EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
EurAsia J BioSci 3, 122-129 (2009)
Effect of leaf extracts of Dendrosicyos socotrana
and Jatropha unicostata on the viability of
Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces
Abdul Kadir Raoof Barzinji1, Ramzi Ahmed Mothana2, Abdul Karim Nasher1*
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen2Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sana'a University, Sana'a,
The present work evaluates the effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts of
socotrana and Jatropha unicostata on the viability of
Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces
n vitro, and on the development of secondary hydatid cysts,
in vivo. Three different
concentrations of each leaf extract were used. Concentrations of 5000 and 1000 μg/mL, for
D. socotrana and
J. unicostata, respectively, exhibited the highest protoscolicidal activity,
significantly reducing and/or stopping protoscolex viability. Oral and intraperitoneal
administration of the extracts in white mice invoked noticeable inhibitory effects on the
in vivo
development of secondary hydatid cysts. These effects were compared with those of
albendazole sulfoxide, a commonly used treatment for hydatidosis.
Dendrosicyos socotrana,
Echinococcus, hydatidosis,
Jatropha unicostata, Socotra
Barzinji AKR, Mothana RA, Nasher AK (2009) Effect of leaf extracts of
socotrana and
Jatropha unicostata on the viability of
Echinococcus granulosus
protoscoleces. EurAsia J BioSci 3, 16, 122-129.
cyst(s) (Shambesh 1997).
As with other parasitic diseases,
Hydatidosis, or echinococcosis is a disease hydatidosis must be treated. Chemotherapy,
caused by the metacestodes of different using benzimidazole carbamate derivatives is
species of
Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801. the standard protocol (Liu and Weller 1996).
Tapeworm eggs are passed with the feces of However, chemotherapy is not always
infected carnivores and may subsequently effective and may cause serious side effects
infect humans who inadvertently ingest them in some patients; therefore, in certain cases
(Andersen 1997). Clinical manifestation of surgical intervention becomes mandatory
hydatidosis is characterized by tumor-like (Zhou et al. 1988).
growths that occur mostly in the liver and
Treatment of a variety of diseases with
lungs, with varying degrees of infestation of plant extracts has been practiced for many
other organs (Abdel-Hafez and Al-Yaman centuries, with numerous plant species having
1989). These growths are usually filled with a been used (Ye et al. 1990, Al-Saimary and
watery fluid known as 'hydatid cyst fluid.' Zeki 1999, Aghwan 1999, Al-Aboody 2001,
Hydatidosis is a major world zoonosis Al-Eryani 2002). Extracts of
affecting humans as well as domestic animals
socotrana Balf f. and
Jatropha unicostata Balf
(Thompson 1995).
f., both of which are endemic to Socotra
Because of the slow progression of the Island (Yemen), are used locally for a variety
disease, it may initially be asymptomatic or of medical treatments. Extracts of the former
show very slight manifestations (Lyagoubi et
al. 1997). However, serious clinical
symptoms may eventually develop, which
Received: June 2009
vary, depending on the extent of infestation,
Accepted: November 2009
the site of infection, and the size of the
Printed: November 2009
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2009
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Barzinji et al.
are used by the islanders for the treatment of
urinary retention, cystitis symptoms of
Sixty five, 6-8 week old white mice (20
diabetes, liver problems, and burns (Miller and males and 45 females), were used in this
Morris 2004). Ali et al. (2003) failed to show study. These were descended from eight pairs
any antimicrobial effect of
D. socotrana and that were originally obtained from Al Azhar
only a weak effect for
J. unicostata. University Animal House, Cairo, Egypt.
However, a methanolic extract of
Plant collection and extraction
unicostata demonstrated a marked antiviral
Fresh leaves of
Dendrosicyos socotrana
effect against Influenza virus type A and (Cucurbitaceae) and
Jatropha unicostata
Herpes simplex type 1 (Mothana et al. 2006). (Euphorbiaceae) were collected from Socotra
Remarkably, the methanolic extract of
D. Island at the end of April 2004. Voucher
socotrana exhibited noteworthy cytotoxic specimens of both plants were deposited in
activity against human cancer cell lines the herbarium of the Faculty of Science,
(Mothana et al. 2007).
Sana'a University. The leaves were cleaned
According to Miller and Morris (2004),
J. and air-dried at room temperature. They were
unicostata has various uses. The red sap is then pulverized in a grinder to obtain a fine
used as a haemostatic in humans and powder. Seventy grams of powdered leaves
livestock, while the colorless sap is used to of each of the two plant species were
treat livestock infections. The latter is also extracted with methanol by using a soxhlet
used to treat the skin, 'tender' glands, eye extraction apparatus. The residue was dried
infections, chest pain, stomach pain, retching, overnight and extracted with water at 60°C.
vomiting, and is used as a laxative and The methanol extracts were evaporated using
vermifuge. The present work aimed therefore, a rotary evaporator and the water extracted
to evaluate the effect of both plants on the with a freeze-dryer. The dried crude extracts
viability of
Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch, were kept in dark plastic bags, sealed under
1786) protoscoleces, and on the development vacuum, and kept in a freezer at -20°C until
of secondary hydatid cysts.
Determination of in vitro and in vivo effect
Stock solutions of methanolic and aqueous
crude extracts of
D. socotrana were prepared
The parasite
by dissolving 0.36 g of the powdered extract
Fresh hydatid cysts were obtained from in 10 mL of 50% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
livers of naturally-infected sheep, which had Concentrations of 1000, 2000, and 5000
been slaughtered at local abattoirs in Sana'a. μg/mL of the stock solutions were used to
They were wrapped carefully in clean plastic treat the protoscoleces. The stock solutions
bags, placed in an ice box, and transported to of
J. unicostata were prepared by dissolving
the Department of Biology, Faculty of 0.08 g of the methanolic and aqueous crude
Science, Sana'a University, where extracts in 10 mL of 60% DMSO.
protoscoleces were extracted. The outer Concentrations of 500, 750, and 1000 μg/mL
surfaces of the cysts were sterilized with of the stock solutions were used for in vitro
70% ethanol before being dissected. treatment of protoscoleces. A mixture of 50%
Protoscoleces were extracted according to DMSO and the maintenance medium (1:1000)
Smyth (1967). Extracted protoscoleces were was used for
D. socotrana and 60% DMSO
maintained in a sterile medium made of a and the maintenance medium (1:1000) for
mixture of Kreb's Ringer Solution (KRS) and
unicostata were used as positive controls.
hydatid cyst fluid (4:1), which was prepared Kreb's Ringer solution was used as a negative
according to Rotunno et al. (1974) and Al- control.
Eryani (2002). Crystalline penicillin 'G' and
The efficacy of methanolic and aqueous
streptomycin sulphate were added to the extracts of both plants on the viability of
mixture to keep it free from contamination protoscoleces was compared with different
(Schwabe et al. 1963, Lorenzini and Ruggieri doses of albendazole sulfoxide (ABZSO), the
1990, Casado et al. 1992, 1996, Hemphill standard medicine used in treating hydatidosis
and Gottstein 1995, Urrea-Paris et al. 2000). (Ingold et al. 1999, Urrea-Paris et al. 2000,
Stettler et al. 2001).
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2009
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Barzinji et al.
Both in vitro and in vivo experiments on
E. Protoscoleces treated with concentrations of
granulosus protoscoleces were performed 1000, 2000, and 5000 μg/mL started
during this study. The former were carried out showing decrease in viability at 96, 12, and 3
in sets of 21 Eppendorf tubes at each of the h post treatment, respectively. All treated
three concentrations for each of the two plant protoscoleces perished at h 480, 408, and
species. Three positive control and three 360 post treatment, respectively (Fig. 1). This
negative control tubes were used for each
concentration set. 1.0 mL of the maintenance result was highly significant (P<0.05). The
medium, supplemented with penicillin and inhibitory effect of an aqueous extract of the
streptomycin was added to each tube. same plant was also significant (P<0.05). All
Approximately 3000 viable protoscoleces protoscoleces died at h 504 and 408 when
were placed in each tube, and incubated at treated with 2000 and 5000 μg/mL,
28°C. The effect of ABZSO was tested in respectively, while 85.2% and 75.0% of the
vitro using three tubes for the drug, together untreated controls remained viable until the
with three tubes for each of the positive and end of the experiment at h 504 (Fig. 2).
negative controls.
Both methanolic and aqueous extracts of
The effects of plant extracts on the in vivo
J. unicostata inhibited the viability of
development of protoscoleces and secondary protoscoleces. All protoscoleces treated with
hydatid cysts was studied in the sixty five 6- the methanolic extract at concentrations of
8 week old experimentally infected mice. The
animals were divided into 13 groups with five 500, 750, and 1000 μg/mL, died at hours
mice in each group. Mice in each of four 408, 336 and 288, respectively. The majority
groups received methanolic and aqueous of protoscoleces in the negative control and
extracts of each plant, and one group received positive control groups remained viable until
ABZSO by oral administration. Another batch the end of the experiment (Fig. 3). The same
of five groups received the same treatment trend was observed in protoscoleces treated
but intraperitoneally (IP). Mice in two groups with similar concentrations of the aqueous
received oral and IP doses of the positive extracts (Fig. 4).
control. The last group of mice received the
ABZSO exhibited a significant effect on the
negative control. All animals used in the viability of protoscoleces (P<0.05). 96 h from
experiment were sacrificed 60 days post- the onset of treatment, 90.5% of the 3000
treatment and examined for the presence of protoscoleces were dead. All of the remaining
secondary hydatid cysts.
protoscoleces had died by h 360. Negative
The data were expressed as mean values and positive control groups showed a slight
±S.E.M. and tested with one-way ANOVA decline in viability whereas 91.2% and 90.2%
followed by the Tukey's test for multiple of the protoscoleces were still viable by h 360
comparisons using Statistical Package for post-treatment. A comparison between the
Social Sciences (SPSS) computer package. effects of high concentrations of both
Results with P<0.05 were considered
socotrana and
J. unicostata and that of
ABZSO is summarized in Fig. 5.
Oral treatment of aqueous and methanolic
extracts of the two plants showed varying
effects on the growth of secondary hydatid
Viability of protoscoleces
cysts, growing on different organs of the
Untreated protoscoleces remained viable mice. Generally, the methanolic extract of
for 24 h prior to treatment, with no significant
unicostata exhibited a high noticeable effectdifferences in viability between 0 and 24 h similar to that of ABZSO. However, effects
demonstrated by the other extracts were
(t= 0.69, P<0.005).
generally weak or not noticeable (Table 1).
In vitro treatment of protoscoleces
Moreover, there was little discernable
The viability of protoscoleces was difference between the effects of extracts
significantly affected when treated with the administered intraperitoneally and orally
methanolic extract of
D. socotrana leaves. (Table 2).
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2009
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Barzinji et al.
Fig. 1. In vitro treated protoscoleces with different
Fig. 4. In vitro treated protoscoleces with different
concentrations of the methanolic extract of
concentrations of aqueous extract of
D. socotrana leaves.
Fig. 2. In vitro treated protoscoleces with different
Fig. 5. Comparison between the highest
concentrations of the aqueous extract of
concentrations of various
in vitro treatments.
ABZSO: albendazole sulfoxide (10 μg/mL);
D. socotrana: methanolic extract of
D. socotrana (5000 μg/mL); Aq.
socotrana: aqueous extract of
D. socotrana
(5000 μg/mL); Meth.
J. unicostata:
methanolic extract of
J. unicostata (1000
μg/mL); Aq.
J. unicostata: aqueous extract
J. unicostata (1000 μg/mL).
been claimed. However, the metabolites ofcertain drugs including benzimidazole,mebendazole, albendazole, and albendazolesulfoxide are potentially toxic in some
Fig. 3. In vitro treated protoscoleces with different
concentrations of methanolic extract of
subjects (Davis et al. 1989, Whittaker and
Faustman 1991, Pawlowski 1997).
The use of plant extracts against CE has
received critical attention in recent years.
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a subject of Some studies have shown that extracts of
major health concern in many countries. Each certain plant species, belonging to differentconfirmed case could potentially cost the families, may affect the viability ofhealth authorities thousands of dollars protoscoleces and/or the survival of(Nasrieh et al. 2003, Torgerson 2003). secondary hydatid cysts. For instance, seedsAlthough surgery is the most effective choice of
Peganum harmala L. (Zygophyllaceae)of treatment, a number of drugs are being affected
E. granulosus in mice )Al-Eryaniused and various degrees of success have 2002). Al-Saimary and Zeki (1999)
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2009
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Table 1. Effect of various treatments on the development of secondary hydatid cysts in the different albino
mice organs (oral administration).
Table 2. Effect of various treatments on the development of secondary hydatid cysts in the different albino
mice organs (I.P. administration).
demonstrated that extracts of
Eucalyptus and organisms (Smyth et. al. 2002).
J. unicostataMyrtus communis L., (Myrtaceae),
Apium on the other hand was shown to contain a
graveolens L. (Umbelliferae) and
Trigonella mixture of sterols and ketosteroids and
foenum-graecum L. (Leguminosae) can kill the terpenoids (Franke et al. 2004), which might
larval stages of
Echinococcus sp. Al-Rubaei have an effect on the viability of certain
(1999) reported that water extracts of garlic organisms.
Allium sativum L. (Liliaceae) and Artemisia
In conclusion, our data suggest that
herba-alba Asso (Compositae) affected medicinal plants can be a promising source of
viability and killed protoscoleces. Also Al-Aboody (2001) showed that
Ruta chalepensis potential anti-protoscoleces. The data suggestL. (Rutaceae) and
Plantago lanceolata L. that
J. unicostata should be selected for(Plantaginaceae) stopped the viability of further investigation into the potentialprotoscoleces.
discovery of new natural bioactive
D. socotrana and
J. unicostata were compounds. Studies aimed at the isolation of
selected for this study because they are two active anti-protoscoleces constituents are inof the endemic plants on Socotra island that progress and may lead to the discovery ofare used widely for medicinal purposes (Miller compounds with improved therapeutic value. and Morris 2004). The former plant contains agroup of compounds known as curcurbitacins,
a special group of highly oxygenated
The authors are grateful to Dr. Malcolm
tetracyclic triterpenes, with a wide range of Potts for the valuable comments and
bioactivity (Dinan et al. 1997, Ito et al. 2002, corrections to the manuscript.
Hussein et al. 2004). Cucurbitacins areextremely bitter and are toxic to most
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Dendrosicyos socotrana ve Jatropha unicostata Yaprak Özütlerinin Echinococcus
granulosus Protoskolekslerinin Canliligina Etkisi
Bu çalisma;
Dendrosicyos socotrana ve J
atropha unicostata'nin su ve metanolde elde edilen özütlerinin,
Echinococcus granulosus protoskoleksleri üzerine in vitro ve sekonder hidatit kistlerin gelisimi üzerine
in vivo
etkisini incelemektedir. Her yaprak özütünün üç farkli konsantrasyonu kullanildi. Sirasiyla
D. socotrana ve
unicostata'nin 5000 and 1000 μg/mL yogunluklari en yüksek protoskolisidal aktivite sergiledi ve protoskoleks
canliligini önemli ölçüde azaltti ve/veya durdurdu. Beyaz farelerde, yaprak özütlerinin oral veya intraperitonal
uygulanmasi, sekonder hidatit kistlerinin in vivo gelisimi üzerinde farkedilir oranda inhibitör etki olusturdu. Bu
etkiler, hidatidosis tedavisinde yaygin olarak kullanilan albendazol sülfoksid'inkilerle kiyaslandi.
Dendrosicyos socotrana, Echinococcus, hidatidosiz,
Jatropha unicostata, Socotra Adasi.
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2009
Source: http://eprints.icrisat.ac.in/396/1/EurAsianJBioscience.pdf
Trasplante de Páncreas y Páncreas-Riñon Protocolos Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña Versión Marzo 2009 _ Trasplante de Páncreas. Protocolos PROTOCOLO DE TRASPLANTE DE PÁNCREAS l. Historia del trasplante de páncreas 2.Indicación del trasplante de páncreas 2.1 Páncreas y riñón
Laboruntersuchungen im Institut für Klinische Chemie und Labormedizin (IKL) - Krankenhaus Dresden-Friedrichstadt - Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Th. Demant Kommentiertes Leistungsverzeichnis Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.02.2011 Zum Gebrauch des Leistungsverzeichnisses . Notfallparameter. Leistungsverzeichnis des Instituts: 1.