"P" - Chester Clinic:


Provider Forum January 13, 2015 1:00 PM Welcome and Updates Beth Lackey, Provider Network Director NCTRACKS and Taxonomies Gap Analysis/Needs Assessment IPRS Utilization Analysis B3 Funds PBHM Performance Measures Credentialing/Enrollment/CAQH Relative as Direct Support Employee Larry Holcombe, Provider Network Manager Updates


Héctor Morales Morgado Afroariqueños: configuraciones de un proceso histórico de presencia Giselle I. Duconge1 y Menara Lube Guizardi2 El presente artículo constituye un esfuerzo inicial por El objetivo del presente texto es recuperar y narrar los procesos his- comprender la organización comunitaria de los colecti- tóricos de la presencia afrodescendiente en la ciudad de Arica, norte


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Catamaran Home Delivery 1 Member information: Please verify or provide member information below. Please send me e-mail notices about the status of the enclosed Member ID: prescription(s) and online ordering at: New Shipping Address: Catamaran Home Delivery will keep this address on file for all orders from City, State, Zip:

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Fernando de Souza Costa and Ricardo Vieira Preliminary Analysis of Hybrid Fernando de Souza Costa Rockets for Launching Nanosats into [email protected] 12630-000 Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil This work determines the preliminary mass distribution of hybrid rockets using 98% H2O2 and solid paraffin mixed with aluminum as propellants. An iterative process is used to

Microsoft word - review of trial data.doc

An examination of existing trial data on the treatment of prostate cancer using external beam radiotherapy combined with hormone therapy. Professor L.J.S.Bradbury Ph.D. 1.0 Introduction. For low or intermediate risk prostate cancer patients, external beam radiotherapy is one of the common forms of treatment available to them. In the UK, this treatment is most commonly given in fractions of 2Gy with a total dose of 70Gy. This dose combination seems to have emerged over time as being a reasonable compromise between curative efficacy and the avoidance of too severe acute and long-term side effects. However, improvements in linear accelerator technology in the form of three-dimensional conformal beam radiotherapy and intensity modulated radiotherapy have led to a situation where higher doses can be delivered without increasing these side effects. In addition, it is clear that the use of hormone therapies in conjunction with radiotherapy also improves disease free survival rates. This paper discusses the evidence in favour of changing the present UK standard practice to a more aggressive radiotherapy regime but one with a shorter period of hormone use. Firstly, in sections 2 and 3, it is shown that the use of LHRH agonists like goserelin (i.e. Zoladex as its trade name) used in conjunction with external beam radiotherapy leads to very significant improvement in disease free survival. In particular, it is the use during and after the radiotherapy (concurrent and adjuvant use) that leads to the largest improvement and this improvement can be achieved by a period of treatment measured in months rather than the years previously thought necessary. There seems to be less benefit (if any) from the neo-adjuvant use of hormones but nonetheless it is probably worthwhile if only to reduce the prostate size to a more compact target. The reduction in risk of disease recurrence from the adjuvant use of hormones seems to be around the 50% level. The question of the relative merits of bicalutamide (i.e. Casodex as its trade name) as an alternative to goserelin is briefly discussed in section 4. Section 5 then discusses the effect of the overall radiotherapy dose on disease free survival and it is argued that there is a worthwhile gain to be achieved by increasing the dose to between 76 and 80Gy which should not lead to a significant increase in side effects provided either 3-D conformal or IMRT techniques are used. Compared with a 70Gy dose, this would lead to an improvement in the five-year disease free survival probability for an intermediate risk patient from around the 70% level to the region of 80% from the dose increase alone and a further improvement to around 90% from the use of adjuvant hormones. Some comments on possible synergy between hormones and radiotherapy are given in section 6 and the possible advantages of a lower level of radiation being applied to the whole pelvic region is discussed in section 7.

Promega notes 100: novel biosensors to monitor cellular events in live cells

LIVE-CELL BIOSENSOR Novel Biosensors to Monitor Cellular Events in Live Cells Review of Fan, F. et al. (2008) Novel genetically encoded biosensors using firefly luciferase. ACS Chem. Biol. 3, 346–51. Neal Cosby, Promega Corporation entists targeted the hinge region of the luciferase mol- Drug discovery and life science researchers desire to

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Dolor torácico crónico Problema clínico La presencia de dolor torácico semejante al de una angina constituye un síntoma alarmante que con frecuencia lleva al afectado a acudir a urgencias y representa el grueso de la carga de trabajo de los cardiólogos. La evaluación clínica del acontecimiento va desde la realización de estudios sencillos, como el electrocardiograma (ECG, tanto en reposo como tras la práctica de ejercicio) y el ecocardiograma hasta otros métodos de investigación más onerosos e invasivos, tales como la angiografía coronaria y las pruebas de esfuerzo farmacológicas. En aquellos pacientes que presentan síntomas recurrentes carentes de una causa evidente debe llevarse a cabo una evaluación ulterior para excluir cardiomiopatías, enfermedad microvascular y enfermedad pericárdica. Con todo, entre el 10 % y el 50 % de los pacientes aquejados de un dolor torácico similar al de la angina que sea lo suficientemente grave como para justificar la realización de estudios cardíacos invasivos no sufren enfermedad cardíaca [30] y se clasifican como pacientes afectados de dolor torácico no cardíaco (DTNC). Caracterización epidemiológica y consecuencias sociales y económicas El DTNC es frecuente en el mundo occidental. Hasta el 30 % de los pacientes que se someten a una angiografía coronaria por dolor torácico tienen arterias coronarias normales [15]. En un reciente metaanálisis llevado a cabo en 14 poblaciones independientes, compuestas por 25.000 sujetos, se ha puesto de manifiesto una prevalencia combinada del DTNC que asciende al 13 % (IC: 95 %, 9-16), similar en mujeres y hombres, pero marcadamente superior en sujetos que también habían referido enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) [19]. Otros factores de riesgo son la obesidad, antecedentes familiares de ERGE, tabaquismo y uso de analgésicos [13]. El pronóstico de los pacientes con DTNC es favorable. El infarto de miocardio afecta a un máximo del 1 % de los casos [31, 44], mientras que la muerte cardíaca se da tan solo en el 0,6 % de los pacientes tras un seguimiento de hasta 10 años. En cambio, los aquejados de enfermedad coronaria limitada a un único vaso presentan una tasa de mortalidad del 15 % a los 48 meses y del 35 % a los 11 años [10]. La carga económica es considerable. En la realización de un análisis estadounidense el cálculo de los costes sanitarios ascendió a más de 315 millones USD anuales, derivados de la gran cantidad de consultas médicas y a urgencias, hospitalizaciones y recetas [36]. En Australia, el DTNC supone todos los años al menos 30 millones USD del presupuesto sanitario [14]. Características clínicas de las causas cardíacas y esofágicas del dolor torácico En los pacientes afectados de DTNC se considera posible la presencia de alteraciones gastrointestinales, pulmonares, musculoesqueléticas, infecciosas, psicológicas y relacionadas con el consumo de drogas; no obstante, se juzga que son los trastornos esofágicos el factor que con mayor frecuencia contribuye a la aparición de dolor torácico similar al de la angina y de origen no cardíaco [16]. Como apunte interesante, ha de advertirse que en la historia médica no suele hacerse distinción entre causas cardíacas y esofágicas del dolor torácico porque el dolor de origen esofágico también puede tener una localización retroesternal e irradiarse a los brazos, el cuello, las mandíbulas o la espalda. La sensación dolorosa se describe a menudo como de opresión o ardor y puede venir desencadenada por la acción de tragar, pero asimismo por la práctica de ejercicio. En pacientes aquejados de angina, la presencia de acidez de estómago o disfagia puede incrementar la probabilidad de que exista un trastorno esofágico subyacente [2]; no obstante, hasta el 50 % de los pacientes cuyo dolor torácico sea de causa cardíaca pueden sufrir también ardor, regurgitación o disfagia [7]. Es más, pueden coincidir la enfermedad cardíaca y la esofágica, pues, por ejemplo, en los pacientes afectados de enfermedad de las arterias coronarias el reflujo gastroesofágico puede provocar cambios del segmento ST en el ECG, así como dolor torácico [29], y por ello no puede darse por supuesta la existencia de enfermedad cardíaca o esofágica con la única justificación de la presentación clínica. A pesar de estos factores confusos, los pacientes que sufren DTNC suelen ser jóvenes y tienen una mayor probabilidad que los afectados de angina cardíaca de presentar un ECG normal en reposo [11]. Caracterización fisiopatológica del DTNC Son causas frecuentes del dolor torácico de origen esofágico el ERGE, la hipersensibilidad visceral y la dismotilidad esofágica, de los cuales el ERGE constituye la razón esofágica más habitual de DTNC. Los análisis del pH esofágico revelan que en torno a la mitad de los pacientes afectados de DTNC presentan una exposición anómala al ácido esofágico [9, 41], si bien no está

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the magazine for decisionmakers. march-may 2005 Biotech file. Success through innovation: Swiss companies take the lead. ETH Zurich. How do you become world class? By making your visions a reality.Weisse Arena AG. Edging the competition for guests, overnight stays and image. Coop. Hansueli Loosli: Staying competitive without forsaking quality. Publisher: PricewaterhouseCoopers AG ceo magazine, Stampfenbachstrasse 73, CH-8035 Zurich, Switzerland

File:///c /wamp/www/files_partidad/septiembre_2007.htm

MINISTERIO DE LA PRESIDENCIA DIRECCION ADMINISTRATIVA INFORME DE INGRESOS Y GASTOS FONDO PROGRAMA DEL DESPACHO SUPERIOR Del 1 de Julio de 2007 al 30 de Septiembre de 2007 Transferencias recibidas del Tesoro Nacional y otros Reembolso H.D. Jorge Alvarado 7894612 Depósito MEF No.7122110 Nota de crédito por reembolso de gastos médicos San Vicente de Paul de Colombia del el joven Gilberto Araúz por

Corel office document

M inistry of M inistère des M unicipal Affairs and Housing et du Logem ent Building and Development Branch Direction du bâtiment et de l'aménagement 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor 777, rue Bay, 2e étage Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Telephone: (416) 585-6666 Téléphone : (416) 585-6666 Fax: (416) 585-7531

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Int J High Dilution Res 2014; 13(48): 207-226 Original article ‘Paradoxical pharmacology': therapeutic strategy used by the ‘homeopathic pharmacology' for more than two centuries Marcus Zulian Teixeira School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil ABSTRACT

A5 guide to treatment of cancer pain 2015.indd

Guide to the Treatment of Cancer Pain in South Africa South African Cancer Pain Working Group Moderate to Severe, chronic, moderately severe pain in 24-hour pain control4 Continuous 72-hour Oral administration4 Rapidly-acting, longer Once-daily dosing4

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Opera 3 (1.50) Guide to Enhancements Sales Ledger: Rectify Allocation New error correction utility A new utility called 'Rectify Allocation' has been added to Operators can now correct mistakes that may have been the Sales Processing Action menu. This user-friendly Wizard made when allocating receipts to invoices. Receipts may have enables users to de-allocate and then re-allocate a

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Erstinbetriebnahme / Erweiterung Monstertronic Invader Lesen Sie vor dem ersten Flug die Anleitung komplett durch und machen Sie sich mit dem Modell und den notwendigen Einstellungen und Sicherheitsanweisungen vertraut. Laden Sie die Akkus wie in der Anleitung beschrieben vollständig auf. Montage von Propellern und Landegestell Bei der Montage der Propeller ist die Drehrichtung unbedingt einzuhalten. Auf dem Rahmen findet sich eine Skizze in welche Richtung welcher Motor dreht. Montieren Sie die Propeller so dass sich die vordere erhöhte Seite des Propellers in Drehrichtung befindet. Schieben Sie die Propeller über die Welle des Motors und lassen sie diese ggf. durch Drehen des Propellers auf dem ovalen Mitnehmer einrasten. Stecken Sie nun die mitgelieferte Zahnscheibe auf die Welle und schrauben Sie die Mutter mit einem 12er Schlüssel auf. Verwenden Sie auf jeden Fall ausreichend Schraubensicherungslack (nicht enthalten) um die Mutter zu sichern! Der Verlust eines Propellers in der Luft führt unweigerlich zu einem Absturz und kann Sie oder Menschen in ihrer Umgebung schwer verletzen. Das Landegestell wird mit den mitgelieferten Schrauben an die Unterseite des Modells geschraubt und festgezogen. Sollte sich eine der Buchsen lösen so kann diese mit etwas Sekundenkleber einfach wieder befestigt werden. Montage des Gimbals (separat erhältlich) Schrauben Sie die Grundplatte des Gimbals an der Unterseite des Modells fest. Zu Ihrer eigen Sicherheit sollten die eingepressten Buchsen auf festen Sitz geprüft und ggf. mit etwas Sekundenkleber gesichert werden. Befestigen Sie die Grundplatte so dass das Anschlussfeld frei bleibt. Nun können Sie das Gimbal mit den Silikondämpfern an der Grundplatte befestigen. Verbinden Sie nun die Kabel für Stromversorgung und Steuerung der Neigefunktion gemäß unten stehender Zeichnung mit dem Modell.


CAMPEONATO CROSS COUNTRY INKA OFF ROAD REGLAMENTO CONTENIDO Campeonato Cross Country Inka Off Road 2015 Página 2 www.perudeportes4x4.pe Campeonato Cross Country Inka Off Road 2015 Página 3 www.perudeportes4x4.pe Campeonato Cross Country Inka Off Road 2015 Página 4 www.perudeportes4x4.pe 1. CONDICIONES GENERALES


pro mit Fachgruppe Pelztiere „Dass mir mein Hund das Liebste sei, sagst du oh Mensch sei Sünde, mein Hund ist mir um Arterhaltung. Unsere menschlichen im Sturme treu, der Mensch nicht mal im Winde." (Franz von Assisi) Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen bleiben bestehen, auch wenn das zur Erhaltung des Menschen nicht mehr nötig ist.

Podiatry board - guidelines for endorsement for scheduled medicines

Guidelines for Endorsement for Scheduled Medicines Guidelines for Endorsement for Scheduled Medicines The Podiatry Board of Australia (the Board) has developed these Guidelines for Endorsement for Scheduled Medicines (Guidelines) under section 39 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (the National Law) as in force in each State and Territory.


Biomaterials 25 (2004) 5375–5385 Stimulation of porcine bone marrow stromal cells by hyaluronan, dexamethasone and rhBMP-2 Xuenong Zoua,b,*, Haisheng Lia, Li Chenc, Anette Baatrupa, Cody B .ungera, Martin Linda a Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, Spine Section/Department of Orthopaedics, Center of Nanoscience and Biocompitability, University of Aarhus, Nørrebrogade 44, Building 1A, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

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Scoping Review: Evaluations of pre-employment screening practices for child-related work that aim to prevent child sexual abuse Appendices 2 and 3: Data extraction forms for scoping review Parenting Research Centre and the University of Melbourne Commissioned by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Scoping Review: Evaluations of pre-employment screening practices for child-related work that aim to prevent child sexual abuse


Personal Support Network of Ontario Volume 2, Issue 3 2008 PSW Conference: A Booming Success! With over 400 PSWs in attendance at the Sheraton Parkway North in Richmond Hill on October 20th, the 2nd annual PSW Conference was a huge success! From across On- tario, PSWs gathered for a full day of learning, meeting with old and new friends and a celebra-tion of the profession. After a networking


Exertional myopathy post fox attack in an agile wallaby (Macropus agilis). 1.1 Introduction Exertional myopathy or ‘capture myopathy' refers to a non-infectious, metabolic syndrome characterized by damage to skeletal or cardiac muscle following intense physical activity. Skeletal muscle necrosis and acute renal failure are common sequelae (Hartup et al. 1999).


CLINICAL CROSSROADS CLINICIAN'S CORNER CONFERENCES WITH PATIENTS AND DOCTORS A 63-Year-Old Man With Multiple Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Poor Adherence to Treatment PlansThomas Bodenheimer, MD, Discussant Mr P has long-standing hypertension, obesity, and dia- DR DELBANCO: Mr P is a 63-year-old retired businessman


Automatic Needle Guard (ANG) Pre-filled Syringe Training GuideIntroduction This ANG pre-filled syringe is used like a conventional syringe. Administer the medication by pushing the plunger all the way down. After delivering the full injection, a needle guard is automatically activated as you release pressure from the plunger, safely covering the injection needle.


Overuse of antibiotic negatively affects to our intestines & health ou have been prescribed antibiotics when you caught a cold. At the same time, many of you have heard about antibiotics giving adverse effects to the stomach and intestines because they kill good Y bacteria. This issue will include explanations about the relationship between antibiotics and our

The community-reinforcement approach

Reinforcement Approach William R. Miller, Ph.D., and Robert J. Meyers, M.S., with Susanne Hiller-Sturmhöfel, Ph.D. The community-reinforcement approach (CRA) is an alcoholism treatment approach thataims to achieve abstinence by eliminating positive reinforcement for drinking and enhancingpositive reinforcement for sobriety. CRA integrates several treatment components, includingbuilding the client's motivation to quit drinking, helping the client initiate sobriety, analyzingthe client's drinking pattern, increasing positive reinforcement, learning new copingbehaviors, and involving significant others in the recovery process. These components can beadjusted to the individual client's needs to achieve optimal treatment outcome. In addition,treatment outcome can be influenced by factors such as therapist style and initial treatmentintensity. Several studies have provided evidence for CRA's effectiveness in achievingabstinence. Furthermore, CRA has been successfully integrated with a variety of othertreatment approaches, such as family therapy and motivational interviewing, and has beentested in the treatment of other drug abuse. KEY WORDS: AODU (alcohol and other drug use)treatment method; reinforcement; AOD (alcohol and other drug) abstinence; motivation; AODuse pattern; AODD (alcohol and other drug dependence) recovery; treatment outcome;cessation of AODU; professional client relations; family therapy; motivational interviewing;spouse or significant other; literature review


GUÍA DEACCE "El empresario garantizará de manera específica la protección de los trabajadores que, por sus propias características personales o estado biológico conocido, incluidos aquellos que tengan reco- nocida la situación de discapacidad física, psíquica o sensorial, sean especialmente sensibles a los riesgos derivados del trabajo. A tal fin, deberá tener en cuenta dichos aspectos en las evalua-


Management of acute and chronic migraine Gianluca Cand Jean Sc Purpose of reviewWe highlight the recent clinical trials for the management of acute and chronic migraine. Recent findingsIn women with menstrual migraine, triptans seem to be well tolerated irrespective of whether or not patientsare taking oestrogen-containing contraceptives or have comorbidities that indicate increased cardiovascularrisk. The new acute drug, telcagepant, a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonist, is safe forlong-term use (up to 18 months) in migraine patients with stable coronary artery disease in whom the useof triptans is not advisable. From the pooled analysis of the two Phase III Research Evaluating MigraineProphylaxis Therapy studies of onabotulinumtoxinA (BOTOX) in chronic migraineurs, it clearly emerged thatefficacy increases overtime (up to 56 weeks) and paralleled self-perceived improvement in quality of life.Effectiveness was also observed in patients with severely disabling headaches, who met criteria for triptanabuse and were refractory to several prophylactic treatments. Finally, combination of preventivepharmacological agents with different action mechanisms may be the next frontier in therapeuticadvancements for treating migraine.

Pcrm dietary guidelines 2010 02 02_mk_2

Dietary Guidelines Goals and Recommendations Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Authors: Susan Levin, M.S., R.D. Neal Barnard, M.D. Preamble The U.S. Government has promulgated dietary guidance in various forms throughout much of the last century. In recent decades, two major trends have occurred: First, the dietary problem of undernutrition has been eclipsed by an epidemic of overnutrition. More Americans are now overweight or obese than at any time in history. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer are now commonplace, exacting costs that are both personal and financial. Abundant scientific information has established the role of nutrition in health, but much of this information has yet to be incorporated into practical dietary guidance for the benefit of the public. Although scientific knowledge has moved swiftly forward, nutritional guidelines have progressed only sluggishly. We therefore sought to establish a set of dietary guidance materials that serve the current needs of the public, based on current scientific knowledge. We first established eight general objectives for the guidance document. We then sought evidence-based materials that quantify nutritional needs and examined the most healthful sources of the essential nutrients.

Technical specifications


Whole-body vibration improves walking function in individuals with spinal cord injury: a pilot study

G ModelGAIPOS-2815; No of Pages 5 Gait & Posture xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at Whole-body vibration improves walking function in individualswith spinal cord injury: A pilot study Lanitia L. Ness ,Edelle C. Field-Fote a The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USAb The Department of Physical Therapy, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USAc The Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA


Centre de recherche sur la conception, les mécanismes d'action et la vectorisation de médicaments Réseau québécois de recherche sur les médicaments P1 - ATEF, Mohammed Emehdi Role of augmented levels of endogenous angiotensin II and endothelin-1 in enhanced expression of Gq-PLC-beta1 proteins and vascular hypertrophy. Atef ME, Anand-Srivastava MB, Université de Montréal, Dép. de physiologie, Pavil on Paul-G.-Desmarais, 2960, chemin de la Tour, Montréal (Qc) H3T 1J4. Studies on the protein expression of Gqα and PLCβ1 in vascular smooth muscle cel s (VSMCs) from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) at different ages are lacking, and the implication of Gqα in the hypertrophy of VSMCs still not clearly defined. Here we investigated if VSMCs from SHR, at different ages (12 and 16 weeks), exhibit enhanced expression of Gq/11α and PLCβ1 and if this up-regulation is related to VSMCs hypertrophy (increased protein synthesis). Since the levels of endogenous angiotensin II (ANG-II) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) are enhanced in VSMCs from SHR, the aim of this study was also to characterize the signaling mechanisms whereby endogenous ANG II and ET-1 can modulate Gqα -PLCβ1 expression in VSMCs. We report for the first time that VSMCs from 16 weeks but not from 12 weeks SHR exhibited enhanced levels of Gqα and PLCβ1 proteins as compared to VSMCs from age matched WKY rats. The increased level of Gqα and PL Cβ1 proteins in VSMCs form SHR was associated with enhanced protein synthesis (cell hypertrophy). Silencing of Gqα protein by specific SiRNA and AS-ODN attenuated the enhanced protein synthesis in VSMCs from SHR. The enhanced expression of Gqα and PLCβ1 proteins in VSMCs from 16-wk-old SHR was inhibited by AT1 and ETA receptor antagonists, losartan and BQ123 respectively but not by ETB receptor antagonist, BQ788. In addition, losartan and BQ123 also attenuated the enhanced protein synthesis in VSMCs from SHR compared to WKY. Furthermore, the augmented phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and PKC delta in VSMCs from SHR was attenuated by losartan and BQ123 but not by BQ788. These results suggest that the enhanced levels of endogenous ANGII and ET-1 in VSMCs from SHR increase the protein expression of Gqα and PLCβ1 and subsequent VSMCs hypertrophy. Which may implicate MAP kinase signaling and PKC delta activation. P2 - BAGHERI, Haniyeh Régulation différentielle de différents ligands sur la désensibilisation du récepteur opioide delta. Haniyeh Bagheri, Graciely Pineyro, Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal (Qc). Introduction : Les opiacés sont des analgésiques très efficaces pour le traitement des douleurs, mais leur administration prolongé peut induire de la tolérance analgésique. Au niveau moléculaire, la tolérance serait associée à la désensibilisation des récepteurs opiacés. La morphine, agoniste du récepteur Mu, produit le plus de tolérance avec une faible capacité d'internalisation et une grande capacité de désensibilisation. Ces observations mettent en évidence que la conformation spécifique de la morphine détermine ces phénomènes. Nous estimons que les conformations distinctes stabilisées par les ligands opioïdes semblent être responsables des différents profils de désensibilisation et d'internalisation. Résultats : En ce qui concerne la désensibilisation du RDO, nous avons observé que la réponse aux agonistes tels que le mcpTIPP, la morphine et le SB 235863 désensibilisent plus lentement que cel le du DPDPE qui est similaire au snc-80. D'autres agonistes tels que la deltorphine et la met-enképhaline qui ne se différencient pas entres eux, ont une plus grande capacité de désensibilisation que le DPDPE et le snc-80. Quant à leur capacité d'internalisation, le mcpTIPP et le SB 235863 n'induisent aucune internalisation du RDO. Alors, que la deltorphine engendre 80 % d'internalisation du RDO. Les agoniste DPDPE, le snc-80 et la met-enkephaline induisent ± 60 % d'internalisation du RDO. Finalement, les ligands opiacés tels que la deltorphine, la met-enképhaline, le snc-80 et le DPDPE sont le plus efficace à inhiber l'AMPc, contrairement au mcpTIPP et au SB 235863. Conclusion : Ces résultats nous indiquent qu'ils n'existent aucune corrélation entre l'internalisation et la désensibilisation du RDO. Ce manque de corrélation est caractéristique de la stabilisation de différentes conformations du récepteur activé par des ligands distincts.


Nr. 2 Juni 2013 www.PSOaktuell.com DER RATGEBER BEI SCHUPPENFLECHTE DER RATGEBER BEI SCHUPPENFLECHTE Gute Ernährung für Haut, Gelenke, Herz Was, wann, wie hilft bei Nagel-PsoriasisMedikamente al ein garantieren keine bessere Versorgung pinetta – f© s Was, wann wie helfen kann Selten zeigt sich Schuppenflechte auch ohne Hauterscheinungen nur an den Nägeln, doch deren Befall ist oft Vorbote einer Gelenkentzündung. Inzwischen gibt es objektive Maßstäbe, um den Schweregrad einer Na-gel-Pso zu bestimmen und die Therapieerfolge zu messen. Bei ausge-prägten Formen genügen äußerliche Mittel nicht. Die Möglichkeiten inner-licher Behandlung haben sich verbessert. Weiterhin müssen al e Beteilig-ten dennoch geduldig sein und dürfen nicht zu schnell aufgeben.


PHILAGRO S.A. SUMIMAX® WP Reg No L6358 Act / Wet No. 36 van / of 1947 AMENDED 2004.08.03 A wettable powder herbicide for pre- „n Benatbare poeier onkruiddoder vir voor- emergence control of annual broadleaf opkoms beheer van eenjarige breëblaar-weeds, as listed, in groundnuts, soya beans, onkruide deciduous fruit, citrus and vines (and sojabone, sagtevrugte, sitrus asook wingerd (en forestry)*.


Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2015; 5(9): 292-303 Page 292 of 303 Research Article The effect of VMP35 supplement ingredients encapsulated in a novel Phospholipid Prodosome SK713 SLP nutrient delivery technology observed as a result of changes in properties of live human blood B. William Downs 1, Steven Kushner 2, Ted Aloisio3, Frans J. Cronjé4, and Kenneth

Effects of olanzapine and haloperidol on the metabolic status of healthy men

Effects of Olanzapine and Haloperidol on theMetabolic Status of Healthy Men Solrun Vidarsdottir, Judith E. de Leeuw van Weenen, Marijke Fro¨lich,Ferdinand Roelfsema, Johannes A. Romijn, and Hanno Pijl Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden,The Netherlands Background: A large body of evidence suggests that antipsychotic drugs cause body weight gainand type 2 diabetes mellitus, and atypical (new generation) drugs appear to be most harmful. Theaim of this study was to determine the effect of short-term olanzapine (atypical antipsychotic drug)and haloperidol (conventional antipsychotic drug) treatment on glucose and lipid metabolism.


THPE036 Pitavastatin 4 mg is Superior to Pravastatin 40 mg on LDL-C Reduction after 12 and 52 Weeks of Treatment in Patients with HIV Infection and Dyslipidemia with and without Ritonavir-based Therapy Craig A. Sponseller1, Roger E. Morgan2, Vladimir A. Kryzhanovski3, Judith A. Aberg4 1Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc., Montgomery, AL, USA; 2Kowa Research Institute, Inc., Morrisville, NC, USA; 3Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 4Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA

Ps/edd fax cover sheet

Properties of Selected High Explosives Robert Weinheimer This paper was presented at the 27th International Pyrotechnics Seminar, 16 – 21 July 2000 in Grand Junction,CO., and is an update on the PEP-I Wall Chart that was presented at the Eighteenth International PyrotechnicsSeminar, July 1992, at Breckenridge, CO. The descriptive text has not changed. The Wall Chart has beencorrected and updated with chemical symbols of the explosives. An Appendix of Engineering Tools has beenadded.There is a need in the pyrotechnic, explosive, and propellant engineering and scientific community to compilethe energetic material property and characteristic data for a single point reference. The objective of this paper isto fulfill that need for the properties and characteristics of selected high explosives of interest to the defense andaerospace industry. The information is collected from published literature and compiled for easy access in datasheet and wall chart format. Members of the engineering and scientific community of all disciplines are invitedfor input to the development of the knowledge base that is represented. Equally important to presenting thedata is to identify the source as reference, which is listed at the end of this paper. This paper is updatedperiodically to include recent changes.

Microsoft word - statewide sexual violence awareness events 2007.doc

Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence 802-223-1302 x 23 Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence Sexual Violence Awareness Month April is National Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Across Vermont communities will be coming together to raise awareness about the pervasiveness of sexual violence in our state through a variety of events happening in every corner of the state.

Appendix k: guidelines for treating bipolar disorder

Appendix K: Michigan Implementation of Medication Algorithms (MIMA) Guidelines for Treating Bipolar Disorder MIMA Physician Procedural Manual Appendix K: MIMA Guidelines for Treating Bipolar Disorder Appendix K: MIMA Guidelines for Treating Bipolar Disorder Michigan Implementation of Medication Algorithms (MIMA) Guidelines for Treating


This is a special issue for the International Conferences held by the Australian Society for Commerce Industry and Engineering (SCIE) in Phuket during the 7-8 December 2014. SCIE acknowledges the efforts supported by all authors. The world is improved by your excellent research works. Table of Content A Pilot-scale Study to Reduce Water Consumption in Cotton Dyeing Using Ozone- a Green Approach


(formoterol fumarate) Inhalation Solution ENROLLMENT FORM Customer Service: (844) 730-8818 PLEASE FAX COMPLETED FORM TO: (844) 730-8819By enrolling your patient in the Mylan Specialty L.P. BreathAssist Program, your patient will receive: (1) benefits investigation and reimbursement support, (2) pharmacy access support, and (3) refill and late fill reminder calls (only available for patients who choose to have their prescription


importance, sufficient time must elapse before initiating TCA treatment in a 1 Includes reports of "dry lips", "dry throat", and "thirst" patient being withdrawn from fluoxetine, given the long halflife of the parent 2 Includes reports of "pruritus exacerbated" and active metabolite (at least 5 weeks may be necessary). 3 Includes report of "increased irritation at application site"


The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology Volume 29 Number 1 A Comparative Study Of Ondansetron And Granisetron ForPrevention Of Nausea And Vomiting FollowingLaparoscopic SurgeriesA Chidambaram, K Bylappa, P Somasekaram A Chidambaram, K Bylappa, P Somasekaram. A Comparative Study Of Ondansetron And Granisetron For Prevention OfNausea And Vomiting Following Laparoscopic Surgeries. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2010 Volume 29 Number1.


Journal of Adult Development, Vol. 12, Nos. 2/3, August 2005 ( C Neurofeedback Treatment of Depression and Anxiety D. Corydon Hammond1,2 A robust body of research documents that there are biological predispositions that oftenexist for depression, anxiety, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. However, new researchhas shown that medication is only mildly more effective than placebo in the treatment ofthese problems. In treating these conditions, neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) may offer analternative to invasive treatments such as medication, ECT, and intense levels of transcrancialmagnetic stimulation. This paper reviews the neurofeedback literature with these problems,finding particularly positive research support for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Newfindings on the neurofeedback treatment of depression are presented.


ANCE & ROM Subtitle: The infamous ‘Thunderboat Row' of Miami's NE 188th Street no longer exists, its valuable real estate now occupied by high-rise waterfront condos, but the legacy of a brand that turned this narrow peninsular into the epicenter of performance offshore boating endures. Under the paternal stewardship of Skip Braver, the Cigarette Racing Team brand maintains its

Model of pathogenesis of psoriasis. part 1. systemic psoriatic process.

Part 1. Systemic psoriatic process Edition e4.0 Mikhail Peslyak Moscow, 2012 UDC 616.5:616-092 Mikhail Yuryevich Peslyak Model of pathogenesis of psoriasis. Part 1. Systemic psoriatic process. Edition e4.0 (revised and updated), Russia, Moscow, MYPE, 2012.– 84 p. ISBN 978-5-905504-02-0