
Background, News,
Here at Holy Trinity we give Our Mission Links are
Andy & Innes Shudall
10% of all giving by the
individuals and organisations
(TSCF New Zealand)
congregation, including Gift
that we have chosen to
Aid, to people and
support through involvement Roger & Alison Morgan
organisations doing mission
from members of Holy
work. This booklet will tell
Trinity, or even members
Hugo Vergara (South
you where it goes and what
sent out from here. We try
American Mission
is done with it.
to keep in touch with each
individual to support and
We also give a significant
encourage them, and to hear Christian Aid
amount each year (around
of where God is at work
£119,000 in 2014) to the
around the world.
Tanzania Link
Diocese of Leicester. The
Diocese pays for John, Elaine Our mission links are:
and Sami's salaries, their
housing, the training of
Brian & Kath Blacklock
ordinands (future vicars) and
other support costs. Holy
Andy & Claudia Fanstone
Trinity Church doesn't pay
(Iris Ministries)
John, Elaine and Sami's salaries.
Sarah Wheway (Hellenic



Andy used to be a
make our love real in these
physiotherapist at the
ways, for as long as the
Leicester Royal Infirmary
poor are with us.
and a member of Holy
Trinity before leaving for
… We are committed to
Brazil in 2001. He now runs remaining sensitive,
Iris Forteleza, a branch of
flexible and obedient to the
Iris Ministries. Iris Ministries day-to-day leading of the
was founded by Heidi and
Holy Spirit, from the least
Rolland Baker and is based
of our organizational
in Mozambique. It is
decisions to the greatest.
committed to acting on the
We are closely affiliated with (for the most part)
Bethel Church in Redding,
California, and belong to the
Revival Alliance and also the
Partners in Harvest network THE VISION
We believe that Brazil is
going to become one of the
Iris Ministries ‘exists to
greatest missionary-sending
participate in bringing the
countries in the coming
Fortaleza is located in
Kingdom of God to earth in
decades, but if that's going
Northeast Brazil. Its beaches
all its aspects, but most
to happen then there needs
are known as a vacation
especially through our
to be an awakening inside of
hotspot. Unfortunately it is
particular calling to serve the
the hearts of Brazilians.
more widely known as a
very poor: the destitute, the
Their eyes need to see what
centre for prostitution and
lost, the broken and the
God sees: the broken. All
sex trafficking in South
forgotten. We have been
around this country are
America, recently declared
sent to places where "love"
some of the most extreme
the ‘third best location for
must every day mean bread
cases of poverty in the
sex tourism' in the world on
for the hungry, water for the
world, and little is being
a famous predator site. Of
thirsty and healing for the
done by the Church as of
course, this is tied into the
sick. It must mean family for
fact that 1 in 3 people live in
the orphan, freedom for the one of the 550 favelas
captives and peace for the
(slums) within the city, and
war-torn. We want always to the children there grow up

training and impartation for
and Satan. We need to come
those people that have a
alongside these young
burning desire for more of
people not as educators or
We are starting to work in
God and have a heart for
teachers but as a father and
the worst slums in the city to missions. Youth from the
mother to show them with
see God break into the
surrounding churches come
our lives that fullness of life
hearts of prostitutes, drug
and stay at the Iris base and can only come in Christ.
dealers, orphans, and
get asked some intense
This is what we do Saturday
questions while letting the
afternoons; the Bible is our
Holy Spirit reveal His destiny text book and our lives are
over them. Usually the
goodbyes are teary and the
Right alongside that work
excitement for life is
are prayer meetings,
exhilarating at the end.
discipleship and training of
those that have a burning
It's not girl scout camp, but
heart to lay their lives down we do have a camp fire.'
for continued health and
for the glory of God to be
protection upon us as a
for the children in the
Andy also runs an at-risk
community we work with
teens discipleship
who are at risk: for
Through missional
God´s protection and an
community we hope to see
‘If we don´t come alongside
outpouring of His Spirit
the churches and slums
them and show them an
stirred to fall deeper in love
alternative and more
with our Saviour.'
meaningful way of life than
‘Every quarter we have an
drugs and sex we will lose
intensive weekend of
this generation to the world
HT LINK: Stephen and Cathryn Shilling
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]


ANDY AND INES SHUDALL (Tertiary Students' Christian Felowship, New Zealand)
Andy and Ines left Holy
Trinity in 2005 for New
Zealand, to serve with TSCF. REQUESTS
Their work involves sharing
It's been a time of family
Jesus, discipling students,
change (Ruben, 18, is
supporting graduates,
leaving for Germany) and
training staff, and teaching
some difficulties, such as
nationally. They have three their house letting in
children, Ruben, Deon and
Andy has been encouraged
Find out more in the 'Kiwi
by a steady stream of
Please give thanks for these
Chronicles' blog at http://
students in Auckland either
two encouragements
kiwichronicles.blogspot.com. coming to faith or making
You can follow Andy on
decisive steps for
Also for the complete
themselves each week, and
success of Andy's spinal
by seeing two students
strengthened and
Please pray for ongoing
emboldened as he studied
financial provision as the
the book of Romans with
work continues to grow
HT LINK: Richard & Fiona Wong
E: [email protected]

HUGO VERGARA (South American Mission Society)
Hugo Vergara is our Latin
St Andrew's Church runs:
Partner in Mission serving
God with the South
A ministry for men,
American Mission Society in
using the Alpha course.
Youth Encounter
As Archdeacon, Hugo
weekend programmes
supports all the urban
for non-Christian young
Anglican Churches in
the Diocese of Northern
entertainment and
Argentina, an area of high
unemployment where 40%
Women's Encounter
live under the poverty line.
weekend programmes
He also leads three
for non-Christian women For more people to
mentor new converts
Alpha marriage courses,
St Andrew's, Salta, which is
for Christians and non-
For more lay leaders:
growing via friendship
three for the men's work,
evangelism (such as cells
10 for Youth Encounter,
inviting non-Christian friends Training programmes for
for a meal each week).
St Paul's, on the outskirts of The Tucuman church also
For the men's cell
Salta. This is an area of
uses the Encounter
poverty, prostitution and
programmes and marriage
forward in personal
drugs. The church works
growth and growth as
with children and young
people, and has 100 street
children coming for meals at
For stamina, energy and
its soup kitchen.
wisdom for Hugo,
especially in use of time
A church in Tucuman, 200
Hugo says currently his
and in delegating work.
miles away. Hugo travels
three top priorities are Alpha
there and back every
marriage courses, used for
fortnight. This church too is evangelism; the work at his
growing and God is working Tucuman church; and the there.
ministry with men at St Andrew's.
HT LINK: Wally Cullen
SARAH WHEWAY (Helenic Ministries)
Sarah Wheway belonged to
Holy Trinity before
to the doorsteps
answering a call of God to
of homes in rural
Greece in 2000. She now
works for Hellenic Ministries,
a non-denominational
missionary society based in
Eleos (Mercy)
Though Greece was the first
Ministries, which
country in Europe to be
evangelised (Acts 16:10),
and 2/3 of the New
Testament was written
providing meals,
either to Greeks or by
showers, clothes,
Greeks, today only 2% of
laundry services,
the population are in church
on any given Sunday. Only
0.18% of Greeks are
Biblical teaching.
evangelicals. Greece is
A camp ground and
considered the neediest
A medical clinic and
retreat centre north of
mission field in Europe, even
learning centre for
Athens, Porto Astro,
including Albania.
refugee women and
where it runs youth
Unemployment is high –
sports camps used for
over 40% among young
The Hope Centre, a
Christian maternity home ‘House of Worship', a
Hellenic Ministries (HM) was
for pregnant women who
founded in 1980 by a Greek
choose not to have an
gathering in Athens to
couple who had worked as
abortion and who need
challenge Greek young
missionaries in Irian Jaya.
help. It also offers post-
people to pray for
In 1988 the first translation
abortion recovery
of the Bible into Modern
Greek was made and
Sailing trips to the
Short-term mission trips
published through HM.
islands and coastline on
Today Hellenic Ministries
their ship, Morning Star, A weekly TV show shown
to support the local
in Greece's main cities.
churches, encourage lone
Operation Joshua, a two-
believers, and disciple
week programme every
the young Greek people
summer delivering free
who join as crew.
HM is also working on
training Greek church
planters and evangelists.
Sarah is on the core
Sarah has asked for prayer: Please also pray for Sarah
leadership team of Hellenic
and all the HM workers:
That she will continue to
Ministries – a team of five
do what God is asking
For an attitude of
who oversee all these areas
her to do, and for
of ministry. She currently
discernment for her and
leads The Hope Centre (see
the other HM workers to Flexibility and patience
above). She also heads the
know what is most
young adults group in her
A heart of love for
important and necessary
local church in Athens.
During the summer she
helps coordinate Operation
That God will be glorified
Joshua, and during the
in their work and his
winter she coordinates vision
tours and conferences for pastors.
HT LINK: Isabelle Milligan
E: [email protected]
Christian Aid is a Christian
Christian Aid works in the
organisation that insists the
Americas, Africa, the Middle
world can and must be swift-
East and India. They:
ly changed to one where
everyone can live a full life,
give humanitarian aid in
free from poverty.
For a ceasefire and an
end to violence against
We work globally for pro-
campaign on issues such
found change that eradicates
as climate change, tax
the causes of poverty, striv-
dodging, and gender
For comfort for those
ing to achieve equality, dig-
who have lost someone
nity and freedom for all,
work to prevent the
regardless of faith or nation-
transmission of malaria
ality. We are part of a wider
For wisdom and guid-
and HIV and to support
movement for social justice.
ance for Christian Aid
partners as they seek to
We provide urgent, practical
work with partners on
and effective assistance
many other projects
where need is great, tackling
the effects of poverty as well More at their website, as its root causes.
HT LINK: George Davidson
E: [email protected]
Holy Trinity money, given via Kilimanjaro and Manyara on world to convert.
our diocese of Leicester,
the map above.) They are
goes to support the work of
mostly savannah grassland. The money goes towards
the Church of England in our Only one road there is
training church leaders,
tarmac, the rest are dirt
church planting and a fund
tracks. In the south, where
for emergencies arising from
Since 1982 the Diocese of
the Masai live, the rains are
natural causes, such as lack
Leicester has been building a unreliable and there can be of rain. In DMK we support
now well-established
severe drought and
Munguishi Bible College, and
relationship with the
in Kiteto, Kiteto Christian
Dioceses of Mount
College, where we are
Kilimanjaro and Kiteto in
The Anglican church in DMK helping to build a dormitory.
Tanzania. The Diocese of
has grown fast. In 1982
Kiteto used to be part of the there were 19 pastors and
Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro 39 parishes. This grew to
(DMK) but recently
more than 61 pastors and 47 REQUESTS
separated from it to form a
parishes now, and 200
new diocese. Together they churches. Some of the
Munguishi Bible College
are larger than Scotland and greatest progress was
Wales put together, and lie
among the Masai people in
‘We want to say thank you!
close to the Equator. (They
the south, once described as for all the support you've
cover the regions of Arusha, the hardest people in the
provided - both through
prayer, care and by
supporting the college
financially. Your gifts enable
us to train and send these
students whom God has
We hope you'll be able to
keep supporting this ministry
through your partnership.
But today we just want to
ask you to be remembering
these men and women in
your prayers - to pray for
them that as they go out into
the ‘harvest field', that they
will cling to Jesus and his
word, be faithful to him, and
that God will work wonders
through them, bringing
many to know and believe
Christ and so be saved."
If you would like to know
more, contact Rev'd Richard
Worsfold (Chairman of the
Link Committee) at [email protected].
Fusion is a group based in
every university in the Serving churches
Loughborough who are
UK. They have been
passionate about student
praying, training
73% of Christian
mission. Less than 2% of
leaders, sharing the
students don't connect
today's generation of
good news and sharing
with a church or any
students has been reached
Christian group at
by the transforming
university. Fusion
message of Jesus. Fusion's
connects students to
vision is of a dynamic
discipleship: Fusion,
Christian student movement,
with Urban Saints,
Student Linkup app
one that will see universities
have written and sell
enables young people
and colleges won for Christ.
to search and shortlist
discipleship tool and
Since 1997, Fusion has been
Bible study for anyone
leaving for university,
fuelling the fires of this
in the student culture.
and churches to invite
movement through:
Also The Stuff of Life,
future students to
dealing with topics
events for them even
Equipping students
such as depression,
before they receive
Inspiring evangelism:
alcohol, dating and
their A level results.
They have written a
Churches registered
book, Living Mission, ‘a
with Fusion also create
Preparing new students
must-read for every
a page on their site for
for university: Fusion
student in the UK who
have written The
wants to be fuelled for
Student Alphabet, a
mission and inspired by
graduates to browse
light-hearted and
the stories of God in
and are listed in their
practical guide to
our universities.'
starting university, and
The Road Trip: Miriam
The Student Linkup
Developing student
(Student Mission
Sessions, a book
Developer) and some
helping school-leavers
Fusion offers training,
university by, e g,
encouragement for all
September on a two-
working out who they
in student ministry.
year trip in a VW
camper van to visit
university and what
Fusion works in
their values and
partnership with
priorities are. This
personal and spiritual
denominations and
growth at university.
More on www.fusion.uk.com
HT LINK: Lois Cobbold
E: [email protected]
They are connected with
held in Loughborough in
1000 churches in the UK.
September will inspire
Pray that this will grow to
and equip student
leaders and workers, and
Luke Smith, Church
will be used by God for
Relations Manager, writes:
They are supported
‘climate change': in
‘Just like Elisha, I am hungry
financially by 170
melting the spiritual
to see God do twice as much
churches. Pray this will
coldness and frozen
through the next generation
increase to 340.
perceptions of many UK
as he has done in the
400 church-based
student workers are
being equipped by
Fusion is connecting
about 3000 freshers to
Fusion: pray for this
local churches every
number to grow to 800.
year. Please pray this
Pray that the Student
will grow to 6000.
Work Conference to be
In Somalia, to be caught
selling Christian books of all
Thanks to a phenomenal
carrying a Bible means
time. It is now published in
response of prayer and
death. In North Korea,
35 languages. Brother
generosity from Christians in
anyone discovered to be a
Andrew has also co-written
the UK and Ireland, Open
Christian is imprisoned in a
Light Force, about his work
Doors is supporting 3,000
concentration camp similar
serving Christians in Muslim families. Lydia, who is
to the Nazi camps. Believers countries.)
currently visiting a church in
meet to worship in small
Erbil on behalf of Open
groups early in the morning, Open Doors is now an
Doors, has been so moved
in the mountains or other
international organisation
by the difference your
hidden places, so as not to
which tirelessly works
generosity is making to
be heard or seen. In many
to supply Bibles, leadership
those in desperate need.
Arab countries converting
training, literacy
"Prayer and giving money
from Islam to Christianity
programmes, livelihood
often feels like it is too easy,
can bring loss of family, loss support and advocacy
but it's not! It is making a
of work, exile or death. In
services to persecuted
huge difference in places like
Nigeria last year, 300
Christians. It also seeks to
churches were destroyed by mobilise the church in the
Islamists and 612 Christians UK & Ireland to serve
Information, news and
killed. (Sometimes gunmen Christians living under
prayer alerts on
burst into churches and
religious persecution.
www.opendoorsuk.org. You
shoot worshippers.)
can sign up for weekly
One example of their work,
emails with prayer pointers
Open Doors' work for God
from a recent email:
began in 1955 when Brother ‘IRAQ: an estimated 1.2
Andrew, a Dutch Bible
You can also join the
million people have now
college graduate, first
Persecuted Church Prayer
been displaced following the
smuggled Bibles into Eastern
Group here at Holy Trinity
advances of IS. Many fled
Europe to the Christians
(for one, some or all
after IS militants gave them
under persecution there.
meetings). Contact Alissa
the chilling command to
(In 1967 Brother Andrew's
convert, leave or die.
biography, God's Smuggler,
became one of the best-
That God will strengthen
and unite Christians as
development projects.
they face increasing
pressure from the state. Praise God for strong civil
‘When you ask persecuted
(The apostasy law still
rights bodies fighting for
Christians what they need,
exists, churches have
the oppressed, including
almost without exception
been demolished by the
Christians; pray that the
they answer, "Prayer."
government and an
government will heed
Prayer is the one thing that
outright ban on new
border guards and religious
church buildings has
police cannot keep out.
been imposed, forcing
Prayer reaches the most
Christians to meet
remote villages and
together in tents – and
infiltrates the most
even this is frowned
inaccessible labour camps.
Prayer changes things.'
Give thanks that Open
Three prayer requests for
Doors is supporting the
Sudan, where Meriam
small but courageous
Ibrahim was recently
local church in Sudan
released from prison:
with discipleship training
HT LINK: Catherine Basu
E: [email protected]
Redeeming our Communities developing links with
Reebok Stadium in Bolton to
is a charity, based near
members of the police force. thank the police, and also to
Manchester, founded by
In 1998 a meeting was
pledge to see violent crime
Debra Green, a writer and
gathered to thank the
reduced in the region over
popular speaker, in 2004.
members of Greater
the next 12 months through
Manchester Police and
prayer and action. The
'Thank You' posters were
pledge was met: 11 months
"In 1994 as I reflected on
placed in every police station after that meeting the Metro
the needs of the city of my
across Greater Manchester.
newspaper reported that
birth I wrote these words:
violent crime in the region
"In our dreams and visions
Relationships between the
had fallen by 11%, bucking
we see crime rates dropping, church and police in the city national trends.
violence decreasing, drug
began to develop in a new
dealers disappearing,
way. The story of these
Following a national launch
prostitution declining and
developments can be read in at the NEC Arena in 2006,
apathy diminishing. We see Debra and Frank Green's
the initiative grew, with ROC
business booming, housing
book, City Changing
Ambassadors joining the
improving, schools
Prayer. Following Festival
team in regions throughout
flourishing and hope rising." Manchester in 2003, which
the UK. Stories of
saw 500 churches from all
community transformation
We have seen all these
denominations working on
across the nation were
things in some measure and community projects, many collected together for
the work we do has spread
people began to consult with Debra's 2008 book,
across the UK, but there is
Debra on how they could
still so much more we can
learn from the experience in Communities: 21st Century
do together to build safer,
Manchester and the
Miracles of Social
kinder communities for the
Transformation. ROC now
sake of the next generation." Communities initiative was
has over 60 community
By September 2004. Debra
launched in 2004.
projects meeting a variety of
Green had been coordinating
community needs around
inter-church meetings across The launch saw thousands
the Greater Manchester
of people from the North
region for a number of
West including civic
years, and had also been
leaders join together at the
ROC has built partnerships
addicts who are working businesses, individual and
between police, fire services,
through a recovery
church donations, public
churches, voluntary groups
programme to link up
services, and fundraising
and others to tackle issues
with trained ‘buddies'
from anti-social behaviour to
who will support them
the isolation that is often
through their recovery.
experienced by elderly
people. Its projects include: ROC Care – elderly
befriending schemes.
ROC Cafés— which
A ROC Conversation to move
provide activities for
ROC Restore –
towards ROC projects in
children and young
restorative justice
Leicester was held at Holy
people such as pool,
schemes. Face-to-face
Trinity Church in June.
table tennis, dance,
conferences have
resolved individual anti-
Recently ROC were given a
projects, classes, guitar
social behaviour cases
£5 million community
tuition and workshops.
and neighbour disputes. building on a 22-year rent-
free lease, including fixtures
ROC Centres— these are
ROC Mentoring –
and fittings. They moved in
community hubs. A Bury
mentoring schemes to
local paper wrote of one
keep young people out of
centre, ‘It holds a daily
the criminal justice
police surgery and
system, and to support
Pray for the staff team
provides a base for a
ex-offenders on release
working at the new ROC
range of community
HQ at The FUSE in
activities including ROC
ROC Assist— In
Partington. Pray we'll be
café, ROC football, youth
Chichester volunteers
able to settle in well and
church, fortnightly
provide practical help for
hit the ground running.
community lunches,
those unable to maintain
weekly bingo sessions
their social housing
Thank God for our new
and weekly drama
properties, such as
workshops for children.
maintenance work,
ordinator, Diane
Around 300 people of all
painting and decorating,
McWilliam. Pray she will
ages access activities in
have favour connecting
the ROC Centre each
with individuals across
week, and it has been
ROC projects are run by
Scotland and pray for
reported there has been
partnerships of churches,
new exciting projects to
a fall in anti-social
police, fire services,
emerge across the
behaviour, since it
voluntary groups and others.
opened in October 2011, They are Christian-led and
of 36%.' Centres can
provide opportunities for
Thank God for the 30
host parent and toddler
Christian volunteers to
ROC Cafes we have
groups, homework clubs, develop new relationships
nationally. Pray that God
advice sessions, family
with local people by
blesses the volunteers
mentoring and other
demonstrating the love and
and pray for more lives
reality of God in action.
to be impacted by the
Funding for them has come
ROC Buddy schemes—
from a variety of sources:
which link drug or alcohol grant making trusts, local
Rooted in Jesus is the only
Follow-up for evangelistic
discipleship course written
crusades and Jesus film
especially for the use of
ordinary African Christians,
rather than translated from
This course has changed
material developed for the
West - where people face
Long-term aims of Rooted in
different problems and
challenges in their Christian
discipleship. It was written
Changed lives, changed
by a team of clergy and
churches, changed
teachers from Holy Trinity,
including Alison Morgan, wife
of the previous vicar, Roger
Ordinary lay Christians
equipped for ministry as disciples of Jesus
It's currently in use in 57
dioceses or denominations in Key people raised and
15 African countries, where
trained for future
it has been translated into
leadership within the
35 languages. It's used in:
Political and social
stability in a developing
Confirmation classes
but suffering continent,
through the growth of
Training of catechists,
informed and committed
evangelists and lay
Christian discipleship
To know more about Rooted
Sunday school groups
Evangelism and church
testimonies are coming
Please pray for Alison
through from the groups –
Morgan as she manages her
more on the blog!
roles in the UK and in Africa.
Alison Morgan writes: ‘… the Startling growth continues in Rooted in Jesus Junior books
last six weeks have been
the Dioceses of Toliara,
are being translated into N
amongst the busiest we
Madagascar and Niassa,
Sotho, Chewa, Bemba,
Mozambique, both using R in Lhukonzo, and Swahili.
J as part of their diocesan
Please pray for protection,
The international Anglicans
strategy for discipleship; and wisdom and guidance for the
Ablaze Conference held in
R in J is being used in
translators, and that they
Johannesburg at the
will do the best possible job.
beginning of July was a
Fianarantsoa by Pez &
joyous occasion, with 2000
Louise Robison to plant the
Give thanks for continued
people attending from 43
first Anglican church in the
financial provision for R in J
dioceses and 17 countries.
town of Ambositra.
from individuals, churches
The conference was
and dioceses. We pray
addressed by Archbishop
Teams have recently
especially for the planned
Justin Welby, whose visit
returned from Uganda,
application for Anglican
had a great impact. Alison
Rwanda, Burundi and
Communion funding to
spoke on the Tools of
Tanzania, and their reports
enable R in J to become fully
Discipleship, and we ran a
will be available soon – one
independent in Tanzania.
packed workshop on Rooted team member has written, "I
in Jesus. ‘Hope is Rising' was just feel a sense of huge
the conference theme – to
gratitude to have had the
read more or to view our
opportunity to co-work with
presentations please visit the Jesus and such a wonderful
team amidst a beautiful
rootedinjesus.wordpress.com. people. God's gentleness
and tenderness is the
News from the Diocese of
primary thing I am mindful
Katanga in DR Congo is also of."
encouraging: Rooted in
HT LINK: Claire Greaves
Jesus was introduced only in If you do not receive our
February, but already
prayer diary and would like
E: [email protected]
to do so, just let us know.'
SOMA is a charity set up in
unique programme to
On another mission to
1978. It is concerned with:
address the issues facing the Bukavu Diocese in DR
delegates identified by the
Congo, large numbers of
Holy Spirit renewal in
inviting bishop that are
people came to Christ and
Anglican churches across within SOMA's call and
there were many healings.
ministry and, as the mission
progresses, adapt the
Future mission destinations
Using intercession and
include South Sudan and
short-term mission trips. programme to the issues
revealed by the Holy Spirit
SOMA works for the
through intercessors,
transformation of individuals delegates and team.'
and churches and the
For wisdom and
healing of communities and
For more information, go to
discernment to recognise
their lands through the
and respond to God-
renewing power of the Holy
given opportunities to
send teams to new,
unexpected areas,
SOMA sends teams of clergy REQUESTS
regions and countries.
and lay people to assist
Anglican dioceses in the
A mission to South Rwenzori For those bishops who
developing world in their
in Uganda this year drew
received SOMA teams in
mission - through
together team members
the past 12 months. For
partnership, teaching and
from Surrey, Canada and
prayer, in the renewing
Uganda. After 19 days of
encouragement, wisdom,
power of the Holy Spirit.
forced, intensive interaction,
perseverance and vision.
there had not been a single
It also brings Christian
tense moment between the
For the Lord's financial
leaders to the UK to share
members. Bishop Jackson of
provision for SOMA
their vision and energy with South Rwenzori said that he
through increased
churches and dioceses here. had seen a transformation in
regular, planned, gift-
the South Rwenzori
‘SOMA does not have a set
leadership, and he prayed
programme or product. For that a SOMA team would
each mission we build a
come once a year.
In 1919 a young student at
Falmouth CU was praised for
Cambridge University,
its many outreach events,
Norman Grubb, felt led by
Supports Biblical
including serving tea and
God to go round the rooms
research, mostly at
toast, open mic nights, Text-
of all the men he knew in his
postgraduate level
a-Toastie and free meals. A
college who were not
spokesperson for the SU
Runs an apologetics
Christians and speak to
said, ‘The Falmouth Christian
them about Jesus. He
Union organise an
wrote, ‘I went and pulled no
impressive range of regular
punches, and a number
Runs a theology website, events and take the
came out for Christ, about
www.theologynetwork.org opportunity to serve the
sixteen of them. This
wider student community.'
caused a stir like a touch of
UCCF employs about 80
revival. As I shared these
staff, plus a further 80 or so Please pray:
experiences with others in
new graduates called ‘Relay The Manchester CUs are
the Christian Union, it came Workers', on a one-year
already planning their
like a vision to me that every training programme, who
carol service! For the first
university and college in
support the CUs by, for
time ever, all the CUs are
Britain and the world should example, training Bible study
coming together to hold
have its evangelical and
leaders or leading
a joint service. Please
witnessing Christian Union,
discussions with non-
pray that their planning
and preparations would
The vision of the Christian
lead to an evening where
Unions in Britain is the same
the gospel is boldly
today. For over 75 years
proclaimed to many non-
UCCF: The Christian Unions
believing students.
has sought to live and speak The UCCF Uncover Luke
Birmingham CU plan to
Seeker Bible Studies have
been translated into 14
hold a series of regular
Christian Unions (CUs) are
languages, for use by other
lunchbars next term
mission teams made up of
bodies like UCCF abroad
addressing big issues of
students, supported by UCCF (other members of the
life. This is a new
CU Staff Workers, and
International Fellowship of
initiative so please pray
working in partnership with
Evangelical Students) and
that the CU would be
local churches. They are
also with international
able to create a warm
non-denominational and
students studying in Britain.
exist to give every student
atmosphere in which
an opportunity to hear about UCCF has re-launched its
students feel able to ask
Jesus. The UCCF website
signature apologetics
their questions about
says, ‘Thousands of students website, bethinking.org,
are hearing about the
following an extensive period
1 September is the start
message of Christianity and
of redevelopment work. The
of Forum, UCCF's
hundreds are coming to faith site was first launched in
national training
each year.' UCCF:
2004 and has attracted over
one million visits since that
conference for CU
leaders. As over 1,000
Encourages and supports time.
CU leaders to lead
CU students gather to be
mission and help
Falmouth University
equipped and trained in
students grow in their
Students' Union (SU) has
mission for the year
faith with training, advice formally recognised the CU
ahead, please pray that
for its ‘impressive' efforts to
God would be glorified.
'serve the wider student
Publishes books and
community' by awarding the
booklets through its own group a Gold Accreditation.
RESOURCE (Roger & Alison Morgan)
ReSource is a charity for
We work with dioceses,
Quiet days and prayer
which Roger Morgan, former
denominations and both
vicar of Holy Trinity, and his
traditional and new forms
wife Alison work.
Clergy mentoring
through our EQUIP
Since 2004 ReSource has
We always listen first.
worked for the renewal of
people and churches for
Among other things we
Parish consultancy –
mission in the power of the
identifying issues,
Holy Spirit - across all
developing vision and
Day programmes and
traditions, Churches and
growing healthy churches
open evenings on key
denominations, but with an
topics of faith and
Preachers/speakers on
Anglican distinctive.
renewal and mission
Their vision is to help build a User friendly small group The Rooted in Jesus
church which is diverse,
materials for discipleship
discipleship programme
local, renewed in the Spirit
and effective in mission.
Support, resources and
A range of publications
On their website they say:
training for the healing
on key aspects of the
‘Our aim is to serve, to
resource and encourage
Preparation and support
A full colour topical
the church for growth.
for local missions
We believe that each
Residential conferences
Find out more at
church is different, and
for diocesan programmes www.resource-arm.net.
work with each according
to its own needs and
Deanery or cluster
We develop written
Church renewal
resources in response to
the needs we meet as we travel.
PCC day and evenings
At St Barnabas, Linthorpe in wheel. Only three miles to
Middlesbrough, Canon Erik
the next services, he
Wilson commented
thought, deciding to drive
afterwards that there was "a carefully on and stop there
Two pieces of news from the lovely sense of the Spirit's
for a break. He woke up to
ReSource website:
gentle presence throughout
find himself, to his
the evening." In fact we
astonishment, neatly parked
Open Evenings: 'I am the
have found this everywhere; outside the service station
Lord who heals you'
it is a great privilege to walk café. He has no recollection
‘One of the fascinations for
into a church where people
of turning off the motorway,
us in the last few months
are constant in prayer and
no memory of driving into
has been the way the Lord
the presence of God is
the services – and it has to
has met with people through almost palpable. We have
be confessed that his
our series of Open Evenings been overwhelmed by some parking is not always neat.
led by Martin [Cavender]
of the responses - we
Thank you, Lord!'
and Alison on the theme "I
shouldn't be, we know, but it Please pray:
am the Lord who heals you". has been a joy to meet with
We offer these in churches
people who have said to us
‘ReSource has a simple
across the country, partly to that the Lord had told them
policy: when we pray, things
say thank you to those who
this would be their time, and happen. This is not a lippy,
support and pray for us,
who have been released
meaningless policy - we've
partly to keep in touch with
from deep and longstanding found out through trial and
churches with whom we
trauma and pain. Sometimes error! When God's children
have worked, and partly
people have asked us to
pray; people get healed,
because we want to share
pray with them directly, but coincidences occur with
the good news of the
most of the prayer is offered statistical impossibility, lives
kingdom as widely as we
by those attending, sharing
are saved, governmental
their needs in little groups of policies change; God moves
three and praying for one
in a thousand ways (not all
We began in St George's
another - many surprised by of them mysterious!).'
Swallowbeck, Lincoln, where joy to find the Lord working
78 people from 20 churches through them.
For Roger, working on his
gathered together to worship
book on good practice in
God, look at scripture and
Oh - the prize for the best
children's ministry. For
pray for one another. The
biscuits went to St
guidance and clarity.
prayer was rewarding, with
Margaret's Edgware .'
most people saying they had
For Alison as she works
Small miracle on the
been touched by God. A man
on her new book, The
motorway: ‘Many of you
named Jonathan came to
Plural of Disciple is
pray regularly for us as we
the front, pointing out he
travel long distances by
was walking normally; when road. So we would like to
For guidance and wisdom
he came, he said, he
report a small miracle on the
for the trustees and core
couldn't do that; he had a
motorway. Roger was
team of ReSource as
longstanding hip pain for
returning home from
they develop and grow
which he was receiving
Cambridgeshire when he
the vision. That they will
regular cortisone injections – began to feel sleepy at the
hear from God clearly.
the pain had gone.
HT LINK: Jenny Ridge
E: [email protected]
A: Church Office, Holy Trinity Church, Turner Street, Leicester LE1 6WY
T: 0116 254 8981 (answerphone outside office hours)
W: www.holytrinityleicester.org
Source: http://s339932724.websitehome.co.uk/docs/HTL_MissionLinks2014.pdf
Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 2011, 1, 59-63 doi:10.4236/jcdsa.2011.13010 Published Online August 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jcdsa) Early and Visible Improvements after Application of K101 in the Appearance of Nails Discoloured and Deformed by Onychomycosis Jan Faergemann1, Sören Gullstrand2, Kjell Rensfeldt3
Modalités particulières d'administration des médicaments par voie orale Juillet 2014 Page 1 sur 64 Sommaire Domaine d'application Méthodologie de travail Matériel existant pour écraser les comprimés Présentation de la liste des formes orales disponibles Groupe de travail et relecteurs