"I" - Chester Clinic:

Lies, damned lies, and medical science - magazine - the atlantic


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NICOTINE AND DRUG INTERACTIONS lung physician Tartu University Lung Clinic ABRUPT SMOKING CESSATION CAN AFFECT THE METABOLISM OF DRUGS.  When patients enter hospital they may have to stop smoking abruptly if the hospital has a ‘no smoking' policy.  Cigarette smoking induces the activity of human cytochromes P450 (CYP) 1A2 and 2B6.  Decreased CYP1A2 activity after smoking cessation


the business voice of advanced energy ILLINOIS' ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM AND THE CLEAN POWER PLAN The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon release the final rule for carbon emissions from existing power plants, called the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The rule represents the next step in the process of carbon regulation that began with the Supreme Court's determination in 2007 that carbon dioxide (CO )

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International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2013 (ICMIME2013) 1-3 November, 2013, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Paper ID: RT-05 Analyzing Energy Drinks Effect on Respiratory and Cardiac Function by Wavelet Transforms Using Laser Doppler Flowmetry Md. Nafiur Rahman Protik1, Fatema Khatun2, Muhammad Muinul Islam3


Infant Massage Compared With Crib Vibrator in the Treatment of Colicky Virpi Huhtala, Liisa Lehtonen, Riitta Heinonen and Heikki Korvenranta DOI: 10.1542/peds.105.6.e84 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthlypublication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, ElkGrove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2000 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

Ogp/ipieca 'guide to malaria management programmes' (2006)

A Guide toMalariaManagementProgrammesin the oil and gas industry A Guide toMalaria ManagementProgrammesin the oil and gas industry IPIECAInternational Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association 5th Floor, 209–215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom


International Food Research Journal 18(3): 837-853 (2011) Antibiotic resistance of probiotic organisms and safety of probiotic dairy products Ashraf, R. and *Shah, N. P. School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Werribee Campus, P.O. Box 14428, Melbourne,


Instituto IDEAL Conferencia abierta El modelo económico de Macri y sus consecuencias sociales Está muy claro lo que pasaArnaldo Bocco Buenas noches, les agradezco realmente la invitación. Estuve hace poco enuna reunión muy interesante, donde analizamos en aquel a ocasión la visita delpresidente Obama y qué había dejado en su paso por la Argentina.


A Novel, Game Theory-Based Approach to Better Understand Incentives and Stability in Clusters Endre Gedai, László Á. Kóczy, Zita Zombori László Á. Kóczy Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Institute for Innovation and Technology, iit (Berlin) Thomas A. Christensen Danish Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation, DASTI (Copenhagen) Copenhagen, Berlin 2012 Countries all over the world look for ways to increase their competitiveness. The contribution of cooperating com-


Interkulturelle Woche 2014 04 September bis 03 Oktober 2014 Donnerstag 25 September 14 9:30 h Samstag 27 September 14 19:00 – 22:00 h Mehrgenerationenhaus Oase e.V., Bella Donna Haus, Bahnhofstraße 12, Bad Oldesloe Ratzeburger Straße 20, Bad Oldesloe „Mit 80 Songs um die Welt" Frühstück mit Freunden und Freuden

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Towards a Theory of Open Innovation: Three Core Process Archetypes Oliver Gassmann*, Ellen Enkel* *Institute of Technology Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Open Innovation is a phenomenon that has become increasingly important for both practice and theory over the last few years. The reasons are to be found in shorter innovation cycles, industrial research and development's escalating costs as well as in the dearth of resources. Subsequently, the open source phenomenon has attracted innovation researchers and practitioners. The recent era of open innovation started when practitioners realised that companies that wished to commercialise both their own ideas as well as other firms' innovation should seek new ways to bring their in-house ideas to market. They need to deploy pathways outside their current businesses and should realise that the locus where knowledge is created does not necessarily always equal the locus of innovation - they need not both be found within the company. Experience has furthermore shown that neither the locus of innovation nor exploitation need lie within companies' own boundaries. However, emulation of the open innovation approach transforms a company's solid boundaries into a semi-permeable membrane that enables innovation to move more easily between the external environment and the company's internal innovation process. How far the open innovation approach is implemented in practice and whether there are identifiable patterns were the questions we investigated with our empirical study. Based on our own empirical database of 124 companies, we identified three core open innovation processes: (1) The outside-in process: Enriching a company's own knowledge base through the integration of suppliers, customers, and external knowledge sourcing can increase a company's innovativeness. (2) The inside-out process: The external exploitation of ideas in different markets, selling IP and multiplying technology by channelling ideas to the external environment. (3) The coupled process: Linking outside-in and inside-out by working in alliances with complementary companies during which give and take are crucial for success. Consequent thinking along the whole value chain and new business models enable this core process.


Toxicology 192 (2003) 249–261 Reducing acute poisoning in developing countries—options for restricting the availability of pesticides Flemming Konradsen , Wim van der Hoek , Donald C. Cole , Gerard Hutchinson , Hubert Daisley , Surjit Singh , Michael Eddleston a Department of International Health, Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Panum, Blegdamsvej 3,

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Prof.Dr.med. Stephan H. Duda Herausgeberschaften Gastherausgeberschaft im Themenheft „Primäre Lebertumoren" in „Der Onkologe", zusammen mit P.M. Schlag (2000) Editorial Board Mitglied "Investigative Radiology" (seit Januar 2002) Editorial Board Mitglied "Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology" (seit Januar 2005) 1. Publikationen a.) Wissenschaftliche Originalarbeiten in referierten Journals 1. Biewald, W., S.H. Duda: Die Meatoplastik. Ein Konzept zur Behandlung der kongenitalen distalen


2eme tour 2012 Voici le questionnaire du deuxième tour des Olympiades Suisses de Biologie OSB 2012. La réussitede cet examen sert de qualification à la semaine OSB et constitue ainsi un pas de plus vers une participationaux Olympiades Internationales de Biologie IBO 2012 qui auront lieu à Singapour. La participation estréservée aux élèves des gymnases suisses nés après le 1er juillet 1992 qui ont été qualifiés au premiertour. D'ici mi-février, nous contacterons les quelques 20 meilleurs candidats pour les inviter à la semaineOSB qui se déroulera du 10 au 15 avril 2012 à l'Université de Berne.

Réécriture de requêtes pour la recherche documentaire selon une methode de classification à base d'arbres de décision non-supervisé

ECRITURE DE REQUˆ ETES POUR LA RECHERCHE DOCUMENTAIRE SELON UNE M´ D'ARBRES DE D´ ECISION NON SUPERVIS ´ Sous la direction de Patrice Bellot et Marc El-B Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon Une difficult´e majeure dans l'utilisation d'un syst eme de recherche documentaire est le choix du vocabulaire aemployer pour exprimer une requˆete. L'enrichissement de la requˆete peut prendre plusieurs formes : ajout demots extraits automatiquement des documents rapport´es, r´eestimation des poids attribu´es a chacun des motsde la requˆete initiale, etc. Le syst eme de recherche documentaire SIAC est utilis´e pour extraire un premierjeu de documents a partir d'une requˆete. Une m´ethode de classification non supervis´ee, a base d'arbres ded´ecision, est ensuite exploit´ee pour classer les phrases des documents trouv´es et les documents eux-mˆemes, selonqu'elles/ils contiennent ou non certains mots extraits automatiquement de l'ensemble des documents rapport´es.


ISSN : 2394-4536 (Print) esearch News Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2 December 2014 A Half Yearly News Letter of Indian Virological Society on Research and Development in the Field of Virology IVS President Desk depend on which avian influenza A virus caused the infection. Low pathogenic avian influenza A virus Avian influenza A virus in Human

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An independent investigation into the care and treatmentof TW A report forNHS London Authors:Alan WatsonDr Sally Adams Verita is an independent consultancy which specialises in conducting and managinginquiries, investigations and reviews for public sector and statutory organisations. Verita77 Shaftesbury AvenueLondon W1D 5DU


Chapter 4 Human communities have always generated, refined and passed on knowledge from generation togeneration. Such "traditional" knowledge" 1 is often an important part of their cultural identities.Traditional knowledge has played, and still plays, a vital role in the daily lives of the vast majorityof people. Traditional knowledge is essential to the food security and health of millions of peoplein the developing world. In many countries, traditional medicines provide the only affordabletreatment available to poor people. In developing countries, up to 80% of the population dependon traditional medicines to help meet their healthcare needs.2 In addition, knowledge of thehealing properties of plants has been the source of many modern medicines. As we note in Chapter3, the use and continuous development by local farmers of plant varieties and the sharing anddiffusion of these varieties and the knowledge associated with them play an essential role inagricultural systems in developing countries.


Iran J Crit Care Nurs. 2015;8(3):125-132 The effects of head and face massage on delirium among elderly women hospitalized in coronary care units Maral Makinian1, Tayebeh Mirzaei2*, Ali Ravari2 1. School of Nursing and Midwifery, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran *2. Geriatric Care Research Center, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(2): 1002-1009 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 4 Number 2 (2015) pp. 1002- Original Research Article Comparison efficacy of azithromycin vs. doxycycline in patients

Powerpoint presentation

8th July, 2016, Page: 1 Top research lab to help farmers with new crops CSIR-CIMAP T he Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (CIMAP), a frontal research laboratory of CSIR, aims to help f armers in areas where agriculture is rain-fed by empowering them with crops which require very little water, that too only at the time of plantation. CIMAP has crop recommendation for every state depending on weather conditions as lack of sufficient rains does not result in failure of these crops. Addressing the media, Anil Kumar Tripathi, director of CIMAP, recommended aromatic plants like lemongrass, pamarosa for Vidarbha. These oils have demand from industries all over the world. The only need is to set up distillation units for immediate extraction of oils. Tripathi said, "Initially we are taking things in our hands and setting up distillation units with our funds for cluster of farmers. Once the people start tasting success, they can do it themselves with the help of bank loans. We will also provide the farmers with the list and of buyers and their contacts for easy marketing of these crops", he said.

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Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association Patients admitted with an acute coronary syndrome in New Zealand in 2007: results of a second comprehensive nationwide audit and a comparison with the first audit from 2002 Chris Ellis, Greg Gamble, Andrew Hamer, Michael Williams, Philip Matsis, John Elliott, Gerard Devlin, Mark Richards, Harvey White; for the New Zealand Acute Coronary Syndromes (NZACS) Audit Group

Responsabilidad del estado por actuación lícita

Responsabilidad del Estado por actuación lícita. Clase dictada el 16.02.09, en IEDP- PARIS-XI Buenos días. Es un verdadero privilegio para mi estar esta mañana con ustedes para compartir estas reflexiones sobre la responsabilidad del estado por actuación lícita en Argentina. Por este motivo quiero muy especialmente agradecer el honor que para mi ha significado la invitación cursada por los Profesores Jèrôme Fromageau, Decano de esta Alta Casa de Estudios, y Francois Julien-Laferriere, Profesor Emérito de Derecho Administrativo y, de la misma manera, agradecer a la Señora Directora de este Instituto de Investigaciones en Derecho Público, Profesora Camilla Broyelle –a quien conozco por intermedio de su valiosa obra sobre el tema que nos convoca hoy.


A Benchmark Dataset to Study the Representation of Food ImagesGiovanni Maria Farinella, Dario Allegra, Filippo Stanco{gfarinella, allegra, fstanco}@dmi.unict.it, Image Processing Laboratory, University of Catania Experimental settings and results Food is an essential component of human life and it is well-known that people love food. Nevertheless, an insane For testing purposes images have been resized to 320 x 240 pixels. We have employed the χ2 distance to measure the


SecundumArtem Current & Practical Compounding Information for the Pharmacist. STABILITY OF EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPARED PEDIATRIC FORMULATIONS USING ORA-PLUS WITH ORA-SWEET AND ORA-SWEET SF - PART III Loyd V. Allen, Jr., R.Ph. Ph.D., FACA, FAPhA The Ora-Sweet and Ora-Plus products are of defined composition from lot to lot, which is an advantage for

Differential effects of amitriptyline treatment

Differential effects of amitriptyline treatment International Journal of Integrative Biology A journal for biology beyond borders Differential effects of amitriptyline treatment on testicular and liver functions Afify M 1,*, Abd Elmaksoud M D 1, Mosa T 1, Elshaer M 2, Kotb N 3

Saving tomorrow from today: preserving innovation in the face of compulsory licensing

Saving Tomorrow from Today: Preserving Innovation in the Face of Compulsory LicensingSamuel Mark [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended CitationSamuel M. Borowski, Saving Tomorrow from Today: Preserving Innovation in the Face of Compulsory Licensing, 36 Fla. St. U. L. Rev.(2009) . This Comment is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Florida State University LawReview by an authorized administrator of Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact


Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000 Series ICP-OES The new Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ 7000 Series ICP-OES provides the lowest cost multi-element analysis for measuring trace elements in a diverse sample range, combining advanced performance with high productivity and ease of use. The instrument provides your environmental, pharmaceutical, industrial or food safety facility with the lowest cost of analysis per sample, producing consistently reliable data, whilst ensuring compliance to global regulations and standards.


Original Article Frequency of Tumor Lysis Syndrome in Aggressive and Slow Introduction Chemotherapy in Children with ALL Hashemi A 1, Shahvazian N 2, Zarezade A 2, Shakiba M 3, Atefi A 4 1- Department of Pediatrics, Hematology, Oncology and Genetics Research Center, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Yazd, Iran 2- General Practitioner , Yazd, Iran 3- Department of Pediatrics, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Yazd, Iran 4- Hematology, Oncology and Genetics Research Center, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Yazd, Iran



Consortium name

Clinical Islet Transplantation (CIT) CLINICAL ISLET TRANSPLANTATION (CIT) PROTOCOL CIT-07 Islet Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes Version 8.0 (20 August 2012) BB-IND 9336 Study Sponsors: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) The National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Report—hiv management 2015: the new york course

Report—HIV Management 2015: THE NEW YORK COURSE Introduction As in each of the past years, the 13th anniversary session of HIV Management: THE NEW YORK COURSE provided attendees state-of-the-art presentations not just on antiretroviral therapy but on a full spectrum of the non-AIDS-defining infectious, cardiovascular, and malignant conditions that now

Guidelines on male sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

EURURO-3367; No. of Pages 11 Guidelines – Sexual Medicine Guidelines on Male Sexual Dysfunction: Erectile Dysfunction andPremature Ejaculation Konstantinos Hatzimouratidis Edouard Amar , Ian Eardley Francois Giuliano Dimitrios Hatzichristou Francesco Montorsi Yoram Vardi Eric Wespes a 2nd Department of Urology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greeceb Hoˆpital Bichat, Paris, Francec Pyrah Department of Urology, St. James University Hospital, Leeds, UKd AP-HP, Neuro-Urology-Andrology, Raymond Poincare´ Hospital, Garches, Francee Department of Urology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Scientific Institute H. San Raffaele, Milan, Italyf Department of Neuro-Urology, Rambam Medical Centre and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israelg Hoˆpital Civil de Charleroi, Hoˆpital Erasme, Urology Department, Brussels, Belgium


Open Access REPORT ON NEGATIVE RESULT Bacterial Hash Function Using DNA-Based XOR Logic Reveals Unexpected Behavior of the LuxR PromoterBrianna Pearson1,‡, Kin H. Lau1,‡, Alicia Al en2, James Barron1,3, Robert Cool2, Kel y Davis4, Wil DeLoache1, Erin Feeney1, Andrew Gordon2, John Igo5, Aaron Lewis5, Kristi Muscalino4, Madeline Parra4, Pal avi Penumetcha1, Victoria G. Rinker1,6,


Bronchoscopy in Nonresolving pneumonia (VAP), the mortality rate in patients who had a rising score at 72 h, particularly if this score was ⱖ 20,was nearly 100% (Table 22). Michael S. Niederman, MD, FCCP (CHEST 2000; 117:212S–218S) Defining Pneumonia Resolution Abbreviations: APACHE ⫽ acute physiology and chronic

Elimination of lymphatic filariasis

ELIMINATION OF LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS What is lymphatic filariasis (LF)? GUIDELINES FOR DRUG Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a parasitic disease, commonly known as elephantiasis. • It is caused by thread like worms known as filarial parasite. • The adult worms (male and female) settle in lymph nodes and the female worm gives birth to millions of young ones known as microfilariae (mf).


Federal Institute for Risk Assessment This is an unofficial translation. Only the German version is binding. XXXVI. Paper and board for food contact As of 01.06.2007 Preamble 1. This Recommendation is valid for single and multi-layered commodities (articles, materials) made of paper or paperboard which are intended to come into contact with or affect food-stuffs.


Genetic Use Restriction Technologies: Good for Seed Companies and Bad for Farmers? Luca Lombardo Variety level GURTs The term "Genetic Use Restriction Technologies" (GURTs), The molecular construction described in the patent U.S. coined in 1999 by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, 5,723,765 provides the use of (i) a lethal gene, (ii) a repressor

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Valsartan in a Japanese population with hypertension and other cardiovascular disease (Jikei Heart Study): a randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint morbidity-mortality study Seibu Mochizuki, Björn Dahlöf, Mitsuyuki Shimizu, Katsunori Ikewaki, Makoto Yoshikawa, Ikuo Taniguchi, Makoto Ohta, Taku Yamada, Kazuhiko Ogawa, Kiyoshi Kanae, Makoto Kawai, Shingo Seki, Fumiko Okazaki, Masayuki Taniguchi, Satoru Yoshida, Naoko Tajima, for the Jikei Heart Study group*


Water- and Oil repellent for porous and absorptive wooden surfaces. Wood preservative and protection against wood-boaring insects. Building Construction.Wood treatment.Wood Pressure Treatment. Key ene ts: Simultaneously protects against oil and water absorption SurfaPore W Effective against wood-boaring Prevents warping


Comparative efficacy of haloperidol and olanzapine in patients of schizophrenia: a 6 month follow up trial Romika Dhar, BS Chavan, Ajeet Sidana Abstract : P resent study was carried out to compare the efficacy f olanzapine and haloperidol in patients of schizophrenia. A prospectiv randomized, open label studycarried out on patients attending the outpatient clinic or those admitted to inpatientservices. 40 cases of schizophrenia diagnosed as per ICD-10 were randomized toolanzapine and haloperidol group and were assessed at 3 months andafter 6 months of treatment using scales PANSS and ESRS. the study showed thatboth the drugs were equally efficacious in improving the psychopathology andhaloperidol led to increase in extrapyramidal side effects. Both olanzapine andhaloperidol are equally effective in causing clinical ment . In comparison,both the drugs do not have much difference in the cost of treatment.

Issues 75

vulnerable versions. Dr Catherine Bennett of the University of Melbourne grimly informs us: "Today up to 95% of the bacteria causing common skin infections (e.g. boils) are penicillin-resistant" (see pp.22–24). The problem, however, is not just with the diseases. Stephen Luntz, Editor, Issues Chlamydia can be cured with a dose of antibiotics, but


08 March. 4, 2013 Eating a high-fiber diet does more than promote digestive wellbeing; it's also good for your heart, an expert says. Iran Breaks US Monopoly Body's Immune System In Biodiesel Technology Billboard Produces Water A deadly form of skin cancer is able to fend off the body's immune system, UK Iran has broken the US monopoly over biodiesel technology.


I.E.S. "Ramón J. Sender" Apuntes sobre "Textos-Comentario de Texto" TEXTO 1 (Ensayo informativo) El agua de un río está más alta y tiene más energía gravitatoria en el manantial que en la desembocadura. Por eso fluye el agua río abajo hasta el mar. (Si no fuese por la lluvia, todas las aguas continentales fluirían montaña abajo hasta el mar y el nivel del océano subiría ligeramente. La energía gravitatoria total permanecería igual, pero estaría distribuida con mayor uniformidad.)

Mosaico xpress 2

Periodico edito dal Centro Servizi per ilVolontariato - Ferrara Sped. in A.P. Comma 20/c art.2 Legge 662/96 Filiale di Ferrara 4 Un convegno suletteratura e diversità CSV Ferrara - Settore Documentazione Questo numero spe- versità, emarginazione. I e Volontariato', tenutosi il ciale di "Mosaico" generi, le esperienze", il 31 maggio 2003 a Ferra-


Varia™ Rearview Bike Radar All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content of this manual without obligation to notify any person or organization of such for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use of this product.Garmin®, the Garmin logo, ANT+®, and Edge® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Garmin Connect™, Garmin Express™, and Varia™ are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.This product is ANT+ certified. Visit M/N: A02806, A02807Country restrictions may apply. 010-01509-01 and 010-01509-11 are approved for operation in France and the United Kingdom.


JUSTICIA EN LO CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVO CóDIGO CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVO Y TRIBUTARIO BOCBA 722 Publ. 28/06/1999 JUSTICIA EN LO CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVO Artículo 1o - Apruébase el Código Contencioso Administrativo y Tributario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires que como Anexo I integra la presente. Artículo 2o - Sustituyese el inciso 6o del artículo 26o de la Ley 7

Ismm news 10/1998: october case discussion

ISMM News 10/1998: October Case Discussion OCTOBER CASE DISCUSSION International Society for Mountain Medicine Newsletter, 8 (4): 14- (Oct 1998)Question 2. A patient complains of serious insomnia when he goes above 2000m.He has lived and worked at 2500m and cannot sleep very well. He now has a job at2500-3500m for 6 months and is very concerned to find a way to deal with theinsomnia. What do you think is going on and what would you advise?

Powerpoint presentation

• Review common drugs used in dentistry and used by our patients • Review mechanism of action • Review side effects of these drugs Drugs that we use/prescribe Drugs our patients take • Local anesthetics • Anti-hypertensives • Pain control • Anti-coagulants • Anti-resorptive • Herbal supplements Local Anesthetics Local Anesthetics

Targeted nutritional intervention für down-syndrom

Targeted Nutritional Intervention für Down-Syndrom Vortrag anlässlich der insieme 21 Tagung mit Schwerpunktthema Ernährung und Nahrungsergänzung in Zug am 15.11.08 (Letzte Aktualisierung: November 2010) Autor: Richard Müller, Zürich • Was ist TNI? • Ginkgo Biloba, Fischöl, Probiotika, Vitamin D und Curcumin


Disclaimer . 2Introduction . 3 A-Z Drug Index Alcohol . 4Anabolic Steroids . 5Atropine . 6Cannabis (Dagga, Grass, Marijuana, Hash) . 7Cocaine & Crack (Coke, Charlie) . 9Diets Pills (Thinz, Obies, Nobese) . 10DOB . 11Ephedrine . 12GHB (Liquid E) . 13Heroin (H, Smack) . 15Ketamine (K, Ket, Special K) . 16LSD (Acid, Trips) . 17Mandrax (Whites) . 19Magic Mushrooms (Shrooms, Mushies, Psilocybin) . 20MDMA (Ecstasy, E, Pills) . 22Mescaline (San Pedro, Peyote) . 27Methcathinone (Kat) . 28Methamphetamine (Speed, Meth, Tik) . 30Nexus (N, 2CB) . 33Nicotine (Fags, Smokes, Tobacco) . 34Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) . 35Poppers (Amyl Nitrate) . 36Ritalin . 37Rohypnol (Rophies) . 38"Smart" Alternatives . 39Tranquillisers . 40Wellconal (Pinks) . 40


2014–2015 International Injury and Sickness Designed Especially for the International Participants Underwritten by Student Resources (SPC) Ltd. A UnitedHealth Group Company 12C-BR (Rev9-13) Table of Contents Al eligible participants are automatical y enrolled in this insurance Plan. The Company maintains its right to investigate Eligibility or participant status to verify that the policy Eligibility requirements have been met. If the Company discovers that the policy Eligibility requirements have not been met, its only obligation is to refund premium. U.S. citizens are not eligible for coverage as a participant. Effective and Termination Dates


April 2012 Leading, connecting and Research Review Newsletter defining the active aging Vol. 12, No. 14 industry since 2001 Lifestyle choices and prevention key to healthy aging Recognizing the impact of the world's aging population, the World Health Organization (WHO) chose agingand health as the theme of World Health Day (April 7, 2012). In concert with the theme "Good health addslife to years," the organization released data and recommendations. The overall messages centered onlifestyle, prevention and reinventing aging.

A - n° 14 / 19 mars 1997

du Grand-Duché de RECUEIL DE LEGISLATION A — No 14 19 mars 1997 S o m m a i r e Règlement grand-ducal du 18 février 1997 portant déclaration d'obligation générale de la convention collective de travail pour le bâtiment conclue entre les syndicats OGB-L et LCGB, d'une partet la Fédération des entreprises luxembourgeoises de construction et de génie civil ainsi que leGroupement des entrepreneurs du bâtiment et des travaux publics, d'autre part . . page


Differential Diagnosis of NICO Lesions Wesley E. Shankland, II, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. TMJ & Facial Pain Center The diagnosis and treatment of orofacial pain are challenges to the clinician as well as frustrating to the one afflicted. At least two reasons account for these observations. Anatomically, the orofacial region is one of the most highly innervated areas of the human body, especially the oral cavity. Referred pain patterns, collateral innervation, and multiple innervations of structures all confuse a person's perception as to the location of the pain generator (i.e., a lesion or injured structure). This honest confusion complicates the doctor's diagnostic attempts.

Impaginato italus hortus

Review n. 10 – Italus Hortus 16 (4), 2009: 1-22 Gestione dell'energia radiante nelle piante da frutto: utilizzazione, foto- protezione e foto-danno. Quali implicazioni per la produttività?Pasquale Losciale*, Emanuele Pierpaoli e Luca Corelli Grappadelli Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Università di Bologna, via Fanin 46, 40127 Bologna

Report of the ices ospar workshop on lysosomal stability data quality and interpretation (wklys)

ICES/OSPAR WKLYS REPORT 2010 ICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE ICES CM 2010/ACOM:61 REF. OSPAR, ACOM Report of the ICES OSPAR Workshop on Lysosomal Stability Data Quality and Interpretation (WKLYS) 13–17 September 2010 Alessandria, Italy International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer H. C. Andersens Boulevard 44–46 DK-1553 Copenhagen V Denmark Telephone (+45) 33 38 67 00 Telefax (+45) 33 93 42 15 www.ices.dk [email protected]

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Il nucleare non è né indispensabile né conveniente. Perché imporlo con un disegno di legge che prevede addirittura il commissariamento degli Enti locali ? L'alternativa delle energie rinnovabili non solo è possibile, ma migliora la qualità dello sviluppo ! a cura di Marco Pezzoni PARTE I Il Disegno di legge per il ritorno del nucleare in Italia, già votato alla Camera e attualmente in discussione al Senato, si configura come una misura "centralistica" che esautora i territori e impone la costruzione di nuove centrali nucleari anche contro la volontà delle popolazioni locali Nucleare da decidere entro il giugno 2009. Cioè appena dopo le elezioni amministrative! Quando lo ha detto l'estate scorsa Claudio Scajola, ministro dello Sviluppo economico, i più non lo hanno preso sul serio. Quando Scajola si è recato in Giappone per annunciare il rientro dell'Italia nel Club dei Paesi produttori di energia dal nucleare, molti hanno pensato alla solita politica dell'annuncio. In piena bagarre per il rilancio della nuova Alitalia, a molti è sfuggito l'impegno assunto dalla presidente di Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia ad acquistare in via preferenziale, da parte delle grandi industrie manifatturiere, energia elettrica dalle nuove centrali nucleari quando saranno costruite in Italia: una ovvietà da un lato, dall'altro un impegno esplicito che dovrebbe vincolare la Confindustria del 2020!! Quando 4 mesi fa il Governo italiano ha firmato un accordo di cooperazione sul nucleare civile con la Russia, si è pensato ad un atto di amicizia verso Putin. E quando l'ENEL agli inizi di febbraio ha annunciato 3.000 nuove assunzioni, malgrado la crisi economica mondiale, molti analisti hanno pensato fosse un modo per favorire il rialzo delle proprie azioni ormai troppo svalutate. Scarne reazioni anche quando Silvio Berlusconi nella conferenza di fine anno ha confermato che il suo governo avvierà accordi per produrre energia con l'uranio arricchito. In prima battuta, ha detto il Presidente del Consiglio, «attraverso accordi esteri» con la Francia di Sarkozy, nonostante l'incidente nello stabilimento di Tricastin, lo scorso 8 luglio, con oltre 100 operai contaminati, e con la Bulgaria negli impianti di Belene, finanziati con i soldi della Bnl e la partecipazione dell'Enel. Subito dopo, ha annunciato il premier, «si procederà anche con la costruzione sul territorio italiano di nuove centrali nucleari e con la riattivazione di quelle chiuse». Anche qui, pochi gli hanno dato retta. E invece Berlusconi ha aspettato l'incontro ufficiale con Sarkozy, avvenuto il 24 febbraio, per annunciare un accordo politico "pesante" tra Francia e Italia per la costruzione di 4 nuove centrali nucleari sul territorio italiano, mentre parallelamente ENEL e la francese EDF firmavano una lettera di intenti per la concreta realizzazione di questo progetto, senza nemmeno attendere le decisioni del Parlamento italiano! Per la precisione ENEL ed EDF hanno sottoscritto due "memorandum of understanding" con cui si impegnano a "costruire una joint-venture paritetica che sarà responsabile dello sviluppo degli studi di fattibilità per la realizzazione di 4 unità di generazione". Dunque si tratta di un accordo tra imprese che, al momento, non vincola ancora lo Stato italiano, malgrado Berlusconi abbia già anticipato gli

The influence of the earthquakes to the hydrogeological regime

BALKAN-SAT 2006, First Scientific Conference With International Participation ANOMALOUS NATURAL AND ANTROPOGENIC INFLUENCES AND PHENOMENA 27-28 October 2006, Skopje, Macedonia THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SEISMIC ACTIVITY AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ON THE TERRITORY OF R. OF MACEDONIA 1. D-r. Stojan Velkoski 2. D-r. Georgi Kotevski


AHA/ASA Science Advisory Oral Antithrombotic Agents for the Prevention of Stroke in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation A Science Advisory for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association The American Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this statement as an educational


Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 169 / Wednesday, September 1, 2010 / Notices (8) Narrow woven ribbons comprised Countervailing Duty Order merchandise in an amount equal to the at least 85 percent by weight of threads According to section 706(b)(2) of the net countervailable subsidy rates noted having a denier of 225 or higher; Act, duties shall be assessed on subject


Cross-inhibition of SR-BI- and ABCA1-mediatedcholesterol transport by the small molecules BLT-4and glyburide Thomas J. F. Nieland,*,†,§ Angeliki Chroni,** Michael L. Fitzgerald,†† Zoltan Maliga,†,§Vassilis I. Zannis,** Tomas Kirchhausen,† and Monty Krieger1,* Department of Biology,* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139; Department of Cell Biology,† Harvard Medical School, and The CBR Institute for Biomedical Research, Inc., Boston, MA02115-5701; Molecular Genetics, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Department of Medicine and Biochemistry,** Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118; Lipid Metabolism Unit,†† Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114; and Harvard Institute for Chemistry and Cell Biology,§ Seeley G. Mudd 604, Boston, MA 02115