Intraindividual aqueous flare comparison after implantation of hydrophobic intraocular lenses with or without a heparin-coated surface
Intraindividual aqueous flare comparison
after implantation of hydrophobic
intraocular lenses with or without
a heparin-coated surface
Eva M. Krall, MD, Eva-M. Arlt, MD, Gerlinde Jell, MD, Clemens Strohmaier, MD,
Alexander Bachernegg, MD, Martin Emesz, MD, G€
unther Grabner, MD, Alois K. Dexl, MD, MSc
PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy of a heparin-surface-modified (HSM) hydrophobic acrylicintraocular lens (IOL) (EC-1YH PAL) and the same IOL without heparin coating (EC-1Y-PAL) bythe flare and cell intensity in the anterior chamber after uneventful cataract surgery.
SETTING: Department of Ophthalmology, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Austria.
DESIGN: Comparative case series.
METHODS: Routine phacoemulsification with randomized implantation of an HSM IOL in 1 eye(HSM IOL group) and an uncoated IOL (uncoated IOL group) in the fellow eye was performed.
Postoperative inflammation was assessed objectively using a laser flare–cell meter (FM-600) pre-operatively as well as 1 day and 1 and 3 months postoperatively. Aqueous cells in the anterior cham-ber, distance visual acuities, and subjective manifest refraction were also evaluated at each visit.
RESULTS: One hundred eyes (50 patients) were enrolled. In both groups, the mean flare valuesincreased significantly from preoperatively to 1 day postoperatively (P<.001) and nearly reachedpreoperative values by 3 months postoperatively. One day postoperatively, the mean flare valuewas statistically significantly lower in the HSM IOL group (14.92 photons per millisecond[ph/ms] G 7.47 [SD]) than in the uncoated IOL group (mean 16.73 G 7.81 ph/ms) (PZ.04); therewas no statistically significant difference between groups 1 and 3 months postoperatively (bothP>.58). The HSM IOL group had a greater and quicker decrease in aqueous cells, reaching statisticalsignificance 1 month postoperatively (PZ.01).
CONCLUSION: The HSM IOL showed a significant lower inflammatory reaction in the early post-operative stage with a faster disappearance of inflammatory signs.
Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or methodmentioned.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2014; 40:1363–1370 Q 2014 ASCRS and ESCRS
Although phacoemulsification has improved signifi-
Influencing factors are modern techniques of cataract
cantly, cataract surgery still induces trauma. One
surgery,perioperative treatment such as preo-
example is the direct trauma to the anterior uvea,
perative povidone–iodine application, intracameral
which is followed by a chronic immune reaction
cefuroxime injection after phacoemulsificatio
arising from the anterior uvea directed toward the
and the IOL's biomaterial and design.
implanted intraocular lens (IOLThe clinical feature
The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a
from breakdown of the blood–aqueous barrier (BAB)
new heparin-surface-modified (HSM) hydrophobic
is flare in the anterior chamber.During the first day
acrylic IOL (EC-1YH PAL, Aaren Scientific Inc. in
after cataract surgery, a peak of flare values and cell
United States; in Austria distributed by Polytech
intensity is reached,declining to preoperative values
GmbH as Polylens Y10 AS) and compare it with the
from 3 months to 3 years postoperatively.
efficacy of the same IOL without a modified surface
Q 2014 ASCRS and ESCRS
0886-3350/$ - see front matter 1363
Published by Elsevier Inc.
(EC-1Y PAL, Aaren Scientific Inc.). The efficacy was
baseline flare value for analysis. Laser flare values were
assessed by measuring the flare and cell intensity in
expressed in photons per millisecond (ph/ms).
the anterior chamber after uneventful cataract surgery.
Additional subjective evaluation included slitlamp exam-
ination to assess the cell intensity in the aqueous humor ac-cording to the Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature,
a standardized method for grading the presence of cells inthe anterior chamber as follows: 0 Z no cells; 1 Z 1 to 15 cells
This prospective intraindividual randomized double-
in field; 2 Z 16 to 25 cells in field; 3 Z 26 to 50 cells in field;
blinded single-center clinical trial was performed in
4 Z dense cells [O50 cells] in field. Field size was 1.0 mm by
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and prospec-
1.0 mm slit beam. For examination, the slitlamp was set to
tively approved by the Ethics Committee, County of
maximum voltage using a narrow slit beam with magnifica-
Salzburg. All patients gave written informed consent before
tion of 16 and illumination at 45 degree. Observation time
study enrollment.
was approximately 5 seconds. The same evaluator per-
Patients were eligible for inclusion if they had bilateral
formed all examinations at each visit.
age-related cataract and were older than 50 years. Key exclu-sion criteria were previous ocular surgery or trauma. Other
Intraocular Lenses
exclusion criteria were any type of immunosuppressivedisorder, the use of systemic medications with significant
On the day of surgery, patients were randomized to
ocular side effects (eg, corticosteroids), uveitis, diabetes,
receive the HSM IOL in 1 eye (HSM IOL group) and the
intumescent cataract, and intraocular tumors.
uncoated IOL in the other eye (uncoated IOL group). TheIOL used in this study is single piece, monofocal, withopen-loop haptics and is designed for implantation in the
capsular bag. It has a 6.0 mm aspheric biconvex opticalzone, a 13.0 mm total diameter, and a double squared edge
The preoperative examination included manifest refrac-
around the entire optic periphery. The optic is hydrophobic
tion, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) using Early
acrylate (3% water content) with an ultraviolet-light filter.
Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study charts (Precision
This IOL model is available with a standard uncoated
Vision) at 4 meters, corrected near visual acuity, slitlamp
hydrophobic surface (EC-1Y PAL) or with an HSM surface
(EC-1YH PAL). The haptic angulation is 5 degrees. The
Goldmann applanation tonometry. In addition, routine
IOL is available in spherical ranges of C4.0 to C34.0 diop-
biometry was performed using partial coherence interferom-
ters (D) in 0.5 D increments.
etry (IOLMaster, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) for axial lengthmeasurement, anterior chamber depth, and keratometry
Surgical Technique
readings. Intraocular lens power was calculated using theHaigis
Preoperatively, the pupil was dilated with tropicamide
Furthermore, laser flare–cell meter (LFCM) measurements
0.5%, phenylephrine 2.5%, and cyclopentolate 1.0%. Anes-
(FM-600, Kowa Co. Ltd.) were performed preoperatively to
thesia comprised retrobulbar injections of bupivacaine
objectively evaluate aqueous flare in the anterior chamber;
0.5% (Bucain) and topical oxybuprocaine hydrochloride
measurements were taken with the pupil dilated (phenyl-
0.4% (Novain) and cocaine eyedrops.
ephrine 2.5% and cyclopentolate 1.0%) in a dark room. The
Two experienced cataract surgeons (G.G., M.E.) per-
mean value of 3 valid laser flare measures with a background
formed all surgeries. A 2.2 mm self-sealing corneoscleral
scatter of less than 15% was calculated and used as the
incision was created at the 12 o'clock position, and hydroxy-propyl methylcellulose (Medio-Clear) was injected. After acontinuous curvilinear capsulorhexis was created, phaco-emulsification and irrigation/aspiration of cortical material
Submitted: May 3, 2013.
were performed in a standardized fashion. The IOL was
Final revision submitted: November 19, 2013.
implanted in the capsular bag with a single-use injector
Accepted: November 28, 2013.
(Comport series, RET, Inc.). After IOL implantation, theophthalmic viscosurgical device was aspirated thoroughly
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Paracelsus Medical
from the anterior chamber as well as retrolentally to ensure
University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
complete removal. Patients received cefuroxime 0.1 mL(Curocef) in the anterior chamber and topical application
Supported by the Fuchs-Foundation for the Promotion of Research
of ofloxacin (Floxal) and prednisolone trimethylacetate
in Ophthalmology, Salzburg, Austria. Polytech GmbH, Rossdorf,
Germany, financially supports the Fuchs-Foundation as the clinical
Bilateral cataract surgery was performed on the same day
research center of the Department of Ophthalmology, Paracelsus
by the same surgeon. The surgical technique used in the
Medical University Salzburg, Austria.
second eye was identical to that used in the first eye. Postop-erative treatment comprised prednisolone trimethylacetate
Presented at the 54th Congress of €
eyedrops for 3 weeks, ofloxacin eyedrops for 1 week, and
sche Gesellschaft, Bad Ischl, Austria, May 2013, and 111th
ketorolac trometamol eyedrops (Acular) for 4 weeks. Each
Congress of Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft, Berlin,
medication was prescribed 3 times daily.
Germany, September 2013.
Corresponding author: Alois K. Dexl, MD, MSc, Department ofOphthalmology, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, M€
One day, 1 month, and 3 months postoperatively, all
Hauptstraße 48, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria. E-mail:
patients had a subjective aqueous flare and cell examination
as well as an objective aqueous flare measurement with the
One day after surgery, the increase in the mean flare
LFCM. Furthermore, manifest refraction, CDVA, and uncor-
values from baseline was 102.5% in the uncoated IOL
rected distance visual acuity were determined.
group and 82.6% in the HSM IOL group; the differ-ences were statistically significant (P!.001). One
Statistical Analysis
month postoperatively, the mean flare values were
All data were collected in a database. Statistical analysis
statistically significantly lower than 1 day postopera-
was computed with a 2-way repeated-measures analysis of
tively (P!.001) but were still higher than at baseline
variance (ANOVA) design and Fisher exact test, respec-
(by 23.4% in uncoated IOL group and by 18.0% in
tively (Sigmaplot 12, Systat Software, Inc.). A Shapiro-
HSM IOL group); however, the difference in mean
Wilk test was performed before the analysis to check fornormal distribution. The significance level was set to
flare values between 1 month and baseline was not sta-
0.05. Post hoc t tests were performed where appropriate,
tistically significant (PZ.33). Although there was a
the significance level was adjusted using the Bonferroni
consistent decline in mean flare values from 1 month
correction for each ANOVA analysis performed, and the
to 3 months postoperatively, the difference between
significance level of the post hoc tests was automatically
the 2 timepoints was not statistically significant
corrected (by the statistical software) to 1/number of testsperformed. In statistics, the Bonferroni correction is a
(PZ1.0). The mean flare values at 3 months were still
method used to counteract the problem of multiple compar-
higher than at baseline (by 15.7% in uncoated IOL
isons.All values are given as the mean G standard devi-
group and by 11.0% in HSM IOL group), although
ation (SD) unless otherwise stated.
they had decreased to nearly baseline levels by thattime (PZ.94).
This study enrolled 100 eyes of 50 patients. The mean
Subjective Evaluation of Cells in Anterior Chamber
age of the 31 women and 19 men was 76.8 G 7.8 years
At baseline, no cells were detected in any eye. How-
(range 56 to 91 years). All patients had uneventful bilat-
ever, 1 day postoperatively in both groups, cells were
eral phacoemulsification with IOL implantation accord-
present in all eyes, with the number declining consis-
ing to the randomization. The mean implanted IOL
tently by 1 month and 3 months after surgery. In the
power was C21.8 G 2.7 D (range C16.0 to C30.0 D)
HSM IOL group, the decrease was higher than in the
in the uncoated IOL group and C21.8 G 2.6 D (range
uncoated IOL group at every visit, with the difference
C16.0 to C29.5 D) in the HSM IOL group; the differ-
reaching statistical significance 1 month after surgery
ence was not statistically significant. There was no
(PZ.01) and At every postoperative
statistically significant difference in phacoemulsifica-
visit, considerably fewer cells were counted in the
tion power or time between the 2 groups.
HSM IOL group than in the uncoated IOL group ac-cording to the grading scheme of the Standardization
of Uveitis Nomenclature (Persistent cells
There was no statistically significant difference in
were clinically negligible.
subjective manifest refraction or CDVA preopera-tively between the 2 groups (both PO.05) ().
However, both groups had statistically significant
Our study was designed to evaluate the proposed anti-
visual improvements 1 day, 1 month, and 3 months
inflammatory effect of by comparing a
new HSM IOL and an identical control IOL without
P!.001). There was no statistically significant differ-
this modification. To eliminate possible bias and
ence in any visual outcome parameter between the
confounders, the study was designed as an intraindi-
HSM IOL group and uncoated IOL group over the
vidual randomized prospective controlled double-
3 months postoperative follow-up (
blinded clinical trial.
Heparin is an established agent used mostly for its
anticoagulative effect; however, it also has antiinflam-
Preoperatively, there was no statistically significant
matory and antiproliferative characteristi
difference in flare values measured with LFCM
Ekre et al.describe antiinflammatory effects of hepa-
between the 2 groups However, 1 day
rin by inhibition of complement and lymphocyte
postoperatively, the flare values were statistically
migration. Other studies assessed heparin-induced
significantly lower in the HSM IOL group than in the
apoptosis in human peripheral blood neutr
uncoated IOL group (P!.05) (At the exami-
heparin-inhibiting neutrophil chemotaxis, the random
nations 1 month and 3 months after surgery, no statis-
directed locomotion
tically significant difference was detected between the
2 IOL groups (and
L- and P-selectines,and the inhibition of reactive
Table 1. Between-group comparison of mean refractive and visual acuity results (50 patients, 100 eyes).
3 mo postop sphere (D)
3 mo postop refractive astigmatism (D)
CDVA Z corrected distance visual acuity; HSM Z heparin surface modified; MRSE Z mean refraction spherical equivalent; UDVA Z uncorrected distancevisual acuity
oxygen species generation by leucocytes induced by
A promising approach is implantation of heparin-
surface modified IOLs, which have been shown to
Thus, earlier studies had the goal of minimizing
decrease prostaglandin E2 production, in heparin-
coated poly(methyl methacrylate (PMMA) IOLs,
surgery by adding heparin to the irrigating solution
resulting in less inflammation.Amon et and
during cataract surgery. This reduced inflammation
Trocme and Lifound less epithelioid and foreign-
in adults as well as in children in the early postoper-
body giant cells on specular microscopy in eyes with
ative Significant risks of using crude
heparin-surface modified IOLs than in otherwise iden-
heparin in the irrigating solution include bleeding
tical control groups. Thus, based on several studies re-
and postoperative hyphema that are greater in eyes
porting reduced inflammation, mainly in the early
with BAB disturbance, as in cases of diabetes or
postoperative stage, with heparin-coated PMMA
uveitis.Thus, newer methods of using heparin in
IOLs compared with uncoated PMMA IOLs,
cataract surgery with fewer side effects have been
heparin-coated PMMA IOLs have been recommended
for use in cataract surgery as treatment of choice to

Figure 1. Between-group comparison of flare values over time (HC-IOL Z heparin-coated intraocular lens [n Z 50]; UC-IOL Z uncoated intra-ocular lens [n Z 50]).
minimize inflammation,especially for at-risk
using a standard 2.2 mm incision at the same position
populations such as those with uveitis or diabetes.
to prevent disturbances in anterior chamber flare re-
A new generation of foldable IOLs requires a
sulting from different incision sizes, as described in
considerably smaller self-sealing, bloodless tunnel
incision, minimizing trauma and the inflammation
Studies comparing different IOL materials (eg,
induced by surgery. Thus, the antiinflammatory effect
hydrophilic acrylic, hydrophobic acrylic, silicone)
of heparin-coated PMMA IOLs disappIn
found no significant difference in postoperative
our patient population, all eyes had cataract surgery
inflammation in a normal patient populor in
Table 2. Between-group comparison of laser flare values over time.
Flare (Photons/ms)
1 day postoperative
1 mo postoperative
3 mo postoperative
HSM Z heparin surface modified

Table 3. Anterior chamber cell grading preoperatively andpostoperatively.
Figure 2. Between-group comparison of the presence of anterior
chamber cells preoperatively (PZ1.0), 1 day postoperatively
(PZ1.0), 1 month postoperatively (PZ.01), and 3 months postoper-
atively (PZ.39) (HC-IOL Z heparin-coated intraocular lens [n Z50]; UC-IOL Z uncoated intraocular lens [n Z 50]).
HSM Z heparin surface modified*Grading scale according to Standardization of Uveitis No
with field size set as 1.0 mm by 1.0 mm slit beam: 0 Z ! 1 cell in field;
mean flare values in healthy people increase with age
1 Z 1–15 cells in field; 2 Z 16–25 cells in field; 3 Z 26–50 cells in field
and decrease with pupil dilation, our study used an in-traindividual approach to eliminate this known bias aswell as unknown possible confoun
an at-risk population, such as patients with uvei
Because numerous variables have an effect on laser
However, in a long-term follow-up of uveitis patients,
flare values, we cannot compare our mean flare values
Abela-Formanek et compared 5 IOL models and
with those in other studies that had different inclusion
heparin-surface modified hydrophilic acrylic IOLs
criteria (eg, included at-risk patients with a
(Biovue, Ophthalmic Innovations International, Inc.).
defect in the BAB and thus higher preoperative flare
The HSM IOLs had better uveal biocompatibility
values,used other techniques of surge
than the other IOLs. They found a low incidence of
or had other postoperative control intervals.Overall,
posterior synechiae and concluded that the HSM IOL
the mean of the SD between the 3 laser flare measure-
was the reason for the low incidence of posterior syn-
ments during every study visit was 1.81 G 0.15 ph/ms,
echiae in that group.
and the maximum deviation was 10.35 ph/ms.
Although several studies comparing heparin-coated
Although this is an issue worth considering, we believe
PMMA IOLs and uncoated PMMA IOLs have been
that this deviation is the result of a systematic error of
published,there is a lack of studies comparing
early postoperative inflammation after implantation
Further studies are needed to compare this hydro-
of HSM acrylic or silicone IOLs. We believe ours is
phobic acrylic HSM IOL with other IOL materials
the first report of a hydrophobic IOL with heparin sur-
(with or without heparin coating) to determine the
face modification. In our study, we verified that in the
material with the lowest antiinflammatory potential.
early postoperative period, the inflammation was
This is especially important for at-risk patients such
significantly lower in the HSM IOL group than in the
as those with BAB disturbances. These are the first re-
group comprising an IOL that was identical but did
sults with the HSM hydrophobic acrylic IOL we stud-
not have heparin coating.
ied, and no long-term follow-up is available at this
In our study, we used an LFCM, an objective proven
method to determine aqueous flare in the anterior
In conclusion, the HSM IOL showed a significantly
lower inflammatory reaction with faster disappear-
BABThe HSM group in our study had
ance of inflammatory signs in the early postoperative
lower laser flare values in the early postoperative
stage. Long-term follow-up studies are needed to
period with a significantly faster decrease in cells
determine the possible advantages of the lower post-
than the uncoated IOL group, giving credence to the
operative inflammatory reaction, such as reduced pos-
proposed antiinflammatory effect of heparin. Because
terior capsule opacification.
Heparin decreases postoperative inflammation when used
in irrigating solutions during cataract surgery or as coating
Compared with the same IOL type without heparin surface
modification, HSM hydrophobic acrylic IOLs had signifi-
cantly less inflammation (flare and cells in the aqueous
humor) on the first postoperative day and a significantly
greater decline in inflammation in the first month after
phacoemulsification and IOL implantation.
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Bevilacqua MP. Heparin oligosaccharides bind L- and P-selectin
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Inhibition of human scleral fibroblast proliferation with heparin.
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Department of Ophthalmology,
Paracelsus Medical University
Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
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