12 pm
Concurrent Session 1: Topics A, B, and C (see key below, info pg. 28)
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Concurrent Session 2: Topics A, B, and C (see key below, info pg. 28)
Michelle Boshard
Seedy Saturday Seed Exchange
tel: 604-755-4329, or email
Concurrent Session 3: Topics A, B, and C (see key below, info pg. 28)
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Banquet, Auction and Dance!!
Sunday, Februrary 26th
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration, Trade Show Opens (open until 4:30 pm)
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Plenary Speaker: Jammi Kumar, PAg. Development Agrologist, BC
MAL (see pg. 28 for details)
10:00 am - 12 pm
10:30 am - 12 pm
Concurrent Session 4: Topics D, E and F (see key below, info pg. 28)
Concurrent Session 5: Topics D, E and F (see key below, info pg. 28 )
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Closing and Farewells
Check the COABC web-
Tour of an organic farm
site for updates anddetailed information:
Key to the Concurrent Session Topics: (see pg. 28 for details)
Topic A: Growing our Markets
Topic D: Growing our Value
Topic B: Growing our Skills
Topic E: Growing our Production
Topic C: Growing our Knowledge
Topic F: Growing our Connections and Partnerships
Hotel Accomodation for the Conference:
Best Western Regency Inn &
Coast Abbotsford Hotel and Suites
Best Western Bakerview Inn
32110 Marshall Road
Abbotsford BC, V2S 2C7
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 4L5
Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1A1
Toll Free: 1-800-716-6199
Phone: 604-859-1341
Toll Free: 1-800-771-3077
Phone: 604-853-1880
Fax: 604-854-1385
Phone: 604-853-3111
Fax: 604-853-1951
Comfort Inn Abbotsford
Fax: 604-852-1750
Ramada Inn and Conference
2073 Clearbrook Road
Abbotsford, BC V2T 2X1
Be sure to reference conference confir-
36035 North Parallel Rd.
Phone: 604-859-6211
mation #602542 or identify yourself as
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2C6
a COABC conference participant to get
Toll Free: 1-888-411-1070
Super 8 Abbotsford
the rate of $79 per night.
Phone: 604-870-1050
1881 Sumas WayAbbotsford, BC V2S 4L5
A hotel shuttle bus will be available all
Fax:604 870-1060
Phone: 604-853-1141
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
BC Organic Grower, Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2005-2006
Source: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/publications/bcog/issues/Vol8N4.pdf
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Published online before print 21 March 2011, doi: 10.1258/phleb.2010.010044Phlebology October 2011 vol. 26 no. 7 280-284 Three cases of stroke following peripheralvenous interventions Author Affiliations Correspondence: Dr Kurosh Parsi FACD FACP, Suite 1501, 520 Oxford St, Bondi Junction, NSW 2010, Australia. Email: