European Heart Journal (2014) 35, 2797–2811
New strategies for heart failure with preservedejection fraction: the importance of targetedtherapies for heart failure phenotypes
Michele Senni1, Walter J. Paulus2, Antonello Gavazzi1, Alan G. Fraser3, Javier Dı´ez4,Scott D. Solomon5, Otto A. Smiseth6, Marco Guazzi7, Carolyn S. P. Lam8,Aldo P. Maggioni9, Carsten Tscho¨pe10, Marco Metra11, Scott L. Hummel12,13,Frank Edelmann14, Giuseppe Ambrosio15, Andrew J. Stewart Coats16,17,Gerasimos S. Filippatos18, Mihai Gheorghiade19, Stefan D. Anker20,21,Daniel Levy22,23,24, Marc A. Pfeffer5, Wendy Gattis Stough25, and Burkert M. Pieske26*
1Cardiovascular Department, Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy; 2Institute for Cardiovascular Research, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands; 3Wales Heart Research Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; 4Division of Cardiovascular Sciences Centre for Applied Medical Research and Department of Cardiology
and Cardiac Surgery, University of Navarra Clinic, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; 5Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,MA, USA; 6Institute for Surgical Research, Department of Cardiology, and Center for Cardiological Innovation, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; 7Heart Failure Unit, Department ofBiomedical Sciences for Health, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, University of Milano, Milan, Italy; 8National University Health System, Singapore, Singapore; 9ANMCO Research Center,Florence, Italy; 10Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Charite´-University Medicine Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Germany; 11Cardiology, Department of Experimental and
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Applied Medicine, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy; 12Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; 13Section ofCardiology, Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; 14Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, University of Go¨ttingen, Go¨ttingen, Germany; 15Division ofCardiology, University of Perugia School of Medicine, Perugia, Italy; 16Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; 17University of Warwick, Conventry, UK; 18Athens University HospitalAttikon, Athens, Greece; 19Center for Cardiovascular Innovation, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA; 20Department of Innovative Clinical Trials,University Medical Centre Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany; 21Applied Cachexia Research, Department of Cardiology, Charite, Campus CVK, Berlin, Germany; 22Framingham HeartStudy, Framingham, MA, USA; 23Division of Cardiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA; 24Center for Population Studies, National Heart, Lung, and BloodInstitute, Bethesda, MD, USA; 25Department of Clinical Research, Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, North Carolina, USA; and 26Department of Cardiology,Medical University Graz, Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Heart Failure Research, Auenbruggerplatz 15, 8010 Graz, Austria
Received 22 March 2013; revised 1 April 2014; accepted 29 April 2014; online publish-ahead-of-print 7 August 2014
The management of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HF-REF) has improved significantly over the last two decades. In contrast, little orno progress has been made in identifying evidence-based, effective treatments for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-PEF). Despitethe high prevalence, mortality, and cost of HF-PEF, large phase III international clinical trials investigating interventions to improve outcomes in HF-PEF have yielded disappointing results. Therefore, treatment of HF-PEF remains largely empiric, and almost no acknowledged standards exist.
There is no single explanation for the negative results of past HF-PEF trials. Potential contributors include an incomplete understanding ofHF-PEF pathophysiology, the heterogeneity of the patient population, inadequate diagnostic criteria, recruitment of patients without trueheart failure or at early stages of the syndrome, poor matching of therapeutic mechanisms and primary pathophysiological processes, suboptimalstudy designs, or inadequate statistical power. Many novel agents are in various stages of research and development for potential use in patientswith HF-PEF. To maximize the likelihood of identifying effective therapeutics for HF-PEF, lessons learned from the past decade of research shouldbe applied to the design, conduct, and interpretation of future trials. This paper represents a synthesis of a workshop held in Bergamo, Italy, and itexamines new and emerging therapies in the context of specific, targeted HF-PEF phenotypes where positive clinical benefit may be detected inclinical trials. Specific considerations related to patient and endpoint selection for future clinical trials design are also discussed.
Heart failure, Diastolic † Clinical trial † Diabetes mellitus † Exercise tolerance † Phenotype † Preserved ejectionfraction
* Corresponding author. Tel: +43 31638512544, Fax: +43 3168513763, Email: Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2014. For permissions please email:
[email protected].
M. Senni et al.
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-PEF) is a complex
syndrome characterized by heart failure (HF) signs and symptoms
and a normal or near-normal left ventricular ejection fraction
(LVEF). More specific diagnostic criteria have evolved over time
and include signs/symptoms of HF, objective evidence of diastolic
dysfunction, disturbed left ventricular (LV) filling, structural heart
disease, and elevated brain natriuretic peptides (Table –
However, multiple cardiac abnormalities are often present apart
from diastolic LV dysfunction, including subtle alterations of systolic
function,impaired atrial function,chronotropic incompetence, or
haemodynamic alterations, such as elevated pre-load vo
Extracardiac abnormalities and comorbidities, such as hypertension,
atrial fibrillation, diabetes, renal or pulmonary disease, anaemia, obesity,
and deconditioning, may contribute to the HF-PEF syndrome. Low-
grade inflammation with endothelial dysfunction, increased reactive
oxygen species production, impaired nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability,
and the resulting adverse effects on cardiac structure and function
are considered a mechanistic link between frequently encountered
comorbidities and the evolution and progression of HF-PEFThe
complex pathophysiology of the syndrome is also reflected by
ongoing discussion on its terminology. Heart failure with a normal ejec-
tion fraction (HFNEF) is preferred over HF-PEF by many authors
Prevention of HF-PEF through treatment of risk factors (e.g. hyper-
tension) is effectivbut once HF-PEF is present, specific treatments
are lacking. Drug classes that improve outcomes in heart failure with
reduced ejection fraction (HF-REF) have not been similarly beneficial
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in HF-PEF– There is no single explanation for the negative results
of past HF-PEF trials. Potential contributors include an incomplete
understanding of HF-PEF pathophysiology, inadequate diagnostic cri-
teria, recruitment of patients without true HF or at early stages of the
syndrome, poor matching of therapeutic mechanisms and primary
pathophysiological processes, suboptimal study designs, inadequate
statistical power, or patient heterogeneity; the latter is possibly the
Since novel strategies need to be investigated for the treatment of
HF-PEF, this manuscript advocates better phenotyping of patients to
target therapies, reviews emerging therapies, and examines the cu-
mulative experience from previous trials to suggest approaches for
the design and conduct of future HF-PEF trials.
Heterogeneity of patients with
heart failure and preserved ejection
fraction: targeting patient
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is difficult to define as
illustrated by the various classifications proposed by experts (Table )
and by disparate inclusion criteria of clinical trials (Table ); these
factors contribute to HF-PEF patient heterogeneity so far recruited
into trials and registries. Even for the key diagnostic criterion, LVEF,
consensus has not been reached on the optimal cut-off that defines
HF-PEF, and different cut-offs have been used across classifications
and trials. Debate continues as to whether HF-REF and HF-PEF
Heterogeneity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in recent registries or trials
At least three of nine LVEF .40, NYHA
≥50 years of age, have HF
clinical criteria
class II – IV for a
signs and symptoms,
≥grade 1 diastolic
history of HF with
objective evidence
LVEF ≥45% within 6
(adjusted for age
pressure,140 mmHg (or
≤160 mmHg and on ≥3
medications), serum
potassium ,5 mmol/L,
≥400 pg/mL or if
hospitalization within 1
randomization with HF
management being a
major component (not
adjudicated) or BNP
≥100 pg/mL or NT-proBNP ≥360 pg/mLwithin 60 days beforerandomization. Specificcriteria for diastolicdysfunction are notrequired
LVEF %, mean (SD) NR
56 (median) 51 – 61 (IQR)
1840 (780 – 4148) NR
453 (206 – 1045)
320 (131 – 946)
828 (460 – 1341)
700 (283 – 1553)
91 spironolactone, 91.9
57.4 spironolactone, 60.1
Atrial fibrillation, %
35.5 spironolactone, 35.1
30 placebo, 27 20 placebo, 21
32.8 spironolactone, 32.2
Renal impairment, % 26
52 placebo, 48 NR
Median eGFR 65.3 mL/min/
valsartan (mL/min per 1.73 m2)
LCZ696, 45%valsartan
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Median Hb 13.2 g/dL
Clinical outcomes
Propensity score- Mean 37
49.5 months: all-
Death at 24 weeks,
Primary composite of CV
assessed clinical
(placebo vs.
death, aborted cardiac
sildenafil): 0 vs. 3%,
spironolactone 18.6% vs.
placebo 20.4%, HR 0.89,
95% CI 0.77 – 1.04,
HR 0.91 (95% CI: 23% all-cause
Death: 1% LCZ696,
Hospitalization for CV
13% vs. 13%,P ¼ 0.89
Hospitalization 24%
Heart failure: 3%
LCZ696, 4%valsartan
CV hosp: 7 vs. 10%Non-CV hosp: 18 vs.
Spironolactone 12% vs.
placebo 14.2%, HR 0.83,95% CI 0.69 – 0.99,P ¼ 0.04
Study Limitations
High crossover rate
Phase 2, short-term
Marked regional variation in Observational,
event rates. Primary
composite endpoint
pulmonary arterial
significantly reduced in
patients from America.
right ventricular
Significant interaction of
treatment effect with
intervals wide.
intervention; these
characteristicswere not highlyprevalent inRELAX; possiblyinadequate dosingor duration oftherapy; greaternumber ofsildenafil patientscould not performexercise testingwhich may havebiased results
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New strategies for HFPEF: targeted therapies
represent distinct disease entities, or similar processes along one
developed during systole that produce ventricular suction, and
disease continuum.– In fact, recent data suggest that LVEF may
thus, reduces early diastolic filling. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunc-
decline over time even in patients with HF-PEFThis issue
tion may be related to extracellular matrix changes, changes in
becomes even more apparent when patients within the ‘grey zone'
intrinsic myocyte stiffness, microvascular dysfunction, and metabolic
of LVEF (i.e. 40 – 50%) are considered. To avoid mixing overt systolic
dysfunction and HF-PEF, a higher threshold (LVEF ≥50%) should beused for future clinical trials. Others have argued that the syndrome
Modulation of myocyte passive diastolic stiffness
referred to as HF-PEF represents either normal ageing, or vascular
Alterations within myocytes increase their intrinsic diastolic stiffness.
and renal dysfunction.
Titin is a giant cytoskeletal structural protein expressed in sarco-
Irrespective of specific diagnostic criteria and cut-offs, HF-PEF is a
meres that functions as a molecular ‘spring', storing energy during
syndromal disease where multiple cardiac and vascular abnormalities,
contraction and releasing this energy during relaxation. Stiffer titin
cardiovascular risk factors, and overlapping extracardiac comorbid-
increases diastolic myocyte stiffness. The expression of titin isoforms
ities may be present in various combinations (Figure ).
differs between patients with HF-REF and HF-PEF, with a lower ratio
In many disciplines of medicine, targeted therapy is the key to
of the compliant (N2BA) isoform to the stiff (N2B) isoform in
success. For example, breast cancer or haematological disorders
patients with HF-PEF.Phosphorylation of the N2B isoform by
use phenotyping strategies that include genetic testing, novel biomar-
protein kinase A or protein kinase G (PKG) decreases cardiomyocyte
kers, or histology for matching specific therapies to patient sub-
resting stiffness.– Protein kinase G is activated by cyclic guanosine
groups. Matching treatment strategies to a specific patient's
monophosphate (cGMP); therapies that increase cGMP may de-
phenotype in HF-PEF is a promising approach that warrants testing
crease myocardial diastolic stiffness in HF-PEF. This observation pro-
in clinical trials and may increase the likelihood of demonstrating clin-
vides a compelling rationale to pharmacologically modulate this
ical benefit (Figure Targeting specific phenotypes instead of follow-
pathway in HF-PEF patients (Figure Cyclic guanosine monopho-
ing the ‘one-size-fits-all' approach becomes increasingly important in
sphate levels can be increased by preventing breakdown (PDE5 inhi-
light of several failed, non-targeted, large-scale HF-PEF trials.
bitors) or stimulating their production (cGMP stimulators). In fact,orally active soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimulators (e.g. rioci-
Targeting the diastolic dysfunction
guat) have been developed, and both approaches are under clinicaltesting (Table
phenotypeDiastolic dysfunction is a dominant feature in many HF-PEF patients,
by guest on January 13, 2015
and many factors contribute to diastolic dysfunction, including
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate is catabolized by phosphodies-
both vascular and myocardial stiffening. Generalized stiffening
terases, and phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors prevent the hy-
that occurs throughout the cardiovascular system due to ageing
drolysis of cGMP, thereby indirectly raising cGMP levels. It has been
or comorbidities interferes with the forces that are normally
hypothesized that PDE5 inhibitors may improve diastolic function
Figure 1 Heterogeneity of the heart failure with preserved ejection fraction syndrome. BP, blood pressure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmon-ary disease; EF, ejection fraction.
M. Senni et al.
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Figure 2 Potential approach for matching key heart failure with preserved ejection fraction phenotypes to select therapeutic interventions. ARB,angiotensin receptor blocker; ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; ARNI, angiotensin re-ceptor and neprilysin inhibitor; HF, heart failure; HTN, hypertension; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; PKG, protein kinase G; AGE, advancedglycation end products; PDE, phosphodiesterase; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist.
through PKG-mediated regulation of titin stiffness.Sildenafil
levels are intrinsically low due to insufficient generation may result
reduced LV wall thickness, LV mass index (LVMI), deceleration
in little effectiveness in this hypothetical subset of patients.
time, isovolumic relaxation time, and the E/e′ ratio compared with
Although PDE5 inhibition was not effective in RELAX, increasing
placebo in a study of 44 patients with pulmonary hypertension,
cGMP levels might be of value in treating other features of HF-PEF.
recent new onset dyspnoea, and LVEF ≥50%.
In line with reduced production of cGMP, possibly related to impaired
The PDE5 inhibition to Improve Clinical Status and Exercise Cap-
NO-dependent guanylate cyclase stimulation, orally active sGC sti-
acity in Diastolic Heart Failure (RELAX) study enrolled 216 patients
mulators have been developed. The ongoing phase II dose-finding
with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II – IV HF and LVEF
study SOCRATES will test the effects of a new once-daily sGC
≥Patients were randomized to matching placebo or silde-
stimulator in 478 prospectively randomized HF-PEF patients
nafil 20 mg three times daily for 12 weeks followed by 60 mg three
(NCT01951638). The RELAX experience adds more evidence to
times daily for 12 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in
the hypothesis that specific phenotyping and identification of a
peak VO2.Median baseline values of peak VO2 and 6-minute
primary pathophysiology that can be pharmacologically targeted
walk distance were 11.7 mL/kg/min and 308 m, respectively. The
might be key to finding successful treatments for HF-PEF.
patients had evidence of chronically elevated LV filling pressures atbaseline (median E/e′ 16, left atrial volume index 44 mL/m2, and pul-monary artery systolic pressure 41 mmHg). After 24 weeks, no sig-
Late sodium current inhibition
nificant differences between the sildenafil and placebo group were
Increased cytosolic calcium (Ca2+) during diastole is another poten-
observed in the median change in peak VO
tial mechanism of HF-PEF pathophysiology. In the setting of ischaemia
2, 6-minute walk distance,
or the mean clinical rank The reasons for the contradicting
or HF, increases in late sodium (Na+) currents occur during the
results of PDE5 inhibition in HF-PEF are not fully understood, but
myocyte depolarization process. This increase in Na+ influx leads
may include differences in patient populations and recruitment of
to elevated intracellular Na+, thereby resulting in excess Ca2+
patients with phenotypes not amenable to PDE5 inhibitor therapy.
during diastole via Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, with attendant impaired
In addition, preventing breakdown in a situation where cGMP
New strategies for HFPEF: targeted therapies
Figure 3 Role of the nitric oxide – cyclic guanosine monophosphate– protein kinase G pathway in the cardiomyocyte. Cardiomyocyte signallingpathways involved in regulating cardiac titin stiffness. ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CNP, c-type natriuretic peptide;NO, nitric oxide; PDE5, phosphodiesterase-5; pGC, particulate guanylyl cyclase; sGC, soluble guanylyl cyclase. Adapted with permission from theJournal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2009;46:490 – 498.
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Ranolazine inhibits the increased late Na+ current, a mechanism that
Collagen synthesis is enhanced in the setting of increased load or ac-
may minimize intramyocyte Na+ accumulation and the resultant Ca2+
tivation of the renin – angiotensin – aldosterone system (RAAS).
overload. Reduced diastolic tension was observed in failing human
Down-regulation of enzymes that degrade collagen occurs in patients
heart ventricular tissue after exposure to ranolazine.Ranolazine
with HF-PEF.– It is important to note that elevated myocardial
improved diastolic function in non-infarcted ischaemic myocardium
collagen is present in many, but not all patients,clinical tools to
in isolated myocardium from failing human heartsand in chronic
identify it are only evolving in practice settings, and the reliability of
stable angina.It is hypothesized that ranolazine may have similar
serum markers to reflect cardiac processes is uncertain. Neverthe-
effects in HF-PEF, a condition associated with substantial alterations
less, recent research has suggested galectin-3 as an emerging bio-
of the microcirculation even in the absence of coronary artery stenosis.
marker with potential utility in identifying patient subgroups that
The Ranolazine for the Treatment of Diastolic Heart Failure
may specifically respond to anti-fibrotic ther
(RALI-DHF) study was a proof-of-concept trial that evaluated theeffect of ranolazine vs. placebo on haemodynamics, measures of dia-
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists
stolic dysfunction, and biomarkers in 20 patients with HF-PEF and dia-
Aldosterone mediates vascular and cardiac remodelling. It binds to
stolic dyAfter 30 min of infusion, significant decreases
the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), stimulates cardiac fibroblasts,
from baseline were observed in LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP)
and increases collagen synthesis and deposition. These events lead to
and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) in the ranolazine
myocardial fibrosis and increased LV stiff– Inflammation and
group, but not in the placebo grAlthough invasively deter-
oxidative stress are also involved in aldosterone-mediated fibrosis.
mined relaxation parameters and the non-invasive E/e′ ratio were un-
Aldosterone stimulates the expression of several profibrotic mole-
altered, these limited data justify additional studies of ranolazine in
cules [e.g. transforming growth factor-1 (TGF-1), plasminogen acti-
vator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and endothelin-1] that contribute to thepathogenesis of fibrosis.Animal studies showed that MR antago-
Targeting fibrosis as a phenotype
nists (MRA) prevent collagen synthesis and r– Small
Left ventricular fibrosis occurs early in the evolution to HF-PEF and
studies in HF-PEF patients showed improvement in diastolic dysfunc-
represents a worthy therapeutic target in the syndrome. Fibrosis
tion parameters after treatment with an MRA.
comprises both the heart and vascular system and impacts on both
The Aldo-DHF study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
diastolic and systolic function. Fibrosis will lead to myocardial stiffen-
controlled trial of spironolactone 25 mg/day or placebo in 422
ing, impede both suction and filling, and the loss of early diastolic
patients with chronic NYHA class II or III HF, LVEF ≥50%, and
suction may have major deleterious effects on impaired exercise cap-
grade ≥1 diastolic dysfuThe co-primary endpoint E/e′
acity in HF-PEF.Fibrosis is mediated by alterations in the amount
was reduced in the spironolactone group, whereas it increased
and composition of collagen within the extracellular matrix.–
from baseline in the placebo group. The difference between groups
Select planned or ongoing studies in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Patient characteristics
Iron deficiency: ferric carboxymaltose
n ¼ 260, phase II, 24
NYHA II – III, LVEF . 45, on diuretic, HF hosp , 12 mo OR
Change in 6-minute walk distance
(not yet recruiting)
E/e′ . 13 OR LAVI . 28 OR NBNP/BNP . 300/100pg/mL
Energy deficit: bendavia (mitochondrial
n ¼ 42, phase Iia, acute
LVEF ≥ 45%; E/e′ . 14 OR E/e′9-14 and NBNP . 220 pg/mL;
E/e′ during exercise, dose finding,
(not yet recruiting)
exercise-induced increase in E/e′ of ≥ 5
Heart rate: ivabradine (sinus node
n ¼ 400, phase II, 8
SR, HR . 70, NYHA II – III, LVEF ≥ 45%, E/e′ . 13 OR e′ , 10/8 OR
Co-primary: E/e, NTproBNP, 6-minute
LAVI . 34, NBNP/BNP ≥ 220/80 pg/mL
n ¼ 320, phase Iib, 12
pVO2 , 25, EF ≥ 50
Clinical composite score (Packer
E/e' . 15 OR E/e' . 8 , 15 and NBNP . 220 pg/mL or Afib
Deconditioning: high-intensity interval
n ¼ 180, phase Iib, 3
EF . 50%, NYHA II/III, E/e′ . 15 OR E/e′ 8 – 15 and NBNP/
PeakVO2, E/e′, LAVI, NT-pro-BNP
BNP . 220/80 pg/mL
cGMP deficiency: vericiguat (soluble
n ¼ 470, phase Iib, 12
WCHF/i.v. diuretics, EF ≥ 45; NBNP/BNP . 300/100 (600/200 in
Co-primary: NT-pro-BNP and LAV
guanlyte cyclase stimulation)
Afib); LAVI ≥ 28
cGMP deficiency: LCZ696 (neprilysin
n ¼ 4300, phase III, up
EF ≥ 45%, NYHA II–IV, LA enl. or LV hypertrophy; HF hosp. , 9
Composite: CV death and total
mo. or elevated NBNP
(recurrent) HF hospitalizations
aEffect of IV iron (ferric carboxymaltose, FCM) on exercise tolerance, symptoms, and quality of life in patients with heart failure and preserved LV ejection fraction (HFpEF) and iron deficiency with and without anaemia.
bAn Exploratory Proof of Concept Clinical Pharmacology Study of the Effects of a Single 4 Hour Intravenous Infusion of BendaviaTM (MTP-131) in patients hospitalized patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.
cEffect of ivabradine vs. placebo on cardiac function, exercise capacity, and neuroendocrine activation in patients with chronic heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.
dExercise training in diastolic heart failure, a prospective, randomized, controlled study to determine the effects of exercise training in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction.
eOptimizing exercise training in prevention and treatment of diastolic heart failure.
fPhase IIb safety and efficacy study of four dose regimens of BAY1021189 in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction suffering from worsening chronic heart failure.
gEfficacy and safety of LCZ696 compared with valsartan on morbidity and mortality in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction.
LAVI, left atrial volume index (mL/m2); NBNP, NT-pro-BNP; SR, sinus rhythm; HR, heart rate; Afib, atrial fibrillation; WCHF, worsening chronic heart failure; LA enl., left atrial enlargement.
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New strategies for HFPEF: targeted therapies
was statistically significant (21.5, 95% CI: 22 to 20.9, P , 0.001).
elevated filling pressures with exercise, leading to reduced early dia-
The co-primary endpoint peak VO2 was not affected by spironolac-
stolic filling and producing HF symptoms.Elevated atrial pressures
tone. Left ventricular ejection fraction increased, and LV end-diastolic
may also lead to atrial remodelling, fibrosis, and the development of
dimension (LVEDD), LVMI, and NT-proBNP significantly decreased
atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is common in patients with HF-PEF,
from baseline in the spironolactone group, suggesting reverse func-
and it is associated with worse outcomes. Therapies that chronically
tional and structural remodelling.
reduce atrial pressures and prevent atrial remodelling and fibrosis
The findings from pre-clinical studies and intermediate size clinical
might reduce the risk of developing atrial fibrillation. Left atrial dys-
trials of MRAs in HF-PEF support the hypothesis that MRAs may
function is also common in these patients, and the decline in atrial
improve outcomes in HF-PEF. The NIH-funded phase III Treatment
function in the setting of poor diastolic filling may be a significant con-
of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone An-
tributor to symptoms during exercise. Diuretic therapy is generally
tagonist (TOPCAT) trial tested this hypothesis (Table The
recommended, but diuretics are often insufficient to control symp-
TOPCAT trial found that, compared to placebo, spironolactone
toms, have not been shown to improve outcomes, and are associated
did not reduce the composite of cardiovascular death, aborted
with undesirable side-effects, such as neuroendocrine activation.
cardiac arrest, or heart failure hospitalization in patients with symp-
Therefore, new therapies for modulating fluid homoeostasis and
tomatic heart failure and a LVEF 45% or greater, although the individ-
renal function are under investigation.
ual component of heart failure hospitalization was reduced byspironolactone. However, there was a significant interaction between
Natriuretic peptide axis
treatment effect and patient recruitment strategy (natriuretic peptides
Natriuretic peptides [BNP and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)] have
vs. hospitalisation with HF management being a major component),
antiproliferative and natriuretic properties. Neprilysin (NEP) is the
highlighting the importance of patient selection criteria and recruitment
primary enzyme that degrades natriuretic peptides. The novel angio-
of patients with true heart failure and preserved EF for future trials.
tensin receptor and NEP inhibitor (ARNI) LCZ696 combines angio-
Novel, non-steroidal, MRAs with greater selectivity than spironolac-
tensin type 1 (valsartan) and NEP receptor (AHU377) antagonism
tone and stronger MR binding affinity than eplerenone are currently
thereby increasing the bioavailability of natriuretic and vasodilator pep-
under clinical development. In the recently presented phase II dose-
tideThe phase II Prospective Comparison of ARNI with ARB on
finding study ARTS [MinerAlocorticoid Receptor Antagonist Tolerability
Examination of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (PARA-
Study (ARTS; NCT01345656)] in HF-REF patients with impaired renal
MOUNT) trial randomized 301 patients with LVEF ≥45%, HF signs
function, BAY 94–8862 had beneficial effects on the cardiovascular
and symptoms, and elevated NT-proBNP plasma levels to LCZ696
by guest on January 13, 2015
system comparable with spironolactone with less renal and electrolyte
50 mg twice daily (titrated to 200 mg twice daily) or valsartan 40 mg
side-eNew anti-fibrotic therapies with less side-effects may re-
twice daily (titrated to 160 mg twice daily) for 12 weekThe
present an important step towards better management of suitable sub-
primary endpoint was change in NT-proBNP from baseline to 12
groups of HF-PEF patients.
weeks. Over three-fourths of the patients had LVEF ≥50%. Theratio of change in NT-proBNP for LCZ696 vs. valsartan was 0.77
Other renin – angiotensin – aldosteron system inhibitors
(95% CI: 0.64– 0.92, P ¼ 0.005) at 12 weeks. Left atrial volumes and
Several studies have evaluated the role of angiotensin-converting
dimensions were significantly reduced after 36 weeks in the LCZ696
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
group.These data suggest that LCZ696 may reduce LA volumes
for the treatment of HF-PEF, including PEP-CHFCHARM-
and wall stress. An outcomes trial, PARAGON-HF, is being planned
preserved,or I-Preserv(Table Improvement in clinical
to assess the effects of LCZ696 on clinical endpoints.
outcomes was not detected among patients randomized to theACE-inhibitor or ARB in these trials, but the studies were limited
Targeting the pulmonary hypertension
by high crossover rates and, in part, insufficient power. Renin –
angiotensin–aldosterone system blockers are indicated in the HF-PEF
Pulmonary hypertension is a haemodynamic consequence of HF-PEF
syndrome to control risk factors such as blood pressure and to
with a reported prevalence of 53–83% in epidemiological cohorts;
prevent progression of end-organ damage such as renal dysfunction.
the prevalence in patients enrolled in clinical trials may be lower.–
In this context, RAAS inhibitors are clearly recommended in major
Pulmonary hypertension is associated with higher mortality in patients
guidelines as baseline therapy for patients with HF-PEF. The recent
with HF-PEFleading to the hypothesis that it is an active patho-
ACC/AHA 2013 HF guidelines recommend ACE-inhibitors, ARBs,
physiological factor in HF-PEF progression, rather than solely second-
or beta-blockers in hypertensive patients with HF-PEF with the
ary to left heart dysfunction. In fact, both pre-capillary (related to
goal of controlling blood pressure (class IIa recommendation, level
pulmonary arteriolar remodelling, intimal fibrosis, or reactive increases
of evidence but data on beneficial outcome effects beyond
in pulmonary arterial tone)and post-capillary (pulmonary venous
risk factor control are inadequate to support recommendations for
hypertension) components contribute to pulmonary hypertension in
the use of these agents specifically for the treatment of HF-PEF.
HF-PEFTherefore, the pulmonary vascular bed, including endothelialdysfunction, may represent a novel therapeutic target in HF-PEF
Targeting fluid retention as a phenotypeElevated filling pressures are the primary haemodynamic abnormality
in HF-PEF patients.Volume overload or congestion may be
Inhibition of PDE5 leads to accumulation of intracellular cGMP- and
present, but visible evidence of fluid retention is absent in many
NO-induced pulmonary vasodilation in patients with pulmonary arter-
patients. Some patients have normal haemodynamics at rest, but
ial hypertensioPhosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors demonstrated
M. Senni et al.
Considerations for future clinical trials
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria should reflect pathophysiologically distinct patient populations, for example
Require echocardiographic evidence of diastolic dysfunction for therapies expected to impact cardiac structure orfunctionRequire reduced VO2 max or moderate limitation in 6 minute walk distance for therapies expected to improveexercise tolerance or patient-reported outcomesUse biomarker criteria to identify high-risk patients, or patients with evidence of a pathophysiological process (e.g.
galectin-3 and cardiac fibrosis)Use the diagnostic potential of an (echo) stress testRequire a higher LVEF threshhold (e.g. LVEF ≥50%) to avoid the confounding effects of HF-REF
Primary pathophysiological target should be defined
The investigational intervention should be selected to specifically target the primary pathophysiology
Targeted therapy may
Result in a greater treatment effect, orReduce ‘noise' of no effect, orResult in less variation on the treatment effect
These factors may decrease the required sample size, but little experience has accumulated regarding event rate oranticipated treatment effects in pathophysiologically distinct subgroupsPhase II proof-of-concept studies will inform assumptions needed to determine sample sizeProof-of-concept studies to identify the pathophysiological target other than clinical endpoints (e.g. resolving thethrombus in acute myocardial infarction)Adaptive designs that prospectively plan interim analyses with the purpose of determining whether aspects of studydesign require modification (e.g. sample may also be considered
Endpoint selection
Consider cardiovascular-specific endpoints as primary (e.g. cardiovascular mortality)
Consider repeat (HF) hospitalizationsConsider all-cause endpoints for safetySymptom relief, quality of life, and other patient-reported outcomes should be a key primary or secondary endpoint inHF-PEF trials
by guest on January 13, 2015
Improvement in measures of exercise capacityConsider changes in biomarkers with known information on severity of disease and outcome
antiproliferative effects in the pulmonary vasculaturGuazzi et al
that was evaluated in the Acute Hemodynamic Effects of Riociguat in
randomized 44 patients with HF-PEF, LVEF ≥50%, sinus rhythm, and
Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Diastolic
PASP .40 mmHg (estimated by echocardiography) to placebo or sil-
Heart Failure (DILATE-1) study of patients with pulmonary hyper-
denafil 50 mg three times daily for 12 months. At 6 and 12 months,
tension associated with LV diastolic dysfunction (clinicaltrials.gov
patients randomized to sildenafil had significantly lower right atrial pres-
NCT01172756). Preliminary results were presented in the abstract
sure, pulmonary artery pressures, wedge pressure, transpulmonary gra-
form at ESC 2013 and demonstrated improved haemodynamics
dient, pulmonary vascular resistance and elastance, and increased
with riociguat.
quality of life scores, compared with the placebo group. Pulmonaryfunction also improved in the sildenafil group compared with
Targeting diabetes and obesity as a
placebo, and sildenafil induced structural and functional reverse remod-
ellinThese findings support the hypothesis that treating pulmonary
hypertension may be effective in patients with this phenotype.
Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for diastolic dysfunction and
However, PDE5 inhibition was not effective in the RELAX study
the development of HF-PEF. Diabetes directly affects myocardial
(see above) but patients with the pulmonary hypertension phenotype
structure and functionthrough a variety of mechanismsinde-
were not specifically targeted. Small randomized clinical trials with sil-
pendent from other cardiovascular risk factors. Lipotoxicity, lipoa-
denafil are ongoing in patients with HFPEF and evidence of pulmonary
poptosis, free fatty acid oxidation, advanced glycation end products
hypertension (clinicaltrials.gov NCT01726049). Further analysis of the
(AGE), oxidative stress, impaired NO bioavailability, mitochondrial
RELAX data and evidence from ongoing studies in patients with pul-
dysfunction, and myocardial fibrosis have all been implicated.–
monary hypertension will determine the potential utility of PDE5 inhi-
Other signalling pathways are the subject of ongoing research.
bitors in HFPEF patients with this specific phenotype.
Diastolic dysfunction has been detected in patients classified as
pre-diabetand in up to 74% of asymptomatic, normotensive
Orally active soluble guanylate cyclase stimulators
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.– The risk of hospitaliza-
Other agents are also being tested in HF-PEF patients with the pul-
tions or death related to HF increased with increasing HbA1c in a
monary hypertension phenotype. Riociguat is an oral sGC stimulator
large registry of patients with diabetes and no documented HF
New strategies for HFPEF: targeted therapies
(n ¼ 74,993).In the Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of
diastolic function after weight loss among obese patients with atrial fib-
Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) study, diabetes
was an independent predictor of cardiovascular death or cardiovas-cular hospitalization in patients with either HF-PEF or HF-REF
Targeting anaemia or iron deficiency as a
Targeting the diabetes phenotype may be one treatment strategy
for HF-PEF, but the optimal treatment approach has not been deter-
mined. Tight glycaemic control (insulin vs. metformin plus repagli-
Anaemia is a known prognostic factor in patients with HF-REF,–
nide) did not reverse mild diastolic dysfunction in patients with
but its role in patients with HF-PEF is less well established. Potential
type 2 diabetes, but this study was small with short-term follow-
contributors to anaemia in HF-PEF include renal impairment, cyto-
In another small study, improved glycaemic control over
kine activation, volume overload (dilutional anaemia), malabsorption,
5 years did not improve subclinical dysfunction in patients who
malnutrition, or bone marrow suppression.– An analysis from
remained hypertensive and overweight.
the Study of the Effects of Nebivolol Intervention on Outcomes and
Some oral hypoglycaemic agents (e.g. metformin) may have
Rehospitalization in Seniors with Heart Failure (SENIORS) revealed
pleiotropic effects that extend beyond their ability to reduce
that the prevalence of anaemia was similar in patients with HF-REF
HbA1c or improve insulin sensitivity [e.g. 5′ adenosine monopho-
and HF-PEF (including mildly reduced LVEF .Patients
sphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase activation, attenuation of
with anaemia had a higher risk of all-cause mortality or cardiovascular
TNF-a expression, increased myocardial vascular endothelial
hospitalization during the follow-up, regardless of ejection frac-
growth factor (VEGF) signalling, and/or stimulation of NO produc-
tion.In the 3C-HF score, a haemoglobin level ,11 g/dL was a non-
tion]Metformin was associated with a lower risk of all-cause
cardiac independent predictor of 1-year mortality among patients
mortality in a propensity score-matched analysis of 6185 patients
with HF-PEF (LVEF ≥50%).However, in a recent small trial,
with HF (45% of patients with LVEF ≥40%) and diabetes (HR:
epoetin alfa increased haemoglobin, but it did not change end-
0.76, 95% CI: 0.63 – 0.92, P , 0.01).Novel drugs that break
diastolic volume, stroke volume, or 6-minute walk distance com-
glucose crosslinks (alagebrium chloride) promoted regression of
pared with placebo in a prospective, randomized, single-blind
LV hypertrophy and improved diastolic function and quality of life
24-week study in 56 patients with HF-PEF and mild
in HF-PEF patientsbut data from larger controlled trials arelacking. Prospective, randomized trials are warranted to assess
Functional iron deficiency
the safety and efficacy of treatments targeting the diabetes
Functional iron deficiency (FID) is an independent risk factor for poor
by guest on January 13, 2015
phenotype in HF-PEF (Table ).
outcome in advanced HF-REF, but its role in HF with HF-PEF remainsIn an initial small study, FID was present in almost 50%
Obesity and metabolic syndrome
of HF-PEF patients, but it did not correlate with diastolic function
Obesity, atherogenic dyslipidaemia, hypertension, insulin resistance,
parameters or exercise capacityMore research is needed into
glucose intolerance, and inflammation are components of the meta-
the therapeutic options of FID and anaemia in HF-PEF.
bolic syndrome.Obesity may lead to HF-PEF through severalhypothesized mechanisms including inflammation of adipose tissue,endocrine effects of or increased loading conditions.
Targeting deconditioning and the
Subclinical diastolic dysfunction was detected in 48 obese, other-
periphery as a phenotype
wise healthy women compared with 25 normal weight women.In
Peripheral muscle exercise training
a study of 109 overweight or obese subjects, increasing body mass
Vascular stiffness increases and diastolic function declines with age, as
index (BMI) was associated with a reduced mitral annular velocity,
a consequence of ageing, a culmination of risk factors, or both.
myocardial early diastolic velocity, and elevated filling pressure.
These processes may lead to inadequate LV filling during exercise,
Insulin levels were inversely associated with measures of diastolic
resulting in symptoms of HF. Decreased LV compliance has been
function, but on multivariate analysis, BMI remained a significant pre-
demonstrated in healthy, but untrained elderly subjects, but trained
dictor after adjustment for age, mean arterial pressure, LVMI, and
elderly had diastolic pressure volume relations similar to young sed-
entary In a recent analysis from the Framingham data set,
Left ventricular mass index, LVEDD, and left atrial volume were
the level of physical activity at a study entry was associated with the
higher in obese subjects compared with lean controls in a study of
risk for long-term incident HF-PEF, and even moderate physical activ-
612 adolescents who were either (i) obese and had type 2 diabetes;
ity prevented HF-PEF.
(ii) obese without type 2 diabetes; or (iii) non-obese without type 2
The multicentre Exercise Training in Diastolic Heart Failure Pilot
diabetes. An average E/e′ ratio was significantly different across the
study (Ex-DHF-P) randomized patients with NYHA class II – III symp-
three groups, with the highest value in the obese diabetic group.
toms, LVEF ≥50%, echocardiographic evidence of diastolic dysfunc-
These data show that obesity contributes to diastolic dysfunction
tion (grade ≥1), sinus rhythm, and ≥1 additional cardiovascular risk
and suggest that type 2 diabetes mellitus may confer additional risk.
factor to 32 sessions of combined endurance/resistance exercise
A recent post hoc analysis of I-Preserve demonstrated that obesity
training (n ¼ 46) or usual care (n ¼ Peak VO2 after 3
was common in HF-PEF patients and was associated with a U-shaped
months (the primary endpoint) increased in the training group,
relationship for outcome. The greatest rate of adverse outcomes was
resulting in a between-group difference of 3.3 mL/min/kg (P ,
confined to the lowest and highest BMI catA recent study
0.001). Several measures of diastolic function and quality of life also
demonstrated improvement in some echocardiographic measures of
improved at 3 months.
M. Senni et al.
A systematic review of five exercise training studies (228 patients)
ambulatory blood pressure; while improving diastolic function and
in patients with HF-PEF or diastolic HF with follow-up ranging from
ventricular-arterial couThe DASH-DHF 2 study (Table )
12 to 24 weeks showed an overall between-group difference in
will provide mechanistic data needed to determine whether large,
peak VO2 of 2.9 mL/kg/min (95% CI: 2.36 –3.56) in favour of exercise
randomized clinical trials of dietary modification in patients with
Overall improvements in Minnesota Living With Heart
HF-PEF are warranted.
Failure total scores were also noted for exercise training comparedwith
Electrical and mechanical dyssynchrony
Additional studies are needed to confirm the safety of exercise
Both systolic and diastolic mechanical dyssynchrony have been
training, determine the effect on clinical outcomes, define the
reported in patients with HF-PEF.In one study of 138 patients,
optimal exercise modalities (intensity, frequency, duration, and
the prevalence of inter- and intraventricular dyssynchrony was com-
type of exercise), address adherence issues, and establish cost-
parable for patients with HF-PEF and HF-REF, if the QRS duration was
effectiveness. The ongoing phase II Ex-DHF study (ISRCTN
≥120 ms (42 vs. 55%).In other small studies of HF-PEF, the preva-
86879094, ) will further evaluate the
lence of electrical and/or mechanical dyssynchrony varies between
role of exercise training in this population (Table
10 and 60%; its association with clinical outcomes is uncertain.In an analysis of 25 171 patients from the Swedish Heart Failure
Developing concepts in
Registry, a QRS ≥120 ms was an independent predictor of mortality
pathophysiology and treatment of
even after adjustment for LVEFIn patients with left bundle branchblock, there is usually marked shortening of the LV diastolic filling
heart failure with preserved
time due to prolongation of isovolumic contraction and relax-
ejection fraction
ation.The Karolinska – Rennes (KaRen) study is an ongoingprospective, multicentre, observational study designed to evaluate
Renal function and fluid homoeostasis
the prevalence and prognostic importance of electrical and mechan-ical dyssynchrony in patients with HF-PEF.Even in the absence of
The cardiorenal interactions potentially contributing to HF-PEF are
electrical dyssynchrony, exercise-induced torsional dyssynchrony
complex and include volume overload (due to inadequate renal
has been reported in patients with HF-PEF, but validation of the
handling of salt or fluid), renal hypertension, or oxidative stress and
techniques used to detect torsional dyssynchrony and determination
inflammatory processes.The Cardiovascular Health Study
of threshold values is The potential effect of cardiac
by guest on January 13, 2015
showed that development of HF-PEF was associated with mild
resynchronization therapy on electrical, mechanical, and torsional
renal dysfunction, and subtle chronic volume overload was proposed
dyssynchrony in HF-PEF patients remains to be determined.
to underlie structural and functional cardiac remodelling.In
Recently, the concept of atrial dyssynchrony and left atrial pacing as
patients hospitalized for HF-PEF, an estimated glomerular filtration
a potential therapeutic approach was intrThis concept
rate (eGFR) ,60 mL/min/1.73 m2 on admission independently pre-
clearly needs further research before more definite answers can be
dicted total and cardiovascular mortality over 7 years of follow-up.
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction was observed in 21% of
The timing of ventricular – arterial coupling may also be important
patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis in a university teaching dialysis
in HF-PEF patients. Lower amplitude of mid-systolic wave reflections
centre, and it was associated with an increased risk of fatal or non-fatal
predicted better clinical outcomes in a substudy of the ASCOT
cardiovascular events in this population.
trial.Women demonstrate less efficient ventricular – arterial
Animal models suggest that high dietary sodium intake in the
coupling than men (higher wall stress development for any given
setting of abnormal renal sodium handling may be a stimulus for
LV geometry, arterial properties, and flow which may
the development and progression of HF-PEF through increased oxi-
be a factor in HF-PEF development. Modulation of the timing and
dative stress, perivascular inflammation, and increased ‘local' renal
amplitude of wave reflections merits further pathophysiological
and cardiac angiotensin II and aldosterone (despite suppression of
circulating levelThe demographics and comorbiditiesfound in human salt-sensitive hypertension are nearly identical to
Autonomic modulation and chronotropic
those of HF-PEF. Salt-sensitive subjects develop cardiovascular struc-tural and functional abnormalities associated with HF-PEF,–
leading to the hypothesis that high sodium intake contributes to
Autonomic dysfunction is a potential pathophysiological factor in
HF-PEF, contributing to exertional dyspnoea and fatigue.–
Observational evidence suggests that dietary sodium restriction
Modulation of autonomic function is being investigated as a strategy
may reduce morbid events in patients with HF-PEF. In a propensity
for treating patients with HF-PEF, for example, by baroreceptor acti-
score, adjusted multivariable analysis of 1700 patients discharged
vation, vagal nerve stimulation, and renal artery denervaIm-
from a HF hospitalization (n ¼ 724 with HF-PEF), documentation
portantly, a significant subgroup of HF-PEF patients suffers from
that a sodium-restricted diet was associated with a lower risk of
chronotropic – Chronotropic incompetence
30-day death or rehospitalization (OR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.24 – 0.79,
can be readily detected by an exercise stress test, and it largely
P ¼ The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension in
impairs cardiac output in patients with a small stiff ventricle.
Diastolic Heart Failure (DASH-DHF) pilot study showed that a
Without a clear indication, beta-blockers (often prescribed for arter-
sodium-restricted DASH diet significantly reduced clinic and 24-h
ial hypertension) should be avoided. Rate-responsive pacing may be
New strategies for HFPEF: targeted therapies
an option in selected patients, but data from clinical trials in HF-PEF
Also, trials have used different LVEF thresholds to define HF-PEF.
are lacking.
Requiring a higher LVEF threshold (e.g. LVEF ≥50%) should beconsidered in future HF-PEF trials to avoid the confounding effects
Heart rate as a therapeutic target
of HF-REF. However, in addition to HF-PEF (LVEF ≥50%), a substantialnumber of patients are in a ‘grey zone' of global LV function with
Elevated heart rate is a risk factor for cardiovascular events, both in
an LVEF between 40 and 50%. Similar to HF-PEF, almost no
the general population, and in patients with HF-REF. In a diabetes
guideline-recommended proven HF therapies exist for this substantial
mouse model of HF-PEF, selective heart rate reduction by If-
subgroup of patients, since few studies have enrolled these patients.
inhibition improved vascular stiffness, LV contractility, and diastolic
Renin– angiotensin– aldosterone system antagonist therapies might
function.Short-term treatment with the If channel inhibitor ivab-
be particularly beneficial in this group, and further investigation in
radine increased exercise capacity, with a contribution from
the subgroup of patients with LVEF 40 – 50% is urgently needed.
improved LV filling pressure response to exercise, in a small, placebo-
Some trials require evidence of diastolic dysfunction, whereas
controlled trial.Therefore, If-inhibition might be a therapeutic
others do not. The ideal balance between sensitivity and specificity
concept for HF-PEF. Currently, a phase II trial with ivabradine in
of the HF-PEF diagnosis is hard to achieve, particularly since
HF-PEF has started.
HF-PEF is a disease of the elderly in whom age-associated comorbid-ities are common with multiple reasons for breathlessness. The def-
Considerations for future clinical
inition of HF-PEF used in future trials may largely depend on thetherapeutic intervention being studied. It may be necessary to
require evidence of diastolic dysfunction for therapies expected toimpact cardiac structure and function. Evidence of exercise intoler-
As new clinical trials are planned, it is important to apply the lessons
ance or a greater symptomatic burden may be necessary for therapies
learned from previous – Clinical trials to date have not
expected to improve peak VO
produced therapies that improve clinical outcomes, but the knowl-
2, submaximal exercise capacity, or
patient-reported outcomes. Experts have not reached consensus
edge gained can guide the development of future studies (Table ).
on the optimal methods to define HF-PEF patients for clinical trials,
although most agree that assessments at rest are not sufficient. In
Patient selection
the future, objective evidence of exercise intolerance (e.g. low or
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is a heterogeneous syn-
reduced VO2 max, or limited distance on the 6 min walk) will
by guest on January 13, 2015
drome, and a ‘one-size-fits-all' approach may not be effective. This
become important for a firm diagnosis. The diastolic stress test
concept is the critical element that has ‘doomed' many past clinical
(echocardiography during exercise) is being validated, and HF-PEF
trials. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction encompasses a
patients with a history of recent HF hospitalization are a subgroup
broad patient population, reflecting many comorbidities and patho-
at particular high risk for future adverse cardiovascular events. Emer-
physiological prComorbidities influence ventricular-
ging biomarkers are on the horizon, such as galectin-3, that are not
vascular properties and outcomes in HF-PEF, but fundamental
only elevated but may also point to a specific pathology for the
disease-specific changes in cardiovascular structure and function
disease, thereby allowing patient selection for targeted therapies.
underlie this supporting the search for mechanistically
Additional work is needed to refine principles of patient selection
targeted therapies in this disease. It is unlikely that patients with dif-
for clinical trials. Future trials should strive to phenotype patients
ferent phenotypes will respond uniformly to a single drug or
into relevant pre-specified categories so that adequately powered
device. Future clinical trials should identify pathophysiologically dis-
subgroups of responders and non-responders can be identified.
tinct groups and target the key pathophysiological mechanism with
Such subgroup data, although insufficient to guide clinical practice,
a specific therapeutic strategy (Figures and It may be appropriate
could help generate specific hypotheses for prospective testing.
to enrol patients at an earlier stage of the natural history of HF-PEF,for example, before myocardial interstitial fibrosis becomes promin-
Endpoint selection
ent and possibly irreversible. Although this targeted approach may
Although combined all-cause mortality and HF hospitalization is a
result in a smaller pool of eligible patients for a specific trial or in clin-
widely accepted primary endpoint for HF-REF trials, it may be sub-
ical practice, the probability of observing a significant and meaningful
optimal for phase III HF-PEF trials. Large community-based cohort
benefit may be greater. It is important to note that results generated
data suggest that HF-PEF is associated with high mortality similar to
from trials with specific patient subpopulations will not be broadly
HF-REF.However, a recent meta-analysis using individual
generalizable but will only apply to patients similar to those enrolled
data from 41 972 patients contributing 10 774 deaths showed that
in such trials.
patients with HF-PEF (LVEF ≥50%) had a lower risk of total mortality
Importantly, elderly, deconditioned patients without true HF need
(HR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.64 – 0.71) and cardiovascular mortality (HR:
to be excluded from targeted HF trials in HF-PEF. Hence, confirming
0.55, 95% CI: 0.49 – 0.61) than patients with HF-REFWhen the
the HF diagnosis is key in patient selection. Some trials have enrolled
analysis was performed by LVEF subgroups, an increased risk of
patients with only mild elevations in NT-proBNP, which may have
either total or cardiovascular mortality was only observed when
contributed to the neutral findings of prospective, randomized
the LVEF was ,40% (when compared with LVEF ≥60).Similar
trials to date (Table On the other hand, in the observational
findings were reported in an analysis of the CHARM programme.
Swedish study, the positive result was likely in part related to
Another complicating factor is that non-cardiovascular death
higher levels of NT-proBNP (Table
accounts for a greater proportion of deaths in HF-PEF than in
M. Senni et al.
HF-REFThus, all-cause mortality or hospitalization may be insensi-
trials to date. Adaptations to current clinical trial methodology may
tive to detect disease-specific therapeutic effects. Clinical trialists
be needed to accommodate this paradigm shift. The forthcoming
are often tempted to add components to composite endpoints to
results of several clinical trials are eagerly awaited, and they will
increase event rates and achieve adequate study power with small
provide direction for future research and guide the clinical manage-
sample sizes. However, statistical noise is introduced, rather than
ment of these patients.
power, when endpoints are used that a therapeutic agent is unlikelyto influence (e.g. all-cause mortality includes non-cardiovascular
death, which most cardiovascular drugs do not impact). Consideration
This manuscript was generated from discussions held during an
should be given to assessing all-cause mortality as a safety endpoint and
international workshop (Bergamo, Italy, 14 – 16 June 2012) organized
choosing cardiovascular-specific endpoints to assess drug efficacy.
by Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII Bergamo, Cardiovascular Depart-
Heart failure is a chronic disease characterized by frequent exacerba-
ment and from Research Foundation, and the Medical University of
tions necessitating hospitalization. Traditional time-to-first-event end-
Graz, Department of Cardiology and Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute
points do not reflect the full burden of disease. Efforts to develop
for Translational Heart Failure Research. The authors acknowledge
methods that robustly evaluate recurrent events are ongoingThe
the workshop participants as the discussions held during the work-
Food and Drug Administration has now accepted study designs in
shop framed the content of this paper: Hans P. Brunner La Rocca,
HF-PEF that use recurrent HF hospitalizations as a component of
Dirk L. Brutsaert, Gianni Cioffi, Gaetano De Ferrari, Renata De
the primary endpoint.
Maria, Andrea Di Lenarda, Pierre Vladimir Ennezat, Erwan Donal,
A cardinal feature of HF-PEF is reduced exercise tolerance, which
James Fang, Michael Frenneaux, Michael Fu, Mauro Gori, Ewa Karwa-
reflects symptoms as well as quality of life. Many patients with HF-PEF
towska-Prokopczuk, William Little, Selma Mohammed, Massimo
are elderly and often frail, and for them, the therapy that quickly
Piepoli, Pietro Ruggenenti, Roberto Trevisan, Theresa McDonagh.
improves symptoms or exercise capacity may be more importantthan an uncertain possibility of a brief prolongation of survival.
Symptom relief is, therefore, an important target of therapy, but it
The workshop was supported by an unrestricted grant from Fondazione
is a subjective endpoint and difficult to evaluate. The 6-minute walk
Internazionale Menarini, Milan, Italy. Dr Scott Hummel's contributions to
test is a simple stress test that can be used in clinical trials. In addition,
the article were supported by a K23 grant from NIH/NHLBI
several instruments have evolved to assess the impact of disease and
the effect of treatment on health-related quality of life and other
by guest on January 13, 2015
Conflict of interest: M.S.: Novartis, Abbott Vascular, A.G., W.J.P., J.D.,O.A.S., C.T., S.L.H., D.L.: None declared. A.G.F.: Travel expenses for
It may also be important in future clinical trials to avoid relying on
meeting, Menarini Foundation. S.D.S.: Research support from Amgen,
simple, single surrogate echocardiographic endpoints. Particular
Boston Scientific, Novartis, Alnylam, ISIS, and have consulted for Bayer,
indices can be selected that reflect the expected mechanism of
Amgen, Novartis, Takeda, and Pfizer, M.G.: Merck Sharpe, Pfizer, Acte-
action of a drug. Recent studies have used E/e′ as a correlate of the
lion, Bayer, Novartis, Takeda, Otsuka, J & J, Cardiocell, C.S.P.L.: Clinician
mean LV filling pressure, but the utility of this variable in HF-PEF
Scientist Award from the National Medical Research Council of Singa-
has been seriously quesAlternative indices include
pore; advisory board consultant for heart failure research Bayer, Inc.; un-
the propagation velocity of mitral inflow (an excellent correlate of
restricted educational grant from Vifor Pharma, A.P.M.: Advisory board
early diastolic LV and the difference in duration
member for Novartis, Amgen, Bayer, Cardiorentis, Sanofi, F.E.: Investiga-
between antegrade flow into the LV and retrograde flow into the
tor, consultant, or speaker for Berlin Chemie, Novartis, Pfizer, Servier,
pulmonary veins during atrial contraction (an indicator of LV
Bayer, Gilead, CVRx, Relypsa, BG Medicine, Sanofi, Astra-Zeneca, and
end-diastolic pressure in patients with HF-REF and HF-PEF).Left
Abbott Laboratories, G.A.: Consultant to Menarini International,Servier International, Merck, Angelini, Boheringer; grant support Menar-
atrial volume is increasingly recognized as an integrated parameter
ini International; lectures for Menarini International, Merck, and Boherin-
for elevated LV filling pressures and the duration of the disease
ger, A.J.C.: Consultant to DCD devices; speaker for Menarini, G.S.F.:
(similar to HbA1c in diabetes), and it is currently used as an inclusion
Member of the Executive or Steering Committee of trials sponsored
criterion and as a secondary endpoint in several Phase II HF-PEF trials.
by Bayer, Corthera, Cardiorentis; speaker/lectures for Menarini, M.G.:
Finally, HF is pathophysiologically defined as impaired pump function,
Abbott Laboratories, Astellas, Astra-Zeneca, Bayer Schering Pharma
and the non-invasive estimation of filling pressures and stroke volume
AG, Cardiorentis Ltd, CorThera, Cytokinetics, CytoPherx, Inc, Debio-
(e.g. by 3D echocardiography) during rest and stress may improve
Pharm S.A., Errekappa Terapeutici, GlaxoSmithKline, Ikaria, Intersection
diagnostic accuracy and assessment of an eventual treatment effect.
Medical, INC, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Merck, Novartis PharmaAG, Ono Parmaceuticals USA, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, Palatin Tech-nologies,
Sanofi-Aventis, Sigma Tau, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Sticares InterACT,-Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc., and Trevena Therapeutics;
Significant progress has been made in understanding HF-PEF patho-
and has received signficant (.$10 000) support from Bayer Schering
physiology, recognizing the importance of disease heterogeneity,
Pharma AG, DebioPharm S.A., Medtronic,Novartis Pharma AG,
and identifying novel therapies that may reduce symptoms and
Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, Sigma Tau, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Sticares
improve clinical outcomes. Designing therapies to match specific
InterACT and Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc., S.D.A.:
patient phenotypes may prove to be a more effective approach
Vifor, BG Medicine, Vifor, Brahms GmbH, Marc Pfeffer: Consultant/
than the traditional model of applying a given treatment uniformly
advisor to Aastrom, Amgen, Anthera, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb,
to all patients, which has not been successful in clinical HF-PEF
Cerenis, Concert, Genzyme, Hamilton Health Sciences, Karo Bio,
New strategies for HFPEF: targeted therapies
Keryx, Merck, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Servier, Teva, University
14. Fonarow GC, Stough WG, Abraham WT, Albert NM, Gheorghiade M,
of Oxford, Xoma; Research grants from Amgen, Celladon, Novartis,
Greenberg BH, O'Connor CM, Sun JL, Yancy CW, Young JB. Characteristics, treat-ments, and outcomes of patients with preserved systolic function hospitalized for
Sanofi-Aventis; Co-inventor of patents for the use of inhibitors of the
heart failure: a report from the OPTIMIZE-HF Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:
renin – angiotensin system in selected survivors of MI with Novartis Phar-
768 – 777.
maceuticals AG and Boehringer Ingelheim, GMBH. Dr Pfeffer's share of
15. Lund LH, Benson L, Dahlstrom U, Edner M. Association between use of
the licensing agreements is irrevocably transferred to charity. W.G.S.:
renin-angiotensin system antagonists and mortality in patients with heart failure
Consulting: Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale S. R. L. A. B.M.P.: Advis-
and preserved ejection fraction. JAMA 2012;308:2108 – 2117.
16. Ahmed A, Rich MW, Fleg JL, Zile MR, Young JB, Kitzman DW, Love TE,
ory board/steering committee, Bayer Healthcare, Servier, Novartis,
Aronow WS, Adams KF Jr, Gheorghiade M. Effects of digoxin on morbidity and
mortality in diastolic heart failure: the ancillary digitalis investigation group trial. Cir-culation 2006;114:397 – 403.
17. Zile MR, Gottdiener JS, Hetzel SJ, McMurray JJ, Komajda M, McKelvie R, Baicu CF,
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Source: http://www.sirdiesnepakankamumas.lt/dokumentai/medikams/6.pdf
pro mit Fachgruppe Pelztiere „Dass mir mein Hund das Liebste sei, sagst du oh Mensch sei Sünde, mein Hund ist mir um Arterhaltung. Unsere menschlichen im Sturme treu, der Mensch nicht mal im Winde." (Franz von Assisi) Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen bleiben bestehen, auch wenn das zur Erhaltung des Menschen nicht mehr nötig ist.
ORDENANZA NÚMERO 2.724 VISTO el Expediente Nº 8.315/2006 C.D. ("CD" 1.517/2006). INTENDENTE MUNICIPAL. Eleva nuevos pliegos de licitación pública de los servicios de Cirugía Cardiovascular y de Hemodinamia en el Hospital Municipal de Azul. Con los despachos de las Comisiones de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente, de Interpretación, Legislación y Seguridad Pública y de Presupuesto y Hacienda.