Dental Care for the Patient with Bipolar Disorder
David B. Clark, BSc, DDS, MSc (Oral Path), MRCDC •
Chronic mental illness and its treatment carry inherent risks for significant oral diseases. Given the shift in treatmentregimens from the traditional institutionally based approach to more community-focused alternatives, generaldental practitioners can expect to see and be asked to treat patients with various forms of psychiatric disorders. Onesuch group consists of patients with bipolar disorder (including type I bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disor-der). The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the dental practitioner with the psychopathological features of bipo-lar disorder and to highlight the oral health findings and dental management considerations for these patients.
Bipolar disorder is considered one of the most treatable forms of psychiatric illness once it has been diagnosedcorrectly. Through a combination of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and life-adjustment skills counselling, thesepatients are better able to understand and cope with the underlying mood swings that typify the condition and inturn to interact more positively and progressively within society as a whole. Both the disease itself and its variouspharmacologic management modalities exact a range of oral complications and side effects, with caries, peri-odontal disease and xerostomia being encountered most frequently. It is hoped that after reading this article thegeneral dental practitioner will feel more confident about providing dental care for patients with bipolar disorderand in turn to become a vital participant in the reintegration of these patients into society.
MeSH Key Words: bipolar disorder/drug therapy; bipolar disorder/complications; dental care for chronically ill
J Can Dent Assoc 2003; 69(1):20–4
This article has been peer reviewed.
Bipolar disorder (including manic-depressive disor- or recreational pursuits. Affected individuals have difficulty
der) is a psychiatric illness affecting approximately
concentrating on simple tasks, become easily distracted and
1% to 2% of the general population,1–3 with no
express feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt1,4
difference in prevalence among men and women. It is char-
Table 1).
acterized by variation in an individual's mood, thought
The first manic episodes often occur in the late teens or
content and behavioural pattern between extreme elation
early twenties, and they tend to be of shorter duration than
(mania) and depression. These cycles are often unpre-
the depressive episodes. As the person becomes older, the
dictable and of variable duration. Most patients display an
intervals between episodes become shorter, with a concomi-
extreme cycling of moods once every few years. However,
tant increase in the duration of each manic or depressive
some people, described as "rapid cyclers," experience mood
swings at least 4 times per year, a situation more resistant to
Both manic and depressive episodes result in significant
conventional treatment.3
impairment in social and occupational functioning, which
Manic episodes are characterized by hyperactivity, which
can lead to marital instability, alienation from family and
may involve excessive participation in multiple activities
loss of employment.3 Poor insight and judgement often
(e.g., sexual, occupational, religious or political). There is
result in substance abuse, financial downfall and various
often a demanding and increasing nature to these activities
illegal activities. In fact, bipolar disorder exhibits one of the
of which the individual is unaware. Days may pass with
highest rates of associated substance abuse among all the
little or no sleep. Speech is often rapid and loud, with
major psychiatric illnesses, some studies showing up to a
abrupt changes in ideas or topics.
60% lifetime prevalence of some form of substance abuse.6,7
Sadness, apathy, insomnia, loss of appetite, and
It is well recognized that alcohol is abused by many
decreased energy characterize the depressive phase. There is
patients, but recent studies illustrate that abuse of other
a loss of interest in daily activities, whether related to work
substances, including marijuana, cocaine, LSD, heroin and
January 2003, Vol. 69, No. 1
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Dental Care for the Patient with Bipolar Disorder
Table 1 Symptoms of bipolar disorder
Depressive symptoms
Excessive "high" or euphoric feelings
Loss of appetite, weight loss or weight gain
Obnoxious, provocative or intrusive behaviour
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms not caused by
Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers
Increased energy, restlessness, racing thoughts, rapid speech
Persistent sad or "empty" mood
Difficulty in concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Fatigue or sleep disturbances
Denial that anything is wrong
Table 2 Side effects of long-term use of
disturbances.4 Of greater significance is the fact that astrong familial pattern has been established. Patients with
bipolar disorder are significantly more likely than patients
Lethargy, fatigue, weakness, cognitive or
with major depression to have parents and first-degree rela-
memory impairment, fine tremors
tives with mood disorders.11 Twin and adoption studies also
Impaired tubular or glomerular functioning
favour a strong genetic component to bipolar disorder:
Lithium-induced hypothyroidism (5% to 35%),
concordance rates are 60% to 80% for monozygotic twins
nontoxic goitre (4% to 12%)
and 14% to 23% for dyzygotic twins.2,11
T-wave depression on ECG (displacement ofintracellular potassium by lithium)
There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but a 3-pronged
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain,xerostomia
treatment approach can be taken to the management of this illness: pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and life-
Benign leukocytosis (reversible)
adjustment skills education. The pharmacotherapeutic
Acneform eruptions, psoriasis
phase is the one aspect of this treatment approach that
Weight gain, altered glucose metabolism
holds the greatest relevance for dental management proto-
ECG = electrocardiography
cols. Initial pharmacologic management involves theadministration of so-called mood stabilizers. Lithium
other opiates, amphetamines and PCP (phencyclidine), is
carbonate, an alkali metal, is one such mood stabilizer that
becoming more prevalent.6 Recent research remains incon-
was previously regarded as the treatment of choice for this
clusive as to the effects of substance abuse on the overall
illness.12,13 It is effective as an antimanic agent and also
course of bipolar disorder. However, some studies have
prevents recurrent depression and stabilizes mood swings.
shown a trend toward an increase in attempted suicides,
The exact mechanism of action of lithium resides in its
more noncompliance with medications, increased rates of
capacity to alter membrane function, through the ease withwhich it is substituted for other cations involved in the cell
hospital admission and nonresponsiveness to pharma-
membrane-transport mechanism. Lithium enhances the
cotherapeutic regimens.6,7 From the dental standpoint, an
uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin into the synapto-
awareness of the prevalence of drug abuse in patients with
somes, thereby reducing their action. The onset of lithium
bipolar disorder is important. For example, myocardial
activity is slow, and up to 10 days may be required to
ischemia and cardiac arrhythmias are a serious concern in
achieve the desired effect, which can be attained in up to
patients who are "high" on cocaine. Administration of
80% of patients if compliance is maintained. However,
epinephrine-containing local anesthetics in the presence of
lithium has a variety of side effects involving many systems
cocaine intoxication will exacerbate the patient's response
in the body12,14 (
Table 2).
to sympathomimetic amines, which could result in myocar-
In recent years, several new medications have been
dial infarction, stroke or hypertensive crisis.8,9
developed for even more effective management of bipolar
Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder are far more
disorder,12 including anticonvulsants such as divalproex, a
likely to commit suicide than patients in any other high-
derivative of valproic acid. This particular medication is
risk psychiatric or medical groups. Recent literature
being used more frequently as a first-choice treatment for
suggests that the rate of attempted suicides is 25% to 50%,
mania because it is safer than lithium.12 Other medications
and the overall completion rate is close to 15%.1,10
include antipsychotics such as risperidone and olanzapine,
Although an exact cause for this condition has not been
both of which display fewer side effects and less inter-
identified, several contributing factors have been impli-
ference with cognitive functioning than lithium.
cated, such as biologic abnormalities relating to brain
Carbamazepine (an antiseizure drug) and verapamil (a
anatomy or physiology and hormonal or biochemical
calcium-channel blocker) have also been employed with
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
January 2003, Vol. 69, No. 1
with bipolar disorder, thereby contributing in some degree
Table 3 Dental management of the patient
to their psychological rehabilitation.16 The overall goal of
with bipolar disorder
treatment planning must incorporate the maintenance of
Consult with physician or psychiatrist
oral health, comfort and function as well as the prevention
Patient's current medication regimen and potential drug
and control of specific oral disease (
Table 3). Before
Degree of compliance with pharmacotherapy
commencing any treatment, the dental practitioner should
Current status and psychological profile
consult with the patient's physician or psychiatrist to
Undertake aggressive preventive education program
confirm or update information about the current medica-
Oral hygiene instruction
tion regimen, degree of compliance, ability to provide
Frequent recall appointments
consent and overall psychological profile.17 The dental prac-
Regular use of topical fluorides (e.g., dentifrices, gels in
titioner should also be aware that depressed patients may be
Dietary counselling
uncooperative for even simple routine procedures.
Manage xerostomia and mucosal pathology
During depressive episodes, many patients exhibit a
Salivary substitutes and stimulants
distinct decline in the level of oral hygiene, coupled with a
Chlorhexidine mouth rinses
rise in dental caries and periodontal disease, which often
Regular examination of oral soft tissues
progress to an unmanageable situation.18–20 Dental hygiene
Use local anesthetic agents containing epinephrine judiciously:
is neglected, and any existing prostheses may become ill-
aspirate and inject slowly, and avoid use of epinephrine in retraction cords, hemostatic agents, etc.
fitting and may be discarded.21 Conversely, during manicperiods, overzealous use of oral health aids (such as tooth-
Avoid or use reduced dosages of sedative and hypnotic agentsand narcotic analgesics
brushes and floss) may be associated with a correspondingincrease in the incidence and severity of cervical abrasion, as
increasing frequency in patients with bipolar disorder in
well as occasional mucosal or gingival lacerations.22,23
whom the response to lithium has been inadequate.5,12
Unfortunately, medical pharmacotherapy for bipolar disor-
Antidepressant medications such as tricyclic antidepressants
der can result in moderate to severe xerostomia, which
and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be added to
further compounds the severity of any dental disease.24–26
the therapeutic regimen in some instances to assist in the
With reduced salivary flow there is a rapid increase in the
management of the depressive phase.15 Patients with bipo-
degree of dental deterioration, mucosal dryness and dyspha-
lar disorder who have demonstrated medication compliance
gia. Patients often experience a sharp increase in rampant
can be maintained indefinitely on these therapeutic regi-
cervical caries not only because of the anticholinergic effects
mens with few harmful side effects, which allows them to
of lithium and other psychotropic medications, but also
lead relatively productive and active lives. Consequently,
because they use candies or sweetened beverages to provide
the community dental practitioner will see such individuals
some form of oral lubrication.5,15 High caffeine intake and
for dental treatment and must consider the special prob-
heavy smoking exacerbate the drying effects of various
lems and concerns related to this particular illness.
medications.27 Other consequences of hyposalivation can
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be indicated for
include an increased incidence of yeast infections
patients with severe depressive episodes that are refractory
Candida),26 fissuring of the corners of the mouth
to medication.15 With ECT, a central nervous system
(perlèche)28 and lips, and difficulty in chewing, speaking
seizure is created by means of an electric current; the seizure
and swallowing.28
is thought to accentuate the responsiveness of neuronal
There have been numerous reports of the oral side effects
membranes to norepinephrine and serotonin. It is impor-
of long-term lithium therapy, which can have some impor-
tant for the anesthetist or dental consultant to assess the
tance to dental management. Lichenoid stomatitis has been
patient's dentition before ECT to rule out any loose or
reported as an adverse reaction to lithium carbonate14,29 and
broken teeth that could be aspirated during the treat-
is thought to represent a response to alterations in
ments.15 As well, partial or complete dentures must also be
immunoregulation induced by the lithium therapy.
identified. A bite block is generally placed between the teeth
Nonspecific stomatitis in association with lithium therapy
by the anesthetist to protect both the teeth and the tongue
has also been reported.30 Other patients have reported a
from the clenching that occurs upon stimulation of the
metallic taste sensation while taking lithium therapy.8
masseter muscles.
As in the pharmacotherapeutic management of any
disease, there is a wide range of interactions between the
Dental Therapeutic Considerations
drugs used in managing bipolar disorder and those used by
Through encouragement, motivation and education
dental practitioners. Concomitant administration of
about improving health, the dental practitioner can
lithium and metronidazole or tetracycline may cause renal
enhance the sense of identity and self-esteem for patients
retention of lithium, which could lead to toxic effects.5
January 2003, Vol. 69, No. 1
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Dental Care for the Patient with Bipolar Disorder
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen
are reported to increase plasma lithium levels by as much as
Cases of bipolar disorder represent a significant propor-
60%, so more frequent monitoring of plasma lithium levels
tion of patients with mental illness. The general dental
may be needed.5,8
practitioner must be prepared to consider the special prob-
Preventive dental education for these patients and their
lems and features unique to this type of psychiatric disease.
families continues to be the mainstay for not only institu-
With a thorough medical history (often generated in
tional but also community-based dental treatment
consultation with the physician or psychiatrist), appropri-
programs. Studies have shown that the longer the period of
ate examination and knowledge of the diagnosis, most
hospitalization for psychiatric illness, the greater the inci-
dental services can be provided to clients with bipolar disor-
dence of dental caries, periodontitis and subsequent tooth
der, often in association with an aggressive program of
loss; conversely, outpatients have in general demonstrated
preventive dental education. The dentist's ability to
better oral health than inpatients.2,18,31,32 Reinforcement of
contribute to the increased feelings of self-worth and over-
both tooth-brushing and flossing techniques are required to
all psychotherapeutic management of these individuals can
maintain and enhance plaque removal. The use of a
be a rewarding experience and demonstrates the harmo-
chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse can be effective in
nious interaction that can be achieved in the overall
reducing the severity of gingivitis. However, the secondary
medical and dental management of patients with bipolar
effects of staining of teeth reported in the literature must be
reviewed with the patient.33 A protocol for dry mouthmanagement may be required.28,34 Commercially available
Acknowledgment: The author gratefully acknowledges Ms. Andrea
saliva substitutes, either in liquid form (Mouth Kote,
Johnston, Pharmacy Services, Whitby Mental Health Centre, for herassistance in the preparation of this manuscript.
Parnell, Mississauga, Ont.) or gel form (Oral Balance,
Dr. Clark is head of dental services at the Whitby Mental Health
Laclede, Inc., Rancho Dominguez, Calif.), provide tempo-
Centre in Whitby, Ontario.
rary relief from symptoms in both dentate and edentulous
Correspondence to: Dr. David B. Clark, Whitby Mental Health
individuals wearing complete dentures. Avoidance of both
Centre, 700 Gordon St., Whitby, ON L1N 5S9. E-mail:
caffeinated and alcoholic beverages reduces the intensity of
xerostomia. Sugar-free candies and chewing gum offer
The author has no declared financial interests in any company manu-facturing the types of products mentioned in this article.
some stimulus to increase salivary flow. Taking frequent sipsof water throughout the day also relieves symptoms.
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January 2003, Vol. 69, No. 1
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Leitlinie Leitlinie zur Diagnostik, Therapie und Prophylaxe von Cluster- Kopfschmerz, anderen trigemino- autonomen Kopfschmerzen, schlaf- gebundenem Kopfschmerz und idio- pathisch stechenden KopfschmerzenÜberarbeitete Therapieempfehlungen der Deutschen Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft in Zusammen -
Acne Pathway (January 2015) Key Points: Encourage patient self-care and check for aggravating factors. Mild and moderate acne with low risk of scarring, prescribe a single topical treatment (either topical retinoid or benzoyl peroxide. Combined treatment is rarely necessary). For mild acne, benzoyl peroxide based treatments are available over the counter (OTC) from local community pharmacies.