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Epidemiologic Reviews
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Advance Access publication July 16, 2008
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
Jessica J. Jalbert1, Lori A. Daiello1,2, and Kate L. Lapane1
1 Department of Community Health – Epidemiology, Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University, Providence, RI.
2 Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI.
Accepted for publication May 12, 2008.
Dementia of the Alzheimer type is a progressive, fatal neurodegenerative condition characterized by
deterioration in cognition and memory, progressive impairment in the ability to carry out activities of daily living,and a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms. This narrative review summarizes the literature regardingdescriptive epidemiology, clinical course, and characteristic neuropathological changes of dementia of theAlzheimer type. Although there are no definitive imaging or laboratory tests, except for brain biopsy, for diagnosis,brief screening instruments and neuropsychiatric test batteries used to assess the disease are discussed.
Insufficient evidence exists for the use of biomarkers in clinical practice for diagnosis or disease management, butpromising discoveries are summarized. Optimal treatment requires both nonpharmacological and pharmacolog-ical interventions, yet none have been shown to modify the disease's clinical course. This review describes thecurrent available options and summarizes promising new avenues for treatment. Issues related to the care ofpersons with dementia of the Alzheimer type, including caregiver burden, long-term care, and the proliferation ofdementia special care units, are discussed. Although advances have been made, more research is needed toaddress the gaps in our understanding of the disease.
Alzheimer disease; dementia; drug therapy; review
Abbreviations: APOE, apolipoprotein E; DAT, dementia of the Alzheimer type; DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manualof Mental Disorders, fourth edition text revision; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NINCDS/ADRDA, National Institute ofNeurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association.
dition if current trends persist and no preventive treatmentsbecome available (4). The cognitive, behavioral, and func-
Dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) is a progressive,
tional decline in patients with DAT places a considerable
fatal neurodegenerative condition characterized by deterio-
burden on the health care system and caregivers (5). DAT is
ration in cognition and memory, progressive impairment in
therefore a growing medical, social, and economic problem.
the ability to carry out activities of daily living, and a number
Despite the urgency of the situation, many questions re-
of neuropsychiatric and behavioral symptoms (1). DAT is
main unanswered in DAT research. For instance, although
the most common form of dementia among elderly persons
advanced age, female gender, carrying the apolipoprotein E
and accounts for approximately two thirds of cases of de-
(APOE) e4 allele, current smoking, family history of DAT or
mentia and between 60 percent and 70 percent of cases of
other dementia, fewer years of formal education, lower in-
progressive cognitive impairment in older adults (2, 3). The
come, and lower occupational status have been associated
prevalence of DAT is expected to increase as the population
with an increased risk of developing the condition, the path-
ogenesis of Alzheimer's disease is still largely unknown (6–8).
In 2000, approximately 4.5 million people in the United
Although progress is being made in developing new therapies
States were living with DAT; by 2050, more than 13 million
for DAT, no therapeutic interventions to cure or substantially
older Americans are projected to be afflicted with the con-
modify disease progression currently exist.
Correspondence to Jessica J. Jalbert, Department of Community Health – Epidemiology, Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University,121 South Main, Box G, Providence, RI 02912 (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Jalbert et al.
This review provides an update on the current state of
In the United States, 12 percent of the population is at
knowledge on DAT. With a focus on findings generated from
least 65 years of age (13). By 2020, 16 percent of the pop-
studies conducted in the United States, it describes the ep-
ulation will be 65 years of age or older, and adults over 80
idemiology of DAT, its characteristic clinical course, neuro-
years of age are expected to account for 3.7 percent of the
psychiatric symptoms, factors associated with accelerated
population (14, 15). Growth will occur in all racial and ethnic
cognitive decline, characteristic neuropathological changes
groups (4). By 2050, the number of persons with DAT is
of Alzheimer's disease, diagnostic tools to assess DAT, and
expected to increase to 13.2 million, and it is estimated that
biomarkers and neuroimaging, and it provides an overview
more than 8.0 million cases will be older than age 85 years (4).
of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. Wealso summarize the ramifications of DAT for caregivers anddiscuss long-term care.
Patients with DAT are likely to exhibit neuropsychiatric
symptoms, also commonly referred to in the literature as
The following definitions were adapted from the position
behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, such
statement of the American Association for Geriatric Psychi-
as aggression/agitation, depression, apathy, anxiety, delu-
sions, and hallucinations at some point during the course
Dementia is a clinical syndrome characterized by global
of the illness. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are common in
cognitive decline with memory and one other area of cog-
all stages of dementia with prevalence estimates between 60
nition affected that interfere significantly with the person's
percent and 80 percent, depending on whether patients are
ability to perform the tasks of daily life and meet the
community dwelling or institutionalized, and a lifetime risk
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
of nearly 100 percent (16–20). The prevalence of neuropsy-
fourth edition text revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria.
chiatric symptoms in persons with DAT or dementia is
Dementia resulting from Alzheimer's disease or DAT is
greater than the background prevalence in the general pop-
characterized by decline primarily in cortical aspects of
ulation (16, 17, 21–24). Those symptoms most commonly
cognition (i.e., memory, language, praxis) and follows a char-
seen in patients with DAT or dementia are apathy, depres-
acteristic time course of gradual onset and progression.
sion, anxiety, aggression/agitation, and psychosis (delusions
Alzheimer's disease is a specific degenerative brain disease
and hallucinations). The prevalence of apathy ranges from
characterized by senile plaques, neuritic tangles, and progres-
20 percent to 51 percent and the 5-year prevalence is esti-
sive loss of neurons, the presumptive cause of Alzheimer's
mated as 71 percent (16, 18, 21, 23); the respective preva-
lences are 15–54 percent and 77 percent for depression(16, 18, 21, 22, 24–27) and 10–59 percent and 62 percent
for anxiety (16, 18, 21, 23, 28). The prevalence estimates foraggression/agitation and psychosis range from 13 percent to
Data documenting the incidence of DAT indicate that it is
30 percent and from 12 percent to 74 percent, respectively
a global problem that will become more severe as the pop-
(16, 18, 21, 29, 30). The considerable variation in the prev-
ulation ages. Table 1 summarizes population-based studies
alence estimates results from the different operational def-
estimating the incidence and prevalence of DAT. Studies
initions of dementia and neuropsychiatric symptoms, the
from different parts of the world (North America, Europe,
different types of dementia studied, and the heterogeneity
Asia, and Africa) were selected if they were population
of the study populations. Other less-common and less-
based and large. The estimates from the Delphi Consensus
studied neuropsychiatric symptoms include irritability, ela-
Study are for dementia rather than DAT but were included
tion, disinhibition, wandering, and aberrant motor behavior.
because prevalence/incidence estimates were generated
Neuropsychiatric symptoms in DAT may be better cap-
from a systematic review of population-based studies.
tured by grouping individual symptoms into various clusters
Regardless of country of origin, age-specific incidence rates
(20, 31–34). The motivation behind identifying symptom
of DAT increase exponentially with advancing age. In the
clusters is that they may form syndromes, with each DAT–
United States, the incidence rate of DAT is 1 per 1,000
neuropsychiatric symptom subtype having a different prev-
person-years among individuals aged 60–64 years and 25
alence and time course as well as distinct biologic correlates
per 1,000 person-years among those older than age 85 years
and psychosocial determinants (32). If neuropsychiatric
(10). Although DAT is not a normal part of the aging pro-
symptom clusters reflect differences in brain regions af-
cess, the prevalence of DAT also increases with advancing
fected by the disease, pharmacological and nonpharmaco-
age. While less than 1 percent of individuals aged 60–64
logical treatment opportunities could be optimized (20, 32).
years are deemed to be affected, it is estimated that up to 40
Neuropsychiatric symptoms in DAT may be classified into
percent of those over the age of 85 years have the condition
three groups: an affective syndrome, a psychotic syndrome,
(11). Similar trends were observed in a population-based
and other neuropsychiatric disturbances (20). Diagnostic
European study of persons aged 65 years or older. The
criteria for DAT-associated affective disorder and DAT-
age-standardized prevalence of DAT was 4.4 percent, and
associated psychotic disorder have been proposed (34). Other
the prevalence increased with age (0.6 percent for those
neuropsychiatric symptom classification systems, all of
aged 65–69 years; 22.2 percent for those aged 90 years or
which have identified clusters of mood or psychotic neuro-
older) (12).
psychiatric symptoms, have also been advanced (17, 35–39).
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
retrospectively determined symptom onset and 5.7 years
(standard deviation, 0.1) from initial clinic presentation(79). Baseline level of cognition may not predict mortality,
Alzheimer's disease can be definitively diagnosed only at
but mortality is strongly related to rate of cognitive decline
brain autopsy or biopsy, when neuritic plaques reach a cer-
(76). Indeed, the lack of effective predictors of the rate of
tain number in the most severely affected regions of the
deterioration extends to the earliest stages of dementia (80).
neocortex (40, 41). More stringent research criteria require
In the early clinical stage, deficits occur in episodic mem-
the presence of neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles
ory, verbal abilities, visuospatial functions, attention, and
in the neocortex (42–44).
executive functions (81). Sensory-motor performance and
Neuritic plaques consist of a central core of beta-amyloid
procedural memory seem to be intact, and only slight im-
peptides clumped together with fibrils of beta-amyloid, dys-
pairment may be seen in primary memory (81). Cognitive
trophic neurites, reactive astrocytes, phagocytic cells, and
decline stems from unifunctional to global deficits (81).
other proteins and protein fragments derived from degener-
Performance falls off rapidly in all areas of cognitive func-
ating cells or liberated from neurons (45, 46). The accumu-
tioning, but abilities thought to be subserved by the medial
lation of beta-amyloid seen in Alzheimer's disease brains may
and lateral temporal lobes (episodic and semantic memory,
be the result of faulty beta-amyloid clearance (47), cleaving
respectively) appear to be substantially more impaired than
of the amyloid precursor protein by enzymes to yield free
those abilities thought to be subserved by the frontal lobes
beta-amyloid peptides (48), or overproduction of beta-
(82). Yearly cognitive decline varies from a loss of 2.7–4.5
amyloid peptides caused by mutations in the amyloid pre-
points on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), 1.8–
cursor protein or the presenilins (49–54) or in the presence
4.2 points on the Blessed Dementia Scale, and 12–13 points
of the APOE e4 genotype (55, 56). Beta-amyloid fibrils
on the Cambridge Cognitive Examination to a gain of 2.6–
aggregate and neuritic plaques form, triggering a locally
4.5 points on the Blessed Test of Information, Memory, and
induced, non-immune-mediated, chronic inflammatory re-
Concentration (83).
sponse involving microglial cell activation and stimulation
The presence of one or more APOE e4 alleles is a signif-
of a cerebral acute-phase reaction (57) (figure 1). Activated
icant predictor of the incidence of delusions during the
microglial cells release potentially neurotoxic proinflamma-
course of DAT (84). The frequency and intensity of neuro-
tory cytokines (e.g., interleukin-6), reactive oxygen and ni-
psychiatric symptoms may increase with declining cognitive
trogen species, and proteolytic enzymes that may exacerbate
function in patients with DAT (76, 85–87) or may simply be
neuronal damage (58, 59). Beta-amyloid fibrils also appear
correlated with duration of disease (88). Curvilinear associ-
to exert direct neurotoxic effects (60–62).
ations between dementia severity and neuropsychiatric
Oxidative stress resulting from free radical damage may
symptoms such as forgetfulness and emotional and impul-
also be caused when soluble, aggregated amyloid fibrils are
sive behaviors have been reported (89, 90). Consensus has
inserted into neuronal membranes, inducing lipid perioxida-
yet to be reached on whether the prevalence of individual
tion, protein oxidation, and formation of reactive oxygen
neuropsychiatric symptoms remains constant at all stages of
and nitrogen species (63). APOE may, in e4 allele carriers,
dementia or whether it varies systematically depending on
exacerbate oxidative stress through its association with the
the stage of the disease (21, 30, 91–94).
catabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids (63). Oxidative
Some DAT patients appear to have neuropsychological
stress results in loss of cell potential, accumulation of ex-
deficits more prominent in one domain than in other do-
citotoxic molecules, and decreased neuronal viability (61).
mains (95). Language impairment in DAT may be associ-
Healthy neurons have microtubules stabilized by the tau
ated with two distinct neuropsychological abnormalities:
protein; in Alzheimer's disease, this protein is hyperphos-
1) a lexical/semantic impairment unrelated to onset or
phorylated and aggregates as paired helical filaments, caus-
2) progression of symptoms and a syntactic impairment that
ing the dissociation of microtubules and the formation of
may be associated with earlier onset and more rapid pro-
neurofibrillary tangles that result in neurotransmitter deficits
gression of dementia (96, 97). The annual decline in lan-
and neuronal cell death (45, 64–66). Beta-amyloid deposits
guage composite score was approximately 0.71 standard
may accelerate the formation of neurofibrillary tangles in
units, which did not differ by gender (98).
brain areas associated with Alzheimer's disease (67, 68).
Declining cholinergic function (69–71), reductions in syn-aptic density (71, 72), and the loss of neurons (71, 73–75)
are also consistent features of Alzheimer's disease.
Progressive cognitive decline is the principal clinical
manifestation of DAT, and a faster rate of decline is strongly
DAT is associated with increased mortality, but survival
associated with mortality (76). The rates at which people
among those with the disease varies widely (76, 77). Esti-
decline, however, differ substantially between affected per-
mates of mean survival time are hampered by lack of de-
sons, are difficult to predict, and are still not well understood
finitive onset-of-disease dates. In a study that followed
persons with DAT for an average of 4 years, 54 percent were
The APOE e4 allele, a strong genetic risk factor for DAT, is
institutionalized and 49 percent died (78). Median survival
associated with a greater risk of developing DAT (odds ratio 5
is estimated at 11.8 years (standard deviation, 0.6) since
14.9, 95 percent confidence interval: 10.8, 20.6 for persons
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Jalbert et al.
Summary of studies estimating incidence and prevalence of DAT* and dementia
Population/study design
Measure of disease frequency
Incidence studies
Canadian Study of Health and
Population-based Canadian cohort study
Women 65–69 years of age: 1.4 per 1,000 person-years
Aging, Canadian Study of
of 5,432 community-dwelling and 210
(95% CI*: 0.1, 3.3); men 65–69 years of age: 0; women
Health and Aging Working
institutionalized persons 65 years of
85 years of age or older: 49.0 per 1,000 person-years
(95% CI: 40.7, 57.2); men 85 years of age or older:44.2 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 31.0, 57.5);women all ages: 7.4 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI:4.4, 10.4); men all ages: 5.9 per 1,000 person-years(95% CI: 2.0, 9.8)
Cache County Study, Miech
US population-based cohort study of
68 years of age or less: 2.2 per 1,000 person-years;
3,308 persons aged 65 years or older
84–86 years of age: 57.9 per 1,000 person-years;all ages: 16.8 per 1,000 person-years
Monongahela Valley
US population-based cohort study of
65–69 years of age: 2.1 per 1,000 person-years
Independent Elders Survey
1,298 rural persons aged 65 years
(95% CI: 0.6, 7.8); 90 years of age or older: 50.9 per
(MoVIES), Ganguli et al.
1,000 person-years (95% CI: 23.3, 111.0); all ages:
11.6 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 9.5, 14.2)
North America/Africa
Hendrie et al. (294)
2,459 Yoruba residents of Ibadan,
Annual age-standardized incidence rate of DAT:
Nigeria, aged 65 years or older; 2,147
Nigeria: 1.15% (95% CI: 0.96, 1.35); Indiana:
African Americans residing in
2.52% (95% CI: 1.4, 3.64)
Indianapolis, Indiana, aged 65 yearsor older
Fratiglioni et al. (295)
Estimates of DAT incidence in persons
65–69 years of age: 1.2 per 1,000 person-years
65 years of age or older obtained by
(95% CI: 0.6, 2.3); over 90 years of age:
pooling population-based data from
53.5 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 36.5, 55.8)
European population-based studies
Neurologic Disorders in
Population-based Spanish survey of
65–69 years of age: 1.5 per 1,000 person-years
Central Spain Survey,
3,891 persons aged 65–90 years
(95% CI: 0.3, 4.4); 90 years of age or older: 52.6 per
Bermejo-Pareja et al. (296)
1,000 person-years (95% CI: 31.7, 82.2); age-adjustedincidence rate: 7.4 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI:6.0, 8.8)
Conselice Study of Brain
Italian prospective population-based
65–74 years of age: 11.3 per 1,000 person-years
Imaging, Ravaglia et al.
study of 927 persons aged 65 years
(95% CI: 7.1, 17.9); 85–94 years of age: 75.8 per
1,000 person-years (95% CI: 49.4, 116.2); all ages:23.8 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 17.3, 31.7)
Rotterdam Study, Ruitenberg
Population-based Dutch study of 7,046
65–69 years of age: 1.3 per 1,000 person-years
persons aged 55 years or older
(95% CI: 0.7, 2.3); 85–89 years of age: 34.8 per1,000 person-years (95% CI: 27.7, 43.9); all ages:7.2 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 6.4, 8.1)
Chinese cohort of 1,593 persons aged
All ages: 5.4 per 1,000 person-years
60 years or older residing in Beijing
Indo-US Cross-National
Population-based Indian study of 5,126
65–74 years of age: 1.2 per 1,000 person years
Dementia Epidemiology
persons aged 55 years or older
(95% CI: 0.25, 3.57); 85 years of age or older:
Study, Chandra et al. (300)
24.8 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 5.1, 72.5);65 years of age or older: 3.24 per 1,000person-years (95% CI: 1.48, 6.14)
homozygous for the e4 genotype; persons with only one
process regarding development of DAT and that cognitive
copy of e4 are also at increased risk—odds ratio 5 2.6, 95
decline should progress more rapidly in these patients (102),
percent confidence interval: 1.6, 4.0 for those with an e2/e4
but studies have provided conflicting evidence on whether
genotype; odds ratio 5 3.2, 95 percent confidence interval:
the APOE e4 allele is associated with an accelerated rate of
2.8, 3.8 for those with an e3/e4 genotype, relative to persons
cognitive decline (102–107).
with an e3/e3 genotype) (100). Earlier age at onset is ob-
High educational attainment is also associated with an
served in a dose-dependent fashion (the average age at onset
accelerated rate of cognitive deterioration in DAT patients
for persons with genotype e4/e4, only one e4 allele, and no
(108, 109), and the cognitive reserve hypothesis has been
e4 allele is 68 years, 76 years, and 84 years, respectively)
proposed to explain this association. For instance, someone
(101). These findings have led to the hypothesis that APOE e4
with a higher number of neuronal synapses or neurons could
allele carriers may experience a more rapid degenerative
withstand a higher degree of neuropathological change
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
Population/study design
Measure of disease frequency
Delphi Consensus Study,
Estimates of annual incidence of
North America: 10.5; Latin America: 9.2; western
Ferri et al. (301)
dementia (per 1,000) in persons
Europe: 8.8; eastern Europe: 7.7–8.1; North Africa
60 years of age or older derived by
and Middle Eastern Crescent: 7.6; Africa: 3.5; India
using the Delphi consensus approach
and south Asia: 4.3; Indonesia, Thailand, and
and guided by a systematic review of
Sri Lanka: 5.9; China and developing western
Pacific: 8.0; developed western Pacific: 7.0; worldannual incidence: 7.5
Prevalence studies
Health and Retirement Study,
Nationally representative sample of the
71–79 years of age: 5.0%; 90 years of age or
Plassman et al. (302)
US population (N 5 856) aged 71
older: 37.4%; all ages: 9.7%
Framingham Study, Bachman
US population-based cohort study
Men: 1.17%; women: 3.01%
North America/Africa
Hendrie et al. (304)
2,494 Yoruba residents of Ibadan,
Age-adjusted prevalence in Nigeria: 1.41%;
Nigeria, aged 65 years or older;
age-adjusted prevalence in Indiana for community-
2,212 African Americans residing in
dwelling persons: 3.69%; age-adjusted prevalence in
Indianapolis, Indiana, aged 65 years
Indiana for persons living in the community and in
nursing homes: 6.24%
Farrag et al. (305)
Population-based Egyptian study of
4.5% (95% CI: 3.6, 5.4)
persons older than age 60 years
Prevalence estimate for DAT in persons
Age-standardized prevalence: 4.4%; 65–69 years of
65 years of age or older obtained by
age: 0.6%; 90 years of age or older: 22.2%
pooling population-based data fromEuropean population-based studies
Rotterdam Study, Ott
Population-based study of Dutch
55–64 years of age: 0.20%; 85 years of age or older:
persons aged 55 years or older
26.8%; all ages: 4.5%
Gurvit et al. (307)
Population-based Turkish study of
11.0% (95% CI: 7.0, 15.0)
persons older than age 70 years
Dong et al. (308)
Estimate of prevalence of DAT in
1.6% (95% CI: 1.0, 2.7)
China among persons aged 60 yearsor older derived from systematicanalysis of work published between1980 and 2004
Zhang et al. (309)
Prevalence of DAT among persons
65 years of age or older across fourregions in China: Beijing, Xian,Shanghai, Chengdu
Delphi Consensus Study,
Estimates of prevalence of dementia in
North America: 6.4%; Latin America: 4.6%; western
Ferri et al. (301)
persons 60 years of age or older
Europe: 5.4%; eastern Europe: 3.8%23.9%;
derived by using the Delphi
North Africa and Middle Eastern Crescent: 3.6%;
consensus approach and guided by
Africa: 1.6%; India and south Asia: 1.9%; Indonesia,
a systematic review of published work
Thailand, and Sri Lanka: 2.7%; China and developingwestern Pacific: 4.0%; developed western Pacific:4.3%; world prevalence 2001: 3.9%
* DAT, dementia of the Alzheimer type; CI, confidence interval.
before becoming symptomatic (45, 109, 110). If patients
toms such as aggression/agitation, depression, psychosis,
with higher educational levels also have a higher cognitive
delusions, and hallucinations (30, 78, 111–113), but these
reserve, then, when DAT symptoms become apparent, the
findings have been challenged (114–118). The neurobiology
pathological burden will already be more severe and wide-
underlying the emergence of neuropsychiatric symptoms is
spread, and, with the cognitive reserve depleted, the patient
far from being understood, as is the mechanism by which
would appear to experience cognitive decline at a more
these symptoms may accelerate cognitive decline (119–123).
rapid rate (45, 109). Rapid cognitive decline has also been
Antipsychotic medications, widely used to treat neuro-
observed among patients exhibiting neuropsychiatric symp-
psychiatric symptoms (124, 125), have also been identified
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34

Jalbert et al.
Cascade of neuropathological events leading to the behavioral and cognitive features of dementia. Reproduced with permission from
primary author J. L. Cummings and from JAMA 2002;287:2335–2338. Copyright ª 2002, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
as a factor accelerating cognitive decline (114, 126).
to 96 percent and that the specificity of these criteria for
Although it is possible that antipsychotics could exacerbate
DAT against other dementia ranges from 23 percent to 88
cognitive deficits through their anticholinergic effects (117),
some studies have failed to corroborate the findings that
Table 2 briefly summarizes the screening instruments
antipsychotic medications are associated with more rapid
used to determine the need for further evaluation. The
cognitive decline in DAT patients (117, 127–129). Although
MMSE (140), consisting of a brief assessment of language,
there is little information on the effects of other commonly
memory, praxis, and orientation, is the most widely used and
used psychotropic medications on cognition in patients with
has been the most extensively studied with respect to its
DAT (125, 129), a positive association between certain psy-
accuracy and validity (141–146). MMSE scores are affected
chotropic medications (sedatives and anxiolytics) and cogni-
by gender, educational attainment, age, and cultural back-
tive deterioration has been reported (129).
ground (143, 147, 148); the sensitivity of the MMSE is poorfor patients with mild dementia (2, 149); the instrument isconsidered too time-consuming to administer in routine
clinical practice (150, 151); not all changes in MMSE scoresnecessarily reflect true clinical improvement or decline
In practice and in research, DAT is diagnosed by applying
(152, 153); and the MMSE exhibits floor effects in patients
the DSM-IV-TR criteria (130) and/or those of the National
with severe impairment and ceiling effects in those who are
Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and
mildly impaired (154). Modifications, alternatives, and sup-
Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Associ-
plements to the MMSE such as the modified version of the
ation (NINCDS/ADRDA) (40). Whereas the DSM-IV-TR
MMSE (155); the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (156);
criteria require the presence of memory impairment and
the Memory Impairment Screen (157); the Blessed Test of
cognitive deterioration in one other domain such as lan-
Information, Memory, and Concentration (158) and its
guage, perception, or motor skills, or disturbances in exec-
abridged version, the Short Blessed Test (159); the One-
utive functioning (130), the NINCDS/ADRDA criteria
Minute Verbal Fluency Test for Animals; and the Clock
classify the likelihood of DAT into one of three categories:
Drawing Test (160) have been advanced.
definite (clinical diagnosis coupled with a histologic confir-
Although the lines between screening instruments and
mation of Alzheimer's disease), probable (clinical diagnosis
neuropsychological battery tests are sometimes blurred,
without a histologic confirmation), and possible (atypical
generally the former are much less time-consuming and de-
symptoms with no apparent alternative diagnosis in the ab-
tailed than the latter; battery tests often combine multiple
sence of a histologic confirmation) (40). The NINCDS/
screening tests so that more cognitive symptoms in DAT can
ADRDA clinical diagnostic criteria, similar to those of the
be covered in one assessment; and battery tests may allow
DSM-IV-TR, require a subtle onset and a gradual worsening
for discrimination between DAT and other illnesses affect-
of cognitive function and that other etiologies (e.g., thyroid
ing cognitive function. One of the most commonly used
diseases) be ruled out. Studies validating the NINCDS/
neuropsychological instruments in clinical trials of antide-
ADRDA and DSM-IV-TR against a variety of ‘‘gold stand-
mentia medications in the United States is the Alzheimer's
ards'' have found that the sensitivity ranges from 65 percent
Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (161, 162).
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
Summary of commonly used DAT* screening instruments
Cognitive domains assessed
Language, memory, praxis,
8–13 minutes in duration (310), covers
Sensitivity poor in those with mild
a wide variety of cognitive domains
dementia (2, 149); performance
in a brief test, reliable (149, 311)
affected by age, educationalattainment, gender, and culturalbackground (2, 143, 148); too long toadminister routinely in clinical practice(150, 151); ceiling effects in mildimpairment and floor effects in severeimpairment (154)
Language, memory, praxis,
10–15 minutes in duration (310), samples
Takes longer to administer than the
orientation, executive
a broader variety of cognitive domains
than the MMSE (155), enhanced
reliability and validity relative to theMMSE (155, 312)
Language, memory, praxis,
High specificity and sensitivity for mild
Useful primarily for mild cognitive
cognitive impairment and mild DAT
impairment and mild DAT (156),
abilities, attention,
(156), can detect mild cognitive
longer to administer than the MMSE
concentration, executive
impairment (156), reliable (156)
4 minutes in duration (310); performance
Covers few cognitive domains in DAT
not affected by age, education, or
patients, sensitivity influenced by
severity of dementia (157)
Performance not correlated with
Covers few cognitive domains in DAT
educational background (151), does
patients, demonstrates intermediate
not require a specific form to administer
sensitivity (151)
5 minutes in duration (310), reliable
Covers few cognitive domains in DAT
(314, 315), can differentiate between
patients, should be used in conjunction
mild cognitive impairment and normal
with other screens
subjects (159), highly sensitive andspecific for dementia (313), highcorrelation with the MMSE (163, 314)
Language, semantic
1 minute in duration, less time-consuming
Covers few cognitive domains in DAT
than most screens, correlates well with
patients, demonstrates intermediate
the MMSE (163), demonstrates good
sensitivity (151), should be used in
discrimination between persons with
conjunction with other screens
dementia and normal controls (316),does not require a specific form toadminister
Praxis, executive
2 minutes in duration (310), less
Covers few cognitive domains in DAT
functioning, attention,
time-consuming than most screens,
patients, subjective interpretation of
visuospatial abilities
high interrater reliability (317)
clock drawing, intermediate sensitivityand specificity (313, 317), should beused in conjunction with other screens
* DAT, dementia of the Alzheimer type; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination.
This instrument assesses memory, language, praxis, and ori-
calculation, and perception). Screening instruments, partic-
entation with a total score ranging from zero (no impair-
ularly the MMSE, and more in-depth neuropsychological
ment) to 70 (severely impaired). The Neuropsychological
tests are also often used to chart the rate of cognitive
Battery of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for
Alzheimer's Disease (163) consists of seven tests, includingthe MMSE and three others adapted from the Alzheimer'sDisease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (162) and
measures memory, language, praxis, and orientation. Otherneuropsychological tests used in dementia include, but are
Disease-modifying drugs are likely to be more efficacious
not limited to, the Syndrom-Kurztest (164) (assessing mem-
in the early or preclinical stage of the disease (168, 169).
ory, attention, naming, and object arrangement), the Seven-
Promising biomarkers and neuroimaging could have a sub-
Minute Neurocognitive Screening Battery (165) (assessing
stantial public health impact if new drug candidates, such as
memory, orientation, visual abilities, praxis, and language
beta-amyloid immunotherapy or beta-sheet breakers, were
skills), the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (166)
found to have disease-arresting effects (170). Evidence is
(assessing orientation, attention, memory, language, and vi-
currently insufficient to support or direct the use of bio-
suospatial abilities), and the Cambridge Cognitive Exami-
markers (table 3) in usual clinical practice for dementia di-
nation (167) (assessing orientation, language, memory, praxis,
agnosis or disease management purposes.
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Jalbert et al.
Summary of the rationale and the disadvantages of selected CSF* and plasma biomarkers
Decreased levels of beta-amyloid in CSF may
Requires a lumbar puncture; invasive and uncomfortable
reflect increased deposition of beta-amyloid
procedure; despite availability of a commercial test
in the brain (171).
with high sensitivity and specificity, this biomarker isunderutilized (318).
tau is released from dying neurons, so total tau
Requires a lumbar puncture; invasive and uncomfortable
concentration in the CSF is thought to reflect
procedure; nonspecific for Alzheimer's disease because
the intensity of the neuronal damage and
elevated levels of tau are observed in other
degeneration (168).
degenerative CNS* conditions (168); despite theavailability of a commercial test with high sensitivityand specificity, this biomarker is underutilized (318).
Concentration of phosphorylated tau in the
Requires a lumbar puncture; invasive and uncomfortable
CSF may reflect the formation of tangles in
procedure; despite the availability of a commercial test
the brain because there is no increase in
with high sensitivity and specificity, this biomarker is
phosphorylated tau in other diseases with
intense neuronal degeneration (e.g.,Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) (168).
Plasma beta-amyloid
Beta-amyloid is produced in the brain and
Plasma beta-amyloid levels do not correlate well with
cleared to the plasma via the CSF and the
biochemical or pathological measures of cerebral
blood brain barrier (319).
beta-amyloid deposition (181); there is broad overlapin the plasma levels of beta-amyloid peptides inpersons with DAT* and controls, making discriminationof persons with and without Alzheimer's diseasedifficult (171).
Plasma amyloid-beta
Antibodies against neuritic plaques may
Titer of beta-amyloid antibodies has been found to be
protect against Alzheimer's disease
significantly higher in healthy controls than in patients
with DAT (322); some studies have found nocorrelation between antibody titer and prevalence ofDAT (323); immune response to beta-amyloid 40 andtolerance of beta-amyloid 42 occurs naturally inhumans and is not related to the neuritic plaqueburden in the brain (171).
The APOE e4 allele is associated with
Studies of levels of APOE in DAT have been
increased neuritic plaque load and elevated
contradictory; some have reported elevated APOE
levels of beta-amyloid in the brain
levels in DAT (328), no difference (329–331), or
(324–326); the APOE e4 allele is associated
reduced (332, 333) levels compared with controls.
with less APOE protein in plasma (327).
Plasma isoprostanes
Increased levels of lipid oxidation in the
Isoprostanes appear to be elevated in DAT patients
Alzheimer's disease brain support a role for
relative to controls (334), but these findings have been
oxidative stress in DAT (171); free-radical-
challenged (335).
mediated peroxidation of polyunsaturatedfatty acids creates isoprostanes (171).
Inflammatory molecules
Amyloid deposition in the Alzheimer's disease
Many of the proteins involved in the inflammatory
such as interleukin-6
brain elicits a range of inflammatory
response do not cross the blood-brain barrier (188);
responses (57, 336); interleukin-6 is a
controversy exists regarding the levels of cytokine and
cytokine implicated in inflammation.
acute-phase reaction reactants in the blood followingan inflammatory response (187); findings from studiescomparing the levels of plasma interleukin-6 in peoplewith DAT and in healthy controls have been inconsistent(182, 185, 186, 337).
* CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CNS, central nervous system; DAT, dementia of the Alzheimer type; APOE, apolipoprotein E.
Beta-amyloid 42, a more aggregate-prone peptide derived
Plasma levels of beta-amyloid peptides in persons with
from the amyloid precursor protein, a key molecule in
DAT overlap those found in controls (171, 178–180) and do
Alzheimer's disease pathology (171), total tau, and phosphor-
not reflect neuropathological or neurochemical measures of
ylated tau in the cerebrospinal fluid are biomarkers with
the levels of beta-amyloid deposition in the brain (181).
high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for Alzheimer's
Some studies reported increased levels of interleukin-6, a cy-
disease (172, 173). The decrease in beta-amyloid 42 in the
tokine implicated in inflammation, in serum and plasma of
cerebrospinal fluid, presumably a result of its decreased
persons with DAT (182, 183), whereas others did not (184–
clearance from the brain into the cerebrospinal fluid (174),
186). Cytokine and acute-phase-reaction reactant levels in
has recently been added as one of the supportive features of
the plasma or serum remain controversial (187), and many
the proposed revisions of NINCDS/ADRDA criteria for
of these proteins do not cross the blood-brain barrier (188).
Alzheimer's disease (131). Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers
Cerebrospinal fluid measures of beta-amyloid, total tau, and
may be able to identify preclinical Alzheimer's disease even
hyperphosphorylated tau are currently the best biomarkers
before the onset of mild cognitive impairment (175–177).
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
Within the medial temporal lobe, the disease consistently
quent use in clinical practice, few have been studied in
manifests itself through atrophy of the hippocampus and
controlled trials. Much of the published evidence is charac-
parahippocampal gyrus (189), which can be visualized by
terized by a number of limitations such as inadequate sample
using structural magnetic resonance imaging (190). Mag-
sizes, short study duration, use of nonstandardized evaluation
netic resonance imaging measurements of the medial tem-
methods, and lack of information on persistence of treatment
poral lobe include the qualitative appraisal of atrophy in the
effects (209). Although short-term adverse consequences of
hippocampal formation (191) as well as quantitative tech-
nonpharmacological interventions, such as agitation and cat-
niques analyzing tissue segmentation and computing cerebral
astrophic reactions, have been reported in some studies, these
volume (192). Sensitivity ranges from 80 percent to 100
outcomes have not been a focus of research (210).
percent (193–195) and specificity is over 90 percent (194)
The 2007 American Psychiatric Association guidelines
when magnetic resonance imaging–based estimates of the
for treatment of patients with DAT and other dementias
volume of various regions of the medial temporal lobe are
categorize nonpharmacological or psychosocial treatments
used to discriminate between patients with Alzheimer's dis-
into four broad areas: emotion oriented (reminiscence ther-
ease and normal controls. Functional magnetic resonance
apy, validation therapy, supportive psychotherapy, sensory
imaging may also allow for earlier detection of Alzheimer's
integration, and simulated-presence therapy), stimulation ori-
disease (189).
ented (recreational activities, art therapies, exercise), cogni-
Single-photon emission computed tomography has been
tion oriented (reality orientation, cognitive retraining, skills
used to measure regional cerebral blood flow, which corre-
training), and behavior oriented (211). The growing interest
lates well with severity of DAT (196, 197) and prognosis
in newer, nonpharmacological interventions such as cognitive
(198), although its diagnostic accuracy for distinguishing
rehabilitation and retraining techniques in the early stages of
between DAT and non-DAT in studies including healthy
DAT is focused on developing therapies that enhance present
controls is quite low (pooled weighted sensitivities ranged
capabilities and possibly augment the effects of cholinester-
from 65 percent to 71 percent with a specificity of 79 per-
ase inhibitors (212, 213). While some studies have reported
cent) (199). Computed tomography, the oldest technique for
treatment-related improvements in specific cognitive do-
scanning the brain, is generally used to exclude other causes
mains, well-designed, randomized trials of these interven-
of dementia (e.g., subdural hematomas) (189) but is worse
tions are lacking, and the effect on real-life skills, required
than cognitive screening in identifying dementia (200).
for independent living, is largely unknown (214).
Positron emission tomography can assess hypometabo-
Nonpharmacological interventions for dementia-related
lism and hypoperfusion and, when conducted with fluoro-
neuropsychiatric symptoms have been more widely studied
deoxyglucose, can measure the regional cerebral metabolic
and target predominantly neuropsychiatric symptoms in
rate of glucose (201). Approved in the United States as a di-
mild to moderate stages of dementia (e.g., communication
agnostic tool, fluorodeoxyglucose2positron emission to-
techniques, environmental alterations) (215). Studies of
mography is highly sensitive and specific in detecting
patient-centered behavioral interventions such as sensory
Alzheimer's disease in its early stages (202). Positron emis-
stimulation or music therapy have reported positive, but
sion tomography techniques in combination with use of an
short-lived effects on agitation and other symptoms (216).
amyloid-specific tracer may also provide in vivo visualiza-
Caregiver interventions may have long-term benefits be-
tion of neuritic plaques. Studies using the Pittsburgh Com-
cause several well-designed trials of psychoeducation pro-
pound B, a molecule that binds preferentially to beta-
grams for caregivers of persons with dementia reported
amyloid fibrils (203), demonstrated that brains of DAT pa-
a decrease in the frequency of neuropsychiatric symptoms
tients had a two- to threefold greater Pittsburgh Compound
and a delay in the time to institutionalization (217, 218).
B retention on positron emission tomography scans relative
The currently available DAT pharmacotherapeutic agents
to cognitively intact age-matched controls, and retention was
are symptomatic rather than disease-modifying treatments.
consistent with Alzheimer's disease pathology (204–206).
Symptomatic treatments such as cholinesterase inhibitors
Pittsburgh Compound B–positron emission tomography im-
and memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antago-
aging of amyloid deposits may have the potential to increase
nist, may stabilize or slow the progression of DAT, but these
diagnostic accuracy of DAT and could serve as a tool for
effects are lost after discontinuation (219, 220). Disease-
monitoring the changes in beta-amyloid pathology over the
modifying therapies are being designed to target various
course of DAT (206).
aspects of DAT neuropathology and confer benefits thatpersist beyond the course of treatment. The three broad in-vestigational classes of disease-modifying treatments are
antiamyloid agents, neuroprotective agents that reduce orprotect against neuronal injury associated with amyloid de-
Optimal treatment of DAT requires both nonpharmaco-
position, and neurorestorative strategies such as nerve
logical and pharmacological interventions (207). Given the
growth factors and cell transplantation (221). Experts in
progressive nature of the illness, interventions must be pe-
the field have theorized that the most effective DAT medi-
riodically reviewed and revised to meet the changing needs
cation regimens of the future will combine symptomatic and
of the patient.
disease-modifying agents (221, 222).
Nonpharmacological methods are appropriately used
Cholinesterase inhibitors have been the cornerstone of
throughout the severity spectrum of DAT and are used alone
contemporary DAT pharmacotherapy for over a decade
or in combination with pharmacotherapy (208). Despite fre-
and were developed based on the cholinergic hypothesis
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Jalbert et al.
of memory dysfunction (223). Degeneration of cholinergic
controlled trials of mild-moderate disease, however, have
neurons in the basal forebrain and declining levels of cho-
failed to show conclusive evidence of benefit (231, 232).
line acetyltransferase, the enzyme responsible for acetyl-
In a 6-month, placebo-controlled, monotherapy trial, mem-
choline synthesis, are associated with progressive decline
antine was associated with improvements in cognition and
of cholinergic transmission in the cerebral cortex and hip-
function (233). In addition, memantine or placebo added to
pocampus (223). Cholinesterase inhibitors block the degra-
a stable regimen of donepezil resulted in significant treat-
dation of acetylcholine and are associated with modest
ment effects favoring memantine in cognitive, functional,
benefits in the domains of cognition, function, and behavior
neuropsychiatric, and global outcomes over a 6-month period
in DAT clinical trials (224). Two drugs in this class, donep-
(234). To our knowledge, no head-to-head trials comparing
ezil and galantamine, inhibit acetylcholinesterase, whereas
memantine monotherapy with cholinesterase inhibitors
tacrine and rivastigmine block both acetylcholinesterase and
therapy in moderate-to-severe DAT have been conducted.
butyrylcholinesterase, an enzyme that plays a lesser role in
Adverse-effect rates from placebo-controlled dementia
the breakdown of acetylcholine (225). Galantamine is also
trials indicate that memantine is generally well tolerated
an allosteric nicotinic receptor modulator and enhances the
effect of acetylcholine on nicotinic receptors (226). Donepezil,
Considerable debate over the value of the pharmacolog-
rivastigmine, and galantamine have supplanted tacrine because
ical treatment of DAT continues and is fueled by difficulties
of more convenient dosing, greater tolerability, and the
in translating the modest effects observed in controlled trials
absence of significant hepatotoxicity (224).
into meaningful clinical and economic benefits (235). The
A recent meta-analysis of 13 double-blind, placebo-
United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Clinical
controlled trials using donepezil, rivastigmine, or galant-
Excellence recently revised its previous position and ap-
amine treatments for 6 months to 1 year in patients with
proved the use of cholinesterase inhibitors for moderate-
mild, moderate, or severe DAT reported improvements over
stage DAT only (235). Memantine is not recommended as
placebo in cognition averaging 2.7 points (95 percent con-
a treatment for DAT under the guidelines, except for patients
fidence interval: 23.0, 22.3) on the 70-point Alzheimer's
participating in clinical trials. Without solid evidence to
Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale and 1.37 points
elucidate the optimal duration of therapy, the impact of
(95 percent confidence interval: 1.13, 1.61) on the 30-point
treatment on outpatient and institutional caregiver burden,
MMSE scale (227). Modest, but statistically significant bene-
and the effects of therapy on patient and caregiver quality of
fits were also observed for global clinical ratings, activities of
life, payers will continue to question the utility of treating
daily living functioning, and neuropsychiatric symptoms.
DAT with the currently available agents.
More patients dropped out of cholinesterase inhibitor treat-
Another area of controversy in DAT pharmacotherapy is
ment groups because of adverse effects (29 percent) than
what constitutes appropriate treatment of neuropsychiatric
placebo-treated patients (18 percent), and fewer patients
symptoms. Pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric
experienced adverse events with donepezil compared with
symptoms may be warranted when nonpharmacological in-
terventions fail or when the nature or severity of neuropsy-
Despite the structural differences between various cholin-
chiatric symptoms endangers the safety of the patient or
esterase inhibitors, there is no evidence to suggest clinical
others (211). Before considering any pharmacological ther-
differentiation in efficacy trials (227, 228). Of the four cho-
apy to treat neuropsychiatric symptoms, it is essential that
linesterase inhibitor comparative clinical trials that have
physiologic (hunger, thirst, need to void) and medical causes
been conducted, there is only one double-blind study: a
of the behavior be investigated and treated because these
2-year comparison of donepezil with rivastigmine in patients
antecedents can trigger or exacerbate neuropsychiatric
with moderate DAT (range of MMSE scores: 10–20) (229).
symptoms (236, 237).
No significant treatment differences were observed be-
Pharmacotherapeutic management of neuropsychiatric
tween donepezil and rivastigmine regarding ratings of cog-
symptoms poses complex challenges for clinicians and care-
nitive function, activities of daily living performance, and
givers because an increasing body of evidence has revealed
neuropsychiatric symptoms (229). However, compared with
that the potential ‘‘cost'' in the form of adverse effects may
rivastigmine-treated patients, fewer donepezil patients dis-
offset marginal therapeutic benefits for many patients (238).
continued treatment (odds ratio 5 0.64, 95 percent confi-
A recent meta-analysis of antipsychotic, antidepressant, and
dence interval: 0.50, 0.83) (229).
anticonvulsant clinical trials for dementia-related neuropsy-
More recently, dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotrans-
chiatric symptoms concluded that these medications offer
mission in DAT was hypothesized to play a role in abnormal
modest benefits and a considerable risk of adverse effects
information processing, storage, and retrieval (230). Meman-
(239). No medication has been approved by the US Food
tine, a low-to-moderate-affinity, noncompetitive, N-methyl-
and Drug Administration to treat dementia-related neuro-
D-aspartate glutamate receptor antagonist, blocks excitotoxic
neuronal toxicity associated with excessive release of gluta-
The second generation of antipsychotics, atypical antipsy-
mate (230). Memantine has been used in the treatment of
chotics, is the best-studied and most commonly prescribed
a variety of neurologic disorders for more than 25 years in
class of psychoactive medications for neuropsychiatric symp-
Europe and, in 2003, was approved in the United States to
toms. A number of recent placebo-controlled clinical trials of
treat moderate-to-severe DAT.
atypical antipsychotics for neuropsychiatric symptoms have
Studies of memantine in patients with more advanced
reported small treatment effects coupled with adverse effects
DAT have reported favorable treatment effects; randomized,
at rates that exceed those observed among placebo-treated
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
patients (238, 240). Results from some randomized con-
stage of the illness (254). Increasing dependency, personality
trolled trials in dementia and subsequent meta-analyses have
changes, and neuropsychiatric symptoms such as aggression/
identified an increased risk of mortality and cerebrovascular-
agitation and depression are also highly distressing to the
adverse events associated with atypical antipsychotic treat-
caregiver (255, 256). Providing assistance to a loved one
ment (241, 242). Conventional antipsychotics may not be
afflicted with DAT comes at a considerable emotional, psy-
safer than atypical antipsychotics; subsequent analyses have
chological, and physical cost to the caregiver. Informal care-
reported an elevated risk of mortality associated with the use
givers report higher levels of depression and anxiety (255–
of older antipsychotics in patients with dementia and other
259), lower overall life satisfaction (257, 260), and engaging
psychiatric illnesses (243, 244). These developments have
in fewer preventive health behaviors (261), and they are at
fueled an ongoing debate over the appropriate prescribing
increased risk of illness (262–265) and mortality (266).
of antipsychotics (242, 245).
Informal caregivers also often experience social isolation
Better understanding of the safety issues associated with
(256), financial strain (251, 259, 267), employment compli-
antipsychotic therapy and the lack of safer and more effec-
cations (258, 268), and disruption of relationships (258).
tive alternatives have stimulated interest in the effects of
Research has predominantly focused on the negative and
dementia-specific medication on neuropsychiatric symp-
deleterious aspects of caregiving, but some studies have
toms. Modest reductions in neuropsychiatric symptoms
found that caregivers of persons with dementia perceive
have been reported from trials of cholinesterase inhibitors,
their caregiving as providing them with positive and satis-
fying experiences (269–272).
donepezil in DAT patients (227, 246). Studies of small num-
The decision to institutionalize a loved one afflicted with
bers of patients in open trials of cholinesterase inhibitors
DAT is difficult and complex but has been found to be as-
(donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine) and in one double-
sociated with the patient's manifestation of neuropsychiatric
blind, placebo-controlled trial with rivastigmine have re-
symptoms, caregiver exhaustion, and the increased need for
ported varying degrees of improvement of neuropsychiatric
patient supervision (273–276). As many as 90 percent of
symptoms and psychosis in dementia with Lewy bodies
patients with dementia will be institutionalized before death
(247). Delusions, hallucinations, apathy, and agitation/
(277). Among new admissions to nursing homes, the prev-
aggression are the symptoms most likely to show significant
alence of dementia is nearly 70 percent (278); in 1999,
improvement in trials of DAT or dementia with Lewy bodies
approximately 214,200 nursing home residents were living
(246), but there is considerable intertrial heterogeneity in
with DAT (279).
neuropsychiatric symptoms domains showing the greatest
In the last few decades, there has been a rapid prolifera-
response to treatment. Current treatment guidelines suggest
tion of dementia special care units in nursing homes (280).
a trial of a cholinesterase inhibitor and/or memantine in
Approximately 10 percent of nursing homes had a special
the management of nonacute neuropsychiatric symptoms
unit for people with dementia in the 1990s; this figure has
risen to 20 percent (281, 282). There is no consensus defi-
A substantial number of patients with dementia experi-
nition of what constitutes ‘‘special care'' for dementia, but
ence severe and persistent neuropsychiatric symptoms that
a modified physical environment, special programs for res-
may require the use of medication for varying periods of
idents and families, and additional staff training and cover-
time throughout the course of DAT (248). The optimal treat-
age have become standard features (283). Studies evaluating
ment of neuropsychiatric symptoms is an essential research
the impact of living in a special care unit on improved
focus. More thoughtfully designed randomized controlled
resident outcomes (slower cognitive and functional decline
trials of pharmacological agents as monotherapy and in
and fewer neuropsychiatric symptoms) have been contradic-
combination with innovative nonpharmacological interven-
tory (284–287). In contrast, research has shown that the use
tions are urgently needed.
of psychotropic medications is higher among residents ofspecial care units (288–290).
As persons with DAT become more cognitively and func-
tionally impaired, many lose the ability to care for them-
Alzheimer's disease is a complex neurodegenerative ill-
selves and become dependent on others for their care (249).
ness, but much progress has been made in understanding it.
The majority of informal DAT caregivers are caring for
Research on the use of neuroimaging and biomarkers is
a relative, usually a parent, because the spouse of a DAT
promising and may allow for earlier and more accurate de-
patient may be deceased or unable to provide the level of
tection of Alzheimer's disease cases. Most studies across the
care needed without substantial help from his or her children
world indicate that the incidence and prevalence of DAT are
(250, 251). The burden of care is often borne by one in-
increasing. The majority of persons afflicted with DAT will
dividual (252).
exhibit neuropsychiatric symptoms, but symptom-specific
Caregiving generally requires a significant investment of
prevalence estimates vary widely and it is unclear how
time, energy, and money that often needs to be sustained
and if stage-specific prevalence of individual symptoms
over a period of years (252, 253). The number of hours per
changes. Current pharmacological treatments for DAT ap-
week spent providing care increases from 13.1 for patients
pear to slow progression of the disease but are not disease
with mild dementia to 46.1 for those in the more advanced
modifying. Further research on disease-modifying therapies
Epidemiol Rev 2008;30:15–34
Jalbert et al.
is needed if the prevalence and clinical course of the condition
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
are to be altered. This review underscores that much more
2000. (Fact sheet; AHRQ publication no. 00-P012).
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Food Chemistry 115 (2009) 279–284 Contents lists available at Isolation and characterisation of a novel angiotensin I-converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitory peptide from the algae protein waste I.-Chuan Sheih a, Tony J. Fang a,1, Tung-Kung Wu b,* a Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuokuang, Taichung 40227, Taiwan, ROCb Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University,75 Po-Ai Street, Hsin-Chu 30068, Taiwan, ROC
20 Medizin Medical Tribune · 45. Jahrgang · Nr. 6 · 12. Februar 2010 Westerwälder Hausärzte verschreiben sich dem RennsportSieg im Cockpit – darüber entscheidet auch der Doktor MONTABAUR – Extreme Ge- Herzfrequenz und auch Luftschad- falls gibt es ein Nickerchen schwindigkeiten, massive Er- stoffe, wie sie etwa beim Abrieb der zwischendurch, da wo ge-