How do I know my drug treatment
Is there a natural way of treating
For osteoporosis information and support
is working?
osteoporosis and preventing fractures
contact our Helpline:
It is difficult to know if a treatment is rather than using drugs?
0845 450 0230 or 01761 472721
working because its main purpose is to Although a healthy lifestyle helps to keep prevent fractures, rather than to relieve bones strong, it is considered insufficient on pain or symptoms. However, all of the drug its own to prevent fractures in people with Drug treatments
treatments for osteoporosis have been osteoporosis who are at high risk of fracture. To order an information pack or other
clinically tested and research has proven Complementary therapies have not been they reduce the risk of breaking bones. shown to reduce the risk of breaking a bone. Having a bone density scan provides some If you are at high risk of fracture it is unlikely 0845 130 3076 or 01761 471771
information but doesn't tell you everything therefore that a natural approach will be about your bone strength or show sufficient to reduce the risk of bones breaking. conclusively whether a drug is working or Ultimately after discussing the risks and Our publications are available free
not. If you have a fracture whilst on treatment benefits with your doctor, the decision about of charge, but as a charity, we would
it does not necessarily mean that the drug whether to take a drug treatment will be yours. appreciate any donation you are able to
is not working – no drug is 100% effective. give to support our work. Or why not join
However if you continue to break bones, For more information about specific
us as a member to receive our quarterly
then, depending on your circumstances, drug treatments for osteoporosis see our
magazine, packed with useful information,
a different drug may be suggested.
factsheets on individual drugs. For more
general information on drug treatments

tips and the latest medical news?
Are the drugs just for older women?
for osteoporosis, such as how to decide
01761 473287
which drugs to take, see our booklet
No, most drug treatments are also licensed All About Osteoporosis.
for men with osteoporosis. Most people who need a treatment will be older because the risk of breaking a bone increases with age. Osteoporosis can occur in younger men and women and even children. In these cases a specialist opinion may be recommended to establish whether a drug treatment is required. Camerton, Bath, BA2 0PJGeneral email: [email protected] National Osteoporosis Society is a registered charity No. 1102712 in England and Wales and no. SC039755 in Scotland.
Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 4995013 NOS 00217 First published July 2014.
What is osteoporosis?
What drug treatments are available?
How do I know if I need a drug treatment
How can I get the best out of my treatment?
and which one should I take?
Osteoporosis occurs when the struts which Continue to take tablets regularly for
make up the mesh-like structure within All drug treatments for osteoporosis reduce the correct length of time; this will vary bones become thin causing them to become the risk of fracture to about the same extent.
depending on your individual circumstances. fragile and break easily, often following a alendronic acid / Occasionally, short-term treatment may be alendronate (Fosamax), A range of factors will affect decisions about minor bump or fall. These broken bones required although usually a minimum of five risedronate (Actonel), which one to take. are often referred to as ‘fragility fractures'. years treatment is needed.
The terms ‘fracture' and ‘broken bone' ibandronate (Bonviva) These will include: Read the instructions with your medicines
mean the same thing. Although fractures zoledronic acid (Aclasta) and follow them in order to reduce the risk of can occur in different parts of the body, the Your risk of breaking a bone in the near
ibandronate (Bonviva) side effects and to ensure also that the drug is wrists, hips and spine are most commonly future (including a compression fracture absorbed properly (further information may be affected. It is these broken bones or fractures found in our fact sheets).
which can lead to the pain associated with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Which type of drug will suit you - tablet;
osteoporosis. Spinal fractures can also cause If you have problems or side effects, talk to
raloxifene (Evista) 'drink'; injection; infusion (‘drip') loss of height and curvature of the spine.
your doctor, nurse or pharmacist or ring our Potential side effects and long-term risks –
Helpline to discuss your concerns.
strontium ranelate balancing them against the benefits for Make sure you eat a well-balanced calcium
Why do I need a drug treatment and
rich diet .Your doctor may prescribe calcium what will they do?
Local or NHS guidance, based on what is
and vitamin D supplements as well as Your doctor wil have recommended a drug osteoporosis drug treatments if your intake denosumab (Prolia) treatment because you have osteoporosis and is thought to be low. Whether a generic non-branded drug is
have a high risk of fractures (broken bones). available which is cheaper than a Ask your doctor about how long you need
These treatments for osteoporosis help Parathyroid hormone (PTH) treatment
branded form but essentially the same to take your osteoporosis treatment. Long- strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of teriparatide (Forsteo) e.g. risedronate (brand name Actonel) term use of some drug treatments can cause having fractures. Factors such as your age and problems. Although these are rare, it is now You will also have your own health beliefs whether you have broken bones easily in the parathyroid hormone considered good practice for doctors to review about medications and your own experience past wil have been considered in the decision to treatment (Preotact) your osteoporosis drugs after a number of and understanding of osteoporosis and start you on treatment. You may also have had a years. Your doctor wil make sure that the drugs fractures. Discussing these with your doctor bone density scan which can provide additional Less commonly used drug treatments
are stil needed, that they aren't causing side will help in determining what is the right information about how strong your bones are.
effects and also that the benefits of continuing treatment for you.
to take the drug continue to outweigh any Will osteoporosis drug treatments help
Hormone therapy or hormone replacement potential harm. You may need to continue to therapy (HRT) for women take the drug, have a ‘pause' in your treatment Although these drugs strengthen bones and for between 1 and 3 years or be advised to reduce the risk of fracture, they do not relieve the Hormone therapy for men stop taking it altogether. Your doctor wil be pain of broken bones. Your doctor can prescribe calcitriol (Rocaltrol) tablet able to advise you on what is best for you other types of drugs to help relieve your pain.
based on your individual circumstances.
What is osteoporosis?
What drug treatments are available?
How do I know if I need a drug treatment
How can I get the best out of my treatment?
and which one should I take?
Osteoporosis occurs when the struts which Continue to take tablets regularly for
make up the mesh-like structure within All drug treatments for osteoporosis reduce the correct length of time; this will vary bones become thin causing them to become the risk of fracture to about the same extent.
depending on your individual circumstances. fragile and break easily, often following a alendronic acid / Occasionally, short-term treatment may be alendronate (Fosamax), A range of factors will affect decisions about minor bump or fall. These broken bones required although usually a minimum of five risedronate (Actonel), which one to take. are often referred to as ‘fragility fractures'. years treatment is needed.
The terms ‘fracture' and ‘broken bone' ibandronate (Bonviva) These will include: Read the instructions with your medicines
mean the same thing. Although fractures zoledronic acid (Aclasta) and follow them in order to reduce the risk of can occur in different parts of the body, the Your risk of breaking a bone in the near
ibandronate (Bonviva) side effects and to ensure also that the drug is wrists, hips and spine are most commonly future (including a compression fracture absorbed properly (further information may be affected. It is these broken bones or fractures found in our fact sheets).
which can lead to the pain associated with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Which type of drug will suit you - tablet;
osteoporosis. Spinal fractures can also cause If you have problems or side effects, talk to
raloxifene (Evista) 'drink'; injection; infusion (‘drip') loss of height and curvature of the spine.
your doctor, nurse or pharmacist or ring our Potential side effects and long-term risks –
Helpline to discuss your concerns.
strontium ranelate balancing them against the benefits for Make sure you eat a well-balanced calcium
Why do I need a drug treatment and
rich diet .Your doctor may prescribe calcium what will they do?
Local or NHS guidance, based on what is
and vitamin D supplements as well as Your doctor wil have recommended a drug osteoporosis drug treatments if your intake denosumab (Prolia) treatment because you have osteoporosis and is thought to be low. Whether a generic non-branded drug is
have a high risk of fractures (broken bones). available which is cheaper than a Ask your doctor about how long you need
These treatments for osteoporosis help Parathyroid hormone (PTH) treatment
branded form but essentially the same to take your osteoporosis treatment. Long- strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of teriparatide (Forsteo) e.g. risedronate (brand name Actonel) term use of some drug treatments can cause having fractures. Factors such as your age and problems. Although these are rare, it is now You will also have your own health beliefs whether you have broken bones easily in the parathyroid hormone considered good practice for doctors to review about medications and your own experience past wil have been considered in the decision to treatment (Preotact) your osteoporosis drugs after a number of and understanding of osteoporosis and start you on treatment. You may also have had a years. Your doctor wil make sure that the drugs fractures. Discussing these with your doctor bone density scan which can provide additional Less commonly used drug treatments
are stil needed, that they aren't causing side will help in determining what is the right information about how strong your bones are.
effects and also that the benefits of continuing treatment for you.
to take the drug continue to outweigh any Will osteoporosis drug treatments help
Hormone therapy or hormone replacement potential harm. You may need to continue to therapy (HRT) for women take the drug, have a ‘pause' in your treatment Although these drugs strengthen bones and for between 1 and 3 years or be advised to reduce the risk of fracture, they do not relieve the Hormone therapy for men stop taking it altogether. Your doctor wil be pain of broken bones. Your doctor can prescribe calcitriol (Rocaltrol) tablet able to advise you on what is best for you other types of drugs to help relieve your pain.
based on your individual circumstances.
What is osteoporosis?
What drug treatments are available?
How do I know if I need a drug treatment
How can I get the best out of my treatment?
and which one should I take?
Osteoporosis occurs when the struts which Continue to take tablets regularly for
make up the mesh-like structure within All drug treatments for osteoporosis reduce the correct length of time; this will vary bones become thin causing them to become the risk of fracture to about the same extent.
depending on your individual circumstances. fragile and break easily, often following a alendronic acid / Occasionally, short-term treatment may be alendronate (Fosamax), A range of factors will affect decisions about minor bump or fall. These broken bones required although usually a minimum of five risedronate (Actonel), which one to take. are often referred to as ‘fragility fractures'. years treatment is needed.
The terms ‘fracture' and ‘broken bone' ibandronate (Bonviva) These will include: Read the instructions with your medicines
mean the same thing. Although fractures zoledronic acid (Aclasta) and follow them in order to reduce the risk of can occur in different parts of the body, the Your risk of breaking a bone in the near
ibandronate (Bonviva) side effects and to ensure also that the drug is wrists, hips and spine are most commonly future (including a compression fracture absorbed properly (further information may be affected. It is these broken bones or fractures found in our fact sheets).
which can lead to the pain associated with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Which type of drug will suit you - tablet;
osteoporosis. Spinal fractures can also cause If you have problems or side effects, talk to
raloxifene (Evista) 'drink'; injection; infusion (‘drip') loss of height and curvature of the spine.
your doctor, nurse or pharmacist or ring our Potential side effects and long-term risks –
Helpline to discuss your concerns.
strontium ranelate balancing them against the benefits for Make sure you eat a well-balanced calcium
Why do I need a drug treatment and
rich diet .Your doctor may prescribe calcium what will they do?
Local or NHS guidance, based on what is
and vitamin D supplements as well as Your doctor wil have recommended a drug osteoporosis drug treatments if your intake denosumab (Prolia) treatment because you have osteoporosis and is thought to be low. Whether a generic non-branded drug is
have a high risk of fractures (broken bones). available which is cheaper than a Ask your doctor about how long you need
These treatments for osteoporosis help Parathyroid hormone (PTH) treatment
branded form but essentially the same to take your osteoporosis treatment. Long- strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of teriparatide (Forsteo) e.g. risedronate (brand name Actonel) term use of some drug treatments can cause having fractures. Factors such as your age and problems. Although these are rare, it is now You will also have your own health beliefs whether you have broken bones easily in the parathyroid hormone considered good practice for doctors to review about medications and your own experience past wil have been considered in the decision to treatment (Preotact) your osteoporosis drugs after a number of and understanding of osteoporosis and start you on treatment. You may also have had a years. Your doctor wil make sure that the drugs fractures. Discussing these with your doctor bone density scan which can provide additional Less commonly used drug treatments
are stil needed, that they aren't causing side will help in determining what is the right information about how strong your bones are.
effects and also that the benefits of continuing treatment for you.
to take the drug continue to outweigh any Will osteoporosis drug treatments help
Hormone therapy or hormone replacement potential harm. You may need to continue to therapy (HRT) for women take the drug, have a ‘pause' in your treatment Although these drugs strengthen bones and for between 1 and 3 years or be advised to reduce the risk of fracture, they do not relieve the Hormone therapy for men stop taking it altogether. Your doctor wil be pain of broken bones. Your doctor can prescribe calcitriol (Rocaltrol) tablet able to advise you on what is best for you other types of drugs to help relieve your pain.
based on your individual circumstances.
What is osteoporosis?
What drug treatments are available?
How do I know if I need a drug treatment
How can I get the best out of my treatment?
and which one should I take?
Osteoporosis occurs when the struts which Continue to take tablets regularly for
make up the mesh-like structure within All drug treatments for osteoporosis reduce the correct length of time; this will vary bones become thin causing them to become the risk of fracture to about the same extent.
depending on your individual circumstances. fragile and break easily, often following a alendronic acid / Occasionally, short-term treatment may be alendronate (Fosamax), A range of factors will affect decisions about minor bump or fall. These broken bones required although usually a minimum of five risedronate (Actonel), which one to take. are often referred to as ‘fragility fractures'. years treatment is needed.
The terms ‘fracture' and ‘broken bone' ibandronate (Bonviva) These will include: Read the instructions with your medicines
mean the same thing. Although fractures zoledronic acid (Aclasta) and follow them in order to reduce the risk of can occur in different parts of the body, the Your risk of breaking a bone in the near
ibandronate (Bonviva) side effects and to ensure also that the drug is wrists, hips and spine are most commonly future (including a compression fracture absorbed properly (further information may be affected. It is these broken bones or fractures found in our fact sheets).
which can lead to the pain associated with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Which type of drug will suit you - tablet;
osteoporosis. Spinal fractures can also cause If you have problems or side effects, talk to
raloxifene (Evista) 'drink'; injection; infusion (‘drip') loss of height and curvature of the spine.
your doctor, nurse or pharmacist or ring our Potential side effects and long-term risks –
Helpline to discuss your concerns.
strontium ranelate balancing them against the benefits for Make sure you eat a well-balanced calcium
Why do I need a drug treatment and
rich diet .Your doctor may prescribe calcium what will they do?
Local or NHS guidance, based on what is
and vitamin D supplements as well as Your doctor wil have recommended a drug osteoporosis drug treatments if your intake denosumab (Prolia) treatment because you have osteoporosis and is thought to be low. Whether a generic non-branded drug is
have a high risk of fractures (broken bones). available which is cheaper than a Ask your doctor about how long you need
These treatments for osteoporosis help Parathyroid hormone (PTH) treatment
branded form but essentially the same to take your osteoporosis treatment. Long- strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of teriparatide (Forsteo) e.g. risedronate (brand name Actonel) term use of some drug treatments can cause having fractures. Factors such as your age and problems. Although these are rare, it is now You will also have your own health beliefs whether you have broken bones easily in the parathyroid hormone considered good practice for doctors to review about medications and your own experience past wil have been considered in the decision to treatment (Preotact) your osteoporosis drugs after a number of and understanding of osteoporosis and start you on treatment. You may also have had a years. Your doctor wil make sure that the drugs fractures. Discussing these with your doctor bone density scan which can provide additional Less commonly used drug treatments
are stil needed, that they aren't causing side will help in determining what is the right information about how strong your bones are.
effects and also that the benefits of continuing treatment for you.
to take the drug continue to outweigh any Will osteoporosis drug treatments help
Hormone therapy or hormone replacement potential harm. You may need to continue to therapy (HRT) for women take the drug, have a ‘pause' in your treatment Although these drugs strengthen bones and for between 1 and 3 years or be advised to reduce the risk of fracture, they do not relieve the Hormone therapy for men stop taking it altogether. Your doctor wil be pain of broken bones. Your doctor can prescribe calcitriol (Rocaltrol) tablet able to advise you on what is best for you other types of drugs to help relieve your pain.
based on your individual circumstances.
How do I know my drug treatment
Is there a natural way of treating
For osteoporosis information and support
is working?
osteoporosis and preventing fractures
contact our Helpline:
It is difficult to know if a treatment is rather than using drugs?
0845 450 0230 or 01761 472721
working because its main purpose is to Although a healthy lifestyle helps to keep prevent fractures, rather than to relieve bones strong, it is considered insufficient on pain or symptoms. However, all of the drug its own to prevent fractures in people with Drug treatments
treatments for osteoporosis have been osteoporosis who are at high risk of fracture. To order an information pack or other
clinically tested and research has proven Complementary therapies have not been they reduce the risk of breaking bones. shown to reduce the risk of breaking a bone. Having a bone density scan provides some If you are at high risk of fracture it is unlikely 0845 130 3076 or 01761 471771
information but doesn't tell you everything therefore that a natural approach will be about your bone strength or show sufficient to reduce the risk of bones breaking. conclusively whether a drug is working or Ultimately after discussing the risks and Our publications are available free
not. If you have a fracture whilst on treatment benefits with your doctor, the decision about of charge, but as a charity, we would
it does not necessarily mean that the drug whether to take a drug treatment will be yours. appreciate any donation you are able to
is not working – no drug is 100% effective. give to support our work. Or why not join
However if you continue to break bones, For more information about specific
us as a member to receive our quarterly
then, depending on your circumstances, drug treatments for osteoporosis see our
magazine, packed with useful information,
a different drug may be suggested.
factsheets on individual drugs. For more
general information on drug treatments

tips and the latest medical news?
Are the drugs just for older women?
for osteoporosis, such as how to decide
01761 473287
which drugs to take, see our booklet
No, most drug treatments are also licensed All About Osteoporosis.
for men with osteoporosis. Most people who need a treatment will be older because the risk of breaking a bone increases with age. Osteoporosis can occur in younger men and women and even children. In these cases a specialist opinion may be recommended to establish whether a drug treatment is required. Camerton, Bath, BA2 0PJGeneral email: [email protected] National Osteoporosis Society is a registered charity No. 1102712 in England and Wales and no. SC039755 in Scotland.
Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 4995013 NOS 00217 First published July 2014.
How do I know my drug treatment
Is there a natural way of treating
For osteoporosis information and support
is working?
osteoporosis and preventing fractures
contact our Helpline:
It is difficult to know if a treatment is rather than using drugs?
0845 450 0230 or 01761 472721
working because its main purpose is to Although a healthy lifestyle helps to keep prevent fractures, rather than to relieve bones strong, it is considered insufficient on pain or symptoms. However, all of the drug its own to prevent fractures in people with Drug treatments
treatments for osteoporosis have been osteoporosis who are at high risk of fracture. To order an information pack or other
clinically tested and research has proven Complementary therapies have not been they reduce the risk of breaking bones. shown to reduce the risk of breaking a bone. Having a bone density scan provides some If you are at high risk of fracture it is unlikely 0845 130 3076 or 01761 471771
information but doesn't tell you everything therefore that a natural approach will be about your bone strength or show sufficient to reduce the risk of bones breaking. conclusively whether a drug is working or Ultimately after discussing the risks and Our publications are available free
not. If you have a fracture whilst on treatment benefits with your doctor, the decision about of charge, but as a charity, we would
it does not necessarily mean that the drug whether to take a drug treatment will be yours. appreciate any donation you are able to
is not working – no drug is 100% effective. give to support our work. Or why not join
However if you continue to break bones, For more information about specific
us as a member to receive our quarterly
then, depending on your circumstances, drug treatments for osteoporosis see our
magazine, packed with useful information,
a different drug may be suggested.
factsheets on individual drugs. For more
general information on drug treatments

tips and the latest medical news?
Are the drugs just for older women?
for osteoporosis, such as how to decide
01761 473287
which drugs to take, see our booklet
No, most drug treatments are also licensed All About Osteoporosis.
for men with osteoporosis. Most people who need a treatment will be older because the risk of breaking a bone increases with age. Osteoporosis can occur in younger men and women and even children. In these cases a specialist opinion may be recommended to establish whether a drug treatment is required. Camerton, Bath, BA2 0PJGeneral email: [email protected] National Osteoporosis Society is a registered charity No. 1102712 in England and Wales and no. SC039755 in Scotland.
Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 4995013 NOS 00217 First published July 2014.
How do I know my drug treatment
Is there a natural way of treating
For osteoporosis information and support
is working?
osteoporosis and preventing fractures
contact our Helpline:
It is difficult to know if a treatment is rather than using drugs?
0845 450 0230 or 01761 472721
working because its main purpose is to Although a healthy lifestyle helps to keep prevent fractures, rather than to relieve bones strong, it is considered insufficient on pain or symptoms. However, all of the drug its own to prevent fractures in people with Drug treatments
treatments for osteoporosis have been osteoporosis who are at high risk of fracture. To order an information pack or other
clinically tested and research has proven Complementary therapies have not been they reduce the risk of breaking bones. shown to reduce the risk of breaking a bone. Having a bone density scan provides some If you are at high risk of fracture it is unlikely 0845 130 3076 or 01761 471771
information but doesn't tell you everything therefore that a natural approach will be about your bone strength or show sufficient to reduce the risk of bones breaking. conclusively whether a drug is working or Ultimately after discussing the risks and Our publications are available free
not. If you have a fracture whilst on treatment benefits with your doctor, the decision about of charge, but as a charity, we would
it does not necessarily mean that the drug whether to take a drug treatment will be yours. appreciate any donation you are able to
is not working – no drug is 100% effective. give to support our work. Or why not join
However if you continue to break bones, For more information about specific
us as a member to receive our quarterly
then, depending on your circumstances, drug treatments for osteoporosis see our
magazine, packed with useful information,
a different drug may be suggested.
factsheets on individual drugs. For more
general information on drug treatments

tips and the latest medical news?
Are the drugs just for older women?
for osteoporosis, such as how to decide
01761 473287
which drugs to take, see our booklet
No, most drug treatments are also licensed All About Osteoporosis.
for men with osteoporosis. Most people who need a treatment will be older because the risk of breaking a bone increases with age. Osteoporosis can occur in younger men and women and even children. In these cases a specialist opinion may be recommended to establish whether a drug treatment is required. Camerton, Bath, BA2 0PJGeneral email: [email protected] National Osteoporosis Society is a registered charity No. 1102712 in England and Wales and no. SC039755 in Scotland.
Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 4995013 NOS 00217 First published July 2014.


Revista Peruana de Oftalmología Vol. 33(1) 2010 JUNTA DIRECTIVA BIENIO 2009- 2010 Presidente: Dr. Nicanor Tinageros Arroyo Vicepresidente y Secretario de Ética y Asuntos Gremiales: Dr. Miguel Risco Caballero Secretario General: Dr. Dino Natteri Marmol Secretario Tesorero: Dr. Hugo Luglio Valdivies

Infinity stylus

Description of controls Self-timer button Shutter release button Flash mode button Self-timer signal Autofocus windows Autofocus indicator LCD panel Battery remaining indicator AUTO/AUTO-S flash Back cover release Battery compartment cover Table of contents Description of controls. 1 Camera functions and controls. 21