Microsoft powerpoint - osn presentation

A Study of Online Social
Networks in Mauritius:
Impact on Secondary Education
Assoc. Prof. Kavi Khedo Mr. S.M.R.A. ElaheebocusMr. R. Suntoo Ms. A. Mocktoolah February 2015
Funded by the Mauritius Research Council Under the Unsolicited Research Grant Scheme

Agenda} Online Social Networks } Aim of the Project } Recommendations Safer Internet Day 2015 Online Social Networking (OSN) Safer Internet Day 2015 Safer Internet Day 2015 Social Network (Popularity & Statistics) } Top 5 OSN sites Facebook – 1280M users Twitter – 645M users Google+ – 540M users LinkedIn – 200M users Instagram – 150M users Number of users (in mil ions) Safer Internet Day 2015 } Internet and the various OSN facilities have becomean integral part of the lifeof youngsters} Entertainment } Leading to a change in youth culture and lifestyle } Digital identity Safer Internet Day 2015 OSN Dangers
} Sexual predators
} Because Internet users can remain anonymous or lie about their identities, children (and even some adults) really don't know with whom they are talking. } Identity theft
} Identity theft is when someone you know -- or don't know - - steals your identity and claims to be you. } Cyber bullying
} Cyber bullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.
Safer Internet Day 2015 } Mauritian examples
} Leakage of exam papers on Facebook } Posting of teachers' photos } Use of abusive and racist language } Posting of pictures of innocent young Mauritian girls on a public Facebook page Safer Internet Day 2015 } The Cooperative Research Centre for Young People, Technology and Wellbeing (YAW-CRC) revealed that, despite a public focus on the negative aspects of social networking, there are significant benefits to social networking, including (Young and Well CRC, 2011) : Enhancing young people's education; Supporting their personal relationships; Giving them safe opportunities to explore their identity; Increasing their sense of community and belonging.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Aim of The Project } Analysing the role that Online Social Networks (OSNs) play in students' learning experiences in thesecondary school environment.
} Investigating the impact of OSNs on communication and social needs of secondary school students.
} Proposing a set of recommendations regarding the use of OSNs for formal education in Mauritius.
Safer Internet Day 2015 1. Study of Online Social Networks Sites 2. Data Collection on the use of OSNs in Mauritius through large scale survey Random sample: 5 % (4500 students) 3. Classification and analysis of data collected 4. Experimentation on the use of OSNs embedded into formal education 5. Interpretation of Results & Recommendations Safer Internet Day 2015 Computer Usage by Students For entertainment Multiple Responses were allowed 91.9 % Accessing the Internet Students well connected to the online world Safer Internet Day 2015 Percentage of OSNs Membership } Percentage of participants member of OSNs High OSN membership rate amongstudents (86%) Safer Internet Day 2015 Popularity of OSN Sites in Mauritius LinkedIn Google+ SecondLife Orkut Tagged Friendster Others Multiple Responses were allowed Safer Internet Day 2015 Relationship between Age and OSNs Membership } As per the result of the chi-square test performed, it has been seen that there is strong relationship between respondent's age and OSNmembership age * Member of OSN(s) Crosstabulation
% within age
Member of OSN(s)
Relationship between Internet facilities at home & OSN Membership } Students having Internet facilities at home are more likely to create accounts on OSNs.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Usage of OSNs Among Mauritian Students A significant percentage of the students (39%) do make use ofOSNs to discuss school work.
OSNs can be a potential tool to be used in the educationalsector.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Initiation to OSNs Minimal role of teachers introducing students to OSNs(0.1%) since it is not actually a formalised system in school.
Training of Teachers Safer Internet Day 2015 Accessing OSN accounts Pc at Friends' Place Pc at Relatives' Place Multiple Responses were allowed OSN sites blocked at schools Students resort to the use of Proxy Servers Some can access through computer labs Safer Internet Day 2015 Access Frequency to OSN Sites } More than half of the OSN users logging in daily Safer Internet Day 2015 Amount of Time Students Spend on OSNs} The bar chart below gives a detailed snapshot in terms of hours spent.
Majority spending more than 1 hour daily Safer Internet Day 2015 Communicate Help in studies Interferes with much time on relationships Multiple Responses were allowed
A large percentage of respondents (28.9%) perceive OSN asa help for their studies.
Some students (19.1%) stated that OSNs interferes in their school work.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Negative experiences: A gender-biased issue } 63 % of the girls felt that spying on their activities was a major issue ( 36 } 73% of Female respondents reported having been contacted by strangers } Males suffered more from being threatened than females } Such experiences affect students both in the virtual and real world Safer Internet Day 2015 Types of Educational Activities on OSNs.
Percentage of Students
OSNs are used as a platform to seek help from peers mostly Real life discussions are also complemented through onlinefacilities Safer Internet Day 2015 Use of OSNs by Parents Most parents do not have an OSN account (70%) Lack of guidance from parents.
Since students are using OSNs massively, it is recommendedthat parents also be part of this.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Parental Monitoring Very limited monitoring 11-13 years old very low monitoring level Safer Internet Day 2015 Online Social Networks and School (1) Students and teachers connection on OSNs
More than half of the students population (54%) areconnected to at least one teacher on OSNs Safer Internet Day 2015 Online Social Networks and School (2) Teachers communicating school work to students
A fairly small number of teachers (29%) are already using OSNs asa communication means to help in the learning process ofstudents outside school hours.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Online Social Networks and School (3) Students connection to their classmates on OSNs.
It is found that a large majority of students (82%) arealready connected to most of their classmates.
Great potential for collaborative work Safer Internet Day 2015 Effect of Student and Teacher Connection on Educational Activities } It was noticed that if students are connected to their teachers on OSNs, they are more likely to engage in educational activities on OSNs compared to students who are not connected to their Safer Internet Day 2015 Experimental use of OSN in Formal Education } After analysing the data collected through the survey, a field test was carried out in order to experiment on the use of OSN in formal education (in classrooms) } Experiments were carried out in two secondary colleges, namely Floreal SSS and MGSS Flacq Safer Internet Day 2015 } Initial discussion with teachers } The exercises were uploaded on Facebook by the teachers } Specific time period was given to carry out the exercises • The participants, including both teachers and students were interviewed about their experience of using OSN to performthe exercises Safer Internet Day 2015 Experiment 1: Floreal SSS } French exercise was set on } 15 Lower six students } Feature: Facebook Questions } Theme given and students requested to give a minimum of three (3) views on the topic Safer Internet Day 2015 French Exercise on Facebook Experiment 2: MGSS (Flacq) } Two experiments were carried out by an English teacher } Upper Six students } A group was created on Facebook by the teacher and the exercises were posted on the wall of the group Safer Internet Day 2015 General Paper Group (Go Ahead) • Total of 25 students• Discussion topics were posted and useful links were shared• Students responded to the topic by comments and likes Safer Internet Day 2015 Interview of Teachers } The teachers stated that most of the students were highly motivated in using
Facebook for their studies and was a success for a first time
} They mentioned that Facebook could be used in the future for giving students exercises but a follow-up in class would be necessary.
} Some benefits that Facebook can provide, according to them } Students who are not too keen to do school works can be motivated by this new
method of learning
} Notes can also be given online beforehand instead of dictating
} However, concerning the exercises posted online, they experienced some difficulties. These are summarised below:
} No responses from students at first
} Students mostly used the SMS Jargon
Safer Internet Day 2015 Observation from Experiments } Increased students' motivation } Work anytime, anywhere } Appreciated by both students and teachers } Accessibility to personal computer } Student needed guidance initially Safer Internet Day 2015 Policy for Government
Provide schools with standards of use as they engage inconversations or interactions using digital media for educationalpurposes.
There is a need to create rational and effective student social mediapolicies.
making clear the expectations of participation in online communities.
The Ministry of Education needs to set up a social media policy
that involves the full range of institutional stakeholders
(students, teachers, administrators and other members of the
Safer Internet Day 2015 2. Incorporating OSNs in formal education to improve
} There is a need to explore strategies to incorporate social networking sites and social media in the classroom.
} Pedagogy needs to conform to the needs and expectations of today's } Online social networks may provide teachers and students with a platform on which they can interact beyond the constraints of the school walls Safer Internet Day 2015 Teachers' Training in Online Social Networking
Teachers' training in emerging tools and technology forimparting quality education The Mauritius Institute of Education in collaboration withthe University of Mauritius need to develop trainingprogrammes for educators on the use of online socialnetworking in education.
Safer Internet Day 2015 4. Sensitisation of Parents
Government has to double its effort to both sensitiseparents and also inculcate the value of computer literacyin them.
The Parents and Teachers Associations with thecollaboration of the school management and the Nationalcomputer Board can devise ways and means to impartknowledge of OSN and computer literacy in general toparents Safer Internet Day 2015 Gradual application of Online Social Networking
There exist many features of Facebook that can be used for educational purposes by school teachers as well as their students.
as tools to enhance learning.
Ask Question Feature Chat and Video Calling Safer Internet Day 2015 Safety Measures } Don't give any information out online that you wouldn't give to a stranger in real life. } Know and use privacy settings available on OSNs. } Don't trust that a message is really from who it says it's from.
} Type the address of your social networking site directly into your browser or use your personal bookmarks.
} Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social } Assume that everything you put on a social networking site is } Be careful about installing extras on your site.
} Turn the geotagging feature off.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Guidelines on Social

Safer Internet Day 2015 } Social networking sites are being heavily used by Mauritian students but the educational community is not takingadvantage of such new technologies in the school curriculum.
} Recent studies have concluded that there are more potential benefits associated with OSN sites than drawbacks.
} According to the survey carried out and the experiments done, it can be concluded that most students are showing akeen interest to use OSNs for their studies.
Safer Internet Day 2015 } The results of this study confirm the hypothesis that "Integrating Online Social Networking in secondary level education wil improve the students' learning experiences." } The use of OSN has already become a way of life for Mauritian students (86% being OSN members) } 39 % of our students using OSN are also using it for Safer Internet Day 2015 Research Publications 1. Case Studies on the Use of Online Social Networking in Formal
Education, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Vol 45 – No 8, May 2012
2. Online Social Networking as a Tool to Enhance Learning in the
Mauritian Education System, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing
and Information Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 6, July 2012.
3. Impact of Online Social Networking on Youth: Case Study of
Mauritius, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing
Countries, 56, 2013.
Safer Internet Day 2015 Safer Internet Day 2015



Koffer 1. Carle, Eric: Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt, Gerstenberg, Bilderbuch, 2014.25 Exemplare Auch kleine Raupen können großen Hunger haben. Deshalb macht sich die Raupe Nimmersatt auf die Suche nach etwas zu essen - und wird fündig. Sie frisst sich von Montag bis Sonntag Seite für Seite durch einen Berg von Leckereien, bis sie endlich satt ist. Nun ist die Zeit gekommen, sich einen Kokon zu bauen, und nach zwei Wochen des Wartens schlüpft aus ihm ein wunderschöner Schmetterling. Die Kleinsten spielen mit der Kleinen Raupe Nimmersatt und sind fasziniert von den gestanzten Raupenfresslöchern. Etwas größere Kinder entdecken mit ihr die Wochentage, Früchte, Zahlen und die Metamorphose in der Natur.

8th grade, objective 8

NC Comprehensive School Health Training Center 8th Grade, Objective 8.03 Objective: Analyze the safe and effective use of methods of FDA-approved contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancy. Materials: Appendix 1a, b– Stella's Story and teacher master Appendix 2a, b – Summary Table of Contraceptive Methods (background for teacher) 2007 FDA Birth Control Guide (see CD-ROM) PowerPoint – Contraceptives Contraceptives Kit with sample of methods of birth control Appendix 3a, b – template cut and taped to index cards. One set for each student, or pairs Different contraceptive examples (condoms, birth control pills, Nuvaring, Orthoevra) Appendix 4a, b– Public Service Announcement Template and scoring rubric Review: Assess students' recall of the O-M cycle and when conception is most likely to occur (G6, 2.07 Summarize the relationship between conception and the menstrual cycle). To begin our lesson, I would like to see what you recall about the ovulation-menstruation cycle and other changes that occur during puberty. I have a story that I will distribute and you will need to fill in the blanks using the word bank. Distribute "Stella's Story" (Appendix 1). Go over Teacher Key of "Stella's Story" (Appendix 2) and have students volunteer to fill in the blanks. Statement of Objectives: There are many reasons to delay parenthood and prevent unintended pregnancy. Today we will analyze the safe and effective use of methods of FDA-approved contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancy as well as considerations for use. Focus: [Set up ahead of time the following bags of beans: Contraceptive implants (99 red beans; 1 white bean) Injectable contraceptives (99 red beans; 1 white bean) Oral contraceptives (95 red beans; 5 white beans) Contraceptive skin patch (95 red beans; 5 white beans) Vaginal contraceptive ring (95 red beans; 5 white beans) Male condom (85 red beans; 15 white beans) Female condom (80 red beans; 20 white beans) Contraceptive sponge (68 red beans; 32 white beans) Vaginal spermicides (70 red beans; 30 white beans) Withdrawal (73 red beans; 27 white bean)