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M&a Watch
Plains Traders Bet oil Well to Force New Bid
By JIM PolSon, lIezel HIll AnD TArA lACHAPelle
Plains Exploration & Production Co. shareholders are anticipating positive results
from an oil well discovery, stoking bets that
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. will
be forced to boost its takeover bid.
Since Phoenix-based Freeport agreed to buy Houston-based Plains in December for
about $50 a share in cash and stock, or $6.9 billion, drilling began at Plains' deep-water
Phobos project in the Gulf of Mexico. As analysts expect the well's results in the next
month, traders last week pushed shares of oil-producer Plains as much as 2.7 percent
above the mining company's bid, the most since the acquisition was announced, accord-
ing to data compiled by Bloomberg.
At the same time, Freeport shares have declined 24 percent as gold and copper prices
tumbled, reducing the value of the deal to about $44 a share. Cowen Group Inc. says the
odds of success at Phobos are better than 50 percent, and Freeport will likely improve the
cash portion of its offer to boost the bid back to $50 a share to secure support from Plains
Plains Trading Above Freeport Offer Price
the Plains share-
holder vote or the
will come first,
have already filed
lawsuits to block
the transaction.
be a life-altering
find," said Steve
Spread % Offer (rs)
Freeport Offer Price/Share (ls)
Plains Price/Share (ls)
Freeport Price/Share (ls)
and president of
CACX 71545865 <GO>
continued on page 2
Today's deals (includes announced and amended deals to 8:00 a.m. New York time)
Value eV/lTM
($M) eBiTda
CPP North American business
Amtrust Financial Services Inc
Capespan Group Ltd
Zeder Financial Services Ltd
LDK Solar High-Tech Hefei Co Ltd
Hefei High Tech Industrial Dev etc
Artone Paper Manufacturing Co Ltd
Consumer, Non-cyclical
Greylock Partners, Sutter Hill Ventures et al
Rawang Specialist Hospital Sdn Bhd
Consumer, Non-cyclical
KPJ Healthcare Bhd
Consumer, Non-cyclical
FMR LLC, Polaris Venture Partners et al
Consumer, Non-cyclical
Perseus LLC, Venture Investors LLC
Kalgoorlie Mining Co Ltd
Norton Gold Fields Ltd
Fund: Battery Ventures IX LP
This document is being provided for the exclusive use of MATT TREACY at WALL STREET ACCESS
Bloomberg Brief Mergers
continued from previous page
Management lP. If "you were Freeport,
company that was spun off from
you'd try to do everything you could to get
McMoRan Inc. 19 years ago. For that
Bloomberg Brief Mergers
this deal done before that well comes in.
company, it's paying $14.75 a share in
I don't think the shareholders are going to
cash, in addition to giving shareholders
let that happen."
a stake in a royalty trust to benefit from
Newsletter Ted Merz
Plains said that its 50 percent stake in
future production.
the Phobos project may hold the equiva-
The two takeovers will expand Freeport,
lent of 306 million barrels of oil.
which got almost 80 percent of its $18
Bloomberg News Katherine Snyder
Petroleum Corp., the well operator,
billion of revenue last year from copper,
controls 30 percent, while
Exxon Mobil
into a global natural resources giant with
Mergers Editors John E. Morris
Corp. owns the rest. Anadarko began drill-
access to oil and gas deposits onshore
ing the well in December and said it would
and in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
take about 120 days to finish. Phobos well
Freeport shares plunged 16 percent, the
Scott Johnson
results may be available by May 6, when
most in four years, the day the acquisition
Anadarko is scheduled to report first-
offers were disclosed as shareholders
quarter earnings, Doug leggate, a Bank
punished the mining company's return
Reporter Will Robinson
of America Corp. analyst, wrote in an April
to oil and gas. The stock is still down 24
12 note to clients. Anadarko considers the
percent as prices of its two primary com-
prospect "high risk," with a 1-in-4 chance
modities tumbled. Freeport is scheduled
Contributing Carol Chuang
of commercial success, leggate wrote.
to report earnings tomorrow.
Data Editors
Plains shareholders are also waiting to
Because of Freeport's falling stock price,
hear when they will vote on the Freeport
the value of the bid for Plains has slid
Jill Lewandowsky
deal. Freeport needs majority support.
to $44.10 a share. Plains shares closed
Freeport will likely offer more cash to
yesterday 1.6 percent higher than that level,
Newsletter Nick Ferris
Plains investors to boost the value of the
and the stock has traded above the value
Business Manager
bid back up to $50 a share and secure a
of the bid every day since March 15.
vote in favor of the deal, Cowen analysts
Freeport may need to increase its of-
nicholas Pope and Anthony rizzuto wrote
fer for Plains by about $1 billion, said
in a report dated April 5.
laurence Balter, chief market strategist
Reprints & Lori Husted
Keith Moore, an event-driven strategist for
at oracle Investment research, equat-
MKM Partners llC, estimates that more
ing to a bump of about $7.75 a share.
than 30 percent of Plains holders bought
Plains shareholders may not want to own
the stock on a bet that the Phobos results
Freeport stock after the recent underper-
To subscribe via the Bloomberg terminal type BRIEF
will lead to a higher bid from Freeport.
formance, he said.
<GO> or on the w
Freeport said Dec. 5 that it agreed to
Freeport investors wouldn't react well to
2013 Bloomberg LP. All rights reserved.
buy Plains for $25 in cash and 0.6531
an increased offer, given that the deal was
share of Freeport for each Plains share,
unpopular to begin with, said rick de los
This newsletter and its contents may not be forwarded
totaling about $50 a share at the time.
reyes, who helps manage about $1 billion
or redistributed without the prior consent of Bloom-
In conjunction with the Plains takeover,
at T. rowe Price Group Inc.
berg. Please contact our reprints and permissions
group listed above for more information.
Freeport also said the same day that it's
Terminal users can subscribe to Real M&A
McMoRan Exploration Co., a
alerts by entering: SALT REALMNA<GO>.
Value eV/lTM
($M) eBiTda
TEAK Midstream LLC
Atlas Pipeline Partners LP
Cosmos Initia Co Ltd
Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd
ALI Property Partners Corp
Consumer, Cyclical
Daiyoshi Trust Co Ltd
Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd
RM williams Pty Ltd
Consumer, Cyclical
YTL Corp Bhd, L Capital Management SAS
Consumer, Non-cyclical
Sofinnova Ventures Inc, Sofinnova Partners
Two gas processing plants
Bain Capital Venture Ptnrs, Revolution Ventures et al
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Bloomberg Brief Mergers
THe Wire
Liberty Global Said to Weigh
Bid for Kabel Deutschland
MarkeT calls
John Malone's
Liberty Global Inc.
is considering a takeover bid for
A Liberty Global Inc. bid for
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG would put pres-
Deutschland Holding AG, the German
sure on
Vodafone Group plc to show its hand, as a deal is essential for Voda-
cable provider that's also a takeover target
fone's competitive position,
Deutsche Bank AG analyst
David A. Write said in a
Vodafone Group Plc, two people
research note. A liberty-Kabel deal would bring substantial cost synergies because
familiar with the matter said.
it would create a single, national cable operator, Wright said. There have been long-
no decision has been made and the en-
held concerns over whether such a deal would gain regulatory clearance, although
glewood, Colorado-based liberty Global
liberty likely feels that it has a good grasp on those issues after its recent
is aware of the antitrust issues of any deal
BW purchase, he wrote.
because it already controls Germany's
"A Kabel Deutschland acquisition would be completely in following with their exist-
second-largest cable operator, the people
ing strategy,"
Robin Bienenstock, an analyst at
Sanford C. Bernstein, said in a
said, asking not to be identified because
note. "A deal between liberty Global and Kabel Deutschland would put Vodafone
the deliberations are confidential.
under more pressure, and reduce their optionality in Germany."
Bert Holtkamp, a liberty Global spokes-
— Sam Chambers
man in Amsterdam, declined to comment, as did Insa Calsow, a Kabel Deutschland spokeswoman near Munich.
Kabel Deutschland rose as much as
8.7 percent in Frankfurt after Manager
ance on europe. rTl, which already has
China State Grid, AMP Said to
Magazin reported that liberty Global
listings in luxembourg and Brussels, is
Weigh Bids for N.Z. Utility Stake
is preparing a bid. The stock traded 4.6
seeking growth from online and on-
China State Grid Corp. and
AMP Ltd.
percent higher at 73.51 euros as of 12:14
demand videos and has begun producing
are among companies considering buying
a.m. local time. It has a market value of
youTube shows through its FremantleMe-
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP's
6.5 billion euros ($8.6 billion).
dia division.
stake in a new zealand utility, said three
In 2010, liberty Global acquired Uni-
— Cornelius Rahn
people with knowledge of the matter.
tymedia, with operations in central and
Indicative offers for the 42 percent
western Germany and added south-west
Daimler Raise $2.9 Bln With
stake in
Powerco Ltd., the country's
operator KabelBW the following year. This
second-biggest electricity and gas
week, liberty Global won european Union
Sale of Remaining EADS Stake
distributor by customers, are due this
approval to acquire U.K. cable provider
Daimler AG, the world's third-largest
month, two people said, asking not to
Virgin Media Inc.
maker of luxury cars, sold its remaining
be identified as the information is pri-
— Aaron Kirchfeld and Cornelius Rahn
stake in
Airbus SAS parent
Barclays Plc is advising Brookfield
Aeronautic, Defence & Space Co. for
on the sale, which may fetch as much
Bertelsmann Selling $2.1 Bln
2.2 billion euros ($2.9 billion) to focus on
as nz$450 million ($381 million), the
its auto business.
Shares of Broadcaster RTL
people said.
Daimler disposed of 61.1 million shares
Access Capital Advisers, a Sydney-
Bertelsmann SE, europe's largest
in eADS, equal to 7.5 percent of the total,
based fund manager with about $2.6
media company, is raising as much as 1.6
at 37 euros a share, the Stuttgart, Germa-
billion in assets, is also considering a bid
billion euros ($2.1 billion) from the sale of
ny-based automaker said in a statement
for Powerco, the people said.
QIC Ltd., an
a stake in broadcasting unit
RTL Group
today. eADS bought 16 million of the
Australian investment fund, owns the rest
SA to gain funds for acquisitions.
shares for 600 million euros, Daimler said.
Bertelsmann is selling 23.18 million rTl
A revaluation of Daimler's stake in
China State Grid, the nation's big-
shares at 54 euros to 62 euros apiece,
eADS will result in an estimated 2.7
gest electricity distributor, in novem-
with trading to begin April 30 in Frankfurt,
billion-euro non-cash operating profit
ber agreed to acquire 41.1 percent of
luxembourg-based rTl said today. rTl
gain in the second quarter, the carmaker
ElectraNet Pty Ltd., the operator of
stock rose as much as 1.1 percent to 57.92
said last month. Daimler sold another 7.5
the main power transmission network
euros in Brussels. Managers of the sale
percent holding in eADS for 1.66 billion
in South Australia state. The company
have an option to sell an additional 2.3
euros in December.
is working with
Macquarie Group Ltd.
million shares. Bertelsmann, which owns
eADS, europe's biggest aerospace
as it considers bidding for Powerco, one
about 92 percent of rTl, wants to keep at
company, climbed as much as 5.7 percent
person said.
least a 75 percent stake.
to 39.30 euros and was up 4.6 percent in
Andrew Willis, a spokesman for Brook-
Chief executive officer Ceo
Paris. The stock has gained 46 percent
field Infrastructure, couldn't be reached to
Rabe plans to spend as much as 3 billion
since Daimler announced the initial stake
comment outside of office hours in Toronto.
euros on acquisitions over three years as
sale in December.
Spokesmen at AMP and Access Capital de-
Bertelsmann seeks to reduce its reli-
— Robert Wall and Dorothee Tschampa
clined to comment. State Grid didn't respond
continued on next page

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Bloomberg Brief Mergers
continued from previous page
to faxed questions regarding a potential bid.
The Wall Street Journal reported State
Grid's interest earlier, citing people it
PeoPle WaTcH
didn't identify.
Powerco, based in new Plymouth, dis-
■ Wayne Kawarabayashi joined Union Square Advisors LLC as a partner in its
tributes power to about 320,000 homes
new york office, according to a statement. Kawarabayashi was previously a manag-
on new zealand's north Island and gas
ing director of mergers and acquisitions at Barclays Plc. He was also a managing
to about 102,000 homes, according to
director at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. until its 2008 bankruptcy. Kawara-
bayashi advised ITC Holdings Corp. on its $1.8 billion purchase of Entergy
— Brett Foley
Corp.'s power-line business that was announced in 2011.
— Will Robinson
Ireland Expects Start of Bord
Gais Energy Unit Sale in Weeks
Ireland's energy ministry expects Bord
ministry said in an e-mailed response to
Royal Bank of Canada is advising Bord
Gais Eireann, the state-owned utility, to
questions. GDF Suez SA, France's largest
Gais on the sale, while Royal Bank of
start the sale of its energy unit, compris-
utility by market value, Centrica Plc and
Scotland Group Plc is counselling on
ing retail and power generation, "in the
E.ON SE may bid for the unit, the Sunday
the reorganization of the group's capital
Business Post reported March 17.
structures, including 2.2 billion euros of
An information memorandum on the
Bord Gais energy may be valued at as
debt. Barclays Plc is advising the state
business will be issued to interested
much as 1.4 billion euros ($1.8 billion), the
on the transaction.
parties to formally begin the process, the
Irish Times said in February.
— Joe Brennan
Use MARB to display real-time merger and acquisition (M&A) arbitrage spread data. You can sort the data by
columns and market measurements and display charts and transaction details. You can also display data by
region from saved templates, or create, edit, and share custom templates.
1. Run {MARB<GO>}, select ‘Regional
Templates' and ‘2) North America'
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2. Click on a target company's ticker
and select ‘6) Deal Details' from the
3. Select the ‘27) Arb' tab at the top of
the screen to see how the premium
has evolved since bid.
— Luis Guilherme Almeida,
Bloomberg Application Specialist
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Bloomberg Brief Mergers
linnco's deal for Berry suggests That Newfield, Bill Barrett and swift are undervalued
Berry's Comps List Can Be Read as a Guide to Takeover Candidates
A securities filing by LinnCo LLC for its
eV/2013 esT eV/ProVed
eV/2013 daily
proposed takeover of Berry Petroleum
coMPaNy Ticker crude as %
oF reserVes
Co. suggests that three other indepen-
$/Boe/day (000)
dent oil and gas producers are trading
at levels that do not reflect their inherent
asset values. Newfield Exploration Co.,
Bill Barrett Corp., and Swift Energy
Co.each trade at earnings, reserves, and
production multiples well below what linn
is paying for Berry, suggesting that they
could be takeover targets.
linn announced its $4.2 billion deal for
Berry on Feb. 21 and expects to close
the transaction by the end of this quarter.
linn's S-4 filing on Mar. 22 lists eleven
independent companies that Berry's
bankers at Credit Suisse Group AG
deemed comparable to Berry. That data
is summarized in the accompanying
Sources: LinnCo Mar. 22 S-4, Bloomberg Valuation ratios compiled prior to Feb. 21 deal announcement.
table, supplemented with the percentage of each company's proved reserves base consisting of crude oil and by the compa-
and Swift's reserves are more weighted
Berry. At yesterday's closing price of $20.09,
nies' leverage ratio.
toward natural gas than the Berry, but the
newfield is only selling at an eV/Proved
Although natural gas prices have recov-
value disparity between gas and crude
reserves value of $10.24 per Boe, versus
ered to $4 per MCF (thousand cubic feet)
has narrowed in the past year. All three
the $14 to $17.50 range Credit Suisse used
from a decade low under $2 per MCF in
companies' reserves are primarily sited in
in its Berry valuation process.
April 2012, crude oil prices have performed
north America, which is most attractive
Finally, newfield is trading at an eV/
much better than natural gas prices over
from a geopolitical perspective.
Daily Production level of just $43,600,
the past several years. Consequently, a
Moreover, the proportion of oil in the
less than half the lower valuation range
reserves base with a higher percentage of
newfield and Swift reserve figures is not
placed by Credit Suisse on the Berry
crude oil will carry a higher valuation per
that much lower than those for four other
daily production. If newfield were valued
Boe (barrel oil equivalent) than a base
companies trading at higher multiples,
at an eV/reserves value of $14, the
that is more dependent upon natural gas.
such as SM Energy Co., Laredo Petro-
shares would be worth more than $36
According to the Berry public filings, its
leum Holdings Inc., Cimarex Energy
(eV would be 566 million Boe x $14 or
reserves base is composed of 74 percent
Co. and SandRidge Energy Inc.
$7.9 billion, less debt of $3.0 billion, for
crude oil and 26 percent natural gas.
Take newfield, which is currently trad-
an equity value of $4.9 billion, or $36.15
Credit Suisse settled on a range of
ing in the $20 to $21 range, down from a
earnings and energy-related multiples
high of $76 two years ago, with a market
newfield, Barrett and Swift are each
it believed best reflected Berry's posi-
cap of $2.8 billion and an enterprise
more dependent on natural gas than
tion in the independent energy produc-
value of $5.8 billion. estimated ebitda for
crude oil and each company carries a
tion industry. The bank concluded that
2013 is $1.48 billion, according to data
higher debt load relative to its eV than
Berry deserved takeover-related multiple
compiled by Bloomberg, giving it an en-
Berry. Still, all three stocks offer signifi-
ranges of 6 to 7 times 2012 ebitda; $14
terprise value of 3.9 times 2013 ebitda,
cant upside potential even at the lower
to $17.50 per Boe of proved reserves;
down slightly from the figure in the se-
end of the valuation ranges applied by
and $100,000 to $120,000 per Boe of
curities filing due to a drop in newfield's
linn in the Berry acquisition.
daily production.
stock price in the past month.
Tom Burnett CFA is Director of Research
newfield, Barrett and Swift all trade well
That is far below the 6 to 7 times 2012
at Wall Street Access. He does not
below those levels. To be sure, newfield
ebitda range used by Credit Suisse to value
own any of the stocks mentioned here.
NEW Monitor Implied Volatility of Your Favorite Shares

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Bloomberg Brief Mergers
deal rosTer
Moelis Helps an early client, life Technologies, Find a Buyer
Moelis & Co., the advisory firm founded
Corp. to work on a $6.4 billion takeover
merger that formed life Technologies, was
by Ken Moelis in 2007, won a role advis-
of Applied Biosystems Inc. The com-
hired this time by Sigma-Aldrich Corp. to
ing one of its early clients, Life Technolo-
bined company changed its name to life
bid against its larger rival Thermo Fisher,
gies Corp., on its $13.6 billion sale to
Technologies once the transaction was
though its takeover effort for life Technolo-
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. this week.
completed in 2008.
gies fell short, a person familiar with the
less than a year after the boutique was
Morgan Stanley, one of the advisers that
matter told Bloomberg news.
founded, Moelis was hired by Invitrogen
worked across from Moelis on the 2008
— Will Robinson
Life Technologies Corp.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Investment banks: Deutsche Bank AG
Investment banks: Barclays Plc
Michael Cohen, managing
Parker w
Paul Parker, head of global
Stynes ad
director and co-head of
corporate finance and M&A
Molson Coors
co-head of
Brewing Co. on
global M&A
its 2.65 billion
head of health-care M&A
managing director,
for Lehman
euro ($3.5 bil-
lion) purc
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Doug Braunstein,
managing director and
tal Partner
global chairman of M&A
robbie Huffines, vice-
Alberto realuyo,
ein, who was
chairman of investment banking
JPMorgan's chief financial off
icer until last year, worked
Jeff Stute, head of north
Moelis & Co.
with Unit edHealth Group
America health-care
Inc. on its
investment banking
Angeles-based Raich left
Jeff raich, managing
o become a found-
director and head of M&A
ing partner of Moelis in 2007.
to pay about
senior vice president
$4.9 billion to buy 90 per-
cent of Amil
Law firms:
Cravath, Swaine
& Moore LLP
Law firms:
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen
partner, corporate
ines and Stute advised
partner, corporate
er International Inc.
partner, corporate
on its $4 billion agreement
Jeannemarie o'Brien, partner,
ecember to purchase
executive comp and benefits
Gambro AB from EQT Part-
eric Hilfers, partner,
ners AB and Investor AB.
executive comp and benefits
David e. redlick,
Matthew Morreale,
partner, corporate
partner, environmental
Leibowitz, co-chair of the law firm'
s mergers and
John D. Sigel, partner,
David Kappos, partner,
acquisitions practice group,
commercial finance
intellectual property
represented Thermo Fisher
Hal J. leibowitz,
on its acquisition of One
Christine Varney,
Lambda Inc. last year for
partner, corporate
partner, antitrust
$925 million.
erika l. robinson,
partner, corporate
More Deal Rosters are available at {NI DEALROSTER <GO>} on the Bloomberg.
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Bloomberg Brief Mergers
TargeT oFFer
size (M) coMPleTioN
aNNualized cHaNge
iN sPread MoVe*
Sprint Nextel Corp
DISH Network Corp
Berkshire Hathaway, 3G
Blackstone, Francisco Ptnrs,
Insight Venture Mgmt
Michael Dell, Silver Lake
Life Technologies Corp
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
Plains Exploration &
Freeport-McMoRan Copper &
DISH Network Corp
Coventry Health Care Inc
Berry Petroleum Co
Copano Energy LLC
Kinder Morgan Energy
Gardner Denver Inc
Hudson City Bancorp Inc
Lufkin Industries Inc
General Electric Co
Alterra Capital Holdings Ltd
Commonwealth REIT
Corvex Mgmt, Related Fund
Ameristar Casinos Inc
Pinnacle Entertainment Inc
McMoRan Exploration Co
Freeport-McMoRan Copper &
Elliott Management Corp.
Sprint Nextel Corp
Kayak Software Corp Inc
wMS Industries Inc
Scientific Games Corp
CH Energy Group Inc
Fortis Inc/Canada
#N/A Invalid Security
Nielsen Holdings NV
Netspend Holdings Inc
Total System Services Inc
Source: Bloomberg MARB<GO> North American deals
*Spread moved by more than 2% of target price: ▲= up, ▼=down
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