BIOTREND offers more than 11.000 mono- and polyclonal antibodies for research and diagnosis. A vast number of secondary antibodies labeled to AP, Biotin, Colloidal Gold, Cyan, FITC, HRP, PE, Texas Red™ and TRITC are available. You will find them under "Immunoglobulin." in our Ready to use substrate solutions and fizzing tablets for the visualisation are also available. The range of more than 1500 Neurochemicals from BIOTREND Chemicals AG, Switzerland for pharmacology and neurochemistry research consist of both innovative research tools and established standards. With an unrivalled reputation in Dopaminergics, Excitatory and Inhibitory Amino Acids, Nitric Oxide Compounds, Opioids, Serotonergics and products in many other research areas. The Biochemical range covers more than 350 lipids, sphingosines, inositides and products for Signal Transduction research in pharmacology and neurochemistry research. Almost over 1.600 different products labeled with [3H] / [14C] / [125I] from Acacetine to Xylose are available in ourand cover Signal Transduction products like cAMP/cGMP RIA, Ion Channel products, Second Messengers, Phosphoinositides and Bioactive Lipids
BIOTREND offers more than 11.000 mono- and polyclonal antibodies for research and diagnosis and a vast number of secondary antibodies labeled to AP, Biotin, Colloidal Gold, Cyan, FITC, HRP, PE, Texas Red™ and TRITC are available. - - - - - - - - - -
Almost over 3.800 different products labeled with [3H] / [14C] / [125I] from Acacetine to Xylose are available in our database and cover Signal Transduction products like cAMP/cGMP RIA, Ion Channel products, Second Massengers, Phosphoinositides and Bioactive Lipids. The majority of these radiochemicals are manufactured by American Radiolabeled Chemicals, Inc. Custom synthesis is an important part of our business. We employ a group of highly skilled and experienced Ph.D. chemists who can tackle virtually any type of organic and biochemical synthesis. Because of our small size we offer very competitive prices, fast delivery and high quality products.
We supply complex organic chemicals for biomedical research world-wide to a client base including major biotechnology based corporations, pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies, manufacturers of specialty chemicals as well as to researchers at hospitals, universities and research institutions.
oanalysis • Products for Life Sciences Research and Bioanalysis • Products for Life Sciences
New Products for Neurosciences Research
• BG0475 Tamsulosin hydrochloride - Adrenergic α1 antagonist
• BN0738 A 803467 - Selective Nav1.8 channel blocker
• BG0476 D-Penicillamine - Immunosuppressant
• BN0739 Echinomycin - Antitumour agent and potent
to treat rheumatoid arthritis
• BG0477 Oxamflatin - Histone deacetylase inhibitor;
• BN0740 U-46619 - Thromboxane receptor agonist
• BN0741 Sulforaphane - Antitumour agent
• BG0478 Venlafaxine hydrochloride - Dual 5-HT/noradrenaline
Page 7
• BP0376 SNX 482 - Potent, selective Ca2+ channel
• BG0479 Methoxsalen - Cytochrome P450 inhibitor
• BS0247 NU2058 - Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor
• BG0481 3"-Hydroxy-Simvastatin - HMG-CoA reductase
• BS0248 AICAR - Orally active AMP kinase (AMPK) agonist
inhibitor metabolite
• BS0249 AY 9944 dihydrochloride - Specific cholesterol
• BG0482 Simvastatin Hydroxy acid, ammonium salt -
biosynthesis inhibitor
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor metabolite
• BG0483 Fenofibrate - PPARα agonist
Page 8
• BS0250 H-1152 Glycyl, dihydrochloride - Rho-kinase inhibitor
displaying ROCKII selectivity
• BG0484 Torasemide - Ion channel modulator, loop diuretic
• BS0252 Jervine - Inhibitor of sonic hedgehog (Hh) signaling
• BG0485 Topiramate - Anticonvulsant agent;
• BS0253 Purmorphamine - Smo activator
GluR5 kainate antagonist
(hedgehog signaling pathway)
• BG0487 Dimebolin dihydrochloride - Antihistaminergic,
• BS0255 9,21-Didehydroryanodine - Ca2+ relase inhibitor (SR)
Alzheimer's disease therapeutic
• BG0489 Rocuronium bromide - Acetylcholine,
nicotinic antagonist
Page 5
• BG0491 Nitisinone - 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate
oxidase inhibitor
• BN0730 Herbimycin A - Hsp90 protein inhibitor
• BN0731 Ellipticine - Antitumour agent,
topoisomerase II inhibitor
• BN0733 Pravadoline - Cannabinoid receptor agonist
Axelhus, Bolbrovej 11
Tel. +45 45 86 44 00
Tel. +41 44 805 76 76
Fax. +45 45 86 48 81
Fax. +41 44 805 76 77
Tamsulosin hydrochloride
Cat.No. Size
α1A-selective adrenoceptor antagonist used in the symptomatictreatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (pKi value are for9.97, 9.64 and 8.86 for α1A, α1B and α1D adrenoceptors, respectively).
Reference1. Garcia-Sainz et al. (1995) Eur J Pharmacol 289:1;
M.W. 444.97 C H N O S.HCl
20 28 2 5
2. Taguchi et al. (1997) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 280:1;
[106463-17-6] Desiccate at RT
3. Michel MC and de la Rosette (2004) Expert Opin Pharmacother 5:151;
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO or to 10 mM in water
4. Ohtake et al. (2005) J Pharm Pharmacol 58:345
Immunosuppressant to treat rheumatoid arthritis. It works by reducing numbers of T-lymphocytes, inhibiting macrophage function,
decreasing IL-1, decreasing rheumatoid factor and preventing colla-gen from cross-linking. It is also used as a chelating agent. Recent-
M.W. 149.21 C H NO S
5 11
ly, in a population of patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic
[52-67-5] Store at +4° C
sclerosis, with progressive disease of recent onset, D-peni-
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO or to 10 mM in water
cillamine treatment caused a statistically significant reduction in skin involvement and improvement of renal, cardiac and pul-monary involvement.
Reference1. Walshe (2003) Mov Disord 18:853; 2. Derk et al. (2008) Br J Dermatol 158:1063
Cat.No. Size
Potent inhibitor of mammalian histone deacetylase (HDAC) (IC50 = 15.7 nM) and antitumour agent. Induces apoptosis in P-glyo-protein (Pgp) positive and Pgp negative multidrug resistant cells.
Reference1. Sonoda et al. (1996) Oncogene 13:143;
M.W. 342.37 C H N O S
17 14 2 4
2. Kim et al. (1999) Oncogene 18:2461;
[151720-43-3] Store at +4° C
3. Peart et al. (2003) Cancer Res 63:4460;
Soluble to 15 mg/ml in DMSO
4. Dear et al. (2006) Org Biomol Chem 4:3778
Antidepressant agent. A potent inhibitor of neuronal serotonin andnoradrenaline reuptake (Ki values are 82 nM and 2.5 µM, respectively)and a weak inhibitor of dopamine reuptake. It has no significant ac-tivity for muscarinic, histaminergic or α1 adrenergic receptors in vitro.
Effexor; Wy-45030; WY-45030
1. Bymaster et al. (2001) Neuropsychopharmacology 25:871; 2. Magalas et al. (2005) Eur J Pharmacol 528:103;
M.W. 313.86 C H NO .HCl
17 27
3. Berrocoso and Mico (2007) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 322:101;
[99300-78-4] Store at RT
4. Berrocoso and Mico (2008) Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 14:1
Soluble to 50 mM in DMSO or to 100 mM in water
Cat.No. Size
Methoxsalen plus UVA irradiation induces monoadducts and inter-strand cross-links in DNA and therefore can be used to study DNA
repair and recombination mechanisms. Also an inactivator of puri-
fied reconstituted cytochrome P450. It is used to treat psoriasis,eczema, and some cutaneous Lymphomas in conjunction with
M.W. 216.19 C H O
12 8 4
exposing the skin to sunlight.
[298-81-7] Store at RT (protect from light)
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO
Reference1. Meniel et al. (1997) Mutat Res 384:23; 2. Hickman et al. (1998) Drug Metab Dispos 26:207; 3. Vongthongsri et al. (2006) J Am Acad Dermatol 55:627
Metabolite of the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatin (Cat. No. BG0317).
Reference1. White (1999) J Clin Pharmacol 30:111; 2. Garrett et al. (2001) Curr Pharmaceut Des 7:715;
3. Reinoso et al. (2002) Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 24:593;
4. Pasha et al. (2006) Biomed Chromatogr 20:282
M.W. 434.57 C H O
25 38 6
[126313-98-2] Desiccate at -20° C
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO or to 50 mM in ethanol
Simvastatin Hydroxy acid, ammonium salt
Cat.No. Size
Metabolite of the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatin (Cat. No. BG0317).
1. White (1999) J Clin Pharmacol 30:111;
2. Garrett et al. (2001) Curr Pharmaceut Des 7:715; 3. Reinoso et al. (2002) Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 24:593;
M.W. 453.61 C H NO
4. Pasha et al. (2006) Biomed Chromatogr 20:282
[139893-43-9] Desiccate at -20° C
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO or to 50 mM in ethanol
Cat.No. Size
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha agonist(EC50 values are 18 and 30 µM for murine and human PPARα,respectively). It also binds to PPARγ, but with at least 10-fold less
affinity and is inactive at PPARδ at concentrations up to 100 µM.
Antihyperlipoproteinemic agent.
M.W. 360.83 C H ClO
20 21
[49562-28-9] Store at -20° C
Soluble in DMSO, slightly soluble in ethanol, insoluble in water
1. Lemberger et al. (1996) Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 12:335; 2. Latruffe et al. (1997) Biochimie 79:81; 3. Willson et al. (2000) J Med Chem 43:528; 4. Mandard et al. (2004) Cell Mol Life Sci 61:393
Cat.No. Size
Inhibits ion co-transport in the kidney (renal Na+-K+-Cl-cotrans-porter). A loop diuretic with antialdosteronergic properties.
Reference1. Dunn et al. (1995) Drugs 49:121;
2. Vormfelde et al. (2006) Br J Clin Pharmacol 62:323;
fonamide; Torsemide; Dermadex
3. Kasama et al. (2006) Heart 92:1434
M.W. 348.42 C H N O S
20 4 3
[56211-40-6] Store at RT
Soluble to 18 mg/ml in DMSO or in ethanol
Cat.No. Size
A GluR5 kainate receptor antagonist. Anticonvulsant agent used totreat epilepsy in both children and adults. It is also approved for theprevention of migraines. A sulfamate-substituted monosaccharide,related to fructose.
McN 4853; RWJ 17021
1. Maryanoff et al. (1987) J Med Chem 30:880; 2. Maryanoff et al. (1998) J Med Chem 41:1315
M.W. 339.36 C H NO S
12 21
[97240-79-4] Store at RT
Soluble to 44 mg/ml in DMSO
Dimebolin dihydrochloride
Cat.No. Size
A histamine H1 receptor antagonist. It has been used clinically inRussia as antihistaminergic drug since 1983. Recently it has beenshown to inhibit brain cell death in preclinical studies of Alzheimer'sdisease and Huntington's disease, making it a potential treatment
for these and other neurodegenerative diseases. It appears to oper-
ate through multiple mechanisms of action, e.g. blocking the action
M.W. 392.37 C H N .2HCl
of neurotoxic β-amyloid proteins, inhibiting L-type calcium channels
21 25 3
Store at +4° C
and modulating the action of AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptors.
Soluble in DMSO or ethanol
Reference1. Matveeva (1983) Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia 46:27; 2. Bachurin et al. (2001) Annals NY Acad Sci 939:425; 3. Shevtsova et al. (2005) Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk 9:13; 4. Doody et al. (2008) Lancet 372:207; 5. Burns and Jacoby (2008) Lancet 372:179
Rocuronium bromide
Cat.No. Size
A competitive nicotinic antagonist. An aminosteroid non-depolariz-ing neuromuscular blocker or muscle relaxant used in modernanaesthesia. See also Pancuronium bromide (Cat. No. BG0283).
Reference1. Hunter (1996) Br J Anaesth 76:481;
2. Lysakowski et al. (2007) Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 51:848
M.W. 609.68 C H BrN O
32 53
2 4
[119302-91-9] Store at RT
Soluble in DMSO or ethanol
Cat.No. Size
A reversibile inhibitior of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate oxidase, thuspreventing the formation of maleylacetoacetic acid and fumaryl-acetoacetic acid, which have the potential to be converted to succinyl acetone, a toxin that damages the liver and kidneys.
A drug originally developed as an herbicide now used in the treat-
M.W. 329.23 C H F NO
ment of hereditary tyrosinemia type.
14 10 3
[104206-65-7] Store at RT
Soluble in DMSO or ethanol
Reference1. Kavana and Moran (2003) Biochemistry 42:10238; 2. McKiernan (2006) Drugs 66:743; 3. Santra and Baumann (2008) Expert Opin Pharmacother 9:1229
Herbimycin A
Cat.No. Size
Hsp90 protein chaperone complex inhibitor. A benzoquinoidansamaycin antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces hygroscopicusthat inhibits protein tyrosine kinase. Also a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis.
Reference1. Oikawa et al. (1994) Biol Pharm Bull 17:1430; 2. Davis et al. (1999) Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 16:59; 3. Nagaishi et al. (1999) J Cell Physiol 180:345;
4. Zakar et al. (1999) Can J Physiol Pharmacol 77:138
M.W. 574.66 C H N O
30 42
2 9
[70563-58-5] Desiccate at -20° C (protect from light)
Soluble to 7.5 mg/ml in DMSO
Cat.No. Size
Antitumour agent, the mode of action of which is considered to be based on DNA intercalation and inhibition of topoisomerase II. It inhibits phosphorylation of p53 and induces apoptosis.
Also inhibits cytochrome P450-1A1.
M.W. 246.31 C H N
17 14 2
[519-23-3] Store at -20° C
1. Ammon-Froelich et al. (1995) J Biol Chem 270:14998;
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO
2. Ohashi et al. (1995) Jpn J Cancer Res 86:819; 3. Chang (1998) Mol Cell Biol 18:525; 4. Stiborova et al. (2004) Cancer Res 64:8374
Cat.No. Size
An anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug displaying cannabinoidreceptor agonist activity. It was developed in the 1980s as a newanti-inflammatory and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor.
1. Haubrich et al. (1990) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 255:511;
2. Ward et al. (1990) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 255:1230; 3. D'Ambra et al. (1992) J Med Chem 35:124
M.W. 378.46 C H N O
23 26
2 3
[92623-83-1] Store at -20° C
Soluble in DMSO
A 803467
Cat.No. Size
Potent and selective blocker of the TTX-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.8 (IC50 are 8 nM and 140 nM for human and rat Nav1.8 respectively). It attenuates spinal neuronal activityin neuropathic rats.
M.W. 357.79 C H ClNO
19 16
[944261-79-4] Store at +4° C
1. Jarvis et al. (2007) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:8520;
Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO or to 25 mM in ethanol
2. McGaraughty et al. (2008) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 324:1204; 3. Kort et al. (2008) J Med Chem 51:407
Cat.No. Size
A cyclic depsipeptide metabolite from Streptomyces sp. MST-AS5446. It has broad activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses and has found application as an antitumour agent. It acts by bifunctional intercalation of nucleic acids. It is also a potent inhibitor of Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1).
1. Park et al. (2004) Pharmacol Res 50:201;
2. Kong et al. (2005) Cancer Res 65:9047
Quinomycin A; Actinoleukin
M.W. 1101.26 C H N O S
51 64 12 12 2
[512-64-1] Store at +4° C
Soluble in DMSO, ethanol or methanol
Cat.No. Size
A stable analog of the endoperoxide prostaglandin H2 and a throm-boxane receptor agonist. It exhibits properties similar to throm-
boxane A2 (EC50 values for shape change in human, rat, and rabbit
hept-5-yl]-5-heptenoic acid; U 46619; 9,11-Dideoxy-9a,11a-methanoepoxy
platelets are 4.8, 6.0, and 7.3 nM respectively, and for aggregation
are 82, 145, and 65 nM, respectively).
M.W. 350.49 C H O
21 34 4
[56985-40-1] Desiccate at -20° C
Soluble in methyl acetate, to 100 mg/ml in DMSO or ethanol
1. Coleman et al. (1981) Br J Pharmacol 73:773; 2. Liel et al. (1987) Prostaglandins 33:789; 3. Tymkewycz et al. (1991) Br J Pharmacol 102:607; 4. Abramovitz et al. (2000) Biochim Biophys Acta 1483:285
Cat.No. Size
An anticancer, antidiabetic and antimicrobial compound that occurs
naturally in broccoli. The anticancer activity of sulforaphane is
M.W. 177.29 C H NOS
6 11
thought to be related to the induction of phase-II enzymes of xeno-
[4478-93-7] Desiccate at -20° C
biotic transformation (such as quinone reductase and glutathione
Soluble to 40 mg/ml in DMSO
S-transferase), and enhancing the transcription of tumour suppres-sor proteins. Recently it has been show that it targets pancreatictumour-initiating cells by NF-κB-induced anti-apoptotic signaling.
Reference1. Zhang et al. (1992) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:2399; 2. Kall et al. (1997) Cancer Lett 114:169; 3. Fahey et al. (2002) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:7610; 4. Kallifatidis et al. (2008) Gut 2008 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]
SNX 482
Cat.No. Size
A selective and potent voltage-dependent R-type CaV2.3 calciumchannel blocker (IC50 = 30 nM). Antinociceptive agent. A toxin from the venom of the tarantula Hysterocrates gigas.
1. Newcombe et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37:15353;
M.W. 4495.01 C H N O S
192 274 52 60 7
2. Bourinet et al. (2001) Biophys J 81:79;
[203460-30-4] Desiccate at -20° C
3. Kohlmeier and Leonard (2006) Eur J Neurosci 23:1151;
Soluble in water
4. Matthews et al. (2007) Eur J Neurosci 25:3561
Cat.No. Size
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Competitive inhibitor ofCDK1/cyclin B (IC50 = 5 µM) and CDK2/cyclin A (IC50 = 12 µM).
Reference1. Arris et al. (2000) J Med Chem 43:2797;
M.W. 247.30 C H N O
2. Gibson et al. (2002) J Med Chem 45:3381;
12 17 5
3. Knockaert et al. (2002) Trends Pharmacol Sci 23:417;
[161058-83-9] Store at +4° C
4. Ferguson et al. (2004) Cell Cycle 3:80
Soluble in water or to 22 mg/ml in DMSO
Cat.No. Size
Orally active AMP kinase (AMPK) agonist. It is phosphorylated in whole cells to form 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-D-ribo-furanosyl-5'-monophosphate, which stimulates AMPK activity. Inhibits PPARα coactivation and adipocyte differentiation. Recently, it has been shown that the AMPK agonist AICAR and
PPARδ agonists are exercise mimetics.
M.W. 258.23 C H N O
9 14
4 5
[2627-69-2] Store at -20° C
Soluble to 9 mg/ml in water or DMSO
1. Corton et al. (1995) Eur J Biochem 229:558; 2. Habinowski et al. (2001) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 286:852; 3. Vergis et al. (2001) J Biol Chem 276:7727; 4. Bronner et al. (2004) Biochem J 384:295; 5. Narkar et al. (2008) Cell, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2008.06
AY 9944 dihydrochloride
Cat.No. Size
A specific cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor, due to a specific inhi-bition of ∆7-dehydrocholesterol reductase and inhibition of choles-
terol esterification. It is also an inhibitor of hedgehog (hh) signa-ling, possibly via several mechanisms and a teratogenic agent in vivo.
M.W. 464.30 C H Cl N .2HCl
22 28
[366-93-8] Desiccate at RT
Soluble to 50 mM in water or to 5 mM in DMSO
1. Dvornik and Hill (1968) J Lipid Res 9:587; 2. Cooper et al. (1998) Science 280:1603; 3. Incardona and Eaton (2000) Curr Op Cell Biol 12:193; 4. Bercovici et al. (2007) Neurosci Lett 418:13
ucts for Life Sciences Research and Bioanalysis • Products for Life Sciences Research and Bio
H-1152 Glycyl, dihydrochloride
Cat.No. Size
Rho-kinase inhibitor displaying ROCKII selectivity (I50 values are11.8 nM, 2.35 µM, 2.57 µM, 3.26 µM, > 10 µM and >10 µM forROCKII, Aurora A, CAMKII, PKG, PKA and PKC, respectively)
Reference1. Tamura et al. (2005) Biochim Biophys Acta 1754:245
M.W. 449.39 C H N O S.2HCl
18 24
4 3
[913844-45-8] Desiccate at +4° C
Soluble to 100 mM in water or to 50 mM in DMSO
Cat.No. Size
Naturally occuring steroidal alkaloid structurally similar to cyclo-pamine (Cat. No. BS0054). It specifically inhibits the hedgehog(Hh) pathway by interaction with the Hh signaling proteinsmoothened. Anti-cancer and teratogenic agent in vivo. Tomatidine (Cat. No. BS0254) is a useful negative control.
Reference1. Cooper et al. (1998) Science 280:1603;
M.W. 425.60 C H NO
27 39
2. Mistretta et al. (2003) Dev Biol 254:1;
[469-59-0] Desiccate at -20° C
3. Williams et al. (2003) PNAS 100:4616
Soluble to 10 mg/ml in ethanol or to 5 mg/ml in DMSO
It directly binds to and activates the 7-transmembrane Smo receptorof the Hedgehog signaling pathway. It also promotes the differenti-ation of both human and murine mesenchymal progenitor cells intoosteoblasts (EC50 = 1 µM for differentiation of C3H10T1/2 cellsbased on alkaline phosphatases expression).
1. Wu et al. (2002) J Am Chem Soc 124:14520; 2. Wu et al. (2004) Chemistry & Biology 11:1229;
M.W. 520.62 C H N O
3. Beloti et al. (2005) J Cell Biol Int 29:537;
31 32
6 2
4. Sinha and Chen (2006) Nature Chem Biol 2:29
[483367-10-8] Store at -20° C
Soluble to 1 mg/ml in DMSO or ethanol
Plant alkaloid. Potent Ca2+ release inhibitor from sarcoplasmicreticulum. Ryanodine receptors form a class of calcium channels in various forms of muscle: RyR1 is expressed in skeletal muscle,RyR2 in myocardium and a third form, RyR3, is expressed in the brain. See also ryanodine (Cat. No. BS0171).
M.W. 491.53 C H NO
25 33
1. Sutko et al. (1985) Fed Proc 44:2984;
[94513-55-0] Desiccate at -20° C
2. Sutko et al. (1997) Pharmacol Rev 49:53;
Soluble in DMSO, methanol or ethanol and in water under warming
3. Bianchi (1997) Biochem Pharmacol 53:909
tion • Product Information • Product Information • Product Information • Product Inform
New Peptide Sets
Custom Peptide Synthesis from BIOTREND
Efficient tools for screening of epitopes, 2005
logically active peptides.
Custom Peptide Synthesis
Synthetic peptides are valuable tools to analyze thebiological function of a protein interacting with otherproteins. With recent developments in chemistry andinstrumentation peptides of individual sequences canbe synthesized at a fraction of the cost common only afew years ago. At small scale, they are now an afford-able tool for molecular biology research.
Applications limited
by your imagination only
Synthesized at a scale of just a few micromoles, sets of96 peptides are an affordable screening tool. Peptidesets are shipped as milligram amounts of dry powder in
• Epitope mapping
96 tube racks. They are synthesized according to your
• T-cell stimulation
sequence specification in just a few weeks.
• Kinase substrate specification
• Protease substrate analysis
for Screening Projects
• Receptor binding studies
• Vaccine development
Perform your search for bioactive sequences with apeptide set produced at small scale, avoiding the cost
• Development of ELISA tests
and time required for individual highly purified pep-
• Drug discovery
tides. The results should later be confirmed with puri-fied peptides which we also offer.
• Many proteins become active only by post-trans-
lational phosphorylation. This modification is available on synthetic peptides as well
• Biotin or a free sulfhydryl group can be added
BIOTREND Chemikalien GmbH
for convenient attachment to modified surfaces
Im Technologiezentrum Köln
or labelling reagents
Eupener Str. 157 • D-50933 Cologne
Tel. +49 (0)22 1/9 49 83 20
• Fluorescent labels can be introduced to follow
Fax. +49 (0)22 1/9 49 83 25
a peptide in cells. Fluorophore-quencher pairs
allow easy analysis of protease substrates.
• Cyclization can fix the peptides in a more
constraint conformation
Peptide sets are manufactured by fully automated syn-thesis using state of the art technology and chemistry.
Small scale synthesis in a 96 well format yields theproducts as lyophilized power in 96 tubes arranged ina microtiter plate format.
At least 6 out of 96 peptides are analyzed by massspectrometry before a set is released. Full analysis isavailable as an extra service.
Our peptide sets are manufactured in Europe and areusually ready for shipment in about two weeks. Largeramounts of individual purified peptides can be sup-plied on a similar time scale to verify the results fromscreening.
We provide support
As a user you may not be familiar with all possibilitiesrealized with synthetic peptides. Ask us about the bestdesign of a peptide set for a certain experiment. Withyears of peptide chemistry experience we can help youto get your results faster.
Peptide sets are affordable
For screening you need many peptides in smallamounts at low cost. We have scaled down the synthe-sis to just a few milligram and fully automated it in a96 well format. The cost is further kept down by sup-plying crude products which are pure enough forscreening experiments.
Epitope mapping of
cytotoxic T-Cells
Length (amino acids)
Overlap (amino acids)
For B-cell (antibody) mapping the peptides should be bound to a microtiter plate coated
with streptavidin for easy handling. The C-terminus should be amide to avoid the charge. In contrast, mapping
of T-cells requires a native (acid) C-terminus as the peptides have to bind to antigen presenting cells.
Design your peptide set
Slightly different peptides are required for different
Prices and Conditions
purposes. Table 1 gives an overview of suggested prop-erties for epitope mapping. Once a bioactive peptide is
Peptide sets are efficient tools for screening of epitopes,
recognized, you can truncate the sequence from both
proteases, kinases, antibodies, pharmacologically active peptides
ends to narrow down the active site. Then each amino
and to address many other biochemical or immunological questions.
acid is replaced by a neutral one (e.g. alanine) to asses
In many cases, the use of peptide sets is an economic alternative
the relative importance of each residue.
to recombinant protein approaches. Peptide sets made by BIOTRENDconsist of unpurified peptides, delivered in a 96-tube rack format.
Get a quote before ordering
We offer three levels of quality control:
Standard Level QC:
We offer assistance free of obligation. Send us your
Mass spectrometry of 6 of the 96 peptides in the set.
sequences with a brief description of the desired pur-
Silver Level QC:
pose and we will provide you with a quotation.
HPLC analysis and mass spectrometry of 12 of the 96 peptides in the set.
Gold Level QC:
HPLC analysis of 10 and mass spectrometry
Peptide sets are usually offered with a free amino
of all peptides of the set.
group at the N-terminus and a carboxamide at the C-terminus. There must be at least 48 peptides in a set.
The length can vary, but the largest peptide deter-
Peptide Sets (96-tube rack)
mines the overall price. Special labels and modifi-caitons have to be calculated on an individual basis.
QC level
Price per set
Please ask for a quotation.
Standard terms
for custom peptide synthesis
• MALDI Mass Spectral Analysis supplied
For the 2 µmol scale expect an average yield of 1.5 mg
on all purified standard peptides.
for a 10 amino acid peptide.
All peptides are delivered as lyophilized powder in individual tubes (1.2 ml),
• Purity is assessed by analytical RP-HPLC
arranged in 96-tube racks.
for all purified peptides ordered
The minimum number of peptides per plate is 48.
• Sequences are kept strictly confidential.
From 96 to 48 peptides the price decreases linear.
• Standard delivery within 4 weeks.
Peptide sets are generally supplied with free N-terminal amino and C-terminal
amide group. For peptides with free carboxy C-terminus add 400 € per plate
• Allow 4-6 weeks for long peptides (< 25mer)
Data of the HPLC and MALDI MS are provided as analysis certificates.
purified peptides and peptides with unusual labels or building blocks.
• All peptides or petide related products sold
by BIOTREND are for research use only.
• The supply of a peptide by BIOTREND does not
Additional costs per peptide
grant any kind of license by BIOTREND for use of the peptide in any commercial product.
N-terminal acetylation
add one residue to the peptide
N-terminal biotinylation
14,00 € per peptide
• All orders for custom peptides are accepted by
Fluorescent label
BIOTREND subject to the proviso that, should the
and other modifications
peptides prove difficult to synthesize or to purify,
Please note: The purities of the peptides may vary from 30% to 95%, depending on
we reserve the right to cancel the order.
length and sequence. For most applications sequences with 12 – 15 amino acids are suf-
• Peptides which can not be purified to the extend
ficient. Very hydrophobic peptides are not recommended, since yields may be very low.
ordered initially will be offered at reduced cost
Prices are net without taxes and freight. Our General Terms and Conditions apply.
with no obligation to accept the offer.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Current prices and order form available at
• If the quantity obtained after purification
is less than ordered the price is scaled down
.all prices net. Taxes and transportation cost extra.
linearly and re-synthesis of the same peptide will be offered at the same conditions.
n • Product Inf
ormation • Pr
eptide & P
oduct Information • Pr
eptide Conjugation Order Form
oduct Information • Product Informat
Purchase Order No.
Shipping Address:
Custom Peptide Synthesis Details
❑ Biotin-spacer (SGSG)* ❑ Biocytin*
❑ Long chain-(C )Biocytin*
❑ Long chain-(C )Biotin*
_* Additional Charge
List Sequence belowe:
Use single letter code.
Upper Case (as shown for
L-Amino Acids, Lower Case
for D-Amino Acids
Please use black ink to complete Sequence Details
If Conjugation Service ist required, please complete the following
Amount to be Conjugated: ❑ 1 mg
ax t
❑ Diphteria Toxoid
❑ Glutaraldehyde
❑ Gel (Thiopropyl Sepharose)
MCS Coupling is effected through a cysteine, so peptides should contain only one cysteine, as multiple cysteines may present problems in the preparation of a defined conjugate.
y and f
• To expedite your order, please fax a completed copy of this form together with your purchase order. Orders are accepted based on technical review of the
peptide sequence(s). All orders for custom peptides are accepted by BIOTREND subject to the proviso that, should the peptides prove difficult to synthesizeor to purify, we reserve the right to cancel the order or to supply a product at lower yield or purity than quoted. Resynthesis of a peptide will only beundertaken at BIOTREND´s discretion. Reduced prices will apply where lower mass and/or purity is obtained; the price is scaled in proportion to our listprices. In placing an order, the customer accepts that any peptide prepared to within 5% of the target purity and/or quantity level will be automatically
shipped and invoiced at the adjusted pricing.
• Mass Spectral analysis provided on all peptides. Peptides requested unpurified are quantitated by MS analysis only. Peptides required at ≥70% and higher
purities are quantitated by RP-HPLC (trace included) and confirmed as containing the target peptide by MS analysis.
• Peptides and peptide-conjugates delivered as dried powder.
• Prices do not include freight, insurance or duties.
• Peptides and peptide-conjugates are supplied only for in vitro research purposes or for use in laboratory animals.
The peptides are provided for research purposes only. No other license under any patents or patent rights of BIOTREND or its affiliates is implied or
granted with the purchase of the peptides. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seller from any and all liability for patent
infringement which may result from seller's manufacture, use or sale of the peptides.
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 60:24 –34 (2005) Effects of Substrate Stiffness on Cell Morphology, Cytoskeletal Structure, Tony Yeung,1 Penelope C. Georges,1 Lisa A. Flanagan,2 Beatrice Marg,2 Miguelina Ortiz,1 Makoto Funaki,1 Nastaran Zahir,1 Wenyu Ming,1 Valerie Weaver,1 and Paul A. Janmey1,2* 1Institute for Medicine and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
SoMa Implementation Strategy 3 SoMa MANAGEMENT "For my husband Mark and me, it's both a long-term investment and a labor of love. We've always been interested in historic buildings, so we're renovating these mixed-use properties with commercial space on the first floor, residential on the second. People with vision, energy and tenacity start the ball rolling, then bring in others. Everybody has to be on board: private, community, local government. And in downtown Elkhart, they are."