
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
People Results Growth
Welcome to this Report
"We have progressed from being a one site
This report details the advances
operation to being a world class producer with a
made by Lihir Gold Limited (LGL) in 2007 to operate as an ethical,
global vision for the future. We have also matched
sustainable business. In it, we
that vision with our results."
reflect on our approach to the socio-economic, political and
Arthur Hood, Chief Executive Officer, LGL
environmental context in which we operate, presenting the
We commenced public reporting on the Lihir operation's impacts on the community and environment
discussion against a background
in 2000. As each year passes, we strive to demonstrate the evolution of our thinking and efforts with
of pressing global issues such
respect to sustainable development and corporate responsibility.
as health and poverty, climate
Our 2007 Sustainability Report presents the challenges and opportunities we face in the context
change, resource depletion
of broader, global issues, because we understand these issues affect our business. In selecting
and inter-generational equity.
issues for discussion in the report we chose those which represent the most significant challenges
The report also contains
and opportunities for us, giving priority to those matters deemed material to our business and to our
relevant performance data and
an indicator table, outlining our performance against the
We have also strived to create a forward looking document that presents the LGL vision for corporate
international sustainability
social responsibility. It meets the reporting criteria for GRI Application Level C and, as in previous
index, the Global Reporting
years, we have not sought independent assurance for the report. Restatements of information are
Initiative (GRI). The report
noted where the data is presented in the report. However, our application to join the International
is available online in the
Council for Mining and Minerals will require that we take the necessary steps in the future to have our
sustainability section of our
report externally assured.
website (see below).
Subsequent to the year end, we announced the completion of a feasibility study and board approval to proceed with an expansion of processing at Lihir Island, to lift capacity to approximately 1 million
ounces per year from 2011. We also announced and completed a merger with Equigold NL, a
We have also prepared
profitable Australian-based gold mine currently producing at Mount Rawdon in Queensland, Australia.
individual site reports for both
Equigold is also developing the 85 percent owned Bonikro project in the Ivory Coast in West Africa.
our Lihir Island and Ballarat
The impact of the processing plant expansion and of the Mt Rawdon operation and the Bonikro project
operations. These reports
will be covered in next year's report.
present more site specific
If you would like to learn more about LGL's sustainability activities, please contact us using the details
performance data, as well
provided on the inside back cover. Your views are important to us.
as information on how we manage the environmental and
The LGL Sustainable Development Team
social aspects important to our stakeholders in those regions.
The reports are available online
Lihir Island
in the sustainability section of our website.
Sustainability Online
The sustainability section of
our corporate website contains an overview of our approach to the environmental and social issues we face in the course of our business, including health and safety. Our policies for
each of these areas can also be found in this section, along with our previous Environment and Community and Sustainability Reports. This information is
Cover: Alluvial gold, Ballarat
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report

LGL is a major gold producer in the Australasian region. Our flagship operation, on Lihir Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG), is one of the largest gold mines and processing facilities in the world. We are pleased to report that in 2007, the LGL Group expanded the boundaries of its operations, consistent with its strategy to become
Setting strategic
a global company. LGL's operations now include the development of
an underground mine and processing plant in Ballarat, Australia, and following the completion of the merger with Equigold NL in 2008, the Mt Rawdon mine in Queensland and the Bonikro project in Africa.
LGL is publicly listed, with its shares traded on the Australian,
Toronto, Port Moresby and NASDAQ stock exchanges. At December
31, 2007 the company had 1.9 billion shares on issue with a market
capitalisation of approximately A$6.9 billion.
There is a substantial ore body on Lihir Island, with
We produced 701,000 ounces of gold in 2007, with
more than 35 million ounces of gold in measured
production in 2008 forecast to increase to more
and indicated resources, together with four million
than 850,000 ounces. This amount is expected to
ounces in the inferred resource category. Within
include an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 ounces from
this resource, total reserves are estimated at a
Ballarat, which is scheduled to begin commercial
further 23 million ounces. The Ballarat operation,
production at the end of 2008. Ballarat is forecast
located 110 kilometres north-west of Melbourne
to produce around 200,000 ounces of gold per year
in Victoria, is an advanced development project
from 2009. In addition, during 2008, LGL's share of
with 300,000 ounces in indicated resource and 1.2
production from Mt Rawdon will be approximately
million ounces in the inferred category.
50,000 ounces, and from Bonriko, approximately50,000 to 60,000 ounces.
At current rates, mining on Lihir Island isscheduled to continue until 2021, with processing
The growth of the new LGL has coincided with the
of lower grade stockpiles until beyond 2030.
roll out of our vision, People Results Growth.
Gold mining is conducted via open cut methods,
Additional details on LGL corporate vision, purpose
with processing via pressure oxidation. Ballarat
and core values can be found on the LGL website.
is an underground mining operation and, on the
basis of current plans, will have a mine life ofapproximately 20 years.
Creating value,building wealth
People growingwith us
Aerial view of LGL mine and Luise Harbour
People I Results I Growth
"LGL is well on the
way to realising
the objective of
being a world class
diversified global
Arthur Hood CEO
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Welcome to LGL's Sustainability report for the 2007 calendar year.
our vision
As our company grows, it
year we have introduced over 1,200 of our 1,900
becomes more important for
plus Lihir Island employees to our PRG program, by
us to communicate our vision
delivering workshops that focused on developing
for the future beyond just our
positive behaviours, encouraging employees to "act
economic and operational
like owners".
We have also revised existing policies and written
It is important to keep in mind the fundamental
a range of new ones. In 2008, we will follow this
changes that have occurred at LGL. We have
up with a training program for our employees to
progressed from being a one site operation to being
ensure there is a shared understanding of how they
a world class gold producer with a global vision for
work in practise.
Arthur Hood CEO
the future. We have also matched that vision with
These efforts have already paid handsome results.
Our safety performance has improved again, with
Undoubtedly 2007 must be remembered as the
only two lost time injuries recorded at Lihir Island.
year in which we not only completed the merger
We have enjoyed success with our Lihir Island
with Ballarat Goldfields, but also undertook a
geothermal power plant now operating at its full
highly successful financial restructuring. We
capacity of 56 MW and reducing our reliance on the
have retired all secured debt, and our gold
heavy fuel oiled fired power station.
reserves are unhedged, except for a portion
One of the issues we see facing both our Ballarat
of Eguigold's. This means that we can fully
and Lihir Island sites in different ways is the
capture all the value of increasing gold prices and
management of water. We share this problem with
improvements in performance. This has seen our
so many communities around the world as climate
market capitalisation rise from A$3.7 billion at the
variability is observed and we are working to find
beginning of 2007 to A$6.9 billion at the close of
solutions to these issues.
the year. As production increases we expect to seefurther growth in shareholder value.
Another issue we regard as important is contributing to building stronger communities.
We have also been strengthening and improving
On Lihir Island we continued to assist the
governance, and implementing a range of other
Lihirian community roll out the Lihir Sustainable
measures to improve our sustainability. These are
Development Plan (LSDP), an initiative developed
outlined in this report.
by Lihirians and owned by the Nimamar Rural
We live in a complex and increasingly demanding
Local Level Government. LGL has committed to
world, where more is expected from all companies.
contribute K100 million over a period of five years,
As we expand into new regions we need to engage
plus a one off investment of K7 million. The LSDP is
with a broader spectrum of stakeholders and
the vehicle being used by the Lihirian community to
work with them to meet the global challenges
fund health, education and community development
confronting us at a regional and local level.
programs which are chosen by the local community.
As you read this report, you will see that we have
In Ballarat, too, we are contributing to building a
adopted a very different approach to sustainability
stronger community, adding jobs and wealth to the
reporting from the past. Instead of simply saying
city, and the wider regional economy.
what we have done in various areas, we have put
Finally, we have a clear plan to grow. At the
our strategy into the context of the problems facing
time of writing we have recently completed the
the wider world and how we are working to deal
merger with Equigold NL, which further widens our
resource base, with its operations at Mt Rawdon
The other important difference is that this
in Queensland in Australia and the Bonriko project
sustainability report is heavily focused on our
and other extremely promising exploration areas in
people, including our stakeholders, and the role
the Ivory Coast of West Africa. The board has also
they have to play in achieving our sustainability
approved the Million Ounce Plant Upgrade (MOPU)
on Lihir Island, which will allow us to improve ourresource throughput and profitability. I look forward
When we first launched our vision for the company
to reporting on these developments in next year's
in 2005, we encapsulated it in three words: People
Results Growth (PRG). Our vision is now firmly
entrenched in all that we aspire to achieve as a
LGL is well on the way to realising the objective of
global business, and as you read this report, you
being a world class diversified global gold producer.
will see how we are putting PRG into action. This
People I Results I Growth
Global issues,our issues
Expectations of companies in the
extractive industries continue to rise.
It is expected that they will deliver
outcomes that extend beyond just
profits. There is an expectation they
will also provide tangible returns to
local communities within a robust and
transparent governance framework.
Increasingly this occurs in a complex environment where local issues reflect global issues. In many instances, multinational corporations are working with governments to build capacity, particularly in the world's less developed regions.
The LGL experience on Lihir Island has certainly mirrored this global trend. We understand the corresponding responsibilities which arise from the privilege of operating in this environment.
Addressing global issues is at the core of sustainable development, and our efforts to address these issues at our operations are presented here within in this context.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
L-R: Damien Gote and Belinda Tsangregiet from Malie Island
People I Results I Growth
Global issues,our issues
The issues, our response
Improving living standards
Slowing climate change
The world is a long way from alleviating
Our understanding of the potential threats of
poverty. Almost twenty percent of people live
climate change is growing. Both government
in extreme poverty, surviving on the equivalent
and business are now compelled to address
of less than one dollar a day. According to the
this risk and its potential impacts. The
United Nations Development Program, half the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
people in the world survive below the poverty
Change indicates that rising average global
level of two dollars a day. At the United
temperatures, the increased frequency of
Nations Millennium Summit in 2000, 189
extreme weather events, and rising sea
world leaders agreed to meet the Millennium
levels, are just some of the reasons that
Development Goals which include the
efforts ought to be focused on limiting the
elimination of extreme poverty by 2015. This
volume of greenhouse gas emissions into the
will only be possible through the collective
atmosphere. One of the things we will need to
effort of governments, business and NGOs.
do to reduce emissions is become more energy
To find out what we are doing to improving
efficient. This is an issue which is likely to
living standards and building capacity in our
affect many companies, even placing some
communities, turn to pages 23 through to 30.
under financial pressure. You can read about how we are addressing the issue of climate
change at our Lihir operation on page 48.
According to the United Nations Development
Achieving intergenerational equity
Program, 800 million people have no access to health care. In developing countries
An important aspect of sustainable
there is an average of one doctor for every
development is the need to ensure the
6,000 people, compared with 350 people in
opportunities of future generations. The world
industrialised countries. In PNG, preventing
is increasingly recognising that we have an
and treating malaria is a critical issue. The
obligation to those who will follow us. A
direct costs of malaria include the cost of
responsible attitude to intergenerational
prevention and treatment; indirect costs can
equity includes providing better employment
be measured in the loss of family income,
and educational opportunities, treating
reduced productivity and working days, poor
the environment with respect, building
performance at school for children and long
infrastructure, and planning for the future. To
term disability from neurological damage, all
see how we are addressing intergenerational
of which have the potential to impact on the
equity issues through capacity building and
long term wellbeing of the community. Read
workforce training, refer to pages 51 to 53.
about how we are addressing these and other
As a company that is expanding to realise
health issues in the community on pages 31
a global vision, we want to be part of the
solution to these and other sustainability
Preserving resources
related issues.
The inverse relationship between the availability of some resources and exponential economic growth is a modern dilemma. High levels of consumption resulting from economic prosperity are increasingly associated with the depletion of some key natural resources, particularly oil and water. We are working to overcome these issues as they affect our operations. Read about what we are doing to become more resource and energy efficient on pages 47 and 48.
Nick Aivia of West New Britain, Mine Production, Senior Supervisor, Lihir
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Global issues, our issues
Turning words into action –
our approach to sustainability
Knowing the issues, it is important that we undertake programs to help and we
believe that the ways we address these issues are a measure of our approach to
Ú We see ourselves as having an obligation to balance
We outline how we
community expectations for sustainable development with
meet stakeholders'
increasing levels of growth sought by shareholders and
expectations from page
The details of our
Ú Our projects contribute to improving the health, prosperity
contributions tocommunities are
and general well-being of all members of the communities
presented from page
in which we operate.
Read about how we
Ú As a company operating in the extractive industry we must
address environmental
work hard to ensure that the net environmental effect of
its operations is minimised.
We have strived towards making sustainability part of the way we
do business. This has meant educating people at all levels of the
LGL is a top performing global gold producer and we are working
organisation and some encouraging progress has been made to do that.
towards ensuring this also translates to a global leadership
Facing challenges means we must turn words into actions. Our
position in sustainability terms. We are committed to integrating
approach to sustainability sheds some light on how this was
the sustainability principles of global guidelines, such as the
achieved in 2007.
International Council for Mining and Minerals (ICMM) and toreporting against the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Implicit in
these frameworks is a commitment to continuous improvement inthe way a company operates, and we will use them to guide our
Sustainability affects all parts of the business and there is a critical
strategies and actions.
need to ensure that we are all on the same page. The Sustainable Development Committee, previously the Environment and Lihir Impact
Performing better at lower long term risk
Committee, a sub-committee of the LGL Board, will continue to playa key role in keeping us focused on creating and demonstrating
We are moving from our compliance driven approach to sustainable
value. You can read about how the committee links into strategy
development. While this approach has been effective, we realise
development in the interview with the committee chair, Mrs Winifred
that as the company matures, the growth we are striving for is
Kamit on page 13.
only possible through a model which assesses risk and issues, andidentifies opportunities. We are adopting a culture of corporate
In 2008, we will further develop a whole-of-business approach that will
social responsibility across all our business operations to give effect
be underpinned by our medium to long term sustainable development
to this kind of model.
strategy and goals. Further development of our integrated information management system (IMS) is part of this approach and our efforts to
We have also moved to strengthen our governance framework
further develop the IMS will continue in 2008.
and risk management processes. While already well supported with appropriate systems, and stringent auditing and monitoringprocesses, we continue to drive for further improvements.
People I Results I Growth
Global issues, our issues
Matt Davies, Loader Operator, LGL Ballarat
Training and developing people
Making commitments, meeting expectations
The collective efforts of our people drive our growth and we aim to
We balance the expectations of numerous stakeholders, such as local
create a challenging, rewarding and stimulating work environment
communities and landowner groups, all levels of government, our
for our employees and business partners, encouraging personal
employees, investors and shareholders, and suppliers. Clear, regular
and professional development. We also recognise we have a
communication of our respective expectations ensures there is a
responsibility to work with our communities to ensure they acquire
shared understanding of our respective responsibilities. In the past
and further develop skills and expertise that can be used beyond
year we have concentrated our efforts in this regard, particularly on
closure of our mines.
Lihir Island, finalising the terms of the Lihir Sustainable Development Plan and supporting its roll out. The challenge going forward will be
Managing environmental impacts
delivery of our commitments in a timely manner.
Mining operations impact the environment and we must work
In Ballarat, our commitments to the community are equally important
continually towards minimising those impacts and planning the
and community expectations are high. For example, we operate
progressive rehabilitation processes. Our environmental management
within strict operating limitations and ensuring we comply with those
systems require us to identify the environmental aspects that
limits is essential to building and maintaining community trust.
can impact on the receiving environment and we develop Issue Management Plans for the major environmental aspects. Through
Finding, keeping, growing talent
review and audits we are seeking to improve our practises and we
All companies now compete for human resources in a globally
also engage specialist consultants and researchers to assist in our
constrained market and we are no exception. With future growth
understanding on how to improve our environmental performance.
planned, our challenge will be ensuring that we continue to attract
Assuming responsibility
the talent we require, and provide training and development opportunities for our employees. Wherever we operate, this must
Materials of concern, particularly toxic chemicals, have come under
start at the grass roots level. While our training skills program has
sharper focus as a result of the European Community's regulation on
gained some traction in primary schools and at the trades level on
chemicals and their safe use. We, like many other companies, strive
Lihir Island, in conjunction with the national PNG government, we
to effectively regulate and reduce our chemical use and emissions.
need to adopt a more holistic approach to skills development and
For us, this applies to the use of cyanide and other chemicals at
incorporate secondary, tertiary and vocational training.
Ballarat and Lihir Island, which we strictly monitor and manage,meeting all regulatory requirements. We also continue to search
We have made inroads to engaging the local community on Lihir
for ways to achieve the best possible resource efficiency in our
Island through our workforce localisation policy, but we recognise the
need to develop management skills in these employees and to have them move into more senior positions. The commitment to doing
Integrating change
so is part of our vision to ensure Lihirians have a sustainable future beyond the life of the mine.
Change in the business environment is continuous and rapid and ithas been a constant feature of operations under the new LGL.
In Ballarat we are maintaining a positive relationship with University of Ballarat as the means to develop and maintain training initiatives
The integration of the Ballarat site to our group operations has moved
and opportunities. We are also working to improve internal training
us from a single site to a multi-site operation. The new operating
and recruiting strategies to capitalise on the Ballarat population of
environment, along with our global vision, has required new ways of
90,000 people.
thinking right across all parts of the organisation. It has also requiredthat we start to communicate the concept of sustainability from awhole-of-business perspective.
Our local communities have faced rapid changes arising from project development, including altered social dynamics and rapid economicdevelopments. We are actively helping communities deal with thesechanges and improving their living standards in the process.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Global issues, our issues
Daniel Elikis, Spotter for LGL Business Partner Lakaka on Lihir Island
External frameworks and initiatives
We subscribe or adhere to the following external frameworks and initiatives:
Ú The UN Global Compact
Ú World Bank Guidelines
Ú International Finance Corporation (IFC) Guidelines
Ú International Council for Mining and Metals
Ú United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
Ú PNG Environmental Code of Practice for the Mining Industry (PNG, December 2000)
Ú International Labour Organisation's Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 1998
Ú Mineral Council of Australia's Enduring Value
Ú The Equator Principles
Note: LGL is currently assessing the business case of becoming a signatory to the International Cyanide Code.
Company targets I 2008
Ú Gold production of more than 850,000 oz, including contributions from Lihir Island, Ballarat,
Mt Rawdon and Bonikro
Ú Total cash costs for the full year from Lihir Island to be below US$400/oz
Serious injury frequency rate – 0
Significant environmental incidents – 0
PRG program – continued roll out at Lihir Island and at Ballarat
People I Results I Growth
To be truly sustainable, a business must
have a foreseeable, long term future.
The board has an important role to
play in sustaining corporate value by
the strategic direction it sets. It also
has to ensure the company operates
sustainably as it executes that strategy.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Trevor Dummett, Day Services Co-ordinator, LGL Ballarat
People I Results I Growth
Interview with
Winifred Kamit
Chair, Sustainable Development Committee, LGL Board
Winifred Kamit has been a director of the LGL Board since 2004. Mrs Kamit is Chair of the Board's
Sustainable Development Committee and talks here about sustainability from LGL's perspective.
When the board of LGL talks about sustainability what do
they mean? What does the board see sustainability as
being about?
It means the success of the whole operation of LGL, in terms of the business of LGL and its link with the community, the employees, the environment and business partners. Success means installing, monitoring and instilling all aspects of a sustained developmental practice that will deliver the best results and benefits to all. Such things as the provision of and maintenance of health services, educational services and business development initiatives which will enhance the lives of the people.
Why is sustainability an important issue for LGL?
It is an important issue not just for Lihir but also for Papua New Guinea and the world. It is important for many reasons. Our presence and "licence to operate" is very much linked and judged by our performance in terms of what we do in sustainable development. We must show that the company is a concerned corporate citizen and ensure compliance with international codes of practice, such as its certification to ISO 14001 and currently under review, the membership of the International Cyanide Code.
What do you think LGL does well when it
comes to sustainability?
Sustainability is high on the agenda of LGL and this is a good thing. We have built up our management capacity with expertise in this particular area. They are expected to continue the implementation of risk management issues, the improvement of social services, such as health and education both of the communities and our employees on the site. They also are responsible for the continued improvement in environment matters, for instance, the conversion of alternative power generation using steam from the geothermal resource, and minimising environmental damage.
What is the significance of what LGL is doing for PNG?
In terms of our sustainable development strategies, LGL sets a standard for all of Papua New Guinea's mining operators.
In terms of training, employment and provision of health and education services, the company makes a significant contribution to the efforts of the PNG Government. We have demonstrated innovative environmental performance, being the first company here to harness geothermal steam as an alternative way to generate power resulting in a reduction in the use of fossil fuel. It is the first to be certified and accepted to trade its carbon credit as a result of this. In terms of its relationship with the community, LGL has demonstrated respect for the cultures and customs of the people in its association with them. LGL is a PNG registered company and has to date shown by its ethical and transparent engagement, both in Papua New Guinea and overseas, that it is an important and valued ambassador to PNG.
How does the board go about formulating strategy for
the company?
With the help of the management, the various subcommittees of the board, strategic and business planning sessions are conducted for the board's endorsement on a regular basis. At these sessions, experts are invited to address the board such as accountants, consultants and investor strategists.
What role does the board play in value creation within the
It plays an active role through engagement by the specified committees of the board, but more importantly in the business strategy sessions mentioned earlier. Whilst the board does not interfere with the day to day management of the business, it plays an important role in monitoring the progress and implementation of the business plans that have been approved by it. The professional engagement between the board and management is most active and valuable, and yet the roles and responsibility and the independence of the board is still maintained.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Setting strategic direction
Setting strategic
For resource companies, being economically sustainable is a primary goal. Ourchallenge is to maximise the value of existing assets while simultaneously looking to the future to identify opportunities to create wealth for stakeholders - investors, employees, business partners and the communities in which we operate.
For LGL, the foundation asset of the company, the rich Lihir Island deposit, provides a cornerstone to create a diversified company delivering long term, sustainable returns.
When Arthur Hood became CEO in 2005, he was presented a challenge: to deliver thepromised potential of the huge Lihir deposit and establish a new vision for the future. Since that time, the goal has been to create a high performing global gold producer by developing a committed, skilled workforce, an enviable reputation in the community and a diverse portfolio of quality operations delivering strong growth for many years ahead.
The starting point was to maximise the value of the Lihir Island operation by investing carefully to increase production capability, seizing economies of scale available fromthe 23 million ounce reserve.
The first step in the expansion of the Lihir Island process plant had commenced in 2005, with the flotation expansion project which lifted processing capacity from around 4million tonnes per year to more than 6 million tonnes, producing more than 700,000ounces of gold. The expansion was successfully completed in 2007 and is now in fullproduction.
The next step in the expansion of the process plant was first foreshadowed in 2007, and essentially involves a duplication of the existing production line to lift output capacityto more than 1 million ounces of gold per year. This is to be achieved through theinstallation of a fourth autoclave, twice the size of the existing three autoclaves, as well as associated milling, grinding, oxygen and leaching capacity. In addition, the expandedplant will be powered through a major upgrade of the geothermal power station.
Scheduled to be in production by 2012, the expansion, including the new power station,is estimated to have a capital cost of some $850 million. It will dramatically alter the economics of the Lihir Island operation, reducing unit costs and underwriting the longterm viability of the project. It also has the potential to expand the mine life by reducingcut-off grades and increasing resources and reserves.
While maintaining a focus on development at Lihir Island, management alsowas conscious of the need to identify further growth opportunities in alternativejurisdictions, to diversify the company's assets and cashflows and reduce its risk profile.
With this in mind, we announced a merger with Ballarat Goldfields in Victoria, Australia,late in 2006, which concluded in 2007. A narrow vein underground gold mine, Ballaratis expected to commence commercial production by the end of 2008, and should
"The professional engagement
produce an average of around 200,000 ounces of gold per year for 20 years.
between the board and
Since the end of 2007, the company has embarked on the next chapter of its expansionthrough the merger with Equigold NL. Equigold owned the Mt Rawdon mine near
management is most active
Bundaberg in Queensland, producing more than 100,000 ounces of gold per year, and
and valuable, and yet the roles
the Bonikro project in Ivory Coast, which will start production in the second half of the2008 calendar year at an annual rate of around 120,000 ounces. Completed in June
and responsibility and the
2008, the merger will transform LGL from being a one mine company in 2007, to being a
independence of the board is
four mine company by the end of 2008, producing more than 1.2 million ounces of gold annually from three countries.
Together with the Lihir Island expansions, these transactions mean the company is now well advanced towards achieving its long term goals of delivering sustainable returns
Winifred Kamit, Chair, LGL Sustainable Development Committee
for all stakeholders.
People I Results I Growth
Nick Currey, LGL General Manager, Sustainable Development
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Setting strategic direction
Being driven by ethical values is important for LGL. It is the cornerstone of the way we deal with our employees, our
If LGL is to grow, it is important that the governance structures of the
communities and other stakeholders. Our reputation for ethical
company are robust enough to manage that growth, and to ensure
conduct is important in gaining the confidence of people we work
the company performs well as the demands made on management
with, including governments and other regulators.
become more complex.
Our Code of Conduct has been revised and will be rolled out across
The best way to understand the importance of governance is to look
the company in 2008. It is binding on all directors, senior managers
at the growth of our market capitalisation, which has increased
and employees of LGL and seeks to embed our core values of fairness
from $1 billion in 2005 to $6.9 billion at the end of 2007. The
and respect; honesty and integrity; teamwork; and achievement.
issues confronting the board and senior management have changedsubstantially in that time, consistent with our growth, and our
To ensure compliance with the code, we also have a Whistleblower
governance has had to change accordingly.
Protection Policy for our employees, allowing all complaints to be received by an independent, specialist service provider, and providing
One of the major tasks the board initiated during 2007 was a review
the option for complainants to remain anonymous if they choose.
of LGL's policies to ensure they were appropriate for the level of
The board's Audit Committee receives a report of all complaints made
decision making required of an organisation of our size and value.
to this service.
The work of the board and senior management has progressed well,with these policies being scheduled to receive board approval in
In 2008, we plan to formally re-introduce the revised Code of Conduct
2008, ensuring our policies continue to provide for effective and
and Whistleblower Protection Policy to all employees to ensure there
ethical decision making. This will also ensure we continue to meet
is a full understanding of how they are applied. We will also ensure
statutory company reporting obligations under the rules of the
that new employees are formally introduced to the code and policy
Australian, Port Moresby, Toronto and NASDAQ Stock Exchanges.
through the company's induction process.
A good example of how the board and management have added
A full Corporate Governance Statement is available in the 2007
value is through the financial restructuring which took place in 2007.
Annual Report online at www.LGLgold.com. It details the roles and
Closing out our hedge contracts enables us to realise the full value of
responsibilities of the board, director independence, board committee
our future gold production for the benefit of shareholders.
responsibilities, and the mechanisms by which shareholders cancommunicate with the board.
Asia Money magazine named our refinancing the ‘Best Equity Deal of2007' in their annual awards. By meeting shareholder expectations,and through good management, we have created value for investors, and positioned the company better to grow into the future.
Governance targets I 2008
Ú Submit formal application and gain membership of ICMM and become an active participant
Submit formal recommendation for external sustainable development advisory committee to board and achieve approval by December 2008
Submit revised management standards for board approval
Continue investigations into financial structures that add value to all shareholders
Introduce revised Code of Conduct and Whistleblower policy to all LGL employees
Continue development and implementation of the Information Management Systems (IMS) across the business for completion by December 2008
People I Results I Growth
Answering questions
Companies talk a lot about stakeholder
engagement in the context of
sustainability, but each corporation
defines it differently.
For LGL, engaging with stakeholders
is a two-way process. It's about
answering the questions we are asked,
and better understanding the issues
from our stakeholders' perspectives.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Jimmy Peter, Community Relations, LGL Lihir Island
People I Results I Growth
Interview with
Kepas Wali
Managing Director and CEO of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) in PNG
All mining companies operating in PNG come into contact with the MRA, the body responsible for ensuring compliance with legislation
for the extractive industries in that country. We spoke to Mr Wali about the role of mining in the future of PNG.
What are the most important functions that the MRA
performs in regards to mining development and operations
in PNG?
The chief function of the MRA is to implement the PNG Mining Act and the Mining Safety Act. In doing so, we are responsible for issuing licences, undertaking inspections, and essentially giving effect to the Acts. Our role means that we have a high level of engagement with the mining, oil and gas, and exploration companies which set up operations in our country.
What things do you consider when looking at the regulation
of a mining operation?
This is a good question. What we give consideration to now is changing. The MRA is currently in the process of amending the Acts to reflect the many changes which have occurred in the mining industry over the past ten to fifteen years. Things like technological advancements, changes in the types of risks, the level of expertise required for operations, and the way in which companies are expected to conduct themselves, have all played a role in precipitating change. In their current form, the Acts have certain limitations. For example, exploration leases are only valid for two years. A company has no sooner set up its exploratory operation, and it has to either pull out or renew its lease.
Mining is an international industry. The Acts need to reflect this, and regulate the industry as such. PNG must perform at international standards or risk being left behind.
What role does mining have to play in nation
building in PNG?
Mining has a huge role to play in building the PNG nation. It is already a major revenue earner for the country, equating to between 50 to 60 percent of foreign receipts. Obviously we want to see this sustained into the future. There is a perception that foreign companies just come in unconstrained, which is untrue. We need to consider the benefits of these operations. The issue for PNG is managing the revenue from mining operations so that it is used well.
There are many other benefits to mining. The LSDP at Lihir for example, is a very generous benefits package, providing healthcare and housing that would not otherwise be there. At the same time, we should also be cognisant that mining resources are not renewable, and we therefore need to build up other industries around it.
How can the MRA help that happen?
The MRA can assist by ensuring that policies and legislation are enacted properly. We can also work through the Chamber of Mines and have a voice in influencing policies.
What things can't the mining sector deliver to PNG,
and how can PNG address them?
The mining sector cannot be responsible for the setting of government policies. Nor is it solely responsible for creating life beyond the mining and resources boom.
What would you like to see the mining
sector do better?
Broadly speaking, I would like to see better communication from the mining sector. Having said that, LGL has improved its communication with the MRA. We are regularly informed by head office at LGL of any mining-related matters, even if they do not involve MRA directly, and because of that we have a good working relationship. I also believe the mining sector can provide more training, for example, through stronger apprenticeship programs.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Answering questions
Engaging with stakeholders
For LGL, engaging with stakeholders is a two-way process. It's about answering the hard questions we are asked, and better understanding the issues from our stakeholders' perspectives.
Stakeholders ask questions in lots of ways and the way we respond to and act onthose questions represents what we do to meet stakeholders' expectations and ourcommitments.
Why do stakeholders have expectations of companies?
Companies have a moral responsibility to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they operate. Secondly, they must account for what they do, because they impact on people's lives. Corporations must demonstrate the value to communities who have given them a licence to operate.
We are confident that overall, LGL has communicated well over the past year. Wealso recognise there are ways we can improve the dialogue with our stakeholders.
For example, at our Ballarat site we communicate regularly with the communitythat is in closest proximity to the mine site, using door knocking, newsletters andsurveys. We will continue to actively engage the broader Ballarat community and communicate the benefits flowing from the mine's development. The need to informthe inhabitants of Ballarat will be a key driver in our community liaison activities inthe future.
Similarly, on Lihir Island we want to ensure the significance of the mine is understood amongst our stakeholders there, particularly among local villages. Variousagreements and commitments throughout the life of the project are discussed at a number of committees charged with monitoring and or implementing issues. Thecommittees are for the most part, multiparty and multi-stakeholder committees, which demand significant time and resources to maintain. We continue to work with the committees, and we are also working with stakeholders to create broaderagreement processes which can cut across some of the responsibilities of some committees, with a view to maintaining an effective stakeholder engagement and decision making processes.
"Mining is an
international industry.
[It] has a huge role to
play in building
the PNG nation."
Kepas Wali , Managing Director and CEO of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) in PNG
People I Results I Growth
Rob Klein, LGL Ballarat
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Answering questions
Stakeholder engagement at LGL
We acknowledge that while our stakeholders have expectations of us, we in turn also have expectations of our stakeholders. In thediagram below we present a summary of what our mutual responsibilities and expectations are. Our stakeholders include:
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At all times we aim to foster a process that is dynamic, consultative, open and respectful, which requires that we listen to the concernsand issues that are expressed, and then respond appropriately.
Expect us to engage, report and
consult them, respect cultural
traditions, provide support, create
jobs, meet commitments.
Expect us to be accountable and
Expect that we will comply
responsible, provide challenging
with all relevant legislation and
work, security, occupational
regulations and that we will work
health and safety, opportunities to
and landowner groups
develop and recognition of
Consult, involve, collaborate,
liaise, village visits, mail out,
door knocking. Social impact
Governments, regulatory
Our workforce and their
authorities, industry bodies
Involve and advise through
Training inductions, meetings,
lobbying, policy, membership
newsletters, annual reviews.
We require their consensus and
Empower and collaborate.
approval to operate; willingness
to cooperate.
We need their professional skills,
We expect that all levels of
expertise; we expect them to
government will work with us to
be committed, responsible and
ensure optimal outcomes.
How do we engage with
stakeholders and meet their
Expect us to be profitable, provide
Expect us to be responsible,
a return on investments; act
consult and work with them
responsibly and ethically.
as partners.
communications and dialogue
Shareholders & investors
minimising impacts and being
Inform through annual reports,
media releases, annual general
Consult and collaborate.
meetings and results reports.
responsibility in our business
We expect them to reliably supply
the raw materials, consumables
They are confident that LGL is a
and other services that we need.
worthy investment.
We expect them to be a socially
People I Results I Growth
Communities growing with us
Our work in the communities in which
we operate is very much a social
process that takes place starting at the
grass roots level. Ensuring the support
of our communities ranks as the highest
priority and is fundamental to the
success of our industry.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
A New ‘Sustainable' House as part of the Kapit Village Relocation Project at Lihir Island
People I Results I Growth
Interview with
Anthony Schink
CEO, City of Ballarat
Anthony Schink is the CEO of the City of Ballarat. We discussed with him the importance of gold mining
to the town of Ballarat and how we can play a role as a valuable corporate citizen.
Let's start off by discussing the relationship between gold
mining and Ballarat over the past 40 or 50 years?
Intrinsically everything we see around us, particularly in terms of our built infrastructure and the way the city is designed, was generated within Ballarat because of the thriving gold industry in the 1800's. So there is a strong historical link between the gold industry in Ballarat right through to the present day.
Today it's very much more, I suppose, a business relationship, with LGL Ballarat. We have seen the Ballarat mine project go through a long period of not a lot of production through to now building up that capacity to potentially produce gold and to that extent LGL Ballarat and their staff and representatives play a part in the Ballarat business community. For instance they have representatives on the Committee for Ballarat and they engage in regular dialogue with us around sustainability and water issues.
So Ballarat could survive without a goldmine?
It could survive without the gold mine, but it wouldn't survive without that link to its goldmining heritage.
In economic terms, the mine is going to employ 400 people
at peak employment, and the town has about 90,000
residents. That's not an insubstantial contribution is it?
Certainly. There is the traditional economic impact of having an operating business here in Ballarat, so basically they are creating jobs and employment opportunities. The other thing that is actually quite important about LGL Ballarat as it starts to move towards peak production, is the technology that it now brings in. We actually see capacity building outcomes from that.
What does council look for in a good corporate citizen?
What do you think are the characteristics of a good
corporate citizen?
I think that we have a much more modern view of that now than what we previously had. In previous generations we would have probably, desperately taken any industry, taken any business for the sake of growth. Now what we are looking for is probably overlaying a much more responsible approach. What that means is the type of corporate citizen which is involved in the city wide issues. There are lots of ways to do this – by being involved in constant dialogue with council, involved in organisations like the Committee for Ballarat, involved in the many community organisations, and boards and groups that sit across the city.
The other thing is that there is definitely an interest in wanting to progress Ballarat's economy. So actually creating jobs, playing a role in creating skilled development opportunities, particularly around issues that Ballarat and a lot of regional rural Australia suffers in terms of skills attraction. There is obviously a sustainability overlay now and we are much clearer about what we expect of our corporate citizens.
So it is about more than just dollars into the economy?
I suppose it's a balance. We understand that someone coming here is coming for a sound commercial reason, but even if we can't achieve all those other things, at a very base level I would like that corporate citizen to at least have an understanding for what are the triggers for good economic and social wellbeing here in the city.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Communities growing with us
growing with us
We understand that we need to work with our communities to maintain the growthand development of our company. Engaging our local communities through a range of communication forums is important in order to understand and respond to stakeholder issues and local concerns.
In Ballarat, we have been very effective at liaising with the residents within theimmediate area of the mine site. We also have an external environmental reviewcommittee. Ballarat is a major regional centre in Victoria, where several majormanufacturers have based their operations. We recognise there is value in the engagement of the wider community in our community relations considerations, in both a geographical and social sense.
Another good example of our community contribution is the extensive social impactmonitoring of the Lihirian community. This has helped us to understand some of theunderlying social challenges facing the community there. We also employ two full-time anthropologists on Lihir Island who are helping to broaden our understanding of the socio-economic issues facing our communities.
Through our social impact monitoring we know that rapid change brought about by economic development has created tension between younger and older generations.
In traditional Lihirian society, clan elders gain their influence through their knowledge and respect for tradition, however, younger generations are placing higher value oneducation, skills, employment and income. The change in social dynamics can alsoleave certain groups in the community feeling displaced. As in Western societies, there are emerging social issues relating to young people, such as alcohol and drugabuse, and violence, particularly against women. We are working with the Lihiriancommunity to help them navigate the change process resulting from the mine'sdevelopment.
Our understanding of these issues directs our work and the contributions we make.
The growth we have shared with our communities is presented on the following pages.
Anthony Schink, CEO, City of Ballarat
People I Results I Growth
Communitiesgrowing with us
2007 Community Highlights
Final sign off on the Lihir
While this result is pleasing, we are aware we
Sustainable Development Plan
still have work to do and that improvements
can always be made.
The negotiation of the LSDP has taken place
Community contact, risk and
over many years, and finalising the details
contractor compliance
of this important benefits package for the people of Lihir and New Ireland province was
We also focused on the delivery of robust
an important milestone in 2007. The LSDP
risk management and contractor compliance
provides for a commitment of K100 million
procedures to be implemented by the end of
over five years, plus a one off investment
2008. A second important milestone was
of K7 million. The LSDP, a community fund
the introduction of the Community Contact
administered by the Lihirian people through
Register which systematically records our
the Nimamar Rural Local Level Government
contact with the community and the actions
(NRLLG), is used to fund the various health,
taken in response to those contacts. This will
education and community development
be further developed in 2008 to provide a more
programs and projects for the Lihirian people.
effective basis for the operation, monitoring
The challenge is to deliver the programs in a
and management of the Community Liaison
timely manner. In 2007, the LSDP funded K12
function on Lihir Island.
million worth of projects. These are outlined in more detail on the following pages.
Numeracy, literacy and skills' development
Development of the social
Under the LSDP's Education Assistance
monitoring and management plan
program, books worth over K40,000 were
donated to schools in the fifteen wards of
During 2007 we commenced work on the
the Nimamar Rural Local Level Government.
development of the SMMP, which is a
The purpose of distributing the books is to
framework document that aims to present
improve the numeracy and literacy skills of
a formal annual monitoring program. It will
students who have not performed well in the
be aligned to budget cycles, and supported
PNG National exams, and to help boost the
by a series of specific action plans detailing
education system on Lihir Island. Workshops
objectives, targets, responsibilities, employee
are also held to assist teachers to raise their
KPIs and program performance indicators
teaching standards to meet the requirements
that encompass the full range of the
of education reform. Using baseline data
company's activities with respect to its social
recorded in 2006, we will, in future be able to
responsibilities and accountabilities. The
measure the improvement of the numeracy and
programs and reports identified in the SMMP
literacy levels of these children.
will also be benchmarked against the World
In 2007, we also initiated a partnership and
Bank, the International Finance Corporation
capacity building relationship with the Centre
(IFC) and ICMM guidelines in specific areas.
for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) at the University of Queensland. A central
Social audit success
platform of this relationship has been the
The shift to carry out an externally verified
exposure of the Community Liaison team to
social audit commenced in 2006 as part of
a broader range of global movements, norms
a three year commitment to step change
and standards with respect to the resources
improvement in company performance at
sector. This program has been very popular,
Lihir. The social audit process assesses the
particularly, with graduate employees and
performance of the Sustainable Development
is acknowledged as an effective upskilling
and Community Liaison team on Lihir Island
process that equips PNG graduates for
across a wide range of social parameters,
participation in a global industry.
including World Bank Guidelines, IFC
We are appreciative of the knowledge, advice
Performance Standards and the requirements
and support provided by the University of
of the ICMM Mining Certification Evaluation
Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute
(SMI) and the CSRM, which has been a major
We had set ourselves a target of 80%
factor in driving improvement in key business
compliance against the social audit
performance measures, and achieved 90%.
L-R: Emil Kotut and Gabriel Bos from Lakuplien School, Lihir Island
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Communities growing with us
2007 Community Highlights
Strengthened community relationship
A review of the Medical Centre's community based work, conducted
Throughout 2007 we maintained a positive relationship with
in August 2007, strongly endorsed the medical services provided
the Ballarat community, even during a high level of growth and
by LGL to the Lihirian community and the workforce. The Medical
Centre's patient load increased in 2007, while its referral rate tohigher care providers dropped, reflecting the increased capacity of
Ballarat approvals
the centre to manage more complex health conditions on site. With
In Ballarat, we were successful in obtaining a 20 year planning
these capacity issues in mind, 2007 saw the development of a five
permit extension. This indicates we have complied with the
year medical infrastructure upgrade plan which aims to meet the
necessary regulatory requirements, as well as gained the confidence
needs of both the company and community well into the future.
of the community in the value of the mine's redevelopment. We havealso received approval for, and successfully commenced development
of the Golden Point ventilation shaft.
One of the key infrastructural elements in the LSDP is the development of a thriving self reliant township. During 2007,
Village Development Scheme (VDS) housing
following the signing of the LSDP agreement, the Londolovit Town
A variety of new house styles were developed in 2007 on Lihir
Planning Committee was established. Along with assistance
Island to provide a choice of appropriate, robust and sustainable
from expert advisors the committee aims to create a township
housing solutions. These have been well received by the community.
sustainability plan through which the vision of a self reliant town,
Fabrication of the housing panels is provided on Lihir Island by a
engaged in provincial, national and international affairs into the
number of local contracting companies.
future can be realised. The first phase of this plan will be submitted for review and approval in the second quarter of 2008.
Community targets 2008
Ú Undertake a community perception survey in Ballarat
Ú Assist the Lihirian community through mentoring and capacity building to implement the Lihir
Sustainable Development Plan (LSDP) to meet goals and aspirations.
Ú Finalise development of the Social Monitoring and Management Plan (SMMP) to include
performance indicators that measure the full range of company activities in its social responsibilities and accountabilities
Ú Maintain the 90% score for the 2008 social audit – Lihir Island
Procedures fully developed and implemented aimed at providing a more effective basis for the operation, monitoring and management of the community liaison function on Lihir operations
Continue with implementation of educational assistance and community liaison capacity building programs with Centre for Socially Responsible Mining (CSRM)
Show progress with implementation of the recommendations of the Lihir Medical Centre's five year plan
Submit first phase of Londolovit Town Plan for review and approval by the Nimamar Rural Local Level Government (NRLLG) in the first quarter of 2008
Continue with planned infrastructure projects ensuring budgets and schedules are met
People I Results I Growth
Communities growing with us
Malie Island Community Members, Lihir Island
Rethinking the benefits
Irrespective of location, we continuously analyse the outcomes of
Just and lasting developmental change is only achievable when
what we do in order to understand the direct and indirect impacts.
communities take ownership for their future. In 2007, the seeds of
Development can only progress at the pace of how thoroughly and
this mindset were cast when Lihirians presented their own vision
quickly impacts can be assessed, reported on and mitigated, as we
for the future of Lihir Island, called the Lihir Destiny. The Lihir
do with the social and environmental impact assessments undertaken
Destiny represents a shift in thinking that is an important step to
for our projects.
the empowerment of Lihirian people and overcoming a ‘hand-out' mentality that fosters dependency and poverty.
Part of this process involves demonstrating benefits. We know our contributions to communities must extend far beyond important
We recognise that while we have obligations to the Lihir Island
economic benefits. So how do we ensure that the people, as the
community, we cannot provide all that is required. We can however,
resource owners in a resource rich country such as PNG, avoid
provide the means by which Lihirians are able to build a future life
becoming dependent spectators, and become instead active
independent of the mine's operations. The LSDP is encouraging this
participants in developments such as the Lihir Island mining
in the Personal Viability course which is offered under its umbrella.
There is no simple answer.
We look to the process of negotiating the terms of the LSDP to the satisfaction of all concerned. This has been a valuable lesson for LGL, learnt over many years of negotiation. Through it, we havedeveloped a deeper understanding of how important it is for us towork with our community partners to ensure responsible use ofbenefits, as well as the transfer of skills gained through employment,education and training.
The Lihir Destiny, also referred to as Personal Viability, forms the basis
for the LSDP and outlines the Lihirians' aspirations for self reliance and financial independence for now and when the mine closes.
The Personal Viability course is one component of the LSDP
fulfilling the Lihir Destiny and creating an improved and
designed to raise the awareness and understanding of Lihirians
sustainable lifestyle for Lihirians. We are pleased to support the
that they are personally responsible for their future. The
growing participation of women in new roles.
message, in particular, is being received by women in the
For many community members, the Personal Viability Course
community and places them on a pathway to exerting some
is the first step in the educative process of understanding
control over their own lives, as well as overcoming deeper social
sustainable economic development and the role that an
individual plays in making this happen. The initial course is
The Personal Viability course is delivered over two weeks and
followed by a 16 week home school course designed to prepare
requires participants to be absent from their family for the
participants for the next stage of development.
duration. This can be challenging for the growing number of women participating in the course, many of whom are mothers and have family obligations. Their involvement is recognition that the Personal Viability course is an important step towards
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Communities growing with us
Students on Lihir Island in the Grade 7 and 8 combined Religious Education class, Lakuplien School, Putput Village
In the Lihir community
As well as a number of new style sustainable houses, the original
Our community projects on Lihir Island are extensive. We present a
Kapit relocation houses have been upgraded and improved, and in
summary here of the significant activities which took place in 2007.
some cases, relocated to more suitable locations.
Cultural Heritage Program
Primary schools' construction
The Cultural Heritage Program is part of our commitment to the
In 2007, we commenced construction of several double classrooms
development of a sustainable Lihirian cultural heritage. While
at a number of primary schools on Lihir Island. With one of the
recognising that the ownership of cultural heritage rests with
classrooms already in use, we are looking forward to completing the
the community itself, we have started a program of research
others in 2008.
and workshops to both engage with and stimulate discussion onsustainable cultural heritage management. These workshops
were attended by people from across Lihir and resulted in the
Also as part of the Kapit Village Relocation project, a power-
establishment of a cultural heritage working committee. This
line extension along the Londolovit Valley is underway and will
committee was comprised of a group of senior Lihirians and cultural
be completed in 2008. In order to plan future availability to the
heritage stakeholders who will take carriage of culture related
community, we will be developing a revised Power Strategy in 2008.
Continual improvements have been made to the Putput Village Water
Supply system and a major upgrade is planned for 2008, which will provide a new treatment plant and increase delivery pressure to the
Approximately two kilometres of road through the main coastal
growing number of households in the village. In the other affected
village of Putput 1 and 2 was sealed in April 2007. Stage 2 of this
villages, a new system has been designed for Londolovit and Zuen,
project is expected to be completed in 2008 with the sealing of
and construction will be completed during 2008. In Kunaiye Village,
a further three kilometres of road following significant drainage
the existing system will be upgraded and supplemented with
and upgrading work. In addition to the upgrade and sealing work
household rainwater tanks.
on the Putput Village Roads, design work is being completed and construction will commence during 2008 for the Londolovit and Kunaiye Village roads. The inland Londolovit Valley road has beenimproved significantly as part of the Kapit Relocation Project and a major new causeway over the river will be built in 2008.
People I Results I Growth
Communities growing with us
Elamo Lava, Medical Laboratory Technician, testing a patient's blood for malaria at Lihir Island
The value of health on
With this in mind, we continue to encourage our existing staff to participate in professional development programs and to refocus our
Lihir Island
efforts on a preventative, rather than a curative approach.
Our health statistics can be found on pages 57 and 58 in the Data file.
Since the commencement of operations on the island, the Lihir Medical Centre has proudly provided health services to both the
Addressing malaria
entire LGL workforce, business partners and the wider community.
On any day, staff at the Lihir Medical Centre may deal with an
The Global Fund, which was established to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria
emergency caesarean section, patients suffering from colds and flu,
and tuberculosis, states that between one and three million people
malaria or tuberculosis, work-related injuries, road trauma injuries,
die from malaria every year. The World Health Organisations (WHO)
general everyday consultations and HIV/AIDS sufferers.
states that in Africa a child dies every 30 seconds from malaria. Thisplaces malaria on par with HIV/AIDS as a leading cause of death
We also provide valuable education and training to the community
amongst the world's poorer populations.
and to our own employees. The Lihir Medical Centre prepared five educational pamphlets that were printed in both English and Tok
On Lihir Island, malaria has been identified as a health risk for the
Pisin, specifically designed to augment the existing knowledge that
population and this drives the preventative action and provision of
exists in the Lihirian community. Approximately 7,500 educational
treatment we have now provided for several years.
pamphlets were distributed throughout the community and workforce
During 2007, short term preventative action was delivered through
in 2007, while almost 40 workplace seminars were conducted on
the Komuniti Malaria Kontrol (KMK) Program, which focused on
topics such as HIV/AIDS, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure,
larvaciding mosquito breeding sites in the area where civil works at
fatigue at work and lower back pain.
Putput 1 and 2 were taking place. We also funded a study of malaria
Apart from servicing a large population of over 18,000 people and
control services which made a number of recommendations. These
the issues that go along with this, the Lihir Medical Centre faces
are currently under review and a decision will be made regarding
many other challenges. In particular, the Centre's staff and resources
their suitability for our control program.
have been constrained at times through an increased volume of
An important step in malaria treatment was made in 2007 with the
patients and the pressure to maintain delivery of health services at
commencement of data collection by the KMK Program in the second
government aid posts on the island.
half of 2007. The program builds on the acknowledged efficacy of
The purpose of the government aid posts is to provide primary health
insecticide treated mosquito nets in reducing the number of malaria
services, and to undertake health promotion and illness prevention
infections. It aims to determine if social marketing is an acceptable
activities. For much of the year the voluntary efforts of the Lihir
and effective method of increasing the uptake and ongoing use of
Medical Centre, were a driving force for supporting these vital aid
insecticide treated mosquito nets on the Lihir group of islands. This
study has been designed in conjunction with Melbourne Universityin Australia and Divine Word University in PNG and will quantify
We recognise this issue will become even more critical as we assess
the benefit of reduced malaria infections from the perspective of
the means by which we can achieve sustainable delivery of health
community members and LGL.
services on Lihir Island once the mine closes. In 2007, the Lihir Sustainable Development Plan, Planning and Monitoring Committee
We continue to follow the recommendations of the PNG Department
and LGL commissioned a review of health service delivery on the
of Health in prescribing choloroquine and Fansidar as the first line
island that will possibly consider some alternative approaches.
treatment for malaria. However, we have noted a steady increasein the incidence of resistance to this treatment protocol, which
The sustainability of any medical service provided on Lihir Island will
may require a change in future. Changing to multi-dose artimisinin
be governed by the resources which it employs. As with all areas of
based drugs will increase the annual cost of treating malaria from
our operations, we are conscious of the need to build this capability
approximately K36,000 to K468,000. We recognise there would be
in the Lihirian and PNG population so they are able to take over the
additional benefits associated with the increased costs and will make
management of the health services. This will prove challenging given
a decision regarding this course of treatment in future.
the availability of appropriately skilled health managers and leaders.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Communities growing with us
Panning for Gold at LGL Ballarat Open Day
We have responded to the invitation from the World EconomicForum and UNAIDS, which has called on multinational companies to participate in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In the spirit of this global
While Lihir Island has not suffered the full brunt of the HIV/
effort, our application to join the Business Coalition Against HIV and
AIDS epidemic, with only 19 cases recorded there since the
AIDS (BAHA) was submitted in 2007 and was approved in early 2008.
commencement of operations in 1997 or the equivalent of 1.6 cases annually, we recognise the disease does pose a threat to the
In the Ballarat
economic and social prosperity of countries such as PNG.
In 2007, we made a high level commitment to address HIV/AIDS
head on. To date, the focus of our efforts has been on education and training, concentrating on prevention. Education of our workforce
LGL representatives are active participants in a number of local and
has been delivered largely through the weekly toolbox meetings held
regional committees which address topics relating to sustainability,
at the commencement of shifts. Topics covered in these meetings
the economy and the community in general. Our involvement acts
include diabetes, HIV/AIDS, obesity, high blood pressure, fatigue
like a barometer for us, gauging community concerns and helping to
and lower back pain. We also distributed over 3,000 pamphlets,
direct our actions to further develop and contribute to the community.
developed by the Lihir Medical Centre specifically for Lihirians, on
We also believe that we can foster business opportunities for others
a number of health topics including malaria, cancer of the cervix
through our procurement policy which gives preference to local
and family planning. Condoms were distributed via the medical
suppliers. The redevelopment of the mine has seen the growth of
centre, the mine site medical clinic and through our site safety
related businesses as it is our policy to source locally as much as
representatives. Approximately 40 peer educators, trained in
possible. A little over half our supplier spend at the Ballarat site,
conjunction with European Union funding, now offer training to our
approximately A$25 million, was made with local and regional
workforce on site.
In addition to educational presentations, we also follow the
Since we believe safety is important in the workplace we have also
guidelines of organisations such as UNAIDS which emphasise the
sought to take that message to local schools. Through over A$50,000
importance of voluntary testing and counselling. We understand
of funding we are involved in the KIDS Foundation's Think Safe, Play
the value of this approach and through the Lihir Medical Centre
Safe program which is currently delivered in five primary schools in
we continue to strongly encourage our workforce to participate at
Ballarat. The program is designed to teach children the importance
pre-induction medical examinations, or during medicals conducted
of understanding the hazards which are encountered daily at school
biannually or periodically, depending on the level of risk to which
and in their general environment. By instilling in these children an
an employee is exposed in their work. We are disappointed that
appreciation of safety at an early age, we are hoping that safety
only 72 percent of our workforce participated in voluntary testing
awareness will be carried through the rest of their lives.
in 2007. This representation is down from 81 percent recorded in 2006. We will continue to strongly promote and encourage voluntary
In 2007, our employees in Ballarat also participated in the KIDS
counselling and testing as the most effective way of identifying those
Foundation Seymour's Ironman Challenge. For every staff member
who require treatment.
who walked, cycled or exercised the 226 kilometre distance of an Ironman event during November, LGL donated A$250. A total of
A similar approach was adopted in the community where we
A$10,750 was raised to support childhood injury prevention and
distributed approximately 4,000 pamphlets via the Lihir Medical
Centre, the MCH Clinic and government aid posts, and have placed four peer educators and a site committee at the Kul settlement
We also believe that in the future we will be able to do more. In
located in the North East of the island. We have investigated the
2008, we will improve inventory management and procurement
possibility of establishing voluntary testing and counselling in the
which will boost local spending further. We also hope to foster more
community, however it has been difficult to identify a suitable
skills transfer to local companies and we expect positive outcomes
delivery point.
from our alliance with the University of Ballarat.
People I Results I Growth
A commitment to operating sustainably
also includes a strong economic
performance. To do this we need
to build wealth in our company and
ensure that it is also realised in our
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Gold bar produced at LGL Lihir Island
People I Results I Growth
Interview with
Doug Lloyd
CEO of the Committee for Ballarat
Doug Lloyd is the CEO of the Committee for Ballarat. The committee is comprised of business and community leaders from Ballarat and
surrounding regions who are committed to identifying and tackling issues to ensure the success of the region. In this interview we talked about
the significance of economic development arising from businesses such as ours in Ballarat.
How does your organisation work?
The Committee for Ballarat essentially takes on projects which are about developing economic and social well being across the region, meaning the immediate surrounding municipalities of Golden Plains, Moorabool, Pyrenees and Hepburn and also Ararat Rural City. So our geographic spread is at least 70km around probably, but out towards Ararat is getting towards 100 kilometre. We will largely take on projects that will make a difference in the long term.
So what sort of projects do you do?
We have got some infrastructure projects, including the sustainability of water supply and use, and a western arterial road link for the western end of Ballarat, which is really a regional project. So a range of projects which are designed to get integration between social and community issues with economic development and prosperity.
Now, Ballarat has had historically less than average per
capita GDP. Has it been closing the gap on the rest of
Look, I think so. There are still some employer questions and there are still some skill shortage questions, so we do have projects around those. Workforce participation and skills is one of our projects. But clearly the reason for wanting to remain quite economically prosperous is in order that we can address the questions about social and community cohesion.
What do you see as the characteristics of good corporate
Essentially, it is organisations making a contribution to a community in a way which is not bottom line driven. In fact the real work of the Committee is done by volunteerism back into the Committee's work. So those projects that we talk about; essentially they get driven by executive members sharing them and collecting expert enthusiastic passionate people around them and getting the work done.
How can the businesses of Ballarat do a better job at
capturing what business there is to be had from LGL?
When I first met Laura Conroy, LGL Ballarat's Environment & Community Manager, her request to me was, "I am keen to find ways in which we can take a more active role in contributing to community efforts." Laura is convening for us the work that we are doing at a grassroots level on greening Ballarat's and the region's businesses. So Laura is out there in the community brokering that under our guise. Clearly people know that she is LGL, but they also know that she is doing that through the networks we create in the Committee for Ballarat.
Is there anything else that you want to say about LGL?
No, unless it's not obvious that the contributions that they make, that reach my horizon, are superlative. I don't think I could say enough about how well they reach out from my experience.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Creating value, building wealth
Creating value,
building wealth
Both PNG and Australia are resource rich countries. In Australia, there are manyobvious signs of prosperity; in PNG, these signs are not as evident or are even non-existent in some places. This makes a compelling case for us to operate our business in the most sustainable way possible.
In 2007, we focused on laying the foundations for creating economies of scale, inparticular through our Lihir flotation process plant expansion, commissioned in July. As the main business on the island and a significant contributor to PNG's economy,and as an emerging employer in the Ballarat region, our contributions are measurablein many ways.
Supplier payments
Although not articulated in a formal company policy, we are required under variousmine development agreements with governments and stakeholders to choose localsuppliers wherever possible. On Lihir Island, this equates to 44 percent of totalexpenditure, or over US$240 million; in Ballarat, it translates to A$25.2 million or 53 percent of our total costs at this site. Practically, when we spend our dollars with local businesses, our communities grow. On Lihir Island, the operation has been witness to the growth of many businesses, some of which have expanded to service other regions in PNG, and a similar trend is also emerging in Ballarat.
Compensation and benefits
In return for the opportunity to mine gold on Lihir Island we make a number ofdirect Lihirian payments that include royalties, land rent, community assistance anddonations, and our commitments to the LSDP (previously, the Integrated BenefitsPackage). The total value of direct Lihirian payments in 2007 was US$20.9 million. Refer to the tables on pages 59 to 60 in the Data File for a full breakdown of these payments.
In Ballarat, we have effectively worked through all issues of concern with thecommunity, providing investors with confidence in our management of community expectations. We made donations to the Ballarat community of approximately A$60,000 in 2007. We have also identified a number of worthy charities to which thecompany will donate in 2008. These charities and their programs will be reported onnext year.
Taxes and royalties
The regulations of each country where we operate require that we pay mininglevies and other taxes. This equated to $US19 million for the PNG government in 2007. In PNG, we are also required to pay royalties to the provincial and local levelgovernment and in 2007, royalties amounted to US$7.25 million. No donations were made to political parties in the reporting period and we did not incur any fines or
"The contributions that
sanctions for non compliance with laws and regulations. Full details of our economicperformance are presented in the 2007 Annual Report available online at
they (LGL) make, that
reach my horizon, are
Wages and employee benefits
superlative. I don't think
Our total expenditure on employee salaries, wages and on costs in 2007 was
I could say enough about
A$68.9m, covering our obligations to all LGL employees. The average wage on
how well they reach out
Lihir Island for males is K16,212, while for females, it is K14,313. This compares favourably with the gross national income per capita which is K1,783. We are yet
from my experience."
to consolidate wage and salary figures for Ballarat and Lihir Services Australia inBrisbane. This will be reported in 2008 and enable us to provide a comparison withentry level wages in these regions.
Doug Lloyd, CEO of the Committee for Ballarat
People I Results I Growth
Creating value, building wealth
We completed a number of major community infrastructure projects on Lihir Island, including stage one of the Putput road sealing,
When our mines inevitably close we intend leaving behind positive
progress on the Kapit relocation with the construction and relocation
lasting legacies for our surrounding communities.
of houses, construction of classrooms at several primary schools on
Tangible benefits, such as funding delivered through the Lihir
the island, and ongoing improvements to the Putput Village Water
Sustainable Development Plan, are just one visible measure of how
Supply system. These and other projects are discussed in our
we can address intergenerational equity with our hosts and provide
Community section on pages 23 to 32.
for future generations. And while we support the sound use of these
A summary of our economic performance in 2007 can be found in the
funds, we cannot guarantee this outcome.
Data File section on pages 59 and 60, while a full overview of our
This forces us to also turn our attention to other benefits that
financial performance is presented in the 2007 Annual Report, which
are perhaps less tangible, over which we have more influence,
is available online at www.LGLgold.com.
and require an immediate investment, as in the case of providing
We have introduced a ‘Culture of Success' education program,
In many ways, the financial achievements of 2007 reflect the
which is focused on the development of literacy and numeracy in
development that occurred in all areas of our business. The past year
the children and youth on Lihir island, as well as the development of
has seen us focused on building a platform for growth.
the necessary infrastructure to support ongoing education and skills'development of teachers. As a result of this program, we hope that
Record gold production and higher realised gold prices provided a
education on Lihir Island will be valued more. We trust that Lihirians
strong backdrop to a 25 percent increase in the company's operating
will recognise this as a key step for moving forward. We have also
profit of US$195.9 million. We were also successful in achieving
taken this approach with the LGL workforce, mindful that better
record full year revenue of US$498 million. This translated to
education and improved skills increases the range of employment
positive returns to shareholders, and for the third consecutive year
opportunities. For more about what we do to build capacity in our
were ranked in the top 25 of Standard & Poor's/ASX100 stocks.
workforce refer to pages 49 to 54.
Growing pressure globally, in particular on the cost of fuel, materials
Although our commitment to Ballarat is the same, we understand
and labour, resulted in a rise in costs generally for us. To some
that intergenerational equity means different things in different
degree, we have been able to off-set this rise through savings
locations and we are still defining how we can best make a
achieved from our geothermal power plant.
meaningful contribution for future generations there. In 2007, we
Other achievements for 2007 include listing on the Toronto Stock
made a valuable contribution to the KIDS Foundation partnership,
Exchange and finalising the merger with Ballarat Goldfields NL.
and we are active members of the Committee for Ballarat board andseveral project taskforces. The Committee for Ballarat taskforceswork collaboratively to bring about positive change in identified areas of need. The sustainability initiatives of the Committee promote environmentally sound behaviours and technologies within theregion. The water taskforce was established to secure a sustained, ongoing supply of water for domestic, industrial and environmental purposes to enable the Ballarat Region to continue to grow andprosper.
Our representation on the Committee for Ballarat board keeps usinformed of community needs and we expect that a clearer picture of how we can contribute in other meaningful ways will emerge as theBallarat site becomes fully operational in 2008.
Economic targets I 2008
Gold production of more than 850,000 oz, including contributions from Lihir Island, Ballarat, Mt Rawdon and Bonikro
Total cash costs for the full year from Lihir Island to be below US$400/oz
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Interview with
Borone Isana
Manager Government Affairs, LGL
Borone Isana is the Manager Government Affairs, and is based at our head office in Port Moresby. Borone has the important role of
building and maintaining business relationships with key government and regulatory bodies. We consider the work he is doing as
pivotal to sustaining our business in PNG. Here he shares his perspective on how this is achieved.
Starting with your job description - tell us what you do.
My primary role at present is to support the overall purpose or vision of LGL and maintain an effective dialogue and interface between all levels of government, including national, provincial and local level government. Building and maintaining a better working relationship with key government and non government organisations is important. That strong relationship is kept through effective communication with all parties through the provision of regular updates and participation as a partner or membership to various committees or organisations promoting the mining industry in PNG. The whole idea is actually to maintain that relationship and therefore everything that I do, whether it is following up on key outstanding issues or participating in meetings or workshops, I must always demonstrate the company's genuineness to conduct its business as a good corporate citizen.
It is possible to understand why building relationships is important but in
much the rest of the world there is not the one on one interface that you
have here. Can you explain why in PNG it is more important to see people
face to face?
Making time and effort to see or meet people face to face is valued more in Papua New Guinean culture. It demonstrates the importance of the issue you are concerned with and the respect you have for the senior official you make contact with. It also reaffirms the relationship you have, not just with an organisation, but people that work in those organisations. Meeting people clarifies and avoids misunderstandings, and issues can be resolved quickly by one to one interface. Until such time as the systems are improved, continuous meeting of people remains one of the key priorities.
How important is your role in building links between the company and
Over the years LGL has maintained a very good relationship with the government in terms of its performance and compliance. It is therefore important to maintain that level of confidence and trust the government has with the company. There is also the issue of keeping the company current with the changes in public policies, introduction of new legislation and legislative amendments that may impact the company's business.
What are some of the challenges in your job?
One of the challenges in my job is working with certain government organisations and bureaucracy which may have capacity issues with respect to the delivery of services. There is also the challenge of getting the key government departments to understand and have some appreciation of key delivery targets by the company and how it impacts production when a particular government decision is delayed unnecessarily. So the challenge is to maintain that relationship and influence those that are around you and to make them understand and to come with you on the project.
What give you the most satisfaction about your job?
Previously I worked in the public service for over 30 years, however my current role gives me a great opportunity to participate in nation building through the private sector. In addition, the Lihir Island mine is within New Ireland my home province and therefore it gives me great joy in serving my province through the project and in particular witnessing the development taking place in New Ireland as a result of royalties paid.
Is there anything that you or LGL have done of which you are particularly
Contributing towards capacity building and skills training for government officers in key departments both at the national and provincial level is a project I am proud of. Many discussions and concerns are raised by the private sector about the lack of capacity in government, however very little effort is made towards providing the training that would make a difference. LGL over the years has provided training opportunities to more than 100 public servants at both the national and provincial level on basic supervisory and management training, at no cost to the respective government departments. This training has been well received and appreciated by the government and it has helped to build relationships with key government departments.
In addition, the contribution of K100 million by LGL over five years is a good deal under the LSDP for the Lihirian community and superior to other PNG resource developments.
Borone Isana, Manager Government Affairs, LGL
People I Results I Growth
The environmental impacts, climate
change, resource depletion, waste
management and resource efficiency.
These are buzz words, but also real
issues for us.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
L-R: Malie, Mando and Senambiet Island
People I Results I Growth
Interview with
David Brewer
Research Scientist/RGL, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
We have been working with David Brewer and his research colleagues from the CSIRO's Marine and Atmospheric Research team to
monitor the impacts of our operations on the marine environment around our Lihir Island operation. We discussed the relationship
between mining and the environment with David.
Mining companies are sometimes criticised for the effect
they have on the environment. How do we balance the need
for resources against the desire to protect the environment?
I think you need to do several things. I think firstly you need to consider the importance of particular habitats and particular species groups. These provide direct or indirect services for human populations and the value of key habitats and species should be considered. So there is a need to balance the impacts of mining with the impacts on habitats and species. Limiting impacts on key habitats and species is essential to a balanced approach.
Are the decisions about whether a particular mine is justified
or not, subjective?
Not completely. Decisions about environmental impacts can be quantified. It just needs a framework to start with that is supported by government. Something that should be mentioned is the ability for a habitat to recover. It is possible for communities to recover, recolonise and come back to a healthy high diversity, say 20 years after the mine stops. So I think we have the ability to make these decisions, combining real data and value judgements, but inside a reasonable regulatory framework.
And science obviously has a role to play in that decision
Yes, clearly so. Science is the mechanism whereby we can assess the level of importance if you like, whether the geological or ecological features are representative, warrant strong protection, etc. Science is essential to help to build that framework.
How can resource companies minimise their impact on the
Generally, if there are technologies available that can reduce the impact, or can be developed to reduce the impact, even if it costs more, I think they need to be looked at. I am not saying that mines should necessarily go slow, just that they should aim to keep impacts down and continuously improve practices. If the resource is there, they are going to push to mine it, so, all other things being equal, maybe the faster the resource is extracted, the sooner we can begin to repair the environment. So I think they need to be very conscious and prepared to develop technological solutions to minimise their impact. But also avoid key habitats and species as stated earlier.
Do you think that mining companies can contribute to
positive environmental outcomes?
There is no reason why not. I think for example – the Lihir Island gold mine has realised a relatively positive environmental outcome by greatly decreasing their use of diesel by using the steam that comes out of the pit to generate clean energy. So an innovative idea has been converted into reality there. There is no reason why mining companies cannot use offsets for example. It might mean an offset to building in one location is for a piece of land to be protected, turned into a wilderness area or an environmental tourist centre elsewhere. And with rehabilitation, positive outcomes are possible.
Some people would like to abandon deep sea tailings
placement? Is that reasonable? Do we need to do more
I think that there is more that we need to know. It would be unacceptable if we did not study the impacts, but I don't think it's something we should necessarily abandon provided we understand how to manage it. I think we can handle it in the right manner if we can define and understand the short and long term impacts on the natural system and then predict if they are acceptable for a given level and duration of mining. We know that there are a lot of benefits from mining for the local communities and obviously that is part of the equation. I guess having some certainty around it by finding out what we can about the particular social and ecological situations, but I don't think it's a matter of ruling it out altogether.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Acting responsibly
How does a mining company like LGL credibly demonstrate its commitment to astrong environmental performance? How do we balance the extraction of finiteresources against the need for sustainable development? How do we ensure LGL ismoving towards a leadership position in care and protection of the environment?
Awareness of the biological impact of mining operations drives us to do things better and has influenced our approach to environmental management. We knowthat to be a leader, we must operate at the highest level of ethical standards. Our environmental performance must give effect to those standards, particularly when the focus is increasingly sharpened through the lens of environment, community and advocacy groups, internet blogs, and other wide-reaching communicationmechanisms. Today's reality is that a seemingly minor problem can be quicklyamplified via the internet, causing significant reputational and financial damage.
Our approach to the environment involves tackling the issues head on and in 2007 ourwork in this area covered a broad spectrum of activities.
Building the system
We continued the work commenced in 2006 on the environmental elements of the information management system (IMS) that will support good performance and help us to operate as a quality business, taking account of all business areas. Refer toour comments on water on page 47, which discuss the new real time freshwater management tool we have developed at our operations at Lihir Island.
Turning policies into actions
We are strengthening awareness of sustainability issues across the businessthrough our Sustainability Policy, which was signed off in 2007. Our policy in action is visible on Lihir Island in the success we have achieved in relation to monitoringof the tailings placement and marine studies that have been initiated to betterunderstand the impacts. These studies, which commenced in 2007, will form part ofthe Environmental Impact Statement we are preparing for the proposed plant upgrade in 2008. Other immediate improvements planned include the management and recycling of wastes.
Moving to a risk model
We are no longer satisfied with a compliance based approach to sustainabledevelopment. The need to meet the challenge of internal and external scrutiny has shifted our thinking to a broader concept of environmental management that identifiesrisks and opportunities. Underpinned by strong policies, standards, and systems, wecan face external scrutiny with confidence.
David Brewer, Research Scientist/RGL, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
People I Results I Growth
Communicating, participating with regulators
We have made it a priority to communicate frequently and openly with regulatory and industry bodies in the countries where we operate. By keeping governments and regulators informed of our activities we maintain their confidence in what we do. Our involvement with industry bodies also ensures we remain abreast of trends and potential risks, and that we are well positioned to participate in developments which affect our industry. It is also an important element of our communication and engagement with stakeholders.
Monitoring and managing
We underwent a triennial re-certification audit, conducted by external auditors at our Lihir Island site. Our Environmental Management System (EMS) at Lihir was tested against the international standard ISO 14001 and was re-certified for another three years. While no independent or government environment audits were conducted in 2007, a number of financial institutions audited our operation, including an assessment our environmental performance. The auditors particularly noted the detailed monitoring and management systems we have in place as evidence of our efforts to continuously improve the way we operate.
Taking a world view
We recognise that global companies are under increasing scrutiny regarding their sustainability performance and in 2007 we prepared the foundations for aligning with external guidelines, such as the International Council for Mining and Minerals (ICMM) and relevant ISO standards.
These guidelines are influencing the development of our sustainability framework, and we are working towards integrating these codes and guidelines into our systems.
Although far from complete, the foundations of sustainability leadership are in place.
Kurtis Noyce, Senior Environment Officer, LGL Ballarat monitoring water clarity at the discharge point to the Yarrowee River
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Acting responsibly
An obligation to minimise the impacts of our operations directs our efforts to manage our performance to the highest environmental standards. Although our environmental performance remained consistent in 2007, reflected in zero fines for non-compliances and fewer Category I, IIIand IV incidents, there was an increase in Category II incidents at Lihir Island. At the Ballarat operations, we also recorded five Category III incidents relating to water discharge.
Environmental incidents
Category I - Procedural non-compliance with no environmentalimpact ; eg late submission of a report
Category II - Incidents with low potential for impact on theenvironment; eg minor fuel spill at a fuelling station
Category III - Incidents with the potential for moderate environmental impact; eg an oil spill that cannot be immediately recovered
Category IV - Incidents that have, or potentially have, highenvironmental impact; eg an uncontrolled spill from the mine orprocess plant that has killed, or potentially could, kill large numbersof fish or birds
When environmental incidents occur we take the opportunity to
and managed appropriately to minimise the risk of re-occurrence.
analyse our performance and identify how improvements can be
None of the spills resulted in long term impacts to the receiving
The total number of Category I incidents includes both Ballarat and
During 2008, an extensive wetland system will be constructed
Lihir Island. While this figure is lower than the number of incidents
at Ballarat to provide a longer term solution that provides further
recorded at Lihir Island alone in 2006, there was a slight increase
mitigation to manage water quality. We have also actively
in Category I incidents at this site. We reviewed the increase in our
revegetated the site where possible to reduce the movement of
Category I incidents at Lihir Island and attribute it to the increase
sediment-laden stormwater off site.
in training and awareness of environmental incident reporting. The
We are continuing to integrate the systems and practices of both
follow up investigations, and systems training undertaken to educate
the Lihir Island and Ballarat sites to reflect a consolidated group
employees and our business partners has also played a role in
operation and we expect both the system and our reporting to
reducing incident rates. We followed a similar protocol at Ballarat.
improve in 2008 as part of our integrated management system
We responded immediately to the Category III incidents which
review. Data relating to our environmental performance can be found
occurred at Ballarat. Four of the five Category III incidents resulted
on pages 61 to 62 of our Data File.
in non-compliant offsite discharge of process water from drilling or concrete batching, and from stormwater. Each was reported
Environment targets I 2008
Ú Finalise environmental elements of the LGL Information Management System by
Ú No Category III to IV incidents
No licence breaches
Develop action plans for a business wide roll out of the SD Policy and implement
Review the environmental hazards and risks identified in the company risk register
Finalise Environmental Impact Assessment for the Million Ounce Plant Upgrade and submit to the PNG Department of Environment and Conservation
Consolidate value of Environmental Management System through independent audit for 2008
Monitor and disclose greenhouse gas emissions and energy use for all LGL operations
People I Results I Growth
Acting responsibly
Analysing the detail
We are often asked the same questions by different stakeholders, particularly
when it comes to the environment. Here are some of the most frequently asked
questions and our responses to them.
Q The practice of deep sea tailings placement is opposed
by some people. Is there an alternative for placing
Q How do you protect biodiversity?
tailings at your Lihir Island operation?
A Deep sea tailings placement (DSTP) remains a preferred
A We are subject to regulations irrespective of where our
operations are located and we strive always to meet or
management practice for us. In 2007, the process plant
exceed compliance standards. Any development or expansion
discharged 4.9M tonnes via a pipeline to the ocean floor at
we undertake is also subject to extensive environmental
depths exceeding 1500 metres.
impact assessments, including the ways in which we protect
The option that is most often used for mine tailings is a tailings
biodiversity. At each of our sites, our Environment team is
storage facility, however Lihir Island's geography, as a small,
responsible for developing the relevant programs for protected
mountainous, high rainfall, volcanic island makes this difficult.
areas and species.
Apart from the risks posed during the operation of high rainfall
Our megapode program on Lihir Island is one example of our
and seismic activities, a dam would require over 600 hectares
commitment in action.
of prime agricultural land, as well as ongoing management, in perpetuity, post mine closure. In addition, landowners have
In 2007 we continued our protection program for this type of
also indicated they are unwilling to forgo any further land to
bush turkey found on Lihir Island and it is one of two IUCN Red
build a dam and we respect this position as our management
List species we must consider at our Lihir Island mine site.
plan must always balance the sustainability requirements of
In collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society, we
our development.
have successfully managed the megapode population affected by our operations there. However, there are challenges,
We have sought independent advice and investigated the
particularly with up to 60 percent of eggs being preyed upon or
full spectrum of alternatives available to us, however, DSTP
collected without permission.
remains the most viable option. We are vigilant in our monitoring of the impacts of tailings and have maintained an
It is uncertain who is responsible and we are disappointed it
excellent track record in terms of complying with the stringent
is happening, however we remain committed to educating the
PNG regulations.
community about how important these birds are to maintaining the biodiversity of the island.
We actively undertake the research in this area and in late 2007, we participated in a global DSTP review that was
For our Ballarat site, the context is slightly different. The
conducted under the auspices of the Mineral Support Sector
Ballarat East Operation operates within a softwood pine
Program, funded by the European Union. Under this program,
plantation on land that was historically heavily disturbed by
Lihir Island was selected as a case study in which our
mining which occurred in the 1800's. As a result, there is
DSTP practices were analysed by a group of scientists from
minimal native flora and fauna remaining on the site. The
the Scottish Association for Marine Science. The report's
basis of Victoria's native vegetation framework is to protect,
findings will be presented and made publicly available at an
enhance and restore affected habitat. This means that
international DSTP conference being held in Madang late in
for every native tree, shrub or grass that is removed, we
assess the habitat hectare value and use this to provide the requirements of an offset. We also abide by the relevant
Q The marine life around a small island like Lihir is
Victorian Government Acts and regulations and the specific
vulnerable to disturbance. How do you know you are
management plans for relevant species.
not impacting on the marine environment?
A Over the past two years we have sponsored an independent
scientific Marine Assessment Program, costing over A$1 million. The purpose of the program was to assess the composition, impact and fate of mine derived materials discharged into the ocean.
As part of the program, we undertook deep ocean investigations using various methods to identify the way tailings travel and disperse. The project provides us with an independent assessment of the impacts of mine waste disposal on the coastal deep-water communities. The impacts that have been measured are in line with those predicted in the 1995 environmental impact statement and the 2005 environmental impact statement submitted for the plant expansion.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Acting responsibly
Q Communities want to know that you are managing the
generate less waste and to continue to reuse and recycle
impacts on their environment. How does LGL manage
materials previously considered as waste. At Lihir Island,
the Luise Harbour base waste management facility is being developed to manage waste disposal and recycling where it is
A From time to time, specific environmental concerns are brought
feasible. The plan is to progressively remove recyclables from
to our attention.
the island, especially scrap steel which can be back loaded,
On Lihir Island, for example, we closely monitor air quality
sold and reprocessed. Once the facility is commissioned, we
for impacts arising from dust from mining activity and SO2
will be able to monitor and measure waste more confidently,
and be able to report on our performance in this area in 2009.
To ensure we are compliant with regulatory requirements we
At Ballarat we are focusing considerable effort at converting
have set up monitoring sites close to the source of impacts,
the dewatered groundwater, which is essentially a waste
for example, at places close to the mine site or at potential
product, into a resource. If successful, we expect this will
receptor sites at the villages. Our monitoring data tells us that
result in very positive outcomes for the Ballarat community,
unseasonal dry weather causes an increase in dust levels. At
which has experienced long term drought conditions.
these times, we conduct more frequent dust suppression by dampening the road with water carts. In 2007, we commenced
Q The production of gold requires the use of many
chemicals. What is LGL's position on materials of
sealing of the ring road with bitumen. This initiative will
result in less dust, and reduced vehicle wear and tear. Further bitumen sealing is planned for 2008.
A There is increasing scrutiny on the use of industrial chemicals.
In 2007, the European Union launched the chemical policy,
In Ballarat, community concern has been more about noise
REACH, which has global implications on the usage, transfer
levels, particularly at night, when waste trucked from the site
and disposal of chemicals. This places companies under
can be more easily heard and blasting vibrations more easily
pressure to better regulate and reduce their chemical use.
heard and felt. In 2007, we recorded a total of 40 complaints or enquiries relating to noise (10), blasting (18) and other
We take the highest possible care in our use of chemicals,
issues (12), such as air quality, fire hazards, and weed trees.
complying with all legal requirements. Storage and handling facilities meet the Australian and New Zealand standards, and
To overcome the noise created by trucks moving around the
we train our people in safe handling and provide the necessary
surface during the night, we temporarily suspended night time
personal protective equipment. We also closely monitor the
trucking and re-handled waste during the day over a different
environmental impacts and to date there have been no serious
route. We have attempted to engineer the problem out of the
environmental incidents resulting from chemical use. The Site
equipment by using a revolution limiter and acoustic baffles
Chemical Committee on Lihir Island will also be conducting a
on vehicles used for this activity. We have also worked on
review in 2008 of all new chemicals coming to site.
changing procedures and behaviours, by assisting employees to understand the impact of the mine's activities on the surrounding community.
Q What is in the tailings?
We are acutely aware of the concerns about blasting and manage these very closely. Appropriate procedures and
A Tailings is the final unwanted material after extraction of the
gold from the host rock. The tailings comprises over 99%
limitations are in place, and we continually consult with the
ground up material in the sand or silt fractions with some low
community to overcome concerns. For example, we have
levels of residual chemicals. At Lihir, the levels of free cyanide
restrictions on blasting at night in areas of high sensitivity.
is very low due to complexation as part of a detoxification
Our concern for the environment also encompasses mine
process and the pH is neutral, typically in the range of
closure. On Lihir Island, our mine closure plan provides for
6-7 units. Tailings discharge is regulated through permits
environmental issues in this context. The plan is reviewed
from the PNG Government and we report our monitoring
every five years for external requirements, and then annually in
results quarterly to the PNG Department of Environment and
accordance with our internal standard, to determine whether
Conservation. The data indicates that the chemicals, including
any additional costs, such as dismantling and demolition of
cyanide, fall well within the allowed PNG limits. Monitoring
infrastructure, and decommissioning, should be revised in the
data supporting our performance can be found in the table
detailing tailings stream chemistry on page 62 of the Data File.
Q What is LGL doing about mine site waste?
In Ballarat, we detoxify the tailings prior to placement in the tailings storage facility. The mill and tailings are in a closed circuit, with all water recycled resulting in zero offsite
A As pressure grows to account for a corporation's environmental
discharge. The plant has also been designed to comply with
management, we have looked for ways to be more efficient in
the International Cyanide Code.
our use of resources and to generate less waste.
In 2007, we commenced basic monitoring of non-mineral waste at both Lihir Island and Ballarat, and we have developed a Non-Mineral Waste Management Plan that is continuously updated, identifying any changes or initiatives as they are implemented. We anticipate this will help us to achieve our goal of using primary resources even more efficiently to
People I Results I Growth
Acting responsibly
Michael Bosle, Hydrology Field Technician, Lihir Environment Services (LES)
As part of the proposed 2008 plant upgrade, an alternative water storage weir facility is planned to provide a reliable water supply during extended low rainfall periods. This will also potentially
provide piped raw water to villages along the route from the reservoirto the mine.
In Ballarat, our water issues are different.
We recognise that companies exploiting natural resources areclosely analysed for the direct and indirect impacts they have on
To develop the underground mine it is necessary to pump out
the environment. Preserving precious resources, whether they are
excess groundwater and treat the groundwater before mining can
renewable or not, is a legitimate concern and rates in the top three of
recommence. The development of the underground site has resulted
issues that communities want companies to address. We expect this
in an excess of groundwater at a time when the majority of the
concern will grow as our understanding of the impacts arising from
Australian continent is affected by drought. However, there are
resource depletion matures.
difficulties in discharging this water.
Although water is renewable, its availability as a resource has come
Because the Ballarat region has experienced below average rainfall
under pressure. In 2007, water supply shortages impacted on our
since 1996, the water quality in local streams cannot accept all of
the licenced discharge from the mine at low flow levels. Put simply, there is not enough water in these streams to allow sufficient
What about water?
dilution of our discharge water.
We are very conscious of the importance of the Yarrowee River to the
LGL has monitored and reported the amount of water used at
community and the environment. We recognise that our discharge
our Lihir Island operations since we commenced reporting on the
to the river provides a positive contribution to the environmental
environment and community, with similar monitoring processes also
flow in the river and to the downstream agricultural users. We
in place at Ballarat.
also recognise the opportunity to provide this water as a potable water substitute to the community and continue to work with all
While Lihir Island is located in a tropical climate and experiences
stakeholders to find economical and sustainable water allocation
high annual rainfall, the island's mountainous geography causes
opportunities. In 2007, we evaluated various options to treat up to 2
much of the rainwater which does fall to run off the island. Without
ML per day, and we will be seeking regulatory approval to construct
a major water storage facility this water cannot be captured.
a state of the art reverse osmosis water treatment plant in 2008. In
In 2007, we noticed unusual weather patterns associated with El
this way, we hope that we are doing our bit to help solve the local
Nino events, resulting in an unusually long period of dry weather.
water issue.
Predictive modelling of rainfall patterns has been conducted,
To check our water usage performance in 2007, refer to the Data File
indicating that similar periods of sustained dry weather could be
on pages 61 and 62.
expected until 2012. With this in mind, it has been necessary for usto identify and manage the risks for our operation of potential water shortages.
The integration of a real-time fresh water management model forthe Londolovit River on Lihir Island is helping us do just that as weare now able to obtain better data on rainfall in the upper river catchment. The system also provides important input to the companyand community safety systems allowing for flood and high rainfallevent warnings to occur and alerts to be issued.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Acting responsibly
Henry Sakio, Power Station Operator, Geothermal Power Station, Lihir
The work we have completed in terms of geothermal power isacknowledged by industry peers as world best practice, however Lihir Island is just one site. We know that tackling climate change
requires a company wide strategy, and the best way for us to address it is not clear yet. Once we understand what our overall carbon exposure is, and the emissions impact of specific activities, we will
be better positioned to develop and implement an action plan.
We are moving in the right direction. From July 2008, we will beginto monitor and disclose our greenhouse gas emissions, and our
In recent years, the spectre of climate change has moved to the
energy usage, in Australia. This will be done under the National
forefront of civil concern. While some dispute the extent or causes
Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act, and the Energy Efficiency
of climate change, there is no doubt we have witnessed significant
Opportunities program. Part of this will involve us setting targets to
climatic variability. This is seen in widespread temperature
reduce our emissions and energy use. We are enthusiastic about the
variations and changing rainfall patterns, amongst other phenomena.
opportunities this will present for performing even better.
The most immediate observable impact of climate change on our operations can be seen in water shortages. These shortages have
Powering up
been felt in and around our existing operations, and we have every reason to believe it may be a limiting factor in other places we might
At our Lihir Island operation we have been able to capitalise on the
ready availability of geothermal steam to generate power.
For three years, we have been committed to reducing our dependence
Our geothermal power plant delivers up to 75 percent of our current
on fossil fuels on Lihir Island, and relying more on geothermal power
power requirements on the island and produced savings of an
on Lihir Island. We now generate 56MW of electricity on Lihir Island
estimated US$50 million in 2007, compared to the cost of power
by harnessing the natural heat in the ground beneath our mine and by
using oil-fired generators. We are pleased that our reliance on
doing this we have reduced greenhouse gas emissions arising from
traditional energy sources, as well as our exposure to recent oil price
fossil fuels.
volatility, has been reduced.
Climate change will affect the way we do things in various ways,
As a registered Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the
and we can be certain that our business will be directly impacted,
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
and that ultimately, LGL will be subject to government regulation
an additional benefit provided by the geothermal power plant is our
of carbon emissions. There is very likely to be both financial and
capacity to claim certified emission reductions (CERs). In 2007 we
social costs associated with strategies for emission reduction. As an
completed our first full year of accounting, and achieved 182,652
international business, we need to be aware of the risks and manage
the costs of operating in a carbon-constrained world. We must alsoacknowledge that doing so may influence a corporation's financial performance.
The bottom line for us is that our vision of People Results Growth
must be achieved with greater energy efficiency and an increased
use of low-carbon emitting technologies.
People I Results I Growth
Peoplegrowingwith us
The global shortage of experienced
and skilled people, particularly in the
resources sector, demands that we seek
alternative solutions to sustaining our
workforce. Being aware of the need for
an innovative approach is guiding what
we do to ensure that our people are
growing as our business grows.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Tynan Spenceley, Charge Up Operator, B Crew, LGL Ballarat
People I Results I Growth
Interview with
Florence Pasap
Senior Secretary, LGL
Florence Pasap is a native born Lihirian from the village of Kunaiye. She has been an employee with LGL for over 14 years and has
witnessed many changes on Lihir Island since the mine commenced operation. Here she shares some of the benefits that the mine has
brought to her and the wider Lihirian community.
How long have you been with the company?
I have been with the company since 1994, starting off as a trainee database operator, working my way up to the position I am in now, which is Senior Secretary.
What would you regard as some of the benefits to having the
mine on Lihir Island?
There have been many things – better health services, better housing, education is better, reliable power and water supply.
The company has done a lot for education. Children going to school are catered for with school buses and sea transport so there is a stronger sense they should attend. People can progress past grade eight and grade ten. There is sponsorship for students going to tertiary education and the new apprenticeship training centre is being built.
For me personally, there has been education and short courses, medical care and things like superannuation. Within the company there are internal personal and business skills training such as Work Ethics, Time Management and Teamwork for supervisors. I am now studying a Diploma in Management externally at the Divine Word University.
What differences have you experienced in
your own life?
Really, having a job with LGL is the way I have been able to provide a better life. I consider myself fortunate to have the job – to be able to help my family, brothers, sisters, and other family members. It has also meant that I have been able to adopt and support my sister's two children.
It has been really interesting and challenging for me; I am really fortunate to have this job.
Has being an employee at LGL had any effect on your life
outside of work?
Yes it has, in a number of ways. I do try to practice our values at home, such as honesty and integrity, fairness and respect. I encourage my own people in the village that just as we expect the company to be fair in its dealings with us, we in turn should also be fair. I also encourage my family to work together as a team. Last year I took the Sustainability Report home to show my family, because my mother is always interested in these things.
Do you see yourself as a role model to other Lihirian women?
As a young girl I definitely had a vision to do something and working with LGL has been the way I have been able to achieve it.
I am also fortunate because my mother has been a community leader for a long time, but there are definitely more women speaking out now, especially through the Petztorme Women's Association. Things are gradually changing. In my village you will now see men and women working together, whereas previously, women would have been left to do much of the village work. This represents a significant change from the traditional matrilineal society found on Lihir Island.
I also take time to educate my two girls and other young girls in the village, showing them that they can strive for more.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
People growing with us
People growing
with us
Finding, keeping, growing talent
Our various agreements make provision for localisation of the workforce at our Lihir Island operations meaning that where possible, we recruit Lihirians for roles as they become available. The island's small population means we must negotiate a balancebetween immediate operational needs for skilled labour and our obligation to build capacity in the Lihirian population. We aim for this balance by sourcing employeesfrom the rest of PNG and nationals from other countries, always conscious that ourfirst preference is for Lihirians.
As part of our Localisation and Training Plan on Lihir Island, we have consciously turned our attention to succession planning of the workforce at Lihir. We recognise the importance of providing development pathways that allow employees to progressto more senior positions. Our vision is for Lihirians to operate the mine with a limited requirement for external resources. We recognise this will take time, but we arecommitted to achieving it. This is a shared responsibility, meaning we also needemployees to want to develop themselves further.
We have commenced formally capturing employee reclassification data,which demonstrates the progression of Lihirians through the various levels ofapprenticeships and other roles. As our training program is consolidated to fewer courses delivered more frequently, we expect that by 2008 we will have laid the foundations for our succession planning with more Lihirians and PNG nationals working as superintendents. In future, annual performance appraisals, which areconducted for all employees, will provide the opportunity for clearer guidance on career progression. Figures on our trainees and apprentices can be found in the DataFile on page 63.
The competitive market for people keeps us searching for ways that will both attractand retain talent. Attracting and keeping people is our number one human resourceperformance indicator and this year, we commenced a comprehensive program to address this issue, we are striving to develop LGL to best practice human resource standards over a three year period.
The Lihir Trade Training Centre is planned for construction and operation in 2008. Thisfacility will provide first class training of trade assistants and apprentices. The centrewill be National Apprenticeship Trade Testing Board (NATTB) accredited.
We know the appeal of working and staying with us represents different things to different people. For an expatriate, it could be the way in which families are included in relocation decisions. For a Lihirian, it may be having the flexibility to study while working. For a third country national, it is perhaps the opportunity to gain valuable international experience, and for a Ballarat employee, it may be the chance to workback in the city, applying expertise gained elsewhere.
Really, having a job with LGL
is the way I have been able to
provide a better life. I consider
myself fortunate to have the
job – to be able to help my
family, brothers, sisters, and
other family members.
Florence Pasap with her daughters, Noelyne and Marie-Phil (front)
and Kunaiye village girls, Connie Zekolie and Patronilla Pasap
People I Results I Growth
People growing with us
We strive to meet our employee and external expectations by
and community. The initial training delivered in 2007, introduced the
demonstrating our commitments to:
PRG concepts such as the PRG Business Scorecard, which details how each employee has a role to play. The 1,200 plus employees who
attended the workshops were also introduced to specific behaviours
unions as long as they are registered with the relevant peak
which drive business systems.
body. At Ballarat, all our people are employed under Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs). On Lihir Island, the Lihir Mining
Apart from raising awareness and defining what People Results
& Allied Workers Union was reactivated in 2007 and elections
Growth means to LGL, the workshops also had a number of other
are due in 2008 to elect office bearers. We encourage a mutual
intangible benefits. Feedback indicated that many of our people
understanding of common issues to ensure effective working
gained insights to themselves and came to understand the relevance
of PRG to both their workplace and personal lives.
Fundamental to the development of the performance culture we
labour of any kind; and
all desire, our management and middle management teams have also contributed to the promotion of our core values through the
demonstration of exemplary leadership. It is well understood, that we
adding diversity to our workforce.
all have a significant leadership role to play in the way we motivate
Our turnover rates for each of the employee categories on Lihir Island,
and encourage our team members to continue to help improve the
with the exception of third country nationals, remains relatively high
way we do better business together. At the start of 2007, all our
(refer to our Data File on page 63). The reasons for these high attrition
managers from all our operating sites participated in a workshop to
rates are not clear, however with ongoing developments in our human
agree on "the LGL Way of Doing Business Together". This workshop
resource planning and management, we anticipate that turnover will
provided the management teams from each site with the opportunity
to discuss their managerial and leadership responsibilities to operate
We experience similar workforce issues in Ballarat, where sourcing
the business as a "One Team – One Business" entity.
people in a timely way and having them trained can be difficult,
In 2008, we aim to continue the momentum achieved in 2007,
particularly if we rely only on the local pool of talent. We accept there
recommencing the roll out with workshops for supervisors, who will
is a limited number of appropriately experienced mining personnel
be responsible for driving the process at the operational level. On
in Ballarat, and we plan to overcome this by implementing robust
Lihir, our Superintendents will be provided with the opportunity to
internal training programs and through our alliance with the University
work cross functionally to resolve daily production issues and to
of Ballarat.
minimise production interruptions. Our PRG facilitators will be more actively involved with improving communications and will continue
with their campaign to promote PRG across the business.
The roll out across the organisation of our People Results Growth
Moving with change
(PRG) program in 2007 represents significant progress for us and was an important step for embedding a strong performance culture in our
With new businesses come new challenges.
business. The development of the PRG Performance Culture is based
Operating as a single site, our efforts were wholly concentrated in
on exemplary leadership to engage all our people through improved
one place. With the acquisition of Ballarat there has been a need
communications and involvement.
to develop management techniques and protocols for merging its
We commenced the roll out in February and continued it throughout
workforce and culture into the global business.
the year, delivering the program to all levels of the organisation
The PRG program is yet to carried over to our Ballarat operations,
through a series of workshops for the workforce and for supervisors.
however in 2008 when we move from a contract workforce to an
The key elements of the PRG approach are that it is driven by a team
in-house workforce, we will comprehensively introduce PRG to our
of facilitators from across the business, including safety, environment
people there.
Workforce targets I 2008
Succession planning, career development and work experience program implemented
Raise level of training capacity and capability to deliver quality training outcomes
Conduct "One Team – One Business" management conference to integrate all managers from our Corporate office and operating sites. Continue roll out of role clarity workshops
Ú Consolidate training programs
Maintain momentum achieved in 2007 commencing with rollout of further workshops for supervisors who will be responsible for driving the PRG process at the operational level
Student intake – 25 including pre vocational and vocational trainees and apprentices
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
People growing with us
Safety never stops
immediately after the incident occurred. In the aftermath of the rockfall, we worked closely with regulatory authorities to develop an appropriate plan to clear the rockfall and resume normal operations.
The safety performance at Lihir mine in 2007 was outstanding where
Additional support was installed in the decline above and below the
only two lost time injuries were recorded. This is the best safety
affected area to ensure the continued safety of our employees.
result recorded during the past twelve years. We are also pleased to note the reduction in injuries in 2007 at Lihir Island. This is a direct
Our primary concern at such times is for the health and safety of our
result of maintaining the profile of operational safety through our
employees. The quick and effective response made by our Ballarat
toolbox meetings, monthly seminars, occupational health training
team gives us great confidence that our systems are sufficiently
and visible targets. A total of 29 serious injuries were recorded
robust to overcome such difficulties, and will continue to perform
during 2007, compared with the site-wide objective of <28, which
well in future.
represents a 17 percent reduction compared to 2006. The serious
Apart from addressing the occupational health and safety (OH&S)
injury frequency rate (SIFR) for 2007 was 2.7 per million man hours,
requirements the way a mine site should, the Lihir Island mine
compared with the site-wide objective of 2.87.
operates in a unique and challenging work environment due to its
We used both lead and lag indicators to measure our safety
geography and geothermal steam. We are committed to having a
performance on Lihir Island. Some of the lead indicators used are
workforce free of injury and occupational illness, and we strive to
number of audits and inspections completed, the percentage of
ensure employees, business partners and the community benefit from
corrective actions closed out, development and review of standard
the OH&S management plans developed for all our operations.
operating procedures, and the number of Job Safety Observations
We have carried this commitment to our Ballarat site which faces
(JSO) completed. JSOs are an integral part of LGL's culture-based,
other challenges arising from rapid development of the mine and
safety program. In 2007 we continued our three year program to
we are currently building a safety management system that will be
further improve our safety culture at the Lihir Island operation.
consistent with international standards.
We have developed site-wide OH&S plans and these cascade down through the business to departmental and sectional levels. Key
performance areas and indicators are then benchmarked and reported against using a balanced scorecard. The scorecards are updated
2007 also saw a strong shift in focus to occupational health issues.
monthly and reported across the departments and site to enable employees to keep track of our safety performances. Employees
At both our Ballarat and Lihir Island sites, fatigue and fitness for work
participate in setting the departmental and sectional targets and then
have been identified as key issues and programs and are now being
"act like owners" to ensure our lead indicators are met, thus reducing
implemented to reduce the affects of occupational health related
the lag indicators.
incidents. Lifestyle issues are also now part of the training at both sites. Topics covered include hypertension, diabetes and obesity, as
LGL has always emphasised a strong safety culture and although we
well as skin cancer, cardiovascular disease and smoking. Our aim
have always operated an open-cut operation at Lihir Island, Ballarat
is to improve the health and lifestyle of our workforce which will
presents different challenges as an underground mine.
ultimately flow on to the business productivity improvements.
Our safety system in Ballarat was put to the test in November 2007
The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)
when a rockfall occurred. The fall was not in a mine working area
is currently being updated and aligned with the Lihir Integrated
and no injuries were sustained to any of the miners who were all
Management System (LIMS). The update is to ensure the OHSMS is
safely extracted after the rockfall.
current and meets business needs. Strong robust systems alongside a
At all times our underground operations have careful regard to the
positive safety culture, where employees "act like owners" will ensure
need to identify as thoroughly as possible any potential challenges
we achieve our safety vision of "No Injuries to Anyone Ever". A list of
we may face and to ensure the safety of our personnel in the event
our workforce and safety statistics is presented on page 63.
of difficulties. The Mine Rescue Procedures were implemented
OH&S targets I 2008
Continuous improvement to work towards achieving the LGL vision of an injury free workplace for all employees and contractors
Maintain OH&S profiles and programs aimed at reducing workplace injuries
Occupational Health and Safety Management System aligned with business wide Information Management System
Publish and implement new OH&S policy
Publish and implement new Health policy
Maintain and encourage greater workforce participation in HIV/AIDS voluntary counselling and testing
People I Results I Growth
LGL performance and goals 2007 / 2008
LGL performance and goals 2007 / 2008
2007 Achievements
Membership of the International Council for
Cost benefit investigated and initial contact with
Submit formal application and gain membership
Mining and Metals (ICMM) as a high level
the ICMM undertaken
of ICMM and become active participant in 2008
sustainability strategy investigated and achieved
External advisory committee to provide
Investigations completed and a draft charter
Submit formal recommendation to board and
independent advice to LGL management and the
prepared for discussion at senior levels
achieve approval by December 2008
LGL's policies and managements standards are
Management standards reviewed
aligned with organisation size and value
Submit revised management standardsfor board approval
LGL's business structure and operations meet
Financial restructure completed resulting is
shareholder demands
retired hedge book and gold loans
Continue investigations into financial structures that add value to all shareholders
Reputation for ethical conduct across all
Code of Conduct reviewed and amended to
operations improved
reflect core values
Introduce revised Code of Conduct and Whistleblower policy to all LGL employees
Best practice, common standards and systems
Standard system tools through the
Continue development and implementation of
across the business implemented
Integrated Management System were
the IMS across the business for completion by
progressively developed
Develop formal stakeholder engagement
Develop stakeholder map
Undertake a community perception survey inBallarat
Revised Integrated Benefits Package (IBP) agreed
Revised IBP now known as Lihir Sustainable
Assist the Lihirian community through mentoring
Development Plan agreed at signing on 3 April
and capacity building to implement the LSDP to
meet goals and aspirations.
Social Monitoring and Management Plan
Work commenced on the development of the
Finalise development of the SMMP to include
(SMMP) for the Lihir operations developed
framework aimed at formulising an annual
performance indicators that encompass the full
monitoring program
range of company activities in terms of its socialresponsibilities and accountabilities
Performance target of 80% against the
Performance score of 90% achieved
Maintain the 90% score for the
criteria of a formal social audit at the Lihir
2008 social audit
operations achieved
Community risk management process, contractor
Work commenced with development of these
Procedures fully developed and implemented
compliance procedures and stakeholder contact
aimed at providing a more effective basis for the
register for the Lihir operations developed
operation, monitoring and management of the Community Liaison function on Lihir operations
Programs aimed at improving numeracy, literary
Workshops conducted to assist national teachers
Continue with implementation of educational
and skills development under the LSDP Education
to raise their teaching standards. Partnership and
assistance and CL capacity building programs
Assistance Program developed and implemented
capacity building relationship formed with Centre
for Social Responsibility in Mining (SCRM)
Five year medical infrastructure upgrade plan
Five year plan developed
Show progress with implementation of the
to meet current and future medical services
recommendations of the five year plan
demand on Lihir developed
Establish Londolovit Town Planning
Committee established including
Submit first phase of Town Plan for review and
Committee aimed at formulating a township
development of terms of reference
approval by the Nimamar Rural Local Level
sustainability plan
Government (NRLLG) in the first quarter of 2008
IBP commitments for road sealing, relocation,
Progress made with all projects, however not all
Continue with planned infrastructure projects
school construction, power and water supplies
delivered as planned
ensuring budgets and schedules are met
and the Village Development Scheme projects
Gold production of more than 850,000 oz,
including contributions from Lihir Island, Ballarat,Mt Rawdon and Bonikro
Total cash costs for the full year from Lihir Island to be below US$400/oz
Legend: – Goal Achieved; Ú – Goal in Progress; – Goal Not Achieved; - – New Goal
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
LGL performance and goals 2007 / 2008
LGL performance and goals 2007 / 2008
2007 Achievements
Environmental elements for inclusion in the
Work commenced in 2006 continued
Finalise environmental elements of the LGL IMS
LGL Information Management System (IMS)
Environmental incidents in all categories reduced
No reported Category III to Category IV
No Category III to IV incidents
environmental incidents and Category I incidentsreduced from 59 to 56; Category II incidents
increased from 8 to 24
No license breaches
Three license breaches at Ballarat and nil for Lihir operations with no prosecutions
No license breaches
Business wide Sustainability Policy published
Sustainable Development Policy developed,approved by board and published
Develop action plans for a business wide roll out of the SD Policy and implement
Risk based approach to the management
A risk based model developed that enables
Review the environmental hazards and risks
of environmental issues developed and
a proactive approach to environmental
identified in the company risk register
PNG DEC approval requirements for the
PNG DEC approval process mapped and drafting
Finalise Environmental Impact Assessment for
proposed Lihir Million Ounce Upgrade Project
of elements of a Social Environmental Impact
the Million Ounce Plant Upgrade and submit
Assessment (SEIA) commenced
to the PNG Department of Environment andConservation
Triennial ISO 14001 conducted for Lihir
EMS assessed against ISO 14001 and re-certified
Consolidate value of EMS through independent
operations Environmental Management System
for a further three years
LGL operations aligned with Climate
Registered CDM geothermal project increased
Monitor and disclose greenhouse gas emissions
Change imperatives through reducing
Certified Emission Reductions by 10%
and energy use for all LGL operations
greenhouse emissions
Professional Staff & Graduate Development
Terms of reference developed and champion
Initiative roll out
Succession planning, career development andwork experience program implemented
Vocational Education & Training System to
Training needs analysis completed and training
Raise level of training capacity and capability to
drive improvement of learning outcomes for
module development commenced
deliver quality training outcomes.
apprentices and tradespeople
Clarify roles, responsibilities, relationships and
Management, Superintendents and Supervisors
Conduct "One Team – One Business"
results at all levels of our business
workshops conducted, issues highlighted and
Management Conference to integrate all
managers from our Corporate Office andoperating sites. Continue roll out of role clarityworkshops
Training and localisation programs for Lihirian
Employee classification data captured for Lihirian
Consolidate training programs
employees in accordance with localisation
employees demonstrating progression through
agreements consolidated
various levels of apprenticeships and other roles
People Results Growth (PRG) program rolled
PRG business scorecards developed across the
Maintain momentum achieved in 2007
out at Lihir operations
Lihir operation and 1,200 employees attended
commencing with rollout of further workshops
for supervisors who will be responsible for driving the process at the operational level
Student intake – 30
Student intake – 60, including pre vocational and vocational trainees and trade apprentices
Student intake – 25, including pre vocational and vocational trainees and trade apprentices
Safety and Health
Injury free workplace for all employees and
29 Serious Injuries (SI) occurred at the
Continuous improvement to work towards
contractors achieved
Lihir operations representing a 17% reduction
achieving the LGL vision of an injury free
workplace for all employees and contractors
Three year OHS program to further improve
OHS profile and programs maintained
Maintain OH&S profiles and programs aimed at
safety culture progressed
through toolbox meetings, monthly seminars,
reducing workplace injuries
occupational health training and visible targets
aligned to employee bonuses
Occupational Health and Safety Management
Update progressed including additional elements
OHSMS aligned with business wide IMS
System (OHSMS) to align with the business wide
addressing fatigue and workforce fitness
IMS developed and implemented
Revised business wide OH&S policy published
Publish and implement new OH&S policy
Develop Health policy
Publish and implement new Health policy
Promote and encourage workforce participation
72% workforce participation in HIV/AIDS
Maintain and encourage greater workforce
in HIV/AIDS voluntary counselling and testing
voluntary counselling and testing
participation in HIV/AIDS voluntary counsellingand testing
Legend: – Goal Achieved; Ú – Goal in Progress; – Goal Not Achieved; - – New Goal
People I Results I Growth
LGL provides a comprehensive health service to its workforce and to the Lihirian community.
In this section of the data file, we present some key statistics gathered in 2007.
The community and health data collated below is taken from Lihir Island only.
Total medical referrals to centres
Total attendance by year
Number of attendance
Medical referrals/Year
An overall increase in numerical attendance is possibly the result of three
factors. First is the general population increase in recent years. Second is
The graph presented above shows a falling number of medical referrals to
Lihir Gold Limited's (LGLs) preference for hiring people who live on Lihir island.
centres of higher care year on year, suggesting that the restructuring process
LGL employees and their dependents have access to free health care at the
at the Lihir medical centre significantly improved the ability to handle more
Lihir Medical Centre. The result is that dependents appear to prefer to bypass
complex medical conditions on site.
government aid posts in preference for the Lihir Medical Centre. Third, it isthe impression of medical staff that people have increasing expectations ofhealth services funded by LGL and now attend for matters of a less serious nature.
Percentage acceptance of voluntary
Distribution of confirmed
HIV testing during periodic medicals
HIV infections since 1997
Number confirmed
Business Partners
Two new HIV infections were confirmed during 2007, making a total of
seventeen confirmed infections since 1997. The graph above shows the
distribution of confirmed infections.
Although the number of employees taking advantage of voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV infection has shown a slight drop in recent years, the overall rate of acceptance during periodic occupational medicals remains high at 72 percent. We will continue to strive for a 100 percent testing rate.
Infant mortality rate (IMR)
Chloroquine plus Fansidar resistance by year
Rate per 1,000 live births
The PNG Department of Health still recommends cholorquine and Fansidaras first line treatment for malaria. However, the increasing incidence of
Infant mortality in PNG is 65 for every 1,000 live births. On Lihir Island, the
resistance may require a change to this therapy in the near future. Changing
average rate for infant mortality is approximately 30 for every 1,000 live births,
current first line treatment to new generation single-dose artimisinin based
indicating that babies born on the island have more than a 100 percent better
drugs, would increase the cost from PGK 36,000 per annum to about PGK
chance of survival than their counterparts born in other areas of PNG.
468,000 per annum.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
New cases of confirmed tuberculosis
Lihirians as a proportion of total new TB cases
The number of new TB infections appears to be reaching a steady state. The increases seen between 1997 and 2002 are probably the result of better newcase detection. The sustained number of new infections between 2003 and2007 may be a reflection of increasing numbers of new cases among migrants. This hypothesis is supported by data showing that Lihirians are forming adecreasing proportion of new infections.
Reasons for admission
The graph above shows, the most common reason for admission to the centre is for deliveries. The lower infant mortality rate on Lihir Island is an indication that the neonatal and postnatal care provided by the LGL medical centre is a contributing factor to the better
survival rates of babies on the island.
*Obstetrics and Gynaecology
People I Results I Growth
LGL contribution to PNG economy
Payments within PNG
New Ireland Provincial Government
Nimamar Rural Local Level Government
1,449,859 4,294,099
Other (NDA Grants)
Landowner Contracts
Landowner J/V Contracts
Direct Lihirian Payments
Royalties (Block Holders)
Economic Plant Compensation
Noise, Light & Dust
Community Assistance/Donations
Lihirian Salary & Wages
Village Development Scheme (VDS)
Relocation of Villages
IBP Trust Capital Projects
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Total mill throughput
A combination of record gold production and gold prices resulted in recordfull year revenue of $498 million, representing a 29 percent increase on the previous year.
Total cash costs per ounce
Autoclave feed (AU g/t)
Operating Costs 2007 - US$210.9m
In 2007, we absorbed higher prices for fuel, labour and maintenance inputs.
Higher diesel prices and adverse currency movements led to a 21 percentincrease in operating costs to US$210.9 million. Despite rising costs, weattribute this increase largely to higher volumes, as total cash costs per ouncerose only three percent to $305 per ounce.
LGL supplier spend
LGL supplier spend
Lihir Island Operations
Ballarat Operations
Australia A$202.3M
Lihir Island A$96.3M
Local Transactions
Other Countries A$96.2M
Other PNG A$138.2M
- Local Transactions
- New Ireland Province
- Central Victoria (ex-Melb)
- Rest of Victoria
People I Results I Growth
Greenhouse gas emissions CO2 - e tonnes - LGL Group
Mining and Milling
Electricity Exports
*The greenhouse efficiency trend for Lihir cannot be evaluated as the 2006 estimation was affected by incorrect CaCO3 assay data.
Total environmental expenditures (AU$'000) - LGL Group
Research & Development
Heritage & Conservation
Permitting & Licensing
Environmental Management
Total current expenditure
Environmental Capital Expenditures
Total Environmental Expenditure
Presented above is a summary of the environment expenditure for LGL, as both a consolidated figure for LGL, and as a separate figure for each site. The higher overall expenditure relates in 2006 relates to the development of the geothermal power plant which was commissioned in 2007.
Inputs/Outputs - LGL Group
Arsenic & Compounds
Batteries 18 tonnes
Cyanide and Compounds
Diesel electricity generation
Hydrochloric Acid
4.8 million tonnes
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Tailings placement - Lihir Island
Cooling Sea Water
Year Total Volume (ML)
Liquid Discharge (ML)
Although gold product increased by 7.5% the 15.5% increase in tailings reflects the lower gold grade being mined.
Total water discharge by quality and destination (2007) - LGL Group
Brackish to saline water
Discharge from tailings storage facility
Fresh to brackish water
Lihir discharges water to the ocean. Ballarat discharges water to the Yarrowee River.
Waste - LGL Group
Management Options
Incineration with energy recovery
Incineration without energy recovery
50t domestic waste
2.4t domestic waste
15,036m3 domestic waste/wood
50,000t scrap steel
32t light vehicle tyres
8t light vehicle tyres
643m3 haul truck tyres
Tailings stream chemistry - Lihir Island
DEC Limit
* Restated. Previously reported as mg/L NaCN, now reported as mg/l CN (as per DEC permit)
Concentrations of heavy metals and cyanide in the tailings stream are well below regulatory limits.
People I Results I Growth
Workforce demographics 2007
LGL is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on any basis, including age, race or gender, and we are pleased no incidents of discrimination were recorded in 2007. We encourage female participation in our workforce, particularly in roles that are traditionally filled by males and in a market which iscompeting strongly for resources. In 2007 at Lihir Island we employed 255 female employees. The composition of our board remains weighted towards maledirectors, with one female director who is a PNG national. However, at 12.5 percent of the total board composition, this represents a higher ratio than is found in other ASX top 200 companies, where women account for only 8 percent of a board's composition. [**We are not able to accurately account for the turnover rateat Ballarat as we are still integrating our information management system so it is able to capture this data.]
Lihir Island trainees and apprentices - 2007
- Pre-vocational
- Office administration
Apart from technical, job related training provided by each department on Lihir Island, the Employee Development section runs a series of programs to support continued employability and to help employees in managing their careers. The courses are run at three levels: Level 1 - designed for those who have between 0-5years work experience and need assistance to understand the concepts of work, career, company and contractual obligations. Level 2 - designed for those who have between 5-15 years experience and need assistance to develop key personnel skills for better job performance and advancement through their careers. Level 3 - for people who are required to supervise others in their job.
Average remuneration of men and womenby employee category and region
Injury statistics - LGL Group
LGL site LTIs by year
PNG Nationals Avg (K)
Expatriate Average ($)
2007 - Lihir Island
LGL lost time injury frequency rates by year / million hours
**Lihirian salaries are paid according to the LGL salary band and based onqualification and merit. The market for resources is competitive and we strive
to provide competitive salaries and conditions for our employees. Of the 6
million people who live in PNG, only an estimated 2 million are employed, of
which only 220,000 work in a formal way for wages. We are pleased that
we provide employment to over 1,700 PNG Nationals and Lihirians, with
the average wage for women recorded at K14,313 and for men at K16,212.
Although it is difficult to gain accurate data to determine the range of ratios
for wages, a comparison with the gross national income per capita of A$660,
provides an indication that the wages paid compare favourably. Our full time
2007 - Lihir Island
Lihirian employees receive a number of benefits, including a home ownership
scheme; free housing for residential employees; access to fitness facilities;medical and life insurance; educational support for employees and their
We are pleased to report there were no work related fatalities at any of
families; and a vehicle and accommodation allowance.
our sites in 2007, and there was an obvious improvement in our safety statistics for the Lihir Island site. When the information management systemfor the Ballarat site has been completed in 2008 we will be able to report consolidated data for this indicator. We also note that in our 2006 report, we reported that we changed our measurement rates to one million man hours, from 200,000. While we had made this change it was not reflected in the datawe presented in our 2006 report.
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
GRI Content Index
While we completed the merger with Ballarat Goldfields Pty Ltd in 2007, we are still working
towards the complete integration of the information management system to support the
comprehensive collection of data from both sites. For this reason, we provide responses that are
inclusive of Ballarat data where possible. The indicators which have been partially reported are
clearly identified in the GRI Table below.
GRI content index (Core indicators only)
Standard Disclosures: Profile
1. Strategy and Analysis
Statement from the CEO and the supervisory board chairperson
Description of key impacts, risk and opportunities
2. Organisational Profile
Name of the company
Primary brands, products and/or services
Operational structure and major divisions
Location of organisation's headquarters
Number/names of countries with either major operations
(or specifically relevant to sustainable issues)
Nature of ownership
Scale of the reporting organisation
Significant changes regarding size, structure or ownership
Awards received in the reporting period
3. Report Parameters
Date of most recent previous report
Contact point for questions regarding the report
Processes for defining report content (Materiality, priorities, stakeholder identification)
Boundary of report
Statement on specific limitations concerning the report's scope
Basis for the reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries etc.
Data measurement techniques and bases of calculations
Explanation of the nature and effect of any restatements of information
Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary or measurement methods applied
External verification of the report
4. Governance, Commitments, and Engagement
Governance structure, incl. responsibility for sustainability
Independence of the supervisory board chairperson
No. of independent supervisory board members
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations to highest governance body
Linkage between senior management compensation and achievement of sustainability goals
Processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided
Expertise of the highest governance body in terms of sustainability issues
Corporate mission, values and Codes of Conduct
Board-level processes for overseeing environmental, economic and social risks and opportunities
Processes for evaluating the highest governance body's performance on sustainability matters
Implementation of the precautionary principle
External initiatives that the organisation endorses
Significant memberships in industry and business associations
List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation
Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders to engage
Approaches to stakeholder engagement by type and stakeholder group
Key topics and concerns raised through stakeholder engagement and response by company
5. Standard Disclosures: Performance Indicators (6 Categories)
Black Text: Core indicators are those indicators identified in the GRI Guidelines to be of interest to most stakeholders and assumed to be material unless deemed otherwise on the basis of the GRI Reporting Principles.
Blue Text: Additional Indicators are those indicators identified in the GRI Guidelines that represent emerging practice or address topics that may be material to some organisations but not generally for a majority.
Economic – Management approach
Direct economic value created and distributed
Financial implication of climate change
Coverage of benefit pension plan obligations
Financial assistance received from government
Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation
Spending on locally-based suppliers
Local hiring for senior management positions
Infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit
Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts
Environmental – Management approach
Weight / Volume of materials used
Percentage of materials used that are recycled
Direct energy consumption: primary sources used by company
Indirect energy consumption : primary sources used through energy purchased
Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements.
Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives
Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved
Total water withdrawal by source
P – Indicator partially reported
People I Results I Growth
GRI Content Index
GRI content index (Core indicators only)
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused
Land used in protected areas
Significant impacts of activities on protected areas
Habitats protected or restored
Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity
Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk
Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight
Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight e.g. business travel, employee commuting
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved
Ozone-depleting substances by weight
NOX, SOX and other significant air emissions
Water discharge by quality and destination
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method
Total number and volume of significant spills
Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage
of transported waste shipped internationally
Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the reporting organization's discharges of
Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services
Percentage of recycled products
Fines and sanctions for non-compliance with environmental regulations
Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organization's operations, and transporting members of
the workforce.
Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type
Labour Practices and Decent Work
Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region
Breakdown of employee turnover by age group, gender and region
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operations
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management–worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational
health and safety programs
Injuries, absentee rates and work-related fatalities by region
Counselling, prevention and risk-control programs regarding serious diseases
Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
Training hours per year per employee by employee category
Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Composition of senior management and breakdown of employees (gender/culture/age)
Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category
Human Rights
Percentage/number of investment agreements with HR clauses or screening
Suppliers and contractors that underwent screening on human rights
Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of
employees trained
Incidents of discrimination and actions taken
Operations with significant risks to freedom of association and collective bargaining at risk, and actions taken
Operations with significant risk incidents of child labour and measures taken
Operations with significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour and measures taken
Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization's policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations
Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken
Policy to manage impacts on communities in areas affected by activities
Business units analysed for risks related to corruption
Employees trained in organisation's ant-corruption policies
Action taken in response to instances of corruption
Positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying
Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country
Total number of legal actions for anticompetitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes
Fines/sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations
Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvements
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their
life cycle, by type of outcomes
Principles/measures related to product information/labelling
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labelling,
by type of outcomes
Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction
Programs for adherence of laws and voluntary codes
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and
sponsorship by type of outcomes
Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of
Fines for non-compliance with regulations concerning the use of products and services
P – Indicator partially reported
LGL 2007 Sustainability Report
Registered Office
Level 7, Pacific Place
Cnr Champion Parade and Musgrave Street
Port Moresby, NCD
Phone: +675 321 7111
Fax: +675 321 4705
Administration Office
Putput, Lihir Island
New Ireland Province
Phone: +675 986 4014
Fax: +675 986 4018
Ballarat Goldfields Administration Office
10 Woolshed Gully Drive
Lihir Services Australia Corporate Office
Level 9, 500 Queen Street
Phone: +617 3318 3300
Fax: +617 3318 9203
General Enquiries
Email to [email protected] or
contact the LGL Group offices on the numbers provided
People I Results I Growth
Source: http://www.newcrest.com.au/media/sustainability_reports/LGL%20Sustainability%20Reports/2007_LGL_Sustainability_Report.pdf
Pituitary 7: 83–87, 2004 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Pituitary Apoplexy During Therapy with Cabergoline in anAdolescent Male with Prolactin-Secreting Macroadenoma Mirta Knoepfelmacher, Miriam C. Gomes, Maria E.Melo, and Berenice B. MendoncaDepartment of Endocrinology, Hospital das Cl´ınicas, Universityof S ˜ao Paulo Medical School, S ˜ao Paulo, Brasil
FACT SHEET Cutaneous Radiation Injury: Fact Sheet for Physicians Injury to the skin and underlying tissues from acute exposure to a large external dose of radiation is referred to as cutaneous radiation injury (CRI). Acute radiation syndrome (ARS)ill usually be accompanied by some skin damage; however, CRI can occur without symptoms of ARS. This is especially