Iron and acetaminophen a fatal combination?
Transplant International ISSN 0934-0874
Iron and acetaminophen a fatal combination?Vinod K. Audimoolam, Julia Wendon, William Bernal, Nigel Heaton, John O'Gradyand Georg Auzinger
Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, London, UK
acute liver failure, fungal sepsis, ironpoisoning, liver transplantation.
Intentional iron overdose in adults is uncommon. Clinical consequences arevariable and depend on the quantity of iron ingested and the delay to treat-
ment. Severe iron overdose can lead to multi-organ failure and acute hepatic
Dr Georg Auzinger, Institute of Liver Studies,
necrosis. Here, we report three cases of polypharmacy overdose including iron
King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London,
resulting in acute liver failure. Despite maximum supportive care including
SE 5 9 RS, UK. Tel.: 00442032993367; fax:
liver transplantation in two cases, all patients died. Iron poisoning may have
00442032993899; e-mail:
[email protected]
an additive toxic effect in drug-induced acute liver failure and worsen out-come.
Conflicts of InterestNo conflict of interest
Received: 7 April 2011Revision requested: 9 May 2011Accepted: 1 August 2011Published online: 30 August 2011
Accidental iron toxicity is not uncommon in the paediat-
An 18-year-old woman was admitted to her referring hos-
ric setting, whereas among adults iron ingestion in the
pital having ingested approximately 60 mg of diazepam,
majority is with suicidal intent and is rarely seen. The
600 mg of diclofenac and ferrous sulphate, possible more
incidence of iron poisoning among children <5 years of
than 6 g, 24–48 h prior to admission. Her admission liver
age has been reported to be as high as 30%; however, this
function tests were compatible with a diagnosis of hyper
number seems to be in decline following the introduction
acute hepatic necrosis [aspartate transaminase (AST)
of unit dose packaging of iron supplements [1–3]. In its
13374 IU/L, prothrombin time (PT) 90 s, lactate (lac)
most severe form, iron toxicity can lead to acute liver and
18 mmol/L] and she was clinically encephalopathic.
multi-organ failure. Initial treatment includes gut decon-
Admission and pre- transplantation iron serum levels
tamination, chelation therapy with desferrioxamine and
were 67 mmol/L (374 lg/dL) and 34.6 mmol/L (193 lg/
organ supportive measures [4]. Liver transplantation in
dL) respectively (normal range 14–30 mmol/L). She was
patients presenting with acute liver failure (ALF) is a
commenced on intravenous N-acetylcysteine and desferri-
treatment option but conclusive evidence regarding its
efficacy is lacking. Here we present three cases of ALF
Within the first 24 h following transfer, she developed
resulting from acetaminophen and diclofenac overdose
acute respiratory distress syndrome, P/F < 100 mmHg
and vasoplegic shock. Desferrioxamine was discontinued
patients fulfilled transplant criteria for ALF and two were
given concerns regarding respiratory toxicity [5]. Trans-
transplanted, none survived. We postulate that iron poi-
thoracic echocardiogram revealed right heart dysfunction
soning had a significant impact on the ultimately fatal
and pulmonary hypertension. Over the next 12 h both
disease course of these patients.
ª 2011 The AuthorsTransplant International ª 2011 European Society for Organ Transplantation 24 (2011) e85–e88
Iron and acetaminophen combination
Audimoolam et al.
decreased significantly with aggressive multi organ sup-
Her clinical condition continued to deteriorate finally
port. An intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring device
progressing to brain stem death approximately 12 weeks
was inserted (right fronto-parietal region) and the open-
after her initial admission.
ing ICP measured 28 mmHg; Intracranial hypertensionresponded to hypertonic saline and mannitol therapy.
Seventy-two hours after admission, she underwent liver
transplantation. Histology of the explant showed massive
A 24-year-old man presented following a polypharmacy
liver cell loss consistent with drug-induced injury. Post-
overdose including acetaminophen [100 tablets (50 g)],
operatively, there was continuing improvement in respira-
aspirin, ibuprofen, ketamine and iron tablets 24 h prior
tory function but she developed progressive cholestatic
to admission. His acetaminophen and iron plasma levels
graft dysfunction [bilirubin (Bil) 217 lmol/l] with no
were 267 mmol/l and 36.2 mmol/l (202 lg/dl) respec-
clear cause found either on the remainder of her blood
tively. He was managed as per our standards of care for
tests or on imaging studies. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) titre
ALF [6] and was commenced on desferrioxamine. He was
was not elevated and there was no evidence of rejection
transplanted on day 9 following his admission. Histology
on liver biopsy.
of the explant showed centrilobular and mid-zonal hepa-
Over the course of the next 3 weeks, she remained
tocyte loss with marked hepatocellular anisocytosis in the
severely jaundiced (Bil 466 lmol/l) and a repeat CT dem-
periportal regions, patchy hepatocellular steatosis, ductu-
onstrated a patent hepatic artery with new areas of graft
lar reaction, and cholestasis.
ischaemia. She underwent a laparotomy to refashion a
His initial postoperative course was uncomplicated but
perforated bile duct. A repeat liver biopsy did not dem-
there were concerns regarding low grade graft rejection
onstrate evidence of acute cellular rejection.
for which he received empirical pulse steroid therapy on
The postoperative course was complicated by recurrent
day 8 post-transplantation. On the following day, he dete-
sepsis and development of new cavitating lung lesions
riorated clinically with new onset neurological signs. A
compatible with a diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis,
whole-body CT scan was consistent with features of dis-
which was treated with liposomal amphotericin Fig. 1.
seminated septic emboli. Given concerns of invasive fun-
The following 6-week period was characterized by an
gal infection, he was started on liposomal Amphotericin
undulating disease course, with persistent graft dysfunc-
and later Voriconazole. A transesophageal echocardio-
tion, renal failure and episodes of septic shock. By the
gram revealed a suspicious mobile lesion in the right ven-
end of this time period, her clinical condition worsened
tricular outflow tract Fig. 3.
with new onset neurological signs: CT brain showed
He unfortunately continued to deteriorate and, pro-
bleeding into an abscess cavity, which was evacuated
gressed to brain stem death on day 13 post-liver trans-
Fig. 2. Voriconazole was added as culture confirmed inva-
plantation. Post-mortem examination was consistent with
sive aspergillosis.
disseminated aspergillus infection.
Figure 2 Abscess cavity with bleeding in the left cerebral hemi-
Figure 1 CT scan demonstrating cavitating lung lesions.
ª 2011 The Authors
Transplant International ª 2011 European Society for Organ Transplantation 24 (2011) e85–e88

Audimoolam et al.
Iron and acetaminophen combination
mitochondria; this leads to anaerobic metabolism andthus metabolic acidosis [7]. Myocardial failure, caused by
ROS-induced myocardial damage results in profoundshock observed in the later stages of illness [8]. Once hep-atotoxicity has developed the mortality rate can be 50%
or more [9]. Liver transplantation as rescue therapy has
been reported but primarily in the paediatric setting[9,10].
A clinically useful classification of the effects of iron
poisoning into four progressive stages has been proposed:
Stage-I (Stage of gastrointestinal toxicity): Stage-II (Stageof apparent stabilization or quiescent phase): Stage-III(Stage of mitochondrial toxicity): Stage-IV (Stage of gas-tric scarring) [11].
Figure 3 Mobile mass (M) in the right ventricular outflow (RVOF)
Although all three of our reported cases were caused by
tract on echocardiogram. LA, Left atrium; RA, Right atrium; A, Aortic
polypharmacy overdose including acetaminophen in two,
valve. Modified RV inflow/outflow view.
we feel that concomitant iron ingestion played an impor-tant role in the pathogenesis and eventually resulted inthe fatal outcome of these patients. The rapid progression
to ALF is hypothesis generating in terms of a double-hit
A 20-year old man was transferred 48 h after polyphar-
mechanism. Acetaminophen or drug-induced centrilobu-
macy overdose including a significant amount of iron,
lar necrosis in combination with a more periportal distri-
acetaminophen, amoxicillin, erythromycin, loperamide
bution of necrosis caused by iron could have led to rapid
and tricyclic antidepressants. The total quantity of the
and irreversible liver damage, leaving no room for hepatic
drugs ingested was not entirely clear from the presenting
regeneration [12]. Hepatic iron concentration was not
history. Initial blood tests were consistent with acute
analysed in this series although Pestaner et al. has
severe liver injury [AST 11555 IU/L, PT 154 s, lactate
described excess hepatic iron concentrations (range 1600–
18 mmol/l, ammonia 156 lmol/l]. Admission and pre-
4182 lg/g of dry tissue) from autopsy specimens [13].
transplant listing iron levels were 128 mmol/l (715 lg/dl)
Previous case reports of iron overdose, suggest a dose-
and 23.7 mmol/l respectively. He was managed as per our
related hepatotoxic effect with a serum toxicity threshold
fulminant care pathway and was commenced on desferri-
of 1700 lg/dl [7]. However, this is not universally
oxamine. He was initially listed for a liver transplant but
accepted as there is a possibility of idiosyncratic reaction
later temporarily suspended from the transplant list 72 h
to iron [14] in those with lower serum levels. As all
post admission as there was improvement in both his
patients in our series had overdosed with suicidal intent,
metabolic and neurological
state (lactate 1 mmol/l,
it was impossible to get an accurate timing of drug (iron)
ammonia 100 lmol/l).
overdose; hence serum iron levels may have been mislead-
Over the next 10 days, there was evidence of progres-
ing. Regardless, all patients were commenced on chelation
sively worsening cholestasis (Bil 341 lmol/l) and rising
therapy at the referring hospital.
ammonia levels without evidence of raised intracranial
The risks of microbial and opportunistic infections are
hypertension. This was thought to be driven by sepsis
substantial in the setting of ALF [15]. Two patients suc-
although cultures remained negative. At that stage, trans-
cumbed to opportunistic infections in the form of dis-
plantation was not thought to offer a survival benefit over
seminated aspergillosis. A higher incidence of invasive
medical therapy.
fungal sepsis in patients with evidence of hepatic iron
Over the following week, he developed pupillary abnor-
overload in the explanted liver has been reported [15,16].
malities; CT demonstrated evidence of cerebral oedema
Excess iron in these patients may have been contributory
with cerebellar and transtentorial herniation. Post-mor-
in the pathogenesis via two possible mechanisms: the
tem examination of the liver demonstrated sub-massive
enhanced virulence of the micro-organisms in the pres-
liver necrosis secondary to drug toxicity.
ence of iron and the impact of iron on host immuneresponses.
All three patients in our series fulfilled King's College
Hospital poor prognostic criteria for acetaminophen-
Acute iron overdose frequently leads to gastrointestinal
induced liver failure [17,18]. Approximately 80 patients
disturbances. Intracellular iron exerts its toxic effect on
with ALF are currently admitted to our institution
ª 2011 The AuthorsTransplant International ª 2011 European Society for Organ Transplantation 24 (2011) e85–e88
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liver transplantation. The overall 1 year survival of acet-
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ª 2011 The Authors
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